

Members of Faculty Now in

Different Parts of ~tale in Search

Of Prospective Students


Lower Classmen Preparing F~r A:i­

nual Cross Country Run Which Y./HI

Be Held May Third.

'.\1a\ th ·d i lht• dall• that has been


Freshmen Win In Opening Game of

Basebal eas n


Ten Home Demonstration Agents

Now Working Throughout the State

and More to be added to staff soon.

l"nder the impNu~ of wur·~ E·xigen·

t for th~ anuuul c-ro!ii::i country run. f"ie~. c-ollege exten:;,;ion work among This i' one ot th" event" that <"011nts Infant Clas Has Little Difficulty in Romping Away " ' ith the rhe women of ~Iontana ha. gro" n


This Year·s Book Will Embody Se,,. eral New Features. Price Wiii

Remain the Same

rollo\.\mg rlw g1·nt·raI plan outlined for 1h1· interdass l'UJI and bn.s always First Gan1e of Interclass Series \Yith Juniors by a Score o£ :~:~~~ areTei:~ tl~1eo1~:Ld ~:::~~nI:t~·;:i~~ The :-;tarr or the l~ll!t .\tontanan has. h~ the As . ..;o<'IUH·•i StudP.nts. together tJc·1>11 one nf thP l>ig e\·ents of the i-. been cu·omplishing rPmarkahlt' re:-.ults.. \'. it't th~ he-JI!)' numerous members "-pring, lal-- t year there bein~ fort) Seven to Two. Freshmen Exhibit Superior Fieldi ng and be nddt•d lo the foree this s1>ring. 1lnring. the pas1 fe" Wl•ek · and ton-

nf the fai nlty haVf-" eithPr been out t'Cm1es1an1s The number of men from p . •· C I F1om manv <·01111ties where no per- sequenOy tla~ a nnual will be a com·

I lw dlffr pnt high P<tdi dar;s ihnt mui;t (·nler has been rorn1se to n1ake lose Run For Interclass Cha11lpionship ... manem ag~nt is installed come peti- plete record io1· the eve nts or the 11rC>

tatP, or arc making !'''I at tHtN'n and all over this num-1 Sophomores and Seniors· Play Last Night.-Plans For Inter- ti··ns for such a. worker. "'omen in ceding- year The "Ork hru; been de-ril. ns lo go ~it a later dale. 'l'his J.e1 i!' determin(>rt by th(> smaller of the country and in small towns are layecl to a great extent on aeount ot

lie t\\O cla,seK. fraternity Athletics Under Way, Representative Teams Will lorganizin,.- e\'erywhere. During the the sbortage of mountin~ paper, but mpaig-n lhA direc·t n•sult of war Puring 1lu.- ln:;,t week Rome of the month of f'ebruan demonstrations this difficulty has been O\·er<·ome and

oncl tions, al!l1011gh 11 has been car- Probably be on the Field Within the Next Week. . · . re 1 011

to ,1

ltsser dPgree in the past 1nen ban• been rnrning Out early iu 1 were ~n·en hefore bodies or women the work is now prog-re1::1sing with 11,. morning and rnnnSng a mile or iu different parts of Montana with an great rapidity,

1 ''~ars 1 -(:~ident \\'ilson has said nore. ThP tralnin~ has bPgnn early .,,...-- ---- attendanre at these meetings of ~OSO. This annual will contnlu :it.'\eral •tat tbp colleges must " kept open 1 . 1 1 . 11 d l 1 The ba~eball season wa~ formally s·;us will play wi1h hem The sopho- Footi ronsen·ation, the use of subsli- new ieature~. Information gh·en out

long a::s th<'Y posibl)-· nm Ue. be- '.,:'ljo~~=a:ra:~~t' \::~1ra1:7 t~~ hi:~~~~-e:~ o11ened la:-;t Tuesday afternoon when meres will ha,·e seYeral of their old rntes for wheat, garden projects. egg by the junior~ in c·harg-e indkau~ that r 11:-l• ('\ e yone "ho has ~tndied c·on- · h h · th Ji b t

ions rC'ahzP..s hat a.!"t<-r the war th1: <·11stom La~t year fhe racf' was lhe ireshmen won the first game of men wn t em 111 e neup. Ul mos preser\'ation are the subjects upper- t he boot .. w II ht: in kN~pin~ with the

ca::oily won by 1he lower class with the interclas1S se ries from the juniors of tbe team will b~ green maLerial. most at present.. Study clusse~ in die- times and will lnclin(' wward thr mil 1- d 11 n h \\' r d p· I .The tirst game was witnessed by a '1 tc·tics have been organized in many itary, se,·eral new features along thh~

who have c·oJlpge training. Be· i;1:n t~e, mo~: past~~~: :pe. it is ead- '.1y a :-'c·ore o[ seven lo two. The jun- r.11r l.JunC'h of men but more should be µlace with a large membership or line having been introduced. Quite a Jf;f! of J<:n~land's aC'tion In closing 01· e e ble t k n A t I I ct d 1' s. w r .~na . . o ma ·e any ru s I Ont to ro,ot. grea. c ea ~pen. s on women who are studying with interest I a few of the cuts have been rereived

~·Pr roJlegps HL 1bn beginnin.~ of the NEW CATALOGUE afle1 the ht!:lt 111n.111gs, but the fresh- the inle1est taken m the 1Dte1class the proiler feeding or adults and chil- and found :;;n tisfactory. If present •·nr, lhe ITnited St.ates will be ~ailed ct J ti th J · h h th men score nea·r·y every rue ey ~a.mes t \ls yeai· as to ,,. et er ere 1· dren. c;,'er)•wbere in lilontana women plans materialize all of .the 'dope' for 'JPOJl to rurnfHh theF;e mrn Therefore. b 11 I d I II b I A l ~,·ent u~ to at. ie game was p aye \11 c any regu ar .tea m. g~c are waking up to the fact that they' the book will be in the hands of the

thi .. l'ampalgn. WILL BE OUT MAY m a b1gh wind that slowed up the lound1 IHI$ come out tor the pracllce I d l t• d . f . ter b,· the nr~t of next month and Prof. l'ohlPlgh is now touring the I playmg and made Jl impossible for the ;;nd will heh1 a lot to ha'e some nee . Ins rur ion an coo1~erat1vle ed· I I>~1lnl b • I ,I I 1 1

1110r1 central pans of the ~tate in tbe 1 h 1 ro1 t 111 order to pursue etf1c-1ent y au w1 e C'om11 et et >~ une . t

ieams to s 10" t er real merit. :cupport for thl-"'m. intelligently the business or home-. The same ~eneral 11lan for selling L'ltt're~t!'i 01 his l·ampaign, doing hh; Knowles pitched the first three in· So much l11tere1H was taken in the •' :-'t to influen<-·e i;lurlents to come to <i -;; • 1 t b , ~ (' m ngs for t 1e fres 1meu. Lewis t ree I 1

1 ro1iosed interfr"iifAf'nity baseball that fifi

· The work of these member~ Courier Printing Company Now Work- Jnd John Bowe-none; Fitzgerald was 11'nach Bennion ha~ formed a plan for 1 A IE u .. lhe faC'ulty 3180 includes finding ing on 1917-1918 Catalogue and Will the first in he !Jax for the juniors. rnterfraternlty athfetit·s lhb spring. TEACHERS

the books as was Collewed last year will be adhered to this year Two and one-lrnlr dollars. the same price as in previous years. will be rharged.

There is to be_ A !:ieries or _«onrnsts in HOLD MEETING HERE providing o·1e dollar of this is paid ha:-:eball, tennis and tracl,. The de· ro the hu~mess manager at the time

~howe<l sUJ)etior fielding and some of ails of the plan ha\'e not been work- " that the order is put in: otherwise the

the men gave promise of de\·etoping ,~d out as yet but a meeting or re- __ _ I price will be three dollars.

i.f pos~iblp the rourse$ O[ those Probably Have it Completed By . DaYis and Grey filled hjs t>lace for ''no isignify their ~ntention of actend- First of Next Month. Lhe other innings. The freshmen 1 g the college. Prof \Ybi11ple is now 11· the northern part of the state en-

:\Jay Jtr~t Is the date the new cat- into tirst string class b fore the end 1resentath·es of each rraternily ''ttb

f om a trip in the eastern part of the alog will be out ft present plans ma- of rhe season. ~tanager Drummond he coaeh will he called ~oon and the ' Teachers of Agriculture From the Vari- OFFICERS TRAINING CAMP LC'1·ia.lize It Is now in tbe bands or' was well pleased with the showing .. 1lan worked up. ous High Schools Entertained by FOR ENGINEERS TO BE

a'.lCe with the plan which all these 1he Courier printer~ and is about half The game betw_een the seniors and These contest!'\ woulu be something College. Extension Workers Speal<. HELD IN VIRGINIA

1,1embers or the faculty ha,·e follow- c~mpleted. About. ten new courses sophomores for \\ ednesday was called new a1 the co\le):!.e and would doubt-

• d. Prof. ~fcC"hord. who was sched- I w1l~ be addecl to the Vocational edu- olf on acount of rain. The schedule less be suc('essful )!any or the larger An engineei .. s officers training camp

uled to make a trip of thi!:' character, I l:auon de1>anme11t and some ten or will be resum d as soon as the weath· schools hold them and they find them ' The tollege entertained the Voca- 1 will he C'ondu('ted at Camp Lee. Pet­

\"'i·as unable to go berause of the large ~1ft en .new <·ourses In the Lrades and er will 11ermh. This game promises henefkial. The coach thought that ·ional Teadlers or Agriculture from ersburg, Virginia. beginning May 5,

:'lmount of work in his department. mdustnes will 1.Je listed. A one year to be better Lhan the first one. The this would be one of the best ways to . .\.pril 2nd to April 5th. inclush·e. 1918. for the purpose of training candi·

""Jean Herrick lea,·eti on the twentieth I preparatory nurses· course is to be ~eniors will be unable to put enough k~ep the men working together this The purpose of the conference was dates for commissions in the engin­

'Of this month for an extended visit offered . next year nhm a one year men In the Held to have a full nine sp1·i ng, and al~o would keep up some 10 bring the men together for the eer resene c·orps. In addition to of·

fQ che different high schools of the :-'e(·retarrnl C'ourse. For both of the ~o some of the Ji>•periment Station pep. purpose or fonnulaling plans for ear- fi c·ers now holding commissions in the

~jate visiting the t:;chools which bave one :rear courses a rour year high rying om Lhe prod::;ions ot the Fed· offil'er~· re-.:ene eorps and certain se-

not been reached by the other mem- "'chool education !ti requirecl with fif. AMERICAN COLLEf.E UNION IN era! Smith-Hughes A<'l. The present le<:ted t.•andidateis from the enlisted bers of the racult:r who ha,·e been out, i 'e.en entranC'~ units. Other cours~s U year eight high sthools have quali- personnel 01 the regular army, nation-

and also visiting some of the schools \\ill be prac-tically the same. Re<1uir- fled under this act. The schools are: al guard. and national armY. there

