




INTOXICANT DUGJG 7011 THE TROOS ... ... 67 BIRTHS. MARRIAGES, AN;D DEATHS ... ... .. 68NAVAL AND KILIITARY APPOINTMENTS ... ... ... 68 DIARY ... . ... ... ... ... 68




Sir DONALD MACALISTER, KC.B., President,in the -Chair.

Elechion of C0ommitnieesThe following committees were eleoted:Executive Comnmittee: The President (ex officio), Dr. Norman

Moore, Sir Frederick Taylor, Mr. Tomes, Dr. Langley Browne,Mrx. Hodsdon, Dr. Norman Walker., Sir John Moore, Sir Arthur'Ohance.Penal Cases Contmmittee: The President (ex Mfcio),Mr. Tomes,

Sir Francis Champneys, Dr. Norman Walker, Sir BertramWindle.Business Committee: Dr. Norman Moore, the President, Dr.

Macdonald, Dr. Norman Walker, Dr. Magennis.Pharmacopoeia Committee: The President, Dr. Norman Moore,

Dr. Caton, Dr. Barrs, Dr. Cash, Dr. Norman Walker, Sir JohnMoore, Dr. Kidd, Dr. Hopkins.Finane Committee: Mr. Tomes, the President, Sir Frederick

Taylor, Mr. EHodedon, Sir Arthur Chance.Dental Committee: The President, Mr. Waring, Mr. Tomes,

Mr. Hodsdon, Sir Arthur Chance. ¢Dental Educationt atd Examination Committee: Mr. Tomes,

thle President, Mr. Waring, Mr. Hodsdon, Dr. Knox, Sir ArthiurChlance, Dr. Symington, Sir Arthur Newsholme (for specialbusiness).

mStudents' Registration Commzittee: Dr. Norman Moore, thePresidenlit, Dr. Langley Browne, Dr. Mackay, D}r. Littlejohn,Sir Bertram Windle, Dr. Kidd.Examination Committee: Sir F. Taylor, Dr. Elliot Smith, Dr.

Caton (English Branch Council)1 Dr. Russell, Dr. Cash, Dr.Norman Walker (Scottish Branch Council), Sir John Moore, SirA. Chance, Dr. Kidd (Irish Branch Council).Education Committee: Dr. Norman Moore, Dr. Barra, Sir P.

C:hampneys,(English Brmuch-Council),Dr. Mwackay, Nlr.llsdon

Dr. Knox (Scottish Brauch Concnll, fir A. 'Chance, Sir B.Windle, Dr. Dixon (Irish Eranch Council).Public Health Committee: ESr A. Newsholme, Dr. Latirer,

MAlr. Verrall (English Branch Council), Sir D. MacAlister, Dr.

Littlejohn, Dr. McVail ((Scottish Branch Counclt), Sir JohnMoore, Dr. Magennis, Dr. Coey Bigger (Irish Branch Council).

The reports of comnmittees were taken on May 31stEach of the reports in turn was received, approved, andentered on tlhe minutes.

Annual Tables of Examinations.Dr. NORMAN WALxna presented the Examination Com-

mittee's analysis of the annual tables for 1917, 11hoWing tileresults of the professional medical examninations in imiedi-ciae, surgery, and midwifery, by the conjoint boards andthe several universities.

Of the twenty-three examining bodies, thirteen did not alludeto the subject of operative surgery, five gave the passes andrejections, four stated that the subject was included undersurgery, and one that the examination was suspended duringthe war; twelve did not allude to the subject of ophthalmicsurgery or ophthalmology, four gave the.passes and rejections,four stated that the subject was incl'uded in surgery, one that itwaas taken with final, one that the examination was suspendedduring the war, and one that there was no special examinationin the subject; ten did not allude to the subject of mentaldiseases, seven g&ve the peases and rejections, five stated thatthi's wa included in medicine, and one that it had no specialexamination in the subject.

Sir JOHN MOORE drew attention to the discrepancybetween the numtiber of rejections in midwifery and in theother two subjects.

The British Pharmacopoeia.Sir JOHN MOORF, in presenting the report of tlie Pharma-

copoeia Committee, said that in order to restrict bthe usein pharmacy of certain oils and fats required for etherpurposes the use af alternative bases for official liniments,ointments, and thje like lhad been sanctioned. An intima-tion was publislhed in the Gazettes and included in copiesof the Pharsnacopoeia withdrawing certain substances -anddirecting the substitution and modification of others.Regret was expressed at the deaths of Sir Oeorge HaroPhilipson, an assiduous member of the ComTnittee, andof Dr. Joseph Price Remington of Philadelplhia, whoselabours for the assimilationi of the British and AmericanPharmiiacopoeias were warmly appreciated on both sidesof the Atlantic.

