

    Starting the school


  • 2 bright kidsTHE STAR, TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2015

    Best school fit

    PRIVATE and international schools that offer holistic education are no longer limited to the Greater Kuala Lumpur area there are various institutions around Malaysia that now offer quality education at reasonable fees, each bringing a unique flavour to the international smorgasbord.

    How, then, can parents choose the best school for their childrens education among all these?

    WHAT makes a good school great? Years of history and our own schooling experiences would perhaps contribute to the idea that academic performance is the sole indicator of excellence.

    However, many schools have moved further away from this one-track measure of success. Parents too are increasingly recognising holistic education, as more and more actively seek options outside traditional public schooling when choosing the best school for their children.

    Parents and schools also want to see students graduate as physically, emotionally and socially stable beings ready to contribute not only to their own secure future, but also to society and the world at large.

    As a result, many are looking to enrol their children in private and international schools, which offer the right tools to produce more than a paper qualification.

    The ideal school-teacher-parent cooperation in such schools involves timely feedback and concerted efforts to solve

    students challenges, execute lesson plans with expected results and keep track of performance and achievements.

    Sunway International School guidance counsellors Sherry Wyse and Nathan Shier share that while parents and older students are often on the same page when it comes to seeking a prestigious and recognised programme or school, parents are usually the ones with long term educational pathways planned.

    Students often only think of subject areas, while parents help to give context for career options in that subject.

    The counsellors also highlight geographical proximity as an important aspect when choosing a school, as dealing with homesickness or culture shock could affect students performance.

    That is why sending your children to boarding school, for example, is not a decision to be made lightly.

    > SEE PAGE 6

    Steps to the right choice

    Step 2: Research to find the best fit. As a parent, you would have an idea of

    the type of education you want your children to have. Therefore, the curriculum applied at the school should suit the long-term plan for further education and career options.

    For example, if the plan is for them to attend a British university, your children would ideally be in a British system school assessed by IGCSE and A-Levels examinations.

    Australian, American, Canadian and Indian curricula are also offered at international schools, in addition to the globally recognised International Baccalaureate (IB) programme.

    The IB programme has been gaining traction in the country, with schools such as UCSI International School offering programmes across all levels. Principal Alexandre Trespach Nenes believes parents should have realistic expectations of their childs future and match them with what the school has to offer.

    Parents also know their childrens skills, abilities, personalities, strengths and weaknesses, he says, all of which play a role in determining the best fit for a child.

    There are several types of resources you can utilise in your research, including online portals such as and, which offer comprehensive information, reviews and advice from others in the community.

    Step 3: Speak to a representative.Meet with a school representative or

    even better, the principal to have an open and honest discussion on your childs prospective future at their institution. Bring your questions and concerns forward as the answers will not only provide essential information, but also allow you to gauge the staffs passion and dedication to education.

    A face-to-face session is best so you can perform a reconnaissance of the school at the same time. Observe and speak to the pupils as they are the best indicators of the schools conditions if they seem happy there, yours could be too.

    Step 4: Get testimonials and opinions. Look for tangible indicators of

    performance, such as programme accreditation, staff qualifications and past average scores, but also consider other aspects to understand the bigger picture.

    Are teachers able to relate with students to bring out the best in them? How are they assessed; is appropriate emphasis placed on individual abilities and performance? Are classrooms inclusive, safe spaces? How do the students get along with each other? Speaking to other parents or alumni members can help provide insight that can only come with experience.

    Step 5: Child-test. Once you have narrowed your choices

    down, bring your child in to see how they find their potential school. Involvement at early stages is important to make children feel included in the decision-making process as opposed to feeling helpless or stuck with their parents choices. More importantly, you will have a preview of how they will fit into the new environment.

    Step 1: Identify your childrens needs. While younger children may not yet have

    a clear path set out for them, older ones may have already developed interests that they wish to pursue as a career.

    Younger ones therefore need to be equipped with the basics, including literacy and numeracy, while having sufficient time for play and exploration to feed their curiousity and suit their energy levels.

    As your children grow, their needs and interests evolve and you may have to look for schools with more appropriate curriculum, subjects and co-curricular programmes. Some schools even have special programmes for science, arts or sports.



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    Moving with the timesWHEN Epsom College UK alumnus Dr John Robertson visited Epsom College in Malaysia (Epsom) in March, he was delighted by how the school had not only branched out, but also improved in leaps and bounds to provide an unparalleled academic experience to its students.

    Reminiscing on his time in Epsom College in the 1950s, Dr Robertson shares that Epsom was founded by those in medical professions in keeping with the tradition of benevolent colleges of the time.

    Due to this, the standards of science education and facilities at Epsom College were more advanced than ordinary public school offerings.

    At least a quarter of the boys were destined for the medical profession and an entire sixth form was devoted to getting them into medical school, says Dr Robertson.

