Page 1: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavorthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti seanno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for

the profitworship častiti brief kratekraw surov agriculture kmetijstvoinfluence vpliv blade of grass ozek list traveinfluential vpliven ear of corn storž koruzedevelop razviti famine lakotareputation ugled play truant špricati poukreputable ugleden detached house enodružinska hišaaccurate pravilen, natančen semi-detached


published objavljen terraced house vrstna hišasection del časopisa steady regulartake off vzleteti on average povprečnocomma vejica van kombifull stop pika tools orodjesurvey anketa equipment opremaprofessional man he has a job autumn falllocal close to where

you livebulb čebulica, žarnica

to potter delati za hobi daffodils narciseearn služiti tulips tulipanisuburbs predmestje,

okolicastuffy natlačen

graduate to finish the high-school/end ofuniversity

cookery books kuharske knjige

a graduate a person who fini-shed high-school

seasonal sezonski

rattan rafija to exhibit razstavitiheel peta stanza kiticasimilar in kind podoben na isti

načinvers=line verz=vrstica

unprecedented brez primere rhythm ritemAncient World starodavna Grčija bark lubjescientific znanstveni leaf listachievements dosežki sap rastlinski sokrevolutionize to change

completelybough veja

famous slaven to bough pripogniti sestatement izjava blackbird kosgiant leap ogromen skok planed obdelano

Page 2: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavmankind človeštvo smooth gladkoto benefit pridobiti korist axe sekirahumble ponižen in simple manner na enostaven

načinlife expectancy življenska doba disaster katastrofastrike udarec mild majhensawdust žagovina rush go very quicklythunder grom blissfully blaženodescribe opisati tour turnejasolitary samostan luxurious very expensivesolitary confinement

zaobljuba molku take delight in uživati

in the grounds of na ozemlju pore razglabljatimonastery samostan tender/tough mehko/trdocaravan avto dom ,however, kakorkolito devote nameniti, posvetiti

seperformance nastop

solitude osamljenost to bear prenestito pray moliti ridiculous smešen, neumenprayer molitev to suppose menitiremarkable izjemno, omembe

vrednoto affect vplivati

arts programme umetniški program effect vplivart umetnost success uspehart capital prestolnica

umetnostito increase povečati se

work of art prestolnica umetnosti

siblings bratje, sestre

treasure zaklad million milijonplainly preprosto quarter četrtinaverbosity dolgoveznost third tretjinaacademic verbosity

strokovni izrazi half polovica

art historian umetniški zgodovinar

multi-word verb verb, which con-sists more than one word

TV viewer gledalec complexion the color of skincommon sense zdrava pamet quite precejwisdom modrost bun figawise moder thick gostfascinated by prevzet od wrinkled zgubanelderly starejši rather precejbespectacled ima očala to mend sth popravljati nekaj

Page 3: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavobviously očitno contented satisfieddelighted by prevzet, navdušen either-or ali-alienthusiasm navdušenje helmet čeladainfected by okužen, navzet referee sodnikalthough čeprav bald plešastcontemplation razmišljanje v

osamiheart srce

knight vitez kidney ledvicabranch veja stomach želodecwig lasulja lungs pljučavineyard vinograd liver jetrapoem pesem (poezija) sore throat boleče grlopalette paleta diseases illnesssketch skica diarrhoea driskabrush čopič rash izpuščajiportrait a painting of

someone’s faceconstipation zaprtje

drawing risba sprain izvinjcomposer skladatelj cough kašeljbugle rog Modest skromentune melodija arrogant napihnjento tune uglasiti (en

inštrument)lowdown dejstva

to hum mrmrati distinctive značilento conduct voditi flightless neletečto play in uglasiti (orkester) according to glede naauthor writer cramped prenatrpanchapter poglavje due to zaradibiography description of

someone’s lifeshortage pomanjkanje

fiction literatura to set off for odpraviti senovel roman Virtually dejanskorucksack nahrbtnik uninhabited;

habitantnenaseljen; stanovalec, prebivalec

traveller’s cheques

potovalni čeki to trace slediti

towel brisača ancestry predniki (rodovnik)suntan lotion mleko za

sončenjeancestor predniki

flight attendant stevardesa to launch poslatitour guide turistični vodnik percentage procenttravel agent potovalni agent descendant potomec

Page 4: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavsight-seeing ogledi

znamenitostisettler priseljenec

X-ray rentgen chant skandiratiinjection inekcija to carve vrezati, izklesljatiprescription recept the oral culture ustno izročilooperation operacija based on osnovano nacheck-up pregled pendant obesekpills tablete kinship sorodstvopatient pacient aspect vidikspecialist specialist tribal plemenskiorgans parts of body in a menacing


to stamp stopati amongst medaccompanied spremljano high rang visok družbeni

razredto accompany stg with

spremljati nekaj z class system razdeljeni na sloje

adopt povzeti claim zasesticontroversy sporno to encounter a

problemsrečati problem

suffer trpeti reduce zmanjšati sepetition napisati peticijo treaty pogodbasubjects državljani egalitarian enakopravendissatisfaction nezadovoljstvo confiscation zavzetipayment plačilo push for rights boriti se za

pravicecompensation odškodnina,

nadomestekunemployment nezaposlenost

persuade prepričati highlight vrhunecto face srečevati vital osnovnega

pomena, najpomembnejši

to marry someone poročiti se z nekom

To abandon zapustitito leave it somewhere

to suffer a nervous break down

doživeti živčni zlom

masterpiece mojstrovinaone of the best

eventually = finally sčasoma desperately = verymuch


bitter grenek bitter feelings bad feelingsto give someone abad time

nadlegovati nekoga

determined odločen

Page 5: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavoutnumber preseči archaeologist arheologto grow into zrasti v limelight v središču

pozornosti, pod sojem žarometov

grief-stricken globoko prizadet waist-length do pasuseveral some elderly starejšiexcavations izkopavanja ultimately finallybreath sapa breathe dihatidespite kljub temu dispensary lekarnadoting = to be in love with

ljubeč pet pigeons golobi kot domačažival

exceptional izjemen To refuse zavrnitiunless razen če thoroughly popolnomaspoilt razvajen thoroughly spoilt horribly spoiltapart from narazen amateur


allow dovoliti lifelike like real, realistično

palette paleta from then onwards

od takrat dalje

to break the rules kršiti pravila Cubist kubističensimple geometric shapes

preproste geometrijske oblike

features poteze

undisputedly without any doubtnedvomno

to shock the public

šokirati javnost

to spill politi trousers hlačeto apologize to say sorry signature podpisto sign podpisati influenza gripaheart failure srčna napaka to elect volitielections volitve landslide victory zmaga z veliko

prednostjoto scrape it spraskati skupaj Value vrednostregistered voter registriran volilec to cast oddatipolling station volišče to put their name

forwardto elect someone to reprisent them

to charm očarati to gain pridobitigraduate with honors

diplomirati z odliko(to be an A-student)

emblem simbol

dull boringdolgočasen

Vice - President podpredsednik

a tad too serious a bit too serious too academic preveč poučen

Page 6: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavovercome premagati image imidž, cela osebautopian utopičen

unrealistic ideas about the world

dogmatic to be certain that you are right and everybody else is wrong

to claim trditito say

politician politik

dispute spor to handle disputes spopasti se z nesoglasji

dismissive podvržen, tak, ki se pusti premagati

defensive tak, ki gre v obrambo, ker mu zmanjka argumentov

wit duhovitost to disarm razorožitiopponent = rival nasprotnik Traitor izdajalecbigot prevarant tend to nagnjen k unremarkable neopažen to receive prejetiBA diploma MA magisterijPhD doktorat to serve military

obligationslužiti vojaško dolžnost

despite, in spite of navkljub lack of pomanjkanjelieutenant poročnik to manage uspetiinvestor investitor Quote citatsenior the most

important person in the company

presidential predsedniški

consecutive sledeč, zaporeden Term mandatto put someone atease

to make someone feel relax

to recite recitirati

lines vrstice foreign iz tuje državeto strive prizadevati si to maintain vzdrževatiensure zagotoviti at the expense na računto uphold ohranjati, kot je constitution ustavaxenophobe nekdo, ki se boji

drugačnihto bear arms nositi orožje

orphan sirotaa child whose parents are both dead

15-year-old 15-leten

current trenuten developed razvitdeveloping v razvoju concern skrbdrugs zdravila however butdevastating uničujoč consequences posledice

Page 7: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavquarter četrtina in particular še posebejnewly na novo Sub-Saharan J od Sahareorphaned osirotel due to zaradiin real terms tako, kot zgleda something is

missednečesa ni

to indicate = to show

pokazati by the year do leta

didn’t use to have ni imela it is about to have zdaj bo imeladie OF something umreti zaradi

nečesaFee šolnina

money for schoolfurther naslednji, v

nadaljevanjuto spread širiti

to continue to go on malnourished podhranjenwho doesn’t have enough food

eventually finally exploited izkoriščanto receive to get proper primerenemotional care čustvena oskrba maladjusted neprilagojenferal živalski, nevaren to rape posilitimore common pogostejši fo force vsilitito cope with something

to manage somethingbiti kos nečemu

amount količina

majority/minority večina/manjšina pandemic epidemijapoverty revščina enormous hugeto increase naraščati ignorance nevednostto combate to fight against prejudice predsodkito be prejudiced against

imeti predsodke o is transmitted se prenaša

stigma ožigosanje, označenje

employment zaposlitev

victim žrtev to contract nalezti sesuspect sumiti educators teachersinformation informacije preconceived

ideastradicionalne ideje

to submit privoliti rumor govoriceamongst med to restrict zmanjšati, omejitipharmaceuticals drugs desperately obupnounless razen če to obtain = to get dobitito refuse zavrniti sadly na žalostannoyance jeza constantly alwaysadvertisement oglas v časopisu commercial reklama po TV,


Page 8: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavmansion a very big house chimney dimnikNew Year’s Eve novoletni večer strike udarecbandage obveza Bent upognjenstraggly divje razraščen wounds ranecharging napadajoč to charge napadati, izivaticrane žerjav endangered ogrožento inhabit naseljevati wetlands ne tipično

močvirjeto nest gnezditi shallow plitevto migrate seliti se migration selitevtrumpeting trobentanje unsuitable neprimerento reproduce razmnoževati se intrusion umešavanjeto intrude (intrusive - adjective)

umešavati se dwindling decreasing

habitat okolje drained izsušenpasture pašnik farmland obdelovalna

zemljawild divjina species vrsteextinction izumrtje captive v ujetništvuestimated ocenjeno captivity ujetništvobrink edge majestic mogočendecimate zdesetkati survival preživetjevulnerable ranljiv for a start za začetekto wear make-up biti naličen housework/

homeworkhišna opravila/naloga

to worry skrbeti to have worries imeti skrbito look after someone

skrbeti za nekoga full time/part time (job)

polen čas/polovičen čas

school rules šolska pravila to break the rules kršiti praviladetention (why block)

pripor po šoli browsers people who look around in the shop but don’t buyanything

school uniform šolska uniforma to knit plestia cloth krpa a slate tablicachalk kreda fortnight 14 daysa traffic warden prometnik a waiter natakara park attendant nadzornik v parku a customs officer carinika librarian knjižničarka a flight attendant stevardesaa prisoner zapornik a jail = a prison zaporitinerary načrt za potovanje backpack rucksackhard-working delaven easy-going lahkomiseln,

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavbrezbrižen

punctual točen, pravočasen friendly prijateljskireserved zadržan emotional čustvenlazy len outgoing tak, ki hodi venhospitable gostoljuben sociable družabenformal uraden casual vsakdanjienthusiastic navdušen,

zanesenjaškiquiet tih

tolerant strpen, obziren talkative zgovoren, klepetav

sophisticated prefinjen well-dressed lepo oblečenfun-loving tak, ki se rad

zabavarespectful spoštljiv

humorous šaljiv serious resennationalistic nationalističen romantic romantičentravel to (other countries)

potovati v (druge države)

a global village the whole world is one little village

foreign business colleagues

poslovni prijatelji iz tujih držav

to be bang on time

to be punctual

up to an hour do ene ure to increase in size to growguidebook vodič to give advice on

(to advice on)dati nasvet o (svetovati o)

to assume predvidevati widespread široko razširjen (it’s everywhere)

customs običaji, navade corresponding understanding

mutual understanding, odgovarjajoče razumevanje

business matters poslovne zadeve THE (Japanese, British...)

