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Just as every builder needs a blueprint before building, so every person needs a defined set of beliefs to guide them in living. Without this set of beliefs life can quickly become confusing and we can wander into hurtful thoughts and behaviors. Therefore theology is not a secondary issue; it is of utmost importance to all people in all times.

Sadly over the past few years there has been a slow decline in Biblical literacy and interest in Biblical theology. This is tragic not only for the individual but also for the church because a church without theology is dead in the water. In other words, if the church doesn’t know what the church must defend and proclaim, the church won’t say or do much of anything at all.

At Faith we want every believer to understand the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. Additionally we want every believer to understand the application that these doctrines have for all of life.

The purpose behind this series is to see this desire become an ever increasing reality a Faith.

We look forward to learning and growing with you during this series.

Every Blessing,Charlie, Brad and Steve

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Intro to Small Group Resources ........................................................ 1

Small Groups at Faith ........................................................ 3

Week 1 January 18 What We Believe About Revelation 2 Timothy 3:10 - 4:5 5

Week 2 January 25 What We Believe About God Exodus 34:6 - 7, Genesis 1:1 7

Week 3 February 1 What We Believe About the Father Galatians 4:4 - 7 9

Week 4 February 8 What We Believe About Jesus Colossians 1:15 - 23 11

Week 5 February 15 What We Believe About the Holy Spirit John 16:4 - 15 13

Week 6 February 22 What We Believe About Humanity Genesis 1:26 - 31 15

Week 7 March 1 What We Believe About Salvation Romans 5:1 - 11 17

Week 8 March 8 What We Believe About the Sacraments 1 Corinthians 11:23 - 24, Acts 2:37 - 41 19

Week 9 March 15 What We Believe About the Church Acts 2:42 - 47, 1 Thessalonians 1:1 - 9 21

Week 10 March 22 What We Believe About Death and Judgment

Revelation 20:11 - 15 23

Week 11 March 29 What We Believe About the Future 1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:11 25

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Because no one is born into this world with a theology, each generation must rediscover the truths of Scripture for itself.

Preaching the Bible is the primary tool God has given the church for this to take place. Because of this we want the preaching at Faith to be biblically rich, gospel focused, culturally accessible and personally helpful.

Small groups are the place where the preaching at Faith is applied and where our church is held accountable to the Scriptures. Members of Faith’s small groups take time each week to discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon, to share specific insights from the Bible and to care for one another so that as a church we grow up to maturity in Jesus.

This study guide has been put together to give you an overview of our current sermon series with a detailed look at each sermon, so that you know where we are going as a church and are prepared for great discussions in your small group.

Here is an overview of what you will find for each week in our series through Same Friends...New Relationships.

Main Passage – This is the passage the teaching pastor will preach from.

Secondary Passages – These passages help to unpack and explain the main passage. These will be helpful to look at because the Bible is an unfolding story and so truth that is written at the end often gives light to what is written at the beginning.

Passage for Memorization and Meditation – This is one passage to memorize and meditate on throughout the week so that at all times you are giving Jesus an opportunity to work in your life.

Overview – This is an overview of the main passage. This overview will give you context to what is taking place in the main passage and explain any confusing ideas, words or images.

Opening Question – This is a general question meant to spark conversation.

Discussion Questions – These are questions related to the main passage.

Application Questions – These are questions for applying the main passage to your life.

Table Time with Kids – These are questions and conversations for families with kids to have together so that families at Faith are growing together in their love for Jesus.

Ultimately our hope is that this resource is helpful to you. Our main goal is to give you a basic tool to facilitate great discussions about Jesus and the Bible with your family and friends.

We believe that open discussions about God’s word help people discover and remember the truths of God’s word.

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The primary use for these materials is to facilitate Faith’s small groups, but there are many other ways you can use them. Maybe you use them in your personal times with God. Maybe as a family you take one question a night and discuss it around the dinner table. Maybe you invite a neighbor who doesn’t know Jesus to our church and go through this book with them to begin an honest discussion about Jesus.

At the end of the day, we don’t care how you use these materials but we hope that they help you have great conversations about Jesus and the Bible.

These materials are not meant to be a rigid formula for your small group, but rather a means for intentional study, discussion and life application so that ultimately as a church we grow together to maturity in Jesus.

We hope you find this helpful.

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What is a small group?

Small groups are small gatherings of people that meet regularly for friendship, accountability, study, prayer, laughter and occasionally tears. Small groups are an essential expression of the mission of Faith Evangelical Free Church. They are a place where together we learn more about Jesus and life. They are a place where we wrestle with the truths of the Bible and encourage one another toward the life that God intends for us.

Each small group is unique as it is shaped by the people who attend. However, you can expect a weekly gathering in a residence that involves conversation, prayer, discussion for applying the Bible to your life, and service to others. At the heart of each small group is the desire to see an authentic community marked by love for Jesus, one another, and the lost.

