
First Presbyterian Church Thursday Bible Study

for men and women






James; 1 and 2 Peter; 1, 2 and 3 John; and Jude

September 11 November 20, 2008 January 8 April 2, 2009

Bold Letters for Courageous Disciples

Fall 2008 – Spring 2009

I keep a file of treasured letters as a pastor. Every once in a while, I receive a piece of

correspondence that is too precious to throw away. Sometimes, when I’ve had a particularly

difficult week, I pull a random letter from this file to receive the encouragement and

remember the goodness of God in all circumstances.

The General Letters of the New Testament are a lot like my file of letters. Many of these

letters talk about what it means for God to draw near to us. Others talk about answers to

prayer. Some of them contain affirmations of the Spirit’s blessing, but many contain straight

talk about the way things are.

If we will allow them, these letters can shape our lives as ―a chosen race, a royal priesthood,

a holy nation, God’s own people‖ (1 Pt. 2:9). These are letters from the heart, many from

first-hand encounters with the incarnation of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Paul may be

the most famous correspondent in the New Testament Epistles, but we would do well to sit

up and pay attention to the likes of James, Peter, John and Jude.

So let’s dwell on this file of letters for awhile. Let’s remember and celebrate and discover

anew the wisdom from the earliest followers of Jesus.

With great anticipation in Christ,

The Rev. Richard Kannwischer

Senior Pastor

Thursday Bible Study September 11—November 20, 2008

January 8—April 2, 2009

Table of Contents

September 11 Kannwischer General Letters / Overview / Introduction ........................1

September 18 Kannwischer James 1:2-18, 5:7-11 ..................................................... 2-3

September 25 Kannwischer James 1:22-27, 2:14-26 ................................................. 4-5

October 2 Kannwischer James 3:1-18, 4:13-17, 5:12 .......................................... 6-7

October 9 Kannwischer James 2:1-12, 5:1-6 ....................................................... 8-9

October 16 Kannwischer James 4:1-12, 5:13-20 ............................................... 10-11

October 23 Galligan 1 Peter 1:1-2:3 ........................................................... 12-13

October 30 Galligan 1 Peter 2:4-10 ............................................................ 14-15

November 6 Galligan 1 Peter 2-11-3:7......................................................... 16-17

November 13 Galligan 1 Peter 3:8-4:11 ......................................................... 18-19

November 20 Galligan 1 Peter 4:12-5:14 ....................................................... 20-21

January 8 Seiders, John 2 Peter 1 .................................................................... 22-23

January 15 Seiders, John 2 Peter 2 .................................................................... 24-25

January 22 Seiders, John 2 Peter 3 .................................................................... 26-27

January 29 Simpson Introduction to John .................................................. 28-29

February 5 Seiders, Ruthie 1 John 1 ..................................................................... 30-32

February 12 Seiders, Ruthie 1 John 2 ..................................................................... 33-36

February 19 Seiders, Ruthie 1 John 3 ..................................................................... 37-39

February 26 Seiders, Ruthie 1 John 4 ..................................................................... 40-42

March 5 Seiders, Ruthie 1 John 5 ..................................................................... 43-45

March 12 Simpson 2 John ........................................................................ 46-48

March 19 Simpson 3 John ........................................................................ 49-50

March 26 Simpson Jude ........................................................................... 51-52

April 2 Seiders, John Review ...................................................................... 53-54

Blank paper ............................................................... 55-61


General Letters / Overview / Introduction

September 11, 2008

For James, the mature Christian is someone who …

Endures with joy

1:2-18, 5:7-11

Believes with action

1:22-27, 2:14-26

Speaks with wisdom

3:1-18, 4:13-17, 5:12

Gives with mercy

2:1-12, 5:1-6

Prays with humility

4:1-12, 5:13-20


Endures with joy—James 1:2-18, 5:7-11

September 18, 2008

1. What is joy? What are other New Testament passages on the subject of joy?

2. Why does James advise that we should endure our trials with joy? When have you encountered a

person who lived with joy in the midst of suffering?