School Examinations in India.Dr. J. Y. MACKAY reported, on behalf of the Education

Committee, thlat in reply to a recent communication fromthie India Office the Under Secretary for India had beeninformed that the Council would recognize as qualifvingpupils for admission to the Students Register all sc&oolexaminations in India which were accepted by any Indianuniversity as equivalent to its own matriculation examina-tion, on thie same terms and subject to the same conditionsas those on which that examination was recognized by theCouncil. That was the invariable rule of tlhe Concil insuclh cases. It was added that suggestions made bv anyof the universities of India fo4 the modification of tileregulations whlicll at present applied to Indian prelHminaTyexaminations would be carefully considered by the Council.

,Students Beegistration and Appro&al of IstmitiuionLDr. NORMAN MOORRa presented the report of the Student

Registxration Comittee on exceptional registratios zandthe antedating of the commencement of professiona;lstudy.The number of medical students whose registration had been

antedated since November, 1917, was 75. The Committee :hadresolved, satisfactory evidenoe as to visitation having beenreceived, to add King Edward VI Grammar School, Soufth-ampton, and University College School, Hampstead, both ofwhiich were recognized by the English Conjoint Board, to thelist of recognized institutions approved by the Council.

Validity of Certificates.Sir JOHN MOORE brought forward a report of the Public

Healtlh Committee on various inatters remitted to it. TimeCouncil agreed, on the recomrnmendation of bhe Committee,following upon a letter from Surgeon-General M. P. Holt,D.M.S. British Salonica Force, that certain certifioatesgranted to Special Reserve, Territorial, and temporarilycommissioned officers -should remain valid for examinationpurposes after the officers in question had been,demoilizedor had resigned their commissions.

The Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland.Dr. NORMAN WALXZR, On behalf of the Examination

Committee, brought forward the report of Dr. WilkiaiBoxwell on the examinations df the Apothecake' Hall6of



66 G


Ireland; also the report by Dr. R. J. Rowlette for theperiod May-July, 1917, when Dr. Boxwell was absent onservice. Certain remarks of the reporters as to the ex-amination in pathology (which was stated by Dr. Boxwellto be definitely below the standard required by any otlherlicensing body he knew of), and also some criticisms inrespect to procedure at other examinations, were regardedby the Committee as calling for the most careful considera-tion of the Apothecaries' Hall.

Dr. MAGENNIS said he did not object to the reception ofthe report, but he doubted its value.The Council decided to forward the report to the Apothe-

caries' Hall, and also to request the Hall to continue tofurnish tables of exemptions from, and results of, examina-tions as heretofore.

Shortage of Dental Stuidents.Mr. TOMES said that the figures of dental registrations

indicated the serious effEect of the war upon the numberof dental students entering on professional studies. Thenumber of dental students registered in recent years follows:

1917 ... 143 1914 ... 294 1912 ... 3361916 .. 158 1913 ... 361 1911 ... 2801915 ... 217

The number for 1917 was the smallest for any year since1890. It was understood that the question was now re-ceiving the attention of the Ministry of National Service.

Dental Nurses.Mr. TOMES, Chairman of the Dental Education and

Examination Committee, said that the Birmingham Educa-tion Committee had suggested the employment of dentalnurses to assist in the school clinics. In all its corre-spondence on this subject the Council had carefullyguarded the position by stating that the nurses mustalways be under the supervision of a registered practi-tioner. The Birmingham authorities had quite fallen inwith this view; the position of these dental nurses wouldbe precisely analogous to that of hospital nurses under-taking surgical dressings according to the instruction of asurgeon.The Council endorsed the action taken by the Chairman

of the Dental Education Committee in approving theproposed arrangements.

Appointment of General Registrar.On the motion of Dr. NORMAN Moore, Lieutenant-Colonel

Norman King was reappointed General Registrar, andMr. A. J. Cockington to serve as Acting Registrar.The Council then sat in camera to discuss the reports

of the Office Site and Emergency Committees and otherbusiness.

DISCIPLINARY CASES.Giving Certificates without Personal Examination.On May 29th the Council considered the case of Frederick

William Salter, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., of New Mills, New-town, Montgomery, who was charged with giving certifi-cates, between January and June, 1917, as to the health ofa man liable under the Military Service Acts (whereby hewas able for a time to avoid service) without seeing orexamining him. The case was adjourned from the Novem-ber, 1917, session,' when the Council decided that Dr.Salter had given certificates which were misleading andimproper, but postponed judgement.

Dr. Salter's counsel now produced letters from fourmedical practitioners in Dr. Salter's neighbourhood, allholding official positions, who spoke in favourable' termsas to his character and conduct in the interval, and further,Dr. Salter put in a statutory declaration as to his conduct.It was stated on behalf of Dr. Salter that he had seen theman on several occasions previous to the giving of the firstof the seven certificates, and understood hiis condition, andfurther, that the man, after being taken for the army, hadnow been discharged as unfit. The complainant, theDeputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry ofNational Service, did not offer further evidence.