:•rhi~e~~ve~:>ee~::~;t~:~. \~itl~~~e ~.~;I ;:gt~~~::k c~~~s:~l ~.~;:r :l~a:rn:·e~t~i •t:; FRANCE DOES MU CH FOR COLLEGE MEN ~:~t;. ~;:;,~~l ~~:~sb;ro•:,~~~;,u o;0th1: 1:1>:;;~<l c;:ci:: orobably go out at a later date in the I this y~ar. f Harlowton. ni<:al schools listed IJy the wrtr llepart-spriug after the ,·arious high schools An important ehange wlll be the i


P1 es1clent Hamilton opened the con- mem. J·;ndl_ Mt•hool will be allowed

IPt out for the summer vacation. i.1ew quarterly ~:rste.m, based l'.pon t~e The Amerkan l'niYersitv Union in American u111versity and college men re1ence on Apnl 2nd, \\Ith an address a nurnber ot candidates eQlllil to 2%

E\'ery student has been appointed a s.C'hedule. that is Ill o11erauon lhls I 1..:lirOPe is lhe resul! of -lwo mo\'e- "ho came to France. The controll-1 ot "elr,orue He emphasized the neces- of the a ,·erM?;e numerical, strength .of

·immittee of one to campagn his ~;~~;rin:h~~~ e~~1i1;: t~~~~·s:.~ 11 r~:mc:1~~ ments-one in Paris and the other ing body of this associatton "as a ~1~~~r~~ti:~~r: 1~~~ea:~1~cl~l1~:~r:Lra~~:~ ~~~in~·a~~,~~~.1:~e~~~~~~s t~: ~~:ti~;~~~

nome town for new students during . in this country which have united hoard of governors, of wh1cb Mr.1 suggesting tbat 1.t ,,·ould be ,,,ell fo•· 1 foi· tbe J>a•t

1•1.,.e ,.ear•. 'l'he '.'ontan:'

he summer months. and where there pressed mto two 'lUarters. and other "" ~ .. n .. work tbat required one semester un- to acomplish the same object. name- .lames Hazen Hyde presdent of the ~· 1 b th · . .

ic:; more than one or two students or I~» "to meet th e the needs of American Hai ,·ard club of Paris, was the first all h1gh schools to consH er t e me · 1 State college is one of these mst1tu-tti.e college in any town or rity, these rtf'r thP oltl ~ystem will be taught in a t•:1h·ers lty and college men and their pr sident. On bein~ elected a mem- c~ds pursued by those high ~cllools re- Lions and is entitled lO one candidate .

.. rndents are suposecl tO get together :,;in~le quarter. friends who are in Europe for mil- IJ f h ti ·u r th ceiving federal aid. who will l>e selected by the engineer-~1nd form an informal campaign com- Tbe size ancl numher of JJages will itary or other sen·ice in the cause of er o. t e exe~u ".e comm~ ee. o e Director Cooley ol' the extension de- iug and military departments. mittee which will have this general I be the same as In. lhe last year·s cata· .\mencan ~mvers1·t." ~11.1on tn Eu- partment, explained ways in which object in view. log. The cover will be the same. thus the aJlies:· The more specific pur- rope he resigned h.1s position and the the extension deoartment could coop- c UR MEMBERS

presenting the same general appear- · poses of the union are thus stated in hoard. was reoragn~ze~ as a.n advisory I erate in making rural high schools L anC'e as former issues. ihe co nstitution: c-ounc1l. ~ow cons1stmg al 24 mem- c·enters of extension activities. ! rARS roLLIOE I Registrar R 0. \Viison is working •. rro provide at moderate cost a b_ers. Q[ this C'OU~Cll )Ir. Edward M .. J Abbey, who is directing Lhe TO GIVE FOUR

l.J l.J hanl on the bol\ and expects to have homo with the prlvleges of a simple 1 uck, a graduaLe ol Dartmouth Col- work in vocaUonnl agriculture of :\lon-it out on time. club for American co llege men and lege. is chairman. I tana 1n various tall<s took up a study

As MEN WATrH their friends 1mssing through Paris A second factor leading to the of tl;e Smith-Hughes act. subject mat- MINUTE TALKS l.J )lontana has accepted the 11rod~ions or on furlough. ihe prh·ileges to in- e~tablish~ent ~r lhe. Unio'n was the I ter for a vocational course. methods

or the Smith-Hughes law which pro- dude information bureau, writing : ale bu1eau rn. Paris, ""hich was i of teaching vocational agriculture. roEOS PLAY I ,·ides (or lhe training of teachers of anrt newspaper room, library, dining formally authorized in May, 1917, supen·ising proje('lS. and c·onducted

lJ ,·oc:atious. and the de1mrtment of \'o· room, bedrooms, bath!'; , social Cea- "to supply a headquarters in France the round table di~cus1Sions. At. the lo.hit meeting of the Coffe&

l"ational Education is now a regularly tures, opportunities for physical rec- ror Yale gra<luales. i:;tudent.s and Professor \\"hipple gave two lecwres club. the members arangecl for thP organized departm nt of the college. reation, enteriainments. mediC'al ad- prospective students and Lheir on pot.ato and garden projects.

I ff t

dc:e etc friends.·· The number of inquiries f carrying om ot the patriotic program The other e\' ning, when spring was This department will o er s rong • · . . Dean Llnfteld addressed the con er- that has been assigned to them. Tt

Jo the air, and the entire dormitory eourses which ought to appeal to teach- 2. To provide a headquarters for :-egardrng the bureau and the offers ence on the subJects ··F'armers ot tbe was agreed ihnt a. campaign by four-

••.-as out on the green campus enjoy- ers, su11en·isors. Jll"incipals. and sup- the va us bureaus already estab- from other colleges to co-oi>erate. J.'murc." minule men would be undertaken

ing the wonderful ozone and glorious erintendents who wish to fit them- Ii shed or to be established in France soon led its founders to see that the Milton Danzige1. of lhe U S depart· The members of tlle club would be

sunset. a number ol' the freshmen wo- seh•et-' for efficient. participa~ton in by representative American universi- plan should ~e broa~ened so as t~ I ment or agriculture. was present the as~hmeil posit ions. al whiC'h they

iaen saw flt 10 gi\'e a little gymnastic lhis ,·ital mo,cemenL m ecl11cat1on. ties. colleges. and technical schools. mclude al re 1ne!:ie~tatne American m Inst day and took part m the cl1seus- woul!l ~ivt.• iheir tour-ininuu.- talks.

e.xhbition and t.o play a few of the Some of the subjects offered are: 3. To co-operat e with these bur· stltutions of learning s~on~. H1s special interest "as 111 the Many oiit•nin~s a pea red where the

,ames n·hicb tbei· hacl 1ea1·11ed in tbeir AgriC'n lture for teachers. vocational I eaus when establJshed. and in their Out of these two movement.s lcliib ,,·ork 0, sit 1>ertains 10 vocational

•• " e1 :-;pea ken_• 1·ould lw used. The first few youth. agriC'ulture, boys and girls' club pro- absence to aid institutions, parents, I cle~elop~d the American University a~riculture. tall>:s ,, f'n_· in the s mall towns or the

The same ev~ning and the same jects and the curricu lum. vocational or friends. in securing information 1 Umon 10 Europe. Although organ· \\' L Beers gave an interesting k

hour, two young men one a promin- psydwlogy, problems In vocational about college men in all forms of iz~~ to meet war needs, it. is :be hope talk.on. teaching cooperation. Mr. Ab- ~1~~1;~~:~~ ~~r.ll;;)~~~s~~:d 8a~~:s. ~~u~ ent member or the 'Gallatin county I educatic1n. elementary and advanced war service, reporting on casualities, I of its founders that. the :U1


may bey's plan is to cnll these men togeth- 1 ell ·n \\"illo'' Creek. The subjeet · · · I t · · · . · k d d · · 1Ho,·e a permanent 1nstitut1on. help- . . .1 1 1 •

h. igh school ar.d the other. a proruts-- 1 courses m home econom1cs. e emen · \'1s1ung the sic. and woun e , g1vmg . . . er frequently for conference 111 'a1 · ~ ·a. Thrift Stamps. '.\Ir. Gilman nt 1 . . f mg m co·operation with other or- d " s . '

~:~ ~:u~~e:~es:~:;e~t~~e t~~tnbei~~. we~~ ~;~'i n~::. ach·anced courses in manua II ~~:~~:~ti:~":.~~h ~~e~. ':~~~s o com· ganizations to attract more American :~st•~;\~: :~.~;t:~~in~n~b~o s~,r~:g ~~~~e~~~'o;':.'11~~" :._• tl~:a~~:~;at~Te:~~I happened that both or them were on I One of the movements which lead college men to J..,rance for graduate months in supervising their work. addressed them on a 11atriotic ques-

the hill at the same lime. One think- The Senior class ga ,·e one of the to the etsablishment or the union sm~y, ~nd to serve as au agency for tion. The club hopes to send more of

I · 11 I cu1tivat111g a bet.ter understanding of h

!~m~!:t at~~ ,~;~~~ ~:u;:u!; w:~:: ~:o:~cs~~~l~s~~';: l~:~c;~t~:d;~.e e~.:~~~: ::r:abdeg~·~o b~e~~:n~:~is~o Je::e m:~~ the United States :n England. Fra~ce, gi~r~·s~/L;h~· ~~:~:~i ~~;~·~~tl;.'e:t ~e~ ! ~·em~~~::r:o t~:;l~~:o~~~~.the county to

..;but off the juiC'e: the second one, The afrair was well attended, there t91i. and formed the Ame-Mean Uni· Italy, and other E.uropean countnes. home Friday e\'ening. About a dozen At a meeting or the four-minute

f:" ho was foJlowing him, was already being m·er filty couples present. Oa versity Alumni association in France. of the girls were present and the e,-. speaker!" of Lbe C'itY of Bozeman la~t

eni;aged in watching the fun and did a('count of the fact that there have The meeting was atended by repre· The following report has been re- ening was spent with music and I Frid:-iy. a large number ol the mem-

not see what bad happened. As a been so few sludent dances during seutatiYes or lhe tO foflowing Amel'- ceivect by Chancellor Elliott from the ing marshmellows around the file- bers of the Cofff'P club attended. A

re ult. there was a sudden collision, the last year e,·erybody was out for tcan institutions: Columbia. Cornell, Paris headquarters of the American place. Jlrog-null w~s arranl{ed In wh\ch the

a loud shrieking from the freshman a ~ood Ume an proceeded to make Dan mouth, Harvard, Mlchfgnn , Penn· University Union In Europe, or which -- I speakers from the college will take

, ·omen, and the two ttn tizzies emerg- me~-ry to the music furnished by the sylr-ania. Princeton. Massachu.~etts the llniverslty or Montana is a mem- !>.11ss I lclcn Rofie and Leila Llnflelcl part. )lartln De Vries spoke at the

ed from the fray slightly battered. Qnaw-)fachemer orchestra. Institute or Technology, \Vtlf1ams, ber. Colleges and universities all were ~uests or Hattie Arneson Satur- Lyric theater last night. ;\Ir. Suther-

Wben last seen, they v.·ere exceeding and Yale. ~he objects _of thiS' as.~0-1 over the Unit~d States are members I 'Jay niA"ht at Hamilton hall. land will speak at the Gem on Sunday.

the speed limits in an effort to get to :\tisses Dorothy and Pauline Powen ciation as or1glnally stated were to of this unh·ers1ty. the object of which -- I The college four-minute si>eakers

i!. garage a.nd become newly equipped cn'"ertained Friday night for Miss cooperate in a ll proper ways with iR to furnish acommodatfons. e n ter- Lieut. Oonald H. Clark was a din- will be acth·e from now until the close

'"·Ith lights and olher necessary im- Ph,·Jlis Trask v.iho left for her home university authorities in the ""?"nited I tai nmeat, instruction in French, and j ner guest i\t Lhe Phi Gamma house on of school and wil do tbeir best in car

plements of war. in ·Billings Saturday morning. States for the general well-berng of fCCl1tl:rne1 1 on Page Two.) Tuesday e,-enlng. rying out this pa.triotlc program.

