Page 1: BUSH & DEAN, F a ll D r e s s G o o d · 2014-07-05 · break or crMdc.iK.c6ld nor .naelt ¡a hot weather. Gall at the

vip’'- s* * ^~f $*&&$

» \ AI* A .!,*!-- Ili, *' JÏ* * . * , *%l y-wif _ $&.#• *•">/

r- «Ü <SJ» •< ■FPft« « ■* * * »~- — .T&J^35- '■<,^i‘"»-- -l\-. «ifr-lW . -Il» ~—?m - '-•, » "T^T

VOE. 39— SO . 87. î r a u - C A , » . y „ B A m fcb& r, s b p t e m b e k b, i s s i . P lU O tS T H I i K K I IO N 'lV .


BUSH & DEAN,Sole Agents for


K i d G l o v e s .

We have just received oiir Fall order of Kid Gloves, di­rect from Foster, Paul $ Gq., Importers.

t3£~MiSS R0GJERS,8Wr professional Kid (Hove Fit­ter, wilt be a t our store

Until 8spt. 9thv

to fit all Kid Glove» bought o f ut.


Ciietp, Durable, and Easily Pul «a! W H I T E * R E D D E N

Have s^ rH , theteencv' far’th«; Jfiiayoéfci*««* GUM KI K O O in N G F E L T , «Uchi i» ooanectton wtfth thrir * luat

EJgki” Roo* Painty maker a «komugÜ? good rodl. The Frit fa prepared frooni a pure wool, fibre, »no as wool Is a jpoor conductor o l heat and cold, it is not affected by auddeit changes. I t put on aad kept pwdabed according to directions, it ts neither* liable to break or crMdc.iK.c6 ld nor .naelt ¡a hot weather. Gall a t the Paint Wdrk* and-«saawnine, .or sea^forsamitAesto --■ : ; :‘-*v - r

' ' WHITE «inED D EN .IthactoN .Y. ;•

E. S. SISSON, 58 E. State St., Ithaca

Fite arrival Is announced of Selected, Imported and Domestic Woolens for Fall and Winter Wear, at Bern­stein's Tailoring Parlors, ower 7 4 East State St. and under Evans' Art Rooms.

T H E A T T E N T I O NOf Housekeepers is especially invited to the good quality, at

tow prices, of our

T able L inens, Turkish Tablings, T ow els, P illow C o tto n s, W ide *

S h e e tin g s , Rose B lan k ets, ^ and C om fortab les.

tn preparing Beds arid Bedding àt home you can obtain of us the best qualities of Ticks : algo, a fine assortment

of Bats arid Quilt Coverings.

L E V I K E N N E Y , E . S t a t e S t .

mm m umM&J



4 . C . STO W ELL,". ’ 8®ndfcOo„ -

W h o lesa le G ro cers,' XUuuto ir. T,Wm* at«* •*.,

We cany a full stock of staple aad fancy Groceries, including imported Fruit»,

Are just tecelriag nev1 «p&r- tatiaas of fine, early pdqked Japan Tea,' to which we invite the attention of the trade.

. -A . f ' X ■ ■ .• _ 1 . -

Also, to our fresh roasted Coffee.

F O R R E N T ,. • I ^ . . . ■ jr . » \ .

My large-House at;

3 1 D r y d e n R o a d

A very -detlxable house con taining twelve room s, very caar vertleat ^ ths Cornell Unfret*-Hy.’( * ..-J

G E(X W .FftO ST.,-N ■ . . . . , , , I j, . y ». « .y.»,"*'11


IS East State-St♦I

Leads them ail -in Writing- Tab* lets, Fads, mid' School Supplies.

received, a large stock.

m |E« YOW.ISW .MMMLSXSSTfliSifffWtófefeXotlUhy. - ujj.jroftoMW’. wic« nootatw to

r*üi*m*ai UMKtfrgos. and wlujoUsW Msm & B sg & m i'isr* * *goon vrtwUiHiSloo. Annosi tuition

(yMAwSm OD B%w.

6 , 0 0 0

Rolls of Wall Paper !*lW;Oiiil.ON*. .V '

J u t S te c e ife d

rtttbeautlM . Call early before the «Hart moot k broken. The finest «took r n r -

•tow n tn tli# city to »elect f rote.

