Page 1: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon


BSCI Audit Summary Report


DBID : 25327

DATE OF THE AUDIT : 12/06/2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any ,means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the FTA’s consent.

This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding One.

Page 2: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon

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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 2/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Improvements Needed Non-Compliant Under “Grace Period”

Minor deviations are identified in no morethan 2 questions per chapter; thesequestions are not marked as crucial.

Deviations are identified in less than half of the totalnumber of questions per chapter. No deviations arefound in questions marked as crucial.

Deviations are identified in half or more of the total number ofquestions per chapter. One deviation in a question marked ascrucial is sufficient to assess the entire chapter as non-compliant.

Not Available

Page 3: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon



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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 3/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Improvements Needed Non-Compliant Under “Grace Period”

Minor deviations are identified in no morethan 2 questions per chapter; thesequestions are not marked as crucial.

Deviations are identified in less than half of the totalnumber of questions per chapter. No deviations arefound in questions marked as crucial.

Deviations are identified in half or more of the total number ofquestions per chapter. One deviation in a question marked ascrucial is sufficient to assess the entire chapter as non-compliant.

Not Available

Page 4: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon


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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 4/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Non-compliant Deviations are identified in half or more of the total number of questions per chapter. One deviation in a question marked as crucial is sufficient to assess the entire chapter as non-compliant.

Under “Grace Period” Not Available

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 5: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon










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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 5/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Page 6: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon















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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 6/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Page 7: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon




Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 7/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Page 8: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon




Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 8/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Non-compliant Deviations are identified in half or more of the total number of questions per chapter. One deviation in a question marked as crucial is sufficient to assess the entire chapter as non-compliant.

Under “Grace Period” Not Available

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 9: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon












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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 9/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 10: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon




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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 10/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 11: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon

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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 11/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 12: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon

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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 12/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 13: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon




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Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 13/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 14: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon




Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 14/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

Score Interpretation

Good Minor deviations are identified in no more than 2 questions per chapter; these questions are not marked as crucial.

Improvements Needed Deviations are identified in less than half of the total number of questions per chapter. No deviations are found in questions marked as crucial.

Non-compliant Deviations are identified in half or more of the total number of questions per chapter. One deviation in a question marked as crucial is sufficient to assess the entire chapter as non-compliant.

Under “Grace Period” Not Available

Not Applicable Requirements do not match to the company structure

Not Rated Only applicable for re audits; if a question was rated “+” in the previous full audit or re-audit the auditor will mark the question NR

Page 15: BSCI Audit Summary Report - Teks-Pro · &uhdwhg zlwk (2 3gi iru 1(7 wuldo yhuvlrq kwws zzz hvvhqwldoremhfwv frp bsci audit summary report name of the producer : teks pro promosyon




Name of the producer : TEKS PRO PROMOSYON TEKSTIL ÜRÜN.SAN VE TIC.LTD.STIDBID : 25327 and Audit Id : 18067 Audit Date : 12/06/2014Audit Type : Full Audit Audit Methodology : IndustrialTier I

Page 15/15BSCI Audit Summary Report This is an extract of the BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the BSCI Platform.© Foreign Trade Association (FTA), 2013 - The English version is the legally binding one.

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