  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    What is BrainstormingAll About?

    This is not your typical seminar, conference, or work-shop. The Annual Multifamily Housing BrainstormingSessions is supercharged to deliver ready-to-applysolutions. Brainstorming is a totally unique event,

    designed to kick-start the creative genius in you.Imagine three days of creative idea generation, problemsolving, training, education, resource sharing, networking,and so much more. Youll join forces with our industrys lead-ing professionals and develop solutions to the issues and chal-

    lenges that are most important to you.Im so confident youll agree with the thousands of others who have benefited

    from previous Brainstorming Sessions, I offer you a 100 percent money-back guar-antee of satisfaction.

    This years agenda includes special guest speakers, sessions geared towardsexecutives, and more than 20 educational sessions led by renowned industry andnon-industry experts.

    Youve never seen, heard, felt, or experienced anything like it. Youll learn hun-

    dreds of ready-to-implement ideas from other industry professionals. Youll growas a person and as a professional and walk away with enough fresh leasing, mar-keting, management, and retention ammunition to blow the competition away andsnowball your communities income and value. Its not just proven to work for youand your companyits guaranteed.

    Complete the registration form and return it to us right away. With a limitednumber of seats available and the word-of-mouth demand created by previousBrainstorming Sessions, you must R.S.V.P. now if you are serious about attending.

    Well see you at Brainstorming!


    Tami L. SiewrukChief Imagination OfficerSales & Marketing Magic Companies Inc.

    Register now at or call 800-363-7384

    Register NowThe 17th Annual Multifamily

    Housing Brainstorming Sessions

    East is scheduled for April 27-29,

    with pre-event activities on April

    26, at the Hilton in the Walt Disney

    World Resort in Orlando, Florida.

    The cost of attendance is $495 perperson. For hotel reservations call

    1-407-827-4000 and request the

    Brainstorming group rate of

    $179 per night (single or double

    occupancy). Book your hotel by

    March 25th to take advantage of

    this special rate.

    Simply complete the registra-

    tion form and return it to us right

    away! Our final cut-off date for

    registration is March 27, 2006 pro-

    viding seats are still available. Allpayments must be received by

    March 27, 2006.

    G Student, Seniors, and Tax Credit IssuesG Using the Internet and Other

    Information TechnologiesG Resident Retention and RenewalsG Management and Operational ConcernsG Traffic GenerationGAdvertising ResourcesG Rehabilitation and DevelopmentG Resident ReferralsG Human Resources and RelationsG Employee IncentivesG Motivational ProgramsG Maximizing Value and Raising RentsG Increasing Other Income

    G The Service DepartmentGAncillary ServicesG Employee Recruiting and

    RetentionG Leasing Without ConcessionsG Managing Condo ConversionsG Corporate UniversitiesG TrainingG ModelsG SecurityG Marketing (including

    Marketing with no money!)G Leasing Tools


    Topics CoveredAt Brainstorming

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    Dale Phillips, President,Mark-Taylor Residential

    Linda Farnsworth,Director of Learning,

    Southern ManagementCorporation

    Lori Snider, Principal,Creativity For Rent

    Lisa Trosien, President,

    If youve ever wished for superpowers to foretell the future, then dont miss the optional Trends Luncheon!Brainstorming regulars swear by it as a way to get the most revealing look at the very hottest trends occur-ring in our industry now, offering us amazing new opportunities, changing the way that we work, and influ-encing our future. Enjoy a delicious lunch while you experience a powerful and fast-paced insider's look atTraining Trends with Linda Farnsworth, Director of Learning, Southern Management Corporation;Management Trends with Dale Phillips, President of Mark-Taylor Residential; Marketing Trends with LoriSnider, Principal, Creativity for Rent; and On-Site Trends with Lisa Trosien, Apartment All-Star and Founderand President of It's like having x-ray vision across the industry and an overview you

    won't find anywhere else!

    Optional Industry Trends LuncheonSponsored by: RENTNET

    Thursday, April 27Only $45 Per Person

    (Elect this option on your registration form in order to attend.)

    Register now at or call 800-363-7384 2

    1, 2, 10! In between lies the Seven Deadly Sins of Strategic Implementation. The mostdangerous strategic myth is that a strategy has to be planned well to be successful. What are

    ya, nuts? A strategy has to be implemented well to be successful. In this mind-blowingkeynote speech, Stan explains exactly how your employee culture worksand how to workthe culture. You can't sell it outside if you can't sell it inside.