PAG'E T'WO 'J1H E WlllHIKhY lmU'ONl!:NT FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1918.

ohe Weekly Exponent

strong public opinion against this 'Yitbin th e tirt!l t"-'O months the total 1 nam G. Sharp ha Ye thus far been the I lessons, and has successfully arrang-

·rourth meal" business wm be creat- room·rent required for the first three hostes es. ed man:r individual lessons. a::id some ed in an institution that bas been in months under our ~uarantee. was al- (bl The Library C'ommit tee b:ls r e-

1 courses, and exchanges of lessons tn

the forefront so fa.r in lending its most reached. Almost Crom the outs~t ceh·ed \·arious Important gifts. espe-1 French and English. conducted both at generou~ assistance to the goYern- it h::i.s been evlde:it th3t no actual pay. cially through M. Firma:i Roz. of the the l°nlon and elsewhere. He bas also ment. m nt by the L'nion would hn neces· :\Ilnisters des Affnlres Etrangeres, in made a list or pensions for the bene-

ESTABLISHED JAN. 1, 1910 (0UIJ:ru wtb of Monthly Exponent. Es­

tablished Jan. 1, 1896.)

College Extension DepL !tar:y. It has been proved possibl<? to parti('ular. an admirably chosen set of fit of those who wish to Jiye with Mignon Quaw. add, on the six th floor. seven small the French C'lassics. presented to French tamilies, and bas bee:'! actl\·e in

sin!?:le bedrooms. renting at five trance the t:nton as a Christmas gift. coope rating wi t h the French cmnmit-

PROF W f BREWER a day each These boxe been con· :"IL Petit Dutaills. director of the or- tee on Receptions Parisiennes. dtscuss· 1 '\··

Ortic·e Room 1, Re11ubtican-Courler stantly occupied and havt" increased f1ce Xauonn l des Unhersitles et Ecoles ed later m this report 6iij.lilii.,jil;iii;!:;::;~~-t,ui1ding. Phone 127-J. 1 1 1 considerably the surplus on room· Fr:rncaises. has informed us that the D.-Publiclty. I

BEfiJNS 'Y' WOHi[ re:nals above the required guar.antee. 1'111011 1~ to be the recipient of a fur· 1 Mr. Crenshaw bas recent ly been ap· w T:ditor·ill·t'hief John H Kohnen '20 j tant l'. S. sen·ices from Pais during 'olnmeR of Fre:ich literature. )Ir Ca. Publ1cit), and has a lrend~· sys1emat1z-

Staff I\ The remo•lal of se,·era l of the 1mpor· ther collection of between lfiO and 200 pointed chairman Of the committee on I e Know A~sociate I-:ditor, Alfred McFarlin, '20 t.he month or January has taken from m1lle F lamruanon has present;d a val· d the work of publicity as to notices what you cz.n expect in T he A<·lln~ Sports Writer John Tyler, '2-0 A letter from Prof. Brewer says the l:nion many of its regular resi· uabl~ set of his work:-. The \ale Uni· of the concerts, lectures and otber e::i· Flor sheim Shoe- it is a shoe of ~odPtY E.dito1 Dorothy Powell, '20 that hf' ha.s fairly begun bis Y. ~f. C dent~. but lhe influx of transien ts has \'ers1ty Pres~ has reeently presented tenainments at the lJoion. He has s uper ior q ualitv that will give Specinl '\"riter Georgia Hannab, '20 (' . fullv offset this loss. The attendant


to the l'nion a ''rduable c·ol1ection of also arranged for a suita.blt" ad,·ertise-, you the utmoSt saf f . At ting Bu~ine:;s ~lgr. C'. P Carroll. '20 .\. work at . amp Lewis. He _has naklet unc-~rtainti,•s in the situa t ion. coupled some fifty or its important publications ment ('f the l'nion in the official pa· 18 ac tion..

'h R dd. k 'li a number 01 :\I. S. C' people ::;mce t ·- . . . . . _ When you find the nam .. ireulation :\lgr 1 ~o. e JC · . h. 1 with thOH' of healing:, made it seem 111 \arious fl~lds. Other guts ba,·e per. "The Star::io and Stripes." which "F . e ..\!'""l Cin:ulatlon Mgr .. H. Muntzer, '19 mg- UJl •

1-:; work. a~nong whom were: u:i.wisc to the Executh•e Committee to been m.ide by societie~ and residents i~ 1mbllsherl at General P ersbing's sug- ... lorsheLrn" \VOven in the

General R epor~orlal Staff Le~tt.•r Cole. Dan :'\oblP. )Ir. and :\lr. 1 · h · of Pari~ and the t1nion bas now an · h Ul · 1 · 1 E ... :-ap, or stamped on the sole Sl'lmcr Solberg, of Hig Timber. \vbo attempt. at Jea!:'t c urmg t e wmrer eP8llOn as t e o ua Journa or newS:O you know positively that you Martin lle,·ric~ ............. _ ::

10 were hath former students of the col· any dPfinite expansion of the Union ex<·elle""lt library or representative for the AmeriC'an forces abroad. c.:e getting full value for the

Katht•rint: fh,zzell beyond it:-- present quarters. But the works in 1',ren<'h and English. Mr. E. La.nsingh. chairman of the Lowt>ll E. no" en '21 'le,:~ Ray Jones. who graduated in cc "l~ional m·erflow of &'1.tests has been On thl' fir~t floor n lar~e bedroom Hou5'1e Committee has had charge of ~ ount you invest. You w ilJ \\'ay1a> nunlJnr

········ .~ 1 1!+1~1. and is now a lieutenant. in the l~. • • ~ • .:-.~! the name "Flcrsheim" in ordnan<'e department. and :\fiss )Iii· satisfartorily acc·omrnodated in adja· has bepn c·on,·erted into an excellent ] the gtneral <:onduct or the business .:our next pair u you come

I dred LiYingston a graduate of the col· c·ent hotel~. ant.I. in !!'t.~ner;11. the Union quh:t rearlin~ room and writing room .. and ol'fke or~anlzntion or the Union, :ere fm shoes.

Subscript.Ion Rate. lep: who is 110 ~, visiting near Camp hn~ pro\·e<l reaso:rnhly adequate to de- with an open fire. Here are now kept I and hus cooperated with all the com-$:!.1\11 l'C'I' ~ear 1 en C'cnts Per c·opy l.P\\ 1 ~.

1 mands upon it. the' illustrat<"d magazines and jour· mittee~ in carrying out within the I H II '

~tud<"llb heC'Ollle sub5 ('rlb:1.s upon An amusing Incident Ol'C:lllTt'tl during 8.-T he Restaurant. nah;, while- the :iewspaJJer~ are on file t:'nion their sevPral arrangements. H 0 ow ay s Hlymc>nl of the regular nct1nty fee. I l'r<•l-<'","Oi· !lre,,·er ".· 1.11."l rta~·


"SITlll. in ra('ks in the lounge> on the ground has furthermore install d a purchasing I ,,,,., ~-. ., ... Tht> re~t~rnrant has hPen maintained due to lhe chang(' in time. His first thns iar at the pril·es originally fixed. floor This arrangement has greatly ageat who handleR the numerous com· H f H

The \\"eekly Exponent is strictly a lf'C'tnre wa~ tu be given at seven Jn C'{lll~ideration or the acl\·ance in CO!'l"t improved the facilities o1 the club. missions for purchases received both ome O art Schaffner & ""tudt:>nt eutl•rprise It's chief purpose o"doC'k and wal:' lO he in the form of of f(lod nncl service, and in harmon~· C.-French Affairs. in pen;on an<l by mall. In general a Marx Clothes. '"" to pr<'sent to its readers each a :.;;terio1aiC'on l<"cture. Becau!l'e of the with the s11irit or the contract, the Professor \"ibbert has taken l·harge 10 per cent charge is made abm·e the "'eeli, an al·<.·urate and c_omplete rec· 111.:'W lime it was broad claylie:ht and ExeC'Ulhe ('01nmitlee has agreed to a or the important <.1uestion of French (Continued on Page Four) onl of the de,·elopments Ill college af-, thP lenure <:onhl not he gh·en. There· slighr r;1i~e in 1iri<'<"s to be effective fair~ durin~ that 11eriod and_ l~ exert fore. Prof. Br('\\er's firs:.t order in his FelJrnary lH The price or dejeu:ier it:-; influence for the upburldmg of new l·a1mclty wa~ to -secure opaque will be ach·ant'ed from ~.:;o to :) frail<_,_ I ~lontana State college. The !)aper is windo" ~hade!-' for all the lecture and of dinner from ;;,;10 to ti franre. f


thti result or voluntary effort put I rooms The drnrp;es of the Hotel J\tontana arc t forth by the :-;tndents who compose I FLOWERS !ht> staff. H E WOMEN TO DO :~~;!\:~l!~:,l);n~_lg:~~r:l ~;~I:~: ~~l~i~,lli~~(-!~

Published c,·en Friday of the col- · rank l-i<1ve. smce Ortober. m;:iilc sim1·

~t;~~e~~::ro:1~·h: ;1':~:a~·1l:o~~:t!r~:11~:: ~ 'PRACTICAL WORK t ::;,1~rl~::~;~nc~l~a~n ll1;r:~:~~. ~: ~~~~n~e~t~1~,:~ I of ~l-!rir-ullure and Mechanic Arts. at the. l·uh·ersily o( :\tontana, Bozeman. ::01::a~~,~1:;~~~o~T~e


1~:1~:at:~ i;~:~1:·11;;

\loi~tana. 1 three meals 1 ha~ bf'en Increased froti1 111 to 11 fran<.·s a day, but it has b en :\!11nda) April :ith, the first group