Japonci, Britanci...

to talk business govoriti o poslu afterwards poto roll up the sleeves

zavihati rokave a sign of something

znak nečesa

to regard to understand executives people who decide about things and have certain position in the company

the feeling of easeand importance

občutek sproščenosti in pomembnosti

a sole (soles) podplat (podplati)

the height višina a social insult družbena, socialna žaljitev

tip - advice - nasvet to be exceeded by biti preseženo z

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavsuggestionin public v javnosti behaviour obnašanjeseniority whoever is older to exchange

business cardizmenjati vizitke

is essential je bistveno a superior position višji položajto bow prikloniti se a bow priklonto respect/a respect

spoštovati/ spoštovanje

ilustrated prikazano

imperative velelnik impersonal neosebena geographical link

zemljepisna, geografska povezanost

to wink pomežikniti

offensive žaljivo to clasp the hands ploskniti, ploskatilast/least/at least zadnji/najmanj/

vsajMr/Mrs/Miss/Ms gospod/gospa/

gospodična/če ženska noče, da se ve njen stan

drugstore lekarna newsagent’s kraj, kjer se kupi časopis

to behave/ behaviour

obnašati se/ obnašanje

to arrange/ arrangement

dogovoriti se/ dogovor

to meet/ meeting srečati/ sestanek to adviSe/ adviCe svetovati/ nasvetto discuss/ discussion

razpravljati/ razprava

to feel/ feeling čutiti/ občutek

to deal/ deal spopasti se/ dogovor

to accept/ acceptance

sprejeti/ spejetje

to tip/ tip svetovati/ nasvet, napitnina

to admire/ admiration

občudovati/ občudovanje

foreigner someone who comes from abroad

foreigner/ foreign tujec/ tuj

shock/ shocking, shocked

šok/ šokanten, šokiran

chart tabela

bored, boring zdolgočasen, dolgočasen

height/high višina/visok

respect/respectful spoštovanje/ spoštljiv

difficulty/difficult težava/težko

reserve/ reserved rezerva/ zadržan stranger/ strange tujec/ čuden, tujto make a deal skleniti dogovor,

pogoditi seoffence/offensive napad, žaljitev/

žaljivto have difficulty IN

imeti težavo z salary, wages plača

married/single/ widowed/divorced

poročen/samski/ vdovel/ločen

dependent child a child who you still pay for (until

Page 11: broaden širiti phenomenon pojav · broaden širiti phenomenon pojav orthodox skrajni to treble potrojiti se anno domini našega štetja commercialized everything is for the profit

broaden širiti phenomenon pojavthe age of 26)

annual income letni dohodek signature/to sign podpis/podpisatigift present engaged zaseden (linija)to hold počakati a joint of beef goveje stegnoa felt-tip pen flumaster

DRŽAVA PRIDEVNIK LJUDJEItaly Italian The Italians ItalijaGermany German The Germans NemčijaGreece Greek The Greeks GrčijaEngland English The English AnglijaFinland Finnish The Finns Finskathe Netherlands Dutch The Dutch NizozemskaChina Chinese The Chinese KitajskaScotland Scottish The Scots ŠkotskaWales Welsh The Welsh WalesIreland Irish The Irish IrskaSpain Spanish The Spanish ŠpanijaJapan Japanese The Japanese JaponskaRussia Russian The Russians RusijaSweden Swedish The Swedish ŠvedskaSwitzerland Swiss The Swiss ŠvicaMexico Mexican The Mexicans MehikaAustralia Australian The Australians AvstralijaTurkey Turkish The Turks TurčijaSlovenia Slovenian The Slovenes,

The SloveniansSlovenija

Great Britain British The Brits, The British

Velika Britanija

a clique = a gang tolpa edible užitnoportable prenosen to bann prepovedatito resign odstopiti place of interest =

a sightzanimivost, znamenitost

to go sightseeing gledati znamenitosti

a sightseeing tour potovanje, kjer vidiš znamenitosti

lace čipka sidewalk pločnikgoose bumps kurja polt frustrating neugodnochambermaid sobarica tip napitnina, nasvetmaterialistic materialističen cuckoo clock ura s kukavicoto consider smatrati, imeti za souvenir spominekcrystal kristal leather usnje, usnjenstress stres, pritisk damn prekletworked up zdelan experience izkušnja

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavgondola gondola to lean nagniti se, slonetileaning nagnjen exhilarated razveseljen,

poživljenexhausted izčrpan, utrujen excited vznemirjento opt to choose (izbirati) option izbor, možnostto remedy to solve (ozdraviti) a tissue graft transplantacijastrip trak lightning quickimplant vsadek processed obdelanconfined omejen perceived flaw namišljena

napaka, pomankljivost

surgery – surgeon- surgically

operacija – kirurg - kirurško

harming škodljivo

to spark povzročiti (iskra) to alter to changeaesthetic estetsko division oddelekaugmentations increase (porast) tripled potrojeninfrequent nepogosto commonplace običajnoconsultation posvetovanje slender tanek, vitek (thin)to gaze strmeti buxom sexyBizarre čuden, bizaren prerequisites predpogojaside nastran self-esteem samospoštovanjedisclose objaviti radical ekstremnito undergo a plastic surgery

imeti plastično operacijo

to have low self-esteem

imeti nizko samospoštovanje

persuasive prepričljiv conclusion zaključekintroduction uvod paragraph odstavekFooth&Mouth disease

slinavka in parkljevka

to postpone/delay elections

odložiti volitve

FM cases primeri bolezni the number continues to grow

število narašča

suspected case domnevni primer stranded (on a farm)

pripeljan in odložen (na kmetiji)

as expected po pričakovanjih to outstrip prekašatisloughterment ubijanje trained sloughters izurjeni ubijalci

(klavci)livelihoods preživetje increasing gloom vse večja žalost ,

potrtostto sway from the plan

odmakniti se od načrta

outbreak of disease

izbruh bolezni

another Europeancountry has fallen victim

še druga evropska država je žrtev (bolezni)

be affected biti prizadet

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavthe sloughter is onits way

ubijanje se nadaljuje

radius polmer, območje

exclusion izločitev, osama, izolacija

holds its breath napeto čaka, zadržuje dih

to ban the export (movement) of all livestock

prepovedati izvoz (prevoz) živih živali

apparent success dozdeven uspeh

to contain the spread of the disease

zajeziti razširjanje bolezni

confirmed outbreak

potrjen primer

to protest against complacency

demonstrirati protiugodju (neprizadetosti, nevtralnosti)

excessive alarmism

prekomerna reakcija

deserted prazen, zapuščen to log on (to the web, to the computer)

priključiti se (na računalnik)

to take part IN something

sodelovati v nečem

to make friends sklepati prijateljstva

increasing number naraščujoča številka

a top student odličen učenec

talented nadarjen to go through the normal ups and downs

imeti normalne vzpone in padce

good times – bad (hard) times

dobri časi – slabi časi

affluent wealthy, rich

there is a lot of pressure ON people

veliko pritiska je na ljudeh

to feel (be) vulnerable

počutiti se (biti) ranljiv

she was vulnerable to the attentions of a man

vulnerable to get wounded easily

he was not all he seemed

he was not the man he pretendedto be

to flatter someone laskati nekomu

he flattered her intelect

pohvalil je njen intelekt

within a month v enem mesecu

to equip opremiti to meet someone in person

to meet someone personally

to alert buden, uren, čuječ to be taken into custody

odpeljan je bil v pripor

to sexually abuse spolno zlorabiti providing pod pogojem daovercrowding prenatrpanost concern skrb

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavMeka a place that

attracts thousandsof people

to be catered for biti poskrbljeno za

crop letina, pridelek divide into razdeliti nanot only…but also ne samo…ampak

tudiclimate podnebje

climatic podnebni agriculture kmetijstvoto include vsebovati a range of

mountainsveriga gor

a bunch of flowers šopek rož backbone hrbtenicato have an effect on

to affect wet - wetter moker – bolj moker

sheep ovca (ovce) ship (ships) ladja (ladje)arable farms orna zemlja cereal žitafamous for (with) znan po countryside podeželjecoastline obala one particular

area of natural beauty

posebno območje naravne lepote

inhabited by poseljeno z gentle countryside hills, valleys….most heavily populated

najbolj gosto poseljen

flat ploščat

vast fields ogromna polja areas with heavy industry

območja s težko industrijo

to be characterized

biti označen, karakteriziran

characterized by its mountains

označen s svojimi gorami

in the north (south)

na severu (jugu) valleys doline

lake district območje jezer mining rudniki, rudarstvomoors močvirja mists meglicechilly hladno windy vetrovnostorm nevihta fog meglastockbreeding živinoreja to bring to a

standstillprenehati, ustaviti = no movement

in short supply shortage necessity potreba, silaproduction line tekoči trak environment


environmental okljevarstven, okoliški

evidence dokaz

pace korak, hoja global warming celotno, skupno segrevanje

to accelerate pospešiti contribute prispevati, sodelovati

tourists to the turisti na series (sg. = pl.) serija

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavNorth Pole severnem tečajurecently nedavno, zadnje

časepollution onesnaževanje

polluted onesnaževan pollutant substanca, ki onesnažuje okolje

polluter onesnaževalec environmentalist okoljevarstvenikto surface to appear –

pojaviti se, priti napovršino

to link povezati, člen

fuel gorivo additive dodatekgasoline benzin ironically ironično,

posmehljivoto be dependent on something

biti odvisen od nečesa

product izdelek

produce proizvajati producer proizvajalecproduction proizvodnja productive produktivenproductivity produktivnost the United States

is (singular)ZDA so

tension napetost disagreement nesoglasje, sporto disregard to ignore –

prezirati, ignoriratiwarning opozorilo

dependence on odvisnost od despite in spite of, although

to boom uspevati, napredovati (to besuccessful)

apparent očiten

to question dvomiti (to be doubtful about something)

disaster katastrofa

to predict napovedati, prerokovati

smog gosta in strupena megla

financial costs finančni stroški rising naraščujočthe issue tema, o kateri se

debatira, zadeva; izdaja, izvod

gas gasoline

gallon 4,5 liter concerned about something

zaskrbljen zaradi nečesa

shortage pomanjkanje, primanjklaj

overuse prekomerna uporaba

politics, policy politika politic, political političenpolitician politik politicize politiziratisupply zaloge versus againstexploitation izkoriščanje to exploit izkoriščati

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavexploited izkoriščan exploitative izkoriščevalskorefuge zavetišče refugee begunec, ubežnikbog močvirje mountain range gorska verigacontentious sporen contagious nalezljivcaribou severni jelen 400-mile journey,

5-star hotel!ednina

calf mladič, tele devastate opustošitiinterference vmešavanje cow - bull krava – bikdisturbance motnja nor neitherstrong herd številčen crisis krizacoal premog herd čredaresource vir crude surov, neobdelanirreparably nepopravljivo to warn opozoritidrill for oil vrtati za olje billion miljardabarrel sod, sodček interference on

the plainvmešavanje na prostem

to interfere vmešavati se argue pričkati se, prepričevati, dokazovati

to point out opozoriti, kazati na nekaj, to give this as an evidence

threefold three times; trikraten

limited / full, total omejen / popoln logging izsekavanje gozdov

avoid izogniti se approximately približnothe potential benefit

potencialna korist domestic (source) / foreign

domač (vir) / tuj

demand zahteva, povpraševanje

to reduce prices – lower prices

znižati cene – nižje cene

irreparably nepopravljivo awareness ozaveščenosta blockbuster movie

zelo uspešen film temper prilagoditi; make something unpleasant more aceeptable

water pollution onesnaževanje voda

fossil fuels fosilna goriva

release sprostiti, sproščati emission izpušni plini (emisije), izloček

ratify potrditi, odobriti international agreement

mednarodni sporazum

by 5.2 per cent za 5,2 procenta consumer potrošnikpotential costs potencialni stroški to highlight osvetliti, označiti,

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavpoudariti

threatened ogrožen to threaten ogrozitipoll anketa environmental

catastrophekatastrofa z okoljem

environmental change

sprememba v okolju

environmental standards

standardi okolja

infrastructure ogrodje, infrastruktura

investment investicija, vlaganje

pump gas station Elizabethan in time of Queen Elizabeth

illiterate nepismen sum vsotawit duhovitost focus osredotočiti sewill oporoka to make a

reference toomeniti

consumption poraba, potrošenje

courtier dvorjan

throughout through the whole nobility plemstvopersecution preganjanje vere vojvodascholar učenjak numerous številnigoofy trapast celebrity slaven človek;

famous personlad boy lead glavna vloga;

main rolesitcom a situation

comedyin terms of pay when talking

about moneyto achieve doseči racial barriers rasne ovireremarkable izreden,

nenavaden, naredi vtis

apart from razen, poleg

to be fully aware of

popolnoma se zavedati

vision vizija

aspect vidik ability sposobnost, zmožnost

to turn down zavrniti contract pogodbacontractual difficulties

problemi s pogodbo

set to do ready

cosmopolitan svetovljanski rural podeželjskiagricultural kmetijski overcrowded prenatrpanantique starinski polluted onesnaževanhistoric zgodovinski seaside obalenindustrial industrijski reserved zadržanwealthy, affluent, rich

bogat particularly especially, še posebej

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavto be cross biti slabe volje,