    Stan Slap is the president of the international consulting company called, by a remark-able coincidence, Slap. He has a 20-year history as the CEO of companies with as many as5,000 employees reporting to him. Stan now serves as a director of several companies withtheir CEO's reporting to him, which he prefers a whole lot more. He has developed the suc-cessful expansion and positioning for companies ranging from Patagonia to Pennzoil. Ray

    Lane, CEO of Oracle, hired Stan to create the cultural enrollment plan supporting that company's major strategic intentto40,000 employees in 167 countries. He has created successful branding strategies for companies ranging from Esprit to WarnerMusic Group. Stan has created many successful advertising campaigns and strategies, consulted to advertising agencies, and

    written slogans currently in use by companies ranging from Coca-Cola to Checkpoint Software. Stan Slap is intent on makinga profound difference in the world before he is forcibly removed from it; so dont miss this outstanding opportunity to hearhis radically mind-altering message at Brainstorming East!

    Keynote Presentation:The Seven Deadly Sins of Strategic Implementation

    Speaker: Stan SlapThursday, April 27, 2006

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    Christopher Coy,Director ofMarketing, GeneB. Glick

    Jim Aliberti,Sr. Vice Presidentof PropertyManagement,So. CaliforniaHousing &Development Corp.

    3 For additional sessions please visit

    Toni Blake,President,

    Nan Cavarretta,Vice President ofOperations,PropertyCounselorsManagement

    Kevin Doyle, VicePresident ofSales,

    Doug Bibby,


    Shelley Conroy,Chief ExecutiveOfficer, e-TrainingSolutions

    ExecutiveExecutive Compensation and Retention: Create a Comprehensive ProgramThat SticksSpeakers: Dick Kadish, President and CEO, CAPREIT; Mark Sanders, CEO, FifteenGroup; and additional speakers to be announced

    Are big bonuses and golden parachutes the only way to attract and retain executive-level employees? Or is creating a comprehensive compensation program based on family

    values, flexibility, and pay for performance more important? Or is it a little bit of both?Find out what top firms are doing to attract and retain employees. Re-evaluate your busi-ness and hiring practices so your talented employees remain with your company.

    Getting the Bugs Out: How to Make Technology Work for YouSpeakers: Dan Haefner, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, LaneCompany; Ken Miller, President, OneSource Networking; and additional speakers to beannounced

    Theres a reason why online shopping is getting more popular: convenience.Everyone wants information quicker and easier, and that means your residents andemployees as well. So, what are you doing to improve your convenience and communi-cations between your company and residents and employees? Hear from leading firmson how they have used technology to help with this process. Find out whats on the hori-zon and what technology tools you should be looking into. Learn how to avoid buyingtechnology solutions but rather buy a technology approach.

    Legends and Leaders: The Best and Brightest Share Their ExperiencesSpeakers: Doug Bibby, President, National Multihousing Council; Doug Crocker, Partner,DC Partners, LLC and additional speakers to be announced

    Have you ever wondered how some of the largest and most profitable multifamilycompanies have become so successful? Now is your opportunity to find out. Past andpresent leaders will team up to share the growth strategy of their respective companiesand the tough decisions that had to be made to get there. The lessons learned will help

    you make better decisions in the future and become better educated on the necessaryrisks to reach comparable successes.

    Management Sponsored by: Apartments.comStress Management for Today's Superhero: Keeping a Healthy BalanceSpeakers: Christopher Coy, Director of Marketing, Gene B. Glick, and Patty Morgan-Seager, President, Patty Morgan-Seager and Associates

    Is your mind moving faster than a speeding bullet? Is the apartment building youused to leap in a single bound looking insurmountable? Does your cape feel like kryp-tonite? Join us and learn to recognize the key warning signs of stress as it manifests in

    your physical, emotional, and behavioral worlds. Well take a reading of your currentstress level, demonstrate simple and effective stress-reducing techniques, and share acollection of ten super tonics, sure to restore your powers to Superhero status!

