Page 1: Bottom-type scattering layers and equatorial spread · Bottom-type scattering layers and equatorial spread F D. L. Hysell and J. Chun Department

Submitted to Annales Geophysicae, 2004

Bottom-type scattering layers and equatorial spread F

D. L. Hysell and J. Chun

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

J. L. Chau

Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca, Instituto Geofısico del Peru, Lima

Abstract. Jicamarca radar observations of bottom-type coherent scattering layersin the postsunset bottomside F region ionosphere are presented and analyzed. Themorphology of the primary waves seen in radar images of the layers supports thehypothesis of Kudeki and Bhattacharyya [1999] that wind-driven gradient driftinstabilities are operating. In one layer event when topside spread F did not occur,irregularities were distributed uniformly in space throughout the layers. In anotherevent when topside spread F did eventually occur, the irregularities within the pre-existing bottom-type layers were horizontally clustered, with clusters separated byabout 30 km. The same horizontal periodicity was evident in the radar plumes andlarge-scale irregularities that emerged later in the event. We surmise that horizontalperiodicity in bottom-type layer irregularity distribution is indicative of large-scalehorizontal waves in the bottomside F region that may serve as seed waves forlarge-scale Rayleigh Taylor instabilities.


Bottom-type layers are thin scattering layers that occurregularly after sunset during equinox and December solsticein the bottomside F region over Jicamarca and that serve asprecursors of large-scale equatorial spread F (ESF) distur-bances. They were £rst described by Woodman and La Hoz[1976] working at Jicamarca but are now known to occur inother longitude sectors. While they are not usually associ-ated with strong radio scintillations or other kinds of inter-ference to communications links, they nevertheless signifythe presence of plasma instabilities and are indicative of thestability of the postsunset ionosphere. We study them for in-sights into how more-disruptive, large-scale spread F plasmairregularities initiate.

Early insights into the layers came from Zargham andSeyler [1989] who showed with a nonlocal analysis thatthe linear growth rate of the ionospheric interchange in-stability operating in the bottomside equatorial F regionhas a broad maximum centered on wavelengths of about 1km. In numerical simulations of the instability initializedby broadband noise, such intermediate-scale waves emerged£rst and continued to dominate large-scale waves unless

the latter were initialized preferentially with the introduc-tion of large-scale “seed” irregularities [Zargham, 1988].Based on this £nding, Hysell and Seyler [1998] hypothesizedthat the intermediate-scale waves suppress large-scale wavegrowth through anomalous diffusion. Using a renormaliza-tion group theory and incorporating satellite data taken tobe representative of bottomside irregularities, they estimatedthat the anomalous diffusion coef£cient associated with thekilometric irregularities could be £ve orders of magnitudegreater than the classical ambipolar diffusion coef£cient andlarge enough to impede large-scale wave growth. They sug-gested that bottom-type layers were composed of kilometricprimary waves which are too small to be resolved by co-herent scatter radars as anything but a continuous, narrowscattering layer in the bottomside F region.

Another in¤uence on the scale size distribution of the ir-regularities in the layers is the distribution of conductivityalong magnetic ¤ux tubes. Tsunoda [1981] and Kudeki et al.[1982] showed that the postsunset bottomside F region ¤owis dominated by strong shear, with plasma drifting westwardand eastward below and near or above the F peak, respec-tively. Since the thermospheric wind at F region altitudes iseastward after sunset, the westward bottomside drifts con-


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stitute retrograde motion. Haerendel et al. [1992] identi-£ed three mechanisms that could cause retrograde motion:vertical winds on ¤ux tubes with signi£cant integrated Hallconductivity, vertical F region currents forced by the closureof the equatorial electrojet current near the evening termi-nator, and the E region dynamo driven by westward lowerthermospheric winds. Since the retrograde drifts can persistlong after the passage of the evening terminator, Hysell andBurcham [1998] argued that the E region dynamo must playan important role in equatorial electrodynamics. Examin-ing the extensive JULIA radar database at Jicamarca, theyalso found that the bottom-type layers always inhabit stratadrifting westward or, at most, slowly eastward. The layerstherefore appear to reside on ¤ux tubes with Pedersen con-ductivity concentrated in the E and valley regions.

