Page 1: Bostick v CrackerBarrel



CaseNo. :Divis ion:


Pla int i f l .VS.


I)e lb rrda nt.


. lO l lN I IOS ' l ' lCK. ( "Bos t ick" ) P la in t i l ' f herc in . f l l cs th is Cornp la in t aga ins t CBOCS.

INC. . D/B/A CIRACKI- .R I IA I {Rt r l OLD COUNR' l 'Y S ' IORE & R l lSTn IJRnN- f . ( 'Crackcr

Ban 'e l " ) Dc tbndant herc in . and a l legcs :


l . P la in t i f l . . lohn Bost ick . i s and was. a t a l l t i rnes rna ter ia l . a c i t i zcn and res idcn t o l -

the lJni ted States ol America and a rcsident of. Chesterton County,, lndiana. plaint i l f is a qav

tnale who at al l t imes was an employee w'ho worked tbr Defbndant Cracker Barrel .

2 ' I )elLndant. Cbocs. Inc.. D/U/A Cracker BarrelOld Countr) ,Store & Restaurant. a

Fkr r ida Corpora t ion has a p r inc ipa lp lace o f bus iness a t636 67 th St rec t r l ' i r . c le L ,as t . Bradenton

in Manatee County. [ r lor ida.

IPOI] I -0S LA\\ ' FIR\I

. -100 Nbrth .\drlcr Dr.. lrite 2600 . falfn. Irkrrida -li(r02 onl l. po Lrl o sla rilantpa ct nl

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i. Plainti f l- has f ir l f i l led al l necessarl, 'adnrinistrative pre-recluisites ro the f i l ing of

th is act ior r . Spcc i f ica l l l ' . P la in t i l f has duel f i led charges of d iscr in t inat ion and reta l ia t ion wi th thc

EtrOC and t l re I r lor ida Comrniss ion on I lurnan Relat ions. This is an act ion fbr un lawf i r l

e lnp loYment pract iccs on the basis of sexual or ientat ion d iscr i rn inat ion. harassment and

reta liat io n.

4. ' l 'h is cour l has. jur isd ic t ion undcr

Const i tu t ior r . 42 U.S.C.A. 2000c-5. 28 U.S.C.A.

u.s .c .n . r i43.

l c I I I . scc t io r r 2 o1- thc Un i tcd Sta tcs

l . a n d 2 8 U . S . C . A . l : i 3 l . a n d 2 8

Art ic

r 3 3


-5 . Vcnuc is es tab l i s l rcd in th is . iud ic ia ld is t r i c t L rndcr , l? L i .S .C

run lau ' f i r l cnrp loynrer r t p rac t iccs a l legcd in th is Cornp la in t ncre pr i rnar i l y

county . [ ] lo r ida . wh ic l r i s l r i th in the tJn i ted Sta tes D is t r i c t cour t fb r

I r lo r ida . l a rnpa D iv is ion there fbre rnak ing th is vcnue propcr .

.A . 2000c-5 . in tha t thc

cornlni t tcd in Manatce

thc Midd lc D is t r i c t o f


6. ' l ' hc

P la in t i l l - i s a '19-1 ,ear o ld rna lc w i th ovcr 25 p lus years cxper ience in the

rcs taurant indus t r l . inc lud ingas an o \ \ ,nc r .

7 . I ' }h i r r t i t l 'was h i red b1 'Dc lbndant Crackcr tJar re lon or abor - r t Septernber 15 . 200g.

as a rnanager- in-training in the Associate Compete ncr ' l raining

(AC'f) prograrn with the goalof

becoming a c - icncra l Manager o f a h igh vo lume s to re . A f ie r cor rp le t ion o [8 weeks o f c lassroom

training at thc colxpanr 's headqttarters in l -chranon -[ennessee.

plaint i f r was assigned to his t j rst

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store as a l ranager in trairr ing in Anderson. South Carol ina. l 'hroughoLrt his employrnent with

Cracker Barrel , plaint i fF consistent ly ' perforrned above the standards his ernployer had set for

hirn. and received consistent l5r sat isfbctory evaluat ions.

