Page 1: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees

Board of directors officersPresidentJerry Bork

vice-PresidentPhilip Goldstone

treasurerLouis Sinoff

recording secretaryPaul Grace

Past PresidentKate Shane

trusteesKaycee Canter Barbara CohenValerie Frost Phyllis KappGary KatzBarb LaMontJeffrey LessCarolyn Handler MillerDon Miller

staffexecutive directorGail Rapoport

corresPondingsecretaryMarcelle Cady

BookkeePerCathy Turner

graPhic designerPaula Eastwood

Tevet-Shevat 5773/January 2013

Special holiday Service

Shabbat at Home Service at Ponce de Leon

celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday and sabbath of songs Friday, January 25, 2013

Join us for a service on Friday, January 18, 5:30 pm at Ponce de Leon Senior Living, 640 Alta Vista Street. Visit with senior Jewish folks as we celebrate a Shabbat service in their social hall before our regular service at 7:30 pm at the synagogue. All are welcome.

The celebration of Tu B’Shevat has been part of Jewish life for more than two

millennia. The holiday is mentioned in the Talmud, when we learn of the various “new year” celebrations that are part of the agricultural cycle of life. Rabbi Levy will discuss how it has evolved in modern times into a seder celebration with many interpretations of the “four” symbols of the holiday and harkens back to the teachings of Isaac Luria and the Kabbalah from the late 1500’s.

The Sabbath of Songs (Shabbat Shirah) comprise love poems attributed to Solomon. Cantor Linder will be sharing the songs at this January 25 service. The Talmud and medieval

commentators interpret the Song of Songs as an allegory depicting a dialogue between God and Israel containing mystical songs of holiness.

ELEAnor & richArd BrEnnEr EducAtionAL SEriES

tuesday, January 8, 3:30 pm & 6:30 pm 

Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, with Ira Flatow of NPR’s Science Friday, “Science, Religion, and the Search for Meaning.” a look at the interdependence of religion and science and how they complement each other in our lives. Lord sacks is the chief rabbi of the “united hebrew congregations of the commonwealth” in the uk.

sunday, January 27, 10:00 am-12:00 pm “What is Jewish Culture?” with author amos oz, architect daniel Liebeskind, and professors James young, deborah dash Moore, and Fania oz-sulzberger.

tuesday, feBruary 12,3:30 pm & 6:30 pm “God is One: Moses, Jesus, Muhammad” with Bruce Feiler, omid safi, and karen king, plus reza aslan as moderator. a journey into monotheism and the role of prophets, with some of the most dynamic thinkers and writers on religion today.

adult education SerieSrabbi Martin Levy’s Winter classesAdult Book Study ClassesStarting on Wednesday January 23, 7:30 pm we will be studying Torah Stories Through the Eyes of the Kabbalah. This class will focus on classics such as the story of Joseph and his brothers, using the tools of the Kabbalah and medieval commentators to open up the Torah text.Hebrew Classes Ongoing classes resume on Thursday, January 10 at 1:30pm. Hebrew instruction, focusing on reading and studying Hebrew verbs.


F r i d ay S h a b b at S e r v i c e S — 7:30 p m 2230 O l d p e cO S t r a i l

CongregationBeit Tikvap. O. b Ox 24094S a n ta F e , n m 87502

a d d r e S S S e r v i c e r e q u e S t e d

Rabbi Martin W. LevyFounding Rabbi Leonard A. Helman

Cantor Michael G. Linder

p. O. b Ox 24094 S a n ta F e , n m 87502 t e l e p h O n e / Fax : 505.820.2991 w w w. b e i t t i k va S a n ta F e. O r g

Congregation Beit Tikva

n O n p r O F i t OrganiZatiOnu. S . p O S tag eP A I Dp e r m i t # 6 6 0Santa Fe, nm

F r i d ay S h a b b at S e r v i c e S — 7:30 p m 2230 O l d p e cO S t r a i l

CongregationBeit Tikvap. O. b Ox 24094S a n ta F e , n m 87502

a d d r e S S S e r v i c e r e q u e S t e d

Rabbi Martin W. LevyFounding Rabbi Leonard A. Helman

Cantor Michael G. Linder

p. O. b Ox 24094 S a n ta F e , n m 87502 t e l e p h O n e / Fax : 505.820.2991 w w w. b e i t t i k va S a n ta F e. O r g