To explain how the kilometric plasma waves and insta-bilities in the bottom-type F region layers are able to avoidbeing “shorted out” by the E region conductivity that domi-nates the DC electrodynamics of the ¤ux tube, Hysell [2000]invoked a nonlocal theory, attributing the electrical decou-pling of the waves from the E region loading to £nite paral-lel wavenumber effects. A generalized derivation appears inthe appendix and shows how plasma waves with transversewavelengths of a few kilometers or less can have growthrates comparable to their local growth rates even if theiramplitudes are constrained to vanish at the feet of the mag-netic £eld lines. The analysis supports a picture of bottom-type scattering layers composed of kilometric primary waveson westward-drifting strata unfavorable to large-scale wavegrowth.

Several investigators have argued that the shear ¤ow inthe bottomside should suppress intermediate-scale waves infavor of large-scale wave growth [Perkins and Doles III,1975; Guzdar et al., 1983; Satyanarayana et al., 1984].However, building on the insights of Fu et al. [1986], Fla-herty et al. [1998] pointed out that the shear makes thesystem non-normal, and that even if the intermediate-scaleeigenmodes are individually damped by shear, a strong tran-sient response can arise at kilometric scale sizes. The life-time of the transient growth of intermediate-scale waves inthe bottomside F region was found to be long enough to ac-count for bottom-type layers. Shear therefore poses no fun-damental problems for the picture of the layers outlined sofar.

However, the picture has been updated recently by Kudekiand Bhattacharyya [1999] who used combined coherent andincoherent radar techniques to observe the so-called postsun-set vortex ¤ow over Jicamarca. The evening vortex is a ¤owfeature that arises from shear combined with the evening re-versal of the zonal electric £eld that occurs around twilight.It was analyzed theoretically by Haerendel et al. [1992]

and is now routinely observed at Jicamarca using the ex-perimental techniques introduced there by Kudeki and Bhat-tacharyya [1999], who also pointed out that the retrogrademotion of the bottomside F region makes it unstable to hor-izontal wind-driven gradient drift instabilities in the pres-ence of horizontal density gradients, caused possibly by theconvection associated with the vortex ¤ow. Given typicalplasma-neutral differential ¤ow speeds in excess of 100 m/s,gradient drift instabilities can have growth rates much largerthan the maximum anticipated generalized Rayleigh Taylorgrowth rate.

In this paper, we examine new observations of bottom-type scattering layers made at the Jicamarca Radio Observa-tory for evidence of primary gradient drift waves. The ob-servations were made using an aperture synthesis imagingmode capable of resolving kilometric features in the radarilluminated volume in two spatial dimensions. By moni-toring the temporal evolution of the radar images, we lookfor evidence of shear and vortex ¤ow, track the emergenceand growth of primary plasma waves and instabilities, andsearch for large-scale bottomside structure that could serveas a seed for ESF plumes.

Radar observations

Figure 1 shows a bottom-type scattering layer observedby the Jicamarca Radio Observatory on April 25, 2000. Theobservations were made using a high-power (∼1 MW peak)transmitter and with 450 m (3 µs) uncoded pulses with apulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 100 Hz. The north andsouth quarters of the main Jicamarca antenna array wereused for transmission, and reception was performed usingsix modules (64ths) of the array with separate receivers anddata acquisition channels attached to each. Data from onereceiver are shown in Figure 1. Here, a bottom-type layerappeared shortly after sunset, ascended brie¤y, descended,and then dissipated. The thickness and lifetime of this layerare typical. In this case, fully-developed spread F did notoccur.

A qualitatively different event is shown in Figure 2 whichrepresents observations from November 27, 2003. The datawere collected using 28-bit binary phase coded pulses witha 300 m (2 µs) baud length but with only ∼100 kW peakpower. The PRF was again 100 Hz. Transmission and re-ception were again performed with the quarters and 64ths ofthe main antenna array, albeit with a slightly different con-£guration described below. In this event, the bottom-typelayer ascended slowly and continuously and was eventuallyaccompanied by some plume structures in the early stage offormation. Topside irregularities passed over the radar afterthe bottom-type layer dissipated. The former were presum-

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Figure 1. Range time intensity (RTI) representation of a bottom-type scattering layer. Grayscales represent the signal to noiseratio on a dB scale. No other F region irregularities were observed.

Figure 2. RTI representation of a bottom-type scattering layer accompanied by emerging radar plumes after 2000 LT andfollowed by topside ESF irregularities after 2100 LT.

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ably generated during the hour preceding the time they wereobserved.