3. What does James mean by being ―double-minded‖ in 2:7? How does doubt diminish our joyful

endurance? Describe a time when you have doubted a friend, a coworker, a family member or

God. How did the doubting affect the relationship?

4. Why is it important to believe that it is not God who tempts us? According to James, from where

does evil come? Where does it lead us?


5. Those who endure faithfully receive the ―crown of life‖ (1:12). What does this crown signify?

(See also Rev. 2:10, 2 Tim. 4:8)

6. In chapter 5, James picks up the theme of endurance again. This time he connects it to the second

coming of Jesus. What does eschatology have to do with perseverance here and now? How are we

to wait for the Lord’s coming?

7. Why does James refer to Job in 5:11 as an example of the Lord’s purpose in perseverance?

8. How can this group be praying for you as you face your trials and struggles?


Believes with action—James 1:22-27, 2:14-26

September 25, 2008

1. James says that the perfect law gives liberty (1:25). Most people view the law as constraining, not

freeing. How can this be so? How does God’s law provide freedom instead of bondage?

2. How do James’ words on faith and works connect with Jesus’ parable of the sower? (see Mark 4)

3. Is James advocating for salvation by works in this passage? How are we saved as people of God?

How do we reconcile this with the words of Paul in Ephesians 2:8-11?

4. James describes hearing without acting as deceitful (1:22), senseless and barren (2:20) How?



5. James is particularly critical of those who focus purely on the spiritual needs of the poor, hereby

neglecting their physical needs. Why is this so prevalent in Christian ministry? What can we do to

rectify it?

6. How is Abraham an example of faith in action? How is Rahab?

7. What does friendship with God look like?

8. What is the inevitable result of a faith that does not work? What is one way you can put your faith

to work this month?


Speaks with wisdom—James 3:1-18, 4:13-17, 5:12

October 2, 2008

1. Why do you think teachers are held to a higher standard of conduct? How does this advice from

James inform ordination standards for leaders within the church?

2. James describes the tongue as small yet mighty. When have you experienced potency of words for

good or for ill?

3. Why is holding your tongue such a difficult thing to do? What advice would you give a teenager

on how to control what you say?

4. Where else does the Bible talk about the dangers of speech?


5. For James, what is the connection between wisdom and speaking?

6. What corruptive role does arrogance play on our speech (4:13-17)?

7. Why are Christians not to take oaths? What is the danger? How does James’ advice connect with

Jesus’ wisdom in the Sermon on the Mount?

8. Is it harder for you to say ―yes‖ or ―no‖ well? How can we do this more faithfully as Christ-



Gives with mercy—James 2:1-12, 5:1-6

October 9, 2008

1. What is favoritism? Where do you see favoritism today in our culture?

2. What does it mean to ―love your neighbor as you love yourself‖ according to James 2:8? Compare

and contrast what this commandment says in context by examining Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 5:43,

Matthew 22:39, Romans 13:9, and Galatians 5:14.

3. According to James the spiritual danger of favoritism is that we pretend to be judge of all life (2:4).

Describe a time when you have felt judged by another.

4. The only thing that triumphs over judgment is mercy (2:13). How does mercy trump judgment?


5. James says that if we do not give mercy, we will not receive it. Why? What are other parts of the

New Testament that refer to the necessity of giving with mercy so that we might be forgiven?

6. James is particularly harsh toward those who are rich. Why is he so frustrated with the wealthy in


7. What is the New Testament’s view of money? How did Jesus deal with the wealthy?

8. For James, our attitude toward money is a matter of faith. In 2:1, he speculates that some who

claim to be followers of Jesus do not really believe? What is the connection between faith and

wealth? How then are we to live as wealthy Christians?


Prays with humility—James 4:1-12, 5:13-20

October 16, 2008

1. According to James, where do conflicts come from? How does this connect to what Jesus says in

the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:21-30?

2. What does it mean to say in 4:2 that ―we do not have because we do not ask?‖ How do we ―ask

wrongly‖ in prayer?

3. Reread 4:6. What is the relationship between humility and grace?

4. James 4:8 states that when we draw near to God, he draws near to us. When have you felt closest

to God?