Congregation Beit Tikva

n O n p r O F i t OrganiZatiOnu. S . p O S tag eP A I Dp e r m i t # 6 6 0Santa Fe, nm

Page 2: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees



One of the beautiful aspects of a congregation is that we are interconnected, that every generation is important to the other. I am always delighted

to see folks of all ages singing and joining together in our prayer services. Our lives are enriched by the thoughts and reactions of different participants, and the unity we experience in the sanctuary reminds us of how much needs to be done outside the walls of our synagogue. That is part of the meaning of the Sages’ comment: “the work is not upon you to complete but neither are you free to desist from it.” We as individuals can do so much, and yet there is so much more to do. The poet John Donne said this quite simply: “No man is an island entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent. Any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind. Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

In my life I learned many marvelous lessons from my maternal grandparents. In many ways they were my greatest teachers. They taught me about learning, family, history and mitzvoth. When I pray on Shabbat evenings, I reflect on the importance of having grandparents with us during every service. In Galveston, Texas, we had a whole cadre of ninety-year-olds who gathered every Shabbat morning for “tea” and a short service. My congregants has suggestions for making the service “better,” but most importantly, they wanted to pray with the younger members. In our society which too often glorifies the

young and the latest “app,” we forget the words of the Psalmist: “cast me not away in times of old age, forsake me not when my strength is spent.” Regardless of our birthday, life offers endless possibilities for fulfillment.

Rabbi Abraham Heschel, a profound influence on Jewish thinking in the past century, talked about growing old in wisdom: “The test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. But the affection and care for the old are the true gold mines of culture. Old age is a major challenge to the inner life; it takes both wisdom and strength not to succumb to it. The tragedy is that old age comes upon us as a shock for which we are unprepared. If life is defined exclusively in terms of functions and activities, is it still worth living when these functions are sharply curtailed? We can regard old age not as the age of stagnation but as the age of opportunity for inner growth.” Rabbi Heschel’s words make sense for all of us, no matter what reunion we are celebrating. The ideas of growth and change resonate in our weekly Torah readings. Everything that is “old” in our heritage is renewed each week when we examine the insights of our tradition.

May we all be blessed with renewed strength and purpose in the year ahead.


Martin W. [email protected]

Page 3: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees



dear Friends,

Jewish tradition teaches: “You are not obligated to complete the task, but neither are you free to desist from it” (Pirke Avot 2:21).

And so, here we are at the beginning of our road. Barbara and I chose to retire to Santa Fe eight years ago. We finally made the move in 2008. We didn’t affiliate right away. We attended services here and elsewhere. The warmth offered at Beit Tikva was and is unmatched in this community. We enjoy attending Shabbat services nearly every week. We’ve chosen to thoroughly immerse ourselves in the Beit Tikva family. Looking back on these four years, we made the right decision.

Looking forward we face several challenges. Our highest priority is to return our membership ranks to those of a few short years ago. Further, as a result of bolstering our membership we fully expect to put the congregation on a strong financial footing.

I really enjoy attending Shabbat services regularly. At first it was our desire to meet and greet. So that’s what Barbara and I did. We enjoyed the social interaction during each Oneg. We pitched in to set up and cleanup. We became part of a warm and friendly family.  Our second year at Beit Tikva found me on the board. Barbara joined me at several meetings. There was a discussion regarding fund raising going on and Barbara stuck her two cents in with a suggestion to sell engraved bricks. The Chai Walk was created that evening.

Like Kate enjoyed saying during her announcements at Shabbat services “we have two acres to fill.” True enough.

Speaking about Kate, she will be a hard act to follow. She took her responsibilities very seriously. Her sleeves were always rolled up. We’re better off for her service.

The 2012 trustees were pressed into service and aided in the Congregation’s financial stability. There were many activities that contributed to expanded knowledge and cultivate more of a oneness with God, plus opportunities to join with current and future friends. I have every expectation that our 2013 board will, likewise, help continue realizing these goals.

But, success can only be measured to the degree you, the Beit Tikva family, are willing to give of your time to join your fellow congregants at Shabbat services, give of your time to serve on a committee, and reach in your pockets to help achieve our goals. Let’s not forget, it is you and I, together, within Beit Tikva and a common commitment to Judaism, that will propel us forward.

