Page 1: Bulletin 11th January 2019 - · Bulletin 11th January 2019 Dear Parents/Carers WELLBEING AWARD FOR SCHOOLS A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing

Bulletin 11th January 2019

Dear Parents/Carers


A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing questionnaire’ sent out last week. The hard work and

commitment the school community has put in has paid off and we were thrilled to read so many positive

responses. There have also been some great ideas for what we can do to support our emotional wellbeing

provision further, and we will be taking these into consideration over the coming terms. Thank you once again

for your support.


A big well done to the children who have been working towards completing their 'Reading Bingo' sheets. We

are thrilled that you have been having so much fun with books!

These bingo sheets should be in the back of your child's reading record - please encourage them to join in and

to let their teacher know if they have completed a line or house. If you have any questions, do ask your child's

class teacher.


Evie S (Y5): I just wanted to say how touched I have been with Evie's

caring attitude over the run up to Christmas. I am a florist, so this is

an extremely busy time for me, I have not been at home for breakfast

in the week running up to Christmas and I have been working

weekends. Evie has been very caring, asking how I am feeling, rubbing

my back and being a helpful girl at home. I was so touched the day

before Christmas Eve, I didn't know if I was going to have to go into

work or not, Evie said to me, "Mummy, do you know what I want for

Christmas?" I said, "no, Evie" she said, "I just want for you not to have

to go to work" It was so heart-warming and luckily I didn't have to


I think the bucket filling idea is lovely.


On Friday 25th January, we will be holding our second ‘Break the Rules’ day as part of our PTA fundraising.

Children will be given a list of rules that they can ‘break’ for a fine of 50p per rule - to a maximum of 4 rules.

Each child will need to decide which rules they are breaking in advance and fill out a form indicating which

ones they have chosen. Forms will be handed out next week. The rules children will be able to break are as


Paint your fingernails

Wear a temporary tattoo

Wear crazy hair/a wig/wacky hair accessories

Wear jewellery (no dangly earrings) e.g. necklaces,

bracelets, anklets

Uniform swap – swap 1 item of uniform e.g. shoes for

trainers, trousers for jeans, school jumper for own top (1

‘rule break’ for each item; to wear a ‘onesie this would

Page 2: Bulletin 11th January 2019 - · Bulletin 11th January 2019 Dear Parents/Carers WELLBEING AWARD FOR SCHOOLS A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing

entail swopping both jumpers and trousers/skirts so would count as 2 rule breaks!)

Bring a favourite (reasonably sized) toy

15 minutes extra play

Come to school with your face painted*

Bring an unhealthy snack at break time

Bring a soft drink instead of water

*We would appreciate an army of parent volunteers first thing on this morning to paint as many faces as possible.

Please let Mrs Conroy know if you are able to help by popping into school or dropping her an email at

[email protected].


If Girls wear tights to school during the colder months, please make sure that they have a pair of socks in their

PE kit each week.


We have lots of planned, after-school sporting fixtures this term and will be handing out sign-up letters a few

weeks in advance of each one. The majority of the events will be allocated on a first come basis.

Tuesday 15th January: Y3/4 Indoor Cricket

Tuesday 22nd January: Y1/2 indoor Cricket

Thursday 24th January: Y5/6 Futsal

Tuesday 29th January: Y3/4 Badminton

Tuesday 5th February: Y3/4 New Age Kurling/Boccia

Tuesday 12th February: Y3/4 Archery

Thursday 14th February: Y5/6 Athletics

Tuesday 26th February: Y1/2 Indoor Racket skills

Thursday 28th February: Y5/6 Basketball tournament

Thursday 5th March: Y3/4 Multi-skills

Thursday 7th March: Y5/6 Quicksticks Hockey

Wednesday 13th March: Badminton Level 3 event for 2 pupils in Eastleigh (afternoon event)

Thursday 14th March: Y5/6 Tag Rugby

Thursday 21st March: Y3/4 Tag Rugby

Tuesday 26th March: Y5/6 Ultimate Frisbee

Thursday 28th March: provisional Y5/6 swimming festival (daytime)

Tuesday 2nd April: Y3/4 Hockey Festival

Thursday 4th April: Y5/6 Handball Tournament


In order to further the children’s appreciation of music and particularly

the power of instrumental ensembles, our Year 3s will be enjoying an

orchestra experience at The Anvil in Basingstoke on the afternoon of

Wednesday 23rd January. Permission letters have already been sent out

to parents. Please contact the school office if you have mislaid your


Page 3: Bulletin 11th January 2019 - · Bulletin 11th January 2019 Dear Parents/Carers WELLBEING AWARD FOR SCHOOLS A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing


Our target for the 18/19 for all pupils across the school is 97% and we currently stand at 99.1%. Well done to

Flamingo Class who topped our attendance leadership board in December.


