Page 1: Books Published in Goa 1989

Panaji,'-22nd March, 1990tCpa'itra t 1912)


(7,OYERNMENT OF GOA Education Department

Central library

Catalogue showing books received in the state Central Library, Panaji, from 1st January, 1989 to December, 1989 in view of th~ p:r!3viS;i?n 'c!3ntain~ ~Goa, D¥llcan and Diu, prE*l§ :;md ~gistrat~on of I300kS Act, 1S,\>7, attended up to 1st ¥arch, 1~1.


Author, title, / subject of the book, place of publication, publisher, year of ,publication, number 'of pages, size, price of the book, name of the printer, place of printing and l~guage of the book. Dash in the entry shows the infor-

. :m.a~ion reqil:ired is. 'not fo~nd.

1) Abisheki,Mahadev Krishna, Bhakti Marg ani Ither Lekh, (Religious Stories), Mardol, Author, 1989, 48 p., ~8cm., -, Kalika Printers, Velim, (Marathi).

2) Adarkax", .Nayana, Pratima, '(Poetry), Velim, Shennoi Prak3,§h,ap.,1!}89, 64 p., 18 cm., Rs. 15/-, Sandhya

• PrfutiligPress; 'VEiUm, (Konkani Devanagiri).

3) Albuquerque, T.eTesa, Santa Cruz (Calapor): Profile of a village in Goa, (Yillage lIis,tory), Panaji, Fer­nandE;)s P~hlication; 198~,xii: + 10:0 p.,23 cm., 100/-, Casa Pa<:¥.M~ter, Parijim, (E~glish).

4) Almeida, Mathew, A Description of Kor.kani, (Gram­mar),. Miramar, ThoWas Stephens Konknni -Kendr, '1989, xi + 338 p., 25 em., Rs. 150/- Maureen Printers, Santa Cruz, (English). .

5) Avdienkar, Vithal Kashinath Sa.want, Prasang, . (Short stories),' Sanvordein, Kumud Prakashan, 1988, 105 p., 21 em., Rs: 25/-, Kanchana Mudranalaya, (Konkani Devanagiri).

6) Bambolkar, Dattaram Damodar Kamat, Vanamohot­sava, . '<'fla,y),Vqlvoi, lp~rbb,ai' Prakashan, 1989, 9,9p., 21 (!J;ll., ~.' 25/-, APurbhai Printers, Volvoii, (Konkani Devanagiri).

7) Bandekar, Shambu Bhau, Unayan, (Poetry), Panaji, Shubhangt Shambu Bandekar, 1989, 56 p., 22 cm., Rs. 30/~, lVraitiPrint, Bombay, (M,arathi),

8) Bayabhav, Sadayavelim Fulam, (poetry), Margao, , KoIlkIl.IJci BJ;1asha ¥andal, 1989, 4Qp., 18 cm., Rs. 10/-, Ravi ~u~raIUll3:ya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri).

9) Bhat, A"l1ant Ram, Konknni Hindi Sambandh, :(\[argao, Konknni Bhasha MandaI, 1989, 66p., 22 cm., Rs. 15/-, Rav~ MuqrljJlala,ya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri).

10) Bh9~c!lJe, Krisb,n,alql.llth Hari, Sh!).triyakUlav<lJl,tonsh;, (History) 'Britona,' Sneta Prakashan, 1989, 32 p., ~7 <;lJ!. ... ~El' 10/-, Y,elinghat Offset Printers, Belgaum, (]l<J:l\ratlJD· .

Itl) Borkar, Pandarinath, Kahim Smruthi Kahim Pra­tikriya, '(Autohiography), Panaji, Rajhauns' Vitaran,

. 1989, )~p., .21.(!n:l" Rs. 24/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, BeI~all(ID~ (¥aJ,'athi'), .

·12) costa;,c. F. d', Magirchem Magir; (Play), Panaji, Ra­jhauns Vitaran 1989, 7Op., 22cm., Rs. 10/~, Ravi ~u~~~I,l:YIil;,. ~~~gaum. (Konkan,i pev~agiri).

, -',; ,j",.,>", '~', / .. <.} ~ " ":. -::f\ -N . . ~'&Jv. .

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13)1 Costa, C. F. d', Tornem Mornem, Rajhauns Vitaran, lS89, Mudranalaya, Belgaum,

14) Costa, Fredy J. da, UUh Goenkara, Gulab Prakashan, 1988, viii+ 1~7 Casa Pack Master,' Merees,

15) Dalal, Suhas Y., Bandaeho \reiiin, Sl1ennoi Prakashan, Super Printers, Belgaum,

16) Dando, Pundalik Narayan, Nimitak Margao, Korikrini Bhasha. Ivlandal, Rs..· 18/-, Super Printers, Belgnum, nagiri).

17) Desai, S. G. Prabhu, From. .L>U',,,.VVU to. lV[anhccd t


RIght way, (Ethics), -, -, Maureen's, Panjim, (English)

Dhume, Vinayak Narayan Shenvi, CumlJal'jU'.'em, (History), Cumbarjuva, Somnath Kashimtth 1989, 53 p., 22 crn., Rs. 25/. Suman A.rt Bombay, (Marathi).

19) Ghaneear, Bicaji, Chaeha Shri MaUinath Prakashan, RaviMuqranalaya., Belgaum,

20) Ganecar, Bieaji, Hansop Ek Ol~hod (J'oI,es), P8n.lim, Goa CUltural and So.cial Centl'c, 1989, 39 p., Hi em., Rs. 5/-., Casa .J. D. Fernand.?s" Panjim, (KonJ.:ani Roman).

21) Ganeear, Bieaji, Rangayali Shri. Mallinath Prakash an, 19:89, Ravi Mudranalaya, Beigaum,

22) Goembab, Shennoi, Gomantopanishat,: (Essa ys), Margao, Konknni Bhasha Mandal, 103 p.; 21'cm., Rs. 3!5/- Ravi Mudranataya, Belgaum, (Kon­ka,ni Devanagiri).

23·) Gomes, Olivinho, Konkrmi Sara~paticho guage) , Chandor, Konknni Saraspath 1989, 142 p., 22 cm., Rs. 50/-, Bandeka,r Printers., C~ehorem (Konkani Devanagil'i).

24) Hedo, Shantaram, Gharpurush, (Short Stories), VeHm, Sllennoi Prakashan, 1989, 82 p., 13 em., gs. 20/- San­<lhya Printing Press, Velim, (Konkani DevamLgiri).

25) Kamat, Ashok, Bandkanniehim Devl1am Zalim, (P~y), Sanvordem, Santvardhan Pral:ashan, 1989, S9p., 18 em., Rs. 20/-, Vani Printers, Belgaum, (Kon­k:mi Devanagiri).

26,) Karmali, Nagesh, VanshakUlachen Deenen, Volvo~, Apurbhai Prakashan, 1989, 61 RB. 25/-, Apurbhai Printers, Volyoi, TTr,""'-~·~

v~agiri). .

27) Kelekar, Gurunath, Papa Jelma Bhurgo (Short. Stories), Margao, Sanjiva,ni Prakashan, ,36 p., 18 em., Rs. 5/··, Bandekar Printers, Cllreborem,

. (Konkam Devanagiri).

28} Kele~ar, Gurunath, Shrik,rishna. Katha, Ma,rg!).O, Sanjlvani PrQiiashan, 1~89, :J;ts.6/~, Bandekar Printers, Curehorem, vanagiri)~' .', .' .'

Page 2: Books Published in Goa 1989


29)·Kelekk-/ s&1jiva-ni, Nave Jokes, (Jokes), 1vIargao, Sanjivani Prakashan, 1989, 36 p., 18 em., Rs. 5/-, .. Bandekar Printers,. Curehorem, (Konkani Devanagiri) ..

, 30) Khandekar, Nilba A, Ved, (Poetry), Mandur, Suru Prakashan, 1989, 115p., 22 em.,_ Rs. 22/-, Ravi Mud­ranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri).

31) Kharangate, Maya Anil, Kayapanji, (Poetry), Volvoi, Apurbhai Praka'lhan, 1989, 64 p., 22 em., Rs. 20/-,;. Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani Devanagiri).

32) Khedekar, Shriram Baburao Gaude, (Poetry), Mardol, Sh'rada Prakash3.n, 18 em., Rs. 12/-, Bandekar Printers, (Konkani Devanagiri). . .

Neketram, 1989, 5~p" Curchorem,

33) Khorjuvenkar, Narayan Yeshw.ant, Druvattare, (Po­etry), Mapusa, Author, 1989, (10) p. 23 em., Rs. 10/-, Pannjikar Printers, MOira, (Marathi) ..

34) Kudtarkar, Audhut Yeshwant, Himanag, (Poetry), 1YIapusa, PrabhatPrakashan, 1989, 70 p., 21 em., Rs. 20/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Marathi.).

35) Madkaikar, Balehandra, Ek Mantarlele Viaktimatva Urf Shri Atmaram Govindrao Khotare Uri Bhau Khotare,. (Biography), Velim, Kalika Printers" 1989', 46 p., 19 em., Rs.· 25/-, Kalika Printers, Velim, '(Ma­rathi.).