Why should I join a small group?

The God of the Bible is a Trinitarian God who is one and three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. God has made us in his image, which means we are made for community and friendship. When we are not living in community we suffer because life in a sinful world is too complex and tempting to journey alone. Therefore, small groups are a place where we can live in relationship with one another through the ups and downs of life.

How do I get connected to a small group?

The easiest way to get connected is to go online and search the different groups that are available. The web address is - Click on CONNECT then Connect With a Small Group. You can also sign up on Sunday by filling out a communication card and indicating your interest in joining a small group. Finally, if you would like to join a small group or if you are interested in leading a small group you can call the church at 970-226-2095.

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Date: January 18

Title: What We Believe About Revelation

Main Passages: 2 Timothy 3:10 - 4:5 Secondary Passages: James 1:22 - 25, 2 Peter 1:16 - 21, Psalm 119:97 - 105, Romans 1:19 - 20

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:21

Overview: As humans we have a huge desire for information. We want to know how things work. We want to understand where we have come from and where we are going. Perhaps one of the most embarrassing taboos in our day is not knowing something or being in the know.

So from books to podcasts, web sites, magazines, journals, blogs, radio programs, television shows and more, we are overwhelmed with information. The question that surfaces in this information inundation is how do we hear from God? This is an important question to answer, because while many people may speak about God, we need to hear from God.

Christians believe God has revealed himself in two different but complementary ways. These ways are general and special revelation.

General revelation is what we learn about God from creation. In other words, just like we can learn a bit about a painter by looking at his painting, we can learn a bit about God by looking at his creation. Christians call what we learn about God from creation general revelation. And while general revelation is always helpful and true, it is not sufficient for someone to know God definitely. For example, we can know that God is powerful from general revelation but we cannot know that God became a man and died on the cross for our sins.

Therefore, God has given us special revelation in the Bible.

The Bible contains sixty-six separate books, written by various authors over thousands of years of human history. Yet, according to Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16, all Scripture is inspired by God. In other words, God is the ultimate author of the Bible, in such a way that when the Bible speaks, God speaks.

The doctrine of God inspiring the Bible explains the incredible continuity of the Bible. It is important to notice that, even though the Bible was written by various human authors and spans different cultures and periods of human thought and history, it tells one consistent story of God creating, rescuing and redeeming this world. This continuity and unity is nothing short of supernatural and points to the validity of one divine author.

Therefore, Christians throughout history have been known as people who read, listen to, study and apply the Bible to their lives because ultimately Christians believe that without the Bible we may still know many things but we would not know the most important things.

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Opening Question: • How do you think a person’s beliefs impact his/her behavior?

Discussion Questions: • Read 2 Timothy 3:10 – 4:5. What sticks out to you from this passage? • What is Paul’s challenge to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:14 – 15 and 2 Timothy 4:1 – 2?• According to 2 Timothy 4:3 – 4 why is it important for Timothy to teach the Bible? • Why do you think people are prone to turn away from truth? • According to 2 Timothy 3:16, who inspired the Bible? • Why is it important to see God as the one who inspires the Bible? • According to 2 Timothy 3:16 - 17 what is the purpose of the Bible?• According to James 1:22 – 25 what are we to do with the Bible?

Application Questions: • How does a person’s view of the Bible impact their life?• What do you believe about the Bible? Why? • What are things that you have learned about God from general revelation? • What are things that you have learned about God from the Bible? • How much attention do you give to God’s message in the Bible? • As you think back over your life, what difficulties have you faced because you failed to listen to God? • In what ways has the Bible changed, challenged, or encouraged you? • What is one thing you can do this week to begin reading the Bible more?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it? • What do Christians believe about the Bible? Christians believe that the entire Bible is inspired by God and profitable for

us. • Did God use humans to write the Bible? Yes. God used different human authors to write the Bible. These authors

included kings, poets, fishermen, doctors, philosophers and scholars. These authors were uniquely inspired by God, so that all God wanted us to know was written.

• Can you trust the Bible? Yes. God is a trustworthy God and he has given us a trustworthy record of who he is and what he has done to save us.

• Are there other books that God inspired? No. The Bible is the only book God inspired.• What about other religions? Are their books inspired by God? No. Human beings have always tried to understand

God, and the books from other religions are man’s attempts to describe and define God. Some of them get close at times and some contain partial truths, but the only authoritative message from God is found in the Bible.


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Date: January 25

Title: What We Believe About God

Main Passages: Exodus 34:6 - 7, Genesis 1:1 Secondary Passages: Psalm 86:8 - 10 and 15, Isaiah 46:9 - 10, Psalm 14:1 - 3, Romans 1:18 - 20

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours.” Psalm 86:8

Overview: There is no higher subject than God and there is no worthier pursuit than to know him and to make him known. God is our Creator and we have been made to know, love and worship him.

