  • } j ' 1 : f , ' J' 4-


    M -

    oJ-Vr.*̂ -

    r ' S r i » ' Mk»> ■()

    ^il,' WBtttt«wtte.

    W. .MtiBwaiU. Jr., Botr * t Brawn Uni*

    V | l nutw iiUy in Otaiaacti- ittn On Mob-

    w in b» a t Wathara- and Maaebaatar

    “ w lura ba will aiaat _ aad eoarfar w ith of*

    Btara of tbo aaiinnia. ■ iMr. aatf M n. J . Alfred Jobnaoo,

    I t Mab'diranB Rd., bare returnad to- daam a lto rn i aMatb’a atay a t ■biarart, t lM d a .

    -ICInw David Lodge No. SI, lOOF. w m ^naat t o n l ^ a t 7:S0 la Odd

    m u w a m L ' RofraidimaBta WUl bo ja rv ed aftar tba moating.

    •• ■ • mmmmrna- ‘ ’ r ' -

    Pfc. Botnard R. Kowabrid, IS Drive B, la on an extandad cruioa la tha.Sladltottaaon tb a a n a . and wbaa laat beard from waa la Orain. n « M lr Morocco, Africa. Ha would Uka to bear from bla frianda. Hia addraaa la: Vte, Bernard R. Ko* walald. U6SS48 (Baker). B CSo., n r a t Battalion, 8th Marine Rain* forcemeat, e /o f . P. O., Now Tork a i y . ..........; '

    teETeppA B


    I t s MAIN 8T. Ml-SA«8t

    J w to r MBA adnro wlB bavo a t tiSO a^ «

    SiaAiPI^ Ara^hold tba firat

    and 4MM Pridaya m each month.

    bcaaeb of tba MB bold an aH*day meet* aday a t 10:80 a. m. S a w ^

    bo for the Rad Qroaa, and a potbMdi bmcbaoa a t noon will bo in t te r g e of Mra. A lbert muamn, Mra. Porotby Rooanior and H ra . CSara Modgklaa. A t tbO afternoon aioetlag a t 8 o’clock. MoJ. John Pickup of tbo Mancbooter Balva* Uon Arm y Oorpa. who will be guaat m a k e r will taka fo r hia aubjaet ‘T he Qoopel lb A .New Way."

    ra a n urged-;to attend tbo f aad hoar bla. maaoaga

    Loyal O rcla of K in n Daughtara wm mabt Monday a t 7:48 p. m.-4n Uto rodoratloti room of C bnttf Church Houae. A ftar tba buainaaa aaaatori aurglcal draaotaga w ill ba fqldod.. Hootoaaaa a t 'tb a aodal win be lAra R

  • •.■'if. I , *

    ■> : ')^- '^4'- H ‘ L •V .̂••, ' ̂ . :a \ J / ■ '

    M A N C H E S T E R E V E lilH O ,

    '(! L/ '’ "./

    ^ il l Address Victory Dinner

    vtu« Hiflt'a TaUowJackeui U«t mctit trtnuDWI rwmlnftoQ on Uw bukotboU court, »7 to 4». The triumph avenged a< prevtoua •utfeield In Farmington., Jtocord (oc Utotecala now atanda

    Dave Payne tossed in IT pointa to lead the attack.

    BOCKVnXB* ht the Legion Home Feb. M' di^fraphn of the ». dinner and entertainment.

    ItStg qommlttee wlU Which WIU be open to both r filqsvhl a p a ^ r at the. men and women. .•

    ■ apmaored by the! _ t ^ W n g on the committee willDemocratic Town Com- i be Robert Moyer. Alderman Ed-«H^t at the Italian So- i .i!*^**’ 5 ^ * i ^ , * * * • ‘*•’M bilpslc St, starting I ®*?*“ '̂ ** .?**•• HewittVU SHUtWV f f^ rrv A# ttfa-.

    nuttm----------- Larry Oneto of the Winchester

    Uso present and speaking will j be^prewnt to »howbe Mayor John D em iS ey^ Put-1 *m. ^hA im hMn̂ n^HniMfi mm I « .modern hand and ahoul-

    d^r weapone. TicktU may be> who is being mentiMod as • Fondble Democratic candidate fog the nomination of Cor



    the nomination of Congreas- tJrbm the Second OongrAlon-

    at ̂ strict which inctudbs Eastern GbnnacUcut^ Judge Robert J. Pigeon will be

    for the dinner which be followed by dancing, atart-

    t At t;80 p. m.

    I’s Pariah hiisoalled to a special Fariah

    etlng Thursday evening at 8.__ Rkr.bfn vIVs' IshUM'ThunuUgwaalng by the vestry, which

    i jpanimously voted to present to ^fhe members of the congregation a proposal involving a forward-

    dng program tor the next-few

    k rrf the veetvy the possible project, in

    consultation with the rector, the Pav. Maurice Foulkea and a coun- sjelloiy James Albany of New Tork

    view of the burning of the recently for repairs and

    Bprevements mads' during the three years, it was felt that is a good tbne to consider

    prospects.Mmd Oeatrol Talk Set

    An official on Industrial Sound Inc. one of the city's new

    #m iw n es located in the former I American Min, will be the apeuiker * f t the meeting of the East School

    nter drive of a roaU. Lsgioa.Past wlll .be held

    aUrttog at «:80 a. m. lf ’ waather is had the drive win pobtpdned imtil -the following '* Residents are asked to

    leir scrap paper, magasines cardboard on the porch or curb

    ’herb they may be seen plainly by ' ‘ truOks which wiU canvass the

    . The proceeds of the drive wlU oward their many welfare ac- ties.

    I . The lAgion Skeet Club is mak- •^Bg plans for a spoHs night to be

    ■ t = Z —

    iVt I

    I" .4; 3L.ta«.



    l i* T

    U t

    t ‘i*.’ 11 I '

    ■SLm ifcW iTnn^ jW f .OTO OlANT SCREEN

    Jabs Wayaa

    " H O N D O '*Waraer ealar

    Jaaesfe PaHaa Sma Paiara

    " A B )M PrintFor Murder"


    A i w ■

    "E S C A P E « b l 4 ^

    F O iT I f t A Y O ""la Calar — arlia


    ttewa laaSar S:M.C:M-ie:W aiM


    " J A C K S L A D E " ^■wrier I r. mi > i:tss;ie

    secured from any member of the committee or from the steward at the.Legion Home.

    Charbh ActtvltleoMembers of the Ftrat Congrega-

    tional Church at Vernon are attending the dedication of the New OongregaUonel «ouee in Hartford today and wUi also be present at

    ,?P«n house tomorrow 8 p.m.

    The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at t&C"hllbtotl^"'aei^ce ''at ' iO:45 at the Vernon Congregational Church with the subject of the meditation "Through Jews Christ Our Lord. Amsn.” Ths Youth choir will sing at this servic8.

    The Pilgrim Fellowabip niMta at 7- jn the rimreh'parlors. This wttt be Parents Night and all parents of the group are luged to attend. T t̂ere will be a question and answer period with eadt group questioning each other.

    There adU be a Youth Sunday service at the TalcottvUle Congregational Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Ronald Keat and Nancy Cel houn will lead In worship. Priscilla ‘Welles and Evelyn Redfleld will speak.

    The Junior Choir will sing and members of tbs Youth Fellowships will usher.

    The 83' f(^r-dlx group meets in ths Church Pai|ors at 3 tomorrow with ths Pilgrim Fellowship meeting In the Socisl Rooms at 8:30 p.m.

    The communion meditation theme at the l l a.m. Service at the Baptist Church will be "Churches for Nsw Froiitien.”

    Sunday , services at the Community Methodist Church at Crystal Lake tomorrow 'will bo at 9 v sermon bad communiobfollowed by Sunday School at 10.

    Tb* Women's Guild Circles, four and five, are conducting a rum- maga sals today at the- Union Church Social Rooms with Mra Marshall Stanhope and Mrs. Marshall Kidney, co-dudrmaa

    "Become Skilled in Your WorW is the subject for. the Jehovah's witnesses service meeUng tonight at 7:30. At the Theocrnlc Ministry School at 8:80 there wiU be a study of the"Nsw World > Translation of the Hebrew S^pturea.

    A public lecture,will be given tomorrow afternoon at 3 by a representative of the Watchtower society. B. Norria on the subject. "Wm Christ Come Again.?" At 4:15 there will be a study of the Jan; 1, Watchtower, subjMt. "They Shqtr Talk of the Glory of Jehovah's Kingdom."

    Cooriag RveateThe Itailen Ladies Social Club

    will meet Sunday at 3:30 p. m. at toe riubhottse on Sntpstc street, a pot luck supper and Valentine soclel to follow the business meeting. .

    A food u le will be held tomor- row in the school, baseatwnt. between Masses, sponsored by the Children ef Mary of St. Joseph's Church.

    New ArrivalsA daughter was born to Mr. and

    Mrs. Bernard Carroll of 30 Main St. Vernon, at the St. Francis Hospital Thursday,

    A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs! Victor Norton of 82 Foxhill Dr., at the Hartford Hospital Wednesday.

    Hoopaters Top Farmlagton Hitting on all clylnders, RMk-



    LAST DAT------------------------------------

    Sadie HHHBpaoa" plus "El Alameia"


    * u

    s H * n m i M i K E R E o i s i lk t R n i n i i iM e m w i i

    M .O.M 's B IO O IST M USICAL SN O W i

    ^ S l n i ^ NoMMmee Pllmed in Plbrl^'s ^ Cypfoee Oordens WewdsHond ̂f . - . foriovarst f ,

    J ■^ l O R

    I ‘4

    * I*'- B F PtH any,.f....... ............. . 0 0 0StOiger ..... ............ . 4 3 10CKlhoim ........................ 0 0 0Payne ............... .......... 7 8 17Kupfera'mdt ............... 0 0 0Narkog c .......... . 4 2 10Moser ............. 3 1 7Burke, g ............. . 0 1 1Hamilton ........ 0 0 0Pller .......... ................. 1 1 3OelPonte , ...................... 2 5 9

    TbUls , 21 15 57FARMINGTON

    Cameron, g ___ .- 1 b 3Shearer . . . _____________ 7 • 20Oatrout e ...................... 1 1 3Fink ............................ 1 - 0 2Harris .......... . J.. 1 7 9Halnon ..................... 0 0 0Satfnlck ........ . X 9 13

    Totals 13 23 49

    I.'’ ' rHERALD, M ANCH^TER, CONN., SATURDiiy^ FEBRUARY 6, 1964

    CoventiyL a w d A u c t i o n S e t , t o P a y

    D e l i n q u e n t T r a c e s o f T o w n

    Coventry, Feb. 8— (Sppclall-x^ia'ck of,-time to properly execute At leiuit 14 parcelB of land win boi duties of this Office. At the put up at public suction March 37 mtotlng Wednesday th#re will to pay delinquent taxes the i *** “ **town, ^ e sale 'ht noon in the; (Url lleepetote Wlaoffice of the Town Clerk will be The Robertson School gtrle’ bas- conducted by Mrs. Mabel O. HllL ' *««"» defeated the Hall Me-tax collector. mqrial School girls of South WU-

    Sufficient esutes partially listed' 'Vednesday afternoon by a^ . j is BCOFD or 03

    J '-

    ^ below will be sold to meet taxes I hi

    to 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ftodsrtck Wolfs; Dea 3 wUl msst same time from '« to 8 at tho home of Mra Harold Hllla

    -Xha. .OreaA-OMbot-- Attxltfary of the American Lejrion will meet Montey at 8 p.m. in the American Legion Home on Wall Street.

    The South Coventry Volunteer Fireman's Aesn. will meet Monday at 8 p.m. In their Flrehousa

    The North Coventry Volunteer Firemen meet In Uielr Fire- house Mqhd^ »t 8 psn.

    Maaebeetey Evealag Rerah) Cov- itey eerresi ~

    U little, telei

    J\ l . r j



    \.Ym ' J. .J ; ' ' - fr

    e a ^ eorreepeiiMt. Mra ctwrlee p liW n ig r im 3-8U1.

    to 4» here. South WU-'with the interest fees and chMgto H*toy*fy

    Jdlh SO.' Benjamin, 17 and Cone,

    Localallowed by law.