Fn'el't'•l a~ sel'ODO·c:las~ matter at of :-Pnior home economies women proYilit"d th:.\t officers and secretarie~ I:o ..... man. :\lontann. under Act of con- ,,.ill he~in their months' stay at the of tht> l"nion and of college bureaus. i:ress of :\lareh 3. 1879. pra('lice houfl'e which bas been estab· not 10 t·xc·p{'(l !'.IX in number. f:.hall be .n "bnm the sole power of approYing i!'.iwd 011 South ""eventh a,·enue. gh·en pP'1~ion ;,t thf' ]lre~ent rate t.1

TIH· itlt>a "hi<'h formed lhe basis of 10 franc~ The number of ~ueh stair ti 11 ._ ,,a:i tht• adnption of the Smith· oUkials now in pensio:1 is five. I

:: :: •• •• :-: :: :: :: :: :: •• •• :: :: :: ~nght.·s rtrtn TIH' courses baYe IJeen The hotel mnna~ement has succt~:-:­; CALENDAR ~ ,rn.1n~ed th1:- yf-'ar to follow out ihis fully hancllE'd a considerable numher

hill. whi<'h "as passed Uy t•ong-ress ot H"l'Y large dinners, as at Thanks·

;. Omt>!!a neta r~ormal April 12 ; ~i~~c~'l''\~1l:~111h!\~~ 1 rb:~:~o~~~:rlel~ ~~~~e\~1 l~ ~,~'~:n~iJ~l1~:rsa 1gi~;.\~1

$:~1 ~;;e a~a;~:ll A~~ :: Alphn Oruicron Pi .April 13 :: nll'Pt all tlH rP(}nirements. ii was nee· Yi~on c·oundl .tnd many smaller Jiri-:: .Junior Prom April 20 :.: ~""sary tn t·~tahlish thi~ house. where nlll' dinners. Despite the tliffkultie!:_: :: Xur~e·s Conrl•ntion Avril 24·2.> :: the :<-<"nior women m 3y recei"e prac·ti· ot' war rouditions, tbe restaurant ha~. :: Hecital. Zada Sales May 15 ::: ··al work in c·ooJJcration with thi:lr in general. hl'l'll maintained effic·ieml: t: ReC'ilal ~Iyrtle Hollier .)Jay 3 :: s'urlif'~ lt is the plan 1hat each of C.-Heating. :: )!emorial llav 1Iay 3o :t ht> girl~ do an allotted amount of 1be The nclllnional co:;t o[ daily hot wa. :: Rt>dtal .June

7:: otk. Pn•paratinn of the meal~. the ter beating. a r1uestio:i fully discus:sell

:: BalTalaur<"ate Address June 9 :: llntH•\\Ork and in ran eYery detail in tht.· re11ort of ~ovember I, Hlll. has :: l·:xaminations .. June 12.14 :; f the rarrylng on 01 the duties of a het.:n met without c·ost to the l"nion :: C'ommenremem .Tune

14 :: hnPsPhold will he followed. by an arr.~n~ement arcepted by the

•• Fo11rth Quarter Brg-ins June 23 :: :t

.., ••• :: :: :: :: :: :: :: t:


:\Inn ins1itutions lwve already <·ar· hotel management. to add ~n centimes ·i1 d ou1 1hi:- plan an I ha Ye estnhlished a day to the cost of rooms with pri·

1t·:-.e houses. It b the h1 pc of lbe \·ate bath. Sufficient anthracite coal. c·olleg-P tha1 in a ('\• years. a prac· though often poor h1 quality. has been it P c-otta.~l· will be built on the hill. secured from the municipal authori·

Again iltt. call for l'OnserYalion bas Thb "ill (•nable the home economics tie~. The main difficulties of the heat­liPen sent to the C'Ollege i:;tudents, this ilcpartmPm lll c·arry out their work in~ problems have iherefore b:ien su<··

time in the torm of a request. to dis­pen;-;.e with the long established cus· 1 m of servin~ refreshments at social 1unl·tions. J)oulit1ess this request will l·e t·omplied "ith a~ have all preYious

mort> eneethely Howe,·er, it is cessfully met. llU!l liltll·ured and the heads of the Thus the three e::;sentl:tl questions dPpart11w11t as well a~ the members <•f 1he l'Ontra('t. room·rentaJ guarantee. ')'. tlw st>uior da~~ have heen busy re:.;;taurant and heating may be said to

for tht> past few week~ arranging and have been answered satisfactorily preparin~ the ,·arious details. )1i~s Internal Organization.

· equcsts o( a :-;imilar nature. f'arlolta Ford il'> at the bead of the Jn order to :systematize the work of :\lo!'t of the C'Ol!Pge ~tudents ha Ye · h and will liYe there thP l ·nion the folio" ing l'OmmilteeR realized that the war has brought pracuse ouRe

with the 'a ·ious group~. :'\lud1 c·redit han• bee:i <·onsrltuted. eaC'h of which is due hf:.'r for the (':treful arrangemt>nr has as its C'hairmnn a memher of th(I and for the intere:>t whith she is tak· Exec·utiH• C'ommittee. Entertainment. ng- n 1!11 hOUl'('. )!r. Hyde ( rlarYard), Library and Art.

ahom new c·onditil111s nnd they ha,·e ada1i1ed lh<·tnsf'ln·s tu tbe:-:e willingly. Tht• spirit of eooiwralion has. in gen­f ral prl'Yailed. although Rome few

rne not dom." rh<:ir nil in aiding the ~oYernment.

\\"p are thing in a· of ~acrifices an<l they "ho are enjoying the com· forts ancl pJ('asures of home shonld not forget tho:-e in the trenches "oT"er

COLLEGE UNION DOES Profe!:isor ,·nn Dyke (Prinl·t:>ton). French Affairs, Profe!:isor YilJl>en

MUCH FOR SO LDIE RS {Michigan!. Publicity, Mr. Crcnohaw

<Conti11ued froia Pn.i-:e One.l (Virginia), Honse Committee. i\fr Lan· ~ingh (~Iassachusetts Institute of Technology).

other <·onveuienres rn college men all (cl):. The Entertainment C'ommittet' :~~'.~~~·~·e'\~~ t~:irn;.~~~nt~/~:ds~~::n~ o,·er .F'ran<.'c. Educatlonal and intel- has as its ,·ice chairma-;i, !\tr. Olifton.

le<:tual influences have been fostered who is speciticallr in drnrge or mu· by the institution and it has become slcal affairs. lie has provided, through to he reganl d as a center for such the generosity or a friend, for the ren-1c·tivities. The work being done by tal of an excellent grand piano, and hi" unht'rsity i!i very important and has arranged two admirable concerts,



RN·entl) tht question of !:H:r\ ing r~­f eshments at <"Oll<"~e functions <:arne

1· rPJlCH't printed herewith explains one given by f"arisian musicians, th<' 10" it has established hotels, res- o ther by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rogers/ <tt1ra11ts. tlub houses. and fl'Chools for of New York

The largest gathering arranged by tbe E~tertainment Committee and by the Chairman or the House Commi t-

Is the best ever shown in Bozeman There are many snc·h hut chief among them are·


If any of these symptoms are yours. we can fur:iish the glasses that will prt.:\ e helpful Langohr's 11

I I LESLIE E. GAGE. Phone 95-1\' 315 Se. Tracy. ~---J-ew_ei_e_r_&_o_p_u_ci_•_n __




! I I I I I


PLllMBI. ·(; and HEAT!. ' G




We gin )Ou serdce and

Good Lumber.

fiAL. LUMBER CO. Phone 20 Opp. Court House

CREDIT A bank atcount belps your cred­

it. A trhift~· mau can always bar-

oow at his bank Paying by check

neate~ a f::llOd im11re~::-ion. Re· member II:-. when you haYe money and we will rememl1er you when

Cafe in Connection

Rates Reasonable



Opposite Chronicle

! COl\ll\IERCI.\L ~'ATIONAL '1 t BANK.

Capital tock . . $150,000 II Surplus and Profits ~250,000 I

! Boze~a~ · Baker. Cash~;:~ana I


! I I


by getting co:il of quality




Bear Creek

LllMBER co.




yon need money . <.'Ol'llt with

Open an ac-1



Gallatin Trust Savings B~nk

\\" S. Un,idson, Gaasbier


&I I


MORNING "\he E1g lnternational Transpl

tation Senice car leaves the o~.r·ce on the corner of Ma.In and T •s.<·y at 7:45, 8:~5. 9 45 and 11:40 for th& college .

The returning cars leave the Main and Agricultural bu1i1ll.:lgs Ill 8. ~. 10 and 12 o'clock.

AFTERNOON cars leaYe the office at 12:45, 1:45, and 4 :45, and return from the col­

lege at 1, 2. and 5 o'clock.

I '.\JR. COLLEGE. 'Tl'DEr\T,


Bozeman. ;itont.

Dear Sir: "·e wish to ex­tend you an im·itation to call and see our $howing of

L System and Michael's Stern

clothes especially de igned for the college men. I

I " ·e ham a large ' howing of

I styles and pattern.. Come in and see for yourself.

JI Very trnly your,

I! 11

WALSH'S 1 Piore tht" notkP or ::;eYeral organiza- h(> <·01wenif'n<·e ol our college men uons 011 th£> hill. l•ood Administrator 1 · \ f'r rhere. There are many men ALklnson was asl\ed abou1 the altitude lrom )I. S. C'. tbnt will be over th ere of 1he administration toward this mat· !:'oon, and anyone Interested in their f·r. "Anything serYed between meals welfare "oulcl do well to read the fol­

, omeR undPr tllf' head of a fourth I 1owinJ( ankle in order to ~et an in· uwal and as tiUl·h h1 fl'O\\ned upon," ~le;bt into the organization that'will was his ,-erdirt. Thi!-t would bar eYen 'lo nrnch for hlR <'omfort after he lands ,.unch and \\ :1ier~ usually served be· 1 n 1-"''ranc·e:

tee, l\Ir. Lanslugh. have been the Thank:-;~IYing and Chris tma s dinners. the latter preceded by a Christmas tree and the ~i ngin~ of the Christmas <..·arols by British ch oir boys. and a :-.!ew Year·:-; supper. Under th e auspi<·es at the Teehnology Dureau. an illus· trillE.'d l~ t.· ture on Ught Railways in



1 12 So. Black

--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- 1 ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~ '--~~~~~~~~~~~~

t" Pt>-11 dance". ThE' reason ~iven is Activities of t he Uni on in France. 1 hat whiJ(l th1~ fruit In punch it> not To thC> Bon rd of Trustees of the Amer-induded in our lin1 of l'Onsenation iurn l"niH~rsity llnion in Europe. th€' war "as given.

h ~on1mher a for11wl Frenl'11 recep· ti.)TH)l lnst~arl o( sugar, the consump- Ye ur exec·uti\'e c:ommiuee pre~rnts lion was g''f'll to which w('rl' invited tion or thef'P ingredient~ means put- herewith a rPport dealing- with the ex· tlw le'idin)! officials :nul vrolessors <'f

