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Executive Summary

Objective of the project

Research Methodology.

Literature Review

Company Profile

Trade Profile

Marketing Plan

Management Hierarchy

Comparison with other business

Govt. policies related to business

About the topic (Market Potential)

Findings And Analysis






Word of Thanks


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A work is never a work of an individual. We owe a sense of gratitude to the

intelligence and co-operation of those people who had been so easy to let us

understand what we needed from time to time for completion of this exclusive


We want to express our gratitude towards Mrs. Susheela Chamoli, Marketing

Faculty, IIPM Delhi for giving us an opportunity to do this project.

Last but not the least, we would like to forward our gratitude to our friends &

other faculty members who always endured us and stood by us and without

whom we could not have envisaged the completion of our project.

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To start any business the success entirely depends on the marketing research

done about the particular and the consumer attitude towards the product.

Marketing research plays a vital role in a business to make it success.

We have tried to put our best effort to complete this task on the basis of skill that

we have achieved during our studies in the institute.

We have tried to put our maximum effort to get the accurate statistical data.

However we would appreciate if any mistakes are brought to us by the reader.

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After going thick on the things, now time is to make a complete picture. While

making a product a SKU (stock keeping unit) of the shop retailers think about the

GMROI (gross margin return on investment) and they promote the brand which

provides them highest. They expect return in the form of profit margin, company

schemes, window display and reference of the shop. Among these, company

schemes make the difference and are the highest sources of motivation after

profit margin. Retailing demands a constant push from the company.

Marketer needs to use advertising and brand building strategies to address the

discerning buyers and retail push to in different buyers. The manufacturer should

understand consumer behavior because retailers can’t help quality and price. It is

only up to manufacturers to deliver what consumer wants. I need to stress on it

because 58% retailers said that it is demand why they sell Britannia. 61% agree

that at retail shop it is brand popularity, which determine the purchase of biscuit.

There is a greater need to understand the retailer behavior. Considering them as

a team, working for the company may help them to be attached to the company.

There should be a feeling of belonging to the company in inner of the retailers.

This can be done by setting values club for retailers so that they may exchange

views with the company and help in understanding consumer behavior.

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Understanding the buying behavior of the target market is the essential task of

marketing management under marketing concept. The consumer market consists

of all the individuals and households who buy or acquire good and services for

personal consumptions. The buying behavior tries to find out the answers for the

questions, who buys? How do they buy? Where do they buy? Do they buy?


There are four major factors that influence the buying behavior such as cultural

factors, social factors, personal factors, and psychological factors.

i. CULTURAL FACTORS: Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a

person wants and behavior. Values, perceptions, preferences, and

behavior are the main variable under culture of an individual. Each culture

contains sub-culture like nationality, religious group, geographical area,

and linguistic divisions etc.

ii. SOCIAL FACTORS: A consumer behavior is also influenced by social

factors such as the consumer reference group family and social roles and


iii. PERSONAL FACTORS: A buyer decision is also influenced by his or

personal characteristics, notably the buyers age, lifestyle, occupation,

economic circumstances etc.

PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS: a person buying choice is also influenced by

four major psychological factors such as motivation, perception, learning belief

and attitudes.

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It includes buying roles, types of buying and steps in buying process.


The buying role could be classified into four parts. These are initiator, influencer,

decider and buyer.


Consumer decision taking varies with the type of buying decision. There are four

types buying behavior such as Complex buying behavior, Habitual buying

behavior, Variety seeking buying behavior.


Here are five stages in buying decision process namely problem recognition

search, evaluation of alternatives purchase decision and past purchase behavior.


The buying process starts with the buyer’s recognition of a problem of need. The

buyer senses a difference between his actual state and desired state.


There are different sources from where a consumer can gather information like

personal sources commercial sources, experimental sources.


After gathering information about different products the customer will be in a fuss

as to choose which product among the mainly alternatives consumer usually

evaluate the alternatives on traditional basis, on the basis of utility function etc.

from the many alternative consumers at last choose the best one for him.