8. As a nranager in training Mr. Bost ick n,as [progressing through the Associate

Competency ' I ' ra in ing (AC1) p rogram rv i th g rea t success . He rvas success l l l l y comple ted a l l

p roscr ibed modu les and course work and upon h is t rans lb r to a la rgerCracker Bar re ls to re her in

Flo r ida

9. In 2010. Mr . Bos t ick rcce ived an above avcragc score o f ' fbur (4 ) on a sca le o f

onc ( l ) to f ive (5). rnearr ing he was exceedine company standards. Wit l r a strong perfbrmance

evaluat ion f i 'om his Sotrth Carol i rra Ccneral Manager Stcven Hardler, plaint i f idecided to translbr

to a bigger store hcre in [r lor ida fbr his last (6) s ix months of rnanagcrnent training.

10 . Or roraboLt t l "cbruaryo f 2011. P la in t i l l -was t rans lb r rcd to l i to re#73 in Bradenton .

Manatee Cot rn ty . l " lo r ida l io rn a s rna l l c rCracker Bar re ls to re in SoLr th Caro l ina to the Bradenton

locat ion to f ln ish up his training as a Store Manager in a high volume stort : .

l l . On Fcbr tn r '1 ' 5 . 2011. p la in t i f f began w 'ork a t the Bradenton Store . Dur ing a

wa lk t l i roLr -c .h o l ' thc L rn i t w i th Cenera lManager ' l - i rn Kces lc r . P la in t i t f in f i t r rned Mr . Kess lc r tha t

he had more than 80%o percent of the management modules and training cornpleted and that he

desired to colnpletc tnanagement training under his guidance at his store in Br-adenton.

12 . Beg inn ing in f rebruary o1- 2011. P la in t i fF began to exper ience l ra rassment and

discr irninat ion d ue to his sex.

3POL-IL-OS L,\\\' IJI R\l

. {00 Nbnh ;\Jr ler Dr.. Sri tc 2600 . l 'alFt. Fbrida.] i602 .uu rr pouloslaulantpamnl

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13. On Fcbruary 14.201 l . p la in t i f f was purchasing sorne candy and a card at the

restaurants gift shop whcn Associate Manager Matt Donohue approached him and said, "buying

candy fbr your bo1,' f i iend. How sweet!" Plainti f f told Donohue thal he dd not f lnd his

comrnentary funny and asked him not to do it again.

11. Whcn p la in t i l l ' repor ted Mr . Donahue 's behav io r to Ger rera l Manager ' [ ' i rn

Kessler. Kesslcr 's rcsponsc l l 'as that Donohue was " iust playing". In response. plaint i f l ' reqLlcsted

that such behavior bc stoppcd.

15 . On March 5 . 201 l . P la in t i f f no t iced sorne r ranua lad- ius t rne n ts made to e rnp lovee

t imc records. which w'cre ident ical to some r lanual adjustrnents that hc had not iced. just a week

or two pr ior. Plaint i f f spoke with Ccneral Manager Keesler about the changes and his concerns

with thc lcgal i ty ol 'changcs to the t i rnc cards. Mr. Kcesler told hirn that i t was cornrnon pract ' rce

and that i t is donc al l ol- t l re t i rnc arrd that. "he should worry about his own AOR. "Area of '

Respons ib i l i t y " labor a t th is un i t i s rn1 ' concern . "

l6 ' On March 6 .201 l . P la in t i t f r ' vas speak ing w i th fbur (4 ) rna . le cus torxers a t a rab lc .

I lntncdiatclv thcrealtcr. DorrahLre in the presence ol ' thc storc rxanager - l ' i rn Kessler, contrnentcd

to P la in t i f i . " ' l ' c l l vo t t t 'budd ies . ' cause tha t ' s what ) 'ou a l l ca l l each o ther . to v is i t w i th yoLr

somewhere else." l -his is a farnih opemtion." Donahue obvious ly bel ieved that these rnab

custolners werc l r t l t ] toscxttal . When Mr. Bost ick conf ionted Donohue about the coml.nent

Defbndarrt 's Store Maruger Tirn Kessrer tord Mr. Bost ick to droo i t .

