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Diary Dates Date Event

24 June Park catch up at Wattle Park

3pm – 5pm

23 & 24 Jun Kangaroos Dress up Days!

24 Jun End Term 2

30 Jun Enrolment applications for 2016 close

11 Jul Start Term 3

Jul/Aug Maintenance Day

Jul/Aug Tea Towel fundraiser

16th July Traffic School

9.15am – 11.15am ($5 per family)

14 & 15


Kangaroos Incursion: Flying

Bookworm Theatre

22 & 26 Aug Photo week

3 Sep Major Fundraiser – Trivia night

16th Sep End Term 4

A word from the President and Vice President

This term has been pack with lots of fun and exciting events. From sensory activities such

as snow play, slime and golf ball painting to the extremes of experiencing the ‘Wild

Action show’ with the children touching

animals such as turtles, crabs and lizards. We even had some brave children hold a snake

and a salt water crocodile!

It has been lovely to see in the three year old

class the children developing their friendships and putting names to faces. We enjoy hearing

Matisse and Indie chat about their day and

what they have done with their new kinder friends. The ‘helper of the day’ has been a

huge hit which has also assisted in this development.

The four year old’s have continued to

strengthen their friendships.

We had our open day in May which was a

huge success with a large turnout. A big thank you to the teacher’s and committee

members who assisted with this event taking

time out of there weekend to attend.

Please let any other future families in your

street or neighbourhood know about Box Hill South Preschool. Being tucked in with the

Family Health Centre, people sometimes

don't realise the kinder is there.

Huge thanks to Maintenance team and all the volunteer families who took part in the term 2

working bee. You had the centre and yard looking spick and span for the Open Day, as

well as ticking off all the jobs on the staff

wish list. Working Bees are a vital part to the running of the kindergarten and we require

parent participation over the year. By helping out, not only do our children have an amazing

and safe play space but by volunteering your

time you will be able to redeem your $100 maintenance levy at the end of the year.

Please keep an eye open for when we begin to

call out for help.

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Let's hope the second half of the year is as action packed and fun as the first half has

been. We all enjoy watching our children grow and develop as they continue to have a

wonderful kinder experience. Don't forget to

sign up for kinder duty, help out with washing and keep collecting those cardboard

boxes for collage / construction. Every little

bit helps!

We are very excited to announce that over the next few weeks we will be replacing the fort

equipment with a new one which will include

a new slide, underneath shop and climbing net which will be a great addition to our

already beautiful outside area. We are hoping to have this scheduled during the school

holiday period.


Natasha and Lisa President and Vice President

Wombat & Platypus

Group News

3 year olds

3-Year-Old Groups: Platypus & Wombats –

Term 2 Newsletter

Hello families,

It has been yet another busy and wonderful term! We have enjoyed getting to know you

more and spending time with your children

over the months, and seeing them grow and develop!

Over term two, the children in the Platypus

and Wombats groups have been continuing to develop their sense of identity. For those who

started kinder in term one and early term two, they are now very well settled into the room,

their new learning environment have become

very familiar with the kinder daily routine. Those who have started recently, towards the

end of term two have been building trusting and secure attachments with Geraldine and

myself, and have been getting to know their

peers more and more each day – so wonderful to see!

Watching the children play over the term,

they have been showing much interest in playing games as a group – chasey; hide and

seek; building together in the sand pit; participating in imaginative play and games

etc. The children have been therefore

showing much more interest in playing with other children and being part of a group. I

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have often seen children inviting their peers

to play with them and join in games, as well as seeing them huddle up for a group hug and

saying, “you’re my friend!” It’s such an ‘aww’ moment where I stand back and smile

The children have continued developing

knowledgeable and confident self-identities over the term as they often reached out for

comfort, assistance and companionship – they

loved sharing their achievements with their friends as well as educators. Geraldine and I

are often hearing, “look what I painted!”, “we did it together!”, “I did a picture for

mummy/daddy, see?” We love how the

children have developed their confidence and are able to share their contributions and

achievements with others.

This term, we started our parent volunteering sessions. Geraldine and I have thoroughly

enjoyed having parent volunteers – and I know it is very special for your child too, to

have a parent or grandparent join us at

kinder! To the families that have been able to volunteer – thank you so much for your time.