This week we are going to answer the question: what do Christians believe about God?

This is an important question to answer because many people describe and define God differently.

For some, God is an impersonal force that created our universe. For others, God is an inexpressible feeling. Still for others, God is a heavenly vending machine that gives gifts to good people while withholding blessings from bad people. In other words, when someone talks about God, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are describing or defining the God who created, sustains and rules this world.

So how do we know if someone is describing God when they talk about God? We have to evaluate what they say with what God reveals about himself in the Bible. You see, God has described himself within the Bible. Therefore, to begin to answer the question, What is God like? we have to open the Bible and let God speak.

In the Bible, God reveals many things about himself. He reveals that he is truthful, good, loving, just, faithful, kind, powerful, sovereign, righteous, holy, gracious, and personal. In the many descriptions that God gives of himself, we see that God has not left us to wonder what he is like; instead, he has told us clearly so that we can know him as he really is.

As we study the characteristics of God, it is important that we don’t take one attribute of God and make everything of it. For example, we are not to take God’s sovereignty and elevate it above his goodness. Nor are we to take his love and elevate it above his justice. Instead, we are to realize that God is multidimensional in his attributes and all his attributes are to be celebrated, enjoyed, known and loved.

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Opening Question:• How would you feel if someone who didn’t know you tried to define you?

Discussion Questions: • Why is it so important to let God define himself? • Why do you think God decided to reveal himself to us? • What does it reveal about God, that he clearly reveals himself to us in the Bible? • Read Exodus 34:6 – 7, Psalm 86:1 – 15, and Psalm 102:25 – 27. What does God reveal about himself in these

verses? • Read Psalm 14:1 - 3 and Romans 1:18 – 20. Why do some people deny the existence of God?• How does God describe people who deny his existence? • What reason does God give for his harsh judgment on those who deny his existence? • As a small group, come up with a list of different attributes of God. Some good places to look are Psalm 103,

Isaiah 40:28 – 31, Daniel 4:34 – 35.

Application Questions: • In what ways have you seen people look in the wrong places to discover what God is like? • Talk about some of the wrong places you’ve looked to find out what God is like —i.e religious traditions, your

circumstances, nature, within yourself.• What attribute of God most encourages you? Why?• What attribute of God most challenges you? Why? • What helps you to know and love God? What is it about that habit, practice, or approach that helps you connect

with your creator?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it? • Does God exist? Yes! God has always and will always exist.• Does everybody believe that God exists? No. Many people do not believe.• Does everybody believe in the same God? No. Many people believe different things about God.• Who gets to describe and define God? God.• How would you feel if someone who didn’t know you tried to define you? • Where does God describe and define himself? In the Bible.• What is God like? God is the creator of everyone and everything. Nothing happens except through him and he loves you

very much.


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Date: February 1

Title: What We Believe About the Father Main Passage: Galatians 4:4 - 7 Secondary Passages: Matthew 3:16 - 17, Psalm 103:8 - 14, Matthew 7:7 - 11

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15

Overview: The Bible clearly reveals that the first member of the Trinity loves us with fatherly affection and pursues us with fatherly devotion. God the Father’s great desire is that we relate to him as a child relates to his dad. This means God wants us to approach him freely, affectionately, boldly and dependently, knowing he loves us and wants to bless us.

In our day, the lack of fathers with a loving and compassionate heart has sadly become an epidemic. Many homes today are filled with children who have no fathers and many more are filled with dads who don’t father well. As a result, many children grow up being unloved and unled by their earthly dads and subsequently the concept of father is filled with fear, shame, disappointment and hurt. The end result is that many of us are confused when we are told that God wants to father us.

The belief that God is a good Father is important to reclaim and proclaim. This belief enables us to weather the trying storms of this life. It empowers us to move out with strength and security into this world. It helps us to know we are cherished, loved, embraced, protected and delighted in. In other words, our understanding of life cannot be put right until we put right our belief in God the Father.

Opening Question: • What is one of your earliest memories of your earthly father? Discussion Questions: • Read Galatians 4:4–7. What sticks out to you from this passage? • When you pray, do you refer to God as father? If you do, how does that affect the way you relate to God? If you

don’t, why don’t you?• Read Psalm 103:8 – 14. What does this passage reveal about God the Father? • Read Matthew 3:16 – 17. What does this passage reveal about God the Father? • Read Matthew 7:7 – 11. What does this passage reveal about God the Father?