17. Shor t ly , rhcreaf ter . on May, I l . 201 lp la in t i f ts

u'as not receiving the cxperience that he needed in order to

duties were changed. sLrch that he

complete his managetnent training

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u'hich was the sole reason fbr the transfer to the Flor ida store. Pr ior to Flor ida. plaint i f f was

previotts Crackcr Barrel [ : lor ida store so he could was to cornplete fr is t raining in order to

becorne a General Manager. - [ 'he

reason he w'as assigrred to Store #73 in Bradenton was to

complete his managelnent training fbr an eventual G.M. posit ion. In order to attain a luture

General Manager posit ion plaint i f i necded expcrience running a larger busier store suclr as thc

Bradenton storc.

1 8 . O r r A p r i l 1 8 . 2 0 1 1 . P l a i n t i f f w a s r e l a y i n g a c u s t o r n e r ' s c o r n p l a i n t t o [ ) o n o h u e

rvherein t l rc salad arrd entrde had come out together. Mr. Bost ick of lbred to replace the cntrec

aftcr the ct lstorne r f ln is lred his salad. rvhich the cl ient dccl ined because he was concerncd that the

ki tchen r ' r 'ould dt l sot l rcthirrg to his fbod. In f l 'ont of ' rnany mcmbers of tSc wait staf l . Donahuc

respondcd to p la in t i l - f ' s rec i ta t ion o l ' the tac ts b1 's ta t ing tha t the cus torxer was "p robab ly ,a l ia id

he ' l l ca tch AIDS f io rn 1 'o t t . " P la in t i f l ' a t te rnp tcd to ques t ion why th is w3s bc i 'g done. and the

s t tpcrv iso t ' th rca tc r rcd to ca l l the po l i ce i f P la in t i t f d id no t leavc . P la in t i f l ' r vas grea t ly . ,hLrmi l ia ted

and cl trbarrasscd" by thc supervisor 's act ions. ' l 'he supervisor 's act ioms were in retal iat ion tbr

Plaint i l l -s requcst to his supervisor that t l rc supcrvisor not persist in the of lbrsive verbal ancl

physical scxual cottduct. Plaint i lT immediately not i l led Delbndant 's A.ssistant Manaser a'd

compla ined about the ac t i i tns o f the suDerv isor .

19. Mr. l lost ick i tntrediatelr rreet r , l ' i th the Store Manager f i rn Kessler and told hirr

of Donohue's statemcl. l t and how Donohue was intent ional lv r laking these sexual ly charged

statenlents in f iont of thc ver) ernployee s thev r l 'ere charged with rnanagirrg. plaint i f f requested a

meeting as thc l rarasstncnt had not stopped and lr 'as incleed escaht ing. As r i 4g year old rnan w,i th

5POL, LOS L,A\\' F I R\1

. .100 Mnh .\Jrlcr Dr.. SLrire 26i)0 . TarxFr. Fbrida i-]601 o\ \ \ \ \ \ poutosla\ \ tanlpa c0r11

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close to 30 years of experie nce in the restaurant business. plaint i f f f igured that the best approach

woLrld be to have a mcct ing to try and put an end to the harassment befbre contact ins the horne

off ice ernp lo1'ee rc lat ions department.

20 . On Apr i l 23 .201 l . Kess lc r rxe t \ \ i i th n r1 'c l ien t . and to ld ph in t i f i tha t he wou ld

speak to [)onohue rcgarding his i rrappropriate conduct. but then ended the rneet ing by tel l ing Mr.

Bost ick t l rat hc bcl icr,cc' l p laint i f f was bcing overl"r- sensit ive arrd that plaint i f l was an overly

s c n s i t i r c g u \ a n \ \ \ l \

21 . On Apr i l 25 .20 | l . u ,h i le o f f f io rn work . Mr . Bos t ick rcce i ,yed a phonc ca l l f io rn

Mr . Kess lc r ask ing l r i t r t c t corne in fb ra r ree t ingon Apr i l 27 .20 l3under the gu ise o l 'go ing over

his perfbrrnal lcc cvaltrat ion. [ {orvcver. insread ol ' rcceiving his perlbf lnance evaluat ion. plaint i f l -

recc ived a f lna lwr i t t cn warn ing lb r sc r ioLrs underper fbnnancc in h is AOFio fsupp l ies . The f lna l

rvarning stated lhat "on thc fbl lowingdates the unit was fbrccd to transfbr product l iorn othcr

un i ts bccz t t tsc o f - run ou ts :2 /26 .2127.3 4 .3 1 .316.3123.3126.3130.4 t2 ,413.419.41 t0 ,41 t8 .4123,4124.