Excelsior…ever upward! (You just can’t take the New York out of the boy!)  Shalom,Jerry [email protected]


Page 4: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees


dVDs of the just completed and expanded documentary capturing highlights of our Torah restoration project, Restoring

Our Torah, are available for purchase on a continuing basis. While many of you hoped to buy them at our Chanukah party, the foul weather that day precluded that opportunity for some. As of mid-January and on, the DVD can be purchased, at $18 each, either from Gail Rapoport at CBT every Wednesday from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm, or on Friday evenings after services. An announcement will be made at services so you will know who is handling the DVD sales that evening.

The brand new, expanded and re-edited film (16 minutes long) includes everything that was in the shorter version, plus fascinating details about the special elements that make a Torah kosher, the restoration process itself, more

interviews with congregants, and a beautiful photo montage of people repairing letters in the Torah with the scribe’s assistance.

We will also be screening the expanded version after services on January 11, so everyone will have an opportunity to see it.

Please note that the shorter version of the documentary is available for viewing on the CBT website.

Whether or not you took part in the Torah Restoration Challenge, you won’t want to miss the chance to purchase a copy of this unique and stirring film for yourself and for loved ones!

torah restoration dvds— now available!

We invite Ballet Enthusiasts to watch great ballet dvds in a friendly, inclusive ballet community at congregation Beit tikva. our next meeting is on Sunday, January 13 at 2:00 pm at 2230 old Pecos trail.

Ballerinas – The Ladies Take OverJoan Less will discuss how and why ballerinas took prominence in ballet, and discuss several prominent female dancers. the dvd will be excerpts of natalia Makarova from the documentary Natasha, and excerpts of Maya Pilsetskaya from Carmen Suite.conversation and refreshments to follow.

Questions: [email protected] or Joan at 954-1030

FrEE!Everyone is Welcome!

support new member Sharon Sorken’s business

Jasmine, The Knitting Studio

[email protected]

From Armon LaMontI very much wish to offer my

sincere thanks to the members of Congregation Beit Tikva for their

kindness, encouragement and prayers over the past weeks.

All of these certainly helped me, my surgeon, the hospital and

family in my recovery.

Page 5: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees


membership directory 2013Be sure to call, email or send us any changes for the 2013 Membership Directory listings. Contact:beittikva@aolcom or 820.2991 to update your directory information. Please check your listing or add your business information for the business directory section.

Congregation Beit Tikva members came out on a snowy Christmas Day to serve lunch to the homeless at the Santa Fe

Resource Opportunity Center (formerly the Interfaith Community Shelter). Jobs ranged from transporting food from Albertson’s to serving food and sweeping floors. A sincere “thank you” to all for your help.

Thank you, also, to those who donated money to cover the cost of the food. Donations can still be sent directly to Sandra Levine.

Starting in the fall, 2013, there will be some changes in how meals provided by faith-based organizations are handled. Next year, the Opportunity Center’s kitchen will become safety compliance certified by the New

Mexico Environment Department. Individuals who will be handling food in any way will be required to attend trainings offered by the Environment Department. These trainings will be held the first Wednesday and Saturday of the month, 9:00-11:00 am, from January through April. Please contact Sandra Levine at 466.4041 for more information.

Sunday, March 10, 2013, 1:00-4:30 pmSt. John’s Collegethe Jewish community of northern new Mexico will come together for a day of study and celebration, featuring keynote speaker Alan Morinis. there will also be multiple learning sessions, music, food and schmoozing.  details will be announced later.  For more information or to volunteer to help, contact Phil goldstone of our congregation, or email [email protected]

this yom Limmud is being developed under the auspices of the Jewish community council of northern new Mexico. in addition to congregation Beit tikva, the organizing committee includes representatives from temple Beth shalom, Los alamos Jewish center, kol Beramah, Jewish Family services of new Mexico, the Jewish community council of northern new Mexico, and haMakom. supported in part by the Jewish Federation of new Mexico.

1st annual

day of Learning in santa feyom limmud

albertson’s keychain cards are now available from a basket located on the entrance table of the synagogue. By swiping the card every time you shop at albertson’s, 1% of whatever you spend will be donated back to congregation Beit tikva. it does not cost you anything! For more information call sheila Bicoll at 466.4854.