5. In chapter five, James calls Christians to pray in any and all circumstances. Is it more challenging

for you to pray in times of suffering or in times of cheer? Why?

6. What is the interplay between healing and forgiveness? Where else does the New Testament talk

about this?

7. How is Elijah a model for humble prayer?

8. In concluding this series on James, what do you want to pray for?


1 Peter 1:1-2:3

October 23, 2008

1. What are some of the descriptive phrases in this passage that describe Christians?

2. How does Peter use the imagery of ―birth‖ and ―newborns‖? What’s helpful about this imagery?

3. What does Peter say the Goal of your faith is?


4. How do you ―set your hope‖? (vs. 13)

5. What do you think Peter means by ―…the empty way of life handed down to you from your

forefathers.‖? (vs. 18) How might we still live in those ways?

6. What kinds of trials have you faced in life?

7. Do you feel you’re prepared for action in your faith? (What would make you feel more ready?)


1 Peter 2:4-10

October 30, 2008

1. What other biblical passages come to mind that feature rocks?

2. What are the recipients of this letter being built into? What do you think that means?

3. How is God your cornerstone? How is God your capstone?


4. When do you least feel like a people belonging to God?

5. What would a Royal Priesthood look like? (How might we look more like that?)

6. How have you been brought out of darkness into his wonderful light?

7. How does mercy shape the people of God? How might it shape us differently? (vs. 10)


1 Peter 2:11-3:7

November 6, 2008

1. Why does Peter implore his readers to live good lives among the pagans?

2. Can you think of a time in your life when you saw this in your life?

3. Obviously 2:18-20 and 3:1-7 can be troubling passages in our modern ears, but what do you think

is the bigger point that Peter is trying to make in this section? (Hint: is it really about slaves or



4. What was the example that Christ left us?

5. When is suffering good? When is it bad? Should we seek suffering? When should we escape


6. Where should we find our self-worth (our beauty)? How do you do that?

7. After thinking about this passage, how might it be calling you to live differently?


1 Peter 3:8-4:11

November 13

1. Musically, what is harmony? So what might Peter mean when he says that we should ―live in

harmony with one another‖? (vs. 8)

2. When are times when you repay evil for evil?

3. Do you have a reason for the hope that you have? What is it? (In other words: Why do you

believe what you believe?)


4. What was Christ’s attitude that we should arm ourselves with? (vs. 4:1)

5. How are you using your God given gifts to serve others? How can you use your God given gifts to

serve others?

6. How should we speak and serve? (What should our attitude be?)


In smaller groups of 2 or 3, share with one another the reason for your hope. What do you believe?

Why do you believe? How has this belief been strengthened?


1 Peter 4:12-5:14

November 20, 2008

1. When were the early Christians persecuted for the Gospel? How did they respond?

2. Can you think of a time when it was hard for YOU to be a Christian? What kinds of good things

do you avoid doing because of what other people will think?

3. On a scale from 1 to 10, how eager are you to serve? Why?


4. When is it easiest to be humble? When is it hardest?

5. What does this passage say about what happens after Christian suffering?

6. After studying this letter, what stands out to you?


2 Peter 1

January 8, 2009

1. What do you learn about the author of the letter and the recipients of the letter from verses 1-2?

2. What is ―everything we need for life and godliness‖(vss. 3-11)?

3. How do we continue to grow in our faith and keep from being ―ineffective and unfruitful‖ (vss.5-


4. Of the qualities listed in vss. 5-7, which is the one that you would like to grow into the most?



5. What does it mean for a person to ―confirm‖ his or her ―call and election‖? Why do you think the

author stresses this (vss.9-11)?

6. In vs. 12-15 the words remind, refresh and recall are used. What seems to be the concern of Peter

as he writes this letter?

7. In vs. 16-18, Peter refers to being an eyewitness to an event. What is the event which he describes?

What is the importance of being an eyewitness?