36) Mauzo, Damodar, Ruman~ Ful, (Short Stories), Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran, 1989, 163 p., 21 em., Rs. 40/-Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani De-' vanagiri).

37) Moye; Krishna Laxman. Nattak Zale Za-'1mache, (Au­tobiography), Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran, 1989, 154 p., 22 em., Rs. 50/-, Allengat offset, Belgaum, (Marathi).

38) PandUrangl\([ulgaonkar Felicitation Committee, In Search of Ideal, (Biography), Panjim, Author, 1989, 141 p., 23 em., -, Super Printers, Belgaum, (Konkani, Marathi, English).

39) Naik, Rema Pundalik (ed)., Sahajivan: Sangharsh, Sanlnva Ani Pratima, (Essays on Women), Volvoi, Apurbhai Prakashan, 1989,. 79p., 21 em., Rs. 18/-, Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani Devanagiri).

40) Naik, Jayanti, Garjan, (Short Stories), Volvoi, Apur­bhai Prakashan, .1989, 100 p., 21 em., Rs. 25/-, Apur­bhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani .. Devanagiri).-

41) Naik, PundalikNarayan, Arduk, (Short stories), Voi­vOi, Apurbhai Prakashan, 1989, 116 p., 21 em., Rs. 30/-, Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani Devanagiri).

42) Naik,'Ramehandra Shankar, lVIogachem Logn, (Play), Margao, Konknni Bhasha MandaI, 1989, 68 p., 22 em., Rs. 20/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, (Konkani De­vanagin).

43) Narvekar, P. S., Mrugjal, {Short stories}, Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran, 1989, 158 p., 21 em., Rs. 30/-, Swastilc Printing Press, Belgaum, (Marathi).

44) Pereira, A,.Chlrmuleo,' (Thoughts), Panaji, Freddy J. da Costa, 1989, 246 p., 21 em.,Rs. 15/-, Casa Paek Master, Merees, (Konkani Roman).

. 45) Radhakrishnan, C. S., Apprentice to a Lunatic, (Short stories), Alto Porvorim, Grace Trust, 1989, 50 p., 20 em., Rs. 16/-, Impression Printers, Alto Porvorim, (English).

46) Ramnath, Ro, Malabrangmachi, (Poetry), Volvoi, Apurbhai' Prakashan, 1989, 80 p., 21 em., Rs. 20/-, Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani Devanagiri).

47) Sa, .Peter de, On your way Find the Way, (Short storIes), -, Edwin D'Souza, 1988, 102 p;, 18 em., Rs. 25/-, Casa J. D. Fernandes, Panaji, (English).

48) Sak~ardande, Arun, Eka Zaddak Ghar Zai, (Poetry), Talelgao, .Nutan Prakashan, 1989, 93 p., . 21 em., Rs. 2Q/- Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, (Konkani Devana­giri).

'i9) Salgaonear, Bicaji Sanskruthi Pustika, 22cm., Rs. 7/-,-, --,


Hindu -,


50) Sardessai, lVIahableshwar, Mahabharat,


gao, Seva Samiti, 1989, 168 laxmi Art Printers, Belgam;l.

Sardessai, Mahableshwar. stories), Panaji, Rajhaup~,!' Rs. 8/-, Ravi )\)fudranalaY2" vanagiri).

52) Shende, Dwarkanath Po, Panaji, Rajhauns Vital'an, -, -, (Marathi).

53) Shinkre, Janardan .Jag-anatlL (Short stories), - '''''''''''''''''Q 128p., 22cm., Rs. 20/-. thi). .

54) Sousa, Emanuel E. de Sel'HhcL, ligion) , Bastora, Tipografia -, Tipografia Rangel, Bastora,

55) Souza, Zotiku d', Ashem "".vt.m"" Rajhauns Vitaran, 1989, lVIudranalaya, Belgam~n,

56) Tadkodd, S. M., Kon2i:nni S;1lY.tie'5harn Prayog), (Language), Panaji. I{edaI' 152 p., 22 em., Rs. 35/-, lVI. (Konkani Devallagiri)

. 57) Telles, Sayonara A., lvly Coi:lsction., (Essavs) -, 73+16,p., 22 em., Rs. 35/-, Memo", Printe;':", (English).

58)' Tendulkar, Prabhakar, Aphay Prakashan, 11389, p., 18 em .. 1esh Printers, lVIapusa, (Konlmni HOn1an\ ..

59) Thakur; Vithal S., Sangit Mahashalla KaHasangam, Rs. 40/-, Samrat Printers,

60) Vadkar, Nyanesh M., Durdaiva hi 'I'uji Diveholi, Amit Prakash an, 198£, 70 p., Laxmidevi Printing Press, Belgmnu,

61) Vadkar, Nyanesh M., Garibha Cilmn;hi Divcholi, Amit Prakashan, 1989. Rs. 15/-, Laxmidevi PrintiuE: Press, (lVIarathi). "

.. 62) Vadkar, Nyanesh M., Kaida 1\I1azea Hatant, Divc!1oli, Amit PraI;:ashan, 88 Rs. 20/-, Abhinav P1.~akashan,

(3) Vadkar, Nyanesh M" Amit Prakashan, 1989. 72 Abhinav Prakashan, Belgaum,

64) Velingkar, AbhaykumaT, phy) , Margao, Sanjivani 18 em., Rs. 5/-, Bandekar Printers, kani Devnagiri).

,(5) Velingkar, Abhaykumar, Dis Udetkuch Velim, Shennoi Prakash an, . 1988, . 80 p., 18 em., Rs. 15/-, Vanni Printers, Belgaum (Konkarti Deva-nagiri). '

66) Velingkar, Abhaykumar, Kanveeheo (8.1urt Velim, Shennoi Prakashan, 1989, 115 Rs. 25/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaurn Devanagiri) .

67) Velingkar, Abhaykumar, Love story, fF'iction;, Ve­lim, Shennoi Prakashan, 1989, 55 p., 18 em., Rso 12/-, Super Printers, Belgaum, (Konkani Devanagiri)

68) Velihgkar, AbhaykuJnar; Sonshemam (Poetry), . Velim, Shennoi Prakashan, 18 em., Rs. 4/-, Vani Printers, Balgaum. Devanagiri) .

69) Veluskar, Ramesh Bhagavan~, Savulgori, Volvoi, Apurbhai Prakashan,' 1989, 111 Rs. 30/-, Apurbhai Printers, Volvoi, nagiri).

(Pcetry), 21 era.,


Panaji; 14th February, ~ The Curator, . .fJi. HubU.

Page 3: Books Published in Goa 1989

2~NDMARGH~ 1990 (GHAITRA 1) 1912)

State Central Library, Panaji, Goa


The use and lending out of books shall be regulated by the following rules, supplemented by such other rules as may be in force from time to time.


1. The lending section of the Library will remain open from 9.00 a. m. to 1.00 p. m. and 4.00 p. m. to 7.30 p. m. on .all week days except on Sundays, Mondays and Public Holidays. Changes, if any, in working hours will be put on Library notic:e board.


2. Every intending borrower of books from the State Central Library shall have his/her name registered in the Library ,Office by applying in prescribed form available from Office which is to be submitted along with two stamp 'size photographs. The'" undermentioned shall be eligible to recommend.

i. Members of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Goa.

ii. Principals and Professors of Colleges in Gon. (for students and 'staff working under them).

iii. Gazetted Officers.

iv. Stipendiary Magistrates.

v. Headmasters of recognised High Schools from Goa (for studentS ,and staff working under them).

vi. Heads and Proprietors of' firms of repute from Goa (for their employees only).

vii. Chairman of Village Panchayat (for persons residing in Panchayat area).

3. Books will be lent free of any fee or subscription for members of the public residing in Goa, Indian Nationals, on their paying a deposit of Rs. 50/- for adult and Rs. 25/- for children up to the age of 12. The deposit money must be paid in advance, and will be accepted on any working day.


4. No books, forming part of the text book collection, reference colleCtion and valuable books, shall be issued for consultation in the Library to a person, member or non member untH he/she presents to the Librarian in charge of the section a duly signed call slip.

5. Readers shall return, before leaving the library, to the Librarian in charge, reference books and other materials specially requisitioned for consultation.

6. No tracing or mechanical reproduction of any book, map or manuscript shall be done without the express permission of the Curator.


7. Normally no book that forms part of the reference collection, text book collection, or any book valuable for its rarity or its illustration or, the manu~cript shall be'lent out.

8. Unbound periodicals which have a subject value and books which cannot bear the strain of transit will not be lent out.

9. Books which are temporarily in special demand 'may be lent for such shorter period as may be necessary.

10. In special circumstances the Curator, may at his discretion permit books to be bOrrowed for a limited period on depositing, as security, a sum of money enough to cover the value of books lent or even a higher amount.

11. Book from Lending Section will be tssued 0:1 the production of Identity Card and bor,rower's ticket.

12. Before leaving the counter, the member shall satisfy himself 3$ to whether the book lent to him/her is in good condition and, if not shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the Librarian on duty.

13. Book· lent out may be kept for a period of 30 days during which period 'may be renewed at the request of the borrower.

