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    Widya Hanum Sari Pertiwi, M.Pd

    Teguh Sulistyo , M.Pd





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    As you have learned, a paragraph consist of three parts: a topic sentence,

    supporting sentence (the body), and a concluding sentence. When you want

    to write about topic in more detail, you can turn your paragraph into an essay.

    Paragraphs can be easily expanded to essay length. Similar to a paragraph,

    an essay is also composed of three sections. These sections are an

    introductory paragraph; supporting paragraph, or a body; and a

    concluding paragraph. Here the outline of ESSAY:

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    Here are suggestion for an outline form for planning your essay:

    Thesis Statement: Write out the thesis statement in a complete sentence.

    I. Write out the first introduction paragraph topic sentence.

    A. Identify the support. This can be a detail or an idea that the paragraph

    will discuss.

    1. Mention any additional detail about A.

    2. If appropriate, mention another detail about A.

    B. If you have another detail or example you are going to discuss in this

    paragraph, mention it here.

    II. Write out the next topic sentence

    A. Support

    B. Support

    III. Write out the next topic sentence.

    A. Support

    1. Detail if necessary.

    B. Support

    A quick glance at such an outline should reveal if the paragraphs are unfied and

    coherent. Study the folloeing outline of Lousstte Carons essay:

    Thesis Statement: Because of these aspects, Quebec is a place where you can

    fine some of the most interesting sights you will ever see.

    I. Old Quebec City is the living witness of our history.

    A. Historical aspects.

    1. Notre-Dame des Victoires.

    2. Ramparts.

    3. Plaines dAbraham.

    B. Seasonal aspectsbeautiful in all seasons.

    II. From the Plaines dAbraham, it is easy to discover the majestic Saint

    Lawrence River.

    A. Historical aspects.

    1. Open door for our founders who established eltles.

    2. Today, the river is an exceptional waterway.

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    B. Seasonal aspects.

    1. The location for great activities in every season, particulary

    boating, water skiing, and fishing in summer.

    2. The river is navigable in winter.

    III. On the north shore of the Saint Lawerence River, five miles from Quebec,

    the famous Montmmorency Falls are located.

    A. Historical aspects.

    1. Discovered by a French explorer in the sixteenth century.

    2. Highest falls in North America.

    B. Seasonal aspects.

    1. During the summer

    2. During the winterplay on the block of ice.

    Supporting details can be expressed in words or phrases in an outline.

    Model Paragraph 1 -------------------------------------



    Mans Best Friend

    There are three main relationships that dogs have with

    people. [First, we have working dogs. These dogs, such as

    Siberian huskies and collies, serve people almost like

    employees. To a sheep farmer, for example a good sheepdog is

    his most valuable partner. Other dogs are known primarily for

    their excellence in sports. The sleek and supremely fast

    greyhound is used in dog races, and many hunting dogs, such

    as setters, retrievers, and pointers, often compete in hunting

    trials. Third, many people enjoy dogs as companions. All kinds

    of dogs can be excellent companions, but a few breeds are kept

    only for this purpose. Some examples are the toy dogs, such as

    a Chihuahua or a Lhasa apso.] Because of the relationships they

    have with people, dogs are often called mans best friend.




    Sleek : smoot and elegant

    Supremely : extremely

    A hunting trial : a competition

    where dogs get awards for

    excellent hunting behavior

    A breed: a group of

    animals or plants that

    are similar in


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    Here is an essay on the same topic:

    Model Essay 1 ------------------------------------------

    Mans Best Friend

    The dog is generally considered the firs domesticated animal. The

    domesticate dog has lived with human beings as a working partner and

    household pet in all eras and cultures since the time people lived in caves. It is

    generally believed that the direct ancestor of the domestic dog is the wolf,

    originally found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. Archeologists have

    found remains of dogs that are 10.000 years old. In these ancient societies, as

    well as in our modern one, there are three main relationships that dogs have with


    First, we have the working dogs. These dogs, such as Siberian huskies and

    collies, serve people almost like employees. The dogs help pull heavy loads,

    round up castle, and keep a sharp eye out for strangers. To a sheep farmer, for

    example, a good sheepdog is his most valuable partner. Sheepdogs, such as

    Border collies, standard collies, and Shetland sheepdogs, are very intelligent and

    can learn to respond to hand signals as well as spoken words. Sheepdogs in

    Scotland, for instance, move sheep along with barely a glance from the

    shepherd. As a result, working dogs know their worth to their master, and they

    are proud it.

    Other dogs are known primarily for their excellence in sports. The sleek and

    supremely fast greyhound is used in dog races. These race take place o specially

    prepared tracks where the competitors chase a mechanical rabbit. People

    gamble on these athletes performance. Bird dogs are a type of hunting dog.

    Setters and pointers, for example, recognize a birds scent long before it makes a

    sound and show their owner where the bird is by standing rock still. Retrievers,

    such as golden retrievers or Labrador retrievers, will throw themselves into a icy

    cold to pick up the bird their owner has shot. These special hunting dogs often

    compete in hunting trials. Clearly, sporting dogs are the athletes of the dog world.

    Third, many people enjoy a dog as a companion. All kinds of dogs can be

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    excellent companions. Both the working dogs and the hunting dogs have great

    patience and are very good with small children. Most of these dogs will allow

    children to climb all over them and are great baby-sitters because of their loyalty

    to their owner and their family. A few breeds are kept only for the purpose of

    being a companion. Some of these are the to dog, such as a Chihuahua or Lhasa

    apso. Since these dogs are so tiny, they are great to have if you live in small

    apartment. In short, all dogs, including the toy dogs, are wonderful companions.