After the Council had deliberated in camera thePRESIDENT said:Mr. Salter, I have to inform you that the Council, having

taken Into consideration your expression of regret, tbe assur-ances as to your future oonduct which you have given in your

1BluTIsH MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT, December 8th. 1917, p. 114.

declaration, and the certificates as to character which havebeen furnished by four of your professional brethren, has notseen fit to direct the Registrar to erase your name from theMedical Register.

Professional Relationship.The Council on May 30th and 31st considered the case

of Frederic Cecil Robinson, M.R.C.S*, L.R.C.P., of Car-shalton Road, Sutton, who had been summoned on thecharge that, being a registered medical practitioner, heabused his position by writing improper letters to Mrs.Maureen Alexander, whom he was attending professionallyand, with a view to entering into immoral relations withher, bv meeting her clandestinely, and by paying herimproper attentions. Dr. Robinson was present with hiQcounsel, Mr.- E. W. H. Jones, and the complainant, M:r.C. S. Alexander, was represented by Mr. Storry Deans.Mr. Deans stated that in January, 1915, Dr. Robinson was

called in to attend Mrs. Alexander - he attended her also inOctober, 1916, and her husband In May, 1917. In the autumnof 1917 Mr. Alexander discovered a letter addressed to his wifeby Dr. Robinson, and two other letters were afterwards dis-covered. Mr. Alexander gave evidence as to -professional rela-tionship. Dr. James Calvert testified favourably to Dr. Robin-son's general and professional cbaracter. Dr. Robinson, in;evidence, said that he was very much ashamed of the letterswhich had been written, and that all correspondence andmeetings had now ceased. The letters, which were undated,he assigned to July-October, 1917.Mr. Jones, for Dr. Robinson, said he had no word In defence

of the letters; but, however foolish they were, they containedno suggestion of indecency. The last professional attendanceby Dr. Robinson on Mrs. Alexander was in October, 1916. Asthe date of the earliest letter was July, 1917, the charge ofprofessional misconduct fell to the ground. Mr. Storry Deans,in reply, pointed out that the July letter, the first of thoseobtained, was suffciently intimate in its terms to show that theattentions had been going on for some time.

After the Council had deliberated in camera, thePRESIDENT announced its finding as follows:Mr. Robinson, the Council have found the following facts

alleged against you in the notice of inquiry to have been provedto their satisfaction: that being a registered medica prac-titioner, you abused your position by writing improper lettersto Mrs. Alexander, whom you were attending professionally, bymeeting Mrs. Alexander clandestinely, and by paying herimproper attentions. Having found these facts to be proved,they have now judged you to be guilty of infamous conduct in aprofessional respect, and have directed the Registrar to eraseyour name from the Medical Register.

Charge against Dentist of Assisting in Unqualified Practice.The Council considered, on May 28th, a charge against

Bertram Douglas Black, a registered dentist, of having beenemployed by or associated with an unqualified person carryingon dental practice in Ireland. This unqualified person hadwidely advertised his practice in newspapers and elsewhere,and had been convicted at the instance of the Irish Branch ofthe British Dental Association of unlawfully using the lettersD.D.S., U.S.A. The complainants were the British DentalAssociation. The Dental Committee reported that Mr. Blackadmitted that he had for some months been employed by thisunqualified person, but that he had severed his connexion withhim. He maintained, moreover, that he had been employed inthe workshop, acting only occasionally as assistant, and hadmade it a condition that the fact of his being qualified shouldnot be used to further the business. The defendant apologizedtO the Council, and promised that there should be no cause forcomplaint in the future; and on this undertaking the Presi-dent, after the Council had considered the case in camera,announced that although there was no doubt that the de-fendant had been guilty of foolish and reprehensible conduct,the Council did not see fit to erase his name from the Register.

After the hearing of disciplinary cases and the passingof certain formal resolutions as to procedure, the Councilrose, having concluded its session.

THE Insurance Commissioners have made regulationsapplying the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1889-in sofar as they relate to the costs of an arbitration, attendanceof witnesses, and production of documents-to inquiriesrelating to medical practitioners and chemists, held underthe National Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) Regula-tions (England), 1913. A schedule is attached showingthe provisions of the Arbitration Act to be applied to suchinquiries.THE Central Committee of the Leicester Union of

Medical Practitioners has passed a resolution welcomingmedical inspection of children and young persons, butistrongly urging that the treatment of all children andyoung persons as, included in Clauses 18 and 19 of theEducation Bill should be carried out by the generalpractitioners instead of by whole-time men appointed forthat particular purpose.