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Application Questions: • God the Father is the pattern for all fathers. Based on this truth, what is a father supposed to be like? • In what ways has your earthly father helped or hindered your view of God the Father? • In what ways are you encouraged, knowing you have a Heavenly Father who loves you fully? • God the Father chose to reveal himself as a good dad. What does this reveal about his heart for you and his

desire for his relationship with you? • What things help to develop your relationship with your heavenly Father?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it? • How many persons are there in God? There are three persons in the one true God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy

Spirit.• Is God the Father a scary dad? No. He loves you perfectly and perfect love casts out all fear. You are loved by God the

Father, who sent his Son Jesus to die for your sins.• What is a good dad like? A perfect dad has God the Father’s heart. A perfect dad is compassionate, loving, protecting,

kind, self-controlled, slow to anger and abounding in love.• How does God the Father want you to approach him? He wants you to approach him freely and frequently. In other

words, he wants you to walk with him and talk with him every day of your life. He wants to hear from you, and he wants to bless you.


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Date: February 8

Title: What We Believe About Jesus

Main Passage: Colossians 1:15 - 23

Secondary Passages: John 1:1 - 16, Hebrews 1:1 - 4, Hebrews 2:17 - 18, Philippians 2:1 - 11

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5

Overview: On the day after Jesus died on the cross, it looked like his impact in this world would quickly disappear. Life would return to normal. The religious and political powers that were threatened by Jesus’ life and ministry would regain their footing.

But then it happened. The resurrection. Jesus walked out of the tomb alive. Since that moment in human history, nothing has been the same. Lives have been changed. Cultures have been transformed and nations have been impacted by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus’ impact in this world demands a thoughtful response from all people. Who is Jesus and what did he do for us?

Ask ten people that question and most likely you will get ten different answers. He was a good man. He was a conman. He was God. He was like God. He died for our sins. He died an unfortunate death. He showed us what God is like. His disciples stole his body and made up the resurrection.

Answering this question well is essential because the person and the work of Jesus form the foundation on which all of Christianity rests. If Jesus is not who he said he is, and if he did not accomplish what he said he came to accomplish, Christianity crumbles and there is literally nothing left.

Thankfully, God has not left us to wonder about the person and the work of Jesus. In the Bible we discover who Jesus is and what he came to do.

Opening Question: • Why do you think Jesus is such a polarizing figure in human history?

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Discussion Questions: • Look at Colossians 1:15 – 23 and John 1:1 – 4. What do you learn about Jesus • from these verses?• Why is it essential to believe that Jesus is fully God? • Look at Hebrews 2:17 – 18 and Hebrews 4:14 – 16. What do you learn about • Jesus from these verses? • Give different examples from the Bible of the humanity of Jesus? • Why is it essential that Jesus was fully man?• In what ways does Christianity fall apart if Jesus isn’t who he said he is and if he didn’t accomplish what he said he

came to accomplish?

Application Questions: • How would you answer the question: Who is Jesus? • What are the most difficult situations in your life right now? Can you think of any similar situation that Jesus

faced? How does Jesus’ humanity encourage you? • How does Jesus’ deity encourage you?• Do you think that Jesus’ death and resurrection from the grave were enough to save you from your sins and are

you willing to rely on his work to pay for all your sins? • Since Jesus died and rose to redeem you from sin and to deliver you from Satan’s power, are there areas of your

life in which you could more fully realize Jesus’ work?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• Who is Jesus? Jesus is fully God and fully man. He lived the life we were meant to live and he died the death that we

deserve.• How should we respond to Jesus? We should love, trust and follow Jesus.• Why must Jesus be fully human? So that he might on our behalf perfectly obey the whole law and suffer the

punishment for human sin.• Why must Jesus be fully God? So that his obedience and his sacrifice might be sufficient and effective in bringing us



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Date: February 15

Title: What We Believe About the Holy Spirit Main Passage: John 16:4 - 15

Secondary Passages: Mark 13:11, Acts 9:31, 1 Corinthians 2:9 – 10, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 12:7, Galatians 5:22 – 23, Luke 12:12, Romans 8:26.

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.” John 14:16

Overview: One of the most amazing doctrines of the Christian Faith is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. This doctrine can be summed up with this statement: God dwells in his people.

After Jesus ascended into heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit to empower his people for life. The Holy Spirit is fully God (Acts 5:3 – 4). He is coeternal with the Father and the Son, and he exists to help, empower, convict, guide and strengthen us.

It is important for us to understand the Holy Spirit because he is the member of the Trinity who is with us today. He literally lives within all people who believe in Jesus and has a huge role in their everyday lives.

Here is a quick snapshot of how the Holy Spirit helps people today:

1. The Holy Spirit helps us speak when we are in difficult situations and need supernatural help. (Luke 12:12) 2. The Holy Spirit helps us to say no to sin and yes to Jesus. (Romans 8:2)3. The Holy Spirit convicts people of sin. He does this before we enter into a relationship with God but he also does

this as we continue on in our life with God. (John 16:7 – 11 and 1 Thessalonians 1:5)4. The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts for the good and the strengthening of the Church. (1 Corinthians 12:7) 5. The Holy Spirit brings spiritual fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,

and self-control. (Galatians 5:22 – 23) 6. The Holy Spirit is omnipotent (Zech 4:6), omnipresent (Psalm 139:7 – 8) and omniscient (1 Corinthians 2:10).