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A consumer who decides to execute purchase intention will be making up to five

purchase decisions.


After purchasing the product and services the consumer will experience some

level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the product and services that will

influence subsequent behavior. If consumer is satisfied he may show the

probability of buying the product the next time, satisfied customer will say good

thing about the product, proving the statement that "satisfied customer is the best

advertisement.” A dissatisfied customer may take some action against it. They

may try to reduce the dissonance by abandoning returning the product.

Understanding consumer needs and buying process is the foundation of any

company. By understanding how buyers go through problem recognition,

information search evaluation of alternatives, the purchase decision and post

purchase behavior marketers can pick up many clues as to how to meet buyers


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Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they

need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and

services of value with others or other wise it is the process of planning and

executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods,

services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is a set of objectives, policies and rules that leads the

company's marketing efforts. It is the marketing approach to accomplish the

bread objective of the marketing approach to accomplish the bread objective of

the marketing plan. The various process of marketing strategy are given below.

1. Selecting largest markets segmentation

2. Positioning

3. Product

4. Price

5. Place

6. Promotion

7. Research and development

8. Marketing research

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Market segmentation and selecting target market

It is an effort to increase a company's precision marketing. The starting point of

any segmentation discussion is mass marketing. In mass marketing, the seller

engaged in the mass production, mass distribution and mass promotion of one

product for all buyers. Market segment consists of a large identifiable group

within a market with similar wants, purchasing power geographical location,

buying attitudes or buying habita. It is an approach midway between mass

marketing and individual marketing. Through this the choice of distribution

channels, and communicaton channels become much easier. The researchers

try to form segments by looking at consumer characteristics; geographic,

demographic, and psychographic. After segmenting the market then target

market selected.

2. Positioning:- The positioning is a creative exercise donw with an existing

product. the well known products generally hold a distinctive position in

consumer's minds. The positioning requires that every tangible aspect of product,

price, place and promotion must support the chosen positioning strategy.

Company should develop a unique selling proposition (USP) for each brand and

stick to it, PPL consistently promotes its DAP fertilizer by Higher yield at lower

cost. As companies increase the number of claims for their brand, they risk

disbelief and a loss of clear positioning. In general a company must avoid four

major positioning errors. Those are under positioning over positioning, confused

positioning and doubtful positioning.

3. Product:- A product is any offering that can satisfy a need or want. The major

types of basic offerings are goods, services, experiences, events, places,

properties, organizations, information and ideas. The company gives more

importance in quality, packaging, services etc. to satisfy the customers. The

products has it's life cycle. The product strategies are modified in different stages

of product life cycle.

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4. Price:- It is the most important aspect in company's point of view. Price of the

product will be decided by the company according to the competitor's price.

5. Place:- This plays a major role in the entire marketing system. the company

emphasis on it's distribution network. Proper distribution network gives proper

availability of the product.

6. Promotion:- Promotion is the one of the major aspects in marketing

strategies. By adopting various promotional activities the company create strong

brand image. It also helps in increasing the brand awareness. It includes

advertising, sales promotioins and public relations etc.

7. Research and Development:- after testing, the new product manager must

develop a preliminary marketing strategy plan for introducing the new product in

to the market. The plan consists of three parts. The first part describes the target

market's size, structure and behavior. The second part out lines the planned

price, distribution strategy and marketing budget for the first year. The third part

of the development describes the long run sales and profit goals and marketing

mix strategy over time.

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Target Market

Product Price Promotion Place

Product variety List price Sales promotion Channels

Quality Discounts Advertising Coverage

Design Allowances Sales forces Assortments

Features Payment period Public relation Locations

Brand name Credit terms Direct marketing Inventory

Packaging Transport





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Sweet or salty. Soft or crunchy. Simple or exotic. Everybody loves munching on biscuits,

but do they know how biscuits began?

The history of biscuits can be traced back to a recipe created by the Roman chef

Apicius, in which "a thick paste of fine wheat flour was boiled and spread out on a plate.