rJUNF, 115, '1918.Su MT"TM 1




INTOXICANT DRUGS FOR THE TROOPS.IN the JOURNAL of December 15th, 1917, p. 797, we referredto the Army Council Order of May 11th, 1916, which pro-

hjibited any person from selling or supplying any articlespecified in the schedule to the Order to or for any memberof His Majesty's forces, unless ordered for him by a

registered medical practitioner on a written prescription,dated and signed by the practitioner with his full name

and qualifications, and marked with the words "not tobe repeated," and unless the person so selling or supply-ing marked the prescription with his name and addressand the date on which it was dispensed.That Order has been revoked by a new Army Council

Order dated June 5th, 1918, which limits the restrictionto any member of His Majesty's forces not being a regi8-tered medical practitioner, or registered dentist, or regis-tered veterinary surgeon, and imposes the following condi-tions in respect of selling, giving, procuring, or supplying,or offering to sell, give, procure, or supply, any of thespecified drugs to other members of His Majesty's forces:

(a) The drug must be supplied on and in accordance with a writtenprescription by a registered medical practitioner, dentist, or veterinarysurgeon. and dispensed by C person legally authorized to dispensesuch prescription.

(b) The prescription must be dated and signed by the medical prac-titioner, dentist, or veterinary surgeon, with his full name and addressand qualifications, and marked not to be repeated," and mustspecify the total amount of the drug to be supplied on the prescrip-tion, except that in the case of a proprietary medicine it is sufficientto state the amount of the medicine to be supplied.

(c) The drug must not be supplied more than once on the same pre-scription.

(d) The prescription must be marked with the date on. which it isdispensed, and retained by the dispenser. It must be kept on the pre-mises where it is dispensed, and be open to inspection by authorizedpersons.

(e) The ingredients of the prescription, together with the name andaddress of the person to whom they are supplied, must be entered in abook set apart for this sole purpose kept on the premises where theprescription is dispensed, and open to inspection by authorizedpersons.

It should be noted that the new Order does not super-sede or modify the requirements of Defence of the RealmRegulation 40 B in regard to opium or cocaine, which muststill be complied with.i The schedule to the new Order isalmost identical with that to the Order of May 11th, 1916.The drugs specified are:

Barbitone, Codeine.Benzamine lactate. Diamorphine,Benzamine hydrochloride, Indian hemp,Chloral hydrate, Opium,Coca, Morphine.Cocaine, Sulphonal and its homologues:

and any salts, preparations, derivatives, or admixtures preparedfrom or with any of the above mentioned drugs.

;>ssar'lt'tolt $10fires..ANNUAL REPRESENTATIVE MEETING, 1918.

Date of Meeting.Tan Annual Representative Meeting of the Associationwill be held at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street,Kingsway, W.C. 2, on Thursday, July 25th, at 10 a.m., andfollowing day(s) as may be required.

Returns of Representatives.Honorary Secretaries who have not yet forwarded to the

head office the names and addresses, and dates of election,of the Representatives appointed by their constituenciesfor 1918-19, are reminded that these particulars should beforwarded to the Medical Secretary by the earliest pos-sible date. Under By-law 35, Representatives must beelected not more than nine months nor less than fourweeks before the A.R.M., and their names notifiedto the head office by at latest July 4th. The Repre-sentative can, if necessary, be elected and instructed byone and the same meeting of the constituency.

Agenda of A.R.M.: Further Notices of Motion by Divisionsand Branches.

The Recommendations contained in the annual reportof the Council, 1917-18, were published in the SUPPLEMENTof. May 4th (a copy of the full report is being sent post freeto every member applying for it). Notices of Motion byDivisions and Branches were published in the SUPPLE-MENT of May 25th. Any Recommendations contained inthe supplementary report of the Council will be publishedin the SUPPLEM1ENT of July 6th. There will also beincluded in the final agenda of the Meeting, to be issuedto the members of the Representative Body on or about

1BRITIsH MEDICAL JOUJRNAL. November 17th, 1917, p. 657.

July 18th, not only the Recommendations and Notices ofMotion above referred to, but also all Notices of Motionreceived up to Thursday, July 11th, found by the AgendaCommittee to be in order.-By order,

ALFRED COX,June 12th, 1918. Medical Secretary.

MEETING OF COUNCIL.THE next Meeting of Council will be held on Wednes-day, June 26th, in the Council Room, 429, Strand,London, W.C. 2.-By order,

W. E. WARNE,Acting Financial Secretary and Business Mlanager.

May 30th, 1918.