~ntkle~ and tlu· sweetening may be

f ag au e).tra n.nd wholly unneces::>ary tension of th e al·tiviliP~ of the l'nion t•ducation and unht-r~ity rirc·le~. This lctX on thr• 1mnspor tatlo11 fa.rilites of In Fra~wr. The report will dl~cuss the was JargpJy attended and wat5 hi~hly

lh" l'01lntn l"nderstandinJ! this situ· <lf'\f•lopments of the Pni on (11 in its appreeiatecl hy the Pari ~ian ~uests . ;,_lion < ltiarl~ "Om<' <'ollege. organlza . j' intern:il. (2) in its extE'rnal ::ispec·t s. Through inforrnnl dinnC'rs. scwinl F;n th· f t10;1~ h1i\\:' 1·1·mph•tf'I~ Plimrnatefi re· Develop ments. l·:·!t_i!!:s :mil <·ummitteC' IUH?'tings. the i I l•t•!.;hmrnt~ at rt>c·f>JH so1·ial function!- Without attemptin~ t'l n•\"iew tht• l n1on ha~ already t.>ecomp n:i uttrar-


, •

11cl otlH"'ls ~•n· rapidly following suit. 11•11t1t·ron!i d1 l<til"' of the clail" hi~tory the <·ommon meetfn~ ~ronnd of f 11 means nncli•nlably a !":·tf'rifi<'e of f ti 1• l"ni< n at its Pari8 h<.•ad1:uarters. F1·t"11d1 nntl -\n1t:ricall l·duc·atori:; and r t--r.dnhillt~·. hut "hen onp srPs at e\'- it i~ 11o~<;ihle to make som(:' c:enPral· mf'.n , t l1:tlPr:s. I • n- tun1 on thp <·ollep;e <·am1>us and ila!i< n~ h&!-0.f'cl l n thP rx1wrir··H f' of th A H'ry :-- tt <'l.'C!isl"ul reatUt·+· bets IJ..,t'n : 110'-' n town. sf'n kt• lla~s wnh tllelr 1ir;,.t •tuartc•r·yt!ar the Snturrla)· aftt·rnolin tl•:t ... opi•n 10 t ~ rnt1• IPstlmony of rt:>al sat-rllke- th:n A.-Room Rental Guaran tee . Jndit•~ Euc·h SatuqJ:iy :l ~(l!-;lt''iS a":io· : ~omp l'ulle"'e stu<lentf' ha,·t• marl<". an~·· First of :tll. thP C'lntract w th the s11nw~ <hArL.• an1l !-f· ur+->s a <lozcn or : l·oi}\' \\ho wnu'd .crumblti at d nying- R(lyn l Pnlnl'P lfotel h:ts. nfle1 n fair mort lndil·s to a:-. bt hPr :\In •.. li'.lme:- :

;mst>lf Patin:.: •111111-::~ he doe!=: not need ll•s1 li"~n 1ully j-.1stifit'd Sln<·t> the II H~dt>. )lrs. n.ol.11·Jl Bibs. )lrs. I

-------------------- 1 SHAVE You can always enjoy a shave or hair rut with us. Iii Hair ~uts a Specialty


R & , .,. ,.

11• • 132 W. Mam .

am.sey vv 1 tams 28 W. Main St. Bozeman I 1 TRACY FLORAL CO.



Loose Leaf Books


Every FlowH in Season

l Bouc1uet and Designs ' a Specialty

I It-- HELLO ! ! ;-----,

1 This is John the hoe_~_O<;_~o_rJ

I HaYe you got any shoes that

I need fixing. Send them to


1 i . HOP l I 7 E . Main.

dil ~i·r-m 11n tty 1m1all and c.:on- tt'nth nis:ht 1he hotel ha~ l1ren c·on- TheollOJt Hoo~"' Ir. Jr., '\Iiss '.\l:.irtha I hmpulil1 11 .. 10 he· hopPd that a •;11uousl~ 1ilh·d 11ratti<nlly II U\''~' ll) '.\ 1 c '""c• k. )l:Hfolllt- Bort·I .m.J .\lrs. \\"ii- f ____ _ Y. and E. FILING SYSTEMS. ! I Work Done While You Wait.! I

' --~---~~~~~~~~~



Sold Only By







Stylish Spring Suits,

Coats and Dresses

:Made b)


in Girl<; a nd Young

Women's Apparel

.Just out of New York


The )Jo t Comp lete a nd

l'p-To-Date Line on the




Special Prices to Clubs on

l'niforms. etc.

R 0 S E D R U fi G 0.

BETTER SlfiHT That is the aim of Pease's Op­

tical department-better sight

for eYery person who en tr usts

us with the care of the eyes.

E\·ery safeguard and protec­

tion that scientific optometry.

and the making of lenses, pro­

vide for the eyes are given you

when you come to Pease's for

glasse. . And you pay no more

for this superior ser vice.

H. A. PEASE & CO. J eweler a nd Optometris ts.

206 W. Main St .

The Hallmark Stor e.


~Iiss Alice Loomis. bead oi the

lbome e<:onomir·s d~partment of the

l"nh·ersity of .'.\phraska Out at presenL doing f:O\ e1 nml·n1 wurk. arri\·ed in

ollegc in cone<'tlon wilh the mith-

.\liss E:rhel Ditty spe1u Saturday and Sun<lay in f.hiugstou vi~iting

with friends.

:\li:-os Alberta Borthwick, a former gnli.hunc or the college and now dean of women ti{ the Polytechnic Institute


of Billing~. ~pent Sunday at 1-Jami1ton hall. tlw guest of Dean Herrick.

Bessie Bar riscale Who Pay."

in "Those




Jack Pickfor d in "Spirit of 17." also Chapin in "Life of Lincoln and Red Cross Reel.


Bozeman this ,,·t=>-ek ~he will in!-!tle(·t

',.he home e<-·onomic!=: llc•partmPnt of lhe

l 1Iu1<hes law. (,, •ut llonal<l IL Clark. or Camp PANTAfiES

'I I

Montana State College of Agricul­ture and Mechanic Arts

Pr_actic~l courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical ~ngmeermg, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Bor-1cultural, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry EcoJ1omic Biology, Music and Art. '

Beautiful. grounds, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories model kitchen and sewing rooms, musi· and art stud'io.

J. M. Hamilton, President Bozeman, Montana.


• t • I


1 I ' t I I I •


---, Ceretana M e a n s Q u ality j

In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today. ' t The Bozeman Hilling Company I


I-I Ga-iI~i-in-G.rocery 'j G I G Phone G j G II 5 I 5 55 5 I 5

SPRING CHICKS I\ sll~~le~~:~ :'~ ~:,~::ter7~:t to ~~I~~"::ll•~: :~":~:· :~~:.nt Tuesda)· \'iSiting frineds VAUDEVILLE l\"rie> has accepted a po• C'amp IT IS THE SPRING CHICK THAT SUPPLIES NEXT t

Lewi> to do deri<·al \\Ork for the Y. Thi Se<·retarial dub ga,·e a danc- WINTER'S BREAKFAST TABLE WITH FRESH EGGS I ~I C .. ~ ~rr. IJt.Vrie" ha, been ac- in:;: party in tho sewing rooms of the Als.o next win ter's dinner table wit h healthful delicious meat. i\'el) !'Otllle!'r.d " th all sHtdent af- '~ i!'ullura huiltlin" Friday .,-ening. EVERY With our Queen and Treasure State Incubators your t roubles 1

fair:-; ar the t·ollE;-gP Pl"pedally in the Tht.'re .,.,.ere a tarc-e nmnl.Jer of dui.J I are O\·er. TRY THEM. • line of public ~peakiniz; a~ he was one memberl"i pre"em and an enjoyahle Sold by t or the college dcuating team. . e\•euing was spent WEDNESDAY ~

they h<'ip in a ,·ery effectiYe manner ;.....- -------111 Owenhouse Hardware Co. J 1USE POTATOES hy eating more potatoes and less I :.---------------------------;_-~

bread but the)· can also aid by help- I GUESS THAT'S POOR \ tug to ein·ulate thb information. The Jf It's For Y A f large number of students who come I Poor in name but not in I our utomo-rrom rnrion• parts of the state may quality and ser vice. I· <·ar,.y 1he message of "Save the wheat bile l

\l'e<lnesday, the food administrator and eat the potatoes" to their homes REFRIGERATOR SERVICE I

SAYS ATKINSON and the home demonstrator for this and in this way. peOJlle all over the ;,:.tare, ).liss Lilla Harkins, received siate will get acquainted with the fact eommunicatious from \Yashington that tht· potato b a food which may

stating that owing to the abunda nce lJe used to help win the war. Another of lJOtatoes and tbe scarcity of wh eat method which would be good for a I t would be necessary to ('onsurue number or Rtudents to take to heart

rnore or the forrner producr. is that while they may not be doing 'ery much in helping to ''in the war I


POOR & SON Groceries


Ant i-Freeze for Radiators-Engine and Radiator Covers Robes-Hand Warmers-Foot Warmers

Story Motor Supply

I J<or this reason, 1he home econom- l

ic·s Ue11anment and the various home directly, yet if every student '' ill re-member that less complai ning on the 1 PHO I II

euJnomk soci ties are arranging a meals rurni:;;hed them in their varion::; NE 89 H OM E MAD E CANDY (·ampaign 11111.ler 1he- direction of :\Iiss Harkins. whith will extend to all boarding houses and more cooperaliou I I BUY 'l'HE BES

\\ill pro\'e ueneficinl to both them and "==== ========= =1..1 11 T-WE MAKE IT OUR-JHtl ts of the stat . and whi('h will re- ....

I . their associate.s. J•;,·ery student on the ii --, 1

SELVES AND GUARANTEE su t 111 a c·oo1H"r<Hion or the peovle

I in meeting the nee<l whie:h is befol'e hill should join with t he food admin-

i :~; g5~i~f ;•:::::::~ (f{;}\~~{~\::}g:;~~; t:111 ::;:~;~::: 1·.


i.l 1 he S uAJ,Ig'JYilat) J,rl Bowl lhe headquarters ot the food a.clminis· i ~:.~::0~r ::~~at~:,1:~~,w;~a:T:~:,:x~:sr~ FORMER STUDENT I FORI;~~:==~:~~ION 11 THE HOME OF BOZEMAN HOME-MADE CANDIES

mal is one huut.lrf-d to one hundred 1 t I ~~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~[jf aod lilleen million lmshels. Trans- - POKE AND WAT EAU I

ponation t.lil'ri('11lties has made th is DIES AT MISSOULA surplus pile up at the shipving points. I l rl EFFE CTS The consequence Is a great danger I AND LARGE DRESSY II of waste of potatoes, wblcb sllould be

Chocolate Shop Chocolates

Packed in Cali fo rnia Redwood Boxes m to rhe market hea\'ilv Ou the o t h- · PR1 CES I er ha nd th<'re i• P\el').'indication tbat Will iam ~ J on son had <lied the day be- $4 .50 to $17.50 Candy that has quality supreme and still com,

~tsed before t be sou thern cro1> com es I Word was reeei\·e<1 Tuesdar that H .A .. TS

\\ bea l wil ue ton~rnutly ~C'arter un til fore after a lin geri ng illnPss. !Je ,~·as I I

I the ne'' crop c·om1.:s 011 , and with the 1 well known In coll ege c·i r cl es, havrng




corn cro11 '""' abundan t than was taki ng four year, preparatory and . t expected t here \\'ll be much gr eat er lour ypars college work on t he bill

. Presen tm~ t~e most fash- j need to use potatoes as a substitute li e graduated last year from the civil

plies with the food conserrntion program.