14. The written application extension must reach the librarian on or before due date


15. Member shall be entitled to bnrrow at a time from lending section.


16. If the book borrowed from the library is not returned within a period of one month notice sent to him/her by registtC!rell post shall be adjusted and his/her mempership in shall be terminated. In the case where value of bool{ the deposit amount, the borrower shall pay the excess In case of his/her failure to pay, he/she will be as library defaulter.

17. A list of library defaulters will be published in local dailies. '


18. Borrower's ticket shall remain in force

19. If the 'member fails to renew the a period of one month from the date of notice bY registered post his/her membership will be cancrelled, deposit forfeited and credited to Government Treasury,

20. Members ceasing to use the Library shall return tickets to the Curator, for cancellation.


21. Every depositor will get one bOI'l'ower's ticket Identity card and he/she will be responsible for tl1e borrowed on that Ticket.

22. In case the ticket/identity card is lost a ticket/identity card may be issued to him/her on applying in the prescribed form and on payment of a Rupees two only. The borrower will be responsible for misuse of his/her lost ticket/identity card. Library shall undertake responsibility of detecting the misuse of lost ticket.

23. B6rrower's ticket/identity card ~Lre not tl'ansfer':lbJ(o,


24. a) If a book is not returned to the an overdue, charge of ten paise maximum of Rs; 5/- shall be


up ..

, b) In case the due date falls on Sunday, Monday 0,'

Public Holiday the book win be treated as due OF

the following working day.

25. A borrower shall not be allowed to borrow book , unless he/she has paid the overdue charges due from ,

26. Official receipt will be given after receiving overdue charges from member.


27. No claim to money deposited by a borrower win be entertained unless the borrower's ticket, Identity card and the receipt for the deposit is produced. If the ticket/Identity card is lost, a sum of Rs. 2/- each will be payable by him/her.

28. In case the original deposit receipt granted to a depositor is lost the money v"m not be refunded nnless the identity of the depositor is established to the entire "atisfactioll cf the Curator.

29. In case of the death of the original depositor, a succes­sion certificate or satisfactory proof of the identity of the clahnant in any other form is to be produced along with the death certificate.

30. A week's notice must be given befoTEl a deposit is withdrawn.


31. Smoking, Spitting, Sleeping, loud conversation, Stand­ing in Groups, writing on tables, sprinkling of pen ink, in any part of the Library is strictly prohibited 0

32. Curator reserves to himself the right to refllse any application for membership whitout assigning any reasor: therefor.

33. Member shaH intimate change of his/her address if any.

Page 4: Books Published in Goa 1989

. 34;·r.rhe members and others visiting the Library shall be bound by these niles and the prci<!edures and 'practices in ~():ree ,frorn timt; to time.

35. Readers are requested to' note that the attendant at the COl\nter is authorised to examine everything that passes into OT out of the: Library.

36. Only the . members shall have the right to access to tne lending section for the. purpose of borrowing books, but their representatives and . others may be admitted and allowed to boI'l"()w books on their behaIf provided they hold a Ietiel" ofautho'rity from the memberconcel'ned to the satisfaction of the Librartan on' duty. .

37. A person not of sound mind or fdruid Undesirable or oftensively unclean in person or dress or intoxicated (lr suffering from infectiousdiseaseshaU not be adn1itted into the library.

38 .. The Curator or the Official in chargo of thosoctio11 may refuse. admission to any person to the library or . any sectiOn Without assigning any reason, if in the opinion of the Official concerned, .it is not desirable to allow him admission. The Officials· above named may remove or cause to, be remOved such persons from the library.

'39. 'Apers6nshall :hot bring into any part oithe library building any :wheeled vehicle, dogs ;md other animals.

40. Sticks, umbrellas, boxes, bags, printed materials in loose or in bound form and other belongings shall be left at the entrance. The Library shall not however, be responsi­ble for any loss or damage done to or replac:ement made of the articles. deposited at the entrance. Readers shan not deposit in any case cash valuables at the entrance. The person so depositing his belongings should collect them before the closing time of the library.

SERIES .---- _ .. _._.-._-_._--_ .. _ .. _------

41. In case the to)i.en issued to depositor is the articles will be 'returned to him/her on sufficient proof regarding the articleS;

42. The privileges conferred on the members under the rules cannot be claimed by them as right.

43. The Counter for issue of books shall be C~O~ tes pefore the closing time of the Library.

44. Rea5'lers ?re requested to when demanded by the libral7


'45. Unauthorised removal of book, o.r other pp'pe2ty the library will 'be dealt with aceordin~;ly to lin\.

46. Readers are requested to stand Q durin.g ! u.sJ,

47. Persons desirous of using the library shaH enter na..mes and addresses legibly in the bool,:: which the purpose. Such signature shall be· tal{en as ledgement that the person to conform to the library.

48. Readers having any grievances such as failure 'J

service or incivility on the part of library staff slwek, reported. A complaint/suggestion Register is kept fo t purpose.

49. Complaints, if any, should be made to the]] on duty either orally or in writing.

Curator, Central Library. Pana.ji-Goa..

-----· ...... MiI.~--

. Agriculture Department Directorate of Agriculture

Soil Conservation Division



Read: -Tender Notice No. 15/SCD/DA/89-90/937 da: is 21-3-90 and issue of tender forms is up to 4.00 p.m. on ted 20-2-1990. " 22-3-1990.

The tenders for the works :rnelltioned in the above N oUce Scheduled to be opened on 15-3-1990 have . been postponed to 23-3-1990. Last date to receive application far, tender forms

All other conditions remain the sanle,

Panaji, 14th March, 1990. - The Executive Engineer, O. R. Ba,galt.

••• Irriga tion Department

Works Division II Fatorda -·Margao. Goa

Tender Notice No. ID/WDII/ASW/F.17/30/89-90

The Executive Engineer, Vi!orks Division II, Irrigation Department Fatorda, Margao. Goa, invi1.E'S on behalf of th", Governor of Goa, sealed item rate tendelr from approved & eVgible c'ontractors registered in appropr:iate class/category of the P.W.D. Goa State or those eligible and registered in P.W.D./lrrigation Department of the othE,r States who hav(·) successfully ~ecuted similar works.

Sr. No. Name of work

1. Command Area Development works for M. I. Tank at Panchawadi (second ciall)

Estimated cost put

to tender Rs.


Earnes', money deposit



Class of Time contractor limit

n (H&I) 240 days excluding mcnsoon

Cost of tonu(:r


100/ -

-----------------------"'"'----------'~~-------~--.~--,-~-. Tenders will be received up to 3.00 p. m. on 26-3-90 by Executive Engineer, Vvorks Div. II, 1. D., Fatorda, Margao, Goa and will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day in his chamber.

Earnest money should be deposited in the State Bank of India or in any Scheduled Bank in form of Deposit at Call Receipt in favour of the Executive Engineer Works Division IT, ID, Margao and receipt .to be enclosed with tendeL

Tender form will be issued on all working days up to' 4:00 p. m. till· 23"3-90 to the a.ppropriate class of contractors

whose application for tender forms received by this office not later than 21-3-90 and subject to production of following' application for tender.

(a) Valid Income-tax Clearance Certificate. (b) Enlistment of Contractor. (C) Experience Certificate of simibT .\\Totks executed. If required by post Rs. 20/- per tender form will be charged extra. Posta! Delivery will be at contractors risk.

Right to accept or reject any or all the tenders \vithout any reason thereof is reserved.

Margao, 9th March, 1990. -- The Executive Engineer. S(1/-.

Page 5: Books Published in Goa 1989

22ND ,MAROH> 1990 (OHAITRA 1, 191~) ----------------Public Works Department

Works Division IV, (M/E) TOllcs, Caranzalem, GOil

Tender Notice l';ro: 2/2/89-9WASW-IV/PWD/40

Executive Engineer, Works Division IV, PWD, Tonca, Caranzalem, invites on behalf the Govern:" separate sealed percentage rate/item rate tenders from approved and eligible Contractors/Suppliers up to or before (1-4'-90 for the follOWing works:-

Sr. No. Name of works

1) Electrical Installation to the Goa Board of Secondary alid Higher Secondary Education at Porvonm (concea~ led wiring).

2) Electrical installation to Court Building at Perne111.

Tenders will be opened, on the same day at 3.30 p. m., if possible. Conditions. and tender forms can be obtained from this Office from 23-3-90 to 5-4-90 from 11.00 a. m. to 4.00 p.m. during the working days on payment of the cost of tender form. If required by post an amount of Rs. 25/- (Rupees twenty five only) for, each tender form will be charged extra. Tender forms will be issued only on production of valid ,Income~tax Clearance Certificate. Application for tender form should be made on or before 2-4-90. Earnest Money shown against the work shoUld be deposited in the form of a Deposit Call Receipt/National Saving Certificate

Estimated cost




Earnest money




Class c«lJntrncl:ur


drawn in favour of Executive ~"b~H~"" PWD, Tonca, Caranzalem, Goa and limit

60 dRYS,

with the individual tender. EMD other form, hard cash, shall be accepted. Tenders' of CU:UlL'kWLUl:S

not deposit earnest money in. prescribed be rejected. The right to a:ny HI" all the assigning any reason reserved authority to accept the tender.

Caranzalem, 14th March, IS'9(},· .4... V. P. Verlekatr'.

