Page 1: Bulletin for March 4 & 5, 2017Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017 4 Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130

Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017



MASS INTENTIONS Mon. Mar 6 (Lv 19: 1-2, 11-18/Mt 25: 31-46) 8:30 am – (SP) Communion Service 5:30pm – (SM) Angela & James Altemari & families by family Tues. Mar 7 (SM) (Is 55: 10-11/Mt 6: 7-15) 8:30 am – Wally McCutcheon by Edda Hall Wed. Mar 8 (SM) (Jon 3: 1-10/Lk 11: 29-32) 8:30 am – Pat Mariano by Jim Thurs. Mar 9 (SP) (Est C: 12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7: 7-12) 8:30 am – Margaret Archer by the Cafaro/Lamberti family Fri. Mar 10 (SP) (Ez 18: 21-28/Mt 5: 20-26) 8:30 am – ChiChi Bachman by Dave & Jean DeLelys Sat. Mar 11 (Dt 26: 16-19/Mt 5: 43-48) 8:30am – (SP) Albert Cappello by family 5:00pm – (SM) Diane Guardino by Joe Sun. Mar 12 (Gn 12: 1-4a/2Tm 1: 8b-10/Mt 17: 1-9) 8:00am – (SP) Aubrey DeMillo by Sylvia 9:30am – (SM) James Shaffer by family 11:00am – (SP) Maura Lucchesi by Tom & Jill


LECTORS/COMMENTATORS 5:00 pm –Lector: J Bells, Commentator: T Smith

9:30 am – Lector: C Romer, Commentator: S DeChick EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5:00 pm – K Whitney, Vol., Vol., L Nightingale, Vol. 9:30 am – D Chapin, K Donnelly, C Struzik, J Mooney, J Vacca GREETERS 5:00 pm – J Young 9:30 am – D Elias ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 pm – K&S Paul 9:30 pm – J&G Struzik, M&M Eller



MONEY COUNTERS FOR 3/7/17 Group #2


Kathy Peters, Rose Mary Costantino Louise VanNostrand, Anne Marrazzo

(We need more volunteers – contact K Peters at 315-539-8006 or [email protected] if interested)


Frank Volpe Sr. Frances Pontius

CALENDAR Monday Mar 6 Rosary Makers – Min Ctr 6:00pm

Social Ministry Mtg – Min Ctr 6:30pm


Tuesday Mar 7 Free Pancake Breakfast – Min Ctr 8:30-10:30am Pastoral Council – Min Ctr 7:00pm

Wednesday Mar 8 CDA Tureen Supper – Min Ctr 6:00pm

Eucharistic Adoration –SP Rectory Basement 5-6:00pm

Thursday Mar 9 Eucharistic Adoration – SM Church 9:30am-4pm

Communion Service – Seneca Nursing Home 10:15am

Friday Mar 10 Stations of the Cross – SP 7:00pm

Saturday Mar 11 Sunday Mar 12 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS TURN CLOCKS AHEAD 1 HOUR! Hunger Collection Confirmation Yr 2 – Retreat 9:30am Mass – 4pm Religious Ed – Min Ctr 10:30am-noon Confirmation Yr 1 – SP Rectory 6:30-8pm Confession –––– St. Mary’s – Saturday – 3:30-4:30pm

St. Patrick’s – 1st Friday’s – 9:00-10:00am

Morning Rosary – Mon, Thurs & Fri, 7:45 am – at St. Pat’s

– Tues & Wed, 7:45am – at St. Mary’s

Evening Rosary –––– St. Mary’s – Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm


LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FOR 3/12/2017 LECTORS/COMMENTATORS 8:00am – Lector: S Micio, Commentator: C Blakemore