    The list follows: property ofDavid M. and Softs oT Eng. of t . DorothyBox tSS. Hartford, l i s t e d ^ lot■ f? T **^ _*^A jm etto lJ eb in an ,

    Score at half tlme..YS;it,"Ri6CR-‘

    Taleottvtllo Hbbib aea aow kaa»- died tkreugk tho Meacheeter Kvo- aiag Herald Bockvtile bareaa located at Oae Btarhet SO, telephoae ReekvUle 8-8188.

    Econcmijr Repcirts Bring Challejnges(Osatlaaed Faffs Oae)

    users of ths fsderalmalls If postal rata l ĵksa amounting to nearly a quarter billion doUaia a year go on the. Stotute hooka The House Post Office Committee voted the Increaaca There was much Republican grumbling over this administration-backed measura however, and free predIcUons It would face tough studding In ths ho*«e thU election year.

    OCXl—A 1881,738,703 shot la the arm for the" Commodity Credit Corporauon (OOC), operator of the farm pries aupport program, emerged from a SeMte-House con- feranca commlttoe after a hassle over how much the OCC realty needed. The House figure of 743 million dollars had been chopped to 348 miUion ̂ the Senate,.,.

    Swirling Word Battle. BRICKEB—the swirling word batUs over a proposed constitutional amendment on treaty powers left the week in the same cloud of uncertainty It entered. Four conlUcting blocs loomed in the Senate:'Those favoring a substitute ottered by Sen. George (D- Gp), followers of administration- sponsored revisions , pushed by majority leader Knowland of California, 18 to 30 Senators who wanted no constitutional amendment at aU, and backers of Sen. Bricker (R-Ohio). original author of tho amendment plan.

    BBEHON —. Albert C, Bcesoa Eisenhoiver choice for the NaUonal Labor Relations Board (NLRB), made two return trips to a Senate Labor C^ommlttee which had already voted along party lines. 7-8 for hta confirmation. Democrats

    charged ha stfllhcW rice wKh his fqrine.r .̂^*inplQyer which might make him biased against labor, rartlcularly a pension fund to which his employer had contributed. Beeson offered to sever this connection enUrely. RepubU- cans predictsd tost would givs thsm enough votes to beat down expected oppdeiUon oa the Senate floor.

    MBAWAY->-A Senate-paased bill for U. 8. participation In a St. Lawrence Stoway marched cloaer to law when it passed through ths Houss Public Works Committee, 33 to 8..

    ■ STATEHOOD — A measure to make Alaska a sUtc joined a Hawaii Statehood bill on the Senate calender by an Interior Committee voU of 14 to 1.

    Malm Confession Runs into Sm

    U A la n d ^ in Section L Waterfront Manor, unpaid taxes on lists of Oct 1 , 1949 to 1982, inclusive,emount to 132J2..____

    Property of Bertha D. Varney of 80 Summer 81., Hertford, lUted as Jots seven and eight In Sec- Uon T of Waterfront Manor, un-

    Oct 1. 1948 ‘ncluHve, amount to

    S38.70.** Btoieiia It OtvMiOn

    of 81 Nashua St, Hartford, listed ss lots seven jmd eight in block 4, plot one in Tri-State Camps overlooking Lake Mansfield, uni^d twee on Uats of Oct 1 , 1981 to 1982, Inclusive, amount to $4.85.

    Property of James B. Duffy, «.HaveihlU. Mess.. lUted as

    *** Section L in Waterfront Heights, unpaid t«4t t on ^ of Oct 1 . 1949 to 1982. in- elusive, amount to 833.24.

    ^ p e r ty of Saverio J. ond John J. Laterra of North FrankUn. Uat-

    ST in SecUon 31 in the Waterfront Helghta unpaid ^ e e on lists of Oct 1, 1949 to 1982, inclusive, amount to 31760 ^ property is subject to caveati ftled by the Waterfront Heights -Awt to the amount of 328.80.

    ^ I*- Ca®tua Arts., liet-Section 13, in WaUr-

    front He^hta unpaid taxes on of O e f 1 . 1949 to 1953, In-

    clusiva amotmt to 316.08. Thiscaveats

    ^ ^ Wstepfroirt MeirtiUA m , to the amount of 326.50 t Lester T. Moore of78 Union St, Rockville. Hated as

    certain parcel of land bounded the south, by the tou-n high

    l y . on the west by land of Oeprge Wlllisms, on the east by land now or formerly of Reichard and now or formerly of Grace M. Long. In pert by each, and on . the south by other ^snd of Amelia C.

    of Oct **“ *̂'***'̂ *’ iuflount

    Property formerly owned by Florence Chspdelalne of 32 Parfc-

    end nowowned b y ^ je m ln Ehrlich of Wickham Rd.. Glastonbury, listed

    parcel of land .with all buUdings .thereon locetscf ad-

    or formerly of A lison Dlmock and Boston and Providence TuntpUce Road irito exroptlons. -totpaid t a x e s ^ UaU of Oct 1, 1946 to 1982, Inchi-slvjt amount, to, 3138.38, _______A

    of John D. DeMartino « Pitkin St, East HarWord.

    listed ha 1 ^ 228 and 239 of Ac- fors Colony Eatales, untold taxes*?Jl!** J- to 1952. inclusive, amount to 324A8

    Property of Frank Derick of ®*?t Hartford, listed as lot one. Oak Grove, unpaid taxes on Uats of Oct. 1 , 1949 to 1932, inclusive, amount to 330.6(1. “

    Property of Norwln D. and Bar- ®f 32 Parker St.

    Glastonbury, listed- as being lo.- cated adjacent to land now or for- nierly of Viola M. WUUams. on the South by the Old State Road on the west by land now or formerly of Addison Dlmock: unpaid taxes on IISU of Oct 1„ 1949 to 195" to- elusive, amount to 310.14.

    Property of Joseph LaU of North Main Street, Warehouse Point, listed as lotg 25, 26, 27 In ths Oak Grove Addition; u^aid taxes on Uats of Oct. l, 1949 to 1932, Inclusive, amount to 172.60. ^Property of Minnie B. Jerolman

    of 24 l^urch St., Hamden; listed te lot elg ît In Block 33. plot four In the *rri State Camps development overloqking Lake Mansfield; unpaid taxes on lists of Oct. 1,1949

    i"clu«‘ve. amount to318.80.

    Ladies VaR Pfau Hale The Lediea Aseoclatipn wUl have

    a home, ma^-doughnut and country store sale Wednesdey from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the vestry of the First Congregetlonsl Church. ,

    ̂ Beaths Beaigai-n'A:Ftota.^-- Mr. and Mra Albert J. Booth

    have resigned as vice presidents of the Parent'TSMKhers Asen: ttud to

    16, Gloria Busetere. 7, Roberto Vance, 8. AnIU Dlette. 3 and Nancy Bissell and BUsabeth Sehwager, l sach.

    Tto local boys defeated the Ashford Elementary School boys ^ r e this week by a score, of 87 to

    WDUam H. AneetreagH. Arn«tro|ig,.. 9). 9

    nrtdcnt 6t this town since 1883, died yesterday in a convalaacent home in Manchester. He leaves one sister. Mrs. Elisabeth White. The funeral wUl be held tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at the First Oongre- gaUonal Church, with the Rev 'toumaa O. Ireland officiating. Burial wUl be In Nathan Hale OeraeUry. Funeral arrangemente are in charge of Watkins Funeral Home. 142 East Center St, Manchester.

    OoeelBg KvealaThe UtUe Chefs 4-H Oiib wlU

    meet from 10 a m. to noon Monday at the home of Mra Robert Graup- ner. leader. '

    The UtUe Nippers 4-H Sewing Club will meet Monday from 8:30 to 8:80 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mans Hansen, leader.

    Boy ScouU of Troop 85 will meet ^ n d e y at 8:30 p. m. In the Church Oommonity House, when a birthday dinher will be served in observance of Boy Scout Week. Dens 3 and 8 of Pack 88 Cub Scouts and Den 2 of Pack 57 Cub Scouts with Den Mothers have been Invited-

    Cub Scouts of Pack 57 Den 1 WlU meet Mondaj' from T to 8 p.m. at the home of Mra Robert Oeyerden; Den 4 wiU meet from 8

    Dasw-WlleA HallTolland. TpriipUH

    Medeni aad Old Faakloaffiorilag

    Every' Saturday Nlghti 8ri8 to 13t88 P. NL

    ' « B U i S I D [ € 'WllUaw BaMM BIraMr Parker"Escape From Fort Brave"


    'Marl* Okaroe"Diak TaM

    "Affair la Meats Carle"

    Taek. . ' ___ !iJt-S!U

    8aa.,' 'Olaf SaUaiaa'a Miaaa" —"G*a Ball"

    Italiaii-Americans Plan Sixth Banquet

    Plana-for the 8th annual In- ■taUation banquet the Men- toeeter ItaUu-American Society are well underway. Artigo Al- mettl, cimnUUee chalrpian. Said. tSs dinnsr will be held Sunday,

    JI, at the Itallan-American au , caterer

    Arnold Pagan! wlU serve a steak dinner at 1- p. m.

    Officers to be seated are Arturo Gremmo. preaideat; John Andlato, tot president; Dante Paganl, 2nd vice president; John Oaraventa, fo rd in g eecreUry; Anthony De- Malo ̂ finanetat seersury; Vinieent BoreUo, corresponding aeeretary, ■nd Pster Urbanetti, treasure^

    Six yeera ago. tho Manchos Italian-Amcrican Club and tl- Garibaldi Society merged into th present Italian-American Society. A growing organisation, tho sods- ty now has a membership drtvs underway, headed by James Trl vlgno. Ah males of Italian parentage of married to an Italian are eligible to join.

    The banquet committee wUl hold a meeting this coming Wednesday at the clubhousa

    CIRCLE. NOW thni SUNe

    T N K I N D I A N A T T A C KO N r o n r a t N i n s o n i

    N e b r a s k a n

    ' OF BKATNI.

    masWHUI » m tW

    A R E Y O U F L A N N IN G W E D D IN G • lA N p U E T S C H O O L D A N C E # S H O W

    IF S O C A U THE

    • D IN N E R# F O R M A L


    34 LOCUST St/ - XeL.3n4m889,

    O R C H E S T R A


    A D E L E D A Y E

    ■ i s n i a w i m M B .IJMNSIIN'iinllURTMINCnAK

    H M i Pssl HisiriU "lUN IN HIBIN8’

    The Norv.-egians use about twice as much erectricity' per capita as do the people of tne United Statea

    — PAHSOMS-1687 Mala SL-^nrtferd. Ceaa.

    FEB. 1MM3, “« i, BOX OFFICE OPEN!—- Prior To Broadway —

    w nwiB aB» Bee a e»Hi


    maruTriva.eKHwUnBI BBSn

    Eve. 84,38, n - f . 8IB8 »s,W, WA8, 93.48 8148, 8L38

    C H "S .S 4 3 4


    Rffutff « uM l 44 — RMtmi. C m r l

    t h e M C A U N O S

    _ JAMES SB.. JOHN tim JAMBS. JB.

    C L O S E D M O N D A Y S


    $1.75-32J0beUdoos roaeta eteelto

    and traeh sto feoA Spewl hwoheeBB aad dla- M n awtod ffaOy.


    It*8 our pl88sdre to. add to you r pleasure w ith fin e food end attenU ve aervice, B r in r in the whole fa m ily aom . W e ’ ve menu deliffhta fo r tota aa weD aa th e ir parenta.

    Route 6 and 44-A, Bolton Tel. MI-9-8023o


    TINY QUINN ami HIS ORBNESTM-FBATUMNGr.................... .

    DON HOOTON Csmedy Master ef Cerenenlea MARGO LYNN Bxotte DaaeerE X C E L L E N T FOOD— A L L L E G A L B E V E R A G E S

    O P E N S U N D A Y S , N O O N TO N IN E


    Ividao Everyday—All Rights Reaervtd-rH. T. Dickinson A Co., Ine.l

    H E A L T H D A R rS DAIRY, Inc. Mx-a-aeaaChaBBel • (tMaimir 4) Mew Be«ee._Ckauel M New BrIUle. OeU.Ckeaeel U ~ ‘Ckaeael WCkeaeel U Bebreke,Ckeaeel W Weletkenr, Ceaa. CkeaeelSlSerlBSfleH. Maee.