    Although there are a great many breeds of dogs, they can be classified into

    these three main types by their relationships to their owners. Even if you have no

    interest in sports and no farm to run, you can have a great companion in a dog.

    Because of the relationships they have with people, dogs are often called mans

    best friend.

    domesticated: animals that

    live near people and are

    controlled by them

    an era: a long period in history

    that begins with a particular

    date or event

    an ancestor: a member of

    your family that lived in the


    to round up: to find and

    gather together a group of

    people or things

    a competitor: someone or

    something trying to win

    mechanical: made from or

    powered by equipment

    an athlete: a person who is a

    competitor in sports

    The topic sentence of the paragraph becomes the thesis statement of the

    essay, which comes at the end of the introductory paragraph. The supporting

    sentences of the original paragraph expand into three separate body paragraphs

    in the essay. In other words, each major supporting sentences and it is minor

    supports in Model Paragraph 1 become one body paragraph in the corresponding

    essay. Finally, the concluding sentence is made into a concluding paragraph.

    Two other points are important to note. First, notice how each body paragraph

    mirrors the construction of the original paragraph. Just as the paragraphs you

    have written so far have had a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a

    concluding sentence, so does each body paragraphs. Second, notice how the

    body paragraphs support the thesis statement of the essay just as the supporting

    sentences in a paragraph support the topic sentence.

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    Model Paragraph 2 ------------------------------------

    Animal Camouflage

    Many animals find security in blending in with their environment. In birds,

    for example, it is quite common for adult males to be brightly colored and vey

    noticeble while adult females and young chick are light brown orr sand colored in

    order to blend into their background and escape the sharp eyes of predator.

    Many mammals have also adopted the colors of thesis surroundings over the

    years. A zebra is almost invisible among the branches and stripes of sunlight in

    its native africa, and a lion is very hard to see when it is sleeping on the beige

    sand of the plains. Most of fish are darker on top than on the bottom; from above,

    they look like the land at the bottom of the water, and from below, they look like

    the waters sirface. The safety that these animals protective coloring provides

    has helped them survives over the ages.

    Here is the essay from the same topic animal camouflage.

    Model Essay 2 -------------------------------------

    Animal Camouflage

    Animals in the wild have many natural enemies. A small bird want to avoid

    being seen by a hawk, a zebra doesnt want tthe lion to find him, and a flatfish

    would prefer that the shark swim quietly by. If animal cant easily run away from

    its predator, how can it protect itself? One ways that has evolved over time is

    protective coloring, or camouflage. Many animals find security in bleding in with

    their environment.

    In birds, for example, although it is quite common for adult males to be

    brightly colored in order to blend into their background and escape the sharp

    eyes of a predator. This coloring protects the weaker birds. Consider the bright

    red cardinal, a very common bird in colder areas in North America. The male is

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    like a red fire engine against white snow, but you hardly ever see the females.

    They are sandy brown, with touch of red on the wings, tail, and breast. The

    peacock is another bird where the male is bright and snowy, while the female is

    easily overlooked because of the dull coloring. The long tail feather of the male

    are generally bright and gold and have round markings of a rich order, known as

    peacock blue. The female, called a peahen, has short tail feather and is much

    less colorful than the male. Adopting camouflage colors help the female bird

    survive and raise another genretaion of bird.

    Many mammals have also adopted the colors of their surroundings. A

    zebra is almost invisible among th branches and stripes of sunlight in its native

    Africa because its black and white stripes mimic the shadow among the trees and

    bushes. A lion is very hard to see when it is sleeping on the beige sands of the

    plains. The lioness in particular, looks just like a part of the ground until she

    raises her head. The camouflage of the lioness makes her invisible to her pray

    so she can concerate in hunting and feeding her young. All these mamals have,

    over many, many years, developed protective coloring to assist htem in the

    struggle to survive.

    Most fish are darker on top than on the bottom; from above, they look like a

    land at the bottom of the water, from below, adn they look like the waters

    surface. Many ocean, fish have a horizontal line along their body that separates

    the top from the bottom. And ocean mackerel, for example, is easily distinguished

    by this dark stripe. Some flat fish have taken this protection a step futher; for

    example, a fish taht live on a sandy bottom has a light-brown upper side, while a

    flat fish that lives on a rocky bottom has an upper side that looks like pebbles.

    Because they look just like surroundings, these fish survive and avoid becoming

    someone elses lunch.

    Looking like their environment is helpful to these animals for the survival of

    the species. The mother bird that is invisible among the brown leaves, the lion

    snoozing on the sandy plains, and the fish that hides among the pebbles will live

    to see another day. The safety animals find in their protective coloring has helped

    them survive over the ages.

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    Practice Outlining an Essay

    Here is part of an outline of the essay Animal Camouflage. Complete the outline

    by writing in the key words from each paragraph of the essay.

    I. Introductory paragraph

    Thesis statement:

    Many animals find security in blending in with their environment.

    II. Body

    A. Paragraph 1 : Bird

    Topic Sentence: In birds, for example, although it is quite common for

    adult males to be brightly colored and very noticeable, adult females

    and young chicks are light brown or sand colored in order to blend

    into their background and escape the sharp eyes of a predator.

    Major support 1:



    Minor support(s):



    Major support 1:



    Minor support(s):



    Concluding sentence: adopting camouflage colors helps the female

    birds survives and raise another generation of birds.

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    B. Paragraph 2 :

    Topic Sentence : Many mammals have also adopted the colors of

    their surroundings.

