Please help to ensure the safety of our students and kindly avoid using the school parking lot as a pick-up and drop-off for your child. The parking lot becomes very congested in the morning and after school with school buses and teachers arriving and departing. Please do not walk through the parking lot as this may lead to children developing a false sense of safety. Also, please do not park in the staff parking lot as we have only a limited number of parking spots available for staff. We encourage all families who live within the school area to walk their children to school. While this may mean waking up a little earlier in the morning, it will also help to foster a daily routine of exercise which is vital for a child’s development. A limited number of Temporary Parking Passes are now available for parents or guests who are taking part in a school activity or meeting (not for dropping off students). Please be sure to request a pass when signing in at the office. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Brimwood Blvd. Jr. Public School Newsletter The Bobcat
December 2019
Volume 2
Diana Panag iotopoulos , Super intendant
Yal in i Rajakulasingam , T rustee
151 Brimwood Blvd.
School Winter Concert – Tues. Dec. 10 (6-7 p.m.)
Pizza Lunch – Dec. 12
Winter Holidays – Dec. 23- Jan3, 2020
Junglesport Gym: Jan. 13-16
P.A. Day Fri. Dec. 6 Please be advised that Friday December 6th has been designated as a
Professional Activity Day for teachers. As such, there will be no classes
for students.
School Newsletter – Are You On The List?
Reminder! Beginning in January 2020, there will no longer be paper
copies produced unless one is requested (there will also be a limited
number of paper copies available at the front office area). Our
newsletter can always be found on our school website as well. By no
longer printing the newsletter, we estimate that we can save
approximately 7,000 sheets of paper per school year! (Average
newsletter uses 2 sheets of paper x 350 students x 10 newsletters over
the course of one school year). Please make sure the office has an email
address you wish to use to receive email correspondence from with
school with and please don’t forget to check your “Junk Mail” folder in
case school email messages end up there! Please add
[email protected] to your “Not Junk” list. Thank you for
helping Brimwood become an even more Eco-friendly school!
Please help us maintain a child-safe school. All visitors to the school must immediately sign in at the main office.
We kindly request that when bringing your child to school you wait outside until the bell rings. Unfamiliar adults
can cause some students undue stress and this can also be a significant safety issue for both adults and children.
We ask that parents do not walk children to their classrooms, unless otherwise advised by the office. Also, at the
end of the school day, parents wishing to speak to their child’s teacher are reminded to check-in at the office first
to see if the teacher is available. We always recommend making appointments in advance. Thank you for helping
keep our school safe for all of our students.
Page 2 of 6 Brimwood School Newsletter The Bobcat
School Safety – Adults in the School
Lost & Found Bin
The lost and found bin is now located beneath the stair case at Door #4. We
encourage all parents and students to regularly check the bin for lost articles of
clothing. We will begin donating any unclaimed items at the end of each month.
Winter Concert – Tues. Dec. 10
Our annual winter concert will be taking place on Tuesday December 10th beginning at 6:00
p.m. Approximately half of our students will be performing at this concert and the other half
will perform at our Spring concert in May. Classes performing in the winter concert are:
Ms. Tassopoulos & Ms. O’Neill
Ms. Cleland & Ms. Qin
We are looking forward to sharing and celebrating with you!
Holiday Food Drive In Support of the Agincourt Community Services Association
MOST NEEDED FOOD ITEMS fish and canned meat
and soup
-perishable item you use regularly! Healthy food options are preferred.
We are looking forward to sharing and celebrating
with you!
Brimwood School Newsletter
Student Writing - Diwali Assshith & Abinan, Mrs. Ohri’s Class
Diwali is a Hindu and Sikh festival of lights. Hindus celebrate Diwali all over the world. Diwali usually starts between October and November, and goes on for 5 days. It keeps out the darkness of evil spirits, bad memories and about Rama’s victory over badness. Hindus and Sikhs clean their houses and put decorations. When we go to the temple, the Hindu and Sikh people use diyas, and they eat sweets like burfi, gulab jamun, ladoo, jalebi, and samosa, rangoli pattern that is made out of coloured rice powder and flour. Firecrackers usually make fire work at night at the temple. We also light the diyas that are made out of clay, oil and lit with fire. During Diwali, men, women and kids wear bright traditional clothings such as vetti and saree. Ladies wear jewelry such as gold rings and silver necklaces. Hindus and Sikhs play board games with their families and friends on the day of Diwali. Hindus and Sikhs that celebrate Diwali get good luck and get some presents from their family. These are the things that happen on Diwali.