8. From vss. 19-21 what do you understand to be the nature of prophecy? Why would Peter stress


9. What in this chapter gives you the most comfort? The most stress? Why?


2 Peter 2

January 15, 2009

1. What are the characteristics of false prophets and false teachers (vss. 1-4)? Why are they


2. In vss. 5-10a Peter lists several events from the Old Testament (specifically from the book of

Genesis). What are the events? Who is spared? Who is not?

3. Why do you think Noah and Lot are specifically mentioned in this chapter?

4. Peter continues to list the characteristics of false prophets in vss. 10b-19. What are the

characteristics that he adds?


5. What do you know about the story of Balaam? (Take a look at Numbers 22-24.) How does this

example illustrate Peter’s concern?

6. Why do you think Peter spends so much time in this chapter focusing on false teachers and false


7. Why is it that someone might want to follow false teachers or false prophets?

8. What do vss. 20-22 imply about salvation and turning from it?

9. Who can we remain vigilant regarding false teachers and false prophets?


2 Peter 3

January 22, 2009

1. According to vss. 1-3, what reasons does Peter give for writing this letter?

2. What will characterize the life of scoffers?

3. Peter uses the words ―water‖ and ―fire‖ several times in this chapter. Take some time to compare

and contrast his use of these words. What do you learn?

4. What is the concept of time expressed in vs. 8? Why is this important?


5. What will the day of the Lord be like? Do you find this to be comforting or distressing? Why?

6. In vs. 11 Peter raises a question, ―. . . what sort of persons ought you to be in leading lives of

holiness and godliness?‖. What answers has Peter given to this question in this chapter?

7. Why do you think Peter mentions Paul in this chapter?

8. How will you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?


Introduction to John

January 29, 2008

Introduction to the Disciple John

Gospel and Letter Writer

The best way to introduce the Letters of John is to first look at the author as he is revealed in the

Gospels, and then spend time reading the letters as just that – three distinct units, letters written to a

group of young believers trying resist the temptation to listen to the false prophets of their day seeking

to draw them away from what they know to be true. We live in a very similar world! We have a lot to

gain by spending time looking at John’s letters.

1. Who is John?

Read the following passages and begin to draw up a biography of who John is.

Mark 1: 16-20 (career, family)

Luke 5: 9-10 (partners/friends)

Mark 3:17 (nickname)

Mark 10:35-45 (strange request and lesson to be learned)

Luke 9: 51-56 (growing edges to his response to Samaritans)


Acts 8:14-17 (more mature reaction to Samaritans)

John 1:14 (eyewitness to what?)

John 13: 21-23 (scholars believe John is referring to himself here)

John 21:24-25 (reveals himself as author of gospel)

1 John 5:13 (why he writes)

2. Read 1 John (all 5 chapters together as a unit)

Write down major themes, words/phrases that are repeated.

3. Read 2 John

Write down any recurring themes and new themes about which John writes.

4. Read 3 John

Write down any recurring themes and new themes about which John writes.


1 John 1

February 5, 2009

Jesus, the Word of life, calls us out of darkness to walk in the Light of his presence.


1. What happens when you’re trying to find your way around in darkness?

2. What happens when someone turns on the light?

3. How is sin like walking around in darkness?

4. Who first turned the light on for you?

5. When have you been able to turn the light on for someone else?

Read 1 John 1



6. What words jump out at you as you read?

7. Any repetitions?

8. Any contrasting statements?


9. What is ―the message‖ referring to in verse 5?


10. John sets up a contrast between light and darkness. What are the characteristics of light? Of


11. What is sin?

12. What is confession and why is it important?


13. Can you think of a time when you were able to confess a sin, or ask for forgiveness from a friend

or family member and you really felt the experience of the darkness lifting from that relationship

and the light of Christ coming in? If so, can you share that experience with the group?


1 John 2

February 12, 2009

Jesus, our Advocate, desires us to obey him and walk in the truth.


1. John is writing to people in a church who have remained after other split off. Those who split

were teaching ―new and advanced‖ views about being the church. John wrote this letter to help the

church discern truth from error.