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Opening Question: • Why do you think that people are reluctant to ask for help?

Discussion Questions: • Read John 16:4 – 15. What do you learn about the Holy Spirit from this passage? • Look through the secondary passages listed above. How does the Holy Spirit help us today?

Application Questions: • Talk about a time when you were asked to do something that you did not have the emotional, financial, intellectual

or spiritual capacity to do. What feelings did you experience coming face to face your inadequacies? • Jesus called the Holy Spirit a helper. How has the Holy Spirit helped you? • The Holy Spirit brings huge benefits to our lives. He brings peace, guidance, conviction, courage, help, strength,

and wisdom. He draws us to Jesus. He guards us from sin. What benefit from the Holy Spirit do you need most in your life right now?

• We cannot live out God’s calling on our lives apart from the help of the Holy Spirit. What areas of your life do you need help in today?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• What do Christians believe about the Holy Spirit? Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God and that he exists

to help us know, trust and follow Jesus. • How does the Holy Spirit help us? The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and helps us to understand God’s Word.• Are there areas in your life where you need help?


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Date: February 22

Title: What We Believe About Humanity Main Passage: Genesis 1:26 - 31

Secondary Passages: Psalm 8, Psalm 139:13 – 16

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:13

Overview: What does it mean to be human? The answer we give to this question has profound implications for our entire life. It shapes the way we interact with God, people, ourselves, and the rest of creation.

In Genesis 1:26 God says, Let us make man in our image. In this verse God reveals what it means to be human. We are not highly evolved animals. We are not a cog in a cosmic machine. We are image bearers of God. Therefore, our life has unique dignity, value and worth.

Being made in the image of God does not mean that we are gods. Instead, it means that men and women have been created to reflect and relate to God in a special way. We are lower than God but higher than animals. As such, we are to understand God, listen to God and to live our lives before God.

Opening Question: • When you describe yourself, what images do you use? (dad, student, funny, smart, abused, addicted, married,

single, etc.) Discussion Questions: • Read Genesis 1:26 – 31. What sticks out to you from these verses? • What does God say in these verses and what does this reveal about him?• What does it mean to be made in God’s image?• In Genesis 1:27 God reveals that he created male and female. How is this significant in understanding gender?• What instruction does God give to Adam and Eve in verses 28 - 30? What does God’s instruction teach you

about being a human being? • What does God say about all of his creation in verse 31? What does this reveal about God? What does this reveal

about your life?

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Application Questions: • How does being an image bearer of God change the way you see yourself?• In your own words, what does it mean to be created in the image of God?• What happens when people fail to see themselves and other people as image bearers of God? • What attributes of God do you image well? • What attributes of God do you image poorly? • What keeps you from understanding, listening to and living before God?• How does Jesus help you to reflect God well?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• Who made you? God. • Did you know that you are very special to God?• What does it mean that God blesses us? How have you been blessed by God? • Parents, this week share with your kids the truth that they have been created by God to reflect God. Encourage your

kids by telling them a few ways that they reflect God well. Share with them one way that they don’t reflect God well and how Jesus can work to change them.


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Date: March 1

Title: What We Believe About Salvation Main Passage: Romans 5:1 - 11

Secondary Passages: John 14:1 – 6, Ephesians 2:1 – 10, John 11:25 – 26

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Overview: One thing is certain, our world needs salvation. All around us we see hurt, brokenness and pain. Inside of us we see sin, selfishness and greed. We might try to close our eyes so we don’t see, but eventually we can’t deny reality: something is wrong with our world.

Sadly, no matter how much money we spend, or how many cures we find, or how many elections we hold, sin, injustice, suffering and death continue to plague our lives and destroy our relationships.

This brings us to an all-important question: How do you find salvation? The clear message of the Bible is that we find salvation in Jesus. Jesus lived the life we were called to live, he died the death that we deserve, so that now in Jesus we can receive the salvation that we don’t deserve.

Our response to Jesus should be faith, meaning we acknowledge the truth of everything God has revealed in his word about Jesus and we rest in Jesus alone for our present and eternal salvation.

Faith does not excuse us from good works because Jesus doesn’t just save us from our sins. He renews us by the Holy Spirit so that our lives show love and gratitude to God and so that by our lives others see Jesus and come to follow Jesus.

Opening Question: • What evidences do you see in the world around you that point to the truth that something is wrong with our


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Discussion Questions: • Read Romans 5:1 – 11. What sticks out to you from this passage? • What words does Paul use to describe our lives before God saved us? • What does Paul say God has done for us while we were still sinners? • Paul says in verse 1 that we have been justified by faith. What does it mean to be justified by faith? • Should those who have faith in Jesus seek salvation through their own works or anything else? • According to Romans 5:1 – 11 what do we receive when we place our faith in Jesus? • According John 14:6 is there any way to experience salvation outside of faith in Jesus?