11:00am – Lector: D Allee, Commentator: P Sanderson EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 8:00am – M Suffredini, C Ferrindino, J Shrey, J LeRoux, M Piscitelli 11:00am – F Galletti, J Scarrott, G Sanderson, L Galletti, B Reynolds GREETERS 8:00am – Front Doors – B Maloney, C Hlywa, Mary Side – Vol., Organ Side – P Battley, Back Door– J Antosh 11:00am – Front Doors – M Woods, Mary Side – J Swenson, Organ Side – L Swenson, Back Door – B Gribnau ALTAR SERVERS 8:00am – (A) Roy K (B) Daniel K (C) Vol. 11:00am – (A) Evelyn B (B) Vol. (C) Vol. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD – Kathy, Mary Ida

BAPTISMS Joseph Ethan Dingeldein Zander Yap Orlanes

Page 2: Bulletin for March 4 & 5, 2017Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017 4 Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130

Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017


The cost to have the Angelus bells rung in memory of a relative or an occasion is The cost to have the Angelus bells rung in memory of a relative or an occasion is The cost to have the Angelus bells rung in memory of a relative or an occasion is The cost to have the Angelus bells rung in memory of a relative or an occasion is $10$10$10$10. There are many dates available.. There are many dates available.. There are many dates available.. There are many dates available.

March 12th – Daylight Savings Time Begins – Turn clocks ahead 1 hour

Week of 3/4/17 – 3/10/17 St. Mary’s – SANCTUARY LAMP

Alice Reilly Offered by: Anne & Gary


Offered by:

St. Patrick’s - SANCTUARY LAMP

Catherine Perkins Offered by: Frances Lorenzetti


Elizabeth Velte

Offered by: Frances Lorenzetti

ANGELUS BELLS 3/5 SM SP Thomas Pezzulo 3/6 SM SP 3/7 SM SP Vincent Buffone 3/8 SM SP 3/9 SM Fannie Alotta SP 3/10 SM SP 3/11 SM

SP Tom & Stella DiNapoli

Pray for our sick & homebound… Ann Rizzieri, Alexis Eldrige, Roxanne Starry, Mary Ann Dambrosia, Ellen Moon, Fr. Eugene Weiss, Rose Marie LaLonde, Barb C, Bob B, Nancy Osborne, Cindy Williamson, Kathleen Talcott, Dolores Boeticker, Sr. Mary Chris, Marie Ramson, Joe Wyatt, Jonah Decory, Peggy (Cuddeback) Worden, Marcella Hill, Ralph Sinicropi, John Scaramuzzino, Leona Sposato, Eleanor Jackson, Kirk Cole, Karen Jenkins, Theresa Anderson, Jayden Moone, Fritz Chrysler, Loretta C, Ken Sheridan, Doris Rockwell, Dorothy & John Euchlund, Barbara Steinke, Richard Steinke, Alice Sabatine, Lena Pagano, Bill Breen, Rose Mary Costantino, Kathleen Oldfield, Jamie Canulli, Mary Jo Semler, Julia Kennedy, Ron Barnhart, Joseph Lotto, Joe Lama, Jean DeLelys, Tootsie Franceschi, Phyllis Colloggi, William Cathy, Dale Trout Jr., Ellen Clark, Maureen Orsini, Kathy Cole, Yolanda Pace, John Milligan, Katie Verone, Joan Stetz, LM, Jesse Alcott, Jean Shaw, Ed Stephany, Amber Moses, Roxanna Baker, Felicia Strong, Thomas Leone, Asa Poorman, Marjorie Edmeston, Dick Marr, Susan Juris, Mary Jensen, Henry Emerson, William Johnson Jr., Jodie Pearson, M. Claire M, Miranda Y, Colleen VanCamp, Cathy Woods, Michael Hoover, Tyler Sheldon, Mary Steele, Georgine Rosata, Alice DePasquale, Marilyn, Philomena Cammuso, Fran Wenderlich, Amy Roepnack, LouAnn Millis, Cindy Brown, Orion, Shannon, John Gnell, Julia Kennedy, Karen Ditzell, David Smith, Judy Walczak, Mary Harrin, Dr. William White, Maria C. Norman, Judy Hoffman, Ann Passifione, Marlene Bell, Joan Capaldi, Gianna, Ashley Stillwell, Lucille Cook, Theresa Antonucci, Mary Lou’s Intentions, Kathy, Judy Bauer, Fred VanNostrand, Chuck Carello, Michael Cunningham, Agnes Juris, JC Christiano, Ann Cook, Judy Wheaton, Florence Rosbaugh, Joan Lannon,, Jo Christiano, Susan D. Kuchman, Carol Eck, Mary Ebers, Rose Nehring, Margaret Nardi, Tim O’Mara, Janet Fulkerson, Marlin Ferrara Peterson, John Bennett, Kathleen Deal, Carmella Smith, Joyce Sinicropi, Cory Steinbacker, Charm Miller, Robin Ryan, Dorothy Versluys, Patty Smithover, Tim Youngs, Jarrod Ticconi, Cindy Schlegel, Elizabeth Hundley, Emily ,Venturelli, Yolanda Giansante, Wendy Goodman, Bonnie, Lauren, Maureen Jusko, Sue Secore, Neal Wood, Robin Jock, Zachary M., Evelyn Chiodo, Kelly, Jay Colin, Mary Paradise, Rebecca Carson, Rebecca Tuccio, Patricia Maple, Lilliana Antonucci Austin, Trevor Cauler, Lexi Neinast, Judy, Larry McMillen, Jane Kuchman, Patricia L., Gerald Goodman, Cheryl Lewis, Diane VanDamne, Marilyn Dickinson, Lainie Forde, Frank Seitz Jr., Barb McGill, Leighann Henry, Misty Clark, Kitty Allenza, MaryLou Lorenzetti, Jerome Wolfe, Pam Kirk, Jesse Pardee, David Peters, & all of our sick