    Un-Tangling Tangled Communications: Facts, Fiction & Feelings ForEffective Business Relationships!Speaker: Terri Norvell, Speaker and Trainer, The Inner Prize

    Relationships make or break your business, and their success depends on effectivecommunication. Too often, facts get tangled in imagined interpretations; then feelingsget stirred into the mix. For effective business interactions, you need to untangle thiscommunication web. Discover how to boost your one-on-one skills, reinvent team

    In alphabetical order

    Doug Crocker,Partner, DCPartners, LLC

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    Kate Good,Professional

    Speaker &Marketing SolutionsExpert, Apartment

    All Stars

    camaraderie, and catapult customer satisfaction by determining the real message ininteractions; finding the reality points in conversations; drawing upon the resolutionformula; achieving great confidence in your verbal and written correspondence, andmore. The result: your clients, team and bottom-line will reap the rewards!

    Improve Work Order Management to Boost RetentionSpeakers: Henry Baez, Vice President, Service Operations, Lane Company; Doug Miller,Founder and President, SatisFacts Research; and additional speakers to be announced

    We know the value of resident retention, including that one move-out has more finan-cial impact than a single rental regardless of market condition; but few recognize the

    importance of work order management to retention, or the changes we can or should maketo better serve our resident and retention goals. That will change once youve joined ourBrainstorming-exclusive, all-executive panel for an inside look at resident satisfaction as itrelates to work order management, including how many residents you may be losing topoor staff performance and direct correlations between work orders, satisfaction, andrenewal. Hear real-world case studies in Resident Relationship Management includingtechniques you can implement now; and walk away educated to improve your staffs abil-ity to serve residents, control and reduce turnover, increase satisfaction, and reap retentionrewards!

    Managing the MoneySpeakers to Be Announced

    It's not what you've got, it's how you use it. That's never been truer than when it comes

    to managing money. The secret to success is to educate your teamfrom the corner officeto the front officeto make the smartest possible spending decisions. In this fast-paced andinformation-packed session, industry insiders will share their own success stories and les-sons learned, complete with real-world examples on budgeting and money management,and ways to enlighten and educate your employees to spend the money as though its theirown!

    The Three RsSpeaker: David Lynd, Chief Operating Officer, The Lynd Company; Melissa Smith, VicePresident, Management and Development, Fogelman Management Group; ScottWilkerson, President and Chief Executive Officer, BNP Residential

    What are the Three Rs you care most about? Retention, Rents, and Renewals. Ourpanel will share their own success stories and lessons learned and discuss real-world exam-

    ples; and you'll hear about value-enhancing retention and renewal programs that reallywork and pricing strategies that raise resident satisfaction, retention, and revenue. Walkaway with fresh ideas and insights that you can put to work immediately to retain residentsand enhance your company's bottom line, now and into the future.

    Marketing Sponsored by: Apartments.comAffordable and Tax Credit MarketingSpeakers: Jim Aliberti, Sr. Vice President of Property Management, Southern CaliforniaHousing & Development Corp.; Bruce Innes, Vice President of Marketing, Shelter Group;Karen Kossow, Assistant Vice President of Sales & Marketing, KSI Management Corporation

    Effectively marketing affordable and Tax Credit communities requires a special touch,and it helps to know what works and why. Hear from our panel of affordable marketingexperts about their best successes, lessons learned, and the unique challenges theyve over-come. Learn from their experience how to design the most effective advertising; conductpowerful promotions; optimize outreach; differentiate yourself from the competition; andeven apply conventional marketing strategies and resources, including the Internet, withoften more success than conventional communities; and more.

    How to Dominate Your Market: Tools & Techniques to Make It HappenSpeaker:Amy Kosnikowski, Principal, Quintessential Marketing & Training

    Do you need a jumpstart to get that edge and be the leader in your market? Theopportunity is yours to take, but youll need a purposeful plan, determination and passion!This session offers guidance by focusing on the specific drivers that result in market-domi-nating outcomes. Learn to utilize all the tools available to you in successful marketing andsales strategies; receive tips on how to effectively set realistic goals and priorities for higherlevels of performance, and pointers for sustaining your advantage; and walk away with theperspective and skills you need to successfully dominate your market.