Application Questions: • How are you encouraged or challenged by Paul’s words in Romans 5:1 – 11?• In what ways do you try to find salvation in things other than Jesus? • In what ways have you seen Jesus at work in your life, saving and changing you?• When did you first place your faith in Jesus? If you haven’t yet placed your faith in Jesus, what keeps you from

believing in him? • What things in your life today do you need to be saved from?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• Do we need salvation? Yes. Because of sin our world is broken and every person begins life in rebellion against God.• How can we be saved? Only by faith in Jesus and in his death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection from the grave

for our salvation. • What is faith in Jesus? Faith in Jesus is receiving and resting on him alone for salvation from sin, forgiveness from God

and eternal life.• What does justification mean? Justification means we are declared righteousness before God.• What does sanctification mean? Sanctification means we gradually grow in righteousness. • Do you need to earn salvation or do good works to get God to love you? No. Everything necessary for salvation is

found in Jesus.• Are you still to obey God and do good with your life? Yes. Your life is to show both love and gratitude to God.


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Date: March 8

Title: What We Believe About the Sacraments Main Passages: 1 Corinthians 11:23 – 34, Acts 2:37 - 41

Secondary Passages: Matthew 28:16 – 20, Acts 8:26 – 40, Acts 16:25 – 33, Matthew 26:26 – 29, Luke 22:14 – 23, Romans 6:3 – 4

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” Acts 2:38

Overview: Salvation is in many ways an unseen reality, meaning there isn’t anything tangible to show that our faith is in Jesus and that our sins are forgiven and God is our friend. As such, God gave two sacraments to followers of Jesus. These sacraments are baptism and communion.

A sacrament is an outward symbol of an unseen reality. And while the sacraments of the Christian faith don’t save people, that doesn’t mean they are trivial or a secondary issue to Christianity. In a similar way that a married couple wear wedding rings to communicate their unending commitment, love and fidelity, followers of Jesus participate in the sacraments to show what Jesus has done for them and what is now true about them.

Here is a quick overview of the two sacraments of the Christian Faith.

Baptism is an outward symbol of inward trust in Jesus for salvation. In baptism you declare publicly your identification with Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Additionally, in baptism you remind yourself powerfully that your sins - past, present and future - have been forgiven and that, like Jesus, you have risen to a new life with him. Finally, baptism is a powerful reminder to the church that Jesus is alive and at work transforming people today.

While baptism does not convey grace, it is a powerful reminder of the grace that has been conveyed through faith in Jesus. Since Jesus commanded his church to baptize, baptism is an essential ceremony for every person who decides to believe in Jesus.

Communion is a powerful symbol that represents how God rescued us from sin. On the night Jesus was betrayed he gathered his closest friends together for a final meal. During this meal he picked up some bread and broke it. He then gave the bread to his friends saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Next Jesus picked up a cup of wine and thanked God for it. He then gave the wine to his friends saying, “Drink this, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”1

The broken bread points us to Jesus’ body, which was broken so that our lives could be put back together. The wine points us to Jesus’ blood, which was poured out so that our sins could be forgiven.

1 Matthew 26:26, 28

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It is not a coincidence that Jesus initiated communion on the Passover. The Passover is the yearly celebration of the Jews where they kill a lamb to remember God rescuing them from Egypt. The essence of what we remember in communion is that Jesus is the great Passover Lamb. He was killed so God could pass over our sins.

When we celebrate communion it is not just an opportunity to look back on what Jesus did, it is also an opportunity to look forward in anticipation of what Jesus will do when he returns. When Jesus comes back he will make all things new and he will host a great banquet where we will eat and drink with him. So each time we celebrate communion we look back to the cross and we look forward to the day when we will eat and drink with Jesus in his Father’s kingdom.

Opening Question: • Why do you think symbols are powerful for people?

Discussion Questions: • Read 1 Corinthians 11:23 – 34 and Acts 2:37 – 41. What sticks out to you from these verses? • Look through the secondary passages listed above. How was baptism and communion carried out in the New

Testament?• Name at least four things symbolized by baptism and communion. • Why do you think baptism is observed only once by each believer and communion is observed repeatedly

throughout the believer’s life? • Who should participate in baptism and communion? • Why does Paul encourage self-examination before participating in communion?

Application Questions: • What is your first memory of either baptism or communion? • Have you been baptized? When? If you were baptized as a believer, what has been the effect of baptism on your

Christian life? • How is baptism an effective way to help people trust in Jesus? • When baptisms occur at Faith, do you rejoice and praise God? What do you think happens in your life when you

witness a baptism? What do you think is happening in the life of the person who is being baptized? • Are there areas in your life that need to be examined or relationships that need to be restored before you take

communion again? If so, explain.