čemerenmug vrček

steaming soparen to steam vretito gravitate gravitirati rectangular pravokotnikpulley škripec the focal point =

the focussredišče

take-away restaurant

restavracija, kjer se hrano vzame s sabo

seldom rarely; redko

to join in pridružiti se kettle kotliček, čajnikclimate podnebje, klima climatic influence vpliv podnebjalegacy zapuščina World War II Druga svetovna

vojnalove affair ljubezenska afera,

razmerjeingredient sestavina

enable omogočiti nowadays these daysdish jed final conclusion zaključek, sklep,

ugotovitevdry-cleaner kemična čistilnica vacant prost, nezasedenexternal zunanji single / married

(person)samski / poročen (človek)

single / returned (ticket)

enkratna / večkratna (vstopnica)

old / new (house) stara / nova (hiša)

old / young (man) star / mlad (človek)

strong / weak (man)

močen / šibek (moški)

strong / light (beer)

močno / lahko (pivo)

rich / poor (person)

bogat / reven (človek)

rich /plain (food) bogata / preprosta(hrana)

sweet / sour (apple)

sladko / kislo (jabolko)

sweet / dry wine sladko / suho vino hot / mild (curry) pekoč / nepekoč (curry)

hot / cold (drink) vroča / hladena (pijača)

dark / fair (hair) temni / svetli (lasje)

dark / bright (room)

temna / svetla (soba)

a wealthy woman a rich woman

an amusing story a funny story a smart / elegant person

a well-dressed person

a messy room an untidy room a badly-behaved child

a naughty / spoiled child

correct information

accurate information

nice people friendly people

a stupid person a silly person an intelligent person

a clever person

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojava great idea a wonderful idea terrible news awful newshorrible /tasteless food

disgusting food

advertisement oglas v časopisu to be with someone

biti z nekom

to apply for prijaviti se za, konkurirati

to be to (many parts of America...)

biti v (na)

applicant prosilec correspondent dopisnik; ustrezenapplication form prošnja boarding school internatpost delovno mesto abroad v tujininecessary potreben disabled children invalidni otrociqualifications kvalifikacije,

usposobljenost; something you get with education

to acquire to gain; pridobiti

skills spretnosti porter vratarjournalist novinar chemist’s shop lekarnaworldwide povsod razširjen,

po celem svetuto resign odstopiti

success uspeh resignation odpoved, odstopsuccessful uspešen to elect izvolitisuccessfully uspešno elections volitvep.a. = per annum in a year to influence stg to have an

influence on stgannual income salary a two-year training

coursedvoletni tečaj izobraževanja

wages something you earn in a year

to be trained to become a teacher/nanny

biti izšolan za poklic učitelja/ varuške

requires zahteve the choice of career

izbira poklica, kariere

news is novice so to choose izbiratito be based to live there but

travel a lotchoice izbira

two years’ experience = two-year experience

dvoletne izkušnje to adore oboževati, občudovati

to be fluent in a language = to speak a language fluently

govoriti jezik tekoče

to have a part-time/full-time job

imeti delo s polovičnim/celim delovnim časom

a degree IN (politics)

diploma iz nečesa tee obrok ob petih (malica)

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavwidely a lot baby-sitter varuška (for a few

hours a day)CV = curriculum vitae

življenjepis nanny varuška (tudi vzgaja otroke, jih izobražuje)

interpreter tolmač, simultani prevajalec

housekeeper gospodinja; nanny

indeed zares, resnično trained (nanny) izšolana (varuška)to work for someone

delati za nekoga follow in someone’s footsteps

do the same things as someone

to work with someone

delati z nekom a wee bit a little bit

an independent thinker

tak, ki sam misli, se odloča

socially acceptable

družbeno sprejemljivo = accepted in a society

firmly odločno, striktno, trdno

the family is (as a unit)/the family are(particular members)

družina je

on my mother’s (father’s) side

po materini (očetovi) strani

out of this world zelo dober

pudding pecivo, poslastica,slaščica

to approve of odobravati

manor house velika podeželjskahiša z zem. posestvijo

taken aback osupel, presenečen

term semester surveyor preglednik, nadzornik

interior designer notranji arhitekt cottage hišica, kočadrive dovoz redudant odvečen, nadštevilen,

nepotreben (delovna sila)

phase faza manual labour ročno delorow glasen prepir,

hrup, vpitjesolicitor panoga odvetnika,

notaridiomatic v prenesenem

pomenu; metaphoric

literal v dobesednem pomenu

separable, inseparable

ločljiv, neločljiv to separate ločiti

travel courier travel guide; turistični vodnik

to regret obžalovati

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broaden širiti phenomenon pojavover dinner while eating



bring up look after, educate (a child)bring up mention (in conversation)carry on continuedrop out leave, not complete (a college course)fall out quarrel and no longer be friendsget on with have a good relationship withget over recover from (an illness, a shock)give up stop (a job, a habit, e.g. smoking)go through experiencegrow up change from a child to adultlook after take care ofmake up inventmake it up be friends again after an argumentpick up learn unconsciously (e.g. a language)put off postponebe taken aback be surprisedtake after resemble (biti podoben)turn out be in the endtake over take control ofrun out of zmanjkatilook forward to veseliti seput up with sprijazniti se, prenašatitake off vzleteti (letalo)take off increasebring up raisepick up izboljšati se (zdravje); improve (health)get over explainlook up find (a number)look up increase (sales)get on with continue with

to be on strike stavkati out of work brez delacheque for… ček za… on purpose namernodifference between razlika med complaints about pritožbe čeztrouble with težave z for a change za sprememboon average povprečno in a terrible mood slabo razpoložena photo of some-one

fotografija nekoga do damage to (car) poškodovati (avto)

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envy zavist misery beda; catastrophyto envy someone zavidati nekomu groceries živilato be envious biti zavisten Leak špranjaenviously zavistno to leak puščatifantasize fantazirati contented pleased;

zadovoljento have fantasies imeti fantazije to fix to mend; popravitipurpose namen to give stg to good

causesto give stg topeople who needit

without purpose nenamerno to win a fortune to win a lot ofmoney

on purpose namerno after all navsezadnjefurious besen; really

angryactually pravzaprav

jigsaw picture cut into piecesthat you have to puttogether

anyway kakorkoly, nekako

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windfall sum of money youreceive unexpectedly

Rarely not often

to fritter awaymoney

to spend moneyfoolishly on small,useless things

Huge very big

to go on aspending spree

iti zapravljat Smash break violently

to turn green withenvy

pozeleneti odzavisti

neighbourhood area around yourhouse

rarely redko demanding asking (forsomething) verystrongly



protect keep (something)safe, protect

economic gospodarski spending spree a time when you go tothe shops and spenda lot of money

economical varčen penniless having not apenny

local lokalen, krajeven; inthe neighbourhoodwhere you live

groceries basic things to eat

closely linked tesno povezan leak a hole throughwhich water getsin

routine habits; navade guard someone whoguards you;stražar

to publicize objaviti v časopisu sanity prisebnostcharityorganization


to win money onthe pools

zadeti denar naloteriji

request prošnja spending spree nakupovanjedemand zahtevafee honorarlawyer’s – lawyers’ odvetnikov – od


Base adjective (very, quite, really) Strong adjective (absolutely, really)big enormous, hugehot boilingtired exhaustedcold freezingtasty deliciousinteresting fascinatingbad horrid, horrible, awful, terrible,

disgustinggood perfect, marvelous, superb, wonderful,

fantastic, brilliantdirty filthy

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surprised astonished, amazedangry furiousfunny hilariousfrightened terrifiedpretty/attractive beautifulclever brilliant

untidy (tidy) umazan, neurejen bankrupt (to go -) bankrotiran,nezmožen plačila


optimističen economy gospodarstvo,ekonomija


družaben well-off premožen, dobrosituiran

talkative (quiet) zgovoren,klepetav

credit card kreditna kartica

reserved – heldback (outgoing)

zadržan economic gospodarski

shy (outgoing,sociable)

boječ, plah,nezaupljiv

hard up (/well-off) tak, ki ima malodenarja, šeposebej za kratkoobdobje

impatient (patient) nepotrpežljiv squander zapravlati (zabrezvezne,nepotrebne stvari)



squanderer razsipnik,zapravljivec

lazy (hard-working)

len (delaven) safe varen; blagajna,sef

generous (mean,stingy)

radodaren,velikodušen(skop, skopuški)

waste zapraviti

moody (easy-going)

muhast, čemeren(lahkomiseln,brezbrižen)

earn zaslužiti


zanesljiv loan posojilo



salary plača (na leto)


vesel, veder(nesrečen, ubog)

invest vložiti, investirati(denar)


občutljiv wages plača (na teden)

box office hit film, which is a hit savings prihrankiacorn želod broke brez denarja

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oak tree hrast win zadetifertile rodoviten save varčevati,

prihranitito star a film igrati v filmu will oporokaspendthrift zapravljivec bet staviti, stavacurrency valuta coins kovanciaccountant knjigovodja,

računovodjacashier blagajnik

millionaire milijonar to suggest stg to make asuggestion

cash dispenser bankomat lyrics besedilo pesmistockbroker borzni posrednik stanza kiticapenniless brez beliča, reven area zemljišče,

površina, območjespending spree nakupovanje,

zapravljanjesettle poravnati (prepir)

economical varčen frustrations neugodje, jeza,vznemirjenost

wealthy bogat supporter pristaš, navijačrhyme rima means sredstva, načinrhythm ritem headline naslov članka v


tune melodija, napev thug nasilen človek,zlasti kriminalec

refrain refren form oblikovati, tvoritirepetition ponovitev certain določen, nedvomen,


poet pesnik though dasi, čeprav,vendar

title naslov minority manjšinakettle kotliček, čajnik sight pogled, prizorpersonification poosebitev fan navijač,

občudovalecsimile primera great velikmetaphor metafora countless brezštevilen,

neštetassociated povezan, združen escalate stopnjevati sestereotype stereotip,

ustaljeno mnenjedestruction razdejanje,


investigate preiskovati,poizvedovati

effective učinkovit,uspešen, močan

promote predstaviti v emerge pojaviti se

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javnosti, delatireklamo

sensible pameten,razumen

avoid izogniti se,izogibati se

gentleman gospod, poštenjak insult žaliti, sramotitito portray upodobiti, poisati,

portretiratithreaten groziti, pretiti

generally običajno, pogosto preparation priprava,pripravljenost

slightly rahlo, malo battle bitka, bojnaive lahkoveren,

neizkušen,pretirano zaupljiv

rion nemir, kaljenjemiru, izgred,razgrajanje

equal enakovreden,enakopraven

rioter razgrajač, tak, kikali mir

rude robat, neotesan,nevljuden, osoren,nevzgojen

border meja, rob

aggressive napadalen,prepirljiv

charge at teči proti, pogostov napadu

terrorise terorizirati,ustrahovati

disrupt raztrgati, razbiti,prekiniti

innocent nedolžen disqualify diskvalificirati,izključiti

shameful sramoten incident pripetljaj,neprijetendogodek, prepir,spor, izgred

rival tekmec bid ponudba, prošnja,zahteva

area zemljišče,površina, območje

nor niti, in tudi ne

settle poravnati (prepir) deputy odposlanec,zastopnik,pooblaščenec

frustrations neugodje, jeza,vznemirjenost

prime minister ministrskipredsednik

supporter pristaš, navijač similar podobenmeans sredstva, način defence obrambaheadline naslov članka v


to suffer from adisease

trpeti za boleznijo

thug nasilen človek,zlasti kriminalec

excess presežek,čezmernost

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form oblikovati, tvoriti,organizirati

attempt poskus

certain določen,nedvomen,zanesljiv

uproar hrup, trušč,direndaj

though dasi, čeprav,vendar

rebellion upor, ustaja, punt

minority manjšina treason izdaja, zahrbtnost,verolomnost; a crimeagainst your owncountry

sight pogled, prizor spectator gledalec,poazovalec

fan navijač,občudovalec

breed rasa, pasma, leglo

great velik capture ujeti, aretiraticountless brezštevilen,

neštetcaptured ujet

escalate stopnjevati se extension razširjenje,podaljšek, prizidek

climax višek, vrhunec above nad, zgorajban izobčiti,

prepovedatideliberately premišljeno,


massive masiven, čvrst,gost

ignorant neveden, nevešč,omejen

to police skrbeti za red hospitable gostoljubenclosed circuittelevision

charming očarljiv, privlačen,ljubek

get out of hand uiti iz nadzora adventorous pustolovskitactic taktika fashionable moden, elegantenopen-minded odkrit, dovzeten respectful spoštljiv, vljudenhonest pošten, iskren,