When it had dried and hardened it was cut up and then fried until crisp, then served with

honey and pepper."

The word 'Biscuit' is derived from the Latin words 'Bis' (meaning 'twice') and 'Coctus'

(meaning cooked or baked). The word 'Biscotti' is also the generic term for cookies in

Italian. Back then, biscuits were unleavened, hard and thin wafers which, because of

their low water content, were ideal food to store.

As people started to explore the globe, biscuits became the ideal travelling food since

they stayed fresh for long periods. The seafaring age, thus, witnessed the boom of

biscuits when these were sealed in airtight containers to last for months at a time. Hard

track biscuits (earliest version of the biscotti and present-day crackers) were part of the

staple diet of English and American sailors for many centuries. In fact, the countries

which led this seafaring charge, such as those in Western Europe, are the ones where

biscuits are most popular even today. Biscotti is said to have been a favorite of

Christopher Columbus who discovered America!

Making good biscuits is quite an art, and history bears testimony to that. During the 17th

and 18th Centuries in Europe, baking was a carefully controlled profession, managed

through a series of 'guilds' or professional associations. To become a baker, one had to

complete years of apprenticeship - working through the ranks of apprentice, journeyman,

and finally master baker. Not only this, the amount and quality of biscuits baked were

also carefully monitored.

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The English, Scotch and Dutch immigrants originally brought the first cookies to the

United States and they were called teacakes. They were often flavored with nothing

more than the finest butter, sometimes with the addition of a few drops of rose water.

Cookies in America were also called by such names as "jumbles", "plunkets" and "cry


As technology improved during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, the price of

sugar and flour dropped. Chemical leavening agents, such as baking soda, became

available and a profusion of cookie recipes occurred. This led to the development of

manufactured cookies.

Interestingly, as time has passed and despite more varieties becoming available, the

essential ingredients of biscuits haven't changed - like 'soft' wheat flour (which contains

less protein than the flour used to bake bread) sugar, and fats, such as butter and oil.

Today, though they are known by different names the world over, people agree on one

thing - nothing beats the biscuit!

Some interesting facts on the origin of other forms of biscuits:

The recipe for oval shaped cookies (that are also known as boudoir biscuits, sponge

biscuits, sponge fingers, Naples biscuits and Savoy biscuits) has changed little in 900

years and dates back to the house of Savoy in the 11th century France. Peter the Great

of Russia seems to have enjoyed an oval-shaped cookie called "lady fingers" when

visiting Louis XV of France.

The macaroon - a small round cookie with crisp crust and a soft interior - seems to have

originated in an Italian monastery in 1792 during the French Revolution.

SPRING-uhr-lee, have been traditional Christmas cookies in Austria and Bavaria for

centuries. They are made from a simple egg, flour and sugar dough and are usually

rectangular in shape. These cookies are made with a leavening agent called ammonium

carbonate and baking ammonia.

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The inspiration for fortune cookies dates back to the 12th and 13th Centuries, when

Chinese soldiers slipped rice paper messages into moon cakes to help co-ordinate their

defence against Mongolian invaders.


The story of one of India's favorite brands reads almost like a fairy tale. Once upon

a time, in 1892 to be precise, a biscuit company was started in a nondescript

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house in Calcutta (now Kolkata) with an initial investment of Rs. 295. The company

we all know as Britannia today.

The beginnings might have been humble-the dreams were anything but. By 1910,

with the advent of electricity, Britannia mechanized its operations, and in 1921, it

became the first company east of the Suez Canal to use imported gas ovens.

Britannia's business was flourishing. But, more importantly, Britannia was acquiring

a reputation for quality and value. As a result, during the tragic World War II, the

Government reposed its trust in Britannia by contracting it to supply large

quantities of "service biscuits" to the armed forces.

