  • Tachi bokken with saya

    This is the first tachi bokken with saya, so let the photos speak for themselves,

    I did not go too much into the details, anyway this is the first.

    Unfortunately with this project I started in 2007, but due to other responsibilities and

    problems of tool, only recently revived in full.

    The pictures show two versions, the first version without saya, bokuto version and another

    version is Tachi bokken with saya and itomaki with hishigami
  • And her is Tachi bokuto without Tachi bokken
  • Posted by buki stolar at 04:06 3 comments:

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    more Koryu bokuto

    here is two for me new Koryu bokuto, Niten ichi ryu daisho and Shindo Yoshin Ryu bokuto
  • Basic Ninja bokken, saya/itomaki

    Dear Budo friends,

    here is few pics of ninja uchigatana bokken with saya and itomaki and round tsuba,

    for those who like simple design we could say "basic"
  • Short Ninja biken bokken

    This version (shorter than common) of Ninja sword is made by info from Shihan Alex Esteve,

    for his Dojo
  • Custom Shikomi Tanto

    one customer wish something custom,

    so here it is,
  • Posted by buki stolar at 18:33 No comments:

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    Kogarasu Bokken

    this is one of my last experiments,

    this year's Ken sword a major theme in Bujinkan and for Kogarasu maru sword say it's kind of a

    "bridge" between Ken and Tachi, so if you're interested, what is the feeling, let me know
  • Posted by buki stolar at 18:22 No comments:

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    Shikomi katana

    here is basic Shikomi katana, in natur version,

    this is not version in classic round stick, is made from beech wood and blade is made of very

    durable hornbeam wood,

    for more info send me e-mail

    here is pic. before finishing
  • Shikomi O-Tanto

    here is one Shikomi Tanto made by customer request, so I call it Shikomi O - Tanto,

    because blade is 27 cm, normally I could make it even longer, all by your choice

    enjoy in pics
  • and this was before back paint, so it could be also natural wood or brown, red etc.
  • New Shinobi Tanto

    first model of this kind of shinobi tanto was made 2000 for Taikai in Holland, since then there

    have been several modifications, and this is the last one, enjoy,
  • more photo soo, more info soon
  • Kodachi with saya

    Dear Budo friends,

    here is first kodachi with saya, but not ordinary saya, this saya have KAERITSUNO (small


    Due to constant improvement, here's another novelty from my little workshop.

    If you look at the professional literature about Nihonto you will find out that Kaeritsuno most

    commonly appear on Kodachi and Tanto koshirae.
  • Aikuchi

    Aikuchi knife
  • Shinobigatana, Ninja sword's

    According to my latest knowledge about Shinobigatana, or ninja swords on which I need to

    thanks Shihan Alex Esteve,

    he confirmed some of my assumptions, and here is few new boken's.

    I photographed them together with the Cold Steel Warrior Katana, to better see the


    sorry for the bad quality photos

    It is difficult to catch the good light and shadow's : )

    There are swords of this kind but there are also tactical, of which I will also write something

    and make some training versions.

    soon more info,
  • Koryu bokken, sori 2 cm

    Here is another koryu bokuto but with 2 cm curvature,

    natural curvature of course,

    made of the acacia tree, because it looks nice, but like all other porous trees is not appropriate

    for hard contact bokuto,

    more photos soon
  • Shinobi Daisho

    Hello Buyu's

    here is the new swords, I never asked for the right name for these swords, so if someone

    knows, I'll be grateful.

    For now, we call them Shinobi Daisho, of course, these are for sale and who offered more, will

    have an interesting training.

    According to some sources, this weapon can be called "Gyaku ni Daisho", gyaku because the

    reverse placed.

    You could see this type of tool on some video material, or in the literature of Soke Hatsumi,

    so you probably all realize the purpose of this tool.

    The key element is definitely a surprise, but in addition there are several more important


    The first is the Tsuba, which in this case closer to the top of the blades, which practically

    marks part is called "Mono uchi" or part of the blade used for cutting.

    In this way we can better control the opponent's blade or him, also we can used Tsuba for

    pulling opponent as some kind of hook.