Our focus this week is cyber-bullying with guidance for pupils on how to stay safe. Please speak to your child’s

class teacher in the first instance if you or your child is worried about online bullying.

EYFS & KS1 Classes Attendance

Caterpillars 93.9%

Ladybirds 95.5%

Toucans 96%

Hummingbirds 96.4%

Flamingos 99.1%

KS2 Classes Attendance

Sharks 97.6%

Narwhals 98.4%

Dolphins 96.1%

Leopards 97.8%

Lions 97.3%

Tigers 98.1%

Page 4: Bulletin 11th January 2019 - · Bulletin 11th January 2019 Dear Parents/Carers WELLBEING AWARD FOR SCHOOLS A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing


This term, class assemblies will continue to take place on Thursday mornings at 9.10am in the school hall. Year

3/4 classes will have an end of term production to work towards instead of doing a class assembly. Auditions

Page 5: Bulletin 11th January 2019 - · Bulletin 11th January 2019 Dear Parents/Carers WELLBEING AWARD FOR SCHOOLS A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing

for this will be taking place shortly and we ask parents to remember that parts are allocated based on these

auditions whilst taking into account the type of part that children feel comfortable doing.

24th Jan – Flamingo Class

31st Jan – Tiger Class

7th Feb – Caterpillar Class

14th Feb – Leopard Class

28th Feb – Toucan Class

7th March – Lion Class

14th March – Hummingbird Class

21st March – Ladybird Class

Wednesday 17th March – Y3/4 production to parents @ 2pm

Thursday 18th March – Y3/4 production to parents @ 6pm

We are also planning two musical assemblies:

Tuesday 2nd April – Rocksteady concert

Thursday 4th April – Music Assembly (all instruments & choir)

W/C 07/01/2019


Child/ren Reason

Caterpillar Cassius T For using his Blue thinking hat to do super subtraction sums.

Ladybird Seth W For using his Blue thinking hat to write Super subtraction sums.

Flamingo Kayden L For using his Blue thinking hat of expanded noun phrases to describe


Hummingbird Henry F For using his Blue thinking hat to improve his handwriting and

presentation and creating lots of noun phrases to describe Meerkats.

Toucan Faith D For using her Blue thinking hat to partition ‘teen’ numbers in Maths.

Dolphin Karmen K For using her Green thinking hat to create new colours by mixing

paints carefully and accurately.

Narwhal Ayla N For using her Green thinking hat to create winter art.

Shark Thomas W For using his Blue & White thinking hats when solving tricky pictogram

problems in Maths.

Leopard Sebastian F For using his White thinking hat to solve problems in his co

ordinations work.

Tiger Eesha P For using her Green & White thinking for contributing some creative

& inspiring Art ideas in our new topic.



W/c 14th January Yr 6 Bikeability

Tuesday 15th January Yr 5 & Yr 6 teams to Westfield Junior School Maths


Wednesday 23rd January Yr 3 Orchestra unwrapped – The Anvil Basingstoke

Friday 25th January Break the Rules day!

W/c 18th February Half term week

Page 6: Bulletin 11th January 2019 - · Bulletin 11th January 2019 Dear Parents/Carers WELLBEING AWARD FOR SCHOOLS A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing

Wednesday 6th March Yr 5/6 to Winchester Science Museum

Tuesday 26th March Yr 3\4 Production to school

Wednesday 27th March Yr 3\4 Production parents & small siblings

Thursday 28th March Yr 3\4 Production to Parents & Secondary school age siblings

Tuesday 2nd April Rocksteady Concert to parents 9.10 am Music Assembly 2.00


Tuesday 2nd April Parent Consultations 4-6.30pm

Wednesday 3rd April Parent Consultations 4-6.30pm

Friday 5th April Last day of Spring term

Monday 22nd April Summer term begins

Throughout May KS1 testing period

Friday 3rd May INSET – school closed

Wednesday 8th May – Friday 10th May Y4 Residential trip (Adventurous Activities)

W/c Monday 13th May Y6 SATs week

Tuesday 21st May Class Photographs

W/c 27th May Half term week

W/c Monday 10th June Y1 Phonics testing week

W/c Monday 8th July to Friday 12th July Y6 Residential to France

Friday 19th July Last day of Summer term

Monday 22nd July INSET – school closed

Tuesday 23rd July INSET – school closed

Email: [email protected]

Page 7: Bulletin 11th January 2019 - · Bulletin 11th January 2019 Dear Parents/Carers WELLBEING AWARD FOR SCHOOLS A huge thank you for your response to the ‘Wellbeing

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