Learning Goal: Our learning goal is how to make porridge in steps. On November 20th, 2019 Mrs. Ohri’s class went to the staff room to make porridge. Our class enjoyed making porridge. Here are the steps we took to make porridge. First, Mrs. Ohri got a glass bowl to put all the ingredients. She bought 4 boxes of Quaker oatmeal, the types of Quaker’s oatmeal are apple cinnamon, brown sugar and maple, gingerbread spice, and cinnamon spice. Then, she poured 10 sachets of porridge in the bowl but you could use as many as you want. Next, Mrs. Ohri boiled water in the kettle. After the water was boiled, Mrs. Ohri got a measuring cup and poured 1250 ml of boiled water but pour the right amount based on how many sachets you added. For every packet add 125ml of boiled water. After that, Mrs. Ohri asked the students to mix the porridge with a wooden spoon and so all the students took turns. Lastly, Mrs. Ohri poured the porridge into small foam cups and gave every student one. We all got plastic spoons to eat porriage. All the students loved eating delicious porridge. Our class really like the fact that we made porridge step by step. Mrs. Ohri let the students take home one sachet of oatmeal so they can try to make porridge at their house with their families.
Student Writing – How to Make Porridge Mandy & Sophia, Mrs. Ohri’s Class
Woodside Square has continued providing our school with a small
amount of food and healthy snacks that are available in our main office
area to all students. The snacks are there to supplement the food
students bring from home and to help when someone is feeling a little
“extra hungry” some days. Thank you very much Woodside Square!
Thank You Woodside Square!
Brimwood School Newsletter
Recycle your old cell phones at the office for the Toronto Zoo collection. “Did you know that in order to make
cell phones, you need to mine for cobalt and destroy the gorillas’ habitat? We have already started donations.
Let’s go Brimwood!”
Support Phone Apes The Garden Club, Chloe, Eshal & Vania
On one of our community walks, our FISK class serendipitously discovered a local historic house built in
1871! We thank the owners for their invitation and teachings about local history. The experience inspired our
learning through STEM play activities with loose parts to build houses and create patterns.
Mme Deda and Mme Yap
La Maison Historique
A growing concern for parents and students has been the steadily increasing traffic on the streets around our
school as well as safety at the crosswalk on Brimwood Blvd. directly in front of our school and the four-way
stop at Brimwood Blvd. and Sandhurst Circle. Our students are working on letters to our city councillor and
an application for a crossing guard is being submitted. We would remind parents to exercise extreme
caution when driving around the school. Any parents who wish to help support our application for a
crossing guard are encouraged to contact the school to find out how you can help!
School Crosswalk Safety
Ms. Lo Bianco – Ricky C., Isra D.
Ms. Moyles – Mya H., Janice D.
Mme. Gendi – Sobia S., Sakina A.
M. Ndeke-Manfata – Rayne D., Eva W.
Mme. Akineza – Naima A., Rithik Y.
Ms. Chan – Becky L., Lincy Y.
Ms. Ohri – Mandy L, Abinan U.
Mme. Law – Danial A., Huzaifa M.
Ms. O’Neill – Rabisa R., Thulasi J.
Mme. Cane – Ashley W., Savannah D.
Ms. Tassopoulos / Ms. Patel – Jessica L., Yuki L.
Page 5 of 6 The Bobcat
Brimwood School Newsletter
Brimwood Parent Council Needs You!
Do you want to know more about what is happening at our school? Would you like to discuss school-
related issues with fellow parents and school staff members? If so, please come out to our next meeting on
Tuesday January 28th starting at 3:30 p.m. in the school library. Light refreshments will be served. Free
childcare will also be available.
Outdoor Play
As the weather becomes increasingly colder we would remind parents
and students of the importance of coming to school dressed in layers
and of wearing coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Students will be outside
a minimum of three times daily except in times of extreme weather
(i.e., heavy rain/snow, extreme cold, etc.) as part of the regular
school day. Thank you.
Go to for a sneak preview.
Coming to Brimwood for all students January 13-16, 2020!
Brimwood School Newsletter

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