    Todd Katler,Director ofSales, Rent.coman eBay com-pany

    For additional sessions please visit 4

    StephanieHelling, VicePresident ofEducation andMarketing,Greystar RealEstate Partners

    Dan Haefner,Senior VicePresident andChiefInformationOfficer, LaneCompany

    Donna Hickey,

    President, BackTo Basics

    Michelle Ellsworth,Chief ExecutiveOfficer,e-TrainingSolutions

    Dick Kadish,President andCEO, CAPREIT

    Bruce Innes,Vice Presidentof Marketing,Shelter Group

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    Online Marketing Tips, Trends, and TechniquesSpeakers: Kevin Doyle, Vice President of Sales,; Todd Katler,Director of Sales, an eBay company; Maria Pietroforte, President, RENT-NET; Terry Slattery, Vice President of National Sales, Marketing, and,For Rent

    Join our Brainstorming-Exclusive, all-executive panel of Internet marketing expertsfor this dynamic overview of Internet marketing trends, including, but not limited to:reasons to have a company/community Web site and be listed on the Internet listingsites; behavior of renters online; search engine optimization and keyword strategies;strategies for paid search/sponsored links; best practices for marketing your property

    online; tips to reach the most qualified renters; the latest statistics on real-time avail-ability and benefits to consumers, and more. Hear, straight from the experts, how tomaximize the eyeballs to your community and Internet leads received, now!

    Reaching the Mature Market: Marketing and Sales Techniques toAttract the 55+ CrowdSpeaker: Cathy Macaione, Gremlin Stopper, Stopping the Real Estate Gremlins

    Over 34 million Americans are over age 55. Is your property attracting this grow-ing demographic? Now you can learn the marketing and sales strategies that bring themature market to your community and keep them there long-term. Discover the mar-keting messages this group responds to, the community features that most interestthem, and the proven strategies for interacting with them once theyre in your office.The 55-and-up crowd is as diverse in their needs as any other age group; however,

    when you know how to market to and attract seniors to your property, youll tap into arapidly growing demographic segment that can quickly and easily add to your com-munitys bottom line.

    Oh My Goddess! Selling to Today's WomanSpeakers: Kate Good, Professional Speaker & Marketing Solutions Expert, Apartment AllStars and Lori Snider, Principal, Creativity For Rent

    Who are the most powerful consumers today? You guessed itwomen! Thoughthey comprise over half the US population and buy or influence 85% of all product andservice purchases nationwide, marketers often have difficulty connecting with them onan emotional level. In this information-packed session, you'll learn from two of theindustry's premiere marketing authorities (who also happen to be women) how womenbehave online, how to get their attention, what drives their buying decisions, and how

    to capitalize on this enormous market. Learn to focus on what's truly important to themthrough transparent marketing, and walk away with a wealth of resources to assistyour efforts in marketing not to, but with women.

    Training Sponsored by: Apartments.comThe Mysteries of Compliance Training Unmasked!Speakers: Shelley Conroy and Michelle Ellsworth, Chief Executive Officers, e-TrainingSolutions and Wendy Muse, Vice President of Education, Tarragon Corporation

    HUD, OSHA, HazCom, EEOCwho are they and what do they want from us? Theever-evolving world of workplace compliance and risk management can be confusing, tosay the least. This session (designed especially for training and development profession-als, HR/ER managers, directors, VPs, CEOs, COOs, and compliance and risk manage-ment professionals) provides an eye-opening explanation of the legal requirements thatmandate training for Workplace Safety, Fair Housing, Diversity, Sexual Harassment,Ethics and Code of Conduct. Walk away educated and able to create and implementeffective and engaging compliance training throughout your organization.

    Training Teams to Rise AboveSpeakers: Stephanie Helling, Vice President of Education and Marketing, Greystar RealEstate Partners and Jackie Ramstedt, President & Chief Motivational Officer, RamstedtEnterprises, Inc.

    If youre looking for super-fast ways to make your teams rise above expectations,look no further! This supercharged seminar is loaded with tried-and-true techniquesthat you can apply now, to make your team better, stronger, and fasterbringing incolossal collections; closing leases faster than a speeding bullet; leaping retentionchallenges in a single bound; providing super customer service; practically reading theminds of residents and future residents; and making bad attitudes disappear. The only

    5 For additional sessions please visit

    Patty Morgan-Seager,President, PattyMorgan-Seagerand Associates

    Wendy Muse,Vice Presidentof Education,TarragonCorporation

    Ken Miller,President,OneSourceNetworking

    Cathy Macaione,Gremlin Stopper,Stopping the RealEstate Gremlins

    Doug Miller,Founder and


    David Lynd,ChiefOperatingOfficer, TheLynd Company

    Karen Kossow,Assistant Vice

    President ofSales &Marketing, KSIManagementCorporation

    AmyKosnikowski,Principal,QuintessentialMarketing &Training

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    Terry Slattery,Vice President ofNational Sales,

    Marketing,, ForRent

    sustainable competitive advantage is your ability to learn faster than the competition.Attend this action-packed session and find out how!