Corrigendum Notice NO .. 2/2/89-90/ASW-IV/PWD/39

Tender Notice No. 2/2/89-90/ASW-IV/PWD/36 dated 2-3-00 may please be read as "No. 2/2/H9,·90/ASVV-IV/PVFD, /38". All the other'terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Caranzalem, 14th March, 1900. - The E:itecutive Engineer; Sd/-.

W?,b Division VI Fatordll, Mllrgll.-604IJ

Tender Notice No. F-3/PWD/WDVI/ASW /51/89-90

The Executive Engineer, 'Narks Division·VI, P.vV,D., Fa,torda, Margao invites on behalf of the" Governor of Gua, seailed Item Rate Tenders from the approved and eligible contractors of CPWD and those of list of Unj'1n Territories/MES/State/Railways, up to 3.00 p. m. on 12th April, 1990 for the following works ,;"."I","H"'",


Sr.Na. Description

1. Blacktopping of road No. 3 and 4 in V. P. Benaulim.

2. CO'l1~t. and B/t of St. Sebastian· Chapel road via Vadi .Pequeno Pulvadoin V. P. Benaulim .


3, Improvement and Widening O'f road, from CuncGlim Municipal Building to Abaulim.

4. Construction of road Peeramol Colamb in a ier.gth of 990 mts in V. P. Nagorcem,' Palolem.

Estimated Earnest cOst money RB. RB.

6,09,260.52 12,185/-

5,81,099.72 11,622/-

5,30,958.84, 10,619/-

1,34,257.78 3,356/-

Cost of tender






"ll'ime limit

induding monsoon

'---,,------""-31m days II ;1bove

c60 days

360 days - do

180 days HI a,bove

-------------------------,.;...---------------",,-_._--The contraCtor should apply fGr the tender forms in advance

in the prescribed application form.

i) ',Last date of receipt of applicatiGn and issue of tender forms is fixed Gn 30th March, 1990 up to 4.30 p. m.

iii) Last date fGr payment fO'r cGnditiGns of contract and tend~ forms is 6th April, 1990 upto 4.30 p. m.

iii) Tender forms will be issued up to' 10th April, 199(} during Office working hours. .

Tenders will be . opened immediately after 3.30 p. m. on the same day, if possible. Earnest· Money "hGwn ~.gainst

work (Unless exempted) should be deposited ir.: the ,[(;I:Tn of DCR of Seheduled Bank/National Saving Certificates along­with individual tender. ~

The intending tenderer will have to produce Income-tax Clearance Certificate at the time of buying the tender. The tenders of contractors who do not depO'sit earnest the prescribed ·formare liable to be rejected. Right to ~y or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof IS reserved.

Margao, 28th February, 199(), - The Executive Eng'ineer, Sd/-.

Page 6: Books Published in Goa 1989


Tender Notice No. F-3/PWD/WDVI/ ASW /52/89-90

The Executive Engineer, Works Division VI, P.W.D.,Fatorda, Maxgao invites on behalf tllil Governo.t sealed Item Rate Tenders from the approved and' eligible contractors' of CPWD and those appropriat0 Union Territories!MES/State/Railways, up to 3.00 p. m. on 25th April, 1990 for the· foHowing works separaid:,;.

Sr. No. Description ..

1. Const. and B/t. of road from Sambatty' to Gontonaik via Biro Naik Madem and Gulloi in V. P. Orlim.

2. Const. & B/t. of Talwado to Gud<io, Phadtewaddo, Colwado Dongar road in Talwado ward of Cuncolim.

The contractor shoUld apply for the tender forms in advance in the prescribed application form.

i) Last date of i'eceipt of application and issue' of tender forms is fixed on 17th April, 1990' up to 4.30 p. m.

ii) Last date for payment for conditions of contract and tender forms IS 19th April, 1990 up to 4.30' p. m.

iii) Tender forms will be issued up to 231'd April, 1990 during Office working hours.

Tenders will be opened immediately after 3.30 p.m. on the same day if possible. Earnest Money shown ag:ainst work

Works Division XVl

Estimated Earnest cost money Rs. Rs.

9,53,777.37 19,756/-

3,63,118.03 9,078/-

Cost of tender



(Unless exempted) should he Scheduled Bank/National individual tender.

The intending tenderer will have Clearance Certificate at the time of tenders of contractors who do not

Time limit including monsoon

270 days

the presC!rihed fQrm are liable tQ he re:lec:te,d. any or all the tenders withQut is reserved ..

MargalO, 7th March, 1990. The F;xecl1tive

Short Tender NQtice No. PWDjBDXVI/TS/50/89-90

The Executive Engh,eer, Buildings Division XVI, Public Works Department, Ponda-Go:il, Governor of Goa, sealed Percentage Rate tenders from approved and eligibie buildings Ooolb'actors /MES/Railways/p. &T., etc. up to 3.00 p. m. on 23-3-90 for the below rrtentioned work:--

Sr. No. Nmne of work Estimated

cost Rs.

E.M.D. Rs.

Cost of tendel~

Hs. eligibmty

----'---'---------'----------------'--- --_._-----_.,,_.,._-----,_ .. -

1. Const. of cooling pond fQr' I. C. Engines Lab. at G. E. C" Farmagudi.

Tenders will be opel}ed at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. Conditions and tender forms can be had from this Office on any working day up to 22-3-90 during office working hours, aga.inst payment in cash as shown above for the tender form (non-refundable) .. If required by post' an amount of Rs. 15/- will be charge~""'extra.

Tender forms; will be issued tQ CQntractQrs, only IOn prQduc­tion of valid ·IncQme-tax Clearance Certificate. Application

. fQr blank tender forms with required documents . will, be received up to 21-3-90. Applications received for issue of blank tender fQrms ·after 21-3-90 win not be accepted.

Works Dlvis,ion XVII (PH!:) Alto Porvorim. Bardez-Goa

Corrigendum NQ .. PWD/WDXVII/ ACCTS/F.64/98j89-90

Ref:-Tender Notice NQ.,PWD/WDXVII/ACCTS/F.64j /84/89-90 dated 23-1-1990.

Ref: -'l;'ender Notice No. PWD/WDXVII/ ACCTS/F.64/ /85/89-90 dated 23-1-1990.

Name Qf Works: -1) Design, ConstructiQn, Supply, Deli­very, Erection, CQmmissiQning and Maintenance Qf 5 MLD Water Supply Scheme on Turnkey Basis at Dabus, Satari-Goa.

2} Construction & CommissiQning on Turnkey Basis 30 MLD Water

11,772/- 294/- 15 days. V & abov,'· (Bldg:,.) .

Earnest ,MQney shoUld be deposited in the State Banl{ India or any Scheduled Banl{ in the form of Deposit at Receipt and the receipt Qf this amount must accompany tender withQut which the tendcr will not be considered, Earnest MQney Deposit Qther than in the fo!'!" of D. C. R.

shall not be acceptable.

Right to reject any tender without assigning any thereof is reserved with the Department. ~

Ponda, 14th MarCh, 1990."" The jF"(ccutive li;ngineer 3d

Treatment Plant including C!vH, Electrical & Mechanical VITol'S;:", at Assonora, Eardez-Goa.

The above tender stands modified a.s unde!':

The dacte of submission of the tender will HUl 1990 up to 15.00 p. m. and the same will be opened tbB

same day at 15.30 p. m. The tenders will be opened in the Office of the Superintending Engineer, Ciyde Office VI(PHE), P. W. D., Altinho, Panaji-Goa,

The other terms and conditions remain unchanged,

Alto PQl'Vorim, 12th March, 1990. - The Ex(:cutive Engi­neer, Sd/-.

Page 7: Books Published in Goa 1989

, It,' ~t

'2'2ND MAROH, 1990 (OHAITRA 1) 191'2)

, Works Division XVIII (It'd). fonda- G@!!

Tender Notice ,No. 41/5/90/PWD/WDXVIII/ ADM/58/S!}-90

The Executive Engineer, Works Division XVIII (R&B), P.W.D., Ponda, Goa invites on behalf ot: the Govenmr percentage/item Rate tenders from approVed and eligible con tractors of Goa PWD/CPWD/State PV\ID/MEB etc., for the following work up to 3.oop. m. on 11-5-1990.

Sr. No, Description

1. Asphalting of road from Govt. Primary school Cot­tomb!. to»Satyakade up to Tagore High school, Cot­tombi in V. P. Pale Cottombi truuka Bicholim.

2. Seoure protection work for 8.00 in. span culvert at Sulka.rnem ,and 6.00 span culvert at cazur in V. P. Caurem, Pirla: '

3, Repairs to side shoulders from Balii: Adnem to Balli math M.D.R. in Quepem taluka.

4. nU]? ,of Velguem BaZar in V. P. Velguem taluka Bicholim.

5. Repairs to Quepem Ambaulim M.D.R. in Quepem taluka .

Estimated cost Rs.