conversch so l l l c cxa l l lp lcs o l 'over o rdcr ing are hav ing 5 casc o f ' sou f l ld cup l ids when onc case

u ' i l l l as t us th rec tno t r lhs and 8 .5 buckc ts o fsan i t i zer u ,hen we nced 1 .5 pcn wcck . "

22 . On Apr i l 28 . 201 I P la in t i l l - in cornp l iance w i th I )e f 'endant 's EEO po l icy ca l led

K c l l l B a r r r c s v r ' i t h c t t r p l o v c c r e l a t i o n s t o l b r r n a l l l ' c o m p l a i n a b o u t t l r e s e x u a l h a r a s s r n e n t a n d

re ta l ia t ion b1 , Man I )onohue. T i rn Kces le r and pau l Ancona.

23. Kcl ly l larnes relayed to Mr. Bost ick that she

enrployce rclat ions dcpartrncnt. She stated that she was no\\

she l l 'ould leavc a r .ncssagc lbr ernpror,ee relat ions special ist

was no longer working in the

irr a d iflbrent depaftment bLrt that

' lvrone Srni th to cal l Mr. Bost ick

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pro nlpt l)'.

24' Plaint i t l ' received a cal l back frorn Mr. Srni th f ive (5) days laterand was assured

that a fbrrnal w'r i t lcrr cor lplaint would be entered and processed accordingly.

25' Plaint i t l -never heard back l iom T1,r 'one Srni th or anyone else from Defbndants

Ernployee Rclat iorrs.

26 . P la i r r t i l l ' a t a l l t i rnes tb l low 'ed Dc lbndant 's po l i c ics and procedures re la t ing to

con lp la in ts o t 'd isc r i l r i t ra l ion and harassmcnt b l l i r s t rcpor t ing the harassnrent and d isc r i rn ina t ion

to the storc 's ( icncral Manager ' l ' i rn Kesslcr. who also had personalknowlcdge of many of the

derogatorv and dc'caning staternents rradc b1,Mat1 Donohue.

27 ' I ) la i l r t i l l ' d id no1 c l tcou lage. r , r 'e l cornc or consent to t l rc harassment descr ibed in

the preccd ing paraslal lh.

28 . A t a l l t in les re l cvant to th is cornp la in t . l ' i rn Kcss le r was the Genera l Manager o f

the Bradcnton (Storc l lTj ) Cracker [ ]arrel .

29 . ' l ' hc

I ) la in t i11 ' repor tcd to I i rnp loyce Re la t ions personnc l inc idents o f ' sexua l lv

annoy ing or suggcs t ivc corn lnents rxadc to h i rn b l ,Mat t Donohue.

30' I )c lbndarrt Iai led and ref i rsed to take appropriate remedial act ion after plaint i f f

reponed tha t he \ \as thc v ic t i tn o fsexua lharassrnenr .

3 I ' Ccncra I Manager l - i rn Kessler. Distr ict Manager Paul Ancona, and Assoc iate

7POI, I - 'JS I - , \ \ \ FIR\I

o l ( )0 \ rnh . . \Jr lo Dr. Suirc 26(X) . ' l

iu l fx , t . l jhr ida 1i602 or \ $ pouloSIa$tampart tn l

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Managcr Matt Donohitc abng ' , r i th othcr assistant Inanagers cngaged in retal iatory conduct

des igned to i t l t i t t t ida tc and upset P la in t i f f John Bost ick and to genera te su f f rc ien tand be l ievab le

pretexl to f i rc him arrd/orcause him to resign including. but not l imited to:

a. ) l :ngauin{r in d isparate d isc ip l inary pract ices:

b . ) I :a lsch rccLrs ing l los t i ck o f v io la t ing work ru les :

c ') l ) rcvcntcd and or restr icted Bost ick f iorn cornplet ing his n]anagelnent training by

ass ign ing l r i rn the d i r t ies o f ' supp l1 , 'and inventory . wh ich area o f exper t i se he had cornp le ted

whi le uork ing in Dc tc \ndant 's South Caro l ina Store :

d . ) Sub jcc t i rg ( 'o rdcro to lncan and o f fens ive cor . l l ' en ts .