Please note: I am trying to keep the prayer list updated – if you would like to be added to or deleted from the list, please call the parish office at 539-2944 or 651-4349.

Page 3: Bulletin for March 4 & 5, 2017Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017 4 Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130

Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017


The Knights of Columbus would like to thank the parishioners of St. Francis & St. Clare

Parish for their amazing generosity for Souper Bowl Sunday. We donated a large grocery

cart of soup and other food products with about $800 in cash to the House of Concern.

We also donated 14 bags of soup and other food with about $600 to the Community

Action Program (CAP). May all of you be blessed with peace and friendship!

Lent Meditation Booklets "Through prayer, charity and humility before God, people receive a heart "which is firm and merciful, attentive and generous, a heart which is not closed, indifferent or prey to the globalization of indifference," Pope Francis says in his Lenten message. Prayer is an important part of the Lenten journey. To that end, there are Lenten Meditation Booklets at each of our churches which I encourage you to take a look at.

Stations of the Cross Paul Turner

The 14 Stations of the Cross adorn the walls of almost every Catholic Church and chapel. Many parishes commemorate the Fridays of Lent with a prayerful remembrance of the passion of Christ by walking the stations with him. Throughout our history, Christians have longed to literally walk in the footsteps of Christ. The shrines of the holy places in and around Jerusalem have drawn pilgrims inspired by the life and death of their master. However, not everyone is able to travel to the Holy Land. So, ever since the Middle Ages, churches and chapels began erecting images devoted to an aspect of the passion. By the 15th century, the Franciscans had developed a devotion they called “stations.” The word means a place where people stand still or gather together. So even though it implies something “stationary,” the service obviously must include the movement of pilgrims following the footsteps of Christ. It took a while to fix the number and the names of the stations, but in 1731 Pope Clement XII established the 14 we know today. We still find some variations on the number. Many places add a 15th station, for example, the resurrection of Jesus. Discontent with leaving Christ in the tomb when our faith expresses so much more, worshipers have found consolation in completing the story of the cross. Over the years our church has authorized various versions of the stations for different occasions. For example, Pope John Paul II altered the traditional stations for his Good Friday service in Rome. He eliminated some stations that derived from tradition, and substituted them with events from the Gospels. Here are the stations he used: 1. Jesus in the Garden of Olives; 2. Jesus betrayed by Judas; 3. Jesus condemned to death by the Sanhedrin; 4. Jesus denied by Peter; 5. Jesus judged by Pilate; 6. Jesus flogged and crowned with thorns; 7. Jesus carries his cross; 8. Jesus is helped by Simon of Cyrene; 9. Jesus encounters women of Jerusalem; 10. Jesus is crucified; 11. Jesus promises the kingdom to the good thief; 12. Jesus on the cross; 13. The mother of Jesus and his disciple at the cross; 14. Jesus is placed in the tomb. The stations inspire us all to follow Christ through suffering to peace. Copyright © 1997 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia St. #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-8505, Paul Turner, pastor of St. Munchin Parish in