Earnest money







CCi~'t tender


'rime limit including: monsoon

100/· 270 days

100/ " lSO days

100. do

-- do ' ,do

30, do-·

...... _--.;. _____ ~ ____ _..,."'--_- __________ --' ___________ ....... ~m'_. ____ ._. __ .~,m ____ '='",._ ••• "

Tenders will be 'ope:p.ed at 3.30 p; m. :on the same day, if Right to accept or i'eject any or all the possible. Earnest Money should be deposited in the form, of assigning any reason thereof is reserved Deposit at Call Receipt of Scheduled13anks/National Saving accepting the tenders. Certificates which must be enclosed, with tenders without The contractor should apply for the tender which no tender will be conside~ed. Conditions and tender advance along with details of \VO'r'k under PWD fonns can be ,had from the above office on 9-5-90 'during completed. office hours. Payment can be done fortbe issue of tender Last date of application for is::l'Ui~ rxi: tender fonu after scrutiny of all documentary evidenaes of current on 4-'5-1990, up to 4.00 p. m.

Registration and valid Income-taX QIearance Certificates up Ponda, 27th February, 1000. -~1'he Executi \".8

to 4.00 p.m. on 7-5-1990. P. O. Gwpta.

Works Division XIX, Bilmbolim, G0411

'l'ender Notice No. PWD/V\'''DXIX/ ASW/F-4/S!}-OO/8, The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIX, P. W. D., Bambolim, 'invites on behalf of Governor of Goa;

Rate, tenders frc)lu approved and eligible class I-B (Hydraulics) ,Contractors of goa P.W.D./C;P.W.D./M.E.S./P. &; for the following work up to 3.00 p. m. on 17-4-1990 in the Office of S. E. II (Bldgs.), P.W.D., PanajL Tenders opened in the Chamber of Superintending Engineer, Circle n {bldgs.)' P.W.D., Altinho, Panaji.

Sr. No. Name of work

i. Reconstruction of Superstructure of River Navigation Department Central Passenger Jetty at Panaji.

Estimated cost ' Rs.


E.M.D. Rs.


Time limit

360 days (Including monsoon).

Class of contractor

I·B (Hydraulics,' ,


----------------~~--~.--~,.-Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p; m. on the same day. The

Earnest Money may be depOSited in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt of Scheduled Bank' payable, at Panaji., Conditions &' tender fonus can 'be had from the Divisional Office up to 12.00 noon on 12-4-1990 during working hours on payment of the cost of tender form (non-refundable). If required by post an amount of :as. 30/- shall be pai,dextra.; AppIlcations/ /Requestsfor the issue of the tender forms should reach the Divisional Office latest by 11.00 a. m. on '6-4-1990. Appli­c:ations received" thereafter will not be entertained. Applica­trons should give particulars of class of registration, category, list of works in hand, completed, status position, etc. In case.

tenderer intends ,to payE. M. D. in cash, the same should be paid to ,the Cashier & enclose the relevant the tender and no cash along with tender will be

The valid Income-tax Clearance shall be furnished by tenderer In the reserve fonn.

The right to reject any tender without reason thereof is reserved. The conditional tender may be rejected outright.

Bambolim, 9th March, 1990. - The Executi Sd/-.

Works Division XX (PHE) Fatorda - MlirgilCi

Tender Notice NO'. 1/12/89-90/PWD-XX/.PB/20

. . The Executive Engineer, Works Division XX'(PHE), FWD, Fatorda, Margao, on behalf of the Governor of Goa, mVlte~sealed ~en~ers (percentage rate) fr.?mapp~ovedand eligible contractors of CPWD and those of appropriate list of Umon Terntones/State PWD/MES/Rallways up to 3.00 p. m. on 26th March, 1990 for the fo11owing work:-

Sr. No. Name of work Estimated

cost Rs.

----------'._---Earnest Time limit Cost of money ( . 1 d' tender deposit lUC u lUg fon'll

Rs. monsoon). Rs. -:-:-------:...:...-_----,------, --_._------_...:.........:.........:......--------'----,,------

1. Rural, water 'supply s$!heme to Sonaulim' village" in Sanguemtaluka under Technology Mission (Re-tender)~

57,651-45 1,441-00 120 days.

Page 8: Books Published in Goa 1989

610 ':"-_~----,_-'-_____ ---' __________ .-_ •• _____ • __ .. ·. __ .c· •• _____ . ___ .

The tenders will be opened on the same day after 3.3Q p;m.

Applications .. for tender forms should reach this office on or before 15th March, .1990. The tender forms and conditions can be had' from·this office: up to 4.00 p. m. on 22nd March, 1990 during office hours on payment of its cost (non-refund­able) in cash. If required by post, an .amount of Rs.25/­Will be charged extra. .Earnest Money ~hownagainst the respective work should be deposited in the state Bank of India or any Scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit at. Call R~eipt and enclosed along with the tender.

The tender of the contractor who does not money in the prescribed manner be

The COiltractormust produce Income-tax Clean'nc,~ ficate at the time of issue of t.endel,' ..

Right to -reject any tenders without 't::;,;J~IIH.l" thereof is reserved. The conditional are liable to be rejected.

Margao, 1st March, 1990. - TIle Executive EnghH.'er, Natmbiar .

••• Department of Urban Development

Office· of the Collector of North Goa Districf, Panaji

Election Branch



In . pursuance of the provision of Sub-Section (1) of Sec­. !ion 21 of the GOa Municipalities Act, 1968, it is hereby notified for public information that Smt.Stihasini Mohan Pednekar was co-opted as a Councillor in . the meeting of Valpoi Municipal .Council held .on 9-11-1989.

Panaji, 7th . March, 1990. - The Collector of North Goa 'I' . District, R. I. Jaiprakash.

-. -. --~----"

. T ranspori Department Office of the District' MagiStrate

North Goa Districl,Panaji


No. 23j4/Bardez/MAG-89

In exercise of. the powers conferred on me under the pro~ visiOns of .Section217 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (Cen­tral Act, 59 of 1988) and Govt.Notification N:o. 5/28/88/ jTPT(Part) . dated 26-9-1989 . and in consultation with the local authontyand.])y. Superintendent of Police Traffic, Panaji, I hereby notify the' places shown in ·column 2 of the Scliedule. below as "Bus stop", in Siolim-SOOiem Village Pan­chayat area. .

No stage carnage shall take up or set down passengers . 'except .at places shown below as "Bus stop".

No. stage carriage sh~ll halt at a Bus stop for a period longer than is necessaiJ' to take up such passengers as are awaiting when the vehicles alTive and to set down such pas­sengers as may' wish to alight.


S. No. Name of the public place Type of traffic signboards

(1) (2) (3)

1. Near the house of Mr. Luis Noronha Bus stop at Pilirn,bi wado Sodiem-Pimpala-kodem.

2. .Near the' house of Mr. Santano De Sousa Pilimbi wado, Sodierri

3. Near the house of Mr. Jhon Silves­tre, Chuha wado Spdiem

4. Near the house of Mr. Francis Fer-­nandes, Chuha wado Sodiem

5. Near the villave Panchayat Office, Sodiem

6. Nea.i' the house of Mr. Jaiprakash Shi1:'oqkar,Rodrigues wado, 80-diem.

Near of Mr. John Lobo Rodrigues wade.'

Bus stop

Bus stop

Bus stop

Bus stop

Bus stop

Bus stop

--~~-,-----'-------.--."- -_._._ ... ---_ .... "

(1) (2) (3) ~~--~~------- -----.. ---~ .. -- .. ,-

8. Near Holy Cross Convent Rndimr:.

9. Near the Temple Socliem Gaunswado.

10. Gaunswado Selina Sodl€rn

Bus stop

Further, in' exercise of the powers cO~lferl'ed of the .Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, I aJso ,hereby anr.mH"1!~,O erect the traffic sign boards specifioo. jn column 3 in public places specified in column 2 of the Schedule fol' purpoSe of regulating motor vehicular tit·a.ffic.

Panaji, 8th February, .1990. - Tile District North Goa District Panaji,' R. 1. Jaip~·a;"k(

Office of the District South Goa District, M·, ....... -"' ....

No .. 37 i5/81l-MAG/236/H83:

In exercise of the ,powers conferred by Section 116 of Motor. Vehicles Act, 1988. (Central Act :116 of 1988) read with the Government Notification No. 5/2S/88-IPT(Part) dated 26th september, 1989, I, Jose Philip, District trate, South Goa District, Ma:rgao hereby cause to be the traffic signs specified in Colunm 3 of the Schedule public places specified in Colmnn 20f Sehedule for the pur-­pose of l'egulatingMotol'. Vehicle traffic.


Sr. No. Name of public pla.ce


.1 .. On Housing Board Road, Gogol, Mal'ga() between .Electric Poll No .. 5 & 6.

2. On Housing Board Road, Gogol, Margao between Electric Poll No. 8 & 9.

3; On HOUsing Board Road, Gogol,M a. r gao near

. Electric Poll No. 14.