32' I 'hc clcsU' ibcd conduct ol- thc rnanagelrent tearn at Dclbrrdant 's Bradenton store

a f fcc ted a tc rn . l . cond i1 ion . o r p r i ' i l cge o l -p la in t i l f s e rnp lovrnent .

' l l ' [ ' l a in t i l l ' ob . i cc tcd to an t l conrp la ined about Assoc ia tc Managcr Donohue,s

harasslrrcnt al ld Storc Marlagcr Kccslcr anci I ) istr ict Manager Paul , / lncona's retal iat ion to

Cracker Barre I 's [ : rnp loyec Re lat io ns I)epartment.

' l '+ ' Not$ i t l rs latrd ing his ob. iect ions and cornplaints. the harassme nt and rctal iat ion

cont in Lrcd.

35' Nolr ' r i thstatrdin! i Mr. Bost ick's nurneroLrs object ions to the discr iminatory and

retal iatorr ' t reattrrct . t t to rrhich he vr 'as sub. iccted bv Store Manager Kecsler and by other Cracker

Ban'el Inal lagcl 's at thc Kcssler 's direct ion. Cracker Barrel took no corect ive act ion.

3(r ' As a rcstt l t of the tbrcgoing rctal iatory 'conduct. plaint i t f suffered darnages.

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31. Phinti f f real leges and incorporates bl, reference paragraphs I through 36.

38. I 'he conduct o f the Genera lManager T im Kess le r . D is t r i c t Manager Pau l Ancona

supervisor. and Associate N{anagcr Matt Donohue affected a terrn. condit ion or pr iv i lege of

Plaint i f f s cntn lovmerrt .

39 . ' l ' he

sexua l harassnrcn t o1 'Mr . Bos t ick a l lbc tcd tang ib le aspec ts o f h is

employ t r tcn t . l :o r cxar rp le . P la in t i l l ' v ras den icd g iven thc necessary t ra in ing P la in t i l l - b1 ' h is

s t tperv isors v ras unwc lco tnc- . & l td P la in t i tFa t a l l t imcs adv iscd h is i r rmed ia te superv isor . s to re

managef . l ' i rn

Kesslcr arrd Dcfbndant 's other cnployees who committcd such harassnrcnt and

Plaint i l - f .s st tpcrvisors and othcr Inalrascrrent of Defbndant that this conduct was unwelcome.

40. ' l ' hc

verba l harassrncnt o l - the P la in t i f f by Assoc ia te [ r ,4anager Donohuc and

acqt t iescc t lce b1 'Ccncra l Managcr Kccs le r and I ) i s t r i c t Manager Ancona ,was o l -a sexua l na tur .e .

41. I ' l rc verbal lmrasstnent of ' PIaint i l l ' by' Associate Manager Donohue and

acquiescct lcc bv Ceneral N' lanascr Kecsler and Distr ict Manager Ancona was suff ic ient ly,

pervasive attc l scvere to creatc al t abusivc and host i le work cnvironment f i r r the plaint i f f .

42. ' [ 'he

conduct of b,r ' Associate Manage r Donohue and acquiescence by General

Managcr Kccsler and Distr ict Manaqer Ancona w'ere act ing as agents of the Defendant in the

scope o t 'and dur ing the course o l - t l re i r e r lp lo r ment .

9t,a)i. i.os LAu FI lt\l

. 100 Non l r , \ : i r le r l ) r . . Su i rc l6 tX l . Ta l lF l . I j k r r ida 1 .1602 o\ \ \ \ \ \ pou tos ta \uan lpa0on l

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43. Defendant was ful l l infbrmed and had suf lc ient knowledge ofthe mater ial lbcts

and circumstances relevant to the conduct of supervisor and i ts other em;r loyees and did nothing

to prevent f i r r t l rer acts of misconduct. and acqLriesced in. approved and rat i f ied the act ions of

supcrvisor and i ts ot l ier ernployees and is therefbre l iable lbr the act iorrs of supervisor and i ts

othcr emp loyecs.