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• What is a sacrament? A sacrament is given by God as an outward visible sign of an inward spiritual reality. • What is baptism? Baptism signifies our identification with Jesus, our cleansing from sin and our commitment to belong to

the church.• What is communion? Communion is a small meal that celebrates Jesus’ work on the cross and that anticipates the future

feast we will share with him when he comes back.• Parents, both baptism and communion are sacraments for your kids to observe if they have placed their faith in Jesus.

At Faith we do not have an age restriction on the sacraments and we leave it to your wisdom to determine if your child has placed his/her faith in Jesus.


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Date: March 15

Title: What We Believe About the Church Main Passages: Acts 2:42 – 47, 1 Thessalonians 1:1 – 9

Secondary Passages: Ephesians 4:1 – 16, 1 Corinthians 12

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25

Overview: There are many false definitions and assumptions about the church. It is so important to rightly understand the church, because every follower of Jesus is called to love and strengthen the church. Additionally, a correct understanding of the church motivates followers of Jesus to participate in Jesus’ purpose for his church.

So what is the church? The church is not a building; instead, it is a community of people that God works in and through. Additionally, the church is not filled with perfect people, it is filled with people who are pursuing Jesus by grace through faith. The church is also not a social gathering, it is a key element in God’s strategy to rescue and redeem the world. Finally, the church is not without structure; instead, in obedience to the Bible the church organizes under qualified leadership for the purpose of regularly gathering for worship, prayer, encouragement and growth, and regularly scattering for service and evangelism. In short, the church is a community called by God, saved by Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of worship, nurture and evangelism.

In the New Testament we see that Jesus loves the church and gave himself up for her. Jesus’ heart for the church should compel every believer to love and serve the church. Those who ignore, criticize or discount the church must seriously question whether they love and follow Jesus, since true followers of Jesus love what Jesus loves.

In the Bible we see that each follower of Jesus has a special place in the church. As such, each Christian must find his/her unique role in the church and use the gifts God has given for the benefit of the church.

Within the church there should be great diversity and powerful displays of unity that leave people wondering, “Why do these people get along”? The answer is simple. We are a family. God is our good Father, Jesus is our great Savior and the Holy Spirit is our helper.

Finally, in Revelation we see that one day Jesus will come back for his church. This will be a great day of celebration for the church. On this day there will be a final consummation of Jesus’ work for his church. He will wipe away the tears from our eyes and we will see him face to face. Jesus’ second coming is a day that the church waits for, both eagerly and expectantly.

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Opening Question: • Describe a time when you were part of something special (i.e a team, a club, etc.).

Discussion Questions: • Read Acts 2:42 – 47. What sticks out to you from these verses?• What are some of the key characteristics of the church, from Acts 2:42 – 47?• According to Acts 2:42 – 47, what are some of the impacts that a healthy church has on its community?• What do you learn about the characteristics of a healthy church from Paul’s words to the church in Thessalonica,

in 1 Thessalonians 1:1 – 9?• Read Ephesians 5:26. What is Jesus’ attitude toward the church?

Application Questions: • Think of a time when you were looking for a new church. What did you use as criteria to determine if that church

was a healthy church? • How are you encouraged or challenged by what you read in the Bible about the church?• How do you see Faith fulfilling our purpose to worship God, nurture believers and make disciples?• What is your role at Faith? In what ways have you seen God work through you during this past year to strengthen

Jesus’ church?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• What is the church? The church is a community called by God by grace through faith in Jesus who love, learn about,

witness and worship God together. • Does Jesus love the church? Yes. Jesus loves the church very much. He gave his life for the church.• Is the church filled with perfect people? No. The church is filled with people who are pursuing Jesus. Because we are

pursuing Jesus we are made more and more like him.• Do you have a role in the church? Yes. The church is like a body and every Christian has a role to play in that body. It is

important that you are praying for the church and using the gifts that Jesus has given to you to serve the church.


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Date: March 22

Title: What We Believe About Death and Judgment Main Passage: Revelation 20:11 - 15

Secondary Passages: John 3:16 – 17, Hebrews 9:24 – 28, Luke 16:19 - 31

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:27 – 28

Overview: One day you will die and your body will return to dust, for we are dust and to dust we will return. Death isn’t something that many people think about. And yet it is a certain reality for all of us.

Do you know what will happen to you after you die? Are you ready for the day of your death and for all the days that will follow it?

Each religious system teaches that there is something after death, but each religion has something very different to say about death and what happens after death. Some religions teach that death is a friend who rescues us from this pain filled planet. Other religions teach that heaven is a place for good people. Others teach that if you fail to reach heaven on your first try, you get to come back and try again. Others teach that heaven is boring and hell is a lot of fun.