....... ----------.-----~.----Margao, 27th February, 1990. - The DIstrict ~<ra.gistrate,

South Goa, Jose Philip; ~

finance (Expenditure) Departmenl 2nd Goa State LoH,ery Weekly draw

Date of draw: 12th ~,farch, 1990 R<ESULTB

First Prize: (1): as. 1.00.00Q/- G

Second Prize: . (1): as. 25;000/- B '13()046

Third Prize: (5): as. 5.000/- each. (One in. each

F G H J Ie 844960 221860 493173 872935 21.8642

Fourth Prize: (400): Rs, 500/- each: Numbers ending with last 5 digits in. all series as fOllows:

74741 .90204 86205 48617 ';ii!}583 42395 07134 00470 88000 ml114

Page 9: Books Published in Goa 1989

22ND MARa1f.~ 1990 (CHAITRA 1, 1912)

Fifth Prize: (4000) :,Rs. 50/-each: Numbers ending with laSt 4 digits in 'all series as follows:

6028' 2081 3863 8374 7948 5102

7870 7259

5425 0805

Sixth Prize: (4000): Rs. 20/" each: Numbers last 4 digits in all series as follows:

ending with

6920 4466 2212 9082 7791 1756 7247 8178

4532 0908

Seventh Prize: (40.000): Rs. 10/- each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits in all series as follows:

075 581

181 604

2M 723

336 809

460 955

Out of every prize of Rs. 25.000/- and above, an amount equal to 20% will be deducted for distribution among the Agents, Sellers and Stockist.

Panaji, 12th March, 1990. - The Director' of Lotteries & Ex-Officis> Dy. Secretary to Govt. of Goa, 8. S. Byali.



2nd Mandovi 'Weekly Draw

Date 'of draw: 14th March, 1990.

First Prize: (1): .Rs. 1.50;000/- AH-683800

. Seyond Prize: (5): Rs. 5.QOO/- each. (One in . eacih series).


6611~9 533698 592992

Third Prize: (25): Rs. 1.000/- each.


145438 '684076 540305 4037.54 576900 504501 160225

176502 461042 153656 512413

502718 678267 392119 649225


169111 623965

(Five in each series).


170289 386245 336137 576802 . 327948 424050

252542 305407 634783 365523

Fourth Prize: (60): Rs. 500/- each. Numbers ending last 5 digits in all series as follows.

76088 j)3523

Fifth Pl'ize: (600): Rs. 100/- each: Numbers ..Jending with last 4 digits in all series as' follows.

2322 3999

Sixth Prize: (3000) : Rs. 50/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits in all series as follows.

6638 5.715 24M 4341 5406 2212 5409 6406 1827 8013

Seventh Prize: (15.000): Rs. 10/- eaCh. Numbers ending with last 3 digits in all series as follOWS.

500 116 451 998 751

Eighth Prize: (1.20;000): Rs. 5/- each. Numbers ending with last 2 digits in all series as follows.

30 11 40 97

10% of the 1st & 2nd prizeswm be deducted towards pay­ment to Agent, Sellers and Stockist.

Panaji, 14th March, 1990. - The Ex-Officio Director of Lotteries & Ex-Officio Dy. Secretary, to Govt, of Goa, S. S. Byali.

Advertisements In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division

at Quepem Special Civil Suit No. 17/80

Smt. Maria Saxe Dominguinha dos Reme­dios Costa, housewife, rio Quepem

Vis Roque Plac;idl} do Ros~rio, Police Officer,

1'/0 Sanguern


- Defendant.


NotiCe is hereby given to and Qrder passed in SpeCial 24th August, 1987, the marriage between Smt. Dominguinha dos Remeios . Costa, plaintiff Placido do Rosano, defendant, registjo,l'cd No. 234/62 of the l\iI:l).rriage Registration 1962 of Civil Registrar of Quepem, Goa, is al:; dissolved by Divorce.

Given under my hand day of March, 1990.


Civil Judge.

OffiCE! of the Civil Relgi£;tr(tt-(::tu.:n-~:;u~l-Regisb:,w Notary Ex-Officio

of Ilhas of Goe:

Asha Sure~h Kan1at, Civil Notary Ex-Officio of Ilhas.

2 In accordance with para 1st of Art. No. 2049 dated 6th August, 1951, and for the pUl'P< para 2nd of the said Art., it is made public thD I' ,\ Deed of Succession, dated on 7th 1990, at overleaf onwards of the Register Bool!. of Deed" No. this Office: the follOwing is recorded; That 011 14th 1960, died at Bombay, Shri John other nal1'l!' Sylvester D'Souza, and . on 18th L.L. Hospital, Bombay his wife Smt. Paulina other nanre Paulina Pereira or Paulina Dorotina de Sousa, both hailed married to each other without any Win, leaving behind them their six children, namely; i. alias Dominic D'Souza; 2. Remedios D'Souza; 3. Caitano 4. Valerian Grathias D'Souza; D'Souza alias Jude D'Souza and 6. i'l.g:nelo LaZdl'US D'Souza, there being no one else wllo could the succession of their late parents or them in the inheritance len by the John D'Souza and Paulina fJ'Souzn.

Panaji, 7th March, 1990. -~- The Surssh Kamwt.

5412/1 f)9\:i

Office of the Civil .Hegl!;t!(:zr-It:Ul:n-;:)u.b-lte(~is:trcc

of Bardez at l.'1ltl:'Pll!sa

Pedro Filipe das Merces Joao, Civil trar and Notary Ex-Officio in the

3 ,In accordance with para 1st of the A< of Law No .. 2049, dated 6-8-1951 and for the nlll'll,'"""

2nd of the same Article, it is hereby made a Deed of SUccession drawn by and before me on at page 95v onwards of Book No. 71;3 of Deeds of this Office, Estafania Rosa ,Maria Filomena Faustina Elisa Luisa Maria Simoes, Maria Rosaria ;.\.1zi1"a Simoes, Chila Santana Eugenia Simoes, Maria Fatim.a Si­moes and Maria Felicidade Georgina de .Rego Simoes has been qualified as the sole and universal heiresses and succes­sors of their late parents Rosalina Simoes 0]' Escolastica Regina' Casmina Fernandes or Regina 'Escolastica Cal'lnelina Rosalina Fernandes or Rosalina Carmelina Fernandes e Si.­moes or Carmelina Rosalina Escolastica Fernandes OJ' Rosa-lina Carmelina Escolastica Fernandes and Pon-ciano FilipeNeri Casmiro Simoes or Philip Ned or Salvador Francisco Simoes or Filipe Neri Simoes who died! on 11-6-1981 and 15-3-1982 respectively, who hailed fl'OlIl

Guirim, Bardez-Goa.

! Mapusa, 6th March, 1990. -The Notary Eix-Officio, Pedro Filipe das Merces Joao,

v. /1990

Page 10: Books Published in Goa 1989


PedI'o'Filipe das Merces Joao, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Re­gistrar and Notary Ex-officio in the said Judicial Division.

4 In accordahc~ With para 1st ofArti~le 179 of the lAw No. 2049 dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose Of para 22nd of the same. Article, .it is hereby made public that by a "Deed of Succession" dated 9-3-1990 drawn by and before me at page 23. overleaf on:wards of the Book No. 744 ~ Deeds of this Office, Mr. Gerson Marcellus Fonseca and his Wife Claire Dantas e Fonseca, residents of Assagao, Bardez have been qualified as so,e testamentary heirs of their uncle, Gregorio Homem Coutinho alias Gregorio .Zeferino Inocen­cio HOmem Goutmho, who died at Holy Cross Hospital, Mapusa, on 7~4-1989; in the status of bachelor, Without any legal heirs (herdeiros legitimarios), leaving behind a win dated 5-11-1985, bequeathing all his assets in favour of the aforesaid Gerson Marcellus Fonseca and his wife Claire Dantas e Fonseca and beSides these there is no other person or persons, who according to law may have preference over them or who may concur alongwith them to the estate left by tQ.e aforesaid deceased person.

Mapusa, 15th March, 1990.- The Notary Pedro Filipe d<J.8 MercBs .1000.


V. No. 5541/1990

--------.. ~------Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Bardez



5 'Whereas Mr. Joseph Fernandes; c/o Mrs. Monica Fernandes, Near the Church, Mapusa, Goa, desires to change his name from "JOse Antonio Joao Fernandes" to " Joseph Fernandes".

Therefore, any p~rson having objection is hereby invited to file the same 'in this Office under the provisions of Article 178(3) of the Civil Registration Code in force, . within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice.

Mapusa, ~nd March, 1990'. - The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­-Registrar, Pedro _Filipe das Merces .1000.

V. No. 5485/1990

6 Whereas Shrikant Bhiku Chari, "alias" Naraina Chari, R/o, AnjunaJ, Brurdez, Goa, desires to change his name from "Naraina Gharj." to "Shrikant Bhiku Chari".

Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invited to file the same in this Office under the provisions of Arti­cle 178(3) of'the Civil Registration Code in force, within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice.

Mapusa, 7th February, 1990. - The Civil Registrar-cum-' -Sub Registrar, Pedro Filipe das Merces Joao.

V. No. 5526/1990

Office of the Civil Registrcu-cum-Sub-Begistrcu. Pemem


7 Whereas Vithoba Nauso Mahar, rio Khaznem-Pednem, Goa, desires to change his nam~ from Vithoba Nauso Mahar to Vithoba Nauso Khaznekar.

Therefore, . any person having objection may lodge the same in this office, within thirty days, as per Article 178(3) of .the Civil Registration Code in force.

Pernem, 5th March, 1990'. - The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­-Registrar, P. 8dJrdessai.