    Sageo is also a position that allows a special kind of control blades, for example, if you drag the

    end of the Sageo in the direction of the opponent, tip of blade will also move in the direction

    of the opponent.

    Other benefits try to discover you using your own imagination, if not ask someone else, or visit

    one of my future workshops, which I will try arrange to meet people with the technical

    characteristics of weapons used in their Budo training
  • Tachi bokken "2"

    This is the second tachi bokken slightly better, with few details on the saya and kashira, still

    under development,

    third should be fully faithful to original copy of the Tachi sword.

    For now, enjoy the pictures, and all other possible questions or orders, please contact me via

    e-mail, because it will be three more tachi bokken AVAILABLE.
  • Bokken with hamon

    last week I need to do something what I plan for long, long time,

    bokken with hamon and imitation of habaki, just need to put menuki and it will be like real


    for now just few picture's, later I will explain
  • Ninja biken, Sinobigatana, Ninja to?

    Although it is hard to say which is actually a real name for this type of sword, he is become not

    replaceable in training of Ninjutsu.

    This type of bokken I we make the past ten years, what you could see below is the latest

    improved version, in fact, several of them, never do just one solution : ))
  • and surprise under Kashira, metsubishi : )
  • Daisho

    This is a Daisho bokuto, I called them the basic version,

    you may find it similar to other bokken that you can buy, but I assure you it is not.

    If you look at the details, curvature, lines, you'll see that I have tried ( in my way) to unify

    Bokuto and Shinken

    I am aware of the fact that any piece of wood or branches, can be used as a bokken or bokuto,

    but it is valid when you are in nature, and do not bring your bokken with you.
  • However, when you're in the dojo, and if you respect Budo, then I think it deserves at least one

    good bokken or bokuto.

    In way that person choose Shinken, the same principle applies equally well to bokken, at least

    this is my humble opinion.

    This could be called the most widely used form of blades, although it is actually difficult to say,

    given the range of the blade, which the Japanese blacksmiths through the centuries have.

    Because people mostly purchase a similar type blade, and the curvature is not too large, so it is

    possible make such a Daisho of exotic wood planks, I decided that this becomes the basic form

    of Daisho from my workshop, that's why I called them the basic version
  • Koryu bokken and bokuto

    Here is picture's of Koryu Bokken's or bokuto's which I make



  • JIGEN RYU (without sori, customer wish)
  • wooden Tanto

    Here is few pictures of my wooden O- tanto's, with saya and ito maki

    tanto with white Jabara ito have also wooden menuki, that was first time that i put menuki on

    any of my bokken's or tanto's, but it hepen to be very nice and natural for this kind of wooden

  • All this O-Tanto's have Hishigamis under itomaki wrap,

    shape of blade and kissaki is very similar to original look tantos from that time.

    When you order Tanto from me you could chose lenght of blade, lenght of tsuka, size and

    shape of tsuba , and as you se colour of ito maki.

    If I don't have colour of ito maki which you like to have, you could buy it somewhere else and

    send it to me to wrap your tanto
  • Bokuto/bokken

    Some Budoka's prefer bokkens made of exotic wood, mostly for the beauty of exotic wood

    and other characteristics.

    My personal experience says that exotic wood is not the happiest solution for those who

    expect a great bokken, especially for contact, in some of next posts I will explain why.

    If you need a bokken / bokuto just for katas or slight contact, which will really look good, then

    certainly recommend the already known species of exotic wood.

    On the photo below is one of my bokuto made from African Paduk, the structure of this wood

    looks like flowing lava, normally under the horizontal section in relation to a tree.
  • There are also pictures of some other bokuto and from my private collection which I made, I

    hope you enjoy the pictures

    Peter Antunovic

    Hornbeam bokuto in most comon style, like my all bokuto's, this one also have natural sory

  • Bokuto in Tachi style(hornbeam), natural curve, bokuto on picture is without tsuba, but it

    could be with wooden or rubber tsuba in shape which you like

    Bokuto in koryu style (hornbeam)

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