resnicoljubensophisticated prefinjen, uglajen,


lazy len arrogant predrzen,objesten, ošaben

awkward neroden,nespreten,nevljuden



miserly skop, lakomen dull dolgočasen,medel, pust,nezanimiv

humourless tak, ki nima smislaza humor

fizzy – still(mineral water)

z mehurčki – brezmehurčkov

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(mineralna voda)biased pristranski bias pristranskostdeath penalty =capitalpunishment

smrtna kazen a jouvenile a young person

a minor mladoletnik to be slated forsomething

to be scheduledfor something(usuallyunpleasant)

throw out refuse to acceptsomething

to be lack-luster =to be inadequate

biti nezadosten,pomankljiv

barrel cev inmate someone who is in thesame situation assomeone else

misconduct incourt

not having rightskills…; napačnovodstvo na sodišču

legal defence dovoljena, legalnaobramba

to outlaw thedeath penalty

to ban (forbid)death penalty

Supreme Court vrhovno sodišče

reinstate ponovno uvesti; toput something inthe same situationagain

offender prestopnik, krivec;criminal

attorney lawyer district attorney javni tožilecto be far from rare to happen often to be sentenced to

death (toimprisonment

biti obsojen nasmrt (na zapornokazen)

to be faulted for to be blamed for the verdict isdeath penalty

razsodba (sodba,sklep) je smrtnakazen

implications implikacije; the factsare clear, show that

charged obtožen; brought tocourt

a ruling a decision madeby an authority

to follow up acase

to give a case tocourtroom

juvenile detention prison for youngpeople

detention pripor

progressive napreden,stopnjujoč


usmrtiti, izvršitismrtno kazen

citizen meščan, državljan death row smrtna celicato commit a crime zagrešiti zločin sentence kazen, obsodba,

razsodbadate spremljevalec confront soočiti,

zoperstavititrigger sprožilec flee pobegniti, zbežati,


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rate ocean, uvrščenost sigh vzdih, vzdihljajrelief olajšanje, tolažba,

podporatrial sodni postopek,

procesjury porota overgrown prerasel, poraselyard garden narrow ozek, tesenconcrete betonski steel jeklen, jekloappeals court prizivno sodišče overturned prevrnjen,

strmoglavljeninadequate neustrezen,

nezadostento raise a question postaviti

vprašanjeissue sporno vprašanje,

problem, predmetrazprave

permit dovoliti, dopustiti

combine sestaviti,kombinirati

comply privoliti; to agreewith a rule or anorder

convention zborovanje,skupščina, dogovor,sporazum

outlaw izobčiti,prepovedati

cast vreči, odvreči to cast a vote oddati glasto be accountablefor stg

to be responsiblefor stg

ought to moral bi

appeal Priziv coach trenersolemn svečan, slavnosten,

slovesentestify pričati, izjaviti

shoot the bakset metati žogo nakoš

verdict razsodba porote

contact lenses Kontaktne leče in addition to poleg tega, vrh tega

public prosecutor državni tožilec prosecutor tožilecwithhold zadržati, ne dati,

zamolčatifactor dejavnik

defendant obtoženec frequently pogosto, hitrocourt-appointedlawyer

odvetnik, ki gadodeli sodišče

study študija

role vloga, funkcija,gledališka vloga

deny zanikati, utajiti

bare gol, nag willing voljan, pripravljenpursue zasledovati,

preganjati, prizadevatisi

shaky tresoč, majav,nezanesljiv

shaky case case, not basedon a strongevidence

evidence dokaz

lethal smrten,smrtonosen

coincide hkrati se dogoditi,skladati se

murderer morilec, ubijalec pardon pomilostitev,oprostitev

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sweep oplaziti, švigniti reversal nasprotje, obratarmed oborožen, opremljen robbery rop, krajato plead guilty priznati krivdo to win favour with

someonepridobiti naklonjenost,odobravanje nekoga

judge sodnik to preside over to be in charge ofaccessory sokrivec gesture gesta, kretnja, gibtemporary začasen, zasilen surround obkrožatiarise pojaviti se, nastati conduct voditi, dirigiratipoll volitve,


rank razvrstiti popoložaju. mestu,stopnji

grant dovoliti, odobriti,zagotoviti

leniency prizanesljivost,popustljivost,uvidevnost

insufficient nezadosten tackle krepko se lotiti,spoprijeti se,nadlegovati

adequate primeren,ustrezen, skladen

impulsive nagel, vročekrven

rehabilitate rehabilitirati,ponovnousposobiti

reveal razodeti, izdati,razkrinkati


plešast – baldreceding hair – izpadajoči lasjefreckles – pegebeard – bradamoustache – brkiwrinkles - gubea crew-cut – kratka in štrleča frizura

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colours of hair:fair, dark, blonde, grey, white, black, ginger, red, auburn (red-brown)

tent, complexion, colour of skin – barva kožefair, dark

height – višinato be high – biti visok

slim – suhplump – debel, okrogel, rejenstout – velik, zajeten (big)obese – zelo debelfat (impolite) – a bit overweightstocky – čokat (širok, bolj nizek…)well-built, muscular – mišičastanorexic – anoreksičen

smart = elegant – elegantenwell-dressedscruffy – razcapanuntidy-looking – zgleda neurejengood-looking / unattractivehandsome – good looking manbeautiful, pretty – good-looking womanfirst impression – prvi vtis

tallish , brownish hair, thirtyish… - precej visok, rjavkasti lasje, proti tridesetim…middle-aged – srednjih letelderly – starejši

long-legged – dolgonogaround (thin, chubby) –faced – z okroglim (ozkim, napihnjenim) obrazomred (fair, brown…) –haired – z rdečimi (svetlimi, rjavimi…) lasmistocky-built – čokato grajenmixed race – različnih rastanned complexion – porjavela polt

Intellectual ability


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intelligent (inteligenten, bistroumen, razumen)bright (bister)clever (pameten, spreten)smart (razumen, iznajdljiv, bister)shrewd (bisroumen – close to witty)able (sposoben)gifted (obdarjen)talented (nadarjen)brainy (clever)

Lacking ability:stupid (neumen)foolish (neumen, bedast)half-witted (omejen)simple (preprost, nekompliciran)silly (bedast, neumen)brainlessdaft (stupid)dumb (neumen, molčeč)dim (mračen, nejasen)

Clever, in a negative way, using brain to trick or deceive (goljufati):cunning (zvit, pretkan)crafty (premeten, zvit, sposoben)sly (zvit, prebrisan, potuhnjen – tak, ki se vedno izvleče)

Attitudes towards life

Looking on either the bright or the black side of things:optimistic (optimističen)pessimistic (pesimističen)

Outward-looking or inward-looking (to the world around one or to one’s owninner world):extroverted (open)introverted (deserted)

Calm or not calm with regard to attitude to life:relaxed (sproščen, spontan)tense (napet, zadrgnjen)

Practical, not dreamy in approach to life:sensible (razumen, realističen)down-to-earth

Feeling things very intensely (močno, ognjevito):

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sensitive (občutljiv, dovzeten; a person who reacts with emotions)

Attitudes towards other people

Enjoying others’ company: sociable (družaben, prijateljski)gregarious (družaben, priljuden, glasen)

Disagreeing with others:quarrelsome (prepirljiv)argumentative (gives arguments all the time, always wants to be right)

Taking pleasure in others’ pain:cruel (krut, neusmiljen, brezsrčen)sadistic (sadističen)

Relaxed in attitude to self and others:easy-going (lahkomiseln, brezbrižen)even-tempered (calm)

Not polite to others:impolite (nevljuden)rude (neolikan, robat, surov, grob, neotesan)ill-mannered (neolikan) (/well-mannered)discourteous (neolikan, nespoštljiv)

Telling the truth to others:honest (odkrit, pošten, odkritosrčen)trustworthy (zaupanja vreden)reliable (zanesljiv)sincere (iskren, odkrit, pristen)

Unhappy if others have what one does not have oneself:jealous (ljubosumen)envious (zavisten, nevoščljiv)

POSITIVE NEGATIVEdetermined (odločen, neomajen) obstinate (trdovraten, trmast, uporen)

stubborn (trmast, uporen)pig-headed (trmast)

thrifty (varčen, dobičkonosen)economical (varčen, ekonomski)

miserly (skop)mean (skop)tight-fisted (skop)

self-assured (samozavesten) self-important (domišljav)arrogant (ošaben, predrzen, objesten)

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full of oneself (poln samega sebe)assertive (trdilen, zagovarjajoč,nepopustljiv)

aggressive (agresiven, prepirljiv)bossy (oblasten, zapovedovalen)

original (izviren, originalen) peculiar (čuden, poseben, samosvoj)weird (čuden, skrivnosten)eccentric (čudaški, prenapet)odd (čuden, nenavaden)

frank (odkrit, iskren)direct (direkten, neposreden, odkrit)open (jasen, dovzeten)

blunt (neotesan, žaljiv, brezobziren)abrupt (nenaden, nepričakovan)brusque (zadirčen, osoren)curt (osoren)

broad-minded (širokosrčen) unprincipled (brez načel)permissive (brez tabujev, svoboden)

inquiring (poizvedujoč, preiskujoč) inquisitive (radoveden, vedoželjen,zvedav)nosy (radoveden)

generous (radodaren, velikodušen) extravagant (zapravljiv, potraten)innocent (nedolžen, neškodljiv) naive (naiven, prostosrčen)ambitious (ambiciozen, prizadeven,častihlepen)

pushy (podjeten, energičen,komolčarski)


to have a heart of gold (to be very kind, generous)to be as hard as nails (to have no sympathy for others)to be as good as gold (to be generous, helpful, well-behaved, used generally forchildren)to be rather a cold fish (to be distant, unfriendly)

an awkward customer (a difficult person to deal with)a pain in the neck (nuisance - nadloga, difficult)get on everyone’s nerves (irritate everybody)

to be quick of the markto be slow off the mark

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to be a fast workerto be a slow-coach

an odd-ball (peculiar, strange)over the top (very exaggerated in behaviour)round the bend (absolutely crazy/mad)middle-of-the-road (very normal; no radical ideas; neither left- nor right-wing)

teacher’s pet (the person who is teacher’s favourite)top of the class (the one who gets the best marks)know-all (an irritating person who knows everything)a big-head (someone who thinks they are the best and says so)a lazy-bones (a person who is very lazy)

to have one’s head screwed on (be sensible)to have a head for heights (not suffer from vertigo – omotica, vrtoglavica)to have a head like a sieve – sito, rešeto (bad memory)to have a good head for figures (be good at maths)to have one’s head in the clouds (unaware of reality)

‘Here! Have one of mine!’ ‘Death cigarettes? You must be joking!’

predan kadilec working hard atsth because it isvery important toyou (dedicated)

commited smoker dedicatedsmoker


The doctor advised him to quit smoking before he becomesa dedicated smoker.

zvesto puhati,kaditi svojecigarete

to smoke acigarette, pipe,etc.; to makesmoke or steamblow out in clouds

to loyally smokeone’s owncigarettes

to loyally puffone’s owncigarettes

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puff (noun), puffed(zasopel), puffer

He still loyally puffs his own cigarettes although noone elselikes them.

kadilec, kineprestano kadi

a person who smokescigarettescontinuously andlights the next onefrom the one he hasjust smoked

a chain smoker

chain-smoke I knew he was a chain smoker but I was still taken abackwhen I saw how many cigarettes he smoked in less than anhour.

prsi, prsni koš the top part of thefront of the body,between the neckand the stomach


chesty (suffering fromor showing signs ofchest disease), -chested

The bullet hit him in the chest.

odpovedati secigaretam

to stop doing orhaving sth – tostop smoking

to give upcigarettes

Last month he finally gave up cigarettes after years ofsmoking.

imeti rad to feel affectionforsb, especially sbyou have knownfor a long time

to be fond of(fondness –affection)

to have afondness for

fond, fondly, tofondle

She has a fondness for animals so her mother bought her apuppy.


unusual orsurprising in away that causespeople to takenotice



remarkably,remark (comment)

The area was remarkable for its landscape.

povedati, pojasnitinekaj o sebi

!!!something that one says or writesthat gives information or an opinion ononeself; to explain things about oneself

to make astatement aboutoneself (yourself)

When you let people know what kind of music you listen,you make a statement about yourself.

visokorazreden of high quality;expensive and/orfashionable


class They couldn’t afford to stay in a classy.