    Major support 1:


    Major support 1:



    Minor support(s):



    Concluding sentence: All these mammals have, over many, many

    years, develop protective coloring to assist them in the struggle to


    C. Paragraph 3 :

    Topic Sentence : most fish are darker on top that on the bottom;

    from above, they look like the land at the bottom of the water, and

    from below, they look like the waters surface..

    Major support 1:



    Minor support(s):



    Major support 1:



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    Concluding sentence: because they look like their surroundings,

    these fish survive and avoid becoming someone elses lunch.

    III. Concluding paragraph

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    The thesis statement is the most important sentences in your essay. It is the

    main idea for the whole essay, and it frequently shows (directly or indirectly)

    the number and the content of the body paragraphs of the essay. Clear thesis

    statements are essential for good essay writing in English.


    A thesis statement has two main parts: the topic and the controlling idea. The

    topic is the subject of the essay; what the essay is about. The controlling idea

    is what you are going to say about the topic. As you can see, the thesis

    statement of an essay is made up of the same parts in an essay has the same

    function as the topic sentence in a paragraph.

    Below are the thesis statements from the two essays, mans best friend and

    animals camouflage. The topic have been underlined and the controlling idea

    have been bolded.

    There are three main relationships that dogs have with people.

    Many animals find security in blending in with their environment.

    As with topic sentences, it is not enough to just state the topic essay in the

    thesis statement. You must also tell the reader what your essay will say about

    the topic, which means that you possibilities for controlling idea. Naturally, for

    any one topic there are many possibilities for controlling ideas. For example,

    with the topic dogs, you could write thesis statements such as:

    Since they were first domesticated, dogs have helped human being a


    In this essay, you would give examples of how dogs can be helpful to people.

    There are many types of dogs.

    In this essay, you would discuss the various types of dogs

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    An English setter and Gordon setter have a few obvious differences,

    but they are mostly similar.

    In this essay, you would describe the differences and similarities between two

    breeds of dogs: an English setter and a Gordon setter.


    In addition, some thesis statement may also have a third component called a

    predictor. The predictor of a thesis statement tells the reader how many body

    paragraphs there will be in the essay and what their content will be. For


    Wars in the twentieth century were fought for three main reasons ethic,

    economic, and religious.

    In this thesis statement, the topic is wars in the twentieth century. The

    controlling idea is that they were fought for three reasons. The third part of this

    thesis statement lists the three reasons that the author believes were most

    important: ethnic reasons, economic reasons and religious reasons. We call

    this third part of the thesis statement the predictor because it predicts the

    number and content of the essay paragraphs.

    Practice 1 Identifying the Parts of Thesis


    Read these four thesis statement and answer the questions.

    1. Modern methods of building houses, have greatly increased their ability to

    withstand earthquakes.

    What is the topic?


    What is the controlling idea?


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    If there is a predicator, what is it?


    2. Its beauty, history, and location make Washington, D.C., a fascinating

    place to visit.

    What is the topic?


    What is the controlling idea?


    If there is a predicator, what is it?


    3. There is considerable evidence to show that there is life on other planets.

    What is the topic?


    What is the controlling idea?


    If there is a predicator, what is it?


    4. There characteristics of the house in my country show that it gets very

    cold there in winter: the thick walls, the two-door entries, and the steep


    What is the topic?


    What is the controlling idea?


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    If there is a predicator, what is it?


    Practice 2 Predicting Essay Content

    Predict the content of the body paragraphs from these three thesis

    statements. Write two or three key words describing the content of the

    body paragraphs that tou think will follow each thesis statement.

    1. As we human beings shape our environment by building and producing,

    we are increasingly polluting our air, our water, and our soil.

    Body Paragraph 1: ________________________________________

    Body Paragraph 2: ________________________________________

    Body Paragraph 3: _______________________________________

    2. The main advantages of urban planning are that we can control a citys

    appearance, we can organize transportation effectively, and we can make

    sure there are enough open spaces.

    Body Paragraph 1: __________________________________________

    Body Paragraph 2: __________________________________________

    Body Paragraph 3: ___________________________________________

    3. With is winding paths, lakes, and small forests, Central Park in New York

    City is the most important example of the romantic style of landscape

    architecture in the United States.

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    Body Paragraph 1: __________________________________________

    Body Paragraph 2: ___________________________________________

    Body Paragraph 3: __________________________________________

    Rules for Thesis Statement

    1. A thesis statement must be a statement, not a question.

    Not a thesis statement: Are dogs good companions?

    Thesis statement: Dogs are good companions.

    2. A thesis statement must be a complete sentence. This means that it must

    have a subject and a verb with a tense.

    Not a thesis statement: City living hazardous to your health.

    Thesis statement: City living hazardous to your health.

    3. A thesis statement is an opinion; it cannot be a simple statement of fact. A

    fact does not need any support, and therefore you cannot write an essay

    about it.

    Not a thesis statement: I have an older brother and a younger


    Thesis statement: I have much more in common with my

    younger brother than I do with my older


    4. A thesis statement must state the controlling idea. This means that you

    must state your position on the topic; you cannot simply announce the

    topic of your essay.

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    Not a thesis statement: This essay is about air pollution.

    Thesis statement: Recent methods of reducing air pollution

    are showing some positive results.

    5. A thesis statement should have only one controlling idea.

    Not a thesis statement: Public transportation in my hometown is

    too expensive, and it is slower than the

    transportation in Tokyo.

    Thesis statement: Public transportation in my hometown is

    too expensive

    Practice 3

    Thesis Statement

    Put a check mark in front of the sentences that are thesis statement. If a

    sentence is not a thesis statement, write the number(s) of the rules(s) it violates

    on the line in front of it, and change it so that it is a thesis statement.