As time moved on, the biscuit market continued to grow… and Britannia grew

along with it. In 1975, the Britannia Biscuit Company took over the distribution of

biscuits from Parry's who till now distributed Britannia biscuits in India. In the

subsequent public issue of 1978, Indian shareholding crossed 60%, firmly

establishing the Indianness of the firm. The following year, Britannia Biscuit

Company was re-christened Britannia Industries Limited (BIL). Four years later in

1983, it crossed the Rs. 100 crores revenue mark.

On the operations front, the company was making equally dynamic strides. In

1992, it celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. In 1997, the company unveiled its new

corporate identity - "Eat Healthy, Think Better" - and made its first foray into the

dairy products market. In 1999, the "Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao" promotion

further fortified the affinity consumers had with 'Brand Britannia'.

Britannia strode into the 21st Century as one of India's biggest brands and the pre-

eminent food brand of the country. It was equally recognized for its innovative

approach to products and marketing: the Lagaan Match was voted India's most

successful promotional activity of the year 2001 while the delicious Britannia 50-50

Maska-Chaska became India's most successful product launch. In 2002,

Britannia's New Business Division formed a joint venture with Fonterra, the world's

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second largest Dairy Company, and Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd. was

born. In recognition of its vision and accelerating graph, Forbes Global rated

Britannia 'One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World', and The

Economic Times pegged Britannia India's 2nd Most Trusted Brand.

Today, more than a century after those tentative first steps, Britannia's fairy tale is

not only going strong but blazing new standards, and that miniscule initial

investment has grown by leaps and bounds to crores of rupees in wealth for

Britannia's shareholders. The company's offerings are spread across the spectrum

with products ranging from the healthy and economical Tiger biscuits to the more

lifestyle-oriented Milkman Cheese. Having succeeded in garnering the trust of

almost one-third of India's one billion population and a strong management at the

helm means Britannia will continue to dream big on its path of innovation and



Tiger Banana

Britannia is committed to help secure every child's right

to Growth & Development through good food everyday.

Purposefully taking forward the credo of 'Eat Healthy,

Think Better ', we have launched a new variant under

our power brand TIGER - TIGER BANANA - power

packed with IRON ZOR & and with the delightful taste of


IRON ZOR helps make mind sharper and body stronger. A Rs.4 pack has as

much IRON ZOR as that in 1 kg of Banana.

R&D in Britannia has spent considerable time to develop this nutritious and

delightful snack for children.

Britannia Tiger Banana packed with IRON ZOR and goodness of Banana is

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accessible to all, being available in convenient packs priced at Rs.2, Rs.4 and


NutriChoice SugarOut

Sounds like yesterday when people commented that healthy foods meant

"compromising on the taste." NutriChoice SugarOut is the most novel product

range to have been introduced in the market. The product is not just sweet but

tastes great, and yet contains no added sugar.

This is because NutriChoice SugarOut is sweetened with "Sucralose," derived

from sugar, which provides the same sweetness as any other biscuit, without the

added calories of sugar.

This range is available in 3 delicious variants namely

Litetime, Chocolate cream, and Orange cream,

targeted towards all health sensitive people. It is also

relevant for consumers with sugar related ailments.

We are sure that you will be pleasantly delighted with its

great taste and equally surprised to know that it has no

added sugar.

Don't be taken for a ride when you read "Sugar Free" label on many biscuit packs

marketed in India or abroad. Even with 100% no-added sugar, wheat-cereals in

biscuits have their own natural sugar content. Britannia has chosen to represent

these biscuits with "No Added Sugar" claim, as there is no added sugar in the

processing of NutriChoice SugarOut.

Britannia 50-50 Pepper Chakkar

The launch of the latest 50-50 variant left everybody guessing "What it eez?"

From TV ads, radio, outdoor and in-store display materials to events, a website

and SMS and email blasts, traditional and new media were blended

synergistically to create excitement and curiosity about the unique taste of the

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biscuit. The tangy and distinctive pepper flavoured biscuit, that's thin and crispy

and more like a snack, caught the imagination of a younger audience craving

something to nibble on. The 50-50 Pepper Chakkar launch is truly a case of

leveraging the marketing mix to best advantage.