Cameron, Mo.

Save the date to celebrate! Don’t just go to Confession. Celebrate the Sacrament! The Diocesan Day of Penance and Mercy is wonderful opportunity to accept and embrace God’s grace. Join us on Tuesday, March 28, for the Day of Penance and Mercy. For details visit

Page 4: Bulletin for March 4 & 5, 2017Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017 4 Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130

Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017


PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm

Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130 Exchange St., Geneva, NY A free seminar to help you make informed choices from a Catholic perspective:

Pre-planning with your parish

Wills & Estate planning

Health Care Proxies

The Power of Attorney and other legal documents

Legacy gifts that make an impact Sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester. Please pre-register by e-mailing [email protected] or

calling (toll free) 1-800-388-7177 ext. 1298

The St. Francis & St. Clare Seniors

will meet March 9th, 11:30am in the

Ministry Center. Bring a lunch for

yourself. All are welcome! Any

questions, please call Janette Seamans

at 315-539-9009.

SAVE THE DATE AND MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference is coming back on March 18, 2017. This year’s theme “A Morning with Immaculee" will be a powerful presentation on faith and the persistence of prayer. Our speaker this year is Immaculee Ilibagiza, who survived the Rwandaan genocide in 1994. Registration is open online until March 10 at or contact (parish captain name and info here) for more details.

St. Joseph School in Auburn $100 Raffle! Tickets are now on sale CASH ONLY with 11 chances to win, including the grand prize of $5000. The Drawing is Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird Drawing is May 11th. For more information please call school at 315-253-8327. Thank you for your ongoing support of St. Joseph School!

The Fifth Annual Spelling Bee, a fundraiser for Literacy Volunteers of Seneca County, will be held on March 25th, at 10:A.M., at the Waterloo High School Auditorium. To register a team call Bill Judd 315-539-9757. As soon as a team registers they will receive a word list to study. The quicker you register, the more time you will have to study. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three teams. First prize $200, second prize $100, and third prize $50.

Support literacy in Seneca County!

Singers needed for the Easter Vigil Mass. Rehearsals will begin after Ash

Wednesday. If you are interested in participating in this beautiful liturgy, please

contact Anita Babiarz at 539-3153 or 224-4074.


3/5/17 1st Sunday of Lent Gospel: Matthew 4: 1-11

After Mass, discuss these questions & brainstorm ideas & ways to implement them this week!

Adults: What helpful advice could you offer someone faced with a temptation? Children: What helps you do the right thing when you want to do something wrong?


Page 5: Bulletin for March 4 & 5, 2017Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017 4 Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130

Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017



We need you! Living Stations of the Cross is a re-enactment of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ presented during Lent. We are planning this year to again have our production in silhouette which requires no memorization of words! Last year was a huge hit! Teens grade 7 and up are invited to help present this beautiful adaptation of the Stations of the Cross. We also need several adults to assist. If you are theatrical (not necessary to volunteer) or have a

desire to give to the parish community with just a little of your time, please call the Faith Formation Office, Pam Kane 651-4351 or [email protected] The production will be Friday April 7th.