    *tee ( I) TBBABVBy men in action


    .. .(4(1 waaTOBN. soAviuM-aa - . ^ rOTCOBN PLAVBOl'SE ■' l(:W < S> TV FLAyBOVSK

    Drama .—-


    _ Sixth lafaatrr Dlrl-(e l) 'lr i& ■'

    *|U (41 > INnCSTBY ON FABADE 4:le ( SI yoil A8SED FOB IT—Art


    .= « JSi!7:4* t 4) TBI8 M VOl'B LIFE — .. . Ralph Edward*, hoet

    , «M> BANbE BIOKB '' (W>. FILM

    (U> .MEET BIMJE --- - ■. „ (41) MB. WIXABD .TiW ( 4) MAN BEHIND THE BADGE

    (44) BMT THE rocB nsM F^irHoiSE

    —Drama(41) nH Eb AND AI.BEBT

    81tuatl>m comedy of a typi- . cal American couple.

    •rew’e DajrtlHe BlehH. at,11:44 ( 4) aVFEB CTBCCg 4sM ( 4) SomShuME 4iJ4 (U) MAN o r THE WEEK

    Bl'NDAY, FEN. 7 '4:44 ( S> HALL OF FAME

    ;The Handi o( Clara Behu- mRnn(MSil OMMIHL.-*

    - ^ '5. End and The Br-rinnins—Ah* Unroln !*• J?nn Jay—eki expert

    (M) FiVm''*'*"". _ (41) MATI.VBE TBEATBE 4;44 < 4) 0«WK ' a, ̂BABWET-Ltf*'

    (ij* NEWa“; 7^T5’̂ B « “ ' '(41) aoLtvirooD B E U

    • '“ r i j s i ' a j f f i . * ' ' " ' ••

    Th4 Fallot St«il4C A M E R A S H O P

    fboto SuppUea Portrait aad Commercial Photography

    70 B. Ceater St. Ml-8-8808'

    4:W ( 4-U) YOV_ The C____


    -Tl^e Ord-il or Tom Paine"

    iiliSJUiil* -*k v e l hmow, ---- ------- MAHONEY7:H ( 4-41) WINCHELL SHOW

    " V " IS FO R V A L U E S

    • . . Preoeat day valoee are higher tl)aa a toW yeaww-er •yea a few montha ago. Have ytH cheeked year innofanoe to •Met present eenditione? Caa .we help yea? —

    "HSMetly, It's the Rest PoUey"

    C k s ^ IsM itM Cff A9ffRMy179 P ist Center *Streeti

    Phem MI-9-7885 ............... .

    HOCB Ted

    sasis ’X'f pwkADB«>4S ( 4) SnEE JONES SHOWThe crasieet chow la (he world ■

    ' ” ***> '* * e * ia DLKA80N1BOW (41) FILM — — wwuw.(41) WREBEI BAYMOND -Ray Boleer

    liW t •> AMATBl’BMack, hoet

    (U) FILM . ^ .’ ■■*= JAUIB UTOBV4:44 7 041) YOUB SHOW OF SHOWS

    -Sid caeear A ImoseneCoca(IOS47 TWO FOB THE MONEY-

    Herb Shrlnertu t ■■.TCBOAV NIOBT FIGHTS

    ̂ Wll®oH"MAuricp HxrDPr$m iM) jw rAvowirB rnmlSSo.(44) FBONT pa g e DETECnVB

    ~BidlDUIM| Lows• itt (M> FILM


    i 4 : m {1 O T o r . h it fab ad e — Mttalcal dramatixaUoB at the um tunee ot the week

    (14) INTO T he nig ht (M) WMEimjNO (U) MlaHTCAr EDITION '

    14:44 (41) FBBVVES 11:44 ( 4) WBE8TUNO

    - (W> TMB LATE SHOW "Sironthold"

    (41) ELEVENTH BOl'B MOVIE U:44 < 4) MIDNIGHT T H E A T E B1(14 ( 4) 1^^^ j

    (44) W re WITH FATHEB —1*4) r u S *"***‘ ‘^ '''" *(SI) LWesME ̂ H THE FAdF-

    , „ , . . 1C. The Wer at Sea"7:14 ( 041) jack BENNY SHOW,

    (41) TV TEEN CICB • A. , . ' JP4UI Whiteman 4:44 < S> TOAST OF THE TOWN—

    Oueele Vice Free. .Nixon - Henry Ford. 3nd.. Dorothy

    Ruth Draper.. Yehudi Menuhin, ■ Or eon

    Bean, John Murray Ander-Min.(U) THE MASK1^®^*'** SECOND-Jan

    14:44 ( 4> WlLMri MY UBE-Jelui Daly('SI 5S »s“( « ) NIOBTCAP NEWS (41) DBEW FEABSON

    }•:*• («»» PBEVUf*I f ' l f *•!* ■C »*nT BBEGBLOB 11:44 ( 4) SCNDAY NEWS SPBCIAL

    (41) FINAL EDITION "* ^ * ^ * ' (14) THE LATE SHOW—

    .. .A ... ''Dock* of New Orleane"11:14 (41) TV TBBATBB11:14 ( 4) FtJUmiDE T B E A T B E —

    Sffl i 11

    ' f r

    youths to Condnet S u n d a y S e r v i c e - ^ ,

    • Community Baptist. Sunday w orto i^m orrim morn-Week^at°ti!r r̂ H” Youthi.‘’ *.Oo™«»unUy Baptlnt ^urch , Eaat Center St, Thesei^ca conduct the

    J*** " “ Muter of the

    will preach on. the topic: "What A.r# You Worth?"

    ■ Interne, will alM ad-• “ ■‘" g the

    ;u tY,®*'̂ *’ Church."

    : M. Ed-

    ' ConnecticutBaptist Convention, outlined a pro-

    o f youth evangellem. WMnendny evening a Youth Ban-

    " 'M the prelude to aa evening- ^ri^Ite *" homea.on oDhiilf o f CJhriat by the young peo*

    ple» on other youi\g friendn.- Tha rtkHori w err trained by

    Minn DoWner, who uned a film •trip in her tcachjng and Innplring.

    were„.m,ad« the young people returned to the church to tell of their ^xperiencen and join in a cloeing worship nerv- Ice led by Mian Downer.

    On Saturday morning, the youth officers of the Baptist Church met with Pastor Neubert and. Miss

    ■ Downer'to plan the progrsimi of fellowship for the next feW months. They also worked out last minute details for the party this

    ̂evening at 7:30 at the church. Tomorrow evening, the young

    people will go as a group to join with other Manchester youths in a United ChrisUaii Youth meeting at Second O>ngregatloiuil l^urch.

    On Monday at 7 p. m.. Miss Downer will give her closing address, speaking on the theme: "Hot or Cold?" She will conduct a Dedication and Ooiisecratlon Service which will mark the end of Youth Weak ati (tommunlty Baptist Church- ^

    Mias Dowitar, who is a graduate of-Baptist institute- Philadelphia Pa . (a giving her time for a year as a "national DtscipleAhIp Interne" on a subsistence basis to the )routh groups of the churches in the Americsn Baptist Convention, She spends a\week in each church giving the\ groups the benefit of special tratmng she has received In the field Christian tfaintng of yotiiig peopla

    During the week In Man^sato'- she spoke before the meeting of the circles of the women's s^letiea o f the church and will leto the Young People's. Clam on: %imtoymorning. \

    A native o f Pittsburgh, Ps., She hsa beei) in over 30 different churches in the New England area thus far In her program. After this

    . . high honors —r Dorothy Bsn- crofl. T 8 4:4* (U) RiO FAYOFF

    BlshUthls Bim


    JOHN I. OLSONPaifftffr oNil Ducoratur


    H E N R Y S T R E H



    Totals '............

    Decker, g . ( a , , , , , , , . Matt a,, • * - , • • • , , • • 3P̂ OBS 1

    . Yurasev'x e .............. 2Eddy, f 2

    —’ Dtnalsky .......... 1Swreensy

    Totals ............ . . . .1 1 27 (Two More Games Set

    Ellsworth Memorial basketball team- have only two more games to play- 'Dtowtoy the team plays Thomaston in the last home game, and Feb. 18 they play Suffield High in the final on the latter's court Ellsworth has won 10 and iMt 8.

    HoM t Roll ListedThe hon()r roll for Ellsworth

    llem orial High School has be« snAounced by PrinclnM Heaiy AdKmt, ms follows; a«iuor4, spec- Ml koaon — Zd>mUB« MeClatck-

    P is c o u n lI^N C L E A N IN G A N D D Y E IN G W O R K



    F O R P IC K -U r A N D

    D E U V E R Y ^ E R V IC E

    W E G IV E G R E E N S T A M P S

    \ 1 1 1 \ i i o \ . . . i t f t M i S I I h i I l l \ I /* 1 1 # #i rs .


    #/# *# •#> u f f a i t t h t f f u s / n t h i r t h ^ n t a i n i l


    9 :00 A M . UNTIL f :0 0 F .M .


    'f ff if ad |N H If fwi a


    WOORPOR^'TEO Sllllt

    4f 3 4 M A IN STREET — N E A R W A R D S

    Get a|l die facb BEFORE jm i buy!:ol±/..ilMK home eimerts

    LEARN 4. a vital facts aboat homt owatrskiii!LEARN 4 4 4 liow to, avoid eoctly arrarf ia imm bufiaf! LEARN.. 4 moaty-faving short cuts to koais swasrship! LEARN ...bow you oaa owa yoar owa bouio witbait payiag

    aay uioaoy dowa! ^ it owa yaur awa boim far LESS thaa what

    yoB ara aow payiag far roat!

    THE BROSSMANM n m f n E ^ ’

    i|fiOW lETE;vvT h s r f r i s ' M t t h g


    Y o « 9ffTyoM . iiffffil . -IF L U M M N G . H I A lC IN G . W R U N G « i i R X T U aE S

    . . . as w d l 88 AIX,84 Im p i M tcriMa Y o « c « « i fat^j Uia^waz to petieh y e w .flBOW!

    '■**••»•••« •to'* f A e B hoiiie* cUale . . . meet the tu a tm GROSSMAN LOW-C08Y immW . edted tkronglmrt the entire OKtlon m the BE8T,,HaiM Vnhie. Eadersed ky Hwre tkaa 4d8 New ‘Heoalag AnthoritlM . . < recommended by bolldere and ooatractars aad praiaed by tboaroada af lanRRn Ornaamaw Sm for yonroelf that tile Groaanm hiaoM la tha haaaa far ymm, DoQ*t tMa valMMa

    If you earn $42 or more a week, you can own aL O C A L a m u M M r i i ^ l

    MICHAEL 902 MAat smar«

    TH E G iO S S M A N H O M E .H O W e l

    - .A .s.

  • ' f-. • > 't

    ” .-i ‘ '

    . /} V v ' y ■ J ■

    ■ I.



    f - }a c .

    ___ BxmMlUrod M » •

    ,cr. Osoa.. u

    I f ? 10M lUTKS JMvaac*

    h r

    MS1I8S& 07 THa.A«QCIA^D I-IIK88 AaMrtatM Pr*M i* cxclushraljr

    to tin uM U ropubUcatloa of . a 81^tGti«a' crMntd to It. or

    .. ounrwtao cndlUd to tbis popar llUao t^ lodd «a«ra pubUabed bm. " ' rigMa i t rapuMIcatlon of apoctal

    -----htraia ora alaa raaarrad.cUant ct N. & A.................. . X


    praaeatattaeaf. __

    BtnycAti' '^ r

    Saniir Printiwr Coanpanir. to -ao.ilMaadal raapariilWilty. lor.----Ml •non oppaoiinc In ad*

    ̂_4ta and otnar raadinc mattar Manchaatar Kvanlnc Uarald.iX adaartlalnK cloainK boura:

    1 p. m. Friday, y—1 p. m. Motiaar.* —1 p. ta.jrti«aday

    ■1 jx « . M l .-.aduae: 10:10 a. m. aach

    of pii t̂lMUoa aaeapt laturday —>t - ....... . Isfer, get milk; tea or coffee. “But we're trj-ing to discourage toffee drlnk- hig,” anpokesman -yanr rn ex;)?*rn-" tog why the verse was printied on all menus

    * A ll -—St a higher price.”

    Elsewhere around the country folks apparently are more steamed up i over the matter Uian we staid New Englanders. More poetiY coifies .from another Philadelphia hotei where restaurant patrons get a nickel front the management when they don't drink coffee,_____ Gnerta.Becelxe-ffBonua'!.... .

    Guestl are - advised of the “ bonus” by this 4-line jingle attached to the menu:\ “ With the price of coffee uver a'.dollar

    ^It kiolu like everyoue shonld holie^.