NutriChoice Digestive Biscuit

Nothing can be more difficult than making small efforts in our daily life towards

healthy and active living. 24/7 we are engrossed in our busy schedules; skipping

meals, missing walks, along with inadequate sleep and frequently eating-out, all

take a heavy toll on our health.

At least with the new and improved NutriChoice Digestive Biscuit, we have one

less thing to worry about. Made with 50% whole-wheat

and packed with added fibre (10% of our daily dietary

needs), these delightfully tasty biscuits are amongst

your healthiest bites of the day.

In your next visit to a shop just look out for its Golden-

green international carton pack.

Try one and you'll know that you've made one smart

choice - NutriChoice.

Treat Fruit Rollz

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All kids who have relished the yummy creamy treasures of Britannia Treat in

exciting flavors, have yet another reason to celebrate! Britannia Treat launches

the amazingly yummy Treat Fruit Rollz!! These tasty soft rolls are filled with real

fruits and provide a healthy yet mouth-watering treat to the kids. Fruit Rollz

comes in four masti fruit flavours - Juicy Apple, Strawberry Surprise, Tangy

Orange and Delicious Dates!

Want to know a little secret? They make the best tiffin treats! So during snack

time what better than to munch on the delicious and healthy Fruit Rollz and

discover the yummy fruit flavor from within the shells. Keeping up with Britannia's

platform of 'taste bhi, health bhi', Fruit Rollz is indeed a yummy snacking option

for kids, while keeping the Moms assured about the goodness provided by the

fruit filling.

So go on and treat yourself to the lip-smacking snack!

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New Britannia Milk Bikis

Milk Bikis, the favourite growth partner of Kids, now brings greater value and

delight to all with its new product and pack design. Recently re-launched in its

existing Southern & Eastern markets, and extended across India, the new Milk

Bikis is all set to add excitement and appeal to ‘nutritious’ food. Whoever said

that ‘good food’ needs to look ‘dull and boring’, will just have to take a look at Milk


With a unique and attractive honeycomb design and an

enhanced product experience, the new biscuit prompts

the ‘Kid’s will love it’ reaction amongst mothers. The

milk goodness in the recipe is now enhanced with

SMART NUTRIENTS – 4 vital vitamins, iron and iodine,

proven to aid mental and physical development in

growing kids. The premium packaging, besides appealing to kids, also ensures

that the biscuits remain fresh and crisp.

So, whether its breakfast time or snack time at school, rest assured that kids will

look forward to munching these crunchy, milky biscuits which even helps in their

development. And yes, adults won’t be far behind in reaching out for a pack

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Financial Analysis

Britannia's gross sales turnover increased to Rs 18,179 mn in 2005-06 from Rs

16,154 mn in the previous year, registering a growth of 13%. Operating profit at

Rs 1,763 mn increased by 7%, profit before tax and exceptional items at Rs.

1,958 mn declined by 19% against 2004-05 , impacted by the profit on sale of

long term investments that accrued to 'other income' last year.

[Fig- 2.1: Gross Sales of Britannia]

The Company achieved these results despite significant increases in input cost,

particularly sugar, fuel and oils, coupled with aggressive pricing in the industry.

Your Company's focused initiatives on commercialising market place

opportunities, supply chain efficiencies and overall cost management resulted in

its top line growth and profitability. Operating margin at 10.3% in 2005-06

compared with 10.9% in the previous year was impacted by the inflation in input


Despite stiff competition, your Company stabilised and held its overall market

share at 31.7% in volume and 38.8% in value for the last year.

Exports turnover during the year was Rs 111.71 mn against Rs 71.65 mn in

2004-05, a growth of 56%

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[Fig 2.2: Earning per Share of Britannia]

[Fig 2.3: Graph of Share Movement of Britannia Industry on the BSE]

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Biscuits derive its name from a French word meaning twice backed bread;

Biscuits in general have a good shelf life, which is higher than all other snack

items available in the market.