We *m now (k pòsttlon to devòte «llour line to tbe two cWpartmefflte-Irty tìood»>n4 Wall Faper-aaid we propaee to keep tbest morto*. _ ; ■ - '

F . A. WARNER & CO.m W .B ta to Sto

IEEI#ATIONPAlT»Senrtar Boa. B. P. 0 . Wilton, ex-

Gov. 611*»-Woocl»cm, and manr otlior promf- sen t a en, of tra1 in véetliatloo» bave lawMted iamthxutaCtius

f a l l w in t e rL A R G E V A R I E T Y

OFH i g h - C l a s s N o v e l t i e s

in Woolens for Gents’ to««*0*»®. Snlts, Tronsors and Watatcoate.

Complete Stock now received.An early Inspection solicited.

B. R ICH , Tailor.A «pr*elii! (1 iBcwtirit allowed on Fall awl W'nler good« ordered lo

bo mode before Ssptombei l".

1891 1893

and obtain f 'fEe company offer* totUspnK Ile &GOO than* oftbo preferofl »book at 18» per etuire. and- BOO eUares common stoek at » 1 0 0 perabamir to w n r o T o sr T itP S T o o . ot » * « stork,

'b eN Î V . l*«fnd * « 4 I n v e it s n e n s c o .,Gn,Tntm® BmoTr,PreiIdent, r e o t e v m (Tsw V o r k , or.' 1«Uw»St.. ft«, teonUè


-Mqw ma :» «W«niaH<MtlK 4MH IMfe Iw . '-MJii #"i4P i*' mmsn *toBatlìm hatfajikBAai 's w i *

«littiK o|!-S'aÉD«i - ‘

f^ a 'a ft^ tiR crr^ vwtbedldbtc tawwslt; bla mcMih taUced oLl iAiu. : y a fk to a » ... -Tteem »«»*)*»? «tt*r tiwwro* ; ot Mtaairiss <■ ' rMtootWiabliufoa«!«au«oo**tb»S X mMn x*tvvf'Twl m ,A « r «JMiaisErtlMn f» ao.-et wblitecKnUtet» » wóibj-; n—dlniNni; itlrsism r>fi b»«itMiOip<K*ts to v » * ^ -MàlU», miBSfcNlL 4»ksTitacl biado«» ‘tmaem: t4et«ts* ' Aawlikàf 'tos«reóMd«yto .Heinp. l*|k>CntaN*..',.'. •” rr-trt V/oa

Tt«a». »nil tecùtte)«»■ - j pe b» *mi..

tnatiL -80 opto thè1 ($ dite ktriUiteMkaod .M tu» peè irhat v».Ve .a,ara»{i* 'bo«dtr«A:«s? «ntemMu« ite Ib» dkrw p»sb»p* foi« Um lem*, »7 T t«0 wkda . JUws flJ»*;kwk «KU yf% ' t*rlly Bir* a 1UÌ* -.tetoi* '«rkdtr, tkbe Un» pàti in m lywiwfntrt b rtlirt ltHBtr*iloti o(f Ztr b, iaetto, a. wotedariql «io?nb! «&*<!• ------. . . . a 'ÈLkMJhyaL^. wfeit * * te ® jA liii ,L~»al IwGTp «Ute. VDMVPMWR l» *]

«mttMcaAxul ’INém b<f«bat Iirf-' ì•4ra|a»aRnmr’' Ri RrHHr rRRI Rv waod.reUtisi apodi tbeni boamaute:. ssérfmM - videb tbsj ga^wfah 14 * . ‘

krolcs net much tbM a drcua rinst. Beyond thla an

nwkit perfect lawn, with a Iook «lepeto- i tut, a fountain at its foot. - At (be stand« tbs White Haaoe, vbtcb la a