Dr. M. J. Oliver, Honorary Secretary (St. Boswells), gives noticethat the annual meeting of the Division will be held at theRailway Hotel,Newtown St. Boswells, on Wednesday, June 19th,at 3.15 p.m., for: (1) Election of offlcers; (2) annual report andfinancial statement; (3) report of War Committee and re-appointment of Committee; (4) instructions to Representativea epresentative Meeting.LEINSTER BRANCH.-Mr. William Doolin, F.R.C.S.L. (50,

Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin), gives notice that the annual meet-ing of the Branch will be held in the Irish Offices of the Asocia-tion, 16, South Frederick Street, Dublin, on Monday, June 24that 5 p.m., to be followed by meetings of the Dublin and EastLeinster Divisions.SOUTH MIDLAND BRANCH: BUCKINGIAMSHIRE DmsION.-

Dr. H. J. Henderson, acting Honorary Secretary (Alwyns,Amersham), gives notice that the annual meeting of theDivision will be held at the Red Lion Hotel, High Wycombe,on Thursday, June 20th, to which all practitioners are invited,at 2.15 p.m. (lunch at 1.30). Tea will be provided.SOUTH-WESTERN BRANCH.-Major Russell Coombe, acting

Honorary Secretary, gives notice that the seventy-ninth annualmeeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, June 19th,at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter, at 3 p.m. Inview of the continuance of the war the meeting will berestricted to formal business, but a communication from theCentral Office with regard to the possibility of putting forwardone or more medical candidates for Parliament will be read,and its contents will be open for discussion and the passing ofresolutions.KENT BRACH: ISLE OF THANET DIVISION.-Dr. G. E-

Halstead, Honorary Secretary (Albion Hill House, Ramsgate),gives notice that the annual meeting of the Division will beheld at Dr. Nichol's house, 1, Ethelbert Terrace, Margate, onJune 20th, at 4.15 p.m. Agenda: Ethical rules, and usualannual business.EDINBURGH BRANCH.-Drs. John Stevens and John Eason,

Honorary Secretaries (78, Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh), givenotice that the annual meeting of the Branch will be held inthe Hall of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,Nicolson Street, on Tuesday, June 25th, at 4 p.m. (tea at3.45 p.m.). Business: Report of Branch Council; annual reportof Branch and Divisions; financial statement. Election ofofficers, etc. Scottish Committee. War emergency (theMilitary Service (No. 2) Act, 1918, as affecting the medicalprofession; report of action of Branch Council). Annualreport of Council.

ltutings cIf 'ranlirts anb Btfofi.DORSET AND WEST HANTS BRANCH.

THE annual meeting of the Branch was held at Bourne-mouth on May 15th, when Dr. FORSTER, Vice-President (inthe absence of the President), was in the chair. TheHONORARY SECRETARY, in presenting the annual report,stated that in spite of increasing difficulties owing to pre-vailing conditions, the usual meetings of the Branch hadbeen held during the year. The membership of the Branchshowed a decrease of five, and the financial statementshowed a balance in hand of £15 19s. 7d. The election ofofficers for 1918 was announced as follows:President: Dr. H. Simmons (Bournemouth). Vice-Presidents:

Dr. Willans (Bournemoutli), and Dr. Luther (Puddlctown).Honorary Secretaries: Dr. F. Fowler and Mr. P. A. Ross.The PRESIDENT-ELECT, in the course of a short address onthe work of the Association, put forward a strong plea forthe whole-hearted support by the profession of the leadersof the Association, and suggested a distribution of a sum-mary of the work of the Council and its various committees(whose report he recommended every member of theBranch to read) to all non-members as well as members,and also a modification of the terms of subscription for:those wishing to participate only in the medico-politicalside of the Association's work.




anEb Atiitart. Appabduuntts.ROYAL NAVAL MEDICAL SERVICE.

TEn following promotions and appointments are announced by theAdmiralty:- Staff Sturgeons to be Fleet Surgeons: C. A.. G. Phipps,W. B. Harrison, W. G. Edwaxrds,. F . E. Bolton, R. L. Jones, R. H.Atkins, C. J. O'Connell, and J. A. Thompson. Staff Surgeons J. E.Johnston to the .DtiJalin; W. G. Edwards to the Mars. TemporarySurgeons-W. H. Sarra to the Devonshire,; W. H. Du Pre to the Ca3sar;P'. Caldecobt to the Sapphire.

RIOYAL NAVAL, VOLUNTEER RESBRVF.Surgeon Probationers J. G. Dunlea to the Deendvr; C. C. Mac-

kinnon to the Pogoiwse; W. L. Balfour to the NXrnTphe; H. W. D.McCaru to the Brisk. To be Surgeon Probationers: H O. Macnamara,Gk A. Jordan, FH. G. Clark, G. T. Zumstein, H1. G. Armstrong. A. C.Gordon, S. L. E. Danby, A. H. G. Down.

AARMY MEDICAL SERVICE.Major-General C. H. Burtchaell, C.B.. C.M.G., to be temporary

Lieit.-General whilst Director-General Medical Services, BritishArmies in Franxee.Colonel A. S. Tate, C.M.G.,-is placed on retired pay on attaining the

age limit., December 26th, 1917 (subs ituted for notification in theLondsa Gaxette ot December 25th, 1917).