Shop at Albertson’s and Donate Back

congregation Beit tikvaServes at the Santa Fe resource opportunity center (interfaith Shelter)

Page 6: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees


JAnuAry donAtionSJanuary BirthdaysJack Jackson January 2Martin Levy January 2irv abrams January 3Larry cohen January 3regina klein January 6Joan Less January 6edward sorken January 9Julianne sherman January 10Mort Morrison January 14kate shane January 15Barry hornstein January 18John david Menken January 25gail karr January 26Michael Linder January 28Julia Bell January 29asenath kepler January 31esther rapoport January 31

January Anniversariesdevi Benjamin & gerald Pitzl January 15teresa Pierce & Mort Morrison January 21

General fundFran Berlin – In honor of the 85th birthday of Reggie KleinSheila & Norton Bicoll – In honor of the 30th

anniversary of Jane & Stephen Hochberg

Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of

Barbara CohenBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Gail RapoportBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Kaycee CanterBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Phyllis KappBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Janie SiskinBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Paul GraceBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the anniversary of Heidi Hahn & Philip GoldstoneBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the anniversary of Gail & Elliot RapoportBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the anniversary of Susan & Gary KatzBarbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of a speedy recovery for Armon LaMontMarcelle Cady – In honor of the 85th birthday of Reggie KleinMarcelle Cady – With wishes for a speedy recovery for Viv Abrams

Thank You Oneg Sponsors

octoBerBarbara & Jerry Bork

Barbara cohen & al chapmanBarbara & Jerry Bork

Barbara & armon LaMont

novemBerdoreen hurtig

Philip goldstone & carolyn handler Millernancy & henry Lewis

edith & ernest schwartz

decemBergail karr

Barbara asarch-aronowitz & stan aronowitz

susan & gary katzPhyllis kapp

A lot is happening at services on Friday, January 11: • We’llbeeating—it’sapotluck,beginningat6:00pm—andourthemeis “AShabbatMeal.”• We’llberecognizingouroutgoingboardmembers and introducing our new board members. • We’llbehonoringournewestcongregantsat the service following the potluck.Those who have joined during 2011 and 2012 include Barbara Baker, Marcia and William Berman, Kaycee Canter, Ellen Dishal, Alice Edenberg, Philip Goldstone, Joan and Jeffrey Less, Barbara Mandel, John David Menken, Maria Scheffler, Joan and Herman Scheinberg, Sharon and Edward Sorken, Susan Swartzberg, and Leah Usatin.• We’llbehostingagroupofstudentsandstaff from Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota. They will be on a multi-faith “pilgrimage,” exploring religious communities in northern New Mexico. They are being escorted by Rabbi Esther Adler, D.D., who is the Associate Chaplain for Jewish Life.

And finally,• We’llbeshowingourTorah Restoration DVD after the service.

Come join us and give all a warm Beit Tikva welcome.

new member Welcoming Potluck

turquoise Mezuzah gift for new members

Page 7: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees


JAnuAry donAtionS

Barbara Cohen & Al Chapman – In

memory of Jamie Leigh Chapman, granddaughter of Al

Barbara Cohen & Al Chapman –In honor

of a speedy recovery for Armon LaMont

Marilyn & Larry Cohen – In memory of

Ida Linder, mother of Michael Linder

Elaine & Jack Goldberg – In memory of

Nettie Goldberg, mother of Jack

Elaine & Jack Goldberg – In memory of

Alexander Goldberg, father of Jack

Rita Grant – In memory of Amalie Skner, mother of RitaRita Grant – In memory of Samuel Skner, father of RitaRita Grant – In memory of Al Grant, husband of RitaRita Grant – In honor of Rabbi Helman’s birthdayBarbara & Philip Gudwin – In memory of Louis Goldberg, father

of BarbaraSanta Fe Hadassah – In honor of Congregation

Beit Tikva, for its support of Hadassah

Lorraine Haneyko & Michael Edelman – In

memory of Margie Habbaz, mother of Mazelle Habbaz

Lorraine Haneyko & Michael Edelman Susan & Gary Katz – In honor of a speedy

recovery for Pat WartellSusan & Gary Katz – In honor of a speedy recovery for Armon LaMontSusan & Gary Katz – In memory of