»kof orehlteotural art tn tbatthe far- yon get from it the more perfect, It

In front of tbe Wblte Houm, rertbe'hnro,'it scattered anim-

‘»•UhnMM Mf (Mopl* l-itUm erond' m S tS & iM U S '

is a & 'tffJ r s is s -

bkaod listen we hear tbe Marts»

prostsroaa Him tbo thought comm from the aooth window we saw Lon*

bfBs ot IfsnassM,

te frbfto doff on tht iHth ' tonci*;

wta* -annp* of slavts,

by ths.-wari sUts'and . -Tia^i»td»~»sd tht

“ :aiSi3Wtei-to the, aristocratlo nwthwisPers

ssetfon in-wbloh statsss» may be ‘ ’heih#itJjQte*f# a of s'

swiftly «or- #mloA'' «to'

lirffcalt Whlcb the

¿lttmate trlH noob to millloa*„ yon wonder that people,torn es*»nd

ttasaosnunentiostay tan minutes ojually»? MtMu

i!---- TUttS;; hi ttee edge to the now sppsue bobe a eja batfrbtcb wblls on ttpw.!Grnu»:we •dintrtoa ths gnat hsilldlngqf tbe' of «ngnsriug sod prMing,, )» aetn* yosail, satonlsbltoty ue, «9itito ' of ths Potomso. Bees frira'th* _ thie nobde tensm bod aeetned of immanie width which Utoot Callyh»it « ndlflat this point, fftor the nppmtif bank is to plainly sun that tbe chsanel appeals ft tnosfaaxrowwnonghtlsJampMnm. And wbstls that long, gray line tpsnning the itrenmf It is famoua old Lon« bridtee, tbs waaatherbeaten ita&otnzo which tiia Dni© troop» crowed by the hundreds jof tfaoTUand« dttting'the-war.teiMiyot ttasn btew«1 tovetoza Now a railway trftifc 1* tolling «r»r sbt brtdgfe, Ilia a long, tKn Mcptat with « blank, fuming hsad tniBsg Use joiniwdbody after it. Beyond fhe rtw Ycm m tia bills of Yirfiteto fuue »tkwi, bine, ths hast donolng upon their create. VSFlwre fctie hone to ana. where dttolngateb aeplro, itee the vdllggp 5 faac, au3 juat beyond, Maate»** OfRogt•»01_-'otr eo to one of the jvret windovn Thii view is, If poteiblh, jaifo touintiiW ttuui the other Here ydtt Have the broad iwwpof the Polomsosaitcarree Radnor* tows • past) audont Georgetown; the boat- lòaioA ami thacegatt* oojihh, vrhenMPt I

icmamerable -rahlhg adl pTeossj* aro tfiowlog to and £*oi Anàlosioa

, green and low, now given vrhottyotor to banbnt) and pionl'0*i bnh cnoa'tcp- itts of s prtmd lord« ifcat; Qeoygttotol oolloto wbiqb not losg aluoo oetobraM' Ibw omtouaial of Ite birtbi thei bridgeozidthorocicybaultsofthe beyond,Xcadlsg,*ya alpuoite Oad

aa»,andl to Cabite Joostehriag«. until, to' centiy tbe iff eatwt arotiitt tbo world But. In all tfal0WMfcyiew.tlmh.vrhlob lougait UoEdsths oyeàtìd iàò|fc*tltef & l»«glii(itii4tf Is Julington Hotue, Ita Üorippropo oîeaflÿ outlined ngóitot fc'tòlt of anâ ltetouge yellow ooiumns n’taudlbSliteit cozuploixous evéi' ilnióig - fttl' tra«» •' H9i| ey# can wo and from tblspotnt Of view tutmini cam com pafcîjoto* thé »bete . ' .

jEfateo’a mud

TteeMvomrnM imload#Oira'Bèjes nevertire lowklogat Arltngtop,

aad the and, ârcamy. topoinatlon whieh lt poaeotscs with lté itraugoly .Marmli eng teti venei» òf thé wMhihgtem (tel Leée,ol Bherldan andtho aMoïtcoat nàisolcw heroéi, U Sdt eeuily bïo! Bat nt length wo turn away atid lookto. north. Hero a ruora i»»d«n, moto btiafcl1» «t our fast, First alari»gr on neld, vil!) an «val dtiva«rayarouiMÎlf, trhioh «akww tobofthdif milo fn éJrtetonuto fbongh