    " 8o\for staying away from this high priced brew

    "W'e'rS paoalBg the aavisgs along to you.”

    Merchanta to the Gn^steir (jln- ctonati area report salea of cocoa and tea booming aa a result o f the high coffee prices.

    Tea, Cseoa Calcs Jump An executive fbr a supermarket

    'Sompany reported tea aalca up ao per cent in aome stores. Oocoa has also Jumped in salai. he said*

    The owner of a gipescy. .chain there has noticed that customers have ” really switched to cocoa" Stotts tKS f l f i t o f the monlli. 1ft' finds that hia concern has sold more than 3,100 dosen cans oi tiu. brown stuff in one brand stone" and has unfilled o.-ders for more than 1,000 cans. He blamea high coffee prices.

    ih discussing the situation with s ‘••artford/'.wholesale grocer we

    Asked. hUuuplhlou. oa..tbe.4efieot-of* - a consumer aVrike sgslnat high cofte4 prices.

    People Won’t Do It !"I'd like to see it Iwppen," he

    told us. "But I'm afraid there.are too many people who won't follow sucli a laiidible pattern apd will weaken. 'ITtey U go out and^pay higher prices snu the BrssllUuta \*iil have the laugh on we slUy Norte Americsnoc.”

    In JscksohyUlc, Fla., a used ear dealer bid for\attention and busi- nesa with this advertisement In the Florida 'Tlmcs-UlUon:

    "Coffee has gohp. so high, we

    Some restauusnt men claim they are "Just squee;Ung by" with coi- fee St 10 cents a cup. Guy out West and another down South be-

    , lie vs that even at a nickel a cup there's a profit to be made.

    Depends on how many cups you can brew from a pound of coffee.

    One school- of thought insists there's only 37 to 40 cups of good coffee in a pound. Another school sticks to the weaker solution and regularly brews from 90 to ' l l cups to a pound. So taste have

    great deal to do with ar^a prtcM per'cup.

    In New Orleans and Oulf sections of Louisiana they sett's three types of coffee; "Northern, Regu-iai/and Csjun.'^ ■XY»-totter thick it must be eaten with a spoon. And strong enough to melt ail toe fillings in your back molars.

    May Be A ll a Plot■ To close toe coffee department

    and wait for further congivsslonal action (it may ali be a Communist plot and a method of scaring Sen. Joe McCarthy who comes from dairy country), here's an item from Dallas, Tex.

    A sign shop had the following to offer restaurant owners:

    “ Special today. Cktffee grounde, slightly used. 10 cents a.pound."

    Hebroh.' Ftb. _Sunday torvieea-at the Hebroir and Gilead churchea will be: Hbbron OongregatloBal. 10 ajn. Youth Sunday will be abeerved, aw) the young peobls will aasiet In toe servicea. Youth Sunday .was at flrst supposed to take place last Sunday, but was deferred' for varioiu ressona

    The Gilead aervice win be at 11:15. The pastor, John G. Beck, will occupy bou pulpits.

    There will be a serviM o f Holy Communion at /St Peter’a Eplsco- prt Church, toe Rev. H. R. Keen offlclatlng^ I ■

    Honw Mahers tie MeetThe Hebron Heme Makers'

    Oroup, which Ic under thf euptr* rislon o f toe Tolland County Farm Bureau, will meet Monday eve-

    Mrs. Kurnigth W. Ellis will the leader, and yvilL speak on "Wbat la Cookingta-New- England?” --------r-r " ■

    Birth ABafonoedi.A daughter, Kathleen. Was born

    Feb. 4. to Mr. and Mm. Hugh Laid- pf Gilead, at the Windham

    im m u n ity Memorial Hoapital. Until birth' rettfrna reach the town

    pOSSlBle tFdetermfne Just which new arrival ie Hebron’s first 1»S4 baby. •

    Notes of InterestWord has been received from

    Mrs. Howard C. Champe, wife of the Rev. H. C. Champe of'SheJton. tost She nndens'e;it eurgery in Shelton thia week, and expecta her dUcharge from the hoapital in the near future. She U grestW Im- proved. She it the daughter of Mrs B. G. ta>rd o f Hebron.

    W. Sherwood Griffin has been discharged from the Windham Community Memorial Hospital and is resting at his Hsbroii home. He underwent surgery.

    The Rev. H. C. .Champe of Shelton writes friends here that one' of the two Harvsril students who lost their lives lii an svslsnchc on Mt. Washington, last Monday. PhUlp ^ngprtker. wfcs a near relsUve of his, toe son of his cousin, Dorothy (^ m p e Longnecker. The Ctoanipes visited toe Longneckers last stun-

    Victim’ssister, Polly. Is a student a t Connecticut College for Women, New London.

    The following program schedulea-4:(WHA. ______

    C—Record Revue B—News: HermI* OreusI

    WTIC—Experimental Theater 'WfHT-Met. Opera WDRC—Overseas Rept. WON3-Juk« Box

    IslA—WHAY-Saturilay Msllnea WCCC—Record Revu4 WKNB—New*; llermi* Oretsel WTtC—Experlmenul Thsatsr

    , WTHTt-MoL Opera.WDRC—Science Adv. . WONS-Jbks Box

    t : » -WHAT-Saturdar MatlneaWCCC -Record Revue WKNB—News; What's Old

    . WTIC—Road Show

    WHAY—Saturday Matines WCCC-Record Re WKNB—Newt:

    , WTHT-^Bob Kdda.I WDRC—PhlladelKla Qrchsstrn. % ,

    WO.NS-rDInner Dal*tvHAY—Supper Serenada WTIC—Theater Royal WTHT—Show Time ,WDRt>—Jhbnny Merest )

    : WONS-AI Heifer, Bporto •7:IA-

    WHAY—Supper Serenade .- ! WTIO—Theater Royal : WTHT-Three Sons . . .i WDRC—Johnny Metesr . . -

    WON8-W. Trohan ; *litn -

    WIIAY—Supper Serenada ,WTIC—Bi« n-evlew WTHT—Dinner at Ih* Qraak Rima WDRC—JehnayMsrear t .. WONB-Word of Ufa

    7i4»- . JWHAY—UConn v*. Cnlgala WTIC—Bl« Pr*vl«w WTHT-Dianer at Ih# OrtM Eopta WDRC—Johnny Mercer

    . WQNB-Word ef JJfa . ___**V?HAY—UConn rs. ColFsU .. WTIC—BI»Jtrs*le»*T_4,iiai .s.,»-r— -

    WTHT-DsneIn* Party WDRC—Cunsmok*WONS—Twenty Qusatleita

    ■ ;I»—WMAT-u.C5mm vk. om iaw — " ' WTIC—Blit Preview WTHT—Danclnc Party WDRC—tlunamoks WON^Twtnty QtMiUona

    •;sa-WHAY—UConn V*. Colgala WTIC—Bit Preview WTHT-Danclnt Party WDRC—anthUBlera .

    ■ ■ WON*—Benr Oanec'../•■ itt- •• /. WHAY—UConn rS. Chtca

    WTIC—Blf Preview/WTifT—Oanclnf WDRC—OantlMsIf'ra WONS-Barn ~ ^

    S:t4—WHAY-UConi/r*. Colcala nme—Bit Prtvlew WVar—Daring ^ rty WDR-Tyr For The. Money WONS—U/B. 8ub.r«8«!d..ln..Jtoy A , .Burk*, harts Poem "The Tried and the Untried.”

    THE TRIEDTo build a world of brotherhood

    by the machinery of war;To establish fellowship by. feedr

    Ing racial rancor—by keeping the ‘ Negro and immigrant in place;* To • use force and violuice in

    guaranteeing national security;To put money first in the pur

    pose life; and~To be a (Thriatiai) without fol

    lowing Christ.THE UNTRIED

    To build a friendly - world by faith and "understanding—to put love where there la now bate;

    To lead the race toward a Juster, wiser, and more merciful social order, where each, individual - is evaluated in terma of hia true worth;

    To fortify the nation by toe armaments of faith and the long range canons of love;

    To give guidance to those who err and'-in. time zedeem toe .s«-ylronmeut JS.eyeijtittUe chnd;

    To work for the, good of ell— not for the gain o f wealth; and—

    To make an earnest trial hi Jesus’ Way of L ife . '

    V irginiaPorter 'Second Congregational

    ' V " fthurch’Sponsored by The Manchester

    Council of Churchea.

    Edward Krasenica, director of Civilian Defense in Manchester, will discuss the importance of the observation corps, the need for volunteers and what indivlduala can do personally in case of an attack, at the meeting of the Wap- ping Grange. In toe Wapping Community Hall, Tuesday night.

    The Grange meeting will be rq- cessed at appro.vtmately 8:45 p.m., » M>*t people who are not Grange nsembers-may.f attend th e ’ 'piro:. gram,......... - ' - , ■ ___

    Mr. Krasenica' talk will be supplemented with a 20 minute movie entitled "One Plane, One Bomb.” This will show a mock, at tempt by an enemy plane to enter this country and how our civilian defense corps responds'to,U.

    The Manchester ClvUian Defense Corps has received national acclaim for ita outstanding work. Since a need for more Interest and cooperatiott-in- civilian defense has been stressed in Connecticut a large attendance is hop^ for at the Tuesday night program.

    2:4*-WHAY—Mile O' Dimes WCOO—Record Revue WKNB—Nevrs: What's Old WTIC—Road 8how WTHT—Mel. Opera WDRC—World A*ai(nment WONS-Juke Box

    4iSe—WHAT—Mile O’ Dimes WCCC—Record Revue WKNB—Juke Box WTIC—Road ShowWTHT-Met. Oo-rr

    “ BC-iN"

    4:11—WDRC—Chlci WONS—JukeXmiX


    Manchester .Date BookWednesday, Feb- 1* '

    Valentine card party. Group C, Center Church, 1:30 p. m

    'Friday, Feb. U Father and son banquet, Eman

    uel Lutoeran Church. 6:30 p. m. Satardsy, Feh. 18

    Becond annual Valentine Dance o f S t Margaret's Circle, Dasgh-' ters of Isabella, American Legion Home. .. ,

    Valentine Dance o f Orange affiliates. Ot;ange Halt —

    Valentine Dance of MpneheaUr lAdge of Elks State Armory.

    Tueeday, Feb. 28 , Chid, party, sponaoced by .lfaa*

    Chester - Hairdressers,- Alnerichli Legion Home. 1 p. m.

    Friday,'Feb.-»sr* ants cannot bring or send them, or llv f at a distance. For information, kindly call 9-0408.)■ 9:30 a. m. Bible class for I

    jrou^ people and all adqlts. |*"/. ^®*'*«*Y in the

    n rish House during churCh wor- snip.

    Divine worship.?=**••’ * Matt.

    FreOentatloH andTransfiguration,_ PfSO p. m. iHbft a

    Church of the international Lu- theran Hour, broadcast over 1,100

    - ■ tangnogea hr 58 ler'Tntories and foreign coiintriea, heard locally over WONS every Sunday afternoon at 1:30.

    For "This ta the Life" see your local newspaper.

    7:M p. m.„the enlaiged church • - wvgktptwent rnmmtttso moeting.

    This evening, Saturday. 7:30. Toung people's society fellowahip and social.

    The W««lt^eadsy. 7:45 p. m.. Men's Club.Wednesday, S;00 p. m., "Mo

    ments of Comfort” WNHC-TV.Wednesday, 8:30 p. m„ Adult

    membership group.^Friday, 4 p, m. and Saturday,

    a. m.. Confirmation instruction.

    one fo r the children in the basement and two Masses at 10, one in the main auijltorlum and one in the baaenMnt.

    St. Bridget's Oiurch Rev. James P. Tinunlna; Pastor

    .Bobert. CarraU. and Rev. Theodore Gnbala, Aaaiatauta

    Masses on Sunday at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. and Maases down- ataira at 9 and 10:45 a.m.

    snranlty BaptUt Churrh “ East Oeater Street,

    \ A t tae Greeu Joha ILNeubert. Mlalater

    Robert M. Jphiia, Choirmaster Ormaad J. W ^t, Jr., Orgaulat

    chool For AU tor through

    9:45 a. m. Churc!Ages. Children car Morning Worship.

    10:19 a. m. Morning Youth Sunday-,*Prelude, “Largo” .........h .Hymn. "God of Qur Fathers

    „ Children's Story ' Hymn; "Breathe On Me Breath

    Gbd’7SoI6,“ 0 Jesua I Have Promised”

    .A- H. MannScriptore Lesson, Matthew 10;26* ^ •Anthem. "Thou Knowcat, Lord."

