

ÜBottom TypeThe following indicates bottom types, asfound within C-MAP electronic charts:


Vol Ash Volcanic AshK KelpGrs GrassS Bk Sandbankw Whitebl Blackrd Redgn Greenb Bluey Yellowgy Greybr Brownch Chocolatelt Lightd Darkf finem mediumc coarsebk brokenst stickyso softsf stiffv volcanicca calcareoush hardComposite Abbreviations:fs Fine sandbkSh Broken shellsSSh Sand w/shellsBrM Brown mud

Sand Waves

Seabed Area, Rocky Area,Coral Reef

Spring in Seabed

M MudCy ClaySi SiltS SandSt StonesG GravelP PebblesCb CobblesR RockLv LavaCo CoralSh ShellsWd WeedGd GroundOz OozeMI MarlSn ShingleBo BouldersCk ChalkQz QuartzMd MadreporeBa BasaltPm PumiceCn CindersMn ManganeseOy OystersMs MusselsSp SpongeAl AlgaeFr ForaminiferaDi DiatomsCo Hd Coral Head


Weed / Kelp

Chart Legend


Chart LegendTank, Silo

Tower, MastWindmill, Windmotor

ÜTides, Currents

Landmarks, continued...

ÜWrecks, Obstructions

ÜDepths, Soundings


Cable Area, SubmarinePipeline Area

Danger Line, General

Fish Haven


Offshore Platform

Depth Area With DepthContour Line (10 Ft.)Depth Line

Dredged AreaDrying Height Above ChartDatumIntertidal Area With LowWater Line

Unsurveyed Area


Tide Height

Water Turbulence

Customs Office

Hospital, Health Office

Monument, Flagstaff

ÜPort ServicesBerth with Designation


Pier, Jetty

Rescue Station, PilotBoarding PlaceSignal Station, CoastGuard Station


Chimney, Flare Stack

Church, Cemetery

Dish, Radar

Fortified Structure

Harbor Master’s Office

Post Office

Crane, Check Point

Distance Mark


Gates, LocksGroin (Dry, Intertidal,Underwater)



Chart Legend

ÜNavAidsBuoy And Beacon Topmarks

Sample Lighted Buoy withTopmark and RadarReflectorFog Signal

Lighted Offshore Platform

Light Float, Light Vessel

Light, Lighthouse

Multiple Colored Lights OnSame Structure

Anchoring Prohibited Area

Anchor Berth withSwinging Circle

Area To Be Avoided

Bird Sanctuary

Caution Area With WarningRE: Safe Navigation)

Diving Prohibited Area

Dumping Ground, General

Fishing Prohibited

Fish Trap Area

Marine Farm

Nature Reserve

Restricted Area

Wrecks & Obstructions, continued...

Anchor Berth, withDesignation

Remains of Wreck

Rock, Awash

Rock, Always Dry

Rock, Covers & Uncovers

Submarine CableSubmarine Pipeline, withDiffuser

Submerged WellheadSubmerged Wreck, Non-DangerousSubmerged Wreck,Dangerous

Wreck Area

Wreck showing Hull orSuperstructure

ÜTracks, RoutesFairway

Ferry Route

Precautionary Area

Recommended Track

Traffic Separation Scheme

ÜAttention AreasAnchorage Area


Isolated DangerMarks,International andU.S. Symbols

ÜCultural Features

Overhead Cable WithPylons

Overhead Pipeline

Safe WaterMarks,International andU.S. Symbols


Radar ReflectorNavAids, continued...

Radar Station

Sector Light (SectorsDisplayed)

Sector Light (Sectors NotDisplayed)

Buoy Shapes:Nun, Can,Spherical, Pillar,Spar, Barrel,Superbuoy

Internationaland U.S.Symbols

Examples ofBeacons,International &U.S. Symbols

Lateral Marks:Lighted Buoys

Symbol: Direction ofBuoyage

Special Marks,U.S. LightedBuoys


Chart Legend

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