We really do appreciate it and hope you enjoyed being in the session! If you would

like to join us again, or for the first time, I

will be putting out the Term 3 volunteering roster out soon

We have continued incorporating music in

our group times each day – whether it be dancing, a game, or action songs. With the

children, we have continued to promote their physical wellbeing with activities in the room

involving fine and gross motor skills –

painting, beading, drawing, cutting, pasting and have been including a sensory table

including kinetic sand, clay, water play, lux

flakes and water mixed together, and play

dough over the term which we will continue in term 3. The children have seemed to really

enjoy the sensory play and the different feels of these materials/activities.

As the weather has cooled down, we have

been talking about the season of winter and what characteristics this season involves. We

have further continued our Season Actions –

“Summer is when it is hot and the sun is out a lot; Autumn is when the leaves fall down;

Winter has lots of rain and thunder; Spring is when the flowers and trees grow again”

We have continued to talk about fish,

creatures in the ocean and how we could keep the ocean clean, with many responses of

needing to put rubbish in the bin! To extend

on this, we have started to look at which rubbish goes in which bin – and talk about the

different coloured bins we have and what they are for – Red (Rubbish); Blue

(Paper/Cardboard); Green (Food Scraps). I

have asked the children what they think ‘recycling’ means, in which many have

responded that we don’t put rubbish anywhere, but in the rubbish bin. We’ll

continue to look at recycling, reusing,

reducing and replacing.

On Tuesday 31 May and Wednesday 1 June,

we had our incursion (Rockpool Diversity) by

Wild Action. They were amazing – the children in both groups seemed to really

enjoy their time and learning about the different Rockpool creatures! Some of the

creatures that we saw: sea urchin, puffer fish,

elephant snail, hermit crabs, sea horse, sea snail, spider crab, Port Jackson shark, sea

cucumber, eleven armed and northern pacific

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sea star and a young freshwater crocodile! I

am guessing you have heard about the wonderful time they all had and all the

different creatures they got to touch!

The children now are becoming very good at

packing up the room; the environment around

them. They are continuing to learn to respect their environment and pack up after

themselves – finishing an activity before

moving on to another; putting their drawings in their bag or scrap paper in the bin. We

have provided the children a table of recycled materials to construct with, in which they

have seemed to enjoy. We have talked about

with the children that we cut down trees in order to make paper and so we are to try

when possible to make use of both sides of

paper and to recycle paper.

Through our daily storybook reading, the

children seem to be understanding key literacy and numeracy concepts and

processes, suchas the sounds of language,

letter-sound relationships, concepts of print and the ways that texts are structured. In

June, we introduced an alphabet treasure box in which we focus on one letter a week; the

sound of the letter, the visual look of the

letter, the formation of the letter and words that start with the focused letter. We will be

continuing this in term 3.

We thank you again for all your support,

smiles, encouragement and feedback

throughout the term, we have loved each day with your wonderful children and seeing

them grow. We are looking forward to what

term three may bring! Have a lovely two-week break, see you next term!

Geraldine and Yolanda J

‘Those with a lively sense of curiosity learn something new every day of their lives’ –


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Kangaroo Group News

4 year olds

Kangaroo Group News

This term we have spent many happy and relaxed times together. Our 43 fantastic group

members have been very busy playing

together, developing friendships, creating, exploring, imagining, using their initiative,

making decisions, inventing, communicating, challenging their intellectual awareness,

problem solving, perfecting a range of

physical skills, enjoying language, laughing, singing, dancing and having fun!

I am sure you all heard about the visit from

Joe from Rhythm Fun earlier this term. Jo opened up a whole new world of musical

delights for the children, as they participated in his interactive drumming session, which

also included using a range of other

multicultural percussion instrument, dancing and singing. I am sure we have some budding

musicians and especially drummers in our

group! Bongo drums and shakers were made with great delight at the pasting table

following this most enjoyable and informative visit! The children still talk about

his visit and love looking at the photos of

themselves playing a real drum set on the kinder iPod.

It seems such a long time ago but all the children really enjoyed making their special

plans for all our wonderful mums for

Mother’s Day. They took great delight in dictating all those beautiful and original

words about their mums to staff, making

cards, wrapping presents and flowers with loving care and finally giving the gifts and

flowers to each mum at our Mother’s Day Celebration Sessions. Thank you mums for

coming to these special sessions. I know the

children and staff loved having you at kindergarten!