    H. Purcellsermon, "What Are You Worth?"

    gymn, “Bread of the World” ..rdinance of Communion ^ Hymn. "A ll Hail the Power of Jesus' Name”Postiude, "Pastorale." J, Leybach

    Young people taking part in the morning worship wUl be: Richard Barrette, Andrea Oooley, Charlotte Nielson. Jacquelyn Ballard, George Robinson Jr., Joyce Meyer and Grace Downer,

    Sunday, 7:00 p. m. Council of Churches Yoiith Rally, Second Congregational Church.

    The Week Monday— /

    7:00 p. > 1. Youth Fellowship meeting.. Speaker: Mias Grace Downer, BaD«4t DiSclpleshlp In*-tarne. \------Tuesday—

    7:00 p. m. Work night at church. Wednesday—

    8:00 p. m. Disconafe meeting at the church.Thursday—. 7:00 p. m. Girl Scout Troop 8 meets at the church.Friday—

    7:00 p. m.'Choir rehearsal. Saturday— ,, 9:30 a. m. Work Day at Church.

    10:30 a. m. Junior Choir hearsal.

    S t Fraacte Aaalal Church South Wtadsor, Route SO

    K^Ve Arthur J. Hr^ffenuui, Pastor Rev. Keaaeth V. Karvella, Curate

    Masaes at 7, 8:30, 9:30 and 11---- ------------------ ; ..........

    Taleetivllle- Coagi egattwiai'Church

    James A . Bull, MiaMter Mrs. Anthony UrbnnrttI,

    Director e f Muaic

    Sunday, Feb. 7—9:30 a. m. Sunday achool tor all

    ages, including adults.11:00 a. m. Nuraery tor the chil

    dren of worshiping parents.11:00 a. m. Service tor Youth

    Sunday.Prelude, Contemplation. Guilmant Hymn, Ancient of Days . . . Doane Old Testament Lesson, Jonah 1:1*

    16New Teatament Lesson, l l Corin

    thians 4:1*10Anthem. Who Are These Like

    Stars, ........ WarperAlice SImoncelli, soloist

    Hymn. Stand Up, Stand Up ForJesus..... ....................Diiffleld

    Jr., Anthem, All Glory, Laud, andHonor ---------- .Teschner-Bach

    Offertory, Sweet Hour of Prayer, Bradbury

    'Youth Sunday Messages: Jonah’s Call and Our CalK Evelyti Red- field and PrlscUla'Welles

    ^ n . Fling Out/ the Banner, ane 1 . ■

    Postiude, Song of the Peasant, Renoqno3:00 pNm. TTie 4-6 Group meets

    in the churoh parlors.6:30 p. mXSenlor High Fellow

    ship meets ln\the church social room.

    The WeekMonday—

    7:30 p. m. Monthl^KmeeUnF.of the Golden Rule Club. T^'pulrilc Is invited to'hear Dr. Amok! Friend of Manchester tell of hlsu^ecent trip to England, and the European continent. Dr. Friend will snow colored slide.s including the "C or^ netfon."

    Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.; Bible Study and Prayer Group meets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Howard. ‘

    Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.. Ladles' MissionaiY Society meets in the church.

    3:15 p.m.. Brownies, in thechurch parlors. ' t—r'?'

    8:00 p.m.. Meeting . of toeChuroh Council and all church committees, in the church.

    Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Seniorchoir rehearsal^

    Friday, 3:15 p.m.. Junior choir rehearsal, church parlors.

    7:00 p.m., Junior high* club meets in the social room.



    ■Fir.' him.

    and now la, wheit. the ahipera ahall worship l»: spirit and in' truth i ther aeeketh such ,to God is a Spirit: and they ship- him must werahip spirit and In truth" (John 24), .

    Correlative passages from ChriaUan Science textbobk *' ence and Health with Key to . Scriptures" by Mary Baker Edi-,. include- toe tolipwing, (p. 15:19) ̂' To enter into the heart o f prayer, toe door of toe erripg aenaes must be cloaed. Lips must be mute and materialism silent, .-that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error," \

    _ Center CongregatktMl Church Rev. Clifford O. SlmpaoB. Minister

    Dr. Wstaon Woodruff, Minister Enneritus.Andrew R. Wntsoa, Mlalater of Music. /

    8:00, 9:15 and 11:00—Preludo. .:;MedltaUon — Elegt*’' - . . . Borowaki.Anthem, "Fear No,t. O Israel"

    — TT -TAr-. ■■ -i- ----- ---1 Splfik«t,BbToTals; Marjorie K e i t h ,Woodhouse, 'Frank Maloney Francis Payne. 'Scripture' Reading—Aefs 16:Hymn — “God of Our Fall

    Duet. "Watchman! What--N igh t'? "-....- ....... .

    Soloiata: .Frank Maloney Francis Payne.Offertory, "Andantf" (^ ra t Son

    ata. ................... . . . . / Sarjeant.Sermon, "Turning Adversity into

    Eternity." ^Hymn, “Lead Ua. Hebvenlv Fath-

    •r” ............... Slrilian Melody.Postiude, "Fugue irf G,” MendeU

    aohn.7:00, AH Youth Groups will at

    tend Youth Week Service spon sored by Mancheater Youth Coun clI at Second Congregational Church. Gueht speaker will be Amergbe Shodekeh. a native of South Africa now atudying at Yale University

    The Week: \Monday— • \ '

    7:00, Girl Scout Troop O n ^ 7:30, Prudential Committee.7:45. Loyal Circle of King’s

    Daughtera8:00. Boy Scout Troop 25 Aux

    iliary meeting.8:00, Hartford East Executive

    Committee meeting.TM'esday^.....6:30. Confirmation Class...8:00, O a ft Group.8:0p, Board of- Deacons.8:00, Hartford East nominating


    1:00, Bethanv Group.1:30, Group C dessert bridge tea. 3:30, Pilgrim Choir rehearasl. 6:30, Boy Scouts potiuck sup

    per.7:00,'Girl Scout Troop 55.7:30. Senior Choir rehearsal. 8:00. Church Council meeting.

    TTuirsdav—1:15, Bible Study Group, nursery

    tor children.7:30, Girl Scout Troop 7.7:45, Girl Scout adult training

    ^aias. ,^6:00, Prayer Meeting and Bible

    Study. Rev. Simpson.Friday

    s': OO.^Drownles.7:30, Red Cross Fund drive com

    mittee meeXng.•■'■R?30.- Cb-'9«!«^"6ia‘'ffTn«'mbSaturday— •

    Cherub Choir rehearsal

    moving ^cturea alnd . w o r k . -

    'Thursday. 6:30,Friday, 6:00 p.m., '

    •rs class meeting.Saturday, 9:45 t/m.,

    choir rehearsal.'

    o f hia



    SecondNorth Main ai

    Araold W.Baralay F.Mra.

    Choir/ Director

    Church irth Street

    r. Mlalater Organist. Becke



    North Methodist Church 447 N’nrth Mala Street John E. POat, Mlnlater.

    r James W. McKay, Minister pf Music

    Emanuel Lutheran Chnreh Carl E. Olaon. Pastor.

    Dean W. Berg, Assistant to the Paator.

    Phrap N. Tneggbr.* Organist and Cnoirmnater.

    Atlanta (A) — Many a golfer has thrown a club when things went wrong on the course.. But

    ' C. Mann ■ astounded his com- pahlons by toaaing hia five iron toward too green immediately after he had sunk a bele-in-one oq the Bobby Jonea Municlp^ course. He was so exc ite about making hia first ae*‘ that he tor- grt himaelf and tluew hia club into ton air. -


    MONDAY. Fn. OPEN DAILY • A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

    ^ Spikcializing In ★ ^

    .NOTICEAppointments. Can ■ Now Be Arranged

    V." By Calling Either MI-3-6030 or CH-7-3636

    DR. I. GERSHANOFP Optometrist

    Prelude, "Adoration" ., Lefebure Weiyv^

    Introit —Proceaaional. “Love Divine;”Responsive call to worship.Gloria Patri.Collect for purity. Lord’s Prayer.Anthem (11:00), "Sanctua’t .......

    Schubert-Howqrth.Rfoponalve raading (Saatad). ' ...Church School announcements.Hymn, "The Christian Life.?PrasetRatlon of tithes .ond offer

    ings.Offertoiy (11:00) Choral. "Our

    Father Who Art In Heaven Above" .......Bach-Schreiner.

    Doxology, '.Frayir o f Dedication."Hymn of Preparation. "Th'e Chris

    tian Life,” , ___The Invitation to Hoiy Commun

    ion.'- 9:30 a. m.y Richard E ,"^ew atl.aasisfrhg. ' " ~ ‘

    ■*,- a. m-v'-Robert-'A^'M'raride'-aiPslafting. - >'Recessional Hymn. "S a v I o u r

    Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise."

    Postiude, "Jubilate”. . . . Landon.

    Tlie Balvatlan Army 661 Mala 8t.

    Major aad Mrs. Jobs Pickup Cemnsaadlag Officers

    ^ • CURTAINS (sfral9lif) $1.00 Pr.# IL^NKETS ... ___... 75c Up

    j # LACE TAELE CLOTHS J 1.00 Up ^ • WET WASH ScLbe

    / RUFFLE $1.25 Pr. Up• WASHAILE RUGS . : 2Sc Up• lEDSPREADS ......... .. 50c Up• FLUFF DRY lie Lk >

    NOTE; W* Hav« Had 20 Years Experience In All TtPm Of Laindry „ ^


    . e ,





    Mi-A-J57f ; .\j U M A F tE l '

    Sunday: Feb. 79:30, Sunday School, classes tor

    all ages. Russell Clough.10:50.' Holiness service. Band

    and Male quartet music. Sernion by Colonel Ralph Miller of Pittsburgh. Pa.

    2 p. m., Sunday school at Silver Lane, Cecil Kittle. leader.

    2 p. m., Hospital visitation, Mra. S liubeto Wilaop and Mra. John Pickup.

    4 p. m.. Musk: classes tor the youth of the Anny.

    7:30, Salvatioi.^meeting. muaic by Band and Songsterq and sermon by Colonel Miller. .

    The WeekMonday, toe Friendship Circle

    will meet and Tom Maxwell will siiow a civilian Defense film. ThLs BMeting la open to all.

    Tuesday the Women's Homo ^Leqgue wilt meetat '2 p. m.- ThiJjkday night a prayer and praise sarvica >at 8 p. m. in the Clkad^' '

    , ' ' ■ t

    Caqdlemas Sunday, Feb. 7—9:00 and 10:30. Divine Worship

    and Church School.10:30, Nursery.

    Prelude. “ Modersto." Schreiner, Anthem (first and second service)

    “ Praise Ye the Father,” cjounod. Chapel Chqlr.

    Offertory. "Voluntary,” .^.Thlman. .Sermon, "n ie Miracle Of Growth." Postiude, "Marche Moderne”

    . , LaMare. 5:00, Luther League Missionary

    program. Speaker, Rev. Reuben Lundeenr'refreshments; free-will offering. A ll welcome.

    7:00, Manchester Youth Council program a t Second (tongregatton- •1. Church.

    The Week:Tiiesdey—

    3:15, Browidea. , . v . , . "6:30, Boy Scoufs: ---- ^ '8:00, Church Council.'- .- " /

    Wednesday—.7:00, Chapel Choir. -

    . 8:00, / Emanuel Choir.-- = = ■8 U)0r Church Membership -Class.

    Thursday-r-.,"'■2:00. Ladles’ Aid.

    6:30, Girl Scouts.7:00, Bible studv group will at

    tend lecture on evangelism at First Presbjrterian CHuirch, Hartford, Friday— .i

    4:00, Carol Choir.4 ;30, Miriam Choir, Music Rciom. 6:30, Annual father-sop banquet.

    Reservations close Feb. 7. SsturdsY—

    9:00-, Senior Chiifirmstion Class. 3:00, District Luther Lesvue In

    stitute S t Salem Lutheran Church, Bridgeport.

    “ Sunday, Feh. 7.10:00, Mprainjr

    Church SclUMl .coimbihed.Prelude—"/Lltt1e'“ Prelude and

    Fuge lW in Y* Major", Bach. Hymn—"1 ,Love Thy Kingdom,

    Lord,"/.'Scriptpye Reading— Mark 9 :33-41

    Jey Kuhney, Jr,the /anthem—“Savioi-, Like .a

    SjVpherd Lead U s”, Nagle (Gills’ Choir).