Diane Geschwind, mother of Jo-Ann Antanaitis

Edward Okun – In memory of Barbara Rose Okun,

wife of EdConnie & Stuart Rosenberg – In memory of

Orville McNickle, father of Connie

Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In memory of

Frances Rosenberg, mother of Stuart

Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In honor of Jane &

Stephen Hochberg’s 30th wedding anniversary

Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In honor of Rabbi

Helman’s birthdayConnie & Stuart Rosenberg – In honor of the 50th

wedding anniversary of Jerilyn & David Silver

Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In honor of a speedy

recovery for Armon LaMont

Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In honor of Jerry Bork

becoming President of Beit Tikva

Bee Schulman – In honor of Jane &

Stephen Hochberg’s 30th wedding anniversary

Bee Schulman – In honor of Jerilyn & David Silver’s

50th wedding anniversary

Edith & Ernest Schwartz – In memory of

Ben Sucher, father of Edith

Edith & Ernest Schwartz – In memory of

Bertha Schwartz, mother of Ernest

Edith & Ernest Schwartz – In honor of the 75th

birthday of Michael Linder

Haskell Sheinberg – In honor of

Rabbi Levy’s services at Ponce de Leon

Jerilyn & David Silver, Bee Schulman – In

memory of Ellen Pearlman

Jerilyn & David Silver, Bee Schulman – In

memory of Robert Porges, MD

Jerilyn & David Silver, Bee Schulman – In memory of Paul KelleyIrma & Ralph Thaler – In memory of Seymour Thaler, brother of Ralph

oneg fundJan & Howard HendlerDoreen HurtigNancy & Henry LewisEdith & Ernest SchwartzMegan & Ned SiegelLinda & Dirk Wassner

adult education fundLinda & Jim CohenPhyllis Kapp

end of the year High Holy days appealEileen MandelSanta Fe Funeral Options & Memorial Garden

chai Brick WalkBarbara BakerJan & Howard HendlerDale LasigRobert Thommen Linder Brick WalkHoward D. AronowMarilyn & Larry CohenGale & Jordan DavisZoe GaylPhilip Goldstone & Heidi HahnBarry Green (Eli & Gabe)Susan & Gary KatzMarlyn & Alfred KempenichReggie & Barbara KleinRuth & Leonard KovalSandra LevineRabbi Martin LevyPeggy & Todd MyersFrancine Landau & David Pollak (Noga & Hila)Esther RapoportEdith & Ernest SchwartzJosie Stern & Vic MiddlekauffLinda & Dirk Wassner

torah restoration project dvdSheila & Norton BicollBarbara Cohen & Al ChapmanLinda & James P. CohenRabbi Martin LevyGail & Elliot Rapoport

torah restoration White HHd coverHoward D. AronowLinda & James P. Cohen

mitzvah fund (santa fe resoure opportunity center/shelter)Judith Kingsley

Page 8: Board of Special holiday Service celebrate the tu B’shevat Holiday … · Philip Goldstone treasurer Louis Sinoff recording secretary Paul Grace Past President Kate Shane trustees

JAnuAry torAh PASSAgES JAnuAry SchEduLE oF SErVicES

January 5 ExodusShemot 1.1 – 6.1Children of Israel prosper in Egypt, New king arises who knew not Joseph, Moses the redeemer is born

January 12 ExodusVa’era 6.2 – 9.35God’s appearance & promise of redemption, The ten plagues begin

January 19 ExodusBo 10.1-13.16The last three plagues, leaving Egypt

January 26 ExodusBeshallach 13.17 -17.16Redemption from Egypt, crossing the Reed Sea

Shabbat Shirah Shabbat of SongSong & Dancing at the Sea

Tu B’Shevat Jewish Arbor DayThe New Year of Trees

January 4 Friday 7:30 pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy

January 11 Friday 7:30 pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy January 18 Friday 7:30 pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy

January 25 Friday 7:30 pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy

Shabbat Cantor Michael Shirah Linder will sing from Song of SongsTu B’Shevat

F r i day S h a b b at S e r v i c e S — 7:30 p m 2230 O l d p e cO S t r a i l

CongregationBeit Tikvap. O. b Ox 24094S a n ta F e , n m 87502

a d d r e S S S e r v i c e r e q u e S t e d

Founding Rabbi Leonard A. HelmanRabbi Martin W. Levy

Chazzan Michael G. Linder

p. O. b Ox 24094 S a n ta F e , n m 87502 t e l e p h O n e / Fax : 505.820.2991 w w w. b e i t t i k va . i n F O

Congregation Beit Tikva

n O n p r O F i t OrGaniZatiOnu. S . p O S taG eP A I Dp e r m i t # 6 6 0Santa Fe, nm

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