    Dare to Be Different! New Training Methods for Your 21st Century TeamSpeaker: Donna Hickey, President, Back To Basics

    If you're not a little weird, you might be doing something wrong. After all, do youreally want to do things the same as everyone else? In this dynamic and information-intensive session, youll hear the latest in who were hiring, what to look for, and whereto find them; what makes todays new hires unique; specific training techniquesdesigned to motivate todays teams to achieve tomorrows results; and more. If youre a

    trainer, marketing director, manager, supervisor, or in any way responsible for training,supervising, or motivating people, this session is for you! Learn to think like the peoplewho work for you, recognize generational differences that impact the way they learn andlease, and walk away with the 7 secrets of training success that create the rental results

    your company and communities need to succeed!

    On-Site Sponsored by: Apartments.comCustomer Service for your Maintenance TeamSpeaker: Nan Cavarretta, Vice President of Operations, Property CounselorsManagement

    If you asked a resident what makes them decide to lease or renew, how you handle

    maintenance would be high on the list. In fact, residents are likely to rank the courtesyand customer service of your maintenance team as more important than the quality oftheir work. Ironically, this invaluable frontline force is often last to be given the customerservice skills we demand of the rest of our team. This sessiondesigned especially formaintenance professionals and their immediate and regional supervisorswill equip

    you and your service team with the strategies and skills to exceed customer expectationsby consistently going above and beyond throughout the resident relationship, ensur-ing renewals and enhancing referrals. If youre not setting your maintenance team up forsuccess, start now!

    The Saturday SeriesEducational Sessions Sponsored by:

    If you didnt get enough Brainstorming on Thursday or education on Friday, youmay choose either activity (or a combination of both) on Saturday. Weve superchargedSaturdays agenda to include Specialty Brainstorming as usual, accompanied by tworounds of educational sessions including these fabulous headliners:

    Driven: Living in Victory LaneSpeaker: Toni Blake, President,

    Tonis drive for excellence and her vivid and innovative spirit have driven her fromthe front line leasing desk to Victory Lane in multifamily housing. How did she getthere and stay on top for 21 years? She is driven to both succeed and share her successso others can speed into Victory Lane, too! To be the best in all you do requires morethan skill and knowledge. It takes drive, vision, and passionand Tonis is contagious.Find out why so many have been moved and inspired by her example, personal successstrategies, and life lessons. Learn to choose the right team and Crew Chief, deal with lifein the Pit, set your pace, know your track, establish performance goals, and more. Getready to cross the finish line ahead of the competition!

    Imagine the PossibilitiesSpeaker:Anne Sadovsky, CSP

    Imagine the possibilities ... of receiving praise and recognition for outstanding per-formance. Of understanding and working with your boss and team members. Of beingnon-judgmental. Of really knowing your customer, what makes them tick, and buy! Ofbeing the role model and example of excellence for all those around you. Of continuing

    your education until the day you retire, and after. Of bringing peace and problem solv-ing to the workplace. Of truly loving your job! Learn how to imagine these possibilitiesinto reality with a little humor, a lot of insight, and a whole new vision of what the futurecan hold for you and your team. Hear from the inimitable Anne Sadovsky, and find out

    why Brainstormers have named her legendary, and not to be missed!

    Scott Wilkerson,President andChief ExecutiveOfficer, BNPResidential

    Lori Snider,Principal,Creativity ForRent

    For additional sessions please visit 6

    Terri Norvell,Speaker andTrainer, TheInner Prize

    Jackie Ramstedt,President andCMO, RamstedtEnterprises Inc.

    Anne Sadovsky,CSP

    Photos and sessions available at press time.