44 . l ' he conduct o f b r Assoc ia te Manager Donohuc and acqu iescence by Cene ra l

Manager Kees lc r a r rd [ ) i s t r i c t Manascr Ancona cons t i tu tes scxua l harassment in v io la t ion o f the

Pla in t i l l ' s r igh ts under - l ' i t l e

V l l o f the C iv i l R igh ts Ac t o f 1964 and the Ct iv i l R ieh ts Acr o f l99 l

in that they crcated a host i le lvork cnvirontnent.

45. I ' l rc act ions ol- b1' , {ssociatc Manager l )onohuc and acquiescencc by General

Managcr Kccsler arrd I) istr ict Marragcr Ancona were intent ional and dcmonstrated a wi l l f i r l .

wanton and/or reckless indi l rcrrcc to the r ights ol- thc PIaint i l f such that punit ive clarnages

shou ld be assesscd aga i r rs t the I )c ldndant .

C O U N T 2


46- I ) la in t i l l ' adopts by rc tL rcnce. as i f sc t ou t fu l l y and cornp le te ly in th is Count . the

fb l lo rv ing s ta tc rnents o l - th is cornp la i r r t : paragraphs l th rough I l .

47. Phint i f l -gave De lbndant Cracker Barrel not ice of the sexual harassrnent descr ibed

in this Clornplaint by report ing i t to his supervisor. Mr. Bost ick lodged a wri t ten cornplaint with

the Defbrrdant I :niployer regardins u'hat he reasonably bel ieved to be sex.ual harassment and sex

d iscr im ina t io n .

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48. ' l 'he

Dcfendant elnploycr retal iated by al ter ing his job dut ies. such that he was not

receiving the training req uired for pror lot ion to General Manager.

49 . I )e fbndant fa i led to lakc re rned ia l ac t ion in response to Ph in t i f f s cor rp la in ts

regarding the scxual harasstnent. host i le u,ork e nvironlnent. and the retal iat ion to which plaint i fT

was subjected.

50 . ' [ ' he

ac ts a l leged in th is Cor rp la in t cons t i tu te a v io la t ion o f Sec t ion 760.10 : . \ .

I - -b r ida Sta tu tes . " i t i s a r r t rn lawl i r l c rnP lovrncnt p rac t ice fb r an ernp loyer to d isc r i rn ina tc aga ins t

a l l \ person bccausc tha t pcrson has opposed an l ,p rac t ice wh ich is an un lawfu l e rnp loyrnent

pract ice under this sect ion. or becausc thal pcrson has rnade a chargc, test i t ied, assiste6 in anv

Inanner in an inves t iga t io r r . p rocced ing or hcar ing unde r th is sec t ion . "

WI IF I I IE I ' -OI tF l . I ' } la in t i f l -dc r rnnds a . iu11 ' t r ia l o f th is ac t ion . and f i r r lher . demands

judglnent agairrst Def. :ndant lbr {re nelal danrases. back pay, compcnsatory darnages lbr loss of

dignity ' and tnental anguish. rcasonablc atturnel 's fbes. thc costs o1-this act ion. and fbr sr-rch other

ar rd l i rnhcr rc l i c f . in la rv o r in ec1Lr i t1 . to u 'h ich I ) la in t i l l ' rna1 , , be- f us t l y cn t i t led .


P l a i n t i f l ' d e r n a n d s a t r i a l o f t h i s a c t i o n b v i u r v .

II '0L L-OS I-A\ \ ' I ] IRNl

o -100 \nh . \ : l r ler I ) r . Suire 2600 r I a lp l . Fbnda - l -1602 r\\\\ \\ p0 ulr) sla\\tantpa c! nl

Case 8:13-cv-01319-JSM-TGW Document 1 Filed 05/17/13 Page 11 of 13 PageID 11

Page 12: Bostick v CrackerBarrel

Respec tfir I ly s Lrb m itted.