George H. Willson & Co . 10nable fab11cs. Crepe }lete- ror wheat. engineering department. W A L K E R'S '1 I ore, Georgette Crepe'. Foul- I In sta tes where this surplus occurs ~l r. ~Ionson's home was formerly in p • k ard~, Taffeta, New.Plaids a nd jar " here transportation lacilities ad- O\•ando. Monta na. H e was an excel- I Ill George &npM, ed ~mbm~oos~ mi t ~~i~ngitis=~~d ~ ~ ~t n~utudwM~~ ~~~~ ~§§§S;P;E;C~IA§L§T~Y~S;T~O~R~E§§§~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Georg:tte C1 epe and Crepe

1 foou au ministration , ery desirable to ian !'or the preparatory class with :..--------------!

Mete01 e. I increase the consumption of potatoes. whil' h he gradn:Hed. In rollege be The New Shades are: T he administ ration depends upon the was a. very conscientious and bar d· -.

hom e econom il'i:; \, ork er s t o a id the, work i n~ studen t a nd received the best t French Blue, Kha ki. I I food administ ration in bringing about grades. lie <listlnguished himself In For The Sake of the "Boys Over There'' !'

I the use of t be sur11l us, wh ich in turn c lass n Lhl e tfrs a nd was ve ry popular I :\ickel Gray. Dark Green. will rnu•e " llecre>•e in the consump- among his fellow students. Of a quiet We must save ever ything from food to clothing . It is !

e\·eryone's patriotic duty to ma ke your old clothes wear as ~· long as possible. ~

Let us help you do this by cleaning, pre~sing and doing •

I : Beige and ra ,-.,·. 1 t io u or wheat." 1 natur e, b e went abou t hi s duties in a n J Sugge$ted pro~r-ams and men us. un ostf'n ta tlous ma nner. S t ude nts wiJI

I Price 2-l.75 ,. s howing pot ntoeE cook ed in a. variety remember him in con nec tion ~·ith the

of ways , with spf'<. fal reference to r lle candy storf', he h aving run il for a

• om issiOt! 01 br ead:. have been prcpar- time. A fter graduating h e worked for

I TH I ed and the hom eronomics depart-1

a while ror thP Roar <l of Fi re U nder-

l E w I LL s 0 N ro 'I meat b ready to ~upµty anyone w ith w.ri1ers at Bu tte. H IM health :a iling I lJ • I t hese \\ho cures t" ba' e th em. b1m. he then went on a ra nch 111 the :

1 :\[ an~ studen t~ will "onder just Bittf'r Root. near :\ltssou la. H is dea t h

1 1866 · • - 1918. 1 I how ther can aid in this campaJgu. is mourned by a host of riends on the I I ! Buy Thrift S tamps a t \\"illsons l but there are a numbN of method• hill, both among thP faculty and the \\ hich t bty c:ln use. ~ot only c-an srndent bod y. , 1 !.......--

a ny repair work they may need. :'


Successors to Hank & Ed . PHO ' E 185 Auto Del i ver~

• ' I I I t l> r I;• t • ~



COLL EGE UNION DOES of individual orfers of hospitality o n I for Ulilitary or o lher setTlce in the I e'er in cold type the deliberate and

MUCH FOR SOLDIERS., the part or r,r~nch to'-'·ards 4-'mericans rause of the _6Jlles." ::;iowly de \·eloped purpose of the en-

-- In service, there ha~ been de,·eloped In ronclusion, it s hould be said tbat emy to create a German nation in our tC'onrinll{':d from page Two ~r.mething approaching au ei!ectiYe or- the work ot: lhc l'nion bas been con- nation rel·ogulzed as recently as 1913

- - --- ~nnizatloo. The ·comite des French E.tanlly <.·onducLed lo entire harmony in the Delbruck law. whtch claimed Bozeman Hotel I

•JSt nf s11rh 1mrcb:ises, an arrange- I Homes," whoat:? honorary president ie. with that of the Arn£'rk·an Hed Cro~~ for the kaiser the loyalty of even rut:nt which ~boul<l ultimately make 1 ,radame la :\farechale Joffre. a 1d Y. M C A. :\lnny members of both naturalized Germans Ju our country, this d{'Jlnrtnunt ... eJf.~llJ'lflOrling hf' I who5'ie acth·e ht"'ad is :\fadaroe de Dilly, of tht'~e orirn nizatlon"S ha\'e been re!:'i· aud also clearl) i;tated on February .., lt:s ;.ultling gn ally to the fa<'ilitle.;; wife of ont:' of the most promrnent dt>nls of Lhe l'nion. Some e,·ideuces t:! HH;; in Da?S Gro.ssere Deutscb­

affordt·d t" inilh idu;1l mt.•mhers of thf" members ot the Tardieu <·owmb:slon. of the lntt?rptn:- and c·oopt"ralion be· !and. whi<.'h t)penly spoke of a 'deutsch·

t nion 1'111-. ~r1wral offirP aNI the 1

has bt'cn 111 1requcnt consultat.on with tWt..'~11 tlh:m and the l u on ha,-e 011· er Tag in the Amerkan federal capi·

! Modern I

Moderate Comfortable

t 11nn111.· ( 11!1 hf' b11rPau~ lik<.>" I r the ol'fker~ cf the l·ni(lll a~ to plan~ read:y been lnddentally .:>Ug~Psted in al.'

i'' ':rJt hy 1hi~ t11Tan .~me I and ar(' /for hosp_itality toward$ American::> in tld:.:i re11on. In addithi:t. nuious mem· .. But ~be :spE"lt at last is broken by I ..-,.ltt\<'d 111 munr 1lt•lRll~ of work nH'e 111 thP 11ro,·inces. It Is con- UPrs or th<> Ext:>t'11lh\o' C"cmmittee of thP- Potdnm t-::nng-. \Ye shall not all

Tht· hop in liti1'ed h~ 'Ir L·lnsin!!h c·£Tnl·d \\Ith the it1 rtaiument nf men tlw t"nit111 ha\P gi\"l'll ad1lrt·~~t."S nnd agnp in mnkln~ UJl anew our esti-

ao.: ~latloned at \'ariou~ t·.unps antl mih- 1 n·ac.lln::s in Y. 't C. A :md the l"nion matP {lf Germany Perha11s few of us 11 t;ip· l t'nli r~. and t..·~iwc iall~· of men and tht> ~i·n ii e::; ut ::;onH..> uf tht• Y :.\1 \\ill ~o so far as thl1 writer in the c lt·:ln-• .\t ,arinu~ places ::>Ul'h as c ..-\ t..•nt1.·rtui11m('t1t ~ Ji;H-E:' 111 .. •en Fortuic:hth· Ht.•\·i~w '\hO sars we are

J au .md Urt'llPhh•. prnvindnl commit· ( flt:rul tn tht t•nicm Tht• Ht•d Cro~s irnlt_.J tetl 10 litt.:rnn Germanv for f

tt~t..•s h,l\t a!rPally bt~\ ll nrc:anizt~d. and hrough olll"li.11~ 'llll'll"s mat1 t J,y h• litlil' bryonU the. presern\.tion or I t thi·r .ni• r iill) w 11 terr ct! at <. Ha.rma 1 1,f tlw Ho. rd 01 Tna;tees al ,. la1 wns th<' intensely human genius Tour:-; •11 1t1 bl·Wlh•r1 , 1n111gholll home, i~ t "\flt.•<·tt.·d to ... 111 maH'riall~· of ( ·,irl)·le into a mnnnt>r of fascinat- I ,~ an1 t On a1 <.·ouat of the magnitude n tht. h lim€>1ll ol ~ i... pp!i. s. ati I ~ rnn~trosit.\ \\'"e shall nil. how· ti •h tJlt.':sliou 111 Jlt.rmi..-..-ipns· for :\ta1nr:-. :\lt11tlhJ. l' rl\ln~. entl .amb .. t t 1er 1 11t tht.' k111fp. in deetl Nowhere I th \ 11 t1h;1n lrm.\ thf' 1-n:o1 Jr, IHI Nlwr~ nf the Hed Cross stare h ave 111 rc ~nn•ly than in onr ('Olle?;<'S. as

11 ell um1hle to act ati the official lH t•n 1 011l1nl 111 thPtr enenurngement ( ... 1~ hN·omht~ l'' ident in the light or I hun•.11 1,f l'lt•:1ri11g wusi:- for I lC' 1.:n· of tilt• \\Ork vi th£' l oinn uur 11('\\ unr1et~tanding or the value I'

f'll t ,. w<lrk of till 1·c\1Hllllllt.-'t" hut tht• Tht..• E'.\.t'cUll\• ('ummiltt:t.• 1ll't.senh of 1•'1end1 and Spani~h that the Ger- 1 11 1 .1rnl prndi1 t'" alon~ PXt.•1·utht· , ornmltH't. 01 the {111ion b 1o 1lw 111 anl or Tru~t<'P$ tu1 its ap n l.n!g1rngl' hns h~cn merestlmated

hfrh tlu,-. .1 fflJJ 11( th1~ l 11;1111 <ll't-> hio ('l\d(•,1\ori111?: ·n a1cl in t~\l~r.' pos~ibh' IH"11\ill thb rt.-'pl!rt t•f till' 111:-.t l}Hi.11\ll 11·\t:fl or l'Omme1C'i,\l pu1po~es No-

~ t'UIHltHtt• 1i wny 1hc Frl•111h <·11mmittl·P:-o ·n 11..- ~en· n'ar 01 thP a1·tht• liftc of d.t> l-mcn "'!r"r 1111.v·ll drf1111trl: !lian m our col- I Professor ..\1<l1•1 t.•r hns bt.•en 11lnt'<'cl nous plan~ 1or 111.~pitalit: inwards ~ 1 1 its I ari~ hea,lqmntt.•rs wllh satis- 11t.g'.Ps will rnen t11r11 ha<'k a~ain to. the 11

·1 tlli' ~Pllf'r,11 t1lf c \ 1 111" l'11io11 :n t1ur nw:i in s ·n·in: fadion net ~o mm h n p,1 .... t accom· jutl~ment of '''illiam .Tames, traioecl •

1 . ..;;;i!o;t t:spt•1 iall\ 11 tht..• \\l1rk of thi:' ..:\ joint mf'Pting" of tht• Tomitc c.l~s pll~hnH'lll"' .ts i.1 the 11rospt l·t~ of in FrC'nc·h thinking-, who procla1med t

·~h-trat1011 .11111 1·111Tt';o;.1u1tulP1H·t..· with J'r('11ch tlome:--" and re1ne:;entati\e~ of lar1Zl:'r u~t•1ulne~:-. now di:->tin,:tl~· open· n£>arly ll j::.eneration ugo that German ; l1t>J,:.e:. net SIJt 1 irft all) rPprrst.>nteil h.\ .. imilar onrnni 1ttinnt> was ren·ully in~ bt>f(lrP 1he ["nio11 It ha~ nnt phil11::-ophy was not all the Germans :

their own n;J>fll~t.~ntat:\t.' in P<tri:-> :\Ir h!!ld u1H.ler lht"' pre tdenn nf Prok~· dwelt on ,·nriou:-; ..;hortt·omin~~ in tht.• c-laimed ror it J

Gallatin Laundry Co. Corner Bozeman and Babcock St .