Horizontal streaks in the RTI diagrams hint at the exis-tence of £ne structure in the bottom-type layers. The streaksare somewhat more pronounced and widely spaced in theApril 25, 2000 data than in the November 27, 2003 data.The signi£cance of the streaks becomes clear with the appli-cation of aperture synthesis imaging techniques.

Interferometry with multiple baselines was introduced atJicamarca to construct true images of the radar targets il-luminated by the transmitting antenna beam [Kudeki andSurucu, 1991]. It is well known that interferometry usinga single antenna baseline yields two moments of the radiobrightness distribution, the distribution of received powerversus bearing [Farley et al., 1981]. Interferometry withmultiple baselines yields multiple moments, and the totalityof these moments can be inverted to reconstruct the bright-ness distribution versus azimuth and zenith angle. The inver-sion essentially amounts to performing a Fourier transformof the interferometry cross-spectra [Thompson, 1986]. How-ever, since the cross-spectra are inevitably sampled incom-pletely due to the limited number of interferometry baselinesavailable, and because of the presence of statistical ¤uctua-tions in the data, the inversion generally must be performedusing statistical inverse methods to achieve satisfactory re-sults [Ables, 1974; Jaynes, 1982]. For our imaging work, wehave employed the MAXent algorithm pioneered for appli-cations in radio astronomy [Wilczek and Drapatz, 1985; Hy-sell, 1996]. This is considered a “super-resolution” methodsince the resolution of the images it produces is not inher-ently limited by the Nyquist sampling theorem.

Images of the April 25, 2000 layer are presented in Fig-ure 3. They were derived from the 15 distinct cross-spectramade available for every range gate by receiving backscatterat Jicamarca using six different, spatially separated antennas.The longest available interferometry baseline at Jicamarca isapproximately 100 wavelengths. The £ve images are snap-shots computed from 5 s incoherent integrations and spacedby about 10 min. so as to re¤ect the behavior of the scatter-ing layer over a 40 min. interval. The pixels that make upthe images are 450 m high and 0.1◦ wide. The brightness ofeach pixel re¤ects the signal to noise ratio on a log scale. Thehue represents the Doppler shift, with red- and blue-shiftedechoes being color coded accordingly on a continuous colorscale. The saturation represents spectral width, with pureand pastel colors signifying narrow and broad spectra, re-spectively. We will not derive any conclusions from thespectral moments conveyed by the images here but merelyexploit the fact that the colors help highlight some of theirmorphological features. In general, the spectra of bottom-type layers are usually very narrow, with Doppler shifts that

closely match the layer range rate [Woodman and La Hoz,1976]. Note that the transmitting radar antenna beam mainlyilluminated regions within±2◦ of zenith for this experiment,explaining why the image peripheries are dark.

The images in Figure 3 are characterized by narrow, hor-izontally oriented structures that we interpret as primaryplasma waves. That they are horizontally aligned signi£esthat horizontal wind-driven gradient drift instabilities, as op-posed to Rayleigh Taylor or E×B instabilities, are at work.(Collisional interchange instabilities are strongly anisotropicin the plane perpendicular to the geomagnetic £eld and pro-duce waveforms that elongate in the direction normal to thepolarization electric £eld [Zargham and Seyler, 1987]. Po-larization electric £elds are vertically oriented in the case ofhorizontal wind-driven gradient drift instabilities.) The ver-tical separation between different primary waves is about 2km.

Animated sequences of images reveal a vortex-like mo-tion, with irregularities near the top and bottom of the layermoving slowly eastward and rapidly (∼70 m/s) westward,respectively, and with a clockwise rotation resulting. Theprimary waves grow in horizontal extent over time. Theyhave lifetimes longer than their transit time through the radarilluminated volume, and the streaks in the RTI plot in Fig-ure 1 correspond to their transit across this volume. In thisexample, no large-scale organization of the irregularities isevident. As primary waves exit one side of the illuminatedvolume, others enter from the other side essentially continu-ously.

Radar images of the November 27, 2003 event are shownin Figure 4. These were derived from data received on eightspatially separated antennas and the 28 associated cross-spectra for every range gate. For this experiment, the trans-mitting antenna pattern was also broadened so as to effec-tively illuminate the region within ±4◦ of zenith. The reso-lution of each pixel in the images is 300 m by 0.1◦.

