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  • 7/31/2019 Bletchley List Jk


    21 June 2012 1

    Forenames or Initials

    WRNS, 2nd Officer. 3N, 7, 9, 11

    Winifred May Bull FO Civilian, Miss. 7, 11

    Jackson Alan Gordon Army, Royal Signals. 7

    Jackson Christopher Army 7

    Jackson D J RAF SLU 8 and SLU 9 May 1944 - August 1945. NW Europe and Brisbane. 7

    Jackson Dorothy WRNS 7, 11

    Jackson E G FO Civilian, Mrs. 6, 11

    Jackson Ernest RN 7

    Jackson George Leslie RSS Civilian, Mr. Radio Security Service, Voluntary Interceptor 1939 - 1945. Derby. 7

    Jackson FO Civilian, Mr.

    Jackson H S 5, 7

    Jackson Helen Letitia Mary ATS 7

    Jackson J M WRNS, L/Wren 11,

    Jackson Joan P Hunter 4, 7

    John Robert Army, Royal Signals. 7

    Jackson Kay 7, 9

    Jackson M Fletcher FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7,

    Jackson M A J WAAF, Sgt. 11,

    Jackson M C Berkeley Street. Diplomatic Section, Spanish. 4

    Jackson M J FO Civilian, Miss. 11,

    Jackson Fletcher WAAF, Sgt. 7

    Jackson Marguerite Irene WRNS, PO Wren 7

    Jackson Nancy Edith Dalton FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Surname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jabez-Smith Vivienne L Alford Bletchley Park 1944 - 1945. Naval Section, NS VI (TechnicalIntelligence), captured documents.

    Jackman Bletchley Park. Block B, Naval Section.

    Arkley 1944, intercept operator. Hanslope Park 1944 - 1946.


    Bletchley Park. Probably Military Section.

    Lankester Eastcote and Gayhurst Manor May 1944 - May 1945. Bombe operator.Bletchley Park May - September 1945. Japanese naval call signs.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section, Japanese.

    Cheadle 1943 - 1945. Intercept operator against Luftwaffe maritimeoperations in North Sea