    ________ 1. Japanese cars are better than American cars.

    ________ 2. A Mistsubishi is Japanese car

    ________ 3. Im going to show you why seat belts are necessary

    ________ 4. Are seat belts necessary?

    ________ 5. Wearing a seat belt can save your life.

    ________ 6. Students who work while they are studying meet a lot of

    people, and their professors also work hard.

    ________ 7. There are both advantages and disadvantages to working

    while you are an undergraduate.

    ________ 8. Work-study programs have more advantages that

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    ________ 9. Work-study programs: an analysis.

    ________ 10. In this essay, I will compare working on campus and working

    off campus.

    ________ 11. The advantages of majoring in engineering

    ________ 12. I would like to discuss my views on the Olympic Games.

    ________ 13. Students should be allowed to manage the book-store

    ________ 14. My vacation in San francisco was a lot of fun, and I liked

    visiting the wine country in California, too.

    ________ 15. Why do I want to be a lawyer?

    ________ 16. The differences between Mandarin and Hunan cuisine.

    ________ 17. You can find some of the most colorful people on the bus.

    ________ 18. Being honest is important.

    ________ 19. I am going to describe my home.

    ________ 20. There are many similarities and differences between Boston

    and Seattle.

    Practice 4

    Study the following statement, which are not thesis statements. Try to

    rewrite each of the sentences to make it a thesis statement. The first one is


    1. I am going to explain why I decided to go to college

    Choosing to go to collenge was a difficult decision.

    2. The hazards of storing chemical wastes.


    3. There are many similarities and differences between life in the country

    and life in the city.


    4. New York City us the largest city in the United States.

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    5. Smoking can be hazardous to a persons health, and it is also very

    unpleased to watch someone smoking.


    Practice 5

    Writing Thesis Statement

    Choose five of these eight topics and write a good thesis statement for

    each. At least three of your five statements should have a predictor.


    More and more species of animals are becoming endangered because of

    pollution, excessive, hunting, and expanding industry.

    1. Wild animals

    2. Endangered species

    3. Forests/vegetation

    4. Transportation

    5. The worlds changing climate

    6. Oceans/water

    7. The worlds food production

    8. Housing

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    The thesis statement is the main statement for the entire essay. But where

    should the thesis statement be placed/ although ther is no law thtat requires the

    thesis to be places in any particular place, the thesis statement is usually in the

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    introduction paragraph. After all, the thesisi is the statement that the body

    paragraphs are going to explode. But where in the introduction should the thesis

    statement be placed? Before we answer this question, let us look at the

    characteristics of an introductory paragraph.

    1. An introductory paragraph should introduce the topic. Do not forget that

    the introductory paragraph is the first thing that a reader sees. Obviously

    this paragraph should inform the reader of the topic being discussed.

    2. An introductory paragraph should indicate generally how the topic is going

    to be developed. A good introductory paragraph should indicate wheter the

    essay is going to discuss causes, effects, reasons, or examples; whether

    the essay is going to classify, describe, narrate, or explain a process.

    3. Generally speaking, an introductory paragraph shoul contain the thesis

    statement. This is a general rule, of course. In more sophisticated writing,

    the thesis statement sometimes appears later in the essay, sometimes

    even at the end. In some cases, too, the thesis is just implied. For class

    essays, however, it is a good idea to state the thesis clearly in the


    4. Ideally, an introductory paragraph should be inviting; that is, it should be

    interesting enough to make the reader want to continoue reading. Since

    the introductory paragraph functions to introduce the topic and since the

    introductory paragraph shoul be inviting, it makes good sense not to put

    the thesis statement right at the beginning of the introductory paragraph.

    Not only should you introduce the topic before you state an opinion about it

    (the thesis statement), but you should try to entice the reader to continue

    after sentence is not usually very inviting; in fact, if the reader disagree

    with the opinion, it may very well discourage him or her from reading your

    essay. Therefore, it is generally a good idea to place the thesis statement

    at or near the end of the introductory paragraph.


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    There are many ways for a writer to get the readers attention in an introductory

    paragraph. Four of the most common ways are discussed here.


    An anecdote is a brief story that illutrates your topic. You can either base this

    anedote on your own experience or invent a story about someone else. Model

    Paragraph 1 is an example of a personal anecdote, while Model Paragraph 2

    demostrates the use of a third person anecdote.

    Model paragraph 1 ---------------------------------------------

    My younger brother was a good student until our

    parenrs got divorces. Then, while my parents lives

    become a war zone over property and emotions, my

    brother withdrew into himself and felt abandoned and

    unloved. He needed to feel the he was a part od

    something. Thats when he got involved with a gang

    at his high school. The gang he joinged became his

    family and was more important to him than anything.

    My parents didnt notice until my brother god badly

    hurt in a gang fight. I am convinced that gangs are a

    direct result of the breakdown of the traditional family.

    Gang is a word that is used

    for a group of young people

    who usually cause trouble.

    Are gags common in your

    country? How do you feel

    about gangs?

    Model paragraph 2 ---------------------------------------------

    The teeneger hated to be at home. His parents were always fightingat

    least on the rare occasions that both of the were at homo at the same time. His

    mother was on drugs, and his father was an alcoholoc. He felt totally alone at

    home, but when he was with his fellow gang members, he felt as if he belonged.

    He loved being with the members of his gang and would do anything for them

    and with them. This all-too-common example illustrates why I think that gangs

    are a direct result of the breakdown of the traditional family.

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    Another way to introduce your essay is with interesting fact or statistics. To write

    this kind of introduction, you need to be aware of commonly known information.