    The college was an all-boys English public school, which at the time meant rough conditions and strict boarding regimes.

    While the students were fed, clothed and kept fit and healthy, the traditional methods of education at that time made learning and boarding a tougher experience for the boys.

    They braved cold winters, had limited personal possessions and created music themselves to make up for the lack of records or television.

    Meals served the sole purpose of nourishment and only a few students could afford treats from

    One of Year 5 student Alexander Leaws (left) favourite aspects about studying in Epsom is the hardworking, selfless and compassionate staff.

    The warm and welcoming atmosphere of Epsom College in Malaysia has helped Year 9 student Teresa Ooi become confident.

    the tuck shop. Besides science, sports and

    music were also areas of focus; pupils were required to participate in sports every day except Sunday, and mid-morning breaks were often filled with physical training exercises.

    Despite those challenges, Dr Robertson is grateful to Epsom for his head start in the field of medicine.

    These facilities and staff pave the way for holistic education at Epsom, while providing affirmation and support to encourage students to play by their passion and strengths.

    At the same time, they are exposed to new activities and experiences to allow them to explore and widen their worldview.

    Teresa Ooi from Year 9 shares that the warm and welcoming atmosphere has allowed her to open up and be herself.

    The countless opportunities we enjoy, which range from rugby tournaments to global debating contests, have transformed me into a confident student, she says.

    While Epsom has experienced many changes, several timeless aspects remain. For example, the school still prides itself in sports and places an importance on physical activities while also championing quality academia.

    I have wondered what our school would be like in 50 years ever since we buried a time capsule here in March, says Ooi.

    However it may be, I believe the one thing that will remain unchanged is the uniting community spirit of Epsom.

    n For more information, visit

    Comparing the college he knew to the Epsom colleges today, he says, What I see now is an environment that combines high academic standards with a more compassionate, caring and uplifting pastoral environment.

    Dr Robertsons recollection paints a rather different picture from todays Epsom experience. Strict regimes are replaced with individualised schedules based on

    students preferences and strengths. Boarding facilities today prioritise comfort and sanitation.

    Year 5 student Alexander Leaw says specialised facilities such as the ICT room and swimming pool offer various opportunities for learning.

    One of his favourite aspects of schooling in Epsom is the staff, whom Leaw describes as hardworking, selfless and compassionate.

    They guide you patiently when you dont understand a certain piece of work, whether it involves physical movement or mental abilities, he says.

  • 4 bright kidsTHE STAR, TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2015

    Smart path to developmentPRESCHOOL education is crucial for the positive development of a childs social and emotional skills.

    The skills and knowledge that a child receives during preschool may have an impact on how well he or she performs academically once he or she begins formal schooling.

    Smart Reader Worldwide, the leading preschool education provider in Malaysia, recognises that young minds are very malleable.

    The Smart Reader Kids programme uses a fun and creative syllabus to teach students. Students develop an interest to learn because they enjoy the creative, fun and simple methods used in the programme.

    The structured syllabus allows children to learn according to their ability. In addition, teaching materials can be customised to suit the different needs and levels of language proficiency of students.

    Noraqilah Md Noor, mother of seven-year-old Ainul Mardhiah and five-year-old Raudhatul Jannah, enrolled her children in Smart Reader Kids Putra Point Nilai after hearing about Smart Reader Worldwides reputation for producing quality early childhood education programmes.

    Im proud to see both my children progressing so well. I want them to gain sufficient skills and knowledge before entering primary school, she says.

    In just a few months, Noraqilah observed significant improvement in her children. Both can read and write well in English and Bahasa Malaysia.

    Abd Khabir Mohd Ali, father of six-year-old Qurratul Ain Nazeeha from Smart Reader Kids Sentul East, also noticed that his child has made a lot of progress within several months of being in the programme.

    Abd Khabir says, I am really impressed with my daughters ability to communicate clearly, write properly and count accurately.

    The programme has also boosted my childs confidence. She used to be very shy but has now become friendlier and more outspoken.

    In hope of providing their child with an environment that is conducive to learning, Ladin Anak Anyang and Endon Anak Pahang chose to send their six-year-old daughter Felzwein Jezziea Anak Ladin to Smart Reader Kids Taman Impian Ehsan, Balakong.

    As parents, we want our child to have a good education foundation before entering Year 1.

    We chose Smart Reader Kids because of its proven track record and the systematic way classes are conducted at the centre, says Endon.

    Apart from better learning outcomes, Endon has also found her daughter to be more inquisitive, independent and confident.

    Felzwein has learnt to make many new friends of different races and is always excited to go to school.

    For children to succeed in the future, it is important that they have a strong foundation.

    At Smart Reader Worldwide, extensive research is constantly conducted to ensure students are educated using top-notch methods.