As before, the images show that the bottom-type layersare composed of primary waves oriented nearly horizontally.The vertical separation between adjacent primary waves isonly about 1 km this time. Animated sequences of imagesindicate that the irregularities all drifted westward at about100 m/s initially but decelerated to a near standstill by 2100LT. The point targets in these images occurring above about350 km are due to so-called “explosive spread F”, a phe-nomenon discussed by Woodman and Kudeki [1984] that isunrelated to the present study.

The main difference between the April 25, 2000 andNovember 27, 2003 data is that the latter show evidenceof large-scale horizontal organization. Throughout the en-tire bottom-type layer event, clusters of intermediate-scalewaves like those shown in Figure 4 drifted through the radar

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Figure 3. Aperture synthesis images of the bottom-type layer observed on April 25, 2000 at £ve local times. Pixel brightnessrepresents the signal to noise ratio on a scale from 0–23 dB.

Figure 4. Aperture synthesis images of the bottom-type layer observed on November 27, 2003 at three local times. Pixelbrightness represents the signal to noise ratio on a scale from 8–25 dB.

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illuminated volume, separated by a horizontal distance ofabout 30 km. (The illustrative snapshots in Figure 4 werechosen so as to depict two different clusters in each frame.)The regions of space with irregularities are about as wide asthe regions without, and the 30 km wavelength £gure is com-parable to the height of the layer thickness. Note that thereis no indication of large-scale periodicity in the RTI diagramin Figure 2 because there is always at least one cluster of ir-regularities somewhere within the radar illuminated volume.

Starting at about 1949 LT, small radar plumes began drift-ing rapidly eastward at altitudes above about 380 km. One ofthese can be seen in the rightmost image in Figure 4. Theseplumes formed to the west of the radar and then drifted east-ward overhead. They existed above the shear node and didnot appear to be physically connected to the bottom-type ir-regularities at the time of passage. Their∼100 m/s eastwarddrift rate provides a lower limit for the local thermosphericwind speed.

The irregularities in the bottom-type layer ceased driftingwestward by about 2040 LT and remained nearly station-ary within the radar illuminated volume for the next 20 min.This afforded a rare opportunity to observe the long-term,late-stage temporal evolution of the irregularities in detail.Images of the illuminated volume are shown in Figure 5. Inthe images, we observe the emergence of large-scale plasmairregularities and radar plumes directly from the bottom-typeirregularities. Each of the three emerging radar plumes de-picted here appears to have evolved from one of the existingclusters of kilometric primary waves. The spatial separationbetween the three plumes matches the separation betweenthe pre-existing clusters. The red hue of the most westwardof the plumes implies a negative Doppler shift, signifyingrapid irregularity ascent. Animated sequences of images likethose in Figure 5 suggest that a transition from intermediate-scale gradient drift waves to large-scale Rayleigh Taylor in-stabilities was underway.


The main £nding of this research is that bottom-typescattering layers in the postsunset equatorial ionosphere arecomposed of primary waves excited by horizontal wind-driven gradient drift instabilities rather than the related Ray-leigh Taylor or E × B instabilities. New evidence for thiscomes from the morphology of the primary waves, which areoriented nearly horizontally rather than vertically. Gradientdrift, Rayleigh Taylor, and E×B instabilities are all variantson the same collisional interchange instability, only with lin-ear growth rates proportional to the forcing functions u− v,g/νin, and E/B, respectively, were v the plasma drift speed,u is the wind speed, g is gravitation, νin is the ion-neutral

collision frequency, E is the background zonal electric £eld,and B is the magnetic induction. Whereas the £rst of theseparameters often assumes a value in excess of 100 m/s in theretrograde drifting bottomside F region strata where the lay-ers reside, the remaining two are generally less than 100 m/sand tend to cancel to a signi£cant degree in the bottomsideafter the evening reversal of the zonal electric £eld. Thiswas pointed out £rst by Kudeki and Bhattacharyya [1999] intheir interpretation of the layers.

In the April 25, 2000 event, primary gradient drift waveswere observed continuously, undergoing vortex motion ina bottomside shear layer. These observations support thepicture described by Kudeki and Bhattacharyya [1999], inwhich the evening vortex creates both the differential ion-neutral horizontal drift and the horizontal conductivity gra-dients necessary to support gradient drift instabilities. Nolarge-scale organization of the irregularities was evident, andno topside irregularities were observed.