    Thw Chttdren'i Story—Barclay F. “ "bod.

    n^'Wtrong Bon o f God, Ihi ̂mortal Ixjve” .

    Icripture Reading — , Matthew 26:31-46, Barbara Stearns.

    Offerldry Xii'tlfiem /‘Spirit...ofGod", (Chancel Choir).

    Hymn—"Lord, to Me Chmpaaaion Show",

    Sermon—"God's Secret Service” . Hymn—“Jesus. Thy Boundless

    Love to Me". 4».7:S0 p.m.. Junior Cholr^/T^Jfl p.pi- Boy Scouta; 7 :80*8 .^ Jr. Hi Choir; 7:45 p.m.,,Jlfoldr Dapt. PTA, fJ


    •>“ jS/Sifis1 • r .


  • 1-■'■Vi- ■ r 7V W s / -i

    ■ : ' t

    / I f

    ■ 4 V,;

    ■ ;j jV.

    '^ o m e L ife,T . polluted off chictan from 8.L88 lunch boxes they held to .toter tepe heard

    tod Democratic opposlUon with stronger words than the Preateent Used,

    Vice Preeideht Nixon eeid that failure to carry out toe Preeldent’e program would result to ewtog by toe naUon to the ,’tar le ft”

    He laid that If a RepublicM Congress is not elected in Noveto- ber,"one of toe major rceeona win be that the RepublicMe themselves ara divided.”

    And in international affairs, he continued, Elsenhower Is "the best knodm seleamM” to lead toe free world, :

    A itelence Cheered IkeThe audience, some wearing

    .owrooats agteftkt the dM ly drau^te that cut through the sports arena where they met, gave Elsenhower a 21k inlnute roaring

    -welcome:------He grinned as he-told them he

    wasn’t supposed to make a speech. Then he said hla administration la going to follow Abraham Lincoln’s precepts by being "Uberal” in aU things dealing with humM relations and " conservative” tn money matters—a dennlUoh he gave a news conference 0|tly a few days aga

    He said his administration will make certain that every individual has toe opportunity to make of himself what he can Md will have

    sympathetic partner, a big

    ■ It

    that to dona Ist- da -te " coura- geotja,” he continued.

    Utet tlwra to,f threat

    U llf^ the President sate ttto b ^ bray to meat it la heed-oor

    “Let' ua lift our china M d our

    brother ^rtner in the fe^ral government.”

    "Let us not be afraid to be humble but let us when it comes down to toe basic purposes of toe RepublicM party—to preserve this

    ! nation aa it has existed M d to----- j u II, luu exmeo ana low i producUon make the government serve aU thehave 'begun to level olT and re-{people no matter what legal way

    West Haven, Md Stephen Ahern. 39. Robert Harlow, 18, M d RichardDunbar, 20, aU of New Haven.

    LMdino, Harlow Md Dunbar wera awaiting trial on robbery charges. Ahern waa awaiting trial on a burglary charge-

    The 'world 'has 'iliout '4P 'cities with more than a mllUon tohabR-MtS.

    We Cssiratslats the Boy Scosti ef Msiihwtir SB Thb Bsiivsnary


    175 EAST


    Il PhoM MI-9-7665

    ‘teMmsmlNM''I '! * y . ■tiiaaaiAv.ticj

    WiDiains (Ml Servi(:e(-iiy.

    ■ X

    Low-Cost, G-E Yeir Raundl Air Cojititiottini AIR

    CM b ywir Mttfw Iteiii* intimiy r , hMfs it in winter ' wim aI •inffi* 0-1 unit

    '**5*f** YGlit IMMT— ̂year-round ^ wnAttoniiig t o yew enUre homo,

    famous G-E rsssareh




    • Ce«t ii—rme ••alghhl ,,


    ,* CvH teel billi 2S.M%,

    CuH ¥̂llllf̂ t| dille Cewkel «il lnHm » m

    dew tee»-ee ffeaw i t

    • Mtow ywf keaw daw • CWWMaa air Mr aaN̂

    dardHrt).COMPAC7l_Put it anywherS'

    M*a»» dif*, dart, paMaa.----- - . • ww e» eHyWlKflcloset or alcove. Only. 33*

    . deep. Width varies from 88* te 74' a*> •ordlng to capacity requirsd.

    for FRBE comfort survoyl


    C E S E « A l^ E lE C T lJ C


    W O A P ST.-.-TELEPHO Nf) M |e9a4S4l


    ^ ( t e and WEdk right square into R Uke Ltooeln would have walked. Ktetebower brought ,■ Mra Klaoithovter up for a ehaer irom toe otdwd after he had concluded. Surrounded by hla cabinet M d obngreaetonal leaden on toe Sag- hung ptetforffi. Biaenhdwer joined to etoging "God Blewi America” aa toe meeting cleoed.


    ^e igh , N. C. (P) — North Carolina SUte’a 19M football ached- ule tocliMlea four new opponents^ Virginia Tsch, Furnum, Richmond and Maryland. Droppaff'from toe schedule were DaeMhmn. Army, PUteburgh and George Washington. The Wolfpaek vrtU tak« thq held under a wasr hektf ‘eoqelĈ i ~ Dwto Ifĉ JBdwarda. -former end coach at Michigan State. Edwards Siwoends Hosm s HsudikMl who realgiMd.

    S E R V IC E STh st Interpret The Wishes

    O f T lie FAndly

    JONH 1. m aPU N U IA L H O mST BAST OBMlTBB ffiT. \

    TBL. MD-S-esM


    Bolton■ j-:rXrX

    *olice Institute

    24 Hour DoUvory Service

    MORIMTY BROMRS315 C E N TE R STR E E ^ T B L . M l-3^135


    REPAIRSCrofRpf, E eM om led

    W i^agtr-R ols Raptaesd

    Pptferfon'sIS8 Sti'D sr.'of;

    NdlieeThs Board of Tax Review of the

    Town of Bolton. Conn., wUl be to session Monday, Feb. 1. from e A.M. to 4 P.M.—Feb. 8, ” A.M. to 4 P.M. and Feb. 18. 9 A.M.. to 4 P.M. to toe Community HalL Bolton Center, to receive appeals from toe decisiona Md actions of too Board of Aaseasora

    Oiarles T. Hathaway, Ch. Lawrence Lombardo Harold Kennison



    . 1


    VtMr're 44 Years Young rrrNever has an organization, in a relatively short span of 44 years, done so much viaiUe good for so many yo^hn, as haa the Boy Scouta of America/Our heartiest .congratulations — and. beat wishes! .

    TH E SAVINfiS BANK OFTh e ONLY m u t u a l s a v in g s b a n r in t o w n

    toEPosrrs o v e r $2e.eee.eoeCtrRRENT RATE OF IN T E M ^ 2V,%



    Bolton, Feh- 8 Defense offictsls have celled the ' attcntton of all auxiUary pouct Md constablea to the 2-dey police institute to bs held Tuesday and Wadneaday at toe Veterans Home Md Hosptthl in Rocky Hill from 8:30 a.m. to 5 .p.m.

    The SUts Clvli Defense Office Md toe Connecticut Chiefs of Police Aasiu. ara aponsora of toa Inatitute.

    Those expected are urged to' attend in addition to membera of the auxiUary police Md consUbles include: local directors, State staff and area directors, chiefs of police State Police, FBI personnel, members of toe SUte rniWary department, motor vehicle Inspectors,

    Sat .protection officera-Emd-penal UtuUon staff members.The bulletin Mnouncing the in-atltuto atates-that -though' the ‘po-Uca function in a war situation is basically the same aa usual‘duty it, is vastly multiplied; that the apMd and akiU with which the po- Uce adapt to a crisis is toe major factor to reducing chaos. It also PEtoita out_ .to*t all aeriricea are most ^ ^ t ira ly formed only if. ^ lica services function well.

    An impressive speakers program has been arrMged with subjects ot^great interest to all police en- forew.ent agencies. The apeikera list mcludes many staff membera of the Federal Civil Defense Ad- mtoiatrathm from Washington,

    d Nsw^----- - ’

    (8peclal)-i:DlyilPapplesauce; Thursday — b a k e d

    ketchup: mustard, apricots; Friday—tomato soup, tuna salad M d ^ ch M ,^ y tl’a food cake. Milk, w a d and butter will be served with each meat

    Church Services

    will Im the eermon theme of the Rev. Arthur A. Wallace at toe U m m. worship aervics at Eaitoa ^ngregational Church tomorrow. Church School will be held at 9'SO a. m.

    Wallace will attend the annuel Pastor’s Study Conference ^ CtongregaUonal mtolatere to New England at Springfield Mon- ^ j r and Tueeday. The subject of ^ e conference to be held In the ^ rsL Cburito CongregationaF-wm

    » . ”. -Eveids-of 'toe~iveclrat toa Idealchurch include the monthly meet-/ Ing of the Men’s Fellowship Tuek- •*®y * P- *n- In the parish ^ m .

    The choir will rehearse Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. /

    Masses will be celebfated at Bt. Maurice Chapel a t^ Itp n Center

    D. C. ;rad Newton Center, kass ••DeeiAtty. Gen. William L^Deers of

    Connecticut willhMeak/^on martial and civil law in Eito'^mergency or disaster situation at the Tuesday aesaion«»Dr. Jphn Wanipr Powell, head of the/department\pf psychology ^-fhe University o l^a ry land, also speak Tuesda'j the pubject of pMic prevention copfroL

    To Speak oa FBI •' , Jo»eph Casper,, agent In charge at the New I'laven office of the FBI. had been scheduled to speak at toe Wednesday session on the rcle of the FBI to InternsI security. The selection of a-uxllisty police, toeto trateh^ Sind Use wm^bstoiit-'

    ' lined by U . Leslie WllHams of toe Ftste Police who is CD Training Officer.

    \ A jM el dlrcpssion on police p.oblems t/lll close the institutepri^am. Moderator for the panel will ,be Capt. William L. Schatz-

    Headquarters In M anchester


    man. Chief of Security of toe Conn. CD Adtolnistration. Six men from the speakers list at toe two-day session wUiiwrve on toe panel.

    David Bailey, Ideal chief ' of auxiliary poUcê ^n the CD organization, may be contacted by My- one intereated in attending the' institute or obtaining ppiore details about it.

    Lensmea W’orkshop Set The Camera Club v^l hold

    I ’ULtehrlrBlmVl Ja workshop session on portrmtAnd tke AugiuUna L u tli table-tor nghting'grits Mon^y ElghtSbn monthsnight meeting at the school! AH ®P«nt in China, where hr.T*mK*rff arm -.YitirTt ..̂ ..a

    tomorrow at 8 :S ^ h d 16 a! S"..*** ®dmtoistered

    at Uni(ed Methodist Church tomorrow a f 11 a.m. worship. Th# Rev. J^ichard Yeager will deliver a seraOon entitled "Jesus Ate at the Hme of a Minister.”/ 'Wils ia toe first in a seriea of sermons planned for communion services Md entitled “Tables In Uie Ufa of Jesus," each of which wlU relate experiences around a Ubie to toe life of Christ.

    Oturch School wUl be held at 9:30 a.m.^ ,

    ^ Chlrch Prayer Fellowship ^ P “ *‘ Monday and

    the MYF Tuesday at 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal will be held Wednesday night at 7:30,

    The meeting of the Married Couple# ̂ u b will be omitted this iponth.

    M AN C H E STE R E\^EyiNQ H E R A LD . M AN C H E STER , C Q N N „ S A T U R D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 6, 1954



    C itad e l S peaker Civil Defense Gets Cheek for $263.10

    MkMbester Evealag Herald Bol- *.?. Mrs. Josephton

    IPltella, telephone Mitchell 8-3543.

    Pastor t^deeiiVrr.-”-.- . \ •Sunday Speaker

    The Rev. Reuben Lunde^, of Pilgrim Lutheran Church, New York City, will be the speaker'at the Luther League Missionary pro-' gram to be held In Luther Hall of Emanuel Lutheran Church, Sunday afternoon at 5. o’clock.