India is the second largest producer of biscuits in the world after the U.S.A. but

still the per capita consumption is only 2.3 kg/year of developed countries. As per

the latest survey done by N.C.A.E.R., 49 biscuits are consumed in rural areas.

The penetration of biscuits into households stands at an average of 83.2% with

the rural penetration at 77% and urban penetration at 88%. Biscuits are reserved

for the small scale sector but there are strong possibilities of the industry being

deserved in line with the government policy of liberalization. The net effect thus

would be greater choice for the consumer as well as a check on the costs.

The country production of the biscuits during 2004-05 was 18.6 Lac tons of which

1/2 were manufactured by the organized sector. The industry turn over was

5322.7 Crores of which organized sector contributed 2519.3 crores.

Britannia, makers of Britannia biscuits, doubled capacity from 25 tonnes a day to

50 tonnes and plans to be a national brand soon. In an aggressive mode, the

North dominated biscuit player has increased its ad budget to Rs. 5 crore this

year from Rs. 3 crore last year. Britannia has also recently invested about Rs. 5

crore in the modernization and expansion of its production and packing its

production capacity of 40 tonnes per day to 100 tonnes per day by next year. The

aim: to take the current turnover of Rs. 50 crore to Rs. 100 crore by the year.

The low priced brand claims to have a 15 per cent market share in the North and

is aggressively eyeing a bigger bite of the Rs. 2,500 crore biscuit industry. The

brand plans to gain a 40 per cent market share in the North by the year of.

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The company's strategy has been to attract new consumer segments and widen

its consumer base with its well packaged low priced offerings. Britannia's

success has also come from its formidable.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Summer Training Report. It is based

on the survey conducted in East Delhi region on Biscuit industry. The applicability

of various branding strategies play crucial role in marketing in product. the

applicability has grown due to the liberalization, competition and technological

changes taking place in corporate world.

In this project the various branding strategies adopted by the company has been

studied and compared on the basis of current market scenario. It gives the idea

about the market share enjoyed by the different companies in the Biscuit

Industry. It provides the adequate coverage of many issues related to biscuit

industry. The objective of this report is to give the market share of Britannia

biscuits in the Indian capital (New Delhi). It has been made possible by knowing

the consumer's behaviour and by studying the patterns adopted by the retailers.

It gives us very precise view about the existing demand of Britannia biscuits and

demand of their products as compared to other competitors. It also highlights the

changing market trends and consumer preferences, why they have shifted from

finally pack to pouch pack. The annual growth rate of the industry is about

12.5%. However, the growth of cream biscuits, assorted or special variety is the

range of 30-40%.

The organized sector consists of large, medium and small scale biscuit

manufacturers who produce packed biscuits. The major players in this sector are

Britannia, Bakeman’s, and Parle, etc. the unorganized sector comprises of small

bakery units, cottage and household type manufacturing plants. These units

distribute their biscuits in the surrounding vicinity of their manufacturing locations

of say 20-50 kms. The country production of biscuits during 2005-06 is estimated

to be about 19.5 lack tons. Out of which 1/2 again is expected from unorganized


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Marketing is not Euclidean geometry a fixed system of concept. Rather

marketing is one of the dynamic fields with in the management arena. The

market faces continually a new challenge everyday and companies must

respond to it positively. Therefore it is not surprising that new market idea keep

surfacing to meet new market place challenges.

The market process is applicable to more than goods and services. Anything

related to market including ideas, events, policies, prices and personalities

comes under market strategy. However it is important to emphasize opportunity

in the market through market strategy.

Following strategies adopted by the organization.

A strong quality of the product and customer satisfaction:

Customers always believe in good quality product. in my survey I found that in

percentage term more people is quality conscious and not price conscious.

Customer satisfaction is very important part of the organization that at any cost

they have to fulfill.

A growing relationship with customer and customer retention:

Nowadays a good relation with customer is very important for organization. Sale

is totally depending on the relation with the customers. Customer's retention is

also a major aspect for growing business. It means keep the old customer and

try to make new customer.