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tip človeka, ki jerad zunaj

a person who is situated outside,rather than in a building, who likes tobe in nature

outdoor type

outdoors I prefer indoor activities so I am not really the outdoor type.ponazoriti to, karhoče povedati(nekdo)

to make themeaning of sthclearer by usingexamples,pictures, etc.

to illustrate – todemonstrate

to illustratesomeone’s point

illustartion, illustrative,illustrator, illustrious(very famous andmuch admired)

To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story.


having or showing anunderstanding ofpeople’s needs, asituation etc. that isnot based on old-fashioned attitudesand prejudice



Most of our teachers have have a very enlightenedapproach to teaching.

krsta a box in which adead body isburied orcremated

casket (American) coffin

She started to cry again when she saw his coffin.prodajni avtomat a machine from

which you can buycigarettes, drinks,etc. by puttingcoins into it

vending machine

vendor He wanted to bay cigarettes from the vending machine buthe didn’t have any change.


a type of productmade by aparticularcompany


branded, brand(verb)

You pay less for the supermarket’s own brand.

upati si, drzniti si to be braveenough to do sth

to dare

dare (noun) He didn’t dare to say what he thought.izvleči (iz žepa) to show sth or

make sth appearfrom somewhere

show/bring out to produce

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(producer, product,production,productive,productivity – drugpomen)

He produced a letter from his pocket.

zaklučiti, sklepati to come to anend, to bring sthto an end

to make aconclusion

to conclude


He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home.

razkriti hinavščino expose – to tell thetrue facts about aperson or a situation,and show them/it tobe immoral, illegal,etc.

hypocrisy – behaviourin which sb pretendsto have moralstandards or opinionthat they do notactually have

to expose thehypocrisy


He wanted to expose the hypocrisy behind the tobaccoindustry.


to forbid sthofficially

to forbid to ban

ban (noun) He started a campaign to ban smoking in public places.prejeti velike vsotedenarja z davki

to receive hugeamounts ofmoney in tax

Governments can’t afford to ban smoking because theyreceive huge amounts of money in tax.

sponzoriratišportne dogodke

to pay costs ofparticular sportsevents as a wayof advertising

to sponsorsports events

sponsor (noun),sponsorship

Most of sports events are sponsored by the tobaccoindustry.

z velikanskimi,ogromnimi stroški

by spending hugeamounts of money

at huge,enormousexpense

at vast expense

expenditure, toexpend,expensive

They redecorated their house at vast expense.


connected insome way

connected linked

link, linkage Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer.osvojiti velik deležtrga

to persuade manypeople to useone’s products

to win a goodshare of themarket

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win (noun),winner, winning(adj.)

When the company was founded its owners hoped to win agood share of the market.

delež one part of sththat is dividedbetween two ormore people

part/amount of sth(percentage)


to share Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.milijarda one thousand

million1 000 000 000 billion

billionaire He owns half a billion dollars.delati reklamo to tell the public

about a productao a service inorder toencourage peopleto buy or to use it

to advertise

advertisement =advert, advertiser,advertising

They advertised the cruise as the ‘journey of a lifetime’.

izgubiti to have less and lessof sth, especially untilyou no longer haveany of it/ to fail tokeep sth you want orneed

to have less, notkeep

to lose – loss

loser, loss, lost The business is losing money.napačno razumetičloveškopsihologijo

to fail tounderstand thehumanpsychologycorrectly

psychology – thekind of mind thatsb has that makesthem think orbehave in aparticular way

tomisunderstandthe humanpsychology


He has misunderstood human psychology so noone useshis products now.

raje ne razmišljatio nečem

to know sth butdon’t want to bereminded of that

to prefer not tothink about sth

thinkable, thinker,thinking

She knew what was going on but she preferred not to thinkabout it unless it was necessary to.

cigareta, čik cigarette fagfag end - ogorek He smoked about ten fags in two hours.

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People who opposesmoking and like tospoil other people’senjoyment – smoking.


Smokers probably find unti-smoking killjoys really annoying.vidik, pogled a particular part or

feature of a situation,an idea, a problem,etc; a way in which itmay be considered


This was one aspect of her character he hadn’t seenbefore.

puritanec, čistun a person who hasvery strict moralattitudes and whothinks that pleasureis bad(disapproving)


puritanism, puritan(adj.), puritanical,purity

He doesn’t like puritans who try to control people’s lives.

pepelnik a container intowhich people whosmoke put tobaccoash, cigarette ends,etc.


ash, ashes, ashen(pepelnata barva)

After smoking a cigarette, he put the end of it in an ashtray.

vzljubiti nekoga to begin to like sb to start to warmto sb

warmth, warmer,warming

I warmed to him immediately.

COMPOUND NOUNS (sestavljeni samostalniki)

slušalke the object you wear ifyou want to listen to yourwalkman


vozniško dovoljenje the piece of paper that driving-licence

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means you can drive acar

vozniški izpit the test you have to passto get the driving-licence

driving test

tapeta you put it on the walls ofyour house when youdecorate a room


tiskovna konferenca an interview given to a lotof journalists to make anannouncement

press conference

nekdo, ki neprestanokadi

someone who smokesone cigarette afteranother

chain smoker

poslovni partner someone that you run abusiness with

business partner

pepelnik where smokers put outtheir cigarettes


razglednica a card used for sendingmessages by post withoutan envelope and it usuallyhas a picture on one side


poštni nabiralnik a public box that you putletters into when yousend them


poštar a person whose job is tocollect and deliver letters


poštna številka a group of letters and/ornumbers that are used as apart of an address so thatpost/mail can be separatedinto groups and deliveredmore quickly


pošta a place where you canbuy stamps, send letters,etc.

post office

gledanje izložb the activity of looking at thegoods in shop/storewindows, usually withoutintending to by anything


zobobol a pain in your teeth or inone tooth


zobna krtačka a small brush forcleaning your teeth


zobna pasta a substance that you put toothpaste

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on a brush and use toclean your teeth

jedilnica a room used mainly foreating meals in

dining room

dnevna soba a room in the housewhere people sittogether, watchtelevision, etc.

living room

preoblačilnica a room for changingclothes in, especiallybefore playing sports

changing room

semafor a signal that controls thetraffic on a road, by meansof red, orange and greenlights that show when youmust stop and when youcan go

traffic lights

mestni redar a person whose job is tocheck that people do not parktheir cars in the wrong placeor for longer than is allowed,and to report on those who door tell them that they have topay a fine

traffic warden

prometni zastoj a long line of vehicles ona road that cannot moveor that can only movevery slowly

traffic jam

avtocesta a wide road, with at leasttwo lanes in each direction,where traffic can travel fastfor long distances betweenlarge towns


avtomobilske dirke the sport of racing fastcars on a special track

motor racing

=motorcycle; a road vehiclewith two wheels, driven byan engine, with one seatfor the driver and a seat fora passenger behind thedriver


kuharska knjiga a book that givesinstructions on cooking andhow to cook individualdishes; =cookbook

cookery book

telefonski imenik a book that lists the names,addresses and telephonenumbers of people in a

telephone book

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particular area; =telephonedirectory

zvezek a small book of plainpaper for writing notes in


gasilski avtomobil a special vehicle thatcarries equipment forfighting large fires

fire engine

ognjišče; kamin an open space for a firein the wall of a room


ognjemet a small device containingpowder that burns or explodesand produces bright colouredlights and loud noises, usedespecially at celebrations -> adisplay of fireworks


rojstnodnevna voščilnica a card you sendsomeone who has abirthday

birthday card

kreditna kartica a small plastic card thatyou can use to buygoods and services andpay for them later

credit card

kartica z željami zaokrevanje

a card you sendsomeone who is ill andwish him to get well

get-well card

frizer a person whose job is tocut, wash and shape hair


krtača za lase a brush for making thehair tidy or smooth


kratka frizura; striženjelas

the act of sb cutting yourhair; the style in whichsb’s hair is cut


klimatizacija a system that cools anddries the air in a buildingor car

air conditioning

letalska pošta the system of sendingletters, etc. by air


letališče a place where planesland and take off and thathas buildings forpassengers to wait in


čajna skodelica a cup in which tea isserved


čajna žlička a small spoon for puttingsugar into tea and otherdrinks


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čajnik a container with a spout,a handle and a lid, usedfor making and servingtea


sončna očala a pair of glasses withdark glass in them thatyou wear to protect youreyes from bright sunlight


sončenje sitting or lying in the sun,especially in order to geta suntan


sončni zahod the time when the sungoes down and nightbegins


prodajalec časopisov =newsdealer; a personwho owns or works in ashop selling newspapersand magazines


potovalni agent a person or businesswhose job is to makearrangements for peoplewanting to travel

travel agent

posredovalec pri nakupuin prodaji zemljišč

a person whose job is tosell houses and land forpeople

estate agent

zavijalni papir coloured paper used forwrapping presents

wrapping paper

pisemski papir =notepaper; paper forwriting letters on

writing paper

straniščni papir thin soft paper used forcleaning your bottomafter you have used thetoilet

toilet paper

predsednik the person in charge of ameeting, committee,company, etc.


gasilec a person whose job is toput out fires


smetar a person whose job is toremove waste fromoutside houses, etc.;=refuse collector


nakupovalno središče a group of shops/storesbuilt together, sometimes

shopping centre

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under one roofnakupovalna košarica a basket you use when

you go shopping to putthings you intend to buyin

shopping basket

nakupovanje a short period of timethat you spend shopping,but often too much of it

shopping spree

knjižna omara a piece of furniture withshelves for keepingbooks on


knjigarna a shop/store that sellsbooks; =bookstore


knjižni molj a person who likesreading very much


lisice handcuffsstoja handstandslušalke headphonespredgorje, rt headlandžaromet, glavna luč headlightnočna mora nightmarespalna srajca, pižama nightwearmoška nočna srajca nightshirtspalna srajca nightgownsnežinka snowflakezvonček (roža) snowdropobrv eyebrowtrepalnica eyelashveka eyelidhrbtenica backbonehrbtno plavanje backstrokelandscape pokrajina

You ask… we answer!

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detinstvo, otroštvo babyhood infancyinfant = baby, infantile =childish; connected withbabies or very young children

More boys than girls die in infancy.

srčna bolezen an illness affectinghuman heart

heart disease

diseased Heart disease is not contagious.a kajenjem povezanebolezni

diseases that areconnected to/related tosmoking


He smoked a lot so the possibility of him getting asmoking-related disease was very high.

še posebej especially particularlyparticular, particularity,particularize

Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.

poklic a job or profession occupationoccupational Please state your name, age and occupation bellow.dokazi kažejo,namigujejo..

evidence make peoplethink that sth is true, theyput idea into people’sminds

evidence suggests

suggestible, suggestion,suggestive

All the evidence suggests he stole the money.

ob rojstvu at the time sb is born at birthchildbearing!!! The baby weighed three kilos at birth.agresiven v obnašanju behave aggressively aggressive in

behaviourbehave = act He was too aggressive in behaviour so he had to

leave their house.zato for this reason, because

of thathence

We suspect they are trying to hide something, hencethe need for an independent inquiry.

živeti do velike starosti live very long live to great agesNot so many people live to great ages.

samo, le, edino only, simply mere, merelyIt took her a mere 20 minutes to win.

krožiti to circle around, to movein an orbit (= a curvedpath) around a muchlarger object

to orbit

orbit (noun), orbital The earth takes a year to orbit the sun.

od Japonske off Japanese shore off Japan

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The lights of the fishing boats off Japan are visiblefrom the space.

žičnata ograja a structure made of wirethat is put between twoareas of land as aboundary, or around agarden/field, yard, etc.

wire fence

pod, spodaj underneathlestev laddervedro vode, lonec barve bucket of water, pot of

paintvislice a structure on which

people are killed byhanging

gallows (Pl.)

