

Class 3

Bring In Your Beloved™  

© Moving Light Media, Inc. 2017 2  

Love On Purpose™ Activity:  Inner Child Date Once a week for 2-3 hours engage in an activity selected by the little child inside of you. There is no multi-tasking. If you go for a walk and you have a dog, you do not walk the dog. This activity is done by yourself and for yourself only. For twelve consecutive weeks the activities must be unique. At the end of twelve weeks reflect on which activities refueled you the most and then repeat those weekly. This is the essential commitment to yourself to create a new relationship with yourself. There are many benefits to keeping up with these Inner Child Dates and making this a lifelong practice will serve you well, even long after you are sharing your life with your Beloved. These dates should be top priority and treated as if they are the most important event scheduled on your calendar with the most important person. Do not cancel a date with your inner child! Here are some ideas for low cost to no cost Inner Child Dates: Draw with crayons. Make paper airplanes and fly them. Spend time in nature – beach, mountains, river. Lie on grass and look at the sky. Do you see animals in the clouds? Take a train ride. Make a fort with blankets. Dress up your pet. Go to the beach. Go bike riding. Make a sandcastle. Go to a park (my favorite is swinging on the swings). Send postcards to friends. Make a collage. Visit a museum. Go to the bookstore, hang out and read in the children’s book section. Make a list of 50 things you love. Go to an aquarium. Visit an amusement park. Go to a petting zoo. Buy balloons. Write a story about your pet. Compliment strangers. Make a lemonade stand. Go ice-skating. Go roller-skating. Play solitaire.

Bring In Your Beloved™  

© Moving Light Media, Inc. 2017 3  

Take a pottery class. Sing in the shower. Take a dance class. Sing into your hairbrush and dance around the living room. Buy “lucky socks.” Drink a chocolate malt. Wear a fake tattoo. Make jello. Dress up for no reason. List 100 people you love. Read a joke book. Put glow in the dark stars on your bedroom ceiling. Write a letter to Santa Claus. Buy and complete a puzzle. Watch The Wizard of Oz. Dress up like a Rock Star. Write a love letter to yourself. Visit a sacred space. Make a card for someone you love. Write a thank you note. Speak in rhyme or pig-latin. Paint with watercolors. Make hand shadows. Make a sock puppet and create a character. Buy a goldfish. Make a mask. Dress like your going to a masquerade ball. Make a book of quotes from your friends. Look at your old photo albums. Go to a toy store. Buy a squirt gun and squirt things on a walk. Go fly a kite. Collect beautiful leaves. Bake homemade cookies.                

Bring In Your Beloved™  

© Moving Light Media, Inc. 2017 4  

 Love On Purpose™ Activity:    The Golden Nugget of Learning Select a past partner (ideally the same one you selected to release at the end of Class #3). Now that you have cut the energetic cords between you sit down and write a letter that you will NEVER send. Write a letter of gratitude to this person for all the things you learned from having been in relationship with them. Write this letter out long hand (do not type it). Get into an energy of gratitude that comes from knowing if it weren’t for this person you would have never discovered X. Be as specific as you can be as to how you needed to gain this learning and how they were the perfect partner for you to have had the experience in order to grow. When complete read the letter aloud. Then burn it and say out loud, “I release this for the highest good of all.”

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