    The educational programmes offered by Smart Reader Worldwide are Smart Reader Kids, Smart Reader Kids Islamic, Smart Reader Kids Mandarin Medium, Smart Reader Kids Intensive English Programme and Smart Reader Kids++ franchise programmes.

    n For more information, call 03-6279 5555 or the SMARTLine at 1300 885 555 or visit

    Abd Khabir Mohd Ali with his daughter Qurratul Ain Nazeeha from Smart Reader Kids Sentul East.

    Ainul Mardhiah (right) and Raudhatul Jannah from Smart Reader Kids Putra Point Nilai are progressing well in their studies.


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    Stirring a passion to learnHAVING spent the last 15 years at a top girls school in the United Kingdom, it was finally time for a new challenge. The enthusiasm of the

    Beaconhouse Regional Office for its new project Beaconhouse Newlands International School was enough to lure me to Malaysia.

    The Beaconhouse School System is well known across the globe as it has schools in nine countries, including one very close to my hometown in the UK.

    After 40 years, it has seen thousands of students pass through the hands of dedicated teachers who helped open doors to new opportunities.

    Students who complete their education with Beaconhouse go on to be leaders in their field.

    Its alumni attribute their confidence to the nurturing and forward-thinking education of Beaconhouse.

    It gave them a passion to continue learning and acquiring new skills in higher educational establishments across the world.

    The challenge of being in a new country and experiencing a different culture was exciting. School has been in session throughout this academic year with numbers growing daily.

    We watched the ground being dug up and walls becoming a reality. The campus quickly took shape and we were able to showcase some of the areas to parents at our Open Day.

    The excitement of staff, children

    Students at Beaconhouse Newlands International School are proud to be part of and represent its multicultural and multitalented students community.

    Students benefit from participating in sporting events.

    and parents at the building site was uplifting and gave the atmosphere a vibrant, optimistic and confident feel.

    We are very much concerned with the development of childrens brain and how they can learn best.

    Everything we do allows children to explore, investigate and assimilate new knowledge, and

    represent Beaconhouse Newlands International School, be it in English prose competitions, poetry performances, mathematics challenges, sports competitions, dance, robotics or public speaking.

    They give their best and have been rewarded with success both in and out of school. I have too many proud moments to list but they include hearing an adjudicator announce a Beaconhouse Newlands Year 10 student the joint winner of a poetry slam competition and seeing the netball team win their first match after only 10 days of training.

    Not everyone can be a winner, but we give students the tools to develop strengths in their chosen field to give their best.

    Everything we do makes us stronger and gives us the strength to have another go. The dedication of the staff and students has been paramount in making every day this year a rewarding and exciting experience.

    With the new campus opening in September, there are bigger and better things on the horizon to look out for. By Nicki Coombs

    Nicki Coombs is Beaconhouse Newlands International School principal.

    develop a passion for growth and a desire to know more.

    Beaconhouse embraces children who ask questions and encourage them to think outside the box. Students are taught how to use their knowledge and take risks when solving a problem, and not to be afraid of getting things wrong the first time.

    They enjoy thinking and interacting with peers, teachers and other professionals in different fields.

    The students are bright, confident and excited by the prospect of coming to school. We have achieved so much this year.

    There is a strong House system at Beaconhouse and students benefit from the excellent pastoral care and from participating in competitions such as the recent annual Sports Day, where every child participated in an event.

    As a young school, we have developed a real identity students are proud to be part of and

  • Breeding success

    IF your child is scratching his or her head excessively, it might be due to head lice, a common issue among schoolchildren.

    Lice are tiny, wingless insects that can live in human hair and feed on tiny amounts of blood from the scalp.

    Contrary to common belief, they cannot jump or fly, so they need close head-to-head contact to be able to transfer from one head to another.

    Lice usually dwell close to the scalp, at the bottom of the neck and behind the ears.

    The eggs, called nits, are very small (about the size of a knot in a thread), are attached firmly to the hair shaft and can remain glued to hairs long after the successful elimination of the adult creatures.

    A head lice infestation has nothing to do with poor hygiene. It can affect all types of hair, regardless of the length and its condition.

    Head lice in your childs hair are not dangerous but their infestation is highly contagious.

    A louse bite can cause your childs scalp to itch and become inflamed.

    To confirm an active infestation, live lice have to be detected on the scalp or hair. Using a fine-toothed head lice comb with a tooth spacing of 0.2-0.3mm, the otherwise hard-to-spot lice and nits can be easily detected.

    This method of detection combing can trap even the smallest of lice and can be done with wet or

    dry hair.Common products for getting

    rid of head lice and their nits are easily available at pharmacies or clinics.

    Non-toxic remedies such as dimethicone are available but their efficacy has been reported to be unsatisfying.

    When choosing a personal care product, its effectiveness and naturalness should be a priority.

    Unlike harsh industrial chemicals, Vitamode Delices natural hair-wash is formulated to help kill hair lice and control nits infestation among children.

    Stemona root extract in Vitamode Delice prevents eggs from hatching, thus interrupting the life cycle of hair lice.