They sent him to the gallows. klic v težavah – klic napomoč (ladje)

call that you make whenyou are in distress

distress call – Mayday

distressed, distressing The ship was in danger so the captain made adistress call.

marmornati lok marble archverjeti, prepričanje believe, beliefmrtev, smrt dead, deathdolžina, dolg length, longvalovna dolžina the size of a radio wave

that is used by aparticular radio station,etc. for sending signalsor broadcastingprogrammes


This wavelength is permanently monitored by rescueservices.

preprost simple, not complicated straightforwardstraightforwardness He gave her a straightforward explanation to her

question. privzeti to take over, to start to

useto adopt

adopted, adoption,adoptive

The expression was adopted from French.

trajno, stalno all the time permanentlypermanent, permanence= permanency

The stroke left his right side permanently damaged.

zvezek, knjiga volumezapisati/zapis to record/recordhodnik hallway; a long narrow

passage, with doors thatcorridor

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open into rooms oneither side

peterostrani five-sidedpodkev a piece of curved iron

that is attached with nailsto the bottom of ahorses’s foot


vaščan, deželan a person who lives in avillage


pribit fastened with a nail ornails


moč, močen strength, strongljudje so potovali s konji people travelled by


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advertisement oglas v časopisu to be with someone

biti z nekom

to apply for prijaviti se za, konkurirati

to be to (many parts of America...)

biti v (na)

applicant prosilec correspondent dopisnik; ustrezenapplication form prošnja boarding school internatpost delovno mesto abroad v tujininecessary potreben disabled children invalidni otrociqualifications kvalifikacije,

usposobljenost; something you get with education

to acquire to gain; pridobiti

skills spretnosti porter vratarjournalist novinar chemist’s shop lekarnaworldwide povsod razširjen,

po celem svetuto resign odstopiti

success uspeh resignation odpoved, odstopsuccessful uspešen to elect izvolitisuccessfully uspešno elections volitvep.a. = per annum in a year a degree IN

(politics) diploma iz nečesa

annual income salary widely a lotwages something you

earn in a yearCV = curriculum vitae


requires zahteve interpreter tolmač, simultani prevajalec

news is novice so indeed zares, resničnoto be based to live there but

travel a lotto work for someone

delati za nekoga

two years’ experience = two-year experience

dvoletne izkušnje to work with someone

delati z nekom

to be fluent in a language = to speak a language fluently

govoriti jezik tekoče

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bring up look after, educate (a child)bring up mention (in conversation)carry on continuedrop out leave, not complete (a college course)fall out quarrel and no longer be friendsget on with have a good relationship withget over recover from (an illness, a shock)give up stop (a job, a habit, e.g. smoking)go through experiencegrow up change from a child to adultlook after take care ofmake up inventmake it up be friends again after an argumentpick up learn unconsciously (e.g. a language)put off postponebe taken aback be surprisedtake after resemble (biti podoben)turn out be in the endtake over take control ofrun out of zmanjkatilook forward to veseliti seput up with sprijazniti se, prenašatitake off vzleteti (letalo)take off increasebring up raisepick up izboljšati se (zdravje); improve (health)get over explainlook up find (a number)look up increase (sales)get on with continue with

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The modern servant – the nanny, the cook and the gardener

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to influence stg to have an influence on stg

tee obrok ob petih (malica)

a two-year training course

dvoletni tečaj izobraževanja

baby-sitter varuška (for a few hours a day)

to be trained to become a teacher/nanny

biti izšolan za poklic učitelja/ varuške

nanny varuška (tudi vzgaja otroke, jih izobražuje)

the choice of career

izbira poklica, kariere

housekeeper gospodinja; nanny

to choose izbirati trained (nanny) izšolana (varuška)choice izbira follow in

someone’s footsteps

do the same things as someone

to adore oboževati, občudovati

a wee bit a little bit

to have a part-time/full-time job

imeti delo s polovičnim/celim delovnim časom

over dinner while eating dinner

an independent thinker

tak, ki sam misli, se odloča

socially acceptable

družbeno sprejemljivo = accepted in a society

firmly odločno, striktno, trdno

the family is (as a unit)/the familyare(particular members)

družina je

on my mother’s (father’s) side

po materini (očetovi) strani

out of this world zelo dober

pudding pecivo, poslastica,slaščica

to approve of odobravati

manor house velika podeželjskahiša z zem. posestvijo

taken aback osupel, presenečen

term semester surveyor preglednik, nadzornik

interior designer notranji arhitekt cottage hišica, kočadrive dovoz redudant odvečen, nadštevilen,

nepotreben (delovna sila)

phase faza manual labour ročno delorow glasen prepir,

hrup, vpitjesolicitor panoga odvetnika,

notaridiomatic v prenesenem

pomenu; metaphoric

literal v dobesednem pomenu

separable, ločljiv, neločljiv to separate ločiti

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On the telephone


tajnica Hello, this is… Dobre dan, to je…

leave your nameand number afterthe tone (beep)

po pisku pustitesvoje ime inštevilko

I’ll get back toyou

poklical vas bomnazaj (I’ll call youback)

Can I take a Ali lahko kaj secretary tajnica

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message? sporočim?to give sb a call to call sb to be on another

linebiti na drugi liniji

to hold to wait I’m putting youthrough.

Vežem vas.

extension interna Can you give mea ring?

Can you give mea call?

answer phone answeringmachine

to return call to call back

(Could I speakto…?) Speaking.

(Could I speakto…?) I am …

This is… (notHere is… or Iam…)


Can I haveextension…?

Ali lahko dobiminterno…?

Hold the line,please. I’mputting youthrough.

Počakajte na liniji,prosim. Vežemvas.

The line is busyat the moment.Would you liketo hold?

Linija je trenutnozasedena. Bostepočakali?

I’ll phone backlater.

Poklical bomkasneje.

Who wants to be a millionaire? We do!

envy zavist misery beda; catastrophyto envy someone zavidati nekomu groceries živilato be envious biti zavisten Leak špranjaenviously zavistno to leak puščatifantasize fantazirati contented pleased;


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to have fantasies imeti fantazije to fix to mend; popravitipurpose namen to give stg to

good causesto give stg topeople who needit

without purpose nenamerno to win a fortune to win a lot ofmoney

on purpose namerno after all navsezadnjefurious besen; really

angryactually pravzaprav

jigsaw picture cut into piecesthat you have to puttogether

anyway kakorkoly, nekako

windfall sum of money youreceive unexpectedly

rarely not often

to fritter awaymoney

to spend moneyfoolishly on small,useless things

huge very big

to go on aspending spree

iti zapravljat smash break violently

to turn greenwith envy

pozeleneti odzavisti

neighbourhood area around yourhouse

rarely redko demanding asking (forsomething) verystrongly



protect keep (something)safe, protect

economic gospodarski spending spree a time when you go tothe shops and spenda lot of money

economical varčen penniless having not apenny

local lokalen, krajeven; inthe neighbourhoodwhere you live

groceries basic things to eat

closely linked tesno povezan leak a hole throughwhich water getsin

routine habits; navade guard someone whoguards you;stražar

to publicize objaviti v časopisu sanity prisebnostcharityorganization


to win money onthe pools

zadeti denar naloteriji

request prošnja spending spree nakupovanjedemand zahtevafee honorarlawyer’s – lawyers’ odvetnikov – od


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Base adjective (very, quite, really) Strong adjective (absolutely, really)big enormous, hugehot boilingtired exhaustedcold freezingtasty deliciousinteresting fascinatingbad horrid, horrible, awful, terrible,

disgustinggood perfect, marvelous, superb, wonderful,

fantastic, brilliantdirty filthysurprised astonished, amazedangry furiousfunny hilariousfrightened terrifiedpretty/attractive beautifulclever brilliant

What sort of person are you?

A person who…vessel, veder is usually smiling and


družaben, prijateljski enjoys the company ofother people


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boječ, plah finds it difficult to meetnew people

shy/outgoing, sociable

prizadeven, častihlepen,ambiciozen

finds it important tosucceed in his career


čemern, muhast whose mood changesoften and suddenly for no

good reason


občutljiv, dovzeten notices other people’sfeelings


optimističen thinks the future will begood


zanesljiv whose friends candepend on him


neredoljuben, neurejen whose room is often in amess


nepotrpežljiv gets annoyed if he has towait for anyone or



len puts off until tomorrowwhat he could do today


delaven works hard hard-working/lazyzadržan keeps his feelings and

ideas to himselfreserved (heldback)/outgoing

zgovoren, klepetav talks a lot talkative/quietradodaren often gives presents generous/ mean, stingy

(skopuški)lahkomiseln, brezbrižen is usually calm and not

worried by thingseasy-going/



sivka a garden plant or bushwith bunches of purpleflowers with a sweet



jalovo, neplodno, pusto, bare, with few plants barren

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nerodovitno (okolje)(goličava)

(barren land)

brezbarvno without colour or verypale


gorsko višavje high mountains mountain heightsgrob rough, not soft, harsh coarsetrava grasssuša dryness

silhueta, obris the dark outline or shapeof a person or an object


pastir a person whose job is totake care of sheep


zelo vroča zemlja very, extremely hot earth baking earthkoča a small house, especially

in the countrycottage

želod the small brown nut ofthe oak tree


hrast a large tree thatproduces small nuts

called acorns


a long straight piece ofwood, metal or glass

palica, prekla rod

(po)riniti, suniti, potiskati to push sth/sb suddenlyin a particular direction


palec the short thick finger atthe side of the hand


nadaljevati, znova začeti to continue after aninterruption

to resume

nadaljujoč existing in the same wayeithout change or



vztrajen continuing for a longperiod of time in a waythat cannot be ignored

insistent(to insist)

vzkliti, zrasti to produce new leaves orbuds, to start to grow

to sprout

spraševati se o to think about and try todecide about sth

to wonder about

podeliti, podariti to agree to give sb whatthey ask for

to grant (sb sth)

kot kapljica vode v ocean an amount that is tosmall or unimportant to

make any real differenceto a situation

like a drop of water inthe ocean

ločiti (se) to separate, to move to part

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away from sthsadilec dreves someone who plants


obravnavati, imeti za to think of sb in aparticular way, to

consider sb as

to regard sb as

ravnina a large area of flat land plainvreča a large bag with no

handles, used for storingand carrying


radoveden having strong desire toknow about sth

curious about sth(curiosity, suriously)

dolžina the size or measurementof sth from one end to



širina the measurement fromone side of sth to theother; how wide sth is


učinkovit producing a successfulresult


meriti to find the size, quantity,etc. of sth in standard


to measure

merljiv that can be measured measurablenadzorovan, merjen slow and careful;


merjenje, mera the act of the process offinding the size; the size,length or amount of sth


za merjenje used to measure thingswith


povzetek, izvleček a short passage from abook, piece of music, etc.that gives you an idea ofwhat the whole thing is



ogrožati, pretiti to seem likely to happenor cause sth unpleasant


quiet, without beingdisturbed, calm, not

easily upset or worriedby a difficult situation


impresiven (izrazit,prepričljiv) pogled(slikovit dogodek)

a sight or view thatmakes you feel


(impressive) spectacle

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ostati brez besed to be unable to speakbecause because you

are extremelysurprised/angry

to be speechless

duša the spiritual part of aperson


biti osupel, presenečen,začuden

to be astonished, to betaken aback

to be amazed

dolgovati to feel that you ought todo sth for sb, especiallybecause they have done

sth for you; to have topay sb for sth that youhave already received

to owe

stanovalec, prebivalec a person who lives there inhabitantkopriva a wild plant that stings if

you touch itnettle

oster cruel, severe and unkind harshnatovorjen, obremenjen full of, heavily loadet with

sthladen with

prijeten duh, vonj(pozitivno)

a pleasant smell scent

kljub, navzklic despite in spite odneuporabna zemlja an area of land that

cannot be used or that isno longer used forbuilding or growing

things on


konstruktiven, ustvarjalen– gradnja, sestava

constructive –construction

uničevalen, razdiralen –uničenje, opustošenje

destructive -destruction


biti okužen s HIVom(virusom)

to contain sth harmful –HIV, virus

to be infected with HIV(virus)

neozdravljiv that cannot be cured incurable

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(o)zdraviti to make sb healthy afteran illness, to make an

illness go away


del Afrike J od Sahare everything that is belowSahara (in Africa)

sub-Saharan Africa

AIDS je terjal življenjapreveč (2 milijona) ljudi

AIDS caused deaths oftoo many people

AIDS claimed the livesof too many (2 million)

peoplesmrti, povezane z

AIDSomdeaths, that are

connected with AIDs insome way

AIDS-related deaths

virus povzročibolezen/AIDS

virus is the reason why aperson gets a disease

virus causesdisease/AIDs

narisati, označiti nazemljevid

to locate, to sign on amap

to map sth

odstotki odraslih zAIDSom

the rate of percentage odadults with AIDS

the percentage ofadults with AIDS

Katere države imajonajveč odstotkov

okuženih odraslih?

Which countries havethe highest

percentages of infectedadults?

V Botswani je okuženih36 % odraslih.