/s/AntoniosPo ulosAnton ios Pou losAt to rner lb r P la in r i l lFlor ida l lar N umber: 0039669,100 N Ash le l ,Dr ive t iu i te 2600l'anrpa. F lorida 33602- fe lephone

: (8 | 3 ) I 12-87 42I iax: (8l3) 902-1042e- ttra i I :to n vlDpo Lr los lilwta lnpa. co m2nd e- rna il :s he na@po u los lawtampa. co t.ll

Case 8:13-cv-01319-JSM-TGW Document 1 Filed 05/17/13 Page 12 of 13 PageID 12

Page 13: Bostick v CrackerBarrel

t 1 2 ; 2 I r i : 0 1 3 1 1 ; 0 4 F A I

EEOC F) i rn :E i -B ( t t /09)

t 1 s 7 9 3 S 0 2 5 RADISSI:}N HOTEL


E o o l , o o s

Nonce oF RIGHT To SUE(/ssueo oN REeuFSr)To: ,John Bost ick

ll08 S, 18th Streettlhesterton, lN 46304

From: Tampa Field Office501 East Folk StreetRoom 1000Tampa, IFL 39602

I] Qn behalf of percort(s) aggrieved whose identity tscoNFtDENTtAL (29 CFR 91601.7(a))

EEOC Charge'No.-


- - EEOC Rspresentaf lve

Karen Oshiro,Investigator

Telephone N* . -

{813) 202-7927

NoncE Io rHe Pen$oH AGcRrevEo:




(See a/so the additio.qal infomtation enc/os.ed with mis form.)

Title vl of the civil Rights Act of ' l 964, the Americans with Disabil it ies Act (ADA), or the Gerretic Informailon NondiscrimrnationAct (GIYA); This is your Notice of Right to sue, issued under Title Vll the ADA or GINA based on the above-numbered charge. lt hasbeen is:;ued at your request Your lawsuit under Title Vll, the ADA or ctt ' tn ru*t be fi led in a federal or state court wlrHlN g0 DAysof your recaipt of this notice; or your right to sue based on this charge wiil be tost. ffhe trme ririiio|. fiilng suit baseo-on a;i;iEGEEslate la\v may be dlfferent,)

LiJ More than 190 days have passed sjnce the frt ing of this charge,

Less than 180 days have,passed since the fi l ing of this charge, but I have determined that it is unlikely that the EEoc vri l lbe able to cornplete its adminislrative processini within lg0iays trom fne fi l irrg of this charge.The EEOC is terminating its processing of thi.t charge.

The EEOC lyil l corrtinue to process this charee.Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA): you may sue under the ADEA at any t ime fronr 60 days after the charge was f i led unti l;3,X8$.'

vou receive notice that we have conipreteo aci;;.-il;il;ge. rn tnis r*suro, $re piiagriph marked bertw appries to

l* l The EEOC is closing your case. fherefore, your lawsuit under lhe ADEA must be fl led in federal or state court WITHIN90 DAYS of your receipt of thls Notlce' clii ",*Lu,

yl* *nt to based on tne a-nove-nurnbered chargo wiil b; ro;-

[ ];ff 5:lfrJ',:filii:[xj1'"?".?j]I:"i'J:ilf,[f;a',X ffil:iilJ:60

davs have passed since the ririns or the charge,Equal Prry Act (EPA): You. already have the right to sue under the EPA (fi l ing an EEoc clrarge is not required.) EpA suits must be broughtin redera or state court within 2 v,:ars (3 vears il. *irrrrr r;oruirnufoii;;:H"d Een unoeffin,,ln,l'ir,i, means rhat backpay due forany vicit; i t ions that occurr.a -"." tr,"n z vear:s rj vn".Ji ;;;;;; ,olit ir"l =ri, may not be collectibte.

lf yorr file su( based on this charge, prease send a copy of your court compr'int to this office.

FEB i 4 ..r,r3

(Date Maited)

Donna RobartsAssociato General CounselCRACKER BARREL OLD COUNTRY STOREP,O. Bor 7ETLebanon, TN 3709E

Antonios Poulos, EisquirePOULO$ LAW FIRIJIP.O. Box 17ZZ4BTampa, FL 33672

On behalf of lhe Cornmission

. Marchbanks,

Case 8:13-cv-01319-JSM-TGW Document 1 Filed 05/17/13 Page 13 of 13 PageID 13

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