    Lemon peel oil powder in the product helps to soothe and moisturise irritated or

    6 bright kidsTHE STAR, TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2015

    Vitamode Delica Hair Wash comes with a free magnifier lens and fine-toothed metal comb to facilitate lice infestation treatment.

    sensitive scalp.Vitamode Delice is free of toxic

    pesticides, malathion (maldison) and pyrethroids such as permethrin, which have been linked in various studies to birth defects, cancer, immune system suppression, hormonal disruption, reproductive problems and genetic damage.

    It is effective at first use (based on the bioefficacy test performed

    by the Department of Medical Science, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand) and is suitable for all ages.

    To use, lather Vitamode Delice hair-wash on wet hair and massage lightly until completely soaked. Cover hair with shower cap and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then, rinse hair with water.

    To remove dead lice and nits, use Vitamode Delice fine-toothed metal lice comb, which is more effective compared to common plastic combs.

    Nits are easily removed by combing while the hair is slightly damp. You may need a magnifying glass and bright light.

    Comb the entire head from the scalp to the tip of the hair at least twice and rinse out the comb often under running hot water as you go. You may use Vitamode Delice Hair Wash three to five times weekly to prevent recurrence.

    To facilitate the treatment of lice infestation, a free magnifier lens and fine-toothed metal comb are provided with Vitamode Delice Hair Wash.

    This article is brought to you by Vitamode.

    n For more information, call 1300 800 228 or visit

    Enhanced cooperation and mutual understanding are trademarks of 21st century schools, parents and students.

    Though education has greatly evolved in this sense, there are also many aspects of traditional education that remain in todays schools use of tools and modes of assessment, for instance, are merely a couple that have been improved and updated over the years.

    Principal of UCSI International School Alexandre Trespach Nenes points out that assessment has come a long way from being a standardised test for every student.

    It is very common today to see students engaging in projects, carrying out research in collaborative environments and integrating technology with their subjects, he says, explaining that criteria or norm-based assessments are more effective than simply calculating an average score against other students.

    Besides that, the use of technology as teaching and learning tools in schools is

    viewed by many as the future of education.

    Students today have instant access to vast amounts of information as technology is used to motivate them as well as facilitate ongoing assessment and feedback, says John Mackle, principal of Sunway International School.

    As a result, they have a much more global perspective and relate to the idea of being a global citizen.

    This philosphy has become the new benchmark for quality education to nurture students who not only excel in the classroom, but also out in the real world.

    For this to happen, children have to be placed in an environment where they can mature emotionally and socially, deepen personal values and demonstrate social responsibility and global awareness.

    Mackle shares the words of a parent, which sums up this notion nicely: It is alright if my son does not get an A in every subject as long as he gets an A in life.

    > FROM PAGE 2

    Safe and natural solution


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    Spotlight on talents

    WITH its first original musical production, Kristella the Musical, R.E.A.L Schools, Suria campus, Cheras, has taken the diverse creative talents of its students and faculty to another level.

    The schools Hall of Character was furnished and transformed into the magical world of Kristella for the show.

    The two-hour musical kept audiences thoroughly entertained and engaged with wonderful performances, impressive visuals and catchy tunes.

    Each performers passion and dedication was apparent, particularly during the dance numbers.

    Kristella the Musical marks a milestone achievement for the school as not only did the event coincide with the Suria campus 30th anniversary, it was also made special by the fact that everything about the musical, from script to song, was originally written and produced by Suria Production, the schools in-house team of passionate teachers, who are also talented directors, musicians, artists and designers.

    The students have benefited greatly from the professional guidance of their mentors, who tirelessly gave their best to the schools creative endeavours.

    Kristella the Musical is a story of the titular characters journey of self-discovery while seeking love. She starts out as an orphan who meets a new friend and finds herself magically transported to a

    city of glamour and fashion, where she learns the importance of following her dreams and lessons in friendship, honour and humility.

    The months leading up to the event required perseverance, focus and sacrifice. Considering the sheer scale of the musical and the amount of effort required to produce each component, the cast and crew deserve special attention and praise.

    Central to this massive

    undertaking was a team of creative and capable individuals made up of directors, producers, designers, artists, composers, scriptwriters and choreographers, whose respective areas of expertise brought the musical to life.

    Meanwhile, the cast comprised students from various levels of Suria Campus private and international schools, who collaborated to play a myriad of memorable characters on stage.

    There was also a Fashion Runway Show segment that took centre stage during the intermission of the musical, where young, budding models showcased a range of original student designs that were exclusively crafted in-house courtesy of the schools unique and innovative Art & Design programme.

    In her programme notes, Lee Seow Ping, executive producer of the play and senior principal and

    business manager of R.E.A.L Schools, Suria Campus, Cheras, said, I am especially proud of our students and teachers who have used every triumph and challenge on this journey to reach their better selves. Kristella the Musical is a labour of love, born from the beautiful efforts of individuals who had the courage to dream big, but more importantly, who had the enthusiasm and perseverance to make those dreams a reality.