The rate of infectedadults /adult population)per cent in Botswana is


The rate of infectedadults is Botswana

with 36%.

točno določiti, zadeti to be able to give theexact reason for sth or to

describe sth exactly

to pinpoint

ADIS napada imunskisistem

AIDs causes damage toimmune system

AIDS attacks theimmune system

delež, stopnja, razmerje,odstotki


mejniki the most importantevents during some time


zavedeti se nečesa to notice that sth ispresent, or that sth ishappening; to start toknow or to realize sth

to become aware of sth

raziskava a careful study of asubject, especially inorder todiscover new

facts or information aboutit


raziskovalec a person who studies sthcarefully and tries to


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discover new facts aboutit

biti v nevarnosti,tveganosti

to be in danger of sthunpleasant or harmful

happening to you

to be at risk

bolezen se širi deisease is spread = thedisease affects more and

more people

disease spreads

AIDS se prenaša z AIDS is passed from oneperson to another by

AIDS is transmitted by(transmitter)

zaznati HIV to discover, notice HIV to detect HIVprepoznati, identificirati

HIVto recognize HIV and be

able to say what it isto identify HIV

izolirati HIV to separate HIV fromother cells so you can

study it

to isolate HIV

ovirati, zadrževati to forbid or prevent sbfrom doing sth (going to


to bar (from school)

!!nalezti se, okužiti se to get an illness to contractbiti nagnjen k nečemu =liable; to be likely to

suffer from sthto be prone to sth

transfuzija krvi the process of puttingnew blood into the bodyof a person or an animal

blood transfusion

zdravilo jeodobreno/dovoljeno za

a drug is officiallyallowed to be used for

a drug is approved for

množica nečesa a large number of things/people

host of sth/sb

biti okužen s HIVom to be infected with HIV to be HIV-infected(osnovati) sklad organized way of raising

money, providing moneyfor sth

(to raise) fund

!!!!!!?????pano panelcepivo a substance that is put

into the blood and thatprotects the body from a



pobuda a new plan for dealingwith a particular problem

or for achieving aparticular purpose


zajeziti, ustaviti širjenje to stop or slow down thespread

to halt the spread

zdravilo a medicine a cure

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ostati to remain to continue to beprikrit, skriven, tajen not seen but there stealthyzavedeni, zbegani,

zmedeni=baffled; confused,because sb doesn’t

understand sth


pljučnica lung infection pneumoniapoklati, pomoriti to kill a large number of

people, especially in acruel way

to massacre (verb,noun)

žrtev AIDSa a person who dies ofAIDS

AIDS casualty

četrti glavni razlog,povzročitel smrti

the fourth main reasonfor people dying

the fourth-leadingcause of death

sirota, biti osirotel a child whose parentsare dead (She was

orphaned in the war.)

orphan; to be orphaned

davek (število mrtvih) the amount of damage orthe number of deathsthat are caused in a

particular way

toll (death toll)

epidemija wide-spread disease pandemicposkočiti, dvigniti se to rise very quickly to soar to

težko razumljiv,predstavljiv

very difficult to imagineor to understand,

extremely surprising (Aproblem of a mind-

boggling complexity.)


nalezljive bolezni diseases that can bepassed from one person

to another, especiallythrough the air they


infectious diseases

sprožiti to cause, to start to triggerkrušni starš (mama) a parent (mother) who

has adopted a childadoptive parent

(mother)posvojen otrok a child who has legally

become part of a familywhich is not the one inwhich he or she was


adopted child

razvit, pravi… fully developed, havingall the characteristics of



razvite države countries that have manyindustries and a

developed countries

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complicated economicsystem

nerazvite države countries that have fewindustries and a low

standard of living


zdravilo a substance used as amedicine or used in a



celica the smallest unit of livingmatter that can exist on

its own


nekaj zadane trd sth becomes successfulon the market, popular

sth hits the market

hitrost, tempo (razvoja) the speed pace (of thedevelopment)

daleč izven dosega far beyond the limit towhich sth has power or

influence to do sth

far beyond the reach

protivirusno zdravilo drug that attacks thevirus

antiviral drug

sklicati to arrange for people tocome together for a

formal meeting


oblegan, ogrožen where sth is present inlarge numbers


znižati neko stopnjo za25 %

to reduce some rate by25 percent

1 od 10 odraslih 1 out of 10 adults 1 of every 10 adultsgraditi upanja na nečem to rely on sth completely

for success or helpto pin your hopes on

sthbenigen, nenevaren not causing any harm,

not dangerous or likely tocause death


delček a very small piece of sth particlebacil, klica, mikrob a very small living thing

that can cause infectionand disease


meriti kam, ciljati to aim an attack at sb/sth to targetuničiti to damage sth so badly

that it no longer exists,works, etc.

to destroy

razen če + negativnaoblika

if + negative form unless + positive form

v zadnjem desetletju in the last ten years over the last decadeV zadnjem desetletju se In the last ten years, the Over the last decade,

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število ni povečalo. number has not becomegreater.

the number has notincreased.

drastično reducirati;udariti, raniti

to hit; to reduce sth by alarge amount

to slash

pehati se za nečem to achieve sth withdifficulty, to work on sth

to scramble to do sth

igla a very thin, pointed pieceof steel (used for puttinga drug into sb’s body, orfor taking blood out of it)


naleteti na gluha ušesa people don’t hear it to fall on deaf earspreventivni ukrep sth that is donein order to

stop sth else fromhappening

prevention measure

Death penalty

biased pristranski bias pristranskostdeath penalty = smrtna kazen a jouvenile a young person

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capitalpunishmenta minor mladoletnik to be slated for

somethingto be scheduledfor something(usuallyunpleasant)

throw out refuse to acceptsomething

to be lack-luster =to be inadequate

biti nezadosten,pomankljiv

barrel cev inmate someone who is in thesame situation assomeone else

misconduct incourt

not having rightskills…; napačnovodstvo na sodišču

legal defence dovoljena, legalnaobramba

to outlaw thedeath penalty

to ban (forbid)death penalty

Supreme Court vrhovno sodišče

reinstate ponovno uvesti; toput something inthe same situationagain

offender prestopnik, krivec;criminal

attorney lawyer district attorney javni tožilecto be far from rare to happen often to be sentenced to

death (toimprisonment

biti obsojen nasmrt (na zapornokazen)

to be faulted for to be blamed for the verdict isdeath penalty

razsodba (sodba,sklep) je smrtnakazen

implications implikacije; the factsare clear, show that

charged obtožen; brought tocourt

a ruling a decision madeby an authority

to follow up acase

to give a case tocourtroom

juvenile detention prison for youngpeople

detention pripor

progressive napreden,stopnjujoč


usmrtiti, izvršitismrtno kazen

citizen meščan, državljan death row smrtna celicato commit a crime zagrešiti zločin sentence kazen, obsodba,

razsodbadate spremljevalec confront soočiti,

zoperstavititrigger sprožilec flee pobegniti, zbežati,

bežatirate ocean, uvrščenost sigh vzdih, vzdihljajrelief olajšanje, tolažba,

podporatrial sodni postopek,


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jury porota overgrown prerasel, poraselyard garden narrow ozek, tesenconcrete betonski steel jeklen, jekloappeals court prizivno sodišče overturned prevrnjen,

strmoglavljeninadequate neustrezen,

nezadostento raise a question postaviti

vprašanjeissue sporno vprašanje,

problem, predmetrazprave

permit dovoliti, dopustiti

combine sestaviti,kombinirati

comply privoliti; to agreewith a rule or anorder

convention zborovanje,skupščina, dogovor,sporazum

outlaw izobčiti,prepovedati

cast vreči, odvreči to cast a vote oddati glasto be accountablefor stg

to be responsiblefor stg

ought to moral bi

appeal Priziv coach trenersolemn svečan, slavnosten,

slovesentestify pričati, izjaviti

shoot the bakset metati žogo nakoš

verdict razsodba porote

contact lenses Kontaktne leče in addition to poleg tega, vrh tega

public prosecutor državni tožilec prosecutor tožilecwithhold zadržati, ne dati,

zamolčatifactor dejavnik

defendant obtoženec frequently pogosto, hitrocourt-appointedlawyer

odvetnik, ki gadodeli sodišče

study študija

role vloga, funkcija,gledališka vloga

deny zanikati, utajiti

bare gol, nag willing voljan, pripravljenpursue zasledovati,

preganjati, prizadevatisi

shaky tresoč, majav,nezanesljiv

shaky case case, not basedon a strongevidence

evidence dokaz

lethal smrten,smrtonosen

coincide hkrati se dogoditi,skladati se

murderer morilec, ubijalec pardon pomilostitev,oprostitev

sweep oplaziti, švigniti reversal nasprotje, obratarmed oborožen, opremljen robbery rop, krajato plead guilty priznati krivdo to win favour with pridobiti naklonjenost,

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someone odobravanje nekoga

judge sodnik to preside over to be in charge ofaccessory sokrivec gesture gesta, kretnja, gibtemporary začasen, zasilen surround obkrožatiarise pojaviti se, nastati conduct voditi, dirigiratipoll volitve,


rank razvrstiti popoložaju. mestu,stopnji

grant dovoliti, odobriti,zagotoviti

leniency prizanesljivost,popustljivost,uvidevnost

insufficient nezadosten tackle krepko se lotiti,spoprijeti se,nadlegovati

adequate primeren,ustrezen, skladen

impulsive nagel, vročekrven

rehabilitate rehabilitirati,ponovnousposobiti

reveal razodeti, izdati,razkrinkati


associated povezan, združen escalate stopnjevati sestereotype stereotip, destruction razdejanje,

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ustaljeno mnenje opustošenje,poguba

investigate preiskovati,poizvedovati

effective učinkovit,uspešen, močan

promote predstaviti vjavnosti, delatireklamo

emerge pojaviti se

sensible pameten,razumen

avoid izogniti se,izogibati se

gentleman gospod, poštenjak insult žaliti, sramotitito portray upodobiti, poisati,

portretiratithreaten groziti, pretiti

generally običajno, pogosto preparation priprava,pripravljenost

slightly rahlo, malo battle bitka, bojnaive lahkoveren,

neizkušen,pretirano zaupljiv

rion nemir, kaljenjemiru, izgred,razgrajanje

equal enakovreden,enakopraven

rioter razgrajač, tak, kikali mir

rude robat, neotesan,nevljuden, osoren,nevzgojen

border meja, rob

aggressive napadalen,prepirljiv

charge at teči proti, pogostov napadu

terrorise terorizirati,ustrahovati

disrupt raztrgati, razbiti,prekiniti

innocent nedolžen disqualify diskvalificirati,izključiti

shameful sramoten incident pripetljaj,neprijetendogodek, prepir,spor, izgred

rival tekmec bid ponudba, prošnja,zahteva

area zemljišče,površina, območje

nor niti, in tudi ne

settle poravnati (prepir) deputy odposlanec,zastopnik,pooblaščenec

frustrations neugodje, jeza,vznemirjenost

prime minister ministrskipredsednik

supporter pristaš, navijač similar podobenmeans sredstva, način defence obrambaheadline naslov članka v to suffer from a trpeti za boleznijo

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thug nasilen človek,zlasti kriminalec

excess presežek,čezmernost

form oblikovati, tvoriti,organizirati

attempt poskus

certain določen,nedvomen,zanesljiv

uproar hrup, trušč,direndaj

though dasi, čeprav,vendar

rebellion upor, ustaja, punt

minority manjšina treason izdaja, zahrbtnost,verolomnost; a crimeagainst your owncountry

sight pogled, prizor spectator gledalec,poazovalec

fan navijač,občudovalec

breed rasa, pasma, leglo

great velik capture ujeti, aretiraticountless brezštevilen,

neštetcaptured ujet

escalate stopnjevati se extension razširjenje,podaljšek, prizidek

climax višek, vrhunec above nad, zgorajban izobčiti,

prepovedatideliberately premišljeno,


massive masiven, čvrst,gost

ignorant neveden, nevešč,omejen

to police skrbeti za red hospitable gostoljubenclosed circuittelevision

charming očarljiv, privlačen,ljubek

get out of hand uiti iz nadzora adventorous pustolovskitactic taktika fashionable moden, elegantenopen-minded odkrit, dovzeten respectful spoštljiv, vljudenhonest pošten, iskren,

resnicoljubensophisticated prefinjen, uglajen,


lazy len arrogant predrzen,objesten, ošaben

awkward neroden,nespreten,nevljuden



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miserly skop, lakomen dull dolgočasen,medel, pust,nezanimiv

humourless tak, ki nima smislaza humor

fizzy – still(mineral water)

z mehurčki – brezmehurčkov(mineralna voda)


gluhonem a person who is unableto hear or speak

a deaf-mute

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sočuten kind to sb who is hurt orsad; showing that youunderstand and careabout their problems


osnoven, bistven,temeljen

serious and veryimportant, affecting the

most central andimportant part of sth


v osnovi, osnovno =basically; used whensaying what is the most

important thing about sb/sth


ponočnjak a person who enjoysstaying up late at night


sokol a strong fast bird of prey hawkstranke, odjemalci people who come

regularly to some place;all the customers or

clients of a shop, etc.


zatekati se, pogostoobiskovati

to visit a place often or tospend a lot of time there

to haunt

prodajna miza, pult a long flat surface overwhich goods are sold or

business is done


grozen, zastrašujoč… very frightening andunpleasant, very difficult

to deal with


nočna mora a dream or anexperience that is very

frightening andunpleasant


pokvarjenost, izprijenost the state of being morallybad


uničiti to destroy sth completely annihilateki ima prednost,

premagujoč, prevladujoč,najpomembnejši

most important thananything else in aparticular situation


nesmiselen, neumen,smešen, absurden

completely ridiculous; notlogical and sensible


razsvetljenje the process ofunderstanding sth or

making sb understand it


dostojanstvo the fact of being givenhonour and respect by



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potepuh trampbaterija je prazna NOT the battery is empty the battery is lowprvoten, pristen,

verodostojenknown to be real and not

a copy; true andaccurate; made to be

exactly the same as theoriginal


spominjati se, počastitispomin

to remind people of animportant person or anevent from the past witha special action or object


predsodek an unreasonable dislikeor preference for a

person, group, custom,etc.