2. Where do you turn to discern truth from error in your own life?

3. When in your life was it difficult to walk the walk as a Christian?

4. What is the role of an advocate? When have you needed, or served as, an advocate?

Read 1 John 2



5. What words or phrases jump out at you as you read?

6. Any repetitions?

7. Any contrasting statements?


8. Verses 7-8 speak of a new commandment that is old and new at the same time. What is this



9. How can we determine if we truly know God? (look at verses 3 and 10)

10. Look at verses 12-14: who is addressed? What is the message to each?

11. John paints a spiritual battle in which we are engaged, what do we have to draw upon to help us

continue a life of faithfulness? (verse 20)


12. How can we determine if we truly know God? (look at verses 3 and 10)


13. How are you doing in these areas of your life? How can you encourage others in your small

group? How can your small group pray for you?

14. Who invested in you when you were young? Who are the young people in your life in whom you

are investing and sharing your faith journey, helping them discern truth from error?

15. In what area of your life does love for the world compete with your love for God?

16. Read verses 28-29 together as a group as you close today and pray for each other.


1 John 3

February 19, 2009

As children of God we are called to believe and demonstrate love in our relationships.


1. Group leader bring a piece of newsprint paper and a marker. Have each group member trace a

hand on the paper creating a circle of hand prints.

2. As a group, discuss the things that bring a group of people closer together. Write those things

inside the circle of hands.

3. What are the things that can tear a group apart? Write those things down on the outside of the


4. What can we learn from this little exercise for our life together as the church?

Read 1 John 3



5. What words or phrases jump out at you as you read?

6. Any repetitions?

7. Any contrasting statements?


8. Is John implying that Christians are sinless? What does John mean by saying, ―No one who lives

in him keeps on sinning?‖

9. How are we to know if we are indeed children of God?

10. How does John define love?


11. What does it mean for God’s love to ―abide‖ in us? How is that love characterized?


12. John has strong words for those who choose to sin. How does a Christian deal with this in a

society that seems to honor moral relativism?

13. What do you think it means to ―abide in him?‖ How do you do that in your life?

14. How would you like to practice Jesus’ love to others this week?

15. What are the two aspects of the ultimate command from God?

16. How can we know God lives in us?

17. What difference does this make in your life to know this truth?


1 John 4

February 26, 2009

As children of God we are called to abide in God and to love others.


1. What personality traits did you inherit from your father or mother?

2. Share an experience of being at a family function and seeing the characteristics of family members

in each other.

3. In your life, how have you discerned when something is from God or not?

Read 1 John 4


4. What words or phrases jump out at you as you read?

5. Any repetitions? Count how many times John mentions the word ―love.‖


6. Any contrasting statements?


7. What does John command in verse 1? Why?

8. Why is it important to our faith that we believe that Jesus was fully human, fully divine?

9. What is the main theme of verses 7-21?

10. What is the source of love?

11. How has this love been revealed?


12. Look at verse 12. How can we see God?


13. When in your life have you felt the most loved by God?

14. According to John, how is it we are able to love others?

15. Why is it sometimes harder to love those closest to us?

16. Think of someone God has placed in your life, how will you express your love to this person

specifically this week? Pray for each other in this and then check back in next week.


1 John 5

March 5, 2009

As children of God we are called to believe and walk in obedience.


1. So far in our study of 1 John, we have been challenged to walk in the light, to walk in the truth, to

believe and love, to abide and love, and now to believe and obey. It seems John is saying a lot of

the same things over and over, why does he need to repeat this?

2. What do ―belief‖ and ―obedience‖ have to do with one another?

Read 1 John 5


3. What words or phrases jump out at you as you read?

4. Any repetitions? Look at how many times John uses some form of the word testimony in the

center section.

5. Any contrasting statements?



6. How does John demonstrate that loving God and loving others goes hand in hand?

7. When we feel worn out and beaten down by the world, what might we be forgetting?

8. John says there are three that testify – the Spirit, the water and the blood. How does each testify to

the truth of Jesus Christ?

9. Remember, in the beginning of this study we talked about the church to whom John write his letter

were dealing with a faction splitting off because they did not believe Jesus was the Messiah nor

that he had come in flesh. How does the testimony of verse 7 speak specifically to that issue?