    Melissa Smith,Vice President,Management andDevelopment,FogelmanManagementGroup

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06

    8/127 Register now at or call 800-363-7384

    Brainstorming Tools, Forms, and Ideas Exchange Participate Pre-Event for Access Post-Event: Send us oneproven idea, tool, or form and well post all contributions(hundreds!) to our Web site where only those who contribute

    will have access to this treasure trove of ideas. Informationreceived from the Tools, Forms, & Ideas Exchange more thanrepays the cost of the event. Fill out the form at:

    Meet and Greet Pre-Event Welcoming Reception April 26: Join us for early event check-in, complimentary

    drinks, and an unbeatable opportunity to meet and networkwith your fellow Brainstormers.

    Creative Costume Contest with Keepsake PhotosCostume Creation CenterSponsored by: Crossfire

    April 27: One of the best ways to get into the Brainstormingspirit is to wear your own costume thats in keeping with ourtheme (Superhero Ideas for Superhero Results!). EveryBrainstormer in costume is eligible to receive a digital keep-sake photo and enter the contest, courtesy of our sponsor.

    Internet Access CenterSponsored by: ForRent

    April 27-29: Enjoy unlimited Internet access.

    Idea Design CenterSponsored by: ForRent

    April 27-29:A special area where your ideas will be broughtto life.

    Networking ReceptionApril 27: Its the opening night party that NOBODY misses!Unwind, spend some quality time with your associates, andmake invaluable networking connections.

    Optional Industry Trends LuncheonSponsored by: RENTNET

    April 27: ($45 per person) Dont miss this revealing, across-the-industry, insiders view of the trends that are affecting ourindustry, offering us amazing new opportunities, changingthe way we work, and influencing our future. Enjoy a deli-cious lunch and a powerful, fast-paced look at management,marketing, training and on-site trends.

    BrainAid CenterSponsored by: First Advantage SafeRent

    April 27 and 29: Visit anytime throughout the event forrefreshments and opportunities to play or relax whenever you

    need to give your brain a rest!

    Idea Design Center andInternet Access CenterSponsored by: ForRent

    Resource Room

    Optional Trends LuncheonSponsored by: RENTNET

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06

    9/12Register now at or call 800-363-7384 8

    Facilitator Team April 27 and 29: These dedicated professionals makeBrainstorming work. They keep the conversation going andhelp bring out the best and brightest ideas by running theBrainstorming process and ensuring that every sessionresults in valuable and ready-to-implement solutions. Visitour Web site at: to see a complete listof our expert facilitators.

    Resource RoomApril 28:A relaxed, low-pressure opportunity to learn aboutproducts and services from our exhibitor and sponsor partici-pants. Youll find a wealth of innovative opportunities to meetand exceed the growing needs of your company, communities,and residents more easily, innovatively, and cost effectively.

    Resource Room Treasure HuntApril 28: Well give you a list of clues. Answers can be foundin our Resource Room exhibits. And, if you find all of the cor-rect answers, youll have four chances to win $100.00 in cashthat will be given away at the end of the day.

    Complimentary Networking and Resource BreakfastApril 28: Meet and visit our exhibitors and sponsors as weenjoy the most important meal of the day and get ready for anexciting day of business opportunities and education.

    Complimentary Resource Room LunchCo-Sponsored by:

    April 28: Join us in the Resource Room for a fun and deliciouslunch with a variety of food and beverage options. Its anotherexcellent opportunity to meet the people, products, and serv-ices that can help ensure your success, and feed your brainbefore attending more seminars.

    Resource and Educational Wrap-up ReceptionSponsored by:, an eBay company

    April 28: Unwind and have one last look at all the excitingproducts and services our exhibitors have to offer, and wrapup the days business Brainstorming stylewith lots of greatprizes!

    The Brainstorming Club 2006Post-Event for a Full Year! Just for attending, youll receiveexclusive access to this special section of our Web site featur-ing the ideas that result from the event, a wealth of additionalinformation, and opportunities to network and Brainstorm,


    Networking DirectorySponsored by: Ellipse Group

    April 28:Youll receive our exclusive Networking Directory,which features photographs (taken April 26 and 27), completecontact information, and a brief bio sketch for everyone whoattends; plus contact information for all participatingexhibitors and sponsors. This is one of the most valuable toolsavailable anywhere within our industry.

    (Note: Sales & Marketing Magic reserves the right to produceonly those components of the event mentioned herein for

    which we receive sponsor support.)