E\'erything New and UP-to-Date. Special

attention given to students. Try u with

your next package of laundry

Gallatin Laundry Co. Irwin 11111kr tht dir£>eli1 111 nf :\Jr. Lan· ~m· fh·nri Bt•rhsnn. aud it ~t'\"nh likP- worh aJlJHH*'lll to none mort' dearly "Eng-land "111 lf:'al°l1 us of her best, _, __

" 1'."h h.1s ;1!,t·u O\l'r <1 t.·onsir!erahk• l> rhat all i>lfc:rtf' \\ill be eentralized than 10 ii .. 0 ,, 11 mt•mhers. Some ot and in Franl'e thP da)· is not far dis- ---------------------------~ lrt t 1f the \\c1rk nn tilt' bu~inf'<.:s s 1 df' and sci rar as 11ossibl~ unifie<l .. One tln·~t' failin~s hO\t..· lieen due- to u:i· tant \\hen young- America will learrr

IS OUR MIDBLE NAl'iIE AND WE ENJOY SHOWING I FURNITURE T 1rsf'\ acldit11111:-0 hi llw gcn('ra! staff sel'lion ol the· wnrk of French ho~11i- a\"oit.lohlt> c onditiuns. some to a ra[l- hO\\ to <·ombine pret'ision with th&

\\t• 111'1n ul t1l ~1 tat assi~la111·t• iu tnlity has b .. •Pa or~ :rnizetl under tlw iclity of de,elopment "hieh outgrew powl·r to generalize. Together wiU1

.1ndlinµ. tht• t.•hr ill<.Tl.'a~ine:, \olume titlP • Rt>-t·t>JHitlll::> Parll'.'iiennes:· in con- th-: n.•source~ of ,1 limited staff oi our allies, we silall plan out wisely 1f hu~ines$ or t>\"l'l')" !:\ort whkh th1• du~:t or ;\laclanw Borel This has ar- workt:>rs But we belieYe that in con- the new i><lucation essential to any

t n11111 b \ •dlul u111m to tr.111snct ranged 11111i11~ro11s mu~! ah·s. teas. re- sidl'r;ihle n1ensun.·. the faith of tlw ll·a~ne to prescr\'e peace anrl :-;hall

External Development. t.'etitions and other ~odal gatherin~s. Jl()ard o[ Tru~tees hn~ l~t?en ju!'tifiPd I n.·~!izt·. in~:r('as~n~l)' .th~. :ru~h o( '?\Ir. •) lmportnnt b h<Ht. bf'en th<' i:l· at which llH.' l"nh·i'rsit: L'niou ha::; by lht..· workt:; of lhe llnwn. and that . (, "ell!:' \\Old~ NO\\ that the

tt:·11nl 11t•Yt.•lopnwnts 01 th(' work oi l>t>t'll l:\rgt..•ly rl'prP:.;entt.~d Proft.:ssnr the ~ent•rou~ finandal outlay mail~ ftPt'i-:~olk succession of the old peda­

' •' l'nic•n at t!' l'<.1rb hl•adquarter~. \.ilJhert ha~ lit'Ptl l'hiC'rl: respoasihl~ I possil.llt Uy tht:> t>fforts {if tlw Trustees ~ov;y Is broken. and the entire sys­• t'n hroadrr i:.::nifif·anq• uttachf'.,. to fnr uaendin~ ppr-:-nnal innt.iti(ins to has ywldl-'d distilH t rPsnlt~ tem cli~C'redite<I. it seems incredilable

hr" rc:atirnts In .uJy t:Hahli~ht>d l 1: Yariuu~ c·ollt.>p.€.• mt.>n n .. ·~i 1h~nt at thl' All of "hie h is l't'StH·r·tfull) suh- thal it t•an e-Yer again be reC'oustituted


! Ideal I T. P . Benedict Furniture Co.

A. C. Kelty

th<' rnlun \\ith r_h., sncinl and e-sJh" l'nion and for rnsuring their 11anici· mittt~d 1 in its old ~eats upon the old lines." I'

al'~ \\ th lhl t>ll111.:.nion:tl in1~rest,;; pation in tlw 'ariuu~ fllIH'tion~ arrang· (;t'or~t.· ll Xettlt to l - '

t f'r.111ct• Tht> :..11c·c-e~~ of lht.: l'nion, .__.() in th~ir ho.uir. It b illlJlOssible w \'an l-h·I1Sl:5t:lat:'r Lansin~Jl. Co- Eds Al lowed Only Four Ki nd s of :

'i;hid1 it w011hl hC' an nlft..•c·ti.1tio·1 to l P· do nrnn' lhan to ~nmmarize the::;e 1n 1- Lt.·wis D. <.'ren ... ha\\ Sweets-Nothing Else Goes. I littlC', has allrac:t<·ll widespread attf'n r 1eroui::. munltp~tal ion~ ol ho~pitality .f amcs IL TI.rck. I: ion rrom F'rPnd1 , 1rrh iab. JParned ~o· shown h,r thl' F'n•ndt to\\ anl::> Amer· ('harlt>s B \:lhlJt·r1. Cirl~. WE.' t.·an eat candy and still be 1

( ctit's. and in11:,h11rnli:; of prominen<.·t' iurns in ~l~nkl· ancl in particular to- Paul van l>)'kt•. 11atriot~ ·so ~i\)ti the food adminis· [

fhe union has lh.'<.'Oltlc a re<.·ognizl'd ward~ our gn•·st:-; at the l"nion. But l!'ation. •

c Ult·: .wlwrt.• JI \.t· t·onn·q;ed. liue~ ol! tile l'nion hat> r.ipidly hccome an im· RECASTING EDUCATIONAL :'\ow \\e t·an sntbly Lhose eYer hun- r dm·atrn:-rnl :mli mteJlectual 111flul'n<.'C' portnnt <.'enter for the de,·eio 11 ment of STAN DARDS SAYS DR. POWELL gry :;\\ee1 teeth .. of ours and not 1

Young Ladies' .Army Shoes in the Munson Last



.. ibl~ tn not<.• inb the most signiflrant Americ·ans To a n~r~· unusual ex.tenl. Heciprodty with lhc l'Olleges or r~uefu 1 tha1 the candy purchased falls ill Fram·r. or thC'Sl? il will be pos- $Odal relatio1~ between 1-'rencll and fef'l ~uilt\' while doing it; however. be I Exclus1·ve Shoe Store

Rapprochement Universitaire. F'ren<.·h hona·s nnc.l houst"hnlds lrnYe Great Britain and r•rnnce !or the pur- into one of these four groups: Choco-


111) 1'bl-. Pninn ha~ from the outset wt'lt·omed ou1- <·Ollt.'~l' nwn. 11nd tht~ 1,ose of educating the people of Arner· I late c·oated <.·andie~ with fruit and ~ul I 'trractl'd sp('dnl fin-or from the Rap- trndltional r<~sPr\"E' or tht"' French foyer ka ant.I Europe 10 3 better understand-I renters: second. hard boiled candies. II J Tl'<'ht>ment Unin rsitairl:', a recently has :rielcled largely to a generous and ing or war and alter·Ute·war problems :;uch as lemon drops. stick candy, pea- BOZE~IAN fr!!,anizrd dub of unin·•rs:.ity professors OJ)t'lt hospitality which Jg eYerywhere h; recommended by Ur Lyman P. nut butter aud the like: third, marsh- '-------------------------------..!! ~~;~l~;J:~:i~~::l~~e;:t~~;~::~~:~7:~: "'~;~~!e~td:~~;;;~I:~:t~.·~:.~d College ;::~::~:::·~1~:.l:~t:~~to~~~~;~~t:~::E~~~,:~ ~~~:,:~~;~';,:~'.l~::ii::~~~~f;'.~~,i~~~~ r·H:;::;~~~:H~;~~~~~~~,H~;~~s 1•11

PP!in~s of thf' RapprcchemenL At (d) Jn the de,·etopment of the ing \\ hi<'h he made a snn·ey or the sene sugar and also enable the con- ;;_

j ... of th('sP Ow Rapprochement of· wurk of th<' P:1ion .. partiC'ularly in its t•1l11cational situation in England and fe('lloners to continue their industry a l\1ADE ] OUR QWN SHOP ... t>rtd to urrangt• a Fete Solennf>lle atl iq·af'tiC'al rf'httlcns with the community Frnuce. a1hoca1es sending to Europe and emplo~ labor ns usual ~oover- 1 ft Col)ars--Pads--Strap Work tht• Sorboant.: in honor of thP entra:tcf' which I i"' nnw a part, the supi>ort a dele~ation ol' llrominem Americans 1zinr; hu'=' its hr1ght spots arter all I

Full line Grass Seeds-CJon.1'. . Alfalfa, Timothy-Our stock of .\!nericau uni\'er~i~y and col1e~e .. 111\ atl\'iC<' nt the Paris Ad\'hmry 1qnesen1111g thl' leading national ed- dnesn·t It.., now in. Fill your needs promptly as supply will be hort. m('>n in thr wnr. :\fousH'ttr Leon Porn· c·,,undl has lJC'en of distinC'l bE'nefit. ut·ationnl u~sotiations, Lhe RockeFeller· - -- I k • are. \"ice clirPdor of the l'nh·ersit~- of, .\L its meetin~ in .January lhP Council nncl Carnegie l~oundatious. the League )liS"::tes Luelle McCraeken an<l F'lor· wool Sac s

l'ari"' .. a11t h oriz€.'d tllC' u~e or the large decided to rai~e rrorn its mernbers and! to EnforC'e Peace, and other o rgani· ence Tyler were dinner g-uesls at the E Ours are in. Better look these up at once mph11lH·a~1:c· or thP S~rbonne for_ the from othPr t'nllege men now re:::ident zations interested in world reorgan i· Kappa Nu house unday ft A very large line of builder~ Hardware. 11n1ose. ~111<e the nrrtvnl at Pans ofl in Pari~ \'Oluntary subscri11tions to the zation. to c·ouf{'r with lhe leading ed· IE Let us ntake you figures.