    You can expan you knowledge of facts and statistic by carefully reading

    newspapers and jurnals. Here is an examples of an introductory paragraph

    using facts and statistics.

    Model paragraph 3 ---------------------------------------------

    It is estimated that there are nearly 5,000 gangs in the United Stated with a total of

    almost 250,000 members. In fact, in inner cities, where gangs are most common, 7

    percent of all teenagers are gang members. Why are all these young adults choosing to

    be gang members? In my opinion, gangs are a direct result of the breakdown of the

    traditional family.

    Historical introduction

    You may also choose to write a brief historical intoduction to your essay. Naturally, this

    is not meant to be a comprehensive account; it simply provides general historical


    Model paragraph 4 ------------------------------------------------------------

    Gangs have existed in the United Stated for at least 100 years. At the turn of the

    twentieth century, there were many gangs in big East Coast cities. The gangs were

    mostly made up of members of the same ethnic group and primary protected the

    neighborhood where their families lived. Nowadays, however, gang members have little

    to do with protecting their relatives. Its my belief that gangs are a direct result of the

    breakdown of the traditional family.


    This is perhaps the most common type of intoduction. It begins with a general statement

    of the larger topic, and then each sentence narrows it down until you get to the specific

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    thesis statement. The trick is to strat out general, but not too general. Remember to keep

    the introduction relevant. Here is an example of funnel introduction.

    Model paragraph 5 ------------------------------------------------------------

    Its difficult to grow up in this society. A teenager can get into all kind of trouble

    with school, smoking, drugs, and dating. One of the worst kinds of trouble that a

    teenager can get into is getting involved with a gang. Gang members commit crimes and

    get hurt or killed all too often. Why do teenagers get involved in gangs? I think that

    gangs are a direct result of the breakdown of the traditional family.


    Turn about introduction opens with a few sentences summarizing a point of view that is

    actually the opposite of the writers own thesis. By the end of the introduction, the

    writer makes a complete turnabout and presents his or her thesisthe opposite of what

    he or she started out with. This technique is useful when the writers purpose in the

    essay is o argue a point or to clear up a commonly held misconception. Like the funnel,

    the turnabout opens generally and congenially, but unlike the funnel, the turnabout has

    this dramatic shift in ideas. In other words, in the Turnabout the writer sets up the

    opponents view of attack

    Model paragraph 6 -----------------------------------------------------------

    Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about

    me or my work; indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of them even knew my

    name! but when I came to the university, I soon learned that these generalizations were

    too broad. Not all teachers are the same. In fact, I have found that most of the professors

    here at State fall into three categories: the positive teachers, the neutral teacher, and the

    negative teachers.

    Dramatic Entrance

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    The dramatic entrance, is a type of introduction in which the author

    opens with narrative, descriptive, or dramatic example.

    Model paragraph 7 -----------------------------------------------------------

    Roaches crawling all over the walls, all over the floor, pouring into the

    bedroom door, where can I run? I jump on top of the bed. They follow me up.

    Oh, my God, theyre starting to fly all around me Oh, it was just a dream.

    Vile and repugnant are two of the best words used to describe the most

    despicable creature on earth, the roach. The bible portrays the Devil as a

    serpent in the Garden of Eden. However, I am sure that God meant the roach to

    play the part. My feeling for these creatures are of spasmodic disgust but

    especially fear.

    The Relevant Quotation

    An essay with this of introduction opens with a quotation by an authority on the

    topic or by someone else who says something relevant to what is discussed in

    the essay. You will also see writers begin with a famous quotation and then

    work that into their topic.

    Model paragraph 8 -----------------------------------------------------------

    No two people are exactly alike, and my two older brothers, Nhan and Hung,

    are no exceptions. When I think of them, I thing of Rudyard Kiplings words:

    East is East

    West is West

    Never the twain shall meet

    Even though they have the same parents, their considerable differences in

    looks, personality, and attitude toward life reflect the differences between

    Eastern and Western cultures.

    Practice 1

  • Page | 29

    Study the following introductory paragraphs. Underline the word or words that

    appear in the first sentence and are restated in the thesis statement. The first one

    is done.

    1. Almost everyone looks forward to the weekend. We often make our plans

    for the two free days well in advance. Too often, however, the best of our

    outdoor plans for the weekend are ruined here in Miami when the weather

    clouds up and it rains from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon.

    Fortunately, however, the weekend can be saved with a little bit of

    creativity. Three pleasant ways to spend time during a rainy weekend are

    to write letters to old friends, read a mystery novel and play cards.

    2. When we were very young, we believed that parent could do no wrong.

    Indeed, they seems to us to be perfect human beings who knew all the

    answer to our problem and who could solve any problem that we had.

    However, as we grow older, we find that parents can make mistakes, too.

    3. We live in an era where television is the national pastime. Since the

    invention of the television set, people have been spending more of their

    free time watching television than doing anything else. Many of the

    television addicts feel that this particular pastime is not a bad one;

    indeed, they argue that people can learn a great deal watching television.

    I am sure that if you look long and hard enough, you can probably find

    some programs that are educationally motivating. But, for the most part, I

    say that watching television is a waste of time.

    --Pamela Maron

    4. I used to have limp and unattractive hair until I found th perfect solution, a

    home permanent. A home permanent is very inexpensive in comparison

    to a beauty salon range from $30 to $60. On the other hand, a home

    permanent can be purchased from any supermarket for a little more than

    $2. Besides being inexpensive, home permanents are very easy to give.