    Meet and Greet Pre-Event Welcoming Reception

    Creative Costume Contest Previous WinnerSponsored by: Crossfire

    Networking Reception

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06

    10/129 Register now at or call 800-363-7384

    The Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, Florida, April 27-29, 2006 (Pre-event activities begin April 26)

    Important - Read this before completing the registration form!

    Please submit your registration prior to March 27, 2006.

    Please submit one registration form per personmake copies as necessary.

    Please note that your registration is subject to qualification and verification. Representatives

    from industry-supporting vendor and supplier companies may not register as Brainstorming

    attendees unless their company is a contracted exhibitor (and has abided by the terms and con-

    ditions of that contract). To arrange an exhibit for your company, contact Leigh Curry at

    [email protected] or 609-882-3868 or Jennifer James at [email protected] or


    Be sure to supply us withYOURe-mail address. Most, if not all, of our correspondence prior to

    the event will be done via e-mail. This includes your confirmation, receipt, changes, and any

    updates for the Brainstorming Sessions event.

    Be sure to use the business addresswhereYOU receive mail.

    Be sure to use the business telephone numberwhereYOU can receive calls.

    Policy: It is our policy that the promotion of your company is expressly prohibited while engaging in Brainstorming. Sales &

    Marketing Magic reserves the right to remove any attendee or representative who engages in overt product or service promo-

    tion. This may result in your companys inability to participate in future events. Submission of the registration form indicatesyour agreement to abide by this policy.

    Full Session Includes:

    Networking Receptions,

    Networking & Resource

    Breakfast, Networking

    Directory, Resource Room

    Luncheon, All Educational

    Programs, and Workbooks.

    Full Session Fee: $495

    The 17th Annual Multifamily Housing Brainstorming SessionsTMEast

    Please complete the registration form, and mail or fax to Sales & Marketing Magic as directed; or register online Its important to ensure that every component of the form is complete sothat we can customize the program to your needs, and represent you accurately in our Brainstorming NetworkingDirectory.

    Make your hotel reservations at The Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort by calling 1-407-827-4000 or by visiting to book them online. When calling be certain to tell them that yourepart of the Brainstorming group in order to receive the special group rate of $179 per night. (Book your hotel by March25th to take advantage of this special rate.)

    Make airline reservations well in advance! Youll be flying into the Orlando International Airport. Join us on Wednesday,April 26th for early Brainstorming check-in, Networking Directory photos and our Meet and Greet Welcoming Reception6:00-8:00 p.m. On Thursday, April, 27th, Brainstorming check-in and Networking Directory photos continues from 7:30-8:45a.m. The Brainstorming Sessions begin promptly at 8:45 a.m. The event ends on Saturday, April 29th at approxi-mately 1:30 p.m.

    Upon registration, youll receive a Brainstorming Attendee Confirmation via e-mail so that you can confirm the informationthat we have on file for you, and reply with corrections as needed. The accuracy of this information, including your contactinformation as well as any optional events that you may have signed up for, is absolutely necessary, as it will be used to cre-ate your attendee nametag (which must be prepared before the event and cannot be changed on-site), and to represent youcorrectly in our Brainstorming Networking Directory.

    Ensure that our office receives payment no later than March 27, 2006 in order to secure your registration. Sales &

    Marketing Magic reserves the right to cancel your registration if payment is not received by March 27, 2006. Seating isextremely limited!

    E-mail or submit your entry online for the Tools, Forms and Ideas Exchange by April 21, 2006. Remember, in order toreceive your password to the compiled Idea Exchange, you must submit at least one contribution!

    Our event theme is Superhero Ideas for Superhero Results! All participants are encouraged to dress to the theme andenter our costume contest on Thursday, April 27th. For costume ideas visit the Attendee Information Section of our Web siteat

    Bring plenty of business cards to distribute at all of our Brainstorming networking activities as well as participation inseveral prize drawings!

    For up-to-the-minute details and answers to your questions, visit the Brainstorming Sessions section of our Web site at

    Register Now!

