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breast cancer

What is Breast

Cancer. . . .?

Breast cancer is a disease caused by malignant cells (cancer) that grows in the

breast tissue. These cells usually appear in the breast ducts or lobula. Cancer cells can spread

between tissues or organs that exist and to other body parts.

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How common is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the second biggest cause of death for women today. In Singapore, one of 16 women will be

diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Chinese women have a higher risk compared with Malays or

Indians approximately 10% to 20%. The highest cases occurred in the age group 55-59 years.

The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. The good news now is that more women are now able to

fight breast cancer because of early detection and improving the quality of treatment.


Factors triggering this cancer is not yet known. But this can be traced from a family history of breast cancer, early menstrual cycle, or the possibility of other risk factors. Because it is so difficult to be sure, each of us has the risk of breast cancer, especially when we are aged 40 years or more. Although the causes are still unknown, but complete healing is possible with early detection through regular breast examinations.

Signs of Breast Cancer:• Anatomy of Breast

- Painless lumps in the breast- Itching and rash are continuously around the -

nipple- Bleeding or discharge from the nipple that is not usually- Breast skin to swell and thicken- Breast skin wrinkle or become concave- Hilt sinking inside

Diagnosis & InspectionHow do I diagnose?

Clinical examination - particularly if lumps, discharge from the nipple, or breast changes are not uncommon.

Mammograms - This method can detect changes such as density or the occurrence of abnormal calcium deposits.

Ultrasound Scan - This method is used to detect the specific area that is found in a mammogram or can be done to detect abnormal conditions that are not visible on the mammogram. An ultrasound scan can distinguish between a solid mass, which is the possibility of cancer, or cysts filled with fluid which usually is not a cancer.

Magnetic resonance imaging, MRI - In some cases, patients should undergo MRI PET to obtain a clearer examination results in the area of suspected cancer. This method is very useful for younger women because of the age they have breast tissue density greater and conventional visual tests such as mammograms or ultrasounds become less sensitive and specific for the detection of breast cancer.

stage breast cancer

STADIUM 1The tumor is still very small and has not spread and there is no

point in lymph vessels

STADIUM IIa:Patients in this condition:

• Tumor diameter less than or equal to 2 cm and have been found at points in the lymph.

• channels in the armpit (axillary nodes limph)

• Tumor diameter larger than 2 cm but not more than 5 cm. Has not spread to the points

lymph vessels in the armpit (axillary nodes limph).

•No signs of tumors in the breast, but is found at points in underarm lymph vessels.

• STADIUM IIB:Patients in this condition: 1. The diameter of tumors larger than

2cm but not exceeding 5 cm.• 2.The issuing spread at points in

underarm lymph vessels. 3.Diameter tumors larger than 5 cm

but has not spread.

• STADIUM III A:Patients in this condition:

1. The diameter of tumors smaller than 5 centimeters and has spread to the points in the underarm lymph vessels.

2. The diameter of the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to the points in the underarm lymph vessels.

STAGE III B:The tumor has spread to the chest wall or cause swelling can also fester in the breast. Or diagnosed as Inflammatory

Breast Cancer. Could have been or could also have spread to the points on the lymph

vessels in the armpit and upper arm, but did not spread to other parts of the

body organs.

• STADIUM IIIC:As with stage IIIB, but has spread to the points on the lymph vessels in the group N3 (cancer has spread more than 10 points below the duct lymph collarbone).

• STADIUM 4:The size of the tumor can be whatever, but it has spread to distant locations, namely:Bones, lungs, liver or ribs.

Steps to Prevent Breast Cancer• 1.Avoid alcohol

The use of alcohol is the most established for breast cancer. Health studies show consuming more than one alcoholic drink a day can increase the risk of breast cancer as much as 20-25 percent.

Source: 10 Steps to Prevent Breast Cancer

2. Consuming fruits and vegetables

Eat seven or more servings of vegetables and fruit every day. Vegetables for breast cancer protection include all vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower), greens (collards, kale, spinach), carrots and tomatoes. Fruits that have more content to prevent breast cancer is orange, berry and cherry.

3. Exercise regularly

Many studies have shown that regular exercise provides powerful protection against breast cancer. Do it for 30 minutes to perform moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking) on a regular basis

prevention is

better than cure. .

. .’’

so, if you want to maintain your

health ???

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