
We listen carefully to our patients to understand fully their specific.

We pledge uncompromised professional ethics, with full respect for our patients privacy and confidentiality. Dr. Georgina Konrat Our advice may include declining to perform a requested procedure.

Our practice aims to be a leader in Anti-ageing medical practices.

We draw on advances in biochemistry, biology, physiology, mind/body medicine, sports medicine, molecular genetics, nutrition and other emerging medical technologies as they are researched and proven.

Beautiful breasts that complement your body shape: your dream can be a reality, thanks to the expertise of Dr Georgina Konrat, one of a very few qualified female Cosmetic Doctors in Queensland.

Who has made breast surgery an area of particular study and expertise. Dr. Georgina Konrat As a woman, she has an insider's understanding of how a woman needs to look

and feel.

Your breast enlargement is individually designed because she knows that no two women's breasts are the same.

She uses the widest range of high quality, TGA approved implants and has a passion for achieving the best results possible for each individual.

The shape, profile and volume of your implants should be selected based on discussion and close consultation with Dr Konrat.

You should first establish very clear goals for your breast size and shape.

This is critical to achieving the best outcome from your surgery. Implant sizes range from 120 gm to 900 gm. Shapes are either round.

After surgery, a silicone gel implant cannot be adjusted. If you wish to have different sized implants, this will mean a second operation and additional costs.

Implant Surface: Smooth or Textured.

Implant Shape: Round or Shaped/Anatomical/Tear-drop.

Implant Profile/Projection.

Implant Size.

Implant Placement.


A consultation will include a comprehensive presentation of information about breast augmentation / breast enlargement surgery.

You will have the opportunity to have fun planning your post-surgery 'look' by putting on a special elastic bra and different sizes and styles of implants will be tried on to assess the style, size and shape that will achieve your ideals.

At least one week prior to surgery, blood tests will be taken and pre-operative mammogram screening is recommended.

In order to have the best healing result, Brisbane Cosmetic Clinic recommends: Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs ten days before and ten days after

your operation.

You must discuss any use of 'leisure drugs' with Dr Konrat at the time of your consultation, as these could also have an impact on the success of the surgery.

The Operation

Breast Implant surgery is done in an accredited Day Surgery hospital under general anesthetic.

The procedure usually takes between one and two hours.

Dr Konrat makes an incision in the agreed spot, elevates the breast tissues, surgically creating a pocket or space into which the implant of choice is placed.

The coverings of the pocket are then closed with stitches and the skin stitched or sutured closed.

The wound is covered with a small waterproof surgical tape which is left in place until you next see your Doctor or the surgical practice nurse.

A complete list of instructions will be given to you prior to your surgery.

You must have a relative or friend drive you home from the hospital and you should under no circumstance take public transport.

You are likely to feel drowsy or even sleepy after the ansthetic, but apart from this, if you feel fine, you can expect to be able to undertake normal light activity around the home on the evening of your surgery.

You should eat lightly and drink to replenish your body fluids.

At one week following your surgery you will need to have your 'invisible' stitches taken out. This is pain free.

New surgical tape will be placed over the scar and you will change the surgical tape over the wound once a week, each week for 6 weeks. This assist with healing and gives the best chance of the scar healing well.

Phone 07 3391 5710

Fax 07 3391 5893

EMAIL [email protected]

Address Brisbane cosmetic Clinic 45 Dendam Street, Annerley. 4103 Australia (07)33915710

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