V. No. 5468/1990

Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar. Satari -Goa


- 8 Whereas Shri Sllntosh Vitha! Naik, reSiding at Gava­nem, V. P. Cotorem;P. O. Birondem, Satari, Goa, desires to change his name from "Nilcant Vitol Naik" to "Santosh Vithal Naik".

Any person having any<::tio'n the same in this Office in Registration Code, within. a of this publication.

Valpoi, 19th February, 1990. --­Gopal 8alkar.

Clivi! Regist t'itr.

·Y. No

Administration Office of the Comuniducies of Salcete and South Z,me,

9 In terms and for the purpose est:lbU".hed in the Cooe of Comunidades, in force, it is hereby

/ thatShri Julio Norbert D' Silva Almeid~ .• resident Govt. Servant, working as a Cold Storage Plant Clr,,,,·,,h··.,' Hospicio Hospital, Margao, has applied olliease basis, for construction of house, without o.U'''"l'''H. vated plot, Chalta No. 31 of P.T. Sheet No. part and parcel of chalta No. 6 of P.T. Sheet No. Office of Inquiry Officer, City Survey. :Margao, Situat,;J GOgo!, Margao, belonging to the Comunidade of !VI'",,"''''''. area of 400 Sq. 111tS., which is bounded on the east and 8.00 mts. reserved road by the, by Chalta No. 30' of P.Toc Sheet No, (Comunidade on the North by Ghalta No. 28 and 2,9 of P.T. Sheet No, (Comunidade land) and South ehalta No. 16 dade land) and road of 8.00 mts. No. 8/1990.

If any person has any objection against the allotment he/she should submit his/her in to the Administrator of Comunidades ()iJ' and Zone, Margao, within 30' days from the :second publicati011 of this notice in the Official Gazette ..

Margao, 16th February, 1900.-Th€' ;J,Ctillg Secrdary, Visvonata Naique Des8ali.

y, 5822;


~.~~~ ..

Administration Office of Comunidades of Bardez Mapusa-Goa


10 In accordance with the terms and [Cor the nn,'nfl""

blished in Article 330 of the Code of Ul'ml.rn1dai[les it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused of land details of which are given -below has been on lease (afollamento basis) for construction of resiolel1Iti;;;1 house.

1. Name of the appUcant: .. Shli oJvaU,n'.H Philip D'Souza, resident at Ganvoim, of Tivim, FlfU'(jle'Z.n .. }~_

2. Land named "Oiteiro de Danua" Lote No, 400, Survey No. 280/1, plot No. 10, at 'Tivim village of Bardez TaIuka and b-elonging to the Comu­nidade of Tivim, covering an arEa of 400,00 sq_ mts,

:t Boundaries:-

It i.s bounded on the East: By the Danua vmage road,

on the West: By the. plot no. 2:6 of the same Sub· -division;

on the North: By the plot no.\} of the vision, and

on the South: By the plot no. 11 of the same division.

File NO'. HnS·89-ACB/1989.

If any person has any objection agamst the he/she should submit his/her objection in Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez 'Withi.n from the second publication of this notice in the Gazette.

. Mapusa, 20th February, 1000. - "I'heacting Seeretary naca?' Porobo De88<1!i.


Page 11: Books Published in Goa 1989

22ND lYIilRGII j 19;)0 (GHAITRA 1) 1912)

'11 . In accordance with the tenns and for . the purpose established in· Article' 330 of the· Code of Comunidades in force, it is heTeby announced that the uncultivated' and unused plot of la;nd details of which are given below has been applied on -lease (aforamento basis) for constIucticn of Naqora Panchayat Ghar.

1. Name of the applicant: - The Sarpanch, Village Panchayat of Nadora, Bardez-Goa.

2. Land named ~'Mharwada", Lote No. -, Survey No. 48/0, Plot No. - situated at Nadora village of. Bardez Taluka and belonging to. the Comunidade of Nadora, .covering an area of 300;00 sq. mts.

3. Boundaries:-

It is bounded on the East: By Village Pa:hcllayat Road,

on the West: By the 'Comunidade . land under Survey No. 48/(part),

on the North: By the Comunidade land under Survey No. 48/(part) & Survey No. 47/29 and

on the South: By the COl11.unidade land under Survey No. 48/(part).

File No. 4-23-89-ACB/1989 ..

If any person has ally objection against the proposed lease he/she shouldsiibmit his/her objection in writing to the Administrat6rof Comunidades . of Bardez within 30 days frOm the sec'ond publication' of this U?tice in the Official Gazette. .

Mapusa, 8th March, 1990. - The .acting Secretary, Ratna­car Porobo Des8ai.

V. No. 5431/1900

12 In accordance with the terms and fo'r the purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of CO'munidades in force, it is hereby announced that the unclllltivated and unused plot of land details of which are given below has been applied on. lease {aforamento basis) for construction of a residential house.

1. Name of the applicant: - Shri Felicio Gomes, resident at Danua, Tivim, Bardez-Goa.

2. Land named "Oiteiro de Danua", Lote No. 400, Survey No. 280/1, Plot No.3, situated at Tivim village O'f Bardez Taluka and belonging to the CO'munidade of Tivim, covering an area of 400,00 sq. mts.

3. Boundaries:-

It is bounded on the East: By 8 metres proPO'sed road of the same Sub-divi.sion, .

on the West: By the plot No. 19 of the same Sub­-division,

on the North: By the plot NO'. 2 of the same Sub--division and

on the South: By the plot No. 4 of the smp.e Sub--division.

File . No. 1-10-90-ACB/1990.

If any person has any, objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection in writing to the' Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez within 30 days from the second publicatiO'n of this notice in the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, 14th March, 1990. - The acting Secretary, Rat­n[lcar PO"obo Dessai.

V .. No: 5163/1990

13 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta­blished in Article 330 of the Code' of Comunid::tdes in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plO't of land, details of which are given belO'w, has been ap­plied on lease baSis, for cO'nstruction of Tinshed.

1. Name of .the Applicant:- Mrs .. Levita CarvalhO', resi­dent of Alt\'> VaddO', H. No. 263; Nachinola,. Bardez, Goa.

2. Land named "., Lote No., Survey No .. '" situated at Nachinola village of and belonging to theComunidade .. of measuring an area of 25.00 sCf\1arc .metn'c;

3. Boundaries :--

East: By Road;

West: By Luis Milagres D'Cunha;

North: By Road;

South: By Henry Carvalho.

File No. 10-25·89-ACB/

If any person has any objection aga,jnst the he/she should submit his/her objection in Administrator of COl11.unidades of Ba.rdez, within from the second publication of thiEf notice in ti,e Gazette.

Mapusa, 6th March, 1990. -- The aeUng; Secretary, car PO;'ob Des,sai.

v. r~(L 55(

14 In acccrdance 'with the term;s and for the bUshed in Article 330 of· the Code of it is hereby announced that the uncultivated plot of land, details of \vhich are given. below, plied on lease (afcramento basis) fol" construction of c, dential house.

1. Name of the applicant:- Shri C;;3siano D'Souz<, dent at Capelwada, Sirsaim, Bardez-Goa.

2. Land named "Simechi Datt", Lote No. No. 27/1, plot No. 66, situated at Sirsaim Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Sirsaim, covering an area of 3ri(},OO sq. mts.

3. Boundaries:--

It is bounded 011 the Feast.: wUe posed road O'f the same

on the West: By the plot no. 67 of the "anw -division,

on the North: By the plot no. 65 of the same -divisiO'n, and

on the South: By 6 lTletres ,vide Pl'opos(~d road of the same Sub-division.

File No. 1-43-90-ACB/1990.

If any person has any objection against the pwposecl kase he/she should submit his/her objection in vvriting to the Administrator of Comunidades of .Bardez, within 30 from the second publication of this notice in the Gazette.

]VrapUsEC, 13tll March, 1990. - The acting Secretary, Riii:na­car Porobo Dessai.

V. No. 551011990

15 In accordance with the terms and fo.r the purpose esta­blished in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land, details of which are given below, has been ap­plied on lease (aforamentO' basis) for construction of f1 resi­dential

1. Name of the appUeant:_ Shri NasciInonto Vimmcio Fernandes, resident at Sirsaim, Tivim, Dardez-Goa,

2. Land TIu,med "Shncc}}i J)att", Lote ]~o, 7~i, ,s1~~"V2;,: No. ~"'i/l, plot No. 59) situated (:.-t Slrsl--5.:rtt nf Bardc'Z Tn l_uk.a and bcle·nging to the ot 3iTsairn, ecvering an ~Hec' of '10o,00 sq. mis.

3. Boundaries:-

It i:3 bour.c'sc1 0:1 th2 East: B~' the i;li'/8CC .:psny,

on the \V:ost: By the plot no. 60 of the';, 3110--division,

on the North: By the plot no. 58 of ';<:.m2 Sub-diviSion, and

on the South: By the plot no. 62 of the sam·) Sub­division.

Page 12: Books Published in Goa 1989


File.1'To. 1-14-9{kI\.CB/1990.

If any person has any obje~tion ~gainst t1).e p:t:oposed lease. he/she should subritit his/her objection in writing to the Administrator of COmunidades of Bardez, within, 30 . days from the second publication of .this potice in the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, 6th March, 1990. - The acting Secretary, Ratna-, c(tr Porobo DessWi.