    --Judith Catalanotto

    5. When we see a blind person nearing a street corner or a door, many

    times we try to help by opening the door or taking the persons arm and

    guiding him or her across the street, and while we do that, some of us talk

    to the blind person in a loud voice, as if the blind person is not only

    helpless but also deaf. Rushing to help a blind person without asking if

    that person needs help and speaking loudly are just two of the

  • Page | 30

    inappropriate ways people react to blind people. if you want to help a blind

    person whom you perceive as in need of help, you should bear in mind

    the following tips.

    Practice 2

    One page 21 are the characteristics of a good introductory paragraph. Using thse

    characteristics, evaluate the following introductory paragraphs. Does the

    paragraph introduce the topic? Does it indicate how the topic is going to be

    developed? Does it contain a thesis statement? Is it inviting? If one or more of

    these are missing, write the missing element in the space provided. Some of the

    paragraphs may be good introductory paragraphs.

    1. We are all familiar with the image of the fat, jolly person, right?

    Unfortunately this is an inaccurate stereotype. Fat people are not always

    so happy.

    2. It was a muggy day. I tried to find the bus for State University. Walking

    round every corner of Canal Street, I found the bus stop, finally. Here

    came the bus! Getting on the bus, I felt a little tense. Then State

    University came into view. Oh, its a real university, I said to myself. I

    asked myself if my decision was correct, but I couldnt answer my

    question. it took me three months to answer it. My decision was correct. I

    can show you why u decided to come to State University, so you will want

    to come here too. You will find that State University is a good university.

    --Nobutaka Matsuo

    3. I would like to tell you about my hometown, Hlatikulu, Swaziland. It is a

    small town of only 8,000 people. the main industries there are farming and

    working for the government, since it is the capital of the southern region.

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    4. Last year, my cousin, Julio, went to a bank to apply for a job. As you

    know, when you apply for a job, you must be ready to answer a lot of

    ambiguous questions. Some of questions that an interviewer may ask you

    include: educational background, previous job, and salaries you earned.

    The problem with Julio was that he wasnt prepared for the questions. The

    interviewer asked Julio a lot of thing that he couldnt answer. Because

    Julio wasnt prepared for the interview, he didnt get the job. If you do not

    want to be in that situation, you may want to follow these steps.

    --Mauricio Rodriguez

    5. There are many kinds of cashiers in the supermarket. I can classify them

    as efficient, average, and inefficient. I would like to tell you about each

    type of cashier.

    Practice 3

    Evaluating Introductory Paragraph

    Read the thesis statement and the four introductory paragraphs that follow.

    Decide whether or not each paragraph is a good introductory paragraph. If it is,

    check of which kind of introduction it is. If it isnt, check off the reason(s) why it


    Thesis Statement: Heredity plays a more important role in a childs personality

    development than environment does.

    1. A man meets a woman, and they fall in love. Then, they get married, buy

    a house, and settle down. After a while, they decide to have children. The

    woman gets pregnant, and nine months later a baby is born. In this case,

    heredity plays a more important role in a childs personality development

    that environment does.

    a. Is this a good introductory paragraph?

  • Page | 32

    Yes No

    b. If it is good, which kind of introduction is it?

    Anecdote(personal or third person)

    Facts and/or statistic



    c. If it isnt good, check off why.

    Some content not relevant to thesis


    Preview content of the body

    Too short

    Too general

    2. As you will see below, there are lots of studies of twins and of adopted,

    children that indicate that genes are important in a childs development.

    When twins who separated at birth are reunited in adulthood, they find

    many likes and dislike in common. Also, when adopted children are

    reunited with their biological parents, they often find many similar

    personality attributes. I believe that heredity plays a more important role

    in a childs personality development than environment does.

    a. Is this a good introductory paragraph?

    Yes No

    b. If it is good, which kind of introduction is it?

    Anecdote(personal or third person) Historical


  • Page | 33

    Facts and/or statistic

    c. If it isnt good, check off why.

    Some content not relevant to thesis


    Preview content of the body

    Too short

    Too general

    3. I witness a childs birth recently and began thinking about what kind of

    person she would become. Would she be kind or cruel, generally happy

    or chronically depressed, a giver or a taker? I can predict that she will be

    a kind, generally happy giver because thats the way her sister is, despite

    her abusive parents. I also believe that heredity plays a more important

    role in a childs personality development than environment does.

    a. Is this a good introductory paragraph?

    Yes No

    b. If it is good, which kind of introduction is it?

    Anecdote(personal or third person)

    Facts and/or statistic



    c. If it isnt good, check off why.

  • Page | 34

    Some content not relevant to thesis


    Preview content of the body

    Too short

    Too general

    4. Many people think that the environment that a child is raised in is

    important. I think heredity plays a more important role in a childs

    personality development than environment does.

    a. Is this a good introductory paragraph?

    Yes No

    b. If it is good, which kind of introduction is it?

    Anecdote(personal or third person)

    Facts and/or statistic



    c. If it isnt good, check off why.

    Some content not relevant to thesis


    Preview content of the body

    Too short

    Too general

    Practice 4

    The following chart shows the number of Americans who have died in several

    wars. Write an introductory paragraph for the thesis statement using the statistics

  • Page | 35

    from the table. Remember that the thesis statement goes the end of the

    introductory paragraphs.

    Thesis Statement: the three basic causes for the participation of the United

    Stated in wars have been economic, ideological, and defensive.