    Pastor Lundean is well known at Emanuel Church, aa he served as one of the interim pastors there in the winter of 1846-47 when he was studying the Chinese language

    Yale University. For four years he served overseas as a misaionary ®I the ^ugiuUna L u t h e r a n

    were_ -----„ — — -------- ----, ------ he was

    members are urged to bring their 'POf"- After being driven out by the cameras. Accessories such as Communists, he withdrew with his li^ta, exposure meters and-props. I®ih(Iy to North Borneo, where 'Viu be Jjpoled for. Ui*:uaatof all .Lh®y1(y®poUto -and egg aaladi aliced corned beef, buttered peas, cherry gelatin; Wednesday, mashed potato, beef to gravy, spinadh.

    N * w Spring Linwis

    EmbroidffrI MOTIFS


    5435Treat youraelf. to a new set of

    embroidered IMens. These lovely bluebird M d-butterfly designs are ®asily and quickly'embroidered to simple gUtches and io ft colors.

    I*attern No. 5435 contains hot- iron transter for Slbutterfly and bluebird designs of various sites —12H” X 4 ^ ” to 5” X F ’; material requirements; gtitch illualra- Uona; color chart

    . Send 25c In. coins, your name, addraaa Md the pattern number to ANNE CABOT. THE MAN- CRB8TEE EVENING HERALD, 1158 AVE. AMERICAS, NEWFo r k j i , N. y .

    ■'V^rsMBitog the complete > Anne

    Needlework Album. Direc- -tloM for-puppet mittens, haste ®mntoideiy stitches and grand de- rigsa ara printed to this iaaue;

    one-lfsit years more On Suhdsv afternoon. Pastor

    Lundeen will show some (olored slides of hit te the pattern number to SUE BURNETT. THE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, 1158 AVE. AMERICAS. NEWYORK 84 N. T.

    Don't miaa toe latest issue eit Basie FariHen^Di* newBpriBF'54 catalog srill deHght ywX with its up-to-Oitenitoute *rtea that an

    ~{*iril 86 *albtetedayv

    Lt. CoL Ralph Miller

    Lt.' Col. Ralph’ Miller, of Pltte- burgh. Pa., will deliver the ate mon at the Holiness meeting to morrow at 10:50 s. m. to toe Ssl vstion Army Citadel. r

    Bandsmen and a made quartet will provide music.

    A third generation Salvationist, Col. Miller is dean of divisional commanders in the United States, having served longer than any other divisional commander in one command.

    After receiving hfa-celnmission S.S a Salvation Army officer many years ago, he had an outstanding career in Salvatloq. Army appoint menta. He commanded a ‘ hum ber of important. Corps— Tarry town, N. Y.. Mt. Vernon. N. Y.. Kingston. N. Y., and toe well known and famous Brooklyn Oita del Corps. Follovring these important Corps commands, he was appointed as Divisional Young People’s secretary at JerMton, ^A., Where he served seven years, ^ te r a successful slay in this division, he was appointed to Hartford, as Divisional officer for toe soiitoern New England center# with respoMlbilities for Salvation Army actirifies in Connecticut, V®rariont anef half of Massachusetts. .

    Next came appointment as Divisional CommMder ot toe northern New Jersey Division the task of directing 25 centerit and Its problems ̂ toe need o f neW' /tiulld- Ings, improvements on properties and the expansion/of the ovelr-all program. Five years to ̂ Nete Jeiwjr rawijed sSriHhg fraiah^ under his dynamic leadetehip.

    In 1943 CoT. Miller wgs appointed to the largest Division in the Eastern Territory—/ the western Pennsylvania Division with headquarters in Pittsburgh. The 10 years’ record of Col. MUler’a achievemenU speaks for Itself, not only In toe immediate Pittsburgh area, but ̂toroughout the entire diviriofi. 'The records stand aa * » - * memento of iria leadership.

    CoL Miller’s two sons are Capt tealph I. Miller, aasiatent editor df, "The War Cry" to toe Eastern Territory, and Capt Andrew Mil- >®̂ fcqrp® officer at Akron, Ohio.

    Churi^i Unil Plans World Day Prayer"The World Day pf Prayer,”

    apopaored locally by toi ̂^ahcKSs- ter bouncU of Oiurch Women, will be held this year on March 5, at 2:80 p. m. to the Salvation Army Citadel, it, was Mnounced at toe meeting of the executive committee held Thursday In -the Robbins Room 'of the Osnter Congregational Church.

    The committee, for the World

    With the receipt of a 3263.10 check this week, toe toUl received by the Manchester Civil Defense' orgMisation from the federal government in matching funds )ias

    to 32,363,10,. according to CD Director Edward W. Krasenics.

    The latest check, like most of .the .amount. Mtolch.toa.govarnment has paid the town, is for radiological equipment. Under toe matching funds arrangement, the federal government pays half'the cost of certain approved Civil Defense materials.

    So far; the town has receivedcnUtlement' amounting to- $6:000;'

    Hiilstowns Grange

    H)e next meeting of toe Grange ***!** ** **** Or***® Hall, 617 Huis fit., East Hartford, on

    Thursday evening at 8. MM. Barbara Mitchell. Mrs. Evelyn La- Brecque and Mrs. Arline Noch wUl

    va charge of the Refreshment irntnittee.

    .. 'L * ’’® *®®t regular meeting of the grange the charter was draped to lo r iv memory of Charles M. Gardnte high prieat emeritua of the Natitmal Orange. Much of the ritual of the seventh degree was created byx3ardner.

    Mm . Sonlt/Sadoaky w u presented with a certificate of the degree of Flora by Jatocs CoughUn, mas- ter. of the Grange. Mrs, Sadosky- also Accepted a tsartlflcate for* Frank Sadosky, .whdxwaa unable to be present. Mr. and Mra; Walter F Forrest and Mite Arite Fomst wera. in charge of toe Rhfreabment Committee.

    rangeSewhig Oub NMting ,

    The last meettof~of toe Sewing aub was held on ] at the home of Mra.^Gladya to Glastonbury, The next mee of the club will he. held Monda» evening at the jioina of Mra. Mae Ywng, 287 HilM St., East HarUord.

    Office^’ School of Instruc® tlon has b^n called by Richard Williams, deputy for East Central Pomona District, to be held at El

    O strin sky iPRys fo r W aste M ateria ls •

    Ilngton, next Saturday avening. All otfjCen are requested to attend in

    IHy of ftayar toeWdes Mrs. MB« U ' ' - -dred Piekiip o f the SalvaUoin Ar

    my, Mrs. Ruth Benson of the BraanueL Lutheraa . CStmxh- sad Mrs. Anne . Winrier. of Concordia Lothertn Church. " jT children’s program will be held at the same hew and place/irith' E[ri; Kathleen Johnston to-charge.

    Diariny toe Duslntes'lnMirng of the executive committee Mra. Lu- AW* Gipsem; pntedenb,-:'c*)kKl fo r rfiporta from offRhra. and • committee chairmen. After an' inteir- Ing report on the children's Halloween riaa decided to gjiensor toUr project each year. . x

    A committee of visual' aide# was set up, with Mra. Margaret Trotter of toe South Methodist Church as chairman.


    Miami (g) — Precious Stone, a race; horse belon.gtog to Harvey RMhauf, loves hi# eggs. “He Is f#d four raw egg#'dally at Hia- leah race track in addition to his ragular diet. Precious Stone cats them, shells and all.


    84 O ddHM l S traat T M .M M -7 3 8 4Jh «t M v a r y

    XMPnî UNDAYS 0A.kLfmir.IA.

    orter^ to receive the full credit on thadepuUea’ score sheet.

    The required officer# to attend are as follows: master, overseer, steward, aarietant steward, traaa- urer, secretary, lady assistant steward and thrte membera of the executive committee. It i* hoped that the Grange will have a one

    .to^dred P#r..c«nt attendance. -This- school of InstnicUdh is to familiarize'each officer with the duties per- taining to the office.

    Attended Pomona Instaliatioa Mr. and Mrs. poughlln attended

    the installation of-officers of Farmington Valley Pomona at Eno Memorial Hall to Simsbury Monday eveningMtonald K. Peck, master of the State Grange, con- ducted toe impresriv# installation service. \

    Congratolattoiis'are- eiri«rded~to Mrs. Rita J. Schaefer, Besfetery of toe Grange; who was Inslalled aa prerident of toe Ladies’ GUild of the Church of the Blessed SaeV ramenl Monday evening. The guild will hold their annual banquet at Hotel Bond. Hartford, March 1.

    Mr« and Mrs. Bernard F. Schwarm and family of 590 Hills St., Bast Hartford, are on a va-, cation trip to Florida.

    Illnesses thi® week include: Mra. August Sebaafer. who is convalescing at her home, and Mrs. Alice Bennett.

    There will )»e a dance for the teen-agera at the Grange Mall tonight at A Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zimmer, Jr., wiU be toe supervisor#.

    Feb. 18 there will be ano'toer to the present series of public carri parries held. at the Grange Hall. tile., committee will be announced. .

    At toe last'-, meeting of the Grange. Mr. Mrs, ■ Walter F. Ftpest and Mrs. RIU J. Shaefer wte# appointed to the Youth Com- mittte.

    Tbe Yiraiifr«ttena# ihe 'fbiioW- Ing blrthdix .to Everett.A. Schaefer and Mrs. Minnie Shuttia who' will obeerve '"their btrthdaya TlWstey >Schaefer who will observe hla on Thursday. A belated greeting is extended to Frank Ruff who observed his birthday recently.

    Many people wm welcome the news that Ostrinsky iŝ now paying 36c per 100 lbs. tor paper delivered to" toe shop 4t 731 Parker St. The market frir paper haa risen somewhat and consequently Ostrinsky is ^pmliag toe price along.

    In line, with their policy of helping charitable organisations, Ostrinsky realises that miny of the drives have to 'be conducted on Sundays when everyone connected wito the organization can w ^ , so they will remain open at Parker St. tf notified in advance. For k number of years. Ostrinsky haa paid higher prices when such charitable organisations have had drives and now they are willing to open up tha shop to acce|A streh' materials on Sunday. However, ar- rangamente ntuat b#'mads "to "advance to order to have toe shop open. ■ ■ ■. r

    ostrtntey’s'shop a T K rk ir s t I® " “w 0P®« * lull day on Satur- • !l®y*'* 1*®** ‘•*y *»■« Irom6 to 12 and 1 to 6. aix daya a weak.

    Current mgrket prices are always imid for all waste materials,

    -Id whether you take scrap or ;• or paper to toe shop, you are

    assured that top prices will be pald\ ;

    Befhra long It wUl be time to

    , take stock of things to toe attic [and basement, and now is an excellent time to turn these waste materials into good caah by tak-to^^toem to Ostrinsky.

    Whtra ParaooalN Conalderattoa Is A Traditlim

    400 Mam U m t

    O A K k o s h e rDELICATESSEN



    35 QAK ST. TEL. 3|I-8-tSM

    -f you have rags that you do not want, phone Ostrinsky to come to your house and collect them. Not only do you rid yourself of unwanted material but you can enjoy toe good hard cash they will bring.- The new Shop on Parker 8L is set up to handle all kinds of sal- vagsble materials. Depend ' upon Ostrinsky, whose reputation for fair deallni; and top current mar- ket prices is widely known.


    COME HEREle t os quick freeze It for you

    for storage lu your deep freeze or here at the plauL


    StBIsaellSt. Phone 3U-3-S424


    D A V E Yo r n c A L C O ......

    PEE8CE1PTION8 FILLEDe m e r g e n c y r e p a ir s f r a a ie s a n d l e n s e s

    701 BIAIN ST., MANCHESTER TeL MI-8-I878 Eat. AH-fi-OST?

    Fill a few cardboard milk containers with sand and keep them in toe trunk of the family car. They’ll come in mighty handy when toe, car gete stuck to some snow or Ice, And they don't take up much room in toe car trunk.

    A N D


    I.L R 0 L0MSKI.PlioiiCflt.Storra'-9044.

    or MItch«n 9-6586

    H O t U r W O O DUSm^^Snd ’̂ClSUonf



    hsdense BnttMifWOODWOEKINO OO. Imu

    Oaraer P lis is il VaAey Mmt aad E**l* A

    ■uvm i wnmeiML o o nm .



    Pran^ u d Effleleat Frtathig •f AU Kluda

    COMMUNITY PRESSCar. N*. Itoia aad No. Sehoot Street*—Tsiepfceee 10-8-8727




    aasiMdaya*haUdaya.oo4tt. Mte.«W. lO M O l


    SLEiEP SETSlu Full or Twto Sis*


    STANDARD ...S109!S0l̂ rythlng lu SiMp!teim It’s


    889 Main StVMI-8-0S88




    M l . 9 ^ 3FOR EUmCATE

    Norman R. WeilS f M c M f Ie

    TeL MI-9-6863SIM

    GARAGE-MEN!s e t u s i^ r :



    870 8L—TeL 30-8-4828




    AT THE

    n iMT ciNm 'n—'niL texisot


    REFAlfSHOPWUIism H. GrOcn, Prop.