    This latest musical offering serves as R.E.A.L Schools testament to the practice and philosophy of providing education that goes beyond mere academic results.

    For the past 30 years, this has been what R.E.A.L education is all about nurturing students with outstanding character values, collaborative, critical-thinking, communication and social skills as well as innovative creativity.

    The performing arts, along with a myriad of other extracurricular activities and major school events, each plays a vital and practical role in fulfilling R.E.A.Ls mission to transform lives.

    R.E.A.L School will be having its Open Day on Aug 8 at all three campuses in Cheras, Shah Alam and Johor Baru.

    n For more information, call 03-9021 3601 (Suria Campus, Cheras), 03-7842 3228 (Cahaya Campus, Shah Alam) or 07-386 4468 (Cahaya Campus, Johor) or visit

    Its first original musical production, Kristella the Musical was performed by the students and staff of R.E.A.L School, Suria campus, Cheras.

  • 8 bright kidsTHE STAR, TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2015

    Rafflesia classrooms are designed to encourage students to brainstorm and discuss ideas creatively.

    Grooming contemporary leaders

    Interactive approachMORRIS Allen English employs an interactive structure that not only strengthens students English skills, but also boosts their confidence and motivation to learn.

    With a teaching approach that adopts an interactive multi-sensory system, students are actively engaged in speaking, listening, reading and writing activities.

    There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of the Morris Allen English enrichment programmes.

    Teachers are carefully selected native English speakers who have gained recognised teaching qualifications and are backed by years of teaching experience in their home countries.

    The Morris Allen English interactive learning system focuses on four major areas of English language development listening, speaking, reading and writing.

    Morris Allen English recognises that speaking and listening are keys to language learning. Conversing with native speakers exposes students to good models of English and provides more opportunities for good English language development.

    The teachers provide a platform for students to explore the language and expand their vocabulary in a secure, nurturing environment.

    There is also a listening comprehension component included in all lessons. During these sessions, students listen and respond to instructions and questions.

    This often involves a fun activity such as colouring, but the importance of listening to

    Morris Allen English uses an interactive approach to teaching.

    instructions followed by the correct action is the focus of this component.

    Reading is one of the most important ways for children to enrich their learning of English. When children read, they are exposed to important English grammar patterns. Sharing what they have read also helps them develop a greater understanding of the reading material.

    Parents are encouraged to share stories and sit with their children when reading.

    In the classroom, this approach of interacting with what a person reads plays a crucial role in developing a better understanding of English. This approach nurtures an enjoyment of books and makes reading a pleasant experience.

    Morris Allen English accepts students from the age of four to 17 and builds them into individuals with a strong command of the English language.

    n For more information, call 03-7726 7656 (Centrepoint) or 03-5611 9296 (Empire Gallery) or visit

    EDUCATION has to be flexible and change according to the needs of a society.

    According to education expert Dr Jackie Gerstein, the big shift in 21st century education involves a few key areas.

    Firstly, teachers are no longer the only authority and expert in delivering knowledge to students. Instead, they are becoming a coach, facilitator, mentor and resource who guide students along in their pursuit of knowledge.

    Students are not passive learners who only learn whatever they can from their teacher. On the contrary, they have now taken a more central role to initiate independent learning and share knowledge with their peers.

    In contrast to the traditional educational system that implies one size fits all, education today must be personalised, interactive and multi-sourced to engage students who possess different learning styles in the classroom.

    Moreover, a combined summative and formative approach to assessment better monitors teaching and learning

    patterns and trends. Offering international and

    national curricula respectively, Rafflesia International & Private Schools educate learners by emphasising traditional values in the context of a global vision.

    Rafflesias approach to 21st century or digital-age teaching and learning, as well as building on the work of the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, can be captured

    in a practical acronym HEAT.HEAT represents the elements to

    be applied by any learner within any learning environment.

    In simple terms, it is the job of Rafflesias teachers to turn on the HEAT and encourage Rafflesias learners to capture these elements:

    Higher-order thinking Learners at Rafflesia are challenged to operate at higher levels of thinking; simply

    remembering and understanding information are not sufficient.

    The 21st century requires skills involving application, analysis, evaluation and creation.

    Engaged learning Learners at Rafflesia are challenged to show their know-how of important and challenging topics; telling and showing are not sufficient.

    The 21st century requires skills involving problem-solving, task definition, solution development and collaboration.

    Authentic connections Learners at Rafflesia are challenged to reflect on what they might do with real-life issues, themes and problems within real contexts.

    The 21st century requires learners who can make direct links between the classroom and the world outside, resulting in direct impact and application.

    Technology use Learners at Rafflesia are challenged to use technology in a seamless fashion to promote learning; an absence

    of technology, or technology used only by the teacher, is not sufficient.