\tr 8tcikes, the elate of the celebra- eatertainment fund Already the sum U('Hlors of 1.;ngla nd aucl [•,ranee. ::

11011 ha~ lwr:1 advan<·Nl from \farch to of 1 1100 francs ha::- been turned o\·er This wnr, he says. has brought about l ii ELLIS BRANDLE'" & CO I 1·'1'll111ary ~Ith, 10 1·nahlt" him lo at· to ti1e Ext)t•utht- C'~mmittee. with a ret•asting of edu('ational slaudards. ft • I • 1•'111i and tn rf'pre.;;ent the trustees or promis{' or many additional s11bs£'rip· ··There is emergin~ a new apprecia- 11 H C - 'VOOD !\.s"'ignee • 'hP 1'nion Thi~ prnjel·t has heen suh· tions. This will ~really aill a mo:-;t tion or tht: cultural advantages of illlll'l'llUlllllllllllllllllllllll


I n:inn:mm1 ' I .. I :~1 lllli 11 Pi' !Ii :::1 'I II l'l!i] tittPcl fll n.eneral Per~hing. and nll important side or the work of the England and F'ran<:e which has long _

·IPtAlls of .trrangc•nu•nl will ne<'es~ar· l'"nlon. and i!:' douhly welcome as new been on•rshndo" eci hy the bombastic I ly lw ~OYerned by military regnla- proot ot the t·ortlial interesl in all the and prelt.'lltifln~ k11ltun of Lhc fop

ions and lht• cxigl)ndt·s of the mo· a fairs of the l"nion :shown by t•ollege :\°()\\here can education arter the war HOWARDS ·uhJir rP<'og-nition or tht.• work o[ Lhe ,.i!-\or.r C'o11:1cil hai:; undertaken the many is merely our first task. \Ve

n1e:u It will be apparent that this nwn re8ident in Paris. The Parii:; Ad- be what il was before. To IJeat Ger· I ' Pniou nncl of its mPmberg is bein!; preirnratlon ol' rppcirt::; on various ha\'e set our rPt'th to perform thal

1 1lannC'd nn an impres~i,·p sC'ale by lhP questions of t"Xt•ursions in the neigh- ta::;\\ unll <trE" going to do it. standi ng ""


~~~~=~:o:;t ~:~t~~:; ~.:·;~a~~~~illis for :':i:::::o<~~;I ':~:;~;;~n~ri~:ti~:::;t:o!'.; "h~~'.~e~h~:t s,l,•~t::~:a1:;~~~1Lo~1;11~\~~;;. I '1 t French Instruction for American thl" legal Formalities attendant on rri<'nd':i a<-·ross the sea Our <.'allege ' I

Troops. cidllan IJnrlnls; in Fran('e, and on l.Jm s "ll do their dm' Thev will I h' ..\~ the ont~rowth at mformal othtlr matters ua which the }o:xecuLi\·e }(I\ e Lhe l.lsl rull measure of deYOtion ,

0:1lere11n~ with officers of the Amt-r- C'<1m111ittef> det>rned 1l ad\'bahle Lo haYe H.,n·ard und Yale ChH•ago and Ober- ~\V GOSSARD CORSETS icau l'nh'c•rsity l'ni'1n, :\lonsieur Pf'tit mtormarion ;_1(·1-essible \'iirious mem- Im. Calllorn1u .111<1 Leland Stantord 1 >111:1illi~. flirrctor of the "OffiC'e Nu- bf'rs ot the Ad\·isory Counc·il ha\'c ma· will slllnd l'l1t>eh by jowl with Oxfor1l



THE HUB ED and LOU HOW ARD There are nine new figur e I

type -wonderful cor sets are ij •ional des llni\·ersilies et !'roles ~·ran· ter:ally assi"ted ~11- Lansingh in his nnd l'ambricl~r. Lnnclon and Pari . ; the new Gossard for Spring ~ STETSON HAT& WALK OVER SHOES t·ai .. es." and lnctJ)ec·tur General of hl sinel'is arrnngements, and some. by lliJon anu Bordeaux. in pre~enling an and Summer. *' '------------------------------.. Public Jn~trnniun, ha~ Cormulated <.\ t"l'Yin· on the !:-'}entertainment Commit- unhreakable front of racial and right- 1 f

113.n for )>Ullin~ <ll thP dis11osal of thf.• tc1· and m tHhl•r ways. ha\'t' aided rlif C'OUS culture a~ainst a kullur official- ? 50 to $12 50 i ium:msm:mim:mimm:msm::mmm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mims=mis=imm:tmli An1t>rka11 mililary authorities thP ·rent llnion acli\"itlei:; There has ly cbumpioned at the outbreak of t.he Tui -- s i.. -, s. HER ro I WOMEN cd111:alicnal llla('hlnery ot Fra;ice. This bt·e 1 frcm thl' u11tl:it'l enlir<> harmon) \~·ltr not only h) the gcn·ernment but @ -MB[R -1 . I ~ • i nruje(·t as tr:in!imitecl formally to tlw bt:twe1·n tht> Pnris A<hisory ('ounril h) nn_ht.•r~ity jlroreRsOrlS. scientifib I -1\LWJ\YS RfLIAt\U:-

l'ni\'Pr8ity \Inion nn llec·ember HI and Hnd tlH' J.:x.e(·11ti\'E" Committee. :ind an men. Ju~torirrns and puhlit'bts \\ho de­

b) il. on the 1ollowiug clay. in turn H·•r lncn·asini< spirit of <'Oot>eratiou «lnrecl Lhn\ chilit.allon depends ou I Trade Your Last Summer's Straw Hat For a ew One


~o ~lr('c::t:::~~:~:at~~n ti:~ I an~0 11:.~~:::~ 1 1~:1:lpl:·;:~~c~~~~ expau~lon ot :~~1~; tl~:tl~t~~~·1 ll~~ ~:1:11~1:19r1:a:·11 ~~~al1~~~:~~ -i-------- I lil: 1-;urope, for ln11um1isslon to Geaeral tht' l'"niou nnd so manifold have b~-1 on•r mo11111ains of corpseb ot·eans. of FASHION BARBER SHOP \Vill give P{·r~hlntt. On an·ount ol his ahsc•nl'e tOnH::• its lnt('rt•sts. that e\'f'Il tins rear:-;, unrl denth-ruttle of t11e C'On- . in Ene.lan1l and for other rea~on:s. :\lr le:lgthy report <'on•rin~ th<• rlrst cimu·- querc<l A clean, an1tary place where u Carter has lwt>n deh\~·ed in taking up h·r year of its history omits manr "A ll th wa) through the~e <.·onting I you get good service ii Only lake


"Colorite" you and your children a new hat ap iece at only

a few cents' cost.

a jiffy to apply; dries instantly , does not run All t his summer's best shades are now ready thE·Sl' pJ.,n:s with neneral Per~hin~. point!-\ worth\" OI no1e. To a large ex· years or t he rebuilding Of th~ world , I a or fade.

I I · 1 l We appreciate your patronage n anc l lPll' 11 timatp reu•1>tio:i or partial tt nt. ior (.•xam1>lf'. it ne~lects Lhe con· our <.·olleges mn~t see strai~ht. They § ASK FOR COLORITE AND GET JT AT

~'.'.~~t'.·:~.0::~.::::;;::."~~:.:; 11i:b:h:::i~:~,~:: :~;;;0~::1


~~" 1i·~~:~::~~:::,i:~;;~~:~i ~:~:~:~:I~ ~~::::,.t,~:: .,~r~:~~~.::~~::,~ ,1_ ~~~:l:s & MARQUIS 1




Bin Roe ch er' s Dru~, Store '"'dncatlonnl authorities. wbkh is ~ttb· mtin who trequent the l'nlon. These tooled into the belief that Pau-Germa;1- G. T. & S. Bank "'"ntiallr '" 1nrt at lhe disposal ul the '""''"'''' loclude ad,lce as to the ism has been de1·eloped' oy our enemy ____ PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECI LTY . .\.meritnn 1ronpi-; through their respon- bntnchcis of military service. recom- for mer e war-co nsum ption. They must -<>-fble rnllitt!l'y leaders the edtt<'ational mendations for rommlsslonis, financial lhink before and <tfter. They must II= llll'llllllllllri:•ntmttuu:m:n:i::t:::i:u:uu::u:u:

machiner) 01 fo'ranre--is ot grnal •ig· aid in cleservin~ cuseR, communica tion remember that sca1'<:ely wa• the trnis· I ~~~~~~=~ .. 1 :,,:~. ~:!~~it::or~etlknt~I:: I :~'.l~lk~~:~~~s·, .. ':1~·~ ~::1 t:::~sl~~.·:~,~ ::: I :~o~:,~l.~i,. 017ro'.~~:,,~~;:·:eg~~lro;: ~~: Keep warm 1 I Th Central Stud1· 0 1nr;.;ely in t:onfon.•nce with the Amer :.hort, all fornt:i of personal serviee unliu<' prominence to German l&ngu· e it:un l nhl~r::;tty l'niou. un<l that the ii IHI hol'Jpitality The~e matters nre agt' and German influenee in the KffiBY COAL and CARNEY


l'nion hn.s bt'en reeognized a~ Lhe a11· p~rha1>~ so ob,·ioul:i t hat they aeecl I schools am.I .. .-o lleges or the " hole COAL I ' m1prlatt· mt>liium through whi«b to not be t>numerated But the iurreas- world TheJ· musi nc·.-er ror u. momen t I

'resent th•"~ plan• for conslcl~ration. ing lmporlnnt po•iliun ot the Cnion forget that all this \l rlous efl<·rt to DLOCK WOOD and SPLIT I All kinds of Photographic French Hospitoality. I in the socinl nnd edurational life of pc!Ron lh~ <:prlngs o~ lhP world·s h igh-

{c) On the social side or its Ill• 1 the ('ClllnlUlllt\ ha" in no wise oeen est ideal• bas had the ffnnnrlal !»ck- Kenyon-Noble ,,, work rh~ l'.uon h.1s met recognition hardly pe1mltted to ~'er~hadow lts prima ry I ini:=- or the Germen ~overnment i'setr Lumber Co.


Jr>s.s markrtl than that acC'orded It on present aim ··Tu meet tht> needs of .. Our <o:~e<,c:, "iii not be decen·ed 1 Kodak Quick Finishing it< edurnlionat sid• Prom what Amerlrun unil'"sl\y n 1d college men I uy ""'' plea to let bygones be by· ! 320 West Maln . Phone No. 4 j tbtt~:i1t.•1J(tl tn het·omt"' nlmoKt a cha os I a nd their 1rleuds Y.110 :ire in Europe

1 gonC-'f'. Tbr· '' :1 :1ave be~ore them I ---------------------------

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