revolucionaren the one that caused thedifference, made the




person who feelsunimportant and fells that

he cannot influencedecisions or events;


the marginalized

svet iz zakulisja in a way that people ingeneral are not aware of



biti zmanjšan, omejen na to be changed to a moregeneral or more simple


to be reduced to

hrepeneti po to wish sth really strongly to long forpriznati, potrditi nekoga to accept that sb has a

particular authority orstatus

to acknowledge sb

hudomušna šala a joke that you make onsb’s account


osnoven, skrajen, najvišji most extreme – mostimportant…, recognised;

the one that sets therules


biti izključen iz not to be acceptedsomewhere

to be excluded from

brsteti, izvirati, skočiti odnekod

to be caused by sth, tostart from sth

to spring (sprung,sprung) from sth

odtujitev a feeling of separation, ofnot belonging to a


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particular groupizdaja, številka one of a regular series of

magazines ornewspapers


pripovedovalec a person who narrates,tells a story


pripovedka story narrativebiti oddaljen od not to be involved or

connected withto be distanced from

vrstnik a person who is thesame age (especially

young people)


okrepiti, utrditi se to become stronger to strengthenodločitev, sklep resolution resolve

navdihniti to make sb try to do sth,to give sb a desire to do


to inspire

iztegniti se, približati senekomu…

to show sb that you areinterested in them and/or

want to help them

to reach out to sb

biti pogumen to become courageous to take heartki se ga lahko pridobi to be obtained

(especially sth that youneed or want)

to be gained

dobrota, uslužnost the quality of being good goodnessnesmiselnost,nespametnost,nerazumskost

not clear logical thinking;emotional being, not




clear logical thinking;decisions based onreason rather than



stvaritev, izum an idea or a belief that isbased on various pieces

of evidence which arenot always true


eksistencialističen adj.; noun existentialistznan, znamenit, odličen

(še posebej)important, deserving tobe noticed or to receive

attention (used for givinga good or the most

important example of sth;=especially)

notable (notably)

upodobiti, opisati, slikati to show an image of sth/sb in a picture; to give an


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impression of sth inwords or with a picture

vesoljni connected with the wholeuniverse; very great and




being/doing sth withoutany purpose or reasonand therefore not worth

doing or having


pomen meaningpomemben, razumljiv meaningful

misliti to meansredstvo, način means

umik, osamljenost,samota

isolation; the state ofhaving little contact with

other people


osamljen without much contactwith other people


osvoboditi se od, uiti od to escape from a positionin which sb is stuck or


to break free from

potrditev a statement, letter, etc.that shows that sth is

true, correct or definite


nepomembnost razloga reason is irrelevant, thereis no reason

irrelevance of reason

neuspel, pozabljen,zmotljiv

not successful failible


not based on, or notusing, clear logical



zobec (v stroju) a part of a machine –one of a series of teethon the edge of a wheel;

small part of a largeorganization



the set of expressionsused in a particular



meja, omejitev border, limit boundčlovek, ki ne spada

zraven…someone living beyond

the bounds of what mostpeople consider “normalsociety”, either by choice

or force


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ločitev, odcepitev a period of time thatpeople spend apart from

each other


družbena odtujitev isolation from otherpeople

social estrangement

nemočnost, nezmožnost state of being withoutpower to control or

influence sb/sth


usoda the power believed tocontrol events; =fate


dokončno in the end, finally; fatally ultimatelyeksistencializem the theory that human

beings are free andresponsible for their ownactions in a world without



predlagati razlago,pojasnilo nečesa

to suggest anexplanation of sth for

people to consider

to propose

posameznik a person consideredseparately rather than as

a part of a group


nujnost, kriza an urgent need ordemand that you must

deal with


pohajkovati to walk for pleasure,especially in the


to ramble

ukaz, volja, odlok,odredba, sklep

an official order from aruler or a governmentthat becomes the law


elementarna rjava barva basic brown colour elemental brownžareti to produce a dull, steady


!!!pomembna oseba,zmagovalec

winner, important person chariot

ventil, zaklopka valveprešita odeja, pregrinjalo blanket bed-quilt

trd, tog hard stiffrebro rib

v ravnotežju keeping balance poised(poise)

negotov, odvisen oddrugih, tvegan, kočljiv

uncertain precarious

količina, masa body bulk

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mešanica, izbor mixture, many pieces ofthings


pozlačen that looks like gold butisn’t

gilt (to gild)

ovratnik collar stolekrznen made of animals’s skin

with hair still on itfur

muf muffpodlaket part of the arm below the


okenska polica (zunanja) a narrow flat shelf fixedbelow a window


popolnoma totally utterlyneizvedljiv impossible impracticable

močno, odločno with a lot of power vigorouslyboreče, upirajoče se fighting struggling

napetost,preobremenitev, napor

hardship strain

osedlan given an unpleasantresponsibility, task, debt,



anksioznost the state of being afraid,nervous


Hudič vzemi vse! The devil take it all!srbeč giving uncomfortable

feeling on your skin thatmakes you want to



drgetati, tresti se to shake slightly becauseyou are cold, frightened,

excited, etc.

to shiver

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symbol for the USA(money, military…)

Uncle Sam

potrošniki people who buy consumersdoseg extend reach

prisoten na velikemobmočju

sth that has extended farand wide across the


far and wide

razvedrilo, zabava entertainmenttematski park theme park

podalšati, segati, širiti se to grow into severaldirections

to extend

anketa poll surveynajbolj prepoznanvni

ljudje na svetumost people would

recognise themthe most recognizedpeople in the world

podnapisi words that translate whatis said in a film/movie

into a different languageand appear on the

screen at the bottom


sinhroniziran synchronized dubbedoddajati po radiu, TV to send out programmes

on television or radioto broadcast

(broadcast, broadcast)ponovno oddajati.. to broadcast over and

over againto rebroadcast

glavni izdelek main product stapleprevladovati to control to dominate

vrednota, vrednost how much sth is worth;being useful, important


pa vendar, kakorkoli but ,however,dvomiti to doubt, to be sceptical to question

priložnost possibility, new chance opportunityobičaj, navada tradition customosebna navada personal tradition habbit

ponuditi priložnost to give a chance to do,try sth

to open opportunities

manj + števnisamostalniki

fewer + countablenouns (choices)

manj + neštevnisamostalniki

less + uncountablenouns

premikati se (v smeriproti)

to move in a particulardirection

to head (toward)

Kam greš? Where are you going to? Where are you headingto?

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globalen worldwide globalenoličnost, enotnost,

poenotenjeeverybody is the same uniformity

ohrtaniti, obdržati to keep, to preserve to retainpovzročiti to be the reason for sth

to happento cause

trgovati tu buy and sell things tradeporabiti, potrošiti to use sth (fuel, energy,

time..)to consume

spoznati, prepoznati to know who/what sb/sthis when you see or hear


to recognize

širiti se to cover larger and largerarea

to spread

prvi, najpomembnejširazlog

the first reason primarity

direktorji, vodilne osebe vpodjetju

the most importantpeople in the company


ne brez čuta za moralnoodgovornost

not out of a sense ofmoral obligation

niti norizvoz, izvažati the selling and

transporting of goods toanother country; to sell

and send good toanother country

export (noun, verb)

zvit, premeten clever in a negative way crafty !!! uničiti, spodkopati to try to destroy the

authority of a system byattacking it secretly or


to subvert

z namenom, da with purpose to in an attempt totehnološko napreden to be far on in

technological progresstechnologically

advancedtehnološki napredek technological progressživahen, poskočen lively, playful frisky

nezglednež, neprimernež a person who is not able tolive or work happily with others(he is not accepted by a groupof people, especially becausetheir behaviour or their ideas

are very different)


birokracija officials working forgovernment


kleptoman a person addicted tostealing


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kisla kumarica picklegovorna napaka a flaw in sb’s way of

communicationtalking disorder

visoka stopnjarazumevanja

sth that is not so easilyunderstood

high level ofunderstanding

društvo, mestni svet a large businesscompany; a group of

people elected to governa large town or city


dvigajoč, naraščajočživljenski standard

increasing standards ofliving

rising standards ofliving

veliki dobički huge, big profits massive profitspridobiti korist od nečesa to gain from sth to benefit from sth

nekaj je zaradi nečesa sth is the consecuence ofsth else

sth is due to sth else

ovire pri trgovanju trade barrierstržišče (globalno) global marketplace

udeležiti se, sodelovati to take part in sth, to be aparticipant in sth

to participate

strniti, spojiti, zliti se to join (more than onething) in one

to merge

državne meje national borders national linespreseliti se na drugo

lokacijoto move to some other

locationto relocate(relocation)

tovarna factory manufacturing sites!!! delovna sila labour costs

pristaš, podpornik a person who supportssb/sth


argumentirati nekaj to give arguments for sth to argue sthustvariti delovna mesta to create jobs

dobrine, blago things that are producedto be sold


biti zaslužen za to be responsible for sthgood

to be credited with sth

pohvala praise or approvalbecause you are

responsible for sth goodthat has happened


pomagati to help to aidtak, ki pomaga, nudi

podporohelping aiding

dohodek na osebo income per personširjenje demokracije the spread of

democracypovečano spoštovanje increased respect for

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človeških pravic human rightspridobiti to get to gain

iskati, skušati najti to search, to try to find to seeknasprotnik:pristaš opponent:supporter

obtoževati, skritizirati… to strongly criticize sb/sththat you thing is wrong,

illegal, etc.

to denounce

biti odgovoren za to be responsible fordelovni pogoji working conditions

revščina the state of being poor; alack of sth


države v razvoju poor countries that try tomake their industry andeconomic system more


developing (developed,underdeveloped)


izkoriščati to take advantage of, toabuse

to exploit

izkoriščanje exploitationstrašanski, grozanski horrible horrendous

slabi pogoji bad conditions brutal conditionsplača /na dan/teden wages – Pl. /per

day/weekmočan, mogočen having a lot of power powerful

trditi to say (!!!publicly) sth istrue


spodbujati to give sb support,courage or hope, to

persuade sb to do sth


lahkomiseln, predrzen,nebrižen

careless reckless

skrbeti to have worries to worrydegradacija, odstavljenje;


odstaviti; ponižati to make sth becomeworse (especially in


to degrade

dolgočasen dull, boring bland (blandly)oglaševati to advertise to promote

tekmovati z to compete withvisok delež denarja, ki ganamenijo za oglaševanje


a lot of money is beingspent on advertising

high advertisingbudgets

izginiti, umakniti se (iztržišča)

to disappear; to nolonger take part in or be

part of sth

to drop out (from themarket)

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Za začetek… To begin with,… Firstly,…raznolik, neenak,

mnogovrstendifferent diverse

razdelitev, razporeditev distributionrazdeliti, razporediti, dati to send goods to

shops/stores andbusinessesso that theycan be sold; to spread


to distribute

nabrekati(popolnoma poln)

to temporary increase,become bigger

(completely full of sth)

to bulge(bulging)

sekati, zrezati to cut sth into pieces; toreduce sth by a large


to chop

narcističen a person who thinks he’sperfect, handsome


tipičen, bistven the perfect example ofsth


izkazati se kot, razviti sev…

to turn out to be to wind out

!!!vsebovati to include to commissionznižati ceno to reduce the price to undercut the price

nič, malenkost not worth mentioning nothingVredno je ___.

(omembe)It is worth ___ing.

(mentioning)britanski ambassador v

SlovenijiBritish Ambassador TO

Sloveniaambassador Ambassador

biti prvi, začeti to lead, to be the first onewho does sth

to be the first one inthe field

biti naprej, spredaj to be further forward,earlier, further advanced

than sb/sth

to be ahead of

dostopen everybody can access it accessibleizvozen could be exported exportablevzorec pattern

ključna območja the most important areas key areasključne besede the most important words key words

moving picturesbiti očitno, ležati v

dejstvuto be obvious.. to lie in the fact

film?????? to continue thedominance

povezovati nekaj z nečim to get a thought about a to associate sth with

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thing automaticallywithout thinking about

this thing


idealiziran idealizeddežela svobodnih the land of the freetlakovan z zlatom paved with goldprivlačnost, čar sth fancy, wonderful glamour

z nakupom by buying by purchasingprebaviti digest

dodatno ugajati…… ??? to have the addedappeal

nanašati se na to concern or relate tosb/sth

to apply to

preprost simple unsophisticatedzapleten, izumetničen complexed sophisticated

cenjen admired, likable appreciated bytak, ki ima hiter tempo with a fast tempo fast-paced

dirke z avti car chasevčlaniti, vpoklicati to participate, to take part

in sthto enrol

vsebovati, namigniti,namigovati

to suggest that sth is true to imply

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