monument ,«ad(t

101/18«- Ito «ben to edU iuùéhsr 1 W ' It Sefrow toe - - -ÎMtvkw tfcur ”evwbé ehleto _INI «oocrthiaattoa'to the eitr» growiagwÉaRÜle» sua iHsMM ' Tsmi to *Va 'em n<T« î

spiéuwsf, jeter» toevehatto

with fort«K ^ ihs ri^i-rtto T^»(« 'Oima mtototb« stsmtx)allssdlug,th»artiie&BiiB whWi Mnt Snmté aodiht otharsuppoaed iwoompUpeeof Bo<^w«whi%to*1i»itovy.: ysrd with ftemonker eblphouMt and two to three old ra*totoo :Iïicg ,i»

É M li & Boynton G&’sT8N1 NCW

“ P E B F E C T "

H o t W a t e rA NI) "


Entirely new In and ter la adreace Owi all other Heaters' in eoenoojr, power

° ï î 6 S l | A MeKIKNEY,I. j

' * «MeJb'akka . . * \ ‘ta 6k sat

HJM. 1 l$9h

Cayuga, Lake.

&ï lt SIE1H fS FHSTfMC



a L l t , , ( . r d l i l t .Go.

WABJaïH'HÜHT. Mosaoi*. ■H i;' -*.1 i: ! '■* h ( • ' -i--.-:

HOOK 5(Sncoeeetes to- a 8, W ATIXdùSd

WlioLmle Pïdàaee Beato*- Atro

CoœnaigaicHi Merctat OÛRHEI ÜMTâTE ftND TIOfiA

8T8tarwbobwOs . stekUwtorkH-

ini■ $ % / ' Ikioda of Trait*

- L fV E R Y ' S T A B L E , ‘W.rÉ?r«i*|iï« ;- "pwprletog :

GasMttilig.Wormios Sed-; don»« Hotî»!«.


mam ,Boîiag lüït e y s thé ------traòted so m uebottentiû phla eipoeiüoti. C apitoli Itself, bnf (

gardèn», where ain.wblob. «t* é thi Bhllodel- the park rises

osnee upon It sits the most majeetio baild- iogin tbe wtold, tbe Anerioan Cspitol, The Capitol teen near by, ftom the ground, is vast, itoprassive. Viewed from, tbs top of Washington monument it Is more than bmatifal, more thsn majattlo, meretfasn grmt-lt is Inspiring, jposieeilng.entrauâ'fug, • ■ . v

Here have I filled my spnoe with talk of nothing but the via toe from the obetfsk, though tbero are faondredé-morë worth oeelng and telling «f, "Tott ifatut take for granted the charm of thOe* «them without any attempt at. desutipteoh on my pact- the gllmprâ» fromtlafdonitTsflhe-Câptfcôt, from thé portioo ot ‘tbe flbrarjr wkere you

look »trsight doton pennsjlvunto «.Venue, -the vlow of the monument from a window' in the house wing, the picture framed be* toreen tfro'rf the pjllmu of Arlington house, and many others of equal beauty

in dosing I must toll you a little about, tha tnpsb perfect -vlsts, using tbo Word w its uartow tottse, Whfoh wo have in

fWtofctagtoii fa defying thraugh the great park attte&hod to the Soldiers* Homo, by the side of d'dense woods, you* dtiyer halts suddenly And tolls you to look VSfou perceive an opening In 'tbO foreafi, narrow, tehadowy It ls-deep and long and but a raiat speck of light appear* at the other and, half a mUnnr toots ASay- Ipi» notto ing, you think, bht a roodiu through tlio woods, thongn not traveler, and you are about to turn away, when in that little ffnkd of light at thh f«r end if ybur knfy -telBRdspe-ybu pereiTvs fiM dimly, and than strongar and more perfectly, the great white glistening .doiun of the Capl* toll . ,. jfonm-CteAvia.

