
Board of Education COVID UpdatesOctober 14, 2021


Jefferson County Data

Jefferson County Vaccine Data

JPS Staff Vaccination RatesTotal Staff (13,000+)

Vaccinated 80.8% Unvaccinated 6.9%Not Yet Reported 12.3%**Primarily charter schools collecting data locally, guest teachers and substitutes not actively working at this time

Total Core Staff - Educators, Education Support Professionals, Administrators (9,500)

Vaccinated 89.1%Unvaccinated 7.9% (approximately 760 core staff)Not Yet Reported 3.0% (approximately 290 core staff)

COVID-19 Incident Rates


Staff and Students


Incident Rates per Grade Level Since 08/15:

OutbreaksAs of 10/13:

● Mortensen● Ryan● Sheridan Green● Deer Creek Middle School● Dunstan Middle School● Evergreen Middle School● Manning● Arvada West● Ralston Valley● Rocky Mountain Academy (Charter School)

Dashboard 2.0


● 21/22 COVID Dashboard includes staff and student COVID rates (by school) and quarantine rates

● Jeffco IT and School Nurses are working to ensure there will be consistency as data is reported within Jeffco Public Schools and Jefferson County Public Health

Testing Implementation


● Internal planning began when public health order was issued (8/17)

● Developed partnership with vendors (CDPHE and Mobile Health)

● District provides locations/testing sites

● Soft launch of testing began on 9/7

● Phased rollout of program○ Sept 7: Staff and Outdoor Lab groups at 2 locations○ Sept 8: Strategic communications (including website) for community○ Sept 9: 18 school locations, 4 district (non-school locations) begin testing○ Next phase: continue to adjust to needs of schools

Testing Updates● Zero classrooms or schools have been quarantined within JPS● No athletics team or activities program has been quarantined● Schools have been able to offer a full range of extracurricular activities● 1% positivity rate of 7061 student tests as of 10/13● 0.9% positivity rate of 3862 employee tests as of 10/13● Jeffco Public Schools is the only district on the front range that has a testing

requirement as part of a PHO● Over 2600 hours of staff time to implement testing program● Disproportionate impact on schools with lower socioeconomic status● CDPHE is incentivizing students to get tested; this incentive does not apply to

employees● CDPHE is not incentivizing Jeffco Public Schools

JCPH Update● Shared commitment to in-person learning with JCPH● Meeting held to update JCPH on our testing program● JCPH expressed that the district is making a good faith effort in response to the

testing requirement in the PHO● We have identified next steps to continue efforts to comply with the PHO testing

requirements (K-12)● Upcoming meetings will be held with JCPH, CDPHE, and Jeffco Public Schools● District expressed interest in utilizing testing programs in our schools to support a

test-to-stay program for avoiding quarantines

COVID Collaborative Monitoring Committee


● First meeting held September 28

● 62 participants chosen from random lottery of each board member area, teachers, ESP staff, parents, and community members

● Representation from JCAA, JCEA, JESPA

● 36 participants plus leadership staff in attendance

● Overview of the purpose, structure, norms, and topics

● Monthly meetings scheduled

Next Steps● Meetings with JCPH and CDPHE will continue to address resource challenges

● Explore opportunity of test to stay

● Continue to explore metrics that can be set to indicate release of mitigation strategies

● Continue to support our schools while implementing requirements of PHO and commitment to in-person learning

● Monitor federal mandates that may impact employers > 100 employees and available resources from the state

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