Page 1: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?
Page 2: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

Blogging best practices

What works?

What doesn’t?

What’s up?

Page 3: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?
Page 4: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

julia goldberg’s blog

Inconsistent posting

Lack of focus

No comments

Bad blogger! Bad!

Page 5: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

Lisa Stone

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Jasmine Kahn

Page 7: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

Page 8: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

Max Brantley

Page 9: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

Worcester Magazine's blogger guidelines states:

To be a good blogger, you need to read blogs. 

Is this true and why. Plus: What are some of your favorite blogs?

Page 10: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?


For or against?

If for, what’s reasonable?

Extra pay for blogging?

Outside writers for blogs?

Page 11: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

An article for written by its former web editor, Laura Fries, laid out some groundwork for a newsroom starting a blog:•Decide how long the posts will be• how often will it be updated •What are the goals Do you agree with this framework? What other questions should be answered before someone starts a blog?

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A Poynter article earlier this year postulated that one of the reasons blogging has been so successful is bloggers are more passionate than regular old journalists, but bloggers could benefit from stronger reporting. What do you think?

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How important is multi-media (video, podcasts etc) on your blog? Make a case for or against it.

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The Washington Post's blogging guidelines warns against group blogs with no focus. Are group blogs less effective than blogs with one or just a few authors?

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Best ways to encourage reader comments.

Best ways to moderate?


“How was I?”

“Read my blog.”

Page 16: Blogging best practices What works? What doesn’t? What’s up?

War stories. What mistakes have you made/seen that you can share so that folks can learn from them?

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More articles and tips about blogging bookmarked at:




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