. ..,.1 - -- ~-r-$wm *4«y higbti •

. «reat European question now to tbey flghtf If thoydp It will be li big fta EusElithd, fcfelinhny and Italy Inive

■“ on a p|nn of opposition to Busaian [A aetrla m ust go w ith.vance, am

Prance and they

tfil s

them.Would ho alono even 11

IM»«* ,m i ’ r ’ k ^ >

We esnplonooaber of »___fe l sa d exierl, «need zneohsalos,s m r e j m t t o w wotet lit otìr ì l i»

T S » « S !prim», -tottstoc- :;tioa- gmroatMd.

u " S “

• JAaiifiuon * moKmrnaii,N«i'. 9 Sowtk. vtm n»*» a*.» Uhmem,~ Vea '«at, ’T 'r-J -

Lfx88M* )r& t pow V e iy T a stf P a tte rn s I

' prince. .at los

No. 6 0 B aat S ta te St.ItogeWateoh Slga Poet.

tu that


..*ssietsiirfi.** ■“

«I EiustBtato St., ItkoA, ( ïa a doer, reorroom).


■ v V» T ' / * • - *

JOB Printing of evepy klnl and style, dona O N dia Very slwrteBt notice, W o always ©Sfittilo best Btook lit theinarkot. Asforonr RATES,. tlwy are aiways reasoUablp.. W o REVER ioar* compirtltlon, We.guarantee A^tuur-worlw NowrTyio ana lfaat Preeeea I . AW Printing oiur sq)acii>lty. Call at our

JOB OÈRARMCNimT IW l O s n o i I 9 S . T Io B e lS t .

F a l l D r e s s G o o d s .

A C om p le te A sso rtm en t Ju s t Reooived a t

H A W K I N S * T O D D ’ S

U S T IE r W


A rr iy ln g D a lly

a t th e



RECIPBOCITY*la a ‘ fair '

exchange in whichneitfier

. partyhasr’ any Advantage

• over the'' othëti

jnhjstls oiir position with you. •

É 9 gfrs yoitjrfl

BEN TLlfl lllf iil.AT

l a b o r h o l id a y

arop»AYi »*ï r1 ..ï, asm. GREAT f r e e clan* bake I !

Àrjtagesnenta bave bsen psrtoitoâ to lusvc a great oelebrattoa. Among tbo àósto «t* tractions will bo on exhibition o f

WALKING ÜPOJTHE ÎA T IIs ig n o r CAKBfAIlllT[.A N X aJIESlileO ,tbesreat Ttalian Water PedostiTso, -vrbp Will 0Tetm> «aMMUrtaa.taoralng Mjditìàrnòan. v awtannlnjr Baces (above ouditodi Tcboggim Hoc* (prise to tbe pemot grekteet àistanòe on tbe lake). Ttm1 ft the hlglieet, loneeet, eaftet ana nMSt inaâ. Ma oûnMxriûted one lij tue stUM, » 0 yards HtmrilDgBacoby tbe fa t men ¡S ilirB aS iljy OayDgsXÔie flehermen ; WàÜtlai oa* a Wire, •te. due oelébrated Jnoüee Slngwit ’ JnleTc- *teps,".wlU bo in axtraUtooei daw.iuDd.erem- t&giaud eing their old-time planullon meto- dim In the Willow 'Em» m roâs, A finst- olaaaOrcheetrefor Banclng Ucktteto cents,

Free d a m Bato-will bea a s 5 a i U » a i^a ucO tdiu.will to servedifree, and plenty. o j f«ompro-

for-any legitimate ,basto»i on ili& grounds canbes&curedon anplióatlon t o tliii-nroprfc- tor. SWct (SrdeF wUTTie enfotoeiliSaMiron* atotenw ito thrtrfisltifite»>%l!i recotv«.polite attention and gOOd aoooinmodaticn!^- -jrato tmjtómr ” " ----forrounatrin.hours. -ISm m s ______and evening. Come one.

% sport. ' &_____________gròpariéter-


Ì l i I I i I, u i n0EFO1

J . H, HORTOWW . & N gA L fiS à d È N l’.

P08T*>0FPI0KB o o k a n d N e w s 3 to o » i ,

R. PER01VAL, ProprietorAnd generalBook andHabiishera’Ago

A ll books famished a t publisher* andtnx- pprtera’lowest prices.pA ftdl t o e o t B t s ^ tery. Pens, PenHoldir«.

.Newspwets anil

IW lteliiroi - tees,, .y and 1unt .

o t tbe tot dMM.R.i’j (Ibsea

i ’ : ..