Last week great excitement overtook all

Kangaroo Group members with the recent visits from Wild Action when the children

were able to interact safely with a live salt-water crocodile, non-venomous python

snakes, a koala, a wallaby, a kookaburra, an

owl, parrots, fresh water turtles, frogs, lizards etc. It was indeed a wonderful first hand

learning experience for all the children. Have

a look at the photos and children's comments displayed in the playroom and also on the

kinder iPad.

It would take us forever to let you know

everything that has happened recently at

kindergarten. Here’s a little list…..exploring creatively through painting, drawing, pasting,

clay and puppet making experiences, watching and documenting the growth of our

daff idol bulbs, book making, scarf dancing,

music sessions with percussion instruments, various cooking experiences, construction of

detailed imaginative creations using Lego,

Iringo and other construction equipment, dramatic play experiences incorporating

opportunities to explore literacy, numeracy& information technology , sensory exploration

with slime & finger painting ,learning about

magnetism as the children built with magnetic building blocks , kicking balls,

climbing, swinging and gardening to name

but a few things.

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Our educational program is based on the

observed interests and developmental needs of all the children with staff and parent input

included and considered. Currently it is displayed on our new Display Shelf near the

red couch.

Also in this area are the children’s Memory Envelopes they are creating with staff over

the year. Have a look at your child’s envelope

when you have a little time. The children are very proud of them and will take them home

at the end of the year.


*For such a happy, friendly, positive and

thoughtful Term 2. We know working as partners (parents, committee and staff) we

will provide the best kindergarten experience

for the children.

*For continuing to share information about

your child with us. Please remember to keep us in the loop and share any information with

us about your child, family happenings etc.

All this information helps us plan appropriately for your child.

*For sharing with us any details on your child’s Confidential Enrolment Form (i.e.

contact numbers, address, emergency

contacts, new allergies or medications) that change throughout the year. It is important to

keep every child’s records up to date.

*For sending such healthy snacks and lunches to kindergarten with your child. If you want

more information about healthy snacks I have placed some information sheets in the pockets

just outside the playroom.

*For letting your child recover at home when

unwell. This includes green runny noses, coughing etc. A sick child at kindergarten is

miserable and spreads infection. If your child is absent from kindergarten please inform

your child’s teacher, particularly if your

child’s illness is due to an infectious disease.

*For sending your child to kindergarten with

a jacket / hat as the weather gets cooler.

Outdoor play is a very important part of our program. If the weather is cool and not

raining we will be going outside to play and enjoy ourselves.

*For spending time with us during a session

and helping out with washing, maintenance days etc.

I am always happy to discuss anything

relating to your child’s progress, program etc. at any time. Please do not hesitate to speak to

me or make an appointment to chat after the session.

Thanks everyone for all your wonderful help

and support this term. As always it is much appreciated.

We hope that you all have a fun, happy and relaxing holiday break.


Pam, Keron & Natalie

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Kangaroo Art Work

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Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook to be

kept up to date with kinder news,

upcoming social/fundraising events and photos!

Date free!

After the rave reviews from last year’s

Did you know?

Loyalty Programs

Did you know that you can easily help our

kinder raise funds by simply shopping at our

locally affiliated businesses and mentioning

Box Hill South Pre School?

Toy World Forest Hill

Wattle Park Pharmacy Aussie Farmers Direct

Windmill Educational Toys &



Food Allergies

Some children have serious food allergies.

Please do not send your child to kinder with

any food containing nuts, or nut products, or eggs.

Warm clothing

Weather permitting we will always allow

children the opportunity to play outside, so

please ensure your child has a warm jacket and appropriate footwear. It’s also a good

idea to pack a spare change of clothing in

their backpacks just in case!

Winter sniffles and coughs!

Please keep unwell children at home to stop

the spread of infections in the kindergarten.

Waiting in the Foyer

Our kindergarten shares the Box Hill South

Family Health Centre building and it is

important for us to respect that many other people use the facility by being quiet and

considerate when waiting in the foyer area.

Please keep the walkway and reception

counter clear and only wait outside our door

or directly in front of the kitchen area.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Toy World School Benefits

Visit Toy World Forest Hill and ask to be on their

database, nominate Box Hill South Pre School as

your school of choice and for every purchase that you make our kinder receives 4% of the total cost.

Then twice a year our kinder receives gift vouchers

to purchase items for our children!

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