C;uloneL (nonorary Surgeon-General) Sir J. Maher, X.C.M.G., (JB.(ret. pay), to be temporary Major-General while specially employed.Colonel (temporary MajorGeneral) G. D. Rtmter, C'.1., G.X.^,

D.S.O.(ret. pay), relinquishes his temporary rank and, is granted. tsehonorary rank of Maior-Genera.1Lieutenant Colonels R.A.M.C. to be temporary Colonels whilst

empltoyed as Assistant Directors of Medical Services of Divisions:F. J. Bvakeuridge, C.HM.., D. h. H-yde, D.S.O., T. C. Mackenzie,D. S.0I

ROYAL AER MEDICAL COnPS.To be acting Lieutenant-Colonels: Temporary Major R. D. Hotchkis

whilst employed at the Dykebar War Hospital, Major It. J. C.Thomvson, C.M.G., D.8- , whilst in command of amedicalunit.To be acting Leutenant-Co onels whilst specially employed: Major

and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel F. W. Lamballe, temporary Major J.UssaelU.bMaior H. E. J. A. Howley, temporary Captain E. A. Gates.Major<acting Lieut.-Colonel) R. N. Woodley,. D.S.O., to be temporary

Lieut.-Coionel whilst employed as Assistant Director of MedicalServices of a Division.Major F. D. G. Howell, D.S.O., M.C., to be temporary Lieut.-Colonel

whilst eniployed as Assistant Director of Medical Services of anArmy, April 2nd, 1918 (substituted for notification in the LondonG(Rseefte of May 21st, 918).To be acting Majors whilst specially employed: Captain and Brevet

Major R. W. D. Leslie, Captain (locaaMajor) A. -T. J. McCreery, M.C.Temporary Captains: F. E. Fielden, H. C. W. Allott, H. B. Wilson,H. D. Smart, H. A. L. Banham, B. Cox, R. W. Nairn, J. P. Musson,A. C. Profeit, G. W. Stone, T. Russell, J. G. Murray, J. MacF. Donnan,J. W. Applegate. G. 5. Mill, R. McRae, T. Martin. Temporary Lieu-tenants: R. H. Paramore, J. Maxwell.To be tenmporary Captains: D. \\ ainwright, W. B. Hevwood, H. B.

Moyle, G. R. Hannon, J. M. Twentyman. HL M. Hart Snmith. P. L.lBlaber, A. J. Beadel, W'. Hills, E. S. Gooddy, J. S. Ross, 0. E.Ward, F. E. Easton, G.1N. Lorimer, M.C., J. S. Annandale, F. R.Smyth, C. H. Brookes, P. McDougall, WV. C. P. Bremner, J. A. Hayward,L. A. Winter, J. S. Stewart, G. Thom, temporary Captain W. L. Webb(from general list), J. C. R. Braine-Hartnell, W. M. Fergusson, J. J.McMillan, T. W. Ruttledge, E. M. Ashcroft. A. G. Harvey, J. Prichard,R. C. de C. Wheeler, S. J. C. Fraser, B. C. MacKay, D. M. Moffatt, M.C.,W. x Reynell, G. Jefferson, J. F. E. Prideax, A. Lindsay, F. W. Lyle,A. B. Simpson, J. H. Wilkinson, P. J. Murphy, C. F. Dillon-Kelly, L. C.Dillon-Kelly; honorary Captains A. E. Stevens, R. V. Steele, andJ. W. Darling, M.C.; temporary Lieutenants A. G. Wilkins. H. D.Wyatt, A. L. Candler, W. H. Orton, H1. C. Quirke, H. E. Barrett,R. H. Crompton. R. T. Martin, J. J. Reynolds, A. C. Reid, J. Cullen,A. B. Holmnes, 0. W. Jones D. McDougsll, C. Gordon, W. B. Griffin,W. Meser, C. E. Lowe, F.. B. Penfold, B. L. H. Lobb. D: H. Ross, R. K.Robertson, D. M. Boohan, F. J. Child. F. Green, G-. C. Birt, W. J.MacNab, La. J, Spence, B. H. Hunter, S. Nix.Captains of Special Reserve to be Captains: R. A. Hepple, J. Y.