However, the November 27, 2003 observations showedthat the gradient drift instabilities can be modulated, occur-ring in clusters and exhibiting large-scale horizontal period-icity. We surmise that a large-scale horizontal wave in theplasma density existed in the bottomside F region duringthis event. The horizontal conductivity gradients associatedwith the wave would be alternately stable and unstable towind-driven gradient drift instability, effectively turning theprocess on and off in alternating phases of the wave. Peri-odicity is not evident in radar RTI data from Jicamarca andrequires imaging techniques to be discerned.

The fact that retrograde drifts can persist in the bottom-side F region for several hours after the evening reversal ofthe zonal electric £eld suggests that the E region dynamo(and not just electrojet currents closing near the terminator)can drive them. A nonlocal analysis in the appendix of thismanuscript shows how gradient drift waves with transversewavelengths of a few kilometers or less can decouple fromand thereby avoid being shorted out by the E region conduc-tivity required by the dynamo. Large-scale Rayleigh Taylorinstabilities will experience damping under the in¤uence ofsigni£cant E region conductivity, however, implying that thetwo classes of waves cannot coexist on the same ¤ux tubefor very long. Large-scale waves can grow on ¤ux tubeswith apex heights above the bottom-type layers, however,and seem to have done so throughout the November 27, 2003event.

Late in that event, large-scale instabilities and plumestructures began to emerge directly from the bottom-typelayer as the retrograde drift was ceasing and just prior tothe layer’s disappearance. The plumes shared the horizon-tal scale size of the initial irregularity clustering. We fur-ther surmise that the large-scale waves present throughout

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Figure 5. Images of emerging radar plumes observed on November 27, 2003 at three local times. Pixel brightness representsthe signal to noise ratio on a scale from 0–23 dB.

the event served as a seed irregularity for large-scale gen-eralized Rayleigh Taylor instability. Large-scale instabilitywas unfavorable earlier in the event when the E region dy-namo dominated bottomside F region electrodynamics andwhen intense kilometric waves were a source of anomalousdiffusion. The emergence of large-scale instabilities very of-ten occurs at the same time the retrograde drifts stop and thebottom-type layers dissipate, just as in this case [Hysell andBurcham, 1998].

The picture outlined here suggests that it may be possibleto monitor the distribution of irregularities within bottom-type layers as a diagnostic of large-scale perturbations in thebottomside F region ionosphere that could serve as seed ir-regularities for ESF. The predictive utility of this strategy issupported by a few other datasets exhibiting the pheonomon-logy described here and will be evaluated more comprehen-sively in future experiments. Moreover, the fact that thewavelength of the large-scale waves inferred in this analy-sis is approximately equal to the depth of the shear layersuggests a causal relationship between the two phenomena.More analysis of this relationship will be undertaken in suc-cessive research.


Here, we develop and solve an eigenvalue problem de-scribing collisional interchange mode plasma waves withplane wave characteristics perpendicular to the geomagnetic£eld and with variations along the magnetic £eld. Thederivation is related to the calculation performed by Farley[1959]. We can show that F region waves with suf£cientlylarge perpendicular wavenumbers can be electrically decou-pled from the E and valley regions and therefore remain un-damped by conductivity present at the feet of the magnetic

£eld lines. This calculation extends upon the one presentedby Hysell [2000] by including magnetic £eld curvature ef-fects.

We adopt an orthogonal (x, p, q) coordinate system, wherex is eastward, p is parallel to the geomagnetic £eld, and q isnormal to x and p. We then write the current density J in theplasma as

J = neµ⊥Ex + neµ‖Ep

where n is the plasma number density, e is the electroncharge magnitude, E is the electric £eld, and µ⊥ and µ‖are the perpendicular and parallel plasma mobilities, respec-tively. Hall mobility is neglected in this analysis. The cur-rent density is linearized according to the following prescrip-tions:

E(x, p, q) = E◦x−∇φ(p)ei(ωt−kx)

n(x, p, q) = n◦(p, q) + n1(p)ei(ωt−kx)

where n◦(p, q) and E◦ are equilibrium values and φ and n1

are the perturbed electrostatic potential and number density,varying with x and p as indicated. Note that the backgroundparameters do not vary with x. Note also that, while thisparameterization is strictly appropriate for waves producedby Rayleigh Taylor instabilities, we could equally well ana-lyze horizontal wind-driven gradient drift instabilities by ex-changing exchanging the roles of x and q without affectingthe conclusions of the analysis.