10. What does it mean to testify? When have you had occasion to testify to something?

11. What has convinced you as to the truth of the gospel?

12. What would it mean in your life to be prepared to testify to what you know to be true about Jesus


13. Share an experience of answered prayer with your group.

A young couple was planning to adopt their first child. In the preparations, the young women cross

stitched the following saying: ―Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, and yet miraculously my

own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart but in it.‖ Each of us who

names the name of Jesus has been adopted as sons and daughters of the living God, growing in his

heart of love. We are each brothers and sisters in the church. Every Sunday is like a family reunion.

Close in prayer giving thanks both for the love given to us that we would be called children of God,

and for the family God has given us in each other.


2 John

March 12, 2009

1. Who is ―the elder‖ and what does the author mean by using this title in vs. 1?

2. What does the author mean by addressing the Second Letter of John to ―the elect lady and her

children? (vs. 1)

3. The author tells us in vs. 1 that he loves ―the elect lady and her children in the truth, and not

himself but all who know the truth.‖ What does the phrase ―in the truth‖ mean to you? How does

one love in the truth?


4. What unique characteristic do Christians have? In what way does this characteristicrelate to love

in the truth? (vs. 2)

5. What did the elder say would be with us in truth and love? How does the presence of God’s grace,

mercy and peace enable us to love in the truth? (v. 3)

6. What do you think it means to walk in the truth? When and how has it given you joy to see another

believer walking in the truth? (v. 4)

7. According to the author, what is love? How do we show love for one another? (v. 6)


8. What does it mean to abide in the teaching of Christ? (v. 9)

9. What does it mean to not welcome a person who does not abide in the teaching of Christ? (v. 9)

10. How would welcoming someone who does not abide in Christ’s teaching be sharing in his or her

wickedness? (v. 11)

11. What sort of people should we welcome into the church? What sort of people should you

welcome into your home?


3 John

March 19, 2009

1. What does the elder pray for Gaius in verse 2 and why?

2. Who are the friends in verse 3 and what was the purpose of their visit to the elder?

3. What was Gaius faithful in doing for the friends who were strangers to him? How were the friends

affected by Gaius’ faithfulness? (vs. 5)


4. Why does the elder encourage Gaius to send the friends on in a manner worthy of God? (vs. 6)

5. Why do think the elder said that Christians ought to show hospitality to those who serve God? (vs.


6. What was Diotrephes doing in verse 10 and why?

7. In what areas of your life do you need to do better at imitating good rather than evil? (vs. 11)

8. How do we show hospitality to other Christians? To strangers?



March 26, 2009

1. In vs. 1, Jude identifies himself as ―a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James.‖ Why do you

think he doesn’t identify himself as an apostle and a brother of Jesus Christ?

2. Jude urges his readers to ―contend for the faith‖ in vs. 3. What does this phrase mean to you?

3. How do each of the examples from history (vv. 5-7, 11) relate to problems of unbelief, immorality,

violence and rebellion in the world today?

4. How is the good distinguished from the bad in this divided church (vv. 17-21)?

5. What is the relationship between vs. 5 and vs. 17 and how does it provide a foundation for Jude’s

main appeal to his readers?


6. Jude provides a way for his readers to ―keep themselves in God’s love…‖ by building themselves

up in their holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. How do you keep yourself in God’s love?

What is your plan? (vs. 20-21)

7. How can you show mercy to believers who doubt? (vs. 22)

8. What does it mean to ―show mercy, mixed with fear‖? (vs. 23)

9. In view of the warnings in Jude, what hope do you find in verses 24-25?



April 2, 2009

1. What is one thing that you remember or has stuck with you from the study of each of General

Letters that we studied?

a. James

b. First Peter

c. Second Peter

d. First John

e. Second John

f. Third John

g. Jude


2. Share how you have integrated one of these truths into your daily life.

3. How has this study helped you to grow/be challenged/change as a follower of Jesus Christ?

4. What is a way in which we can pray for each other?

































































































































































































































































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