NEED FOOD/DRINK DONORS: There will be an exhibit to celebrate Down Syndrome at the Seneca Falls Recreation Center from March 16-26. Please look in your local media for more details on this traveling exhibit. I have volunteered to oversee the refreshments, which will be on Saturday, March 25 from 1-3:00 PM. I am hoping the parish will support the refreshment part of this exhibit by volunteering to donate: 8 oz. block of cheese, box of crackers, bag of clementines/halos, a few pounds of bananas, bunch of grapes, a bag of apples, juice boxes OR small water bottles. If you can donate any of these items, please email me at [email protected]

or call at 539-8006. Thanks to the Catholic Daughters who donated $100 toward this exhibit! For more information on this exhibit, please contact Kathy Miller at [email protected] or Susan Porter at [email protected], or visit our Facebook page at Thanks and God bless you for all you do for our parish and communities!

Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend heading for divorce? Do you feel helpless?

Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi, meaning rediscovery) is designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. It helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. It is Catholic in nature but open to couples of all faiths or backgrounds.

This world-wide program is highly successful in saving hurting marriages, even bringing reconciliation to couples who have already separated or divorced.

For confidential information about or to register for the Spring program beginning with a weekend at Notre Dame Retreat House on April 7-9, 2017, please call 585-293-1552 or visit the web site at

The House of Concern in Seneca Falls is in need of the following items that

can be left in the containers at the church doors:

Bar soap, laundry detergent and dish detergent. As always, we thank you

for your continuing generosity!

Page 6: Bulletin for March 4 & 5, 2017Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017 4 Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130

Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017


STEWARDSHIP CORNER 1st Sunday of Lent “It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.”


Tempted between the riches and power of this world and service to God, Jesus chose service to His Father. If we wish to truly follow Jesus, we, too, must decide to turn away from power and riches and put God at the center of our lives. How is God calling you to serve?

SFSC Catholic Ministries appeal update as of 2/28/17

# of donors-243 YTD collected-$34,110 goal-$81,355 % of goal-43% (STILL NO CHANGE FROM THE PREVIOUS WEEKS)

February 25 & 26, 2017 WEEKEND MASS ATTENDANCE

ST. MARY’S CHURCH ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH 5:00pm – 153 TOTAL – 690 8:00am – 157 9:30am – 219 11:00am – 161


Page 7: Bulletin for March 4 & 5, 2017Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017 4 Sunday, May 21st and the $500 Early Bird PLANNING FOR YOUR LEGACY March 13, 2017 7-8:30pm Our Lady of Peace Parish – 130

Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017


The Catholic Courier’s multimedia Lenten journal is designed to support you

throughout the Lenten season of penance, reflection and fasting in preparation for Christ’s


Daily visitors to the journal will find Gospel readings, reflections, meatless recipes,

children’s crafts and more.

Visit each day beginning March 1 at

From Family Hope Center’s most recent newsletter…”Last fall Care Net Pregnancy of the Finger Lakes changed their name to Family Hope Center. The name was client suggested based on what we offer to them….Hope. As a Care Net affiliate we follow the tagline “Compassion, Hope & Help”. We pray our hope is contagious and our clients will walk out the door feeling hopeful, but we know this does not always happen. As a faith based ministry we walk in Faith as we minister to those we serve. We hope

our faith will be encouraging to them and will speak into their lives. We may never know how far reaching our faith goes, but we trust God. One thing we do know is our clients respond to Love. They come in when they need to feel loved. They come in when they need a quiet place to chill. They come in when they feel overwhelmed and need to talk. They tell us they come here because WE Love THEM. Because, the greatest of these is Love.” THANKS TO ALL WHO DONATED TO THIS YEAR’S ST. FRANCIS-ST. CLARE’S BABY BOTTLE DRIVE!! God’s peace be with you.




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Bulletin March 4 & 5, 2017


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