

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandNihada Ramovi

There are several names for Britain :Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, the UK.-Postoji nekoliko imena za Britaniju: Britanija, Velika Britanija, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo...

The official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.-Slubeni naziv je Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske.A lot of people call the country "England", but is not correct.-Puno ljudi naziva zemlju "Engleska", ali nije ispravno.

There are four countries in UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.-Postoje etiri "zemlje" u UK - Engleska, kotska, Welsu i Sjevernoj Irskoj.

The Republic of Ireland isnt part of the UK.-Republika Irska nije dio Velike Britanije.Its an independent country.-To je nezavisna drava.London is a capital of the UK, as well as England, but all the other countries have their own smaller capital cities, too.- London je glavni grad Velike Britanije, kao i Engleske, ali i sve ostale zemlje imaju svoje manje glave gradove, takoer.

ScotlandScotlandScotlandScotlandUntil 1603, Scotland and England were separate countries with their own monarchs and parliaments.-Do 1603., kotska i Engleska bile su odvojene drave s vlastitim kraljevima i parlamentima.

In that year , however, the English queen, Elizabeth I, died. She had no children, so her cousin, James VI, the King of Scotland, became King James I of England, too.-U toj godini je umrla engleska kraljica Elizabeth I. Ona nije imala djece, pa je njen roak James VI, kralj kotske je postao je jo i kralj Engleske takoer. In 1999, Scotland got its own parliament again. This can make laws about some things.-Godine 1999 kotska je dobila ponovo svoj parlament. To moe donijeti zakone o nekim stvarima.

WalesThe English king, Edward I, conquered Wales in the 13th century. Many people in Wales, especially in the north, speak Welsh as their first language and all children must learn Welsh at school. -Engleski kralj Edward I., osvojio je Wales u 13. stoljeu. Mnogi ljudi u Welsu, osobito na sjeveru, govore velki kao svoj prvi jezik, a sva djeca moraju nauiti velki u koli.

In some schools other subjects are taught in Welsh, too.-U nekim kolama ostali predmeti su uili na velkom,takoer.

IrelandElizabeth Is armies conquered Ireland in the 16th century and it later became part of the United Kingdom.- Elizabeth I vojska je osvojila Irsku u 16. stoljeu, a kasnije je postala dio Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva.

There were a lot of problems in Ireland in the 19th century and thousands of people emigrated to the USA.- Bilo je mnogo problema u Irskoj u 19. stoljeu, tisue ljudi su emigrirali u SAD.

In the 1920s, the south became an independent country, but Northern Ireland is still part of the UK.-U 1920, jug je postala neovisna drava, ali Sjeverna Irska je jo uvijek dio Velike Britanije.

This is the British flag, People often call it the Union Jack. Its really three flags in one.

Things I like about Britain

The first one thing I like about Britain is accent.-Prva stvar koja mi se svia o Britaniji je naglasak.British accents is charming and feel like cotton candy for your ears. -Britanski naglasak je armantan i prijatan za uho.

Other things I really like about Britain are their famous buildings such as Buckingham palace, Big Ben, London eye.-Druge stvari koje mi se sviaju u Britaniji su njihove poznate graevine kao to su Bakingemska palaa, Big Ben, London eye.

Also I really like Britain red telephones and buses. They look really cool.-Takoer, sviaju mi se Britanske govornice i autobusi. Izgledaju veoma cool.

People of Britain are very kind and generous. I like their fashion, because of the weather they have to combine skirts and boots or leather jackets and shorts. Its preety cool and I really like it.-Ljudi u Britaniji su veoma ljubazni. Svia mi se njihova moda, zato to zbog vremena moraju kombinirati suknjice i izme ili kone jakne i orceve. Ba je cool i svia mi se.

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