    (US. Involvement)

    Total Number of

    U.S. Soldier

    Number of

    Combat Deaths

    Percentage of

    Soldier Who Died

    Revolutionary war


    250,000 6,824 2.7 %

    Civil War

    ( 1861-1865)

    2,213,363 140,414 6.3 %

    World War I


    4,743,825 53,513 0.1 %

    World War II


    16,353,659 292,131 1.7 %

    Korean War


    5,764,143 33,629 0.9 %

    Vietnam War


    8,744,000 47,321 0.5 %

    Gulf War (1991) 500,000 149

  • Page | 36

  • Page | 37


    Body paragraph, which range in number on the typical student essay from

    about two to four, are the heart of the essay, for their function is to explain,

    illustrate, discuss, or prove the thesis statement. Keep in mind these point about

    the body paragraphs:

  • Page | 38

    1. Each body paragraph discusses one aspect of the main topic. If, for

    example, you were asked to write a paper about the effects of smoking

    cigarettes on a persons health, then each paragraph would have as its

    topic an effect.

    2. The controlling idea in the body paragraph should echo the central idea in

    the thesis statement. If your thesis statement about the effects of smoking

    cigarettes is Cigarette smoking is a destructive habit, then the controlling

    idea in each paragraph should have something to do with the

    destructiveness of the effects.

    3. The body paragraph should have coherence and unity. The order of your

    paragraphs should not be random. As you have seen in the last three

    chapters, there are various ways to order the sentence in a paragraph;

    similarly, there are various ways to order you paragraphs.

    In Writing II you learned how to come up with a restricted topic sentence from

    your notes. The same technique can be used to arrive at a thesis statement; you

    need simply remember that the thesis statement is more general than a topic

    sentence. After all, each body paragraph does discuss an aspect of the main

    topic expressed in the thesis statement. Once you have decided on your

    paragraphs. These topics are, in essence, supporting points for your paragraphs.

    These topics are, in essence, supporting points for your thesis. Lets us say, for

    example, that you wanted to write about beautiful sights in your countryperhaps

    to persuade people to visit them or simply to inform you reader about your

    country. After you gave taken considerable notes on the topic, you might come

    up with this thesis statement: My Country has some beautiful sights. The main

    topic of the essay is sights in my country and the central idea is beautiful. The

    main topic then needs to be broken down into topics for paragraphsperhaps

    two to four. Logically, the tpocs would be sights, with one sight perhaps

    discussed per pargraph, and the controlling idea for each of these topic should be

    something akin to beautiful, such as charming, lovely, enchanting,

    glorious, wtc. We could illustrate this breakdown as follows for an essay

    beautiful sights in Mexico.

    = + +


    Beach at Progress Aztec Ruin Monument

  • Page | 39

    Just how you break down your thesis into topics depends on your thesis

    statement. There are several priniples for logically breaking down your thesis.

    You can break it into topics according to causes, effects (benefits, advantages,

    disadvantages, results), steps in a process, types (kinds, catergories, classes),

    examples, points of comparison and contrast, and reasons; these are the basic

    principles, and those that we will cover in depth in this text. One way to break

    your thesis down logically into topics is to turn your thesis statement into a

    question, keeping in mind what your topic and central idea are. The answers to

    this question might helo you come up with possible topics fot your developmental

    paragraphs; they can also help you determine a strategy for organizing your

    essay. (These strategies, or patterns of organization, will be discussed in great

    detail in the subsequent chapters.) here are some thesis statements and possible

    breakdowns into topics for the develpomental paragraphs:

    1. Thesis statement: My reasons for coming State University center around

    the service it provedes.

    Question: What are those service?

    Answer: A superior program in my major.

    High quality academic resources.

    Quality student services.

    Recreational activities.

    2. Thesis statement: in order to make a good impression at a job interview,

    you should prepare well for the interview.

    Question: hat are those service?

    Answer: A superior program in my major.

    High quality academic resources.

    Quality student services.

    Recreational activities.

    3. Thesis statement: watchng television is not a waste of time.

  • Page | 40

  • Page | 41



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    The last paragraph of your essay is, of course, the concluding paragraph. This

    paragraph has a very important function in your essay. Since it is the last

    paragraph to be read, you want your reader to leave with a clear

    understanding of what the point of your essay is.

    A concluding paragraph consists of a Summary of the points made in your

    body paragraphs, a restatement of the thesis statement, or a final comment on

    your topic. You may choose one of these ways to end your essay, or you may

    choose two or three. The choice is yours as the writer.

    A concluding paragraph should never introduce new information about the

    topic of the essay. New information should go in another body paragraph, not

    in a concluding paragraph.

    Here are some points about conclusions.

    1. A conclusion can restate the main points (subtopics) discussed. This

    restatement should be brief; after all, you have already discussed them at


    2. A conclusion can restate the thesis. Generally, to avoid sounding

    repetitious, it is good idea to restate the thesis in different words. The

    restatement of the thesis is really a reassertion of its importance or validity.

    3. A conclusion should not, however, bring up a new topic.

  • Page | 43


    One way to end your essay is to summarize the main points in it. Read the

    following essay about homeless people. Notice the concluding paragraph.

    Model paragraph 1 -----------------------------------------------------------

    Feeling SecureEven without a Home

    When you walk downtown in almost any large American city, you see many

    homeless people. They sit on the streets with their shopping carts full of their

    meager belongings and often ask for money. Do they make you nervous? Do

    they even scare you? The truth is that most homeless people do not want to

    be homeless, and they are afraid of the same things that you are. Homeless

    people, like everyone else, need basically three things to feel safe in their


    First, and most importantly, homeless people need to feel physical safety.

    For you and me, this feeling comes when we enter our apartment or house

    and lock the door behind us. For a homeless person, this feeling is a luxury.