    Things-to-do Checklist

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    The 17th Annual Multifamily Housing Brainstorming Sessions East: April 27-29, 2006Use this form or register online at


    Full Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    First, Last (as youd like it to appear on your name tag)

    Title __________________________________________________________________________________________________

    E-mail _________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Company Name _______________________________________________________________________________________

    Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________

    City ___________________________________________________________ State ____________ Zip _______________

    Telephone __________________________________Ext__________ Fax _________________________________________

    Number of Times Youve Attended Brainstorming (If first time attending please enter 0) _____________________________


    Years industry experience _____________ Geographical experience ___________________________________________

    (States or Regions)

    Specific areas of expertise ________________________________________________________________________________

    Currently based in (City/State) _____________________________________ # of apartments in my control __________

    STEP 3: OPTIONAL PROGRAMDont miss this revealing, across-the-industry, insiders view of the trends that are affecting our industry, offering us amazing newopportunities, changing the way we work, and influencing our future. Enjoy a delicious lunch and a powerful, fast-paced lookat management, marketing, training and on-site trends.

    Thursday, April 27th: Industry Trends Luncheon $45 Yes No

    STEP 4: METHOD OF PAYMENT (Payment Must Accompany Registration)

    Check Enclosed Visa (13 or 16 Digits) Master Card (16 Digits)

    Credit Card Number _________________________________________________ Expiration Date _________________

    Credit Card Billing Address (Street) ______________________________________________________________________

    (City)______________________________________________________________(State)_____________ (Zip)____________

    Cardholder Name (Please Print) _________________________________________________________________________

    Cardholder Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ____________________


    Mail to The Sales & Marketing Magic Companies, Inc.

    36431 U.S. Highway 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL 34684

    Call 727-784-9469 or 800-363-7384

    Fax 727-784-7978 (Fax registrations require a credit card)

    REFUND POLICY: All cancellations must be in writing. Full refunds will be

    made if cancellation is received on or before March 27,2006. Absolutely nocredits, refunds, or requests for refunds after March 27, 2006, regardlessof registration date. Failure to attend, regardless of your pay status, willrender you ineligible to access the ideas that are generated at the event.NO EXCEPTIONS.


    PaymentPayment Must Accompany Registrations

    AFTER March 27, 2006.

    SESSION FEE: $ 495


    Trends Luncheon ($45) $________TOTAL: $________

    Register now at or call 800-363-7384 10

  • 8/8/2019 Brainstorming East 06


    Diamond Sponsor

    Gold Sponsor

    Bronze Sponsors


    Presorted StdU.S. Postage

    PAIDClearwater, FLPermit # 820

    Sales & Marketing Magic

    Multifamilypro36431 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, Florida 34684Voice: (800) 363-7384Fax: (727) 784-7978Email: [email protected]:

    Please Note: This schedule is subject to change. For adetailed agenda and up-to-the-minute news visit theBrainstorming Sessions section of our Web site at You also will receive a com-plete agenda at the event.

    Wednesday, April 26, 20066:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

    G Early Event Check-in

    G Meet and Greet Welcoming ReceptionG Networking Directory Photos

    Thursday, April 27, 20067:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

    G Event Check-inG Networking Directory PhotosG Creative Costume Contest with Keepsake

    PhotosG Brainstorming SessionsG Brainstorming Club Cards DistributedG Optional Industry Trends LuncheonG Keynote Presentation: The Seven Deadly

    Sins of Strategic ImplementationPresented by Stan Slap

    5:30 p.m.G Networking Reception

    Friday, April 28, 20068:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

    G Complimentary Networking & ResourceBreakfast

    G Resource Room ExhibitsG Educational SessionsG Treasure HuntG Complimentary Resource Room LuncheonG Resource Room Prize DrawingsG Resource & Educational Wrap-Up


    Saturday, April 29, 20069:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

    G Idea Design ReviewG Optional Specialty Brainstorming SessionsG Optional Educational SessionsG Closing Remarks

    Brainstorming Agenda Dont MissSaturdaysProgram

    9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

    Idea Design Review A sneak peek at the best ideas weveBrainstormed together.

    If you didnt get enoughBrainstorming on Thursday oreducation on Friday, you maychoose either activity listed

    below or a combination of both!

    Optional SpecialtyBrainstorming Sessions

    The specialized Brainstorming Sessions onSaturday are all about your unique chal-lenges! Youll Brainstorm with your peersother Brainstormers who are experts in

    your fieldto solve the toughest chal-lenges that youre facing now; and youll

    walk away from the table with actual solu-tions in your hand, ready to take home andimplement!

    Optional Educational SessionsIf you didnt get enough of our outstand-ing Educational Sessions on Friday, youll

    have the opportunity to choose from sev-eral additional programs scheduled onSaturday!

    Silver Sponsor

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