The condition that the current density be solenoidal inthe plasma leads to the following relationship between then1 and φ:

n1 =1















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in which hp(p, q) and hq(p, q) are the scale factors associ-ated with the coordinate system and are discussed in moredetail below. For orthogonal coordinate systems, the scalefactor is the differential physical length swept out by a dif-ferential change in the associated coordinate.

A second equation to close the system is provided by ioncontinuity, which may be written as:

γn1 +ikn◦Bl

φ = 0

where γ is the growth rate (imaginary part of frequency) andB is the magnetic induction, taken to be constant. In writingthis equation, we take the dominant perturbation vertical ve-locity to be due to E×B drifts driven by the wave and alsosuppose that the q (vertical) derivative of the backgroundnumber density can be expressed in terms of the single scaleheight parameter l. Combining this result with the result ofthe quasineutrality condition yields the desired eigenvalueproblem.








∂p+ k2



φ = 0 (1)

in which the following auxiliary variables appear

g ≡ (hq/hp)n◦µ‖

k2◦ ≡ k2


γ◦γ− 1



and where γ◦ ≡ E◦/lB is the well-known linear, localgrowth rate for collisional interchange instabilities driven bya background electric £eld. (This term could equally well in-clude gravity and wind drivers for the generalized RayleighTaylor instability.)

The signi£cance of the eigenvalue k2◦ is made clear by

solving (2) for the growth rate as follows:

γ =γ◦

1 + k2◦/k


Evidently, the growth rate of a wave can only be comparableto its local growth rate estimate if its transverse wavenumberk is comparable to or greater than k◦, which therefore servesas an effective cutoff wavenumber for a given mode. Thesituation is analogous to waveguide cutoff.

The boundary conditions on (1) are chosen to re¤ect aninstability driven mainly at the magnetic £eld apex point anddamped at the feet of the £eld lines. We therefore take thepotential to have a maximum at the apex point (here 350 kmaltitude) and a zero at a nominal altitude of 125 km. Theeigenvalues do not turn out to be very sensitive to the alti-tudes chosen.

The coordinate system is a magnetic dipole system. Aconventional choice for such coordinates is de£ned by r/Re

= p sin2 θ =√

(cos θ)/q′ where r and θ are radial distanceand colatitude, respectively, Re is the Earth radius, and isp the the McIlwain parameter. This coordinate system iswell behaved at the equator in the sense that both p and q′

are £nite there. However, the scale factor hq′ can be shownto be zero at the magnetic equator, posing problems for thenumerical solution of differential equations there. Conse-quently, we instead utilize the coordinate q ≡ q′2 in our cal-culations, where q is the magnetic scalar potential. The as-sociated scale factors can then be shown to be:

h2p = R2


sin6 θ

1 + 3 cos2 θ

h2q = R2



1 + 3 cos2 θ

such that the differential lengths ds2 = h2pdp

2 + h2qdq

2. Notonly are the scale factors £nite at the magnetic equator, theyalso vary slowly with colatitude and altitude there, meaningthat the grid squares used for computation of multidimen-sional differential equations can be nearly constant, facilitat-ing ef£cient use of computational resources.

The mode shapes for the four lowest order eigenmodesof (1) were computed using a second-order Runge Kuttamethod and plotted in Figure 6. These were calculated usingparameters derived from the IRI2001 and MSIS90E modelsfor the longitude of Jicamarca and for conditions representa-tive of December solstice, 20 LT, during moderate solar ¤uxconditions.

The labels on Figure 6 are the corresponding eigenvalues,written as cutoff wavelengths, i.e., 2π/k◦. These are thelongest transverse wavelengths the unstable waves can havewithout suffering signi£cant damping due to conductivity inthe E and valley regions. The values shown are of the orderof a few kilometers.

Acknowledgments. DLH wishes to thank Prof. Erhan Kudekifor valuable discussions. This work was supported by the NationalScience Foundation through cooperative agreement ATM-9911209to Cornell University and by NSF grant ATM-0225686 and NASAgrant NAG5-12164 to Cornell University. The Jicamarca RadioObservatory is operated by the Instituto Geofısico del Peru, Min-istry of Education, with support from the NSF cooperative agree-ments just mentioned. The help of the staff was much appreciated.


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J. L. Chau, Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca, InstitutoGeofısico del Peru, Lima 13, Peru

J. Chun, Northrop Grumman Coporation, Electronic ES(BWI/MD) ([email protected])

D. L. Hysell, Department of Earth and Atmo-spheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853([email protected])

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