    Columbia Bieydes Goodyear T ire t Repairs^ Serriee


    180 Spruce Street MI-9-0659





    mpvrm ss-^w a p p ih g p o n n , AT THE RICHFIELD SION

    . -XBL.- M M -iiai- -


    180 MIDDLE TPK. WEST TEL. MI-8-0S03

    Instruction in Goitar Mandolin, Violin, Piano,

    Accordion and Dm nu

    Instruments and Musical Supplies

    Orchestra For H ire


    HIOHEST FRIOESFor Rags, Paper, Metals

    and Scrap Iron ~'CALL OR DELIVER TO

    OSTRINSKYOaalen la Waate Btoterial#

    711 PARKER ST.TeL 3n -8-5785 or MI-8-3878


    18 MaiR 8 U Te l M I-M S S l

    5 p >etM(lriEg M

    ■RAKE SERViC I Fromt End A R ^m m U

    O mbmphI R tpolr W m I i



    — * CLAMS* nU E TS

    OmifWfliMilRRiU7 Sptaee St-, TMt tOdNUm



    Tim e Payments Distributor For-


    Phone MI-.3-4I64


    aOaa *OU e LahrlcsHeaa Tires a Batteries

    • AccessoriesTeL MI-9-8107

    Mlddl* Toraplke Eaet (Center'East Ceater)

    TREE PflUimiR #■4 RBiOVeL

    Have year . ranovad hy eared tna aa

    piaaed aad ■ed aad la-


    PH O N E W :j-7

  • I

    ^ ■ © 0


    z - ^ - s *

    OUT OUR WAY' 2- ■• . .: -.. ■

    BY J. a WIU.IAMS■aiM

    J£S2225H 2E 22iE ^22lL *S2s53Ssu5^


    ĵ ' ” ■ ' '■ r j\ ' ' j ' '


    Finnitli FrolicAtwiwiff tb

    ACKpM C 1ti~ .,B fa

    ” ^ I 3 K ? raWtiSî ^

    rSQMmllw •"S L tJ i* 5 '2 J 2 S ! !L WCtuttm

    I I B ridgt holdiiig , i J , ? - Vu a ™ - . - . *’ 2 3 S ?u



    Aftcr having llatened, at . Chriatmaa dinner to Jonea' atalt Jokea, SmiUi aaid:

    SndUi—I aiajr, Jomea, the Chrlat* maa turkey la luckier than we are.

    Jonea—In what way T Smtth^He lan’t atuffed with

    cheatnuta until after he la dead.

    14 Armed fleet 19 Lure l i Sorrow17Deflalteartlele,|'^wl t l t h . a . p a c t l { X w l l . h

    21 Tree fluid

    20 That thidg

    20 Footpath 10 Hardens S3 Piloted SOObaeure SOStray 41 Roush lava

    a prsetib* ahot—I’m dxpMtinc that mtf tipt ic«lH tonlillitr*



    Very Interesting

    BUT THAT Jft MOCKER'S H w rio top OFF MV” HEAD'

    3 « » n^.-nmw/ a mam without,rtWRAW COURASa WC7ULT> Wll UMOER -Me COARSE JISES O those CARPlMS boarders/



    JOST 0E SORE [ WERE AINTT another:hole in the canoe- i Before we paddle ,.ACROSS THE POtdO/y-

    wlth the regime

    20Meana24 Induct 27 Hope’ kllna IlDiamond-

    cutter’a cup n»Goba Queen14 Feel

    ^P lifdch 17 Location Ifl Decay 40Xnentlal

    belnga42 Sea nympha 44Scorcra

    -4«F1ah______40 Ventilate SO Knock SSPatty prince SOLaat 80 Determined flOTTadetman •1 Chain •2 Handle

    DOWN. 1 Birde. crop 2 Oo by aircraft 0 AppWlatlon 4 GirTa name

    ..8 Conducted

    48 feminine appellation

    SO It ia under republican

    s i Scope

    24 Indolent 28 Midday 20 Petty quarrel ^ H i^ a t t i r e

    4SKlactrical unit 82 Saucy 49 Kethralled 94 Rnt flax4 6 i:g ^ an

    goddeaa .47 Native of̂ - Denmark

    99 Anawer (ab-) 97 Seine BOPeralan

    ■ ■r r * -■r r r« l'FTr“ r~ r* _K

    p 1 iu »w B m mITrITP P

    W\i Rp 1 i ftN f -7i f r 1"r ̂1


    A very respectable lady whoae husband yean before had paid the extreme penalty for violating the law had kept the cause of hla doaUt from their aon.

    finally the blow fell. The youngster reaching the Inquisitive age asked how his daddy died.

    Hesitating for juat a moment the proud mother g6t around the question by explaining: “Your daddy was very papular.. Bvery-

    wanted him. Once, while king part In a public ceremorTy

    glatfnrm. .gava away aaiL -̂ha

    . .^® «:r:W t«,b om e.from ,th « inou^^^ tains, Jim ?

    JUn 1— Just got back. j,Jbc ■— Didn't she stay .longer

    usual? ' ‘ •Jlnr— Yea. Couldn't afford to

    leave there while there were eo many aervSnU to tip. She had to May . untU moat of. them ■ -were gone. <

    This *N’ ThatSaid L “Dear Wlfey, may I state.

    th*t we should have a phone. Sometimes I'm at the office late, and you might be alone. FOr JaeV and Jill are out a lot; you have your frtenda' phone Hat” My wife r e i ^ . "We'd better not *I an-

    swerebi *T inaistr* And ao, 1 had a phone put In ,i.T .K e».e .a «w_


    W > ________________




    : )

    dl•^'^Q|^■fiuoM3u. TMDUEHTtMMCUTOUr FOITWL«DB4*-n TWiJ F|«t\«C^


    TMSIS ,m m m s!

    b y WILSON SraUGGS

    'iETTHgOFO aOiaBCnN E li/ n a W rra e m m K e t^ '^ .r^

    M vONi A inutr M aoMMcg OFTkiTKvoUT/

    ̂>\ V ,\

    Tw o teams who hav# played the - longast game tn the Eastern League this year meet lit the A r- m ory tom orrow afternoon at 9 ®’®.lo*k. The B ritish Am ericans and New B riU in C u rry Red Rams m eet:

    Ida one -of two league' t ills on Tha i ^Fchedple, B risto U a ^ it M arid«n

    I T H E Y ARB B T IL L talking about the three .overtim e v icto ry the clubs MSgM Ih -BTImrey Arena two ’ weeks ago when the BA'a came out i on top 105-101. New B rita in bested the locale here earlier In the eeaaon' •4-52 In another th rille r decided in ' the final* five seconda of play. Fourth .place w lir be at .etake.

    Both cliiba .wUI p r^ a b ly be nilea- Ing A pdiTdriher'tom orrow , piayeir. Coach Tom m y Byrne of the Rama has "been bed-ridden a ll week with * v ln ii Infection and la not like ly

    ; to p lay. George Feigenbaum, nursing back and rib wounds suffered in the Bristol claab last Sunday, likewise doea not figure to be In ,y*4. lln.eup, Buatneaa M anager; A rt

    ' Pongrau la going to have ' Cap P e rry of Ham ilton in uniform in

    hla services are necessary. Cap played fine ball for the locale In L^nox three weeks ago. A fire department engagement may erase Jackie Allen'a name from the lineup also. ■ • • •

    F R E D D IE O O N G fJETO N , Mat Form an, Lee Cosgrove, P erry Del- Purgatorio and Bob M cLarnon are expected to be among the startera who w ill fact B u rr Carlson, M cl Kleckner, Tom m y B irch . Don Bcanlaw and Norm -Oabbrne, ex- P«cted to compriae the Ram’s tap- off quintet.

    The H A 'b are 4-8 on the season X whlla N ew ^rtU U n la 2-8. A prellm -

    tm n''«|m ng\Ttw ’ afteriMxiit'a defidn at 1:90. \•' •• ... ' V- '- ...........""-TT'"' ■'

    Bollittg Awaiting Sophomore Year

    M ohlle .-A la . (P) - . M ilt B o llliiS r 23-year old shortstop fo r the Boston Red Sox, ia looking forw ard eagerly to hla second year In the m ajors. He's n o t'w o rrie d ' about any sophomore Jinx, either. .

    'T dfdiv't have a good enough season to w orry about the Jinx, rn v Juat hoping I, can Improve aoiiie In my h ittin g this year,” said the boy from Mobile.

    Appearing In 109 games fo r the Red S o x 'In '1853, B o lling batted .263. Am ong hla h its were 12 doubles, one trip le and five homers. , .

    'ITie handsome B olling — he was aelectad by -Boaton acripea as- thei best looking member of jthe. c lu b - la happy he received his b ig chance last season under Boudreau.

    ."I bed no-idea I would make It.” he said w ith a grin . “ I thought thay would' send me to Louisville.

    . T lilq /yea r I gueM I ’m the onlv shoktatop on the raster. But I ’ll g iva -lt m y best again at Sarasota.”

    When a a k e d who were the toui^ieat pitchers he faced In the b ig tim e be mentioned the luimes

    of .4he£T!AiSew»!fand^V^ll*Truc)w ahd BffltO pierce of the W hite Sox.

    n U )i B A B K H T B A L L (N B A ) Friday’s Resulte

    . 88. -F o rt Wa.vne 70. ^iu]keo..fl9, Philadelphia 06.

    Fits Fine

    Danny O’Connell ti lea on a Braves’ iinifoipn. Traded by the Piratea the Paterson, N. J., Irishman will play third base, accord- tag to Manager Charley Grimm, Eddie Mathews fo left Held, (NEA)

    Loeut Sporl— ChatterT W IL IG H T S K A TE R S , M an-

    ehesUr'a k b akaiing club, formed by Harold Dw>er. \.U1 hold their fourth skating session Sunday afternoon from 5 to 6:30 at the Springfield CoUaein-. Transportation wUl Le provided for thoae who It at 3:30 In front o. the Masonic Temple.

    9 4 E ETIN O - ia acheduled tonight a t the East Side Rac at 7 o’clock f o r ^ ll boys b r t w ^ the ages ol

    iferested in form -1 9 -It who are’ Hi' tag ait ihterm edlate league.


    K E B .M IT K R Q U , and M ax B ch u b n i w ere the big guns in’ th t Cheney. C ra va t Bow ling Laague last night, each w ith 303 three strin g totals. Arnold Ktelnachmidt Mad a 361 trip le .

    N A S B IF F ARM S w ill play Pa- gahi and Sox tonight at 6:30 at the W est Side Rec In a ' Rac M idget Basketball League game.

    Orioles Swing Deal with Sox

    ■|.Gpoth Rnd Li|>on Join I C hicago fo r Barry,]: M ele ; Ennis ISigns

    New T o rk , .Feb. 0 (PV— D u t-tt«M * r, C 3 lp ^ D lerlhiK who ^couldn’t, make .tha -grade w Uh- Um at. Louis Cardipala and the New York G ianU of the National

    .Ji'Nay': topinedu .aa..!A,. key figure In the plana of the B a ltimore Orioles for the upcoming basebfill season.

    Diering, who was listed asJohnny Groth'a No. I rbplacemcht In the OrioleF centerfleld spot, now la expacted to get first crack b t.U ie Jo b ., X ........ ....... .

    Oroth lainelder Johnnyl^w*W «re traded to the Chicago Waito Sox yooterday for •Nitfleliter * • « Mele and falleMer Nell Berry. Nd eaah waa lavolveiL

    Tha 31-year-old D iering, a ligh t h itte r during hla N Leagua tenure, must have p lc k ^ up Bom«) batting points a t Minneapolis last season, fo r he. bkttad .332, cracked ouc 13 home runs and drove in 74 runs.

    Defenslveiy, Chuck alw ays has been considered one of tlie besL

    “Th a t’s w hy v/e drafted him ." O riolo skipper- Jim m y Dykes explained earlier this Weak. “ We’ve got a big centerfleld Id Baltim ore and we knmv he can go a long ways to get ’em."

    In - Mele. the American Le

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