Focus on competitors activity:

Every organization should must be careful about it's competitors step, because

they can disturb the growing sales process of the organization.

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A growing emphasis on global thinking and local marketing planning:

Companies are increasing by pursuing market beyond their borders. When they

enter other countries they must follow the tradition of that country and also they

make plan for local market that which type of product has more demand and how

can it run in the market.

Promotional Strategy

Under the market strategy promotional idea is very important. Organization

provides some schemes or rebates to retailers or consumers. They make

advertisement according to convenient of the people and the feature of the


So on the basis of marketing strategy a organization runs in the market. It is

several types of which makes helpful to increase sales and turnover of the


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Generally all organizations have competitors in the market. A particular

organization always comprises with other same business and according to

market share we clarify the brand of product is giving more challenge to my


I found many products which can be compared with Britannia Biscuit. As a

conclusion I found that particularly in my provided area Britannia is really doing

well and its performance is on surprising level. During the field work and after

intensive study it was found that main competitor of PRIYAGOLD biscuits is

BRITANNIA as the market leader.

In my provided area the share of the market is as follows.






When we compared with other businesses then we follow the quality, price,

distribution system, promotional strategy etc. of the competitors Britannia in this

area is doing well.

So this is the comparison with other biscuits brands. According to our findings we

found that BRITANNIA is the market leader followed by BRITANNIA biscuits.

These two biscuits companies the lion's share in the 2,200 crore biscuits


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Market potential of the BRITANNIA is much positive in competitive era and will

sure cover the maximum market share of biscuit product. Potentiality of any

product depends upon the futuristic performance of the product. it depends that

how much retailers have potentiality to be permanent seller of BRITANNIA.

For great potentiality it is necessary to improve those factors which are going to effect retailers. In my study I found some factors which can help to cover great potentiality.

These factors are following:

Scheme delivery should in perfect determining time.

Some places distributors not able to cover his particular area. That should be improved.

Scheme facility should be regular as much as possible.

Small pack also should be in the market.

Always collect the views of retailers. It gives psychological effect on the retailers about care ness by manufacturing company.

These factors are very important for the organization. If company is able to

improve these all factors then definitely its market share will more increase.

Retailers will take more interest to sell Britannia biscuit and customer will also

enjoy for it.

So potentiality is very high to Britannia biscuit in positive direction.

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Fulfill one of our Basic

Requirement among Air ,

Water , Food, Shelter

Widely accepted in all


Easily available in various forms

Provide good Instant Remedy

for hunger in the form of

readymade food

Preserves the non seasonal

food and makes it available all

throughout the year


Decreases nutritional value

Increases the cost of food


Industry and technology

requires high investment

Regular usage of processed

food can cause alteration in



Increase economy of India

Generate employment


Good quality of Goods

Provide competition to foreign


Improve living standard

Provide goods to nation at

cheaper rate

Inflow of foreign reserve and

funds for the govt.(taxes)


Many companies are result


Increase in pollution

Sometimes provide poor quality

of product for more profit

Lack of technology

Unable to utilize all the

resources efficiently

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After going thick on the thing, now time is to make a complete picture. While

making a product a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the shop retailers think about

the GMROI (Gross Margin Return On Investment) and they promote the brand

which provide them highest. They expect return in the form of profit margin,

company schemes, window display and references of the shop. Among these,

company schemes make the differences and are the highest source of motivation

after profit margin. Retailing demands a constant push from the company.

Marketer needs to use advertising and brand building strategies to address the

discerning buyers and retail push to in different buyers. The manufacturer should

understand consumer behavior because retailers can't help quality and price. It is

only up to dealers said it is demand they sell Britannia 42% agree that at retail

shop it is brand popularity, which determine the purchase of biscuit.

There is a greater need to understand the retailer behavior considering them as a

team working for the company may help them to be attached to the company.

There should be feeling of belonging to the company in inner of the retailers.

Setting values club for retailers so that they may exchange views with the

company and help in understanding consumer behavior.

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