    They may go to a shelter at nights but sometimes the people in the shelter can

    be dangerous, especially if they are mentally ill. Then, in the morning, they are

    kicked out of the shelter and forced to roam the streets. For these reasons, a

    lot of homeless people claim a certain bench or street corner as their own.

    They are trying to feel physically secure.

    Second, homeless people need to have a dependable source of food. This

    is such a basic need that most of us dont even think about it, but for a

    homeless person, finding food can be a full-time job. There are places to go

    for meals that are usually run by local governments or churches, but there isnt

    enough food for everyone to have three nutritionally balanced meals a day.

    Getting one meal a day is considered good for a homeless person. Other food

    comes from scrounging through garbage or begging on the street. Its difficult

    to feel secure in your environment when you dont know where your next meal

    is coming from.

  • Page | 44

    Finally, to feel safe, you need to know that if you get sick or injure yourself,

    you can get the medical treatment you need. In the United States, this is

    becoming increasingly difficult even for people who do have places to live but

    dont have a lot of money. Its almost impossible for a homeless person. Its

    true that homeless people can usually go to an emergency room in a hospital

    if they are gravely sick or injured, but some hospitals these days are turning

    away anyone who doesnt have health insurance. If the sickness or injury is

    not severe, there are some clinics for homeless people, but, again, the need

    far exceeds the availability.

    In summary, the need to feel physically safe, the need for a dependable

    food source and the need for medical care when necessary are essential for

    all of us. The constant struggle to obtain these is why homeless people do not

    feel secure in their environment.

    Meager: a little bit A shelter: a place where homeless people can sleep for a night

    To be kicked out of: to be told to leave To roam: to walk around without direction

    To scrounge: to carefully look for something, such as food or supplies Gravely: seriously To exceed: to go beyond

    As you can see, the concluding paragraph in this essay mentions all the main

    ideas brought out in each of the supporting paragraphs of the essay. When

    you write a summary as a concluding paragraph, you must make sure that you

    include all the topics in the body paragraphs.


    An alternative to summary is a restatement of the idea of your thesis

    statement. Here is another concluding paragraph for the essay on homeless


    Model paragraph 1 -----------------------------------------------------------

    In short, all people want to feel safe in their environment, and to do so

    require that you have these things. These are so easy to obtain that most of

  • Page | 45

    us take them for granted. However, if youre homeless, getting the basics

    becomes more difficult and sometimes impossible.

    Final Comment

    Often, a concluding paragraph is most effective when you add a final comment

    a summary or a restatement or both. Look at yet another alternative to the

    original concluding paragraph for the essay on homeless people.

    Model paragraph 2 ----------------------------------------------------------

    In conclusion, the next time you see homeless people, try to look beyond

    young and think about how insecure they must feel in their environment. They

    may not know where they can go that night to feel safe or what their next meal

    will be worried about getting sick, or they may already be sick and have no

    place to go. For them, life in this world is a day-to-day struggle to survive.


    Thesis statements, their supporting topic sentences, and conclusions follow.

    Study each conclusion to determine if it logically concludes. If the conclusion is

    not appropriate, write not good in the blank and write the reason it is not good in

    the space provided. If the conclusion is appropriate, simply write logical in the


    1. ____________________________

    Thesis Statement: watching television is not a waste of time.

    a. It is a valuable educational tool.

    b. It provides entertainment to cheer us up.

    c. It provides something our family can have in common to discuss.

  • Page | 46

    Critics of television will continue to put down the boob tube. But,

    because of its educational value, and its provision of thins we can discuss

    together, our family is going to continue watching television for a long

    time, and so should others. Indeed, watching television is a good way to

    spend ones time.

    2. ____________________________

    Thesis Statement: Communicating in a foreign language can create some

    embarrassing misunderstandings.

    a. Mispronouncing words can lead to real embarrassment.

    b. Misunderstanding what someone says to you can create amusing


    c. Misusing vocabulary words really make you blush.

    Everyone who speaks a foreign language is bound to have

    misunderstandings from time to time. What you need to do is go to the

    laboratory as often as you can to improve your language skills. The

    people there are very nice and they will help you with your grammar and


    3. ____________________________

    Thesis Statement: Television commercials are entertaining.

    a. The Coca-Cola commercial is a good example of an entertaining


    b. The Chevrolet commercial is as good as any situation comedy.

    c. The Fritos commercial is particularly amusing.

    If you do not have a television, you are certainly missing out on the

    fun of commercials. There are also a lot of entertaining programs to see.

    In addition, the news programs can keep you informed about the world.

    indeed, everyone should have a television set.

  • Page | 47

    4. ____________________________

    Thesis Statement: My reasons for coming to State University center

    around the services it provides.

    a. State University offers a superior program in my major.

    b. In addition, the university has high quality academic resources.

    c. State also offers quality student services.

    d. The recreational activities make State even better.

    The challenge of a diversified and excellent program, the academic

    resources, the student services, the recreational activities, and the low

    tuition are the reasons I decided to come to State University. I really think

    I made a wise decision. If you are looking for a quality education at a

    reasonable price, then consider State as the place to enroll.

    5. ____________________________

    Thesis Statement: In order to make a good impression at a job interview,

    you should prepare well for the interview.

    a. The first thing you should do is plan your answers to the possible

    questions the interviewer might ask.

    b. Then you should carefully plan and prepare what you are going to


    c. Finally you should make sure that you arrive on time.

    As you can see, it is necessary to be well prepared for the job

    interview. Having the answer ready, being properly dressed, and being on

    time can help to make a good impression on the interviewer. If you follow

    these steps, you will find yourself sitting behind the desk at that coveted

    job in no time at all.

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