... Comunidades" TIVIM

V. No. 5511/1990

1~ The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting at its Meeting Hall on 3rd Tuesday at. 10.00 a. m., after the publication of this notice in the Official .G39<ette, in order to give its opinion on the File.No. 1-338-89-ACB/1989, in which Shri Vithu Rama Parab, P. O. Shapora, Bardez-Goa, has applied on lease (afora­mento) basis for construction of a residential house the un-

. -cultivated and unused ~plot of land named 'Simechi-Datt', Iote No. 77, Survey No. 27/1, plot No. 111, situated at Sir­sairn of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Sirsaim admeasuring an area of 400 square metres. It is bounded on the East by 6 metres proposed road and plot No. 116 of the same sub-division; on the west by the plot Nos. 105 & 106 of the Same sub-division; on the North by the plot No. 112 of the same sub-division and on the South by the plot No. 110 of the same SUb-division.

Assonora, 9th March, 1990. - The Clerk in charge, Anancl Shanlwxr NClJik:

V. No. 5460/1990


17 The above mentioned Comunidade is convened in its extraordinary' meeting on third Sunday after publication of this' notice in Official Gazette, at its meeting Hall at Pirna, at 11.00 a. m., to discuss on following: _1° ~ Auction of cashew plots ,and paddy fields of Comunidade. 20 - TIegal constructions oil COmunidade land. 3° - Fixed Deposits of Comunidade. 4~ - Extraction of laterite stones and land given on lease by .managing Committee and an increase of remunaration of. sitting fees to the members of Committee.

Pirna, 5th February, 1990. - The Clerk in charge, Sriclol'O Madooa Xete.

V. No. 5469/1990


18 The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened in its extraordinary meeting, at its meeting Hall at Nadora, on 3rd Wednesday, after publication of present notice in Official Gazette at 11.00 a. m., in order to give its opinion on the subject of .increasing of remuneration of the members of Mana~ing Committee.

Revora, 31st January, 1990. - The Clerk in charge, Sridora Madeva Xete,

V. No. 5470/1990


19 The above mentioned Comunidade, as ,per the resolu­tiontaken by the General Body on 18-2-90 and endorse<! by the Managing Committee on 25-2-90, the non-working days in the week have' been changed to Friday and Saturday with immediate effect.

Mapusa, 6th March, 1990. - The Clerk,. Vishnu Namdeu, Gawnkarr.

. V. No. 5472/1990


20 A public auction of an item of sale of forest teak wood for second time will be held on 28th March, 19~, at


11.00 a. m. in the premises of Comunidade of Uca"lsaim, the prices and conditions approved' by the authority.

Ucassaim, 8th MarCh, 1990. --:- The U. D. C., Sd/-.

V. No,


21 The above Comunidade is hereby convened at its usual meeting place, at 10.00 a .. lTI., on 3rd. Sunda'. after publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, order to give its opinion on the resolution of the Committee dt. 30-12-1989 on the request of Radha Satsang Beas, Vasco Centre, duly aUthorised by higlwi authOlities.

Chicalim, 20th February, 1990. - '1'he Clerk, D·inltnrt·tu Dessai.

V. No,


22 The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convene, for an extraordinary meeting in its Meeting Hall at 10.00 on 3rd Tuesday after the publication of this notice in Official Gazette, in order to give its opinion on the No. 1-332-89-ACB/1989, in which Shri Maheshwar Parab, resident at Vagator, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa, has 'on lease (aforamento baSis) for construction of a. house, the uncultivated and unused plot of 18,nd mnncc' 'Simechi-Datt', lote No. 77, Survey No. 27/1, plot No, 98, situated at Sirsaim of Bardez Taluka and belonging to Comunidade of Sirsaim, admeasuring an area of 4()O sq. mh.. It is bounded on the east by the plot No. 99 of the Galll

sub-division; on the west by open space of Comunidade land. on the north by the pJot Nos. 91 & 92 of the same sub-divisior and on the south by 6 metres proposed road of the sub-division.

Assonora, 9th March, 1990. - The Cler!, in charge, Shankar Naik.

V. No, 5482;19Df


23 The above mentioned Comunidade is convened on the third Sunday after the publication of this notice in the Offi­cial Gazette, at its .usual place, at 10.30 a. m., in OrclPl' discuss the folloV'Ting subjects;

1- To defend the case in High Court Branch, Punaji regarding the petition ·filed by Forest Department agaimt the Order of Hon. District Court, Case no. 433/81.

2 - Regarding Land acquisition of the Comunidade acquired for road which passes from Pedem to Rachol.

3 - To consider the application of Lions Club 0[ Sirod", construct a Bus stop at Pandagal (CaraIm Siroda.).

4 -To consider regarding the aforamento Rumdem gl to Vinayak Porobo of Mamgal Tarvalem of Siro:la.

Siroda., 27th February, 1990. -- The Ch,rIc, 1l1([[Uwc[t1' Or.tndeaparcar.

V. Nc·, 5543/1980




24 An Ordinary Meeting of Mahajans of Shl'i Mahadev Devasthan, Kothombi, Quepem, will be held on 25-3-1990, at usual meeting place of the Devasthan at 4.30 p. m. sharp, to discuss and approve the following Agenda:--

Agenda of Meeting:

1. Discuss and approve the pending Budget Estimates for the years 1986-87, 1987-88, 1988-89 & 1989-90 .

2. To discuss and approve the Budget Estimates of the year 1990-91.

3. To discuss the matter regarding not handing ave:' the accounts of the last four years by the immediate Ex-Committee.

Page 13: Books Published in Goa 1989

2~ND MARaH~. 1990 (CHAITRA 1) 1912)

4. To approve the proposal of donating the piece of land of Devasthan to Sateri Mahamaya Mahila Dairy Co-Operative Society, Kothombi-Quepem.

5. Any other subject with the permission of the Chairman.

Quepem, 9th March, 1990. - The Secretary, B. V. P1'ubhu DessGJi.

Seen-. The President, Ra}endm. Y. P. D6ssai.

Note:-If there is no quorum the Meeting will be adjour­ned and the same will be held on same day at 5.30 p. m.

V. No. 5409/1990

Private Advertisements

25 Rama Visnum Porobe Gauncar, married of Vagurbeu'i, hereby announces. that he wishes to transfer in his name four shares nos. 203 to 200 standing iT'. the tittle no. 25 A Desdo­brauo, standing in the name of hiE! late fattier Shri Visnum Rogunata Porobo who was from Vargurbem 'and five shares bearing numbers 6 to 10 containing in the tittle number 2, and standing in the name of his late mother Smt. Laximbai POTO'­bo, who was from Vagurbem as well intends to collect the dividends of the said share,Si of the last ten years which are not prescribed.

Anyone interested may claim to its competent authority within legal time.

V. No. 5152/1990

26 Shri Custa Purxotoma Porono of Vagurbem, married hereby announces that he intends to transfer in his name six shares Qf Comunidade Qf Vagurbell, bearing numbers 101 to 106 containing in the title number 14, and standing in the name of his late father, Shri Purxotoma .CUsta Porobo Gaun­car who was from Vagurbem as well as intends to collect the dividends of the said shares of the last ten yea!';! which are nof prescribed.

Anyone interested may claim \vithin legal time to its com­petent authority.

V. No. 5153/1990

27 Esperanca Rodrigues wife of LudovicQ Rodrigues, from Quelossim wishes to' get transferred in her name seven share, certificates of the Comunidade of Queloosim, belonging to her late father-in-law Caetano Rodrigues who was from Quelossim, which ·are as follows:

No. 170 - 5th and 6th tenth, comprising shares nos .. 516 and 517 respectively.

NO'. 177 - 6th to last tenth comprising shares nos. 587 to 591. respectively, and to collect the uruapsed dividents of the same shares.

Objections if any, may be raised within 30 days, in the respective Comunidade Office.

v. NO'. 5206/1990

28 Smt. Urminda Mascarenhas da Lima LeitaQ;widow, resident of Vasco Da Gama, wishes to renew the share Certificates .of the,follQwing Comunidades, as they are found to be lost, with prior division: -

CQmunidade of Carmona: - Titlos Nos. 341-A; 342, 363 Qf 10 shares each O'f Nos. 692 to 701; 702 to 711; 795 to 804; Title Nos. 343; 344 and 345 being the first of 10 shares of~Nos. 712 to.721 be divided into one share each 'and the remaining of Nos. 722 and 723; title NO'. 364 of 10 shares of Nos. 805 to 814 be divided intO' three titles being the first cQntaining two shares of Nos. 805 and 806; the second containing five shares of Nos. 807 to 811 and the last containing 3 shares of Nos. 812 to 814 respectively.

Comunidade of Varca: -- NO~J. 874-A of 10 shares each of Nos. "liCA, to and 4006 to 4015, respectivel:y, Obje.cUons raised in the competent offu:c; vvithin time of 50 days.

29 Mrs. Barbara Sodder alias widow Qf' Bruno Lizardo transfer in her name title No. under Nos. 668 to 677 of the pertaining to her late husband Fernandes and to collect the accnl:"d and standing on the said shares.

Objections, if any, may be raised in the within the prescribed time limit.


Notice 'The subscribers to the Official (i~L·zet11e

V. I

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