What does Christianity teach about death and judgment? Christianity teaches that death is not normal or natural. Death is our enemy and it is a result of sin entering human history in Genesis 3. Furthermore, the Bible teaches that after death each person faces judgment and one day there will be a bodily resurrection and each person will then either experience eternal life with God or eternal punishment apart from God in hell.

While this belief may not be popular, it is what the Bible clearly teaches. And as such, the only way to pull hell out of Christianity is to literally erase huge sections of Scripture, including words from Jesus.

It is so important to understand what the Bible teaches about death and judgment because one day we will die and on that day we will stand before Jesus to be judged. Christianity is unique in teaching that those who died believing in Jesus will experience eternal life with Jesus and those who died rejecting Jesus will experience eternity without Jesus in a terrible place of punishment. A place called hell.

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Opening Question: • When you were young, what did you think happened after you died? What pictures informed your view of heaven

and hell?

Discussion Questions: • Read Revelation 20:11 – 15 and Luke 16:19 – 31. What sticks out to you from these verses?• According to these passages, what does the Bible teach about hell? • Read John 3:16 – 17. Does God want people to go to hell? • According to John 3:16 – 17 what has God done to give us a way out of death? • Read Hebrews 9:27 – 28. What sticks out to you from these verses?• What awaits everyone after death? • What awaits those who are eagerly waiting for Jesus?

Application Questions: • Why is it important not to dismiss the doctrine of hell? • Do you have confidence that you will go to heaven after you die? Why? • How has understanding the doctrines of death and judgment changed, challenged or encouraged you?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• Is death good or bad? Death is an enemy and the result of sin.• What happens after a person dies? They stand before Jesus to be judged.• Will God allow sins to go unpunished? No. God is righteously angry with our sin and will punish it.• What is the punishment for sin? Death and eternal punishment.• Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back to God? Yes. God provided a way for sin to be forgiven

and for our punishment to be paid. Jesus bore the penalty for our sins so that if we believe in him we might receive eternal life.


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Date: March 29

Title: What We Believe About the Future Main Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:11

Secondary Passages: Revelation 21 – 22, Mark 13:10 – 26, Matthew 24:36 – 51

Passage for Memorization and Meditation: “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” Revelation 22:21

Overview: There have been many debates in the history of the church over the future. But one thing is certain, Jesus is coming back and human history will culminate with a new heaven and a new earth. This is the great hope of the Christian faith.

It is important for us to understand what we believe about the future because we are, fundamentally, people of hope. In other words, what we believe about the future shapes the life we live today. For example, imagine that you are asked to perform a tedious task, but you are promised that in a year you will receive a million dollars for performing the task. Does your hope for the future impact the joy you have in performing the tedious task? Of course it does. It makes all the difference. If you didn’t know you were going to receive a reward at the end, you might quit halfway through.

The end of human history is a hope that strengthens us for today. We know for certain that Jesus returns. We know that he wipes away the tears from our eyes. We know that he breaks the curse of sin and that he punishes Satan and all those who refuse to believe in Jesus. And finally, we know that he will usher his followers into an eternal life on a new physical planet where God dwells with us, and we enjoy him and the life he has offered to us

Opening Question: • Talk about an event in your life that you waited for in anticipation.

Discussion Questions: • Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:11. What sticks out to you from these verses? • How is Jesus’ second coming supposed to shape your life today? • Read Revelation 21:1 – 4. What sticks out to you from these verses? • According to 2 Peter 3:9, why has Jesus not yet returned? • Look at Mark 13:10 – 26. What are the different signs that precede Jesus’ return?

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Application Questions: • Why do you think Jesus decided to leave the world for a time and then return? • What do you most look forward to when you think about Jesus’ return? • Do you eagerly long for Jesus’ return? If so, why? If not, what factors in your life do you think contribute to your

lack of longing? • How are you encouraged by the thought that we will spend eternity enjoying a physical creation with physical

bodies that are made perfect? • How are you encourage by the thought that God will dwell with us for all eternity? How do you think our

relationship with God will be enhanced by this reality? • Are you ready for Jesus to return today? If you knew Jesus was going to return within twenty-four hours, what

situations or relationships would you want to restore? How do you think that the command in Matthew 24:44 to be ready applies to your life today?

• What was the sermon from Sunday about? What questions do you have from it?• Is Jesus coming back? Yes. Jesus promised that he would return.• What will Jesus do when he comes back? He will judge unbelievers. He will reward his followers. And his followers will

enjoy a new physical world where God dwells with his people. • Will you get to laugh and play in heaven? Yes.• What does your future hold? If you trust Jesus, your future is that you will live with and enjoy God forever in the new

heaven and the new earth where you will be forever freed from all sin in a renewed and restored creation. If you don’t trust Jesus, you will live forever without God and you will experience eternal separation from him and from the good life that he wants you to experience.


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