Moore, A. L. Rlobertson, T. I. Dun, M.C., R. H. Leigh, M.C., H. Gl.Trayer, R. A. Austin, M.C., C. Popham. C. de W. Gibb, G. P. Kidd,S. D. Robertson, T. K. Boney, H. S. Milne, M.C., Q. V. B. Wallace,M.C., J. B. Fotheringham, J. P. Quin, M.C.To be Captains: Caoptains S. S. B. Harrison, M-C. (T.F.). KL D.Ltne,

M.C. (T.F.), F. C. Chandler (T.F.). Temporary Captains: C. S. P. Hamil-ton, D.S.O., C. A. Bernard. M.C.. R. E. Gibson, K. P. Mackenzie, E. G.Foley, S. Smith, J. H. Fletcher, D.S.O. M.C., J. H. lharry, D.S.O..M.C.. G. d'R. Caxr. M.C., D. H. Hadden, IsLC, E. F. W: Mackenzie,M.C.. C. Scales, A. Wilson. M.C., C. K. G. Dick, M C, T. R. Snelling.W. E. Adam, M.G.To be Lientenants and to be granted the temporary rank of

Captain: Captains F. J. Halliuan (S.B.). S. Robertson (T.F.).J. H. Baird (S.R.). W. D. Anderton (S.R.), T. D. Inch, M.C. (S.R.)W. T. Hare, M.C. (S.R.). J. D. Pound. MC.. (SR.): 3. 3E Rusby(S.R.). RL T. Jones (T.F.). 3. H. C. Walker (SR.), M. 1. King, M.C. (SR.),W., Hunt. M.C. (S.B.). C. A. Slaughter (S.B.). W.. H. Ferguson (S.R.),G. G'. Drummond (S.R.).F. G-. La. Dawson (S.R.), W. M. Cameron (S.R ),A. Rodd (5.B.). D. J. Batterhaum (S.11.) Temporary Captains: T. J. L.Thompson, M.C., A. G. P. Hardwick. R. D. Davy, KIC., J. M.MacKenzie, M.C., A. J. Hickey, M.C., W. J Robertson, C. Russell,MC., W. J. Knight, M.C.. R. A. Mansell, W. La. P&rtridge, M.C., W. D.Newland La. S. C. Boche, M.C., G. T. Baker, G. E. Spicer, G. T.Garraway.To be temporary Lieutenants: F. T. Simpson. MC., J. Anastasi,

J. E. Richards, A. V. McMaster, F. S, Adams, G. F. Rigden, R. W.Taylor, J. W. Stephen, A. B Slater, H. Sheasby, J. H. Flavelle. B. F.O'Reilly, W. Hickey, BR. P. Twort, J. C. Bell, A. Hogg, S_ W. Sinith,M. D. B. Tonks, B. El. Watt, G. P. G. Beckeit, P. Johnson, B. H.Edwards, H. E. White, A. W. H. Cheyne, E. Cansfield. J. A. B. Hicks,J. G. Glasgow, J. J. Pickles, C. A. Masson, S. Osborn, C. W. Somerville,J. Jamieson, G. M. Crawford, B. Hutcheson., A. H. Davidson, A.Bremner, J. B. J. L. Dalby, A. P. Green, S. H. Wilkinson, J. Russell,A. P. Calwell, B. M. Wilson, B. Harrison, R. C. Redman, A. Y. H!utchi.son,. T. D. Homan. 3. Taplin, W. L. Young, E. A. King, C. Edvards,J. L. Amman. F. G. BeAty, J. A. Davidson,. Ml. T. C. Hughes, B. Morri-son, ; Shearer.. I. D. C. Howden 3. La. Spence, A. G. Tolputt, E. W.Dewey, H. W. Freer, W. Napier, D. R. Wheeler, J. Walker, C. Watson,X EBeas, T. C. A. Sweetnuam, H. A. L. E. Unwin, C. R. Dykes, N. A.Macleod, C. J. G. Exley, J. E. Boon. F. A. Stokes, G. La. Lefevre, D. G.

Gellatly. D. A. H. MMOi M.0.. H. L. Parker, L. W. Oliver, C. A. PeAmer.F. A. Alexander, T. G. Dickson, E. J. F. Hardenberg, J. F. Lynch,N. S. Twist, A. J. deSpiganoviez, F. M. Simmonds, J. C. LEoughridge,E. Mowat. J. Elder.


IT. Pritchard (temporary Mfajor, R.A.M.GC.) to be temPorary Major,May 2nd (substituted for notileatAien in- the London Gfnrette ofMay 26th).To be temporary Captains: J. Maca;regor, F. 1. Hogg, F. Rogerson,

'W. L. Scott.To he temporary Lieutenants: G. Bourne,. 0. P. Conoley. D. C.

Broughten.Head, G. H. Johnson, C. Mlurray-Shirref. H. T. Prys-Jones,H. W. Toms, H. B. Troup, Hi. T. Williams, J. J. Savage, L. C.aW. Balls,C. S. Dowdoil, A. G; Hewer, Bt. Mugliston, J. c. Slnytbh R. A. Spong,H.L. Thorn.