Innual Parade and Betiew. 0 7 T(M


• t I -f - V V •*: * 1 - .*

Wtll take iilaoe on '

W ed n esd a y , S e p t . 10 .

InsnseUetn of qnarfen at 10 s . k .-At IdW JP. M., a t thr«) ■trvtra o f OltTHaU ' belbMeemai« wlU

rS w lta C ^ '^ 1" 0,belL :At &30 P.M., aS one stiuk.« r tb e ll. the Us*’ movte in Ifc* following ’.


•aiiRYSriiistsiafasiu. ■2 3 U L B . . \

TbrMdo Hook L*dd«r Od fcio.*-0- OSnN ka n o m ° 0 ^ f t .^ ^ v l i« r tb ,3 ro « > .

.. - : * -. mao* • -• ./* •■ ■ • i ■ flOgftflHHNUSpr**»e^tew»er(li^Xo.*-I. roat*w,jrc»e*

w « 0* - - • -um» «Mr

. Pbrm oo Sen oc« St, rleht r«*ün* OeAttro- m ÜL; aaove o* Aurora to Varm, o% tW n to Oayuga, on Oeynga to Battalo, on. Bnffato toaasijr< rf^ m r‘^ ^ a S s a " g

%2 2 ?î£i$BbÏÏS .... ..' ENBCCNter jNBEBOBrF «IMN......Oo»nott to r*vJ«w,at fin V Bw »bSi to CTty HalL where berttortmed-. '

VBAKTfCOT.E.Ohlrf.l • ; Wm. IX. il»-Himnow, A»e't Chief.

or. a. nr. HUfSftAttT’am«aua » ee— i,;»v7, catsnesa-j»»««# ;

_____ and 10«^«Sd*m»»lDiUrtiiotbs toamuert.

PRESERVI YCUR TEETH., All * ■ ' ' -«W k

iU QQMiUos flat-eUes, aad-ibrewvrntfti. - . «i th mfV*. NOT ONIV J A E S AWNINGS, ' ' ‘ TSNT8 AÌIÌ* FLAGS. BUT

WS AU80MAJÌB - ; - '

Trunk Covers, Wagon Guihions, W«fpti Jipi, track Osriif»

In fact, overytbinR made from canvas canbe procured « t

C H R I S . H A N S E N ’S ,7 8 g « ( t s i t a t « st.

. Tents to rent.


. S p ragu e Kloetoj, Ittoae% B . Ï , Speohd care t«feen to In&tiüot studente !n

eJuijranchee of. {fliorriiaad.aaid Typewriting, sod to secure thenû l«ai lions -when competeiiL

Gnr .roome ere cheorfoJ end convenient and advantages for practice Tuaorpeeeed.

.^BSfligtonTypewriters and Bnppdles.. Oorj trapoiïdeBûe Bôlloïtidi tond fot clrütiinr«.

__________ 'ST * . MìHFTP.Pannimi.

r u a SA. LE,■ The deaisalile Jet, SfisllS feet.

C ori S en eca a u d F la iu S(8.Sine location for a house o r & block. BpBdlW ________ B, P. TABBB.

I S B 7 1 8 9 1F r e e m a n S. H o w e

J o h n B . H o w ete r .

N o s. I an d i I S a te s B lo c k ,• ” ^ 9 4 * N .Y . %-


Olllcà HQnr8.8iao s. v . ta R v . u .


iVrtificial M tin an y Bm P&sìrel

FRANK £ . HOWE.estinti àt

Noa. Ó an d 13 N.’l lo ^ a 8 «.'VtTtDRllR TEvtv «ZsaTtnor» Onvtlk

FIRE INSURANCE IY r a n k iy n g i r « I n s . Oo. » Penneylvanls,

it o y a l iu s t t r a n c e C o . , Liverpool,• P h oen ix AfM»tira»ieo 0 6 . , London)

8 « r in a u A iucracen l u s . « o ’ .N ow ròrk ,gwnoMyTvaula V l^’w^òó.t’Ipufia&L.»SSSSwBSf* *»-«•***• *««•

F, w ; P H I L |.^ a A ««n t.

W 0

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