    The 21st century requires student-directed technology in the classroom or a one-to-one mobile learning device initiative, which promotes and enhances the visual, audio and kinaesthetic means of complementary learning.

    This contemporary approach to learning expands, challenges and stretches the students mind, encouraging them to be creative, think for themselves, deliberate collaboratively and communicate effectively.

    Rafflesia International & Private Schools welcome families to visit the campuses in 16 Sierra Puchong and Kajang 2.

    Students who enrol in Rafflesia International School for the September 2015 or January 2016 intake before Aug 28 are eligible for 50% off the registration fee. Terms and conditions apply.

    n For more information, call03-8953 9088 or 03-8741 7099 or visit

  • THE early years are most important in shaping a childs holistic development. Neurological research has shown that early childhood interventions can have a lasting effect on a childs social and cognitive abilities later in life.

    Educators from all over the world have thus recognised the need for a holistic approach to preschool education.

    Odyssey, the Global Preschool is one of the preschools in Malaysia that recognises the need to provide quality and innovative curriculum to children.

    Inspired by global teaching pedagogies from the United States, United Kingdom as well as the Reggio Emilia educational practices in Northern Italy, Odyssey has incorporated the best of these curricula into its programme since it was established in Singapore in 2008.

    Odyssey holds the belief that children are capable of independent learning and have a natural desire to learn.

    Natural teacher The Reggio Emilia Approach is

    an innovative approach to early childhood education that focuses on the educational importance of


    bright kids 9

    Inspiring learning spacescommunity and free enquiry as its primary values.

    One of the fundamental principles under this child-centric approach is an emphasis on the environment as a teacher.

    Here, the environment is seen as a living space where children are able to explore and learn through social interactions and experimentations.

    Recognising the important role that the environment plays in the educative process, Odyssey pays close attention to the design and layout of its physical environment.

    The spatial design of the environment is driven by the schools commitment to creating spaces that are not only functional, aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, but also grounded in research and enduring educational philosophies.

    Redefining preschools Odyssey @ Setia Eco Park is the

    second Odyssey campus to be introduced in Malaysia. The first,

    A balanced diet is important for growing children.

    Child nourishmentAS many parents can attest to, picky eating in children is one of the major challenges of parenting.

    Picky eaters do not seem to eat much and their appetite may vary daily. They may enjoy a food one day but barely touch it the next.

    If your children barely touch the food on their plate, try not to make a big fuss about it. Meal times should be fun for both you and your children.

    Giving your children a head start of 30 minutes before a meal gives them time to settle down and get ready to eat. Minimise distractions, keep toys away and turn off the television.

    As a parent, you have to be a good role model. You cannot expect your children to eat food that you do not.

    A balanced diet provides your children with the nutrition needed for healthy growth and development.

    Fussy eaters who consume a limited assortment and amount of food are less likely to get adequate nutrients from their diet. Poor nutritional status is not only associated with growth delays, but affects immune functions too.

    Fortunately, there are supplements for children that can help fill the nutrition gaps. Different nutrients play different roles in the body for combined health benefits.

    For example, vitamin C is crucial for childrens general health and immune support to fight off illnesses. In addition, it helps in the maintenance of healthy connective tissues, skin, bones and blood vessels.

    Vitamin A plays a vital role in promoting healthy eyes, skin and immune functions, while vitamin D enhances the

    absorption of calcium for the development of strong bones and teeth.

    Vitamin B complex is essential to support a healthy metabolic system, energy production and the formation of red blood cells.

    Lysine is one of the primary building blocks of protein that supports the rapid growth and development in childhood.

    It also helps boost appetite and promotes weight gain. Lysine is an essential amino acid that cannot be synthesised in the body, thus, it has to be obtained through food.

    Inulin is a prebiotic beneficial in promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut. A healthy balance of intestinal flora maintains a strong immune system and protects the body from diseases.

    Therefore, a solid foundation must be given to support children at each stage of their growth. This makes all the difference in helping them reach milestones in their learning and exploration.

    This article is brought to you by VitaHealth.

    n For more information, call 03-7729 3873.

    Odyssey @ Macalister, opened in Penang last July.

    At 18,300sq ft (1,700sq m) and 80,000sq ft (7,432sq m) respectively, both campuses are surrounded by lush greenery that creates an optimal setting for integrating outdoor learning experiences with an understanding of nature.

    Odyssey seeks to meet the developmental needs of children aged 18 months to six years through a leading-edge curriculum and programmes within a vibrant learning community.

    More than just a preschool that prepares children for formal schooling, Odyssey is envisioned to be an educational hub where children are encouraged to discover independently and develop their character, alongside a curriculum built on international early childhood educations best practices.

    The school has three campuses in Singapore and two in Malaysia.

    n For more information, visit

    The Odyssey campuses have orchards and herb gardens, where students can grow their own crops and get in touch with nature.