Lieut-Colonet B. Lloyd-Williams is retired under the provisions ofparagraph 116 T. F. Regulations, and is granted permission to retainhis rank and to wear the preseribed uniform.Major (reveti Lieut.-Colonel) B. M. H. Rogers and Mlajor J. E.. Bates

to be acting Lieut.-Colonels whilst specially employed.To be acting Lieut.-Colonels whilst commanding field ambulances:

Major G. F. Why4sO, Captaib (acting Mhjo')D. H.. Weir.CapteAn (honorary Colonel) Sir J. P. Stewar.t, K.C.M.G., C.B., and

Captains F. G. Armstrong and G. M. Benton are restored to theestablishment.Captains. to be aeting M&4ors whilst specially employed: H. A. P.

Robertson, S. KL Rentsseh, G0 W. Shore, it. A. Fleming, W. Redpsth,F. W. Lewis, D. R. Kilpatrick. W. A. Phillipps, M. D., H. J. GornisM. Coplans, D.8.OQ, and remains seconded, C. W. J. Brasher, MwD.,A. E. P. McConnell, A. J. Gibson.Captain E. F. Buzzard is seconded whilst holding a temporary com-

mission in the R.A.M.C.Captains S. F. Smith and J. S. Tomb relinquish their commissions

on account of ill health. and are granted the honorary rankof Captain.Captain (acting Major) G. Stevenson relinquishes his acting rank on

ceasing to be specially employed.Captain A. La. Flemming is seconded for service with a general

hospital. '

APPOINTMENTS.MAcILRAITH. W. MacLaren, L.R.C.P.and S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.GIas..

Deputy Chief Surgeon to the Ambulance Department of theNational Fire Brigades Union, Bradford.

CERTIFNG FACTORY SURGEONS.-W. Patey, M.D.Lond. (NewtosAbbot District. co. Devon). 3. W. Richmond, M.B., Ch.B.Glas.(Tunstall District, co. Stafford). W. Wyper (Motherwell Disltict,co. Lanark).

BIRTH-S, MARRIAGES, AND DEATH-S.The chargeJor inserting announcernents of Births, Marriages, a'nd

DVeaths is 6s., which sunm should be forwarded with thte noticenot later than thefirst post on Wednesday morning in order toensure insertion in the current issute.

BIRTHS.DicKENsoN.-On June 7th, at 54, Bootham, York. the wife of Staff

Surgeon G. 0. M. Dickenson, M.B., R.N., of a son.LAPAGE.-On May 29th, 1918, at 194, Wilmslow Road, Withiugton,

Manchester, to Major and Mrs. C. P. Lapage, a son.SHEPPARD-JONEs.-OnJune 4th, the wife of Captain J. E. S. Sheppard-

Jones.. R.AC.(T.C.). of &son (Roger Gurney).THOMSiON.-On June 8th, the wife of J. Hilton Thompson, M.D.,

Heysham House," Bolton, of a son.

MARRAGE.ROB'NTSoN-RvctmH.-On June 11th, at Brixton, W. J. Robertson,

M.D., second son of W. B. Robertson, M.D., T.P., Dulwich, toRose. third daughter of Mr. George Rutter, Winchester.

DEATH.READER.-On May 29th. at his residence, Westgsate End Rouse, Wake.

field,Jeremiah Reader, surgeon, a-ged 63 years. R.I.P.


ROYAL SocrITY OFMBDICcIE.-Sectiotn of Dermatolovy: 4.30 p.m.,Cases.


W. 1, 5.30 p.m.-Annual General Meeting. Professor WarringtonYorke: "E. histolvtica and B. coli Cysts in People who have notbeen out of England." Professor J. W. W. Stephens. TheCurative Valhe of the, Treatments of Malaria."

DIARY OF THE ASSOCIATION.Date. Meetings to be Held.

JUNE.19 Wed. London: Finance Committe. 2.3(p.m.

South-Eastern Counties Division, Edinburgh BranchAnnual Meeting, Newtown St. Boswells, 3.15 p.m.

South-Western Branch, AnnuatMeeting, Exeter, 3 p.m.20 Thur. Buckinglasmshire Division,,Annual-Meeting,HighWycombe,

2lp.nt.; Lunch. 1.3 p.m.Conferenae of Scottish Local Medical and Panel Coin-mittees, Edinburgh (North British Station Hotel),10.45 a.m.

Isle of Thanot Division, Annual Mfeeting, Xarga*s 4.1p.m.24 MonD. Loinster, Branch, Annual Meeting, Dublin, 5p.E&; Meet-

ings of Dublin and East Leinster Division af-terwards.25 Tues. Edinburgh Branch, Annual Meetihg, Edinburgh, ¢p.m.;Tea,3.45 p.m.26 Wed. London: Council Meeting.28 Fri. Metropolitan Counties Branch, Annual General Meeting,429. Strand, W.C. 2, 4 p.m.

Printedandpublished by the British Medical Association at their Offlice, No. 429,Strand, in the Parishof St. Martin-in-theiselda, in the County of London.

DIARY. L,-AB15, rgs'8v

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