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Page 4: BLOOD William Harvey- father of physiology: discovered that blood circulated through the body in 1628

William Harvey- father of physiology: discovered that blood circulated through

the body in 1628.

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Page 6: BLOOD William Harvey- father of physiology: discovered that blood circulated through the body in 1628

Blood..a liquid “tissue”???

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How are Tissue Classified ?(AGAIN)

Epithelial- lining or covering and glandular tissue.

Muscle- highly specialized to contract

Nervous- irritability and conductivity

Connective- Connects body parts; Must be living cells surrounded by a matrix. Example: Bone (cells sitting in lacunae in hardened matrix of calcium salts in Collagen fibers)

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Blood is considered to be a type of connective tissue. Even though it has a different function in comparison to other connective tissues it does have an extracellular matrix.

The matrix is the

plasma and erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets are suspended in the plasma.




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The only fluid tissue in the human body

Classified as a connective tissueLiving cells = formed elementsNon-living matrix = plasma

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• Blood, a type of connective tissue, is a complex mixture of cells, chemicals, and fluid.

• Blood transports substances throughout the body, and helps to maintain a stable internal environment.

• The blood includes

• Red blood cells – oxygen carrying cells

• White blood cells – fights infections

• Platelets – assist in the clotting of blood

• Plasma – water, proteins, vitamins, cellular wastes, etc.

• A blood hematocrit is normally 45% cells and 55% plasma.

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Red Blood Cells

• Red blood cells (erythrocytes) are biconcave disks that contain one-third oxygen-carrying hemoglobin by volume.

• When oxygen combines with hemoglobin bright red oxyhemoglobin results.

• Deoxygenated blood (deoxyhemoglobin) is darker.

• Red blood cells discard their nuclei during development and so cannot reproduce or produce proteins.

• Typical Red Blood cell counts (Approx. 5 million per drop)

• 4,600,000 - 6,200,000 cells per mm3 for males

• 4,500,000 - 5,100,000 cells per mm3 for females.

• The number of red blood cells is a measure of the blood's oxygen carrying capacity.

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• The average life span of a red blood cell is 120 days.

• The number of red cells is held relatively constant by the hormone erythropoietin (produced by kidneys)

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Control of Erythrocyte Production

Rate is controlled by a hormone (erythropoietin)

Kidneys produce most erythropoietin as a response to reduced oxygen levels in the blood

Homeostasis is maintained by negative feedback from blood oxygen levels

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Control of Erythrocyte Production: Homeostasis

Figure 10.5

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Prolonged oxygen deficiency due to deoxyhemoglobin (red blood cells not binded to O2) leads to cyanosis

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White Blood Cells • White blood cells (leukocytes) help defend the body against


• Normally a milliliter of blood contains 5,000 to 10,000 white blood cells.

• There are five types of white cells that can be distinguished by physical features.

1. Neutrophils have fine cytoplasmic granules and a multi-lobed nucleus when red staining • They comprise 54-62% of leukocytes.• Ingest and destroy bacteria

2. Eosinophils have coarse granules that stain deep red, a bi-lobed nucleus, • 1-3% of circulating leukocytes.• Control allergic reactions by removing chemicals

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Neutrophil – multi-lobed nucleus. Fine cytoplasmic granules

Eosinophil –cytoplasmic granules when red stained

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3. Basophils have fewer granules that stain blue• Fewer than 1% of leukocytes.• Release heparin and histamine, which

increases blood flow• Cause body’s response to allergens.

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4. Monocytes are the largest blood cells, have variably shaped nuclei

• Make up 3-9% of circulating leukocytes.

• Can engulf and kill larger invading objects

5. Lymphocytes are long-lived, have a large, round nucleus,

• 25-33% of circulating leukocytes.

• Important for production of antibodies.

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Monocyte – kidney, oval, or lobe shaped nucleus.

Lymphocyte – large round nucleus.

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Blood Plasma

• Plasma is the clear, straw-colored fluid portion of the blood.

• Plasma is mostly water (90+%) but contains a variety of substances.

• Plasma functions to transport nutrients and gases, regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, and maintain a favorable pH.

• Plasma proteins fall into three groups

1. The albumins help maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood and account for 60% of the plasma proteins.

2. The globulins, comprising 36% of the plasma proteins, are designated as alpha, beta, and gamma globulins.

• Alpha and beta globulins transport lipids and fat soluble vitamins

• Gamma globulins are a type of antibody

3. Fibrinogen (4%) plays a primary role in blood coagulation.

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• Plasma also carries oxygen and carbon dioxide.

• Oxygen is carried in low levels in the plasma but mostly by the red blood cells.

• Carbon dioxide is carried in the plasma as carbonic acid.

• Additionally, there are molecules called lipoproteins that help transport lipids throughout the bloodstream

• Chylomicrons – transport dietary fats from small intestine

• VLDL – transport triglycerides from liver to adipose tissue

• LDL – Delivers cholesterol to cells (Considered to be “Bad” cholesterol.)

• HDL – transports broken down chylomicrons to liver. (Considered to be “Good” cholesterol.)

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• Hemostasis refers to the stoppage of bleeding.

• Following injury to a vessel, three steps occur in hemostasis:

1. Blood vessel spasm

• Roughly cutting a blood vessel causes the muscle in its walls to contract in a reflex, or engage in vasospasm.

2. Platelet plug formation

• Platelets stick to the exposed edges of damaged blood vessels, forming a net.

• A platelet plug is most effective on a small vessel.

3. Blood coagulation

• A variety of chemicals and proteins are used to form a clot

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ABO Blood Group• This refers to the type of antigens and antibodies found in the

blood stream.

• It allows doctors to determine what type of blood to give if a transfusion is necessary.

• The wrong blood can cause agglutination in a patient leading to death.

• Antigens – molecules on the outer surface of the cell

• Antibodies – molecules floating in plasma that help fight infections.

• Type O is most common (47%) and has no antigens but both A and B antibodies

• Type A is next (41%) and has A antigens and B antibodies.

• Type B follows (9%) and has B antigens and A antibodies.

• Type AB is least common (3%) and has A and B antigens and no antibodies.

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Type A AA, Ao

Type B BB, Bo

Type AB AB

Type O oo

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Was Charlie Chaplin the father?

• In 1944 the actress Joan Barry (blood group A) sued Charlie Chaplin (blood group O) for support of her child (phenotype B).

• The blood group evidence was presented in court.

• The jury supported Joan Barry’s claim. Were they right?

The mother must be Heterozygous A (Ao)

The child must be Heterozygous B (Bo, inheriting the “o” from mother)

The child must have inherited a “B” from the father.

Charlie Chaplin was Homozygous O (oo) and therefore could not have been the father.


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• The Rh factor on blood refers to the positive or negative part of the blood type.

• Rh+ blood has an extra molecule on the blood cell.

• Rh- blood does not have this extra molecule.

• It can lead to problems like erythroblastosis fetalis

• Occurs when an Rh- woman and an Rh+ man conceive a child.

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