  • EDUCATION that is academically rigorous, deliberately multicultural and concerned with developing personal values that include a commitment to community service is an invaluable resource for any and all of us, said George Rupp, the recently appointed chair for the International Baccalaureate Board of Governors, in a speech about global education a few weeks ago.

    UCSI International Schools are committed to delivering rigorous academic programmes in a multicultural environment in which excellence is the basis.

    This excellence comes from a combination of new teaching methodologies based on technology integration and digital literacy with tried and tested methods.

    These methods are based on principles such as Kolbs Experiential Learning Theory and approaches that allow students to extend their knowledge beyond classroom walls.

    Identifying new needsStudents at UCSI International

    Schools are encouraged to take risks so that they are exposed to new experiences as well as become aware of the environment

    10 bright kidsTHE STAR, TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2015

    Beyond traditional borders

    and others around them.This leads them to engage in

    social service and activities to give back to the community, which develops their confidence, raises awareness and fosters initiative.

    Engagement and handling responsibilities give them the advantage of being better prepared to live and succeed in a world that is increasingly competitive and that needs global citizens who are willing to use their time and capabilities to benefit and support others.

    Another aspect of navigating a globalised world is the ability to

    School trips, such as this one to Beryls Chocolate Factory, expose students to new experiences.

    UCSI International Schools students are constantly engaged in practical explorations of science.

    use tools successfully in a responsible manner.

    Digital literacy is based on the use of peoples knowledge, skills and behaviours in a broad range of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers, all of which are seen as part of a major network rather than just computing devices.

    At UCSI International Schools, students find a safe, structured environment to develop digital literacy skills to produce quality work and develop other relevant skills.

    Best of both worldsA challenge faced by educators

    nowadays is finding the balance between inculcating academic and practical skills.

    A balanced timetable, continued professional development and visionary leadership can be the keys to the delivery of a holistic programme.

    A holistic programme is one that gives students the opportunity to explore the virtual world by

    connecting with others near and far as well as express themselves through social media.

    In a holistic programme, students learn how to produce academic papers based on relevant research and cite their sources in a proper manner to guarantee academic integrity.

    Such a programme provides time and space for collaborative hands-on projects such as tending to a garden, taking care of class pets, working to help those in need through local and global charities, and offering support to their peers by sharing various skills, including in music, art, language and sports.

    UCSI understands that in an inter-connected global world, every child should have the opportunity to receive a high-quality international education.

    To provide such an international education, it is necessary for schools to keep a certain focus on how the curriculum is built so teachers and students are able to experience a variety of methods and tools that expose them to learn not only the content of each subject, but also skills that are essential for life.

    n For more information, visit


    bright kids 11

    More effective communicatorsTHE benefits of being able to speak and write effectively are obvious better grades, greater understanding and a broader outlook in life.

    The keys to mastering the English language are a result-oriented, consistent and systematic teaching methodology, proven curriculum and a team of well-trained teachers.

    However, there are barriers to overcome before one can master good communication skills. An inaccurate belief is that communication skills can be learnt in isolation, separate from language study.

    Interested learners often enrol in English language centres for courses in creative writing or public speaking, hoping to develop confidence in writing or speaking without realising that what they really lack is English language proficiency.

    Communication skills and English language proficiency must be tackled together if effective communication in English is to be realised.

    Further barriers to mastering effective communication in English are inaccurate pronunciation and faulty intonation.

    It is possible for speakers of other languages to make a grammatically

    correct statement in English but still be incomprehensible to a native English speaker because their pronunciation or intonation or both are incorrect.

    Therefore, it is necessary to address each of these areas for development to become an effective communicator.

    The Cambridge English For Lifes (CEFL) method of teaching is based on a communicative approach to language acquisition.

    Classes are small and interactive so that learning is an enjoyable experience.

    This also gives teachers the opportunity to address the needs of individual students in their classes.

    Students look forward to their classes at CEFL not just because the classes are fun, but also because they are introduced to a wide range of literary and cultural knowledge seldom encountered at school.

    Generally, students who thrive at CEFL also achieve better marks in their school examinations.

    CEFLs teachers are qualified individuals who are trained using the CEFL method and bring their enhanced skills into the classroom.

    They monitor the performance of their

    Based on a communicative approach to language acquisition, Cambridge English For Life teaches students how to use English effectively.

    students and keep them and the parents in touch with students progress throughout the courses.

    The Cambridge English Language Assessment examinations at the end of each course provide students with benchmarked external qualifications, which at the highest levels satisfy the

    English language entrance requirements of colleges and universities worldwide.

    CEFLs track record in the examinations has shown a passing rate consistently higher than the international average.

    n For more information, call 03-7883 0912 or visit

    Fun and well-rounded learning is the cornerstone of the Q-dees curricula.

    Creating holistic learnersSINCE its inception more than 20 years ago, Q-dees has grown into one of the leading institutions in early childhood education here in Malaysia.

    Its programmes are acclaimed for being fun and holistic, empowering children with the foundation they need to exponentially grow from.

    Q-dees preschool programmes are stringently benchmarked against global standards.

    They are specifically designed based on innovative and dynamic research and development spearheaded by the Q-dees research and development centre.

    As children have shorter attention spans, Q-dees exclusive interactive multimedia and materials are meticulously integrated to ensure that children are constantly engaged.

    Through stories, songs and dance, interactions during lessons are amplified to provide a unique educational experience.

    Its language programmes are geared to enable children to master English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin.

    Taught thematically and phonetically, lessons at Q-dees encourage the expansion of vocabulary while fostering correct contextual usage of the language.

    Lessons at Q-dees make seemingly complex mathematics concepts simple for children to understand and enjoy learning.

    Using its Hands-on Mind-on methodology with Maths Board, children are given opportunities to explore mathematical concepts as they learn to count efficiently and think logically.

    Its science programme is designed to make science simple and stimulating to learn. Children are encouraged to participate hands-on in fun and exciting experiments such as convections and dissolutions.

    The arts and craft programme develops childrens creativity and imagination through activities that complement the daily theme.

    Children are taught a wide range of techniques from simple artwork to more complex techniques such as perspective drawing, rendering techniques and three-

    dimensional modelling. The programme helps strengthen

    childrens photographic memory, logical and reasoning skills.

    Physical well-being is developed through the Gymflex programme. Children are given the opportunity to learn about teamwork, improve body coordination and develop their fine and gross motor skills through fun exercises, physical activities and team games.

    The Q-dees Love to Life programme ensures that its curricula are infused with good values to teach children how to love and care for others, be responsible individuals and mindful of preserving the environment.

    Q-dees has been awarded The Best Preschool Brand for the past seven consecutive years by the BrandLaureate as well as received recognition through the Innovation and Brand Excellence by Smera.

    Q-dees strives to meet international standards of education while nurturing values that empower lifelong education.

    n For more information, call 1700 815 077 or visit

  • Business and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

    Through mentorship, inspirational anecdotes on leadership and discussions on best practices, the fellows led and engaged delegates in capacity-building workshops on topics of leadership and social-profit initiatives, namely in entrepreneurship, innovation in education and social responsibility.

    Key focuses in the programme included workshops on leadership and communications as well as

    12 bright kidsTHE STAR, TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2015

    The Culminating Pitch Competition allowed participants to put their newfound knowledge into practice.

    THE recent Asia Leadership Youth (ALY) Camp 2015 held at Sunway International School (SIS) was themed Values Into Action, which stems from the rationale that one should embark on a learning journey to examine his or her own values.

    SIS was selected as the ideal candidate to be the camp host as the school identifies with the camps objective of helping young adults gain skills, courage and confidence in embracing their leadership abilities.

    In fact, SIS has been championing this cause through its character education and community outreach programmes.

    As a member of the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, SIS believes in providing youths a head start to impact society in positive ways.

    The camp, which catered to students in secondary school and pre-university, aimed to prepare and empower young students for the leadership challenges that they will face in their personal, school and communal life.

    Delegates were immersed in the Harvard model of leadership for them to thoroughly understand, absorb and grasp what it truly means to be a leader and prepare their mindsets to face and solve challenges.

    The impressive line-up of speakers included fellows from the Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Stanford Graduate School of

    Building skills and character

    innovation and problem-solving. The highlight of the camp was

    the Culminating Pitch Competition. In this experiential exercise, delegates used persuasion principles learnt throughout the week on a personal or professional topic of choice.

    Through active and constructive group feedback, the competition culminated on the last day of the programme with powerful speeches that elicited the audiences wholehearted response and earned the top three most

    persuasive delegates trophies at the graduation dinner.

    Additional enhancements included in the programme talk show panel discussions and a lively forum where delegates deliberated and debated on various topics.

    Students took part in fun ice-breaking team games such as scavenger hunts, educational experiences such as Dialogue in the Dark at Sunway University and Wildlife EduHunt at Sunway Lagoon, and attended dinners that

    showcased local cultures and customs.

    Samuel Kim, Asia Leadership Institute president and research scholar of the Asia Center, Harvard University, says, We use the framework Knowing, Doing and Being, which comprises making use of what we know, coming up with something that can add value to your community and country, and understanding how you can become a contributing factor to your nation.

    Our fellows were delighted to be part of a programme that aligns with this framework and that involves secondary school students who are the future leaders of Malaysia.

    The ALY Camp showed that youths possess the drive to begin their journey of discovery to recognise their own potential and talent and assume the mantle as leaders of the future.

    Having armed themselves with world-leading best practices and instructive tools, ALY Camp graduates have become capable and ethical individuals who will continue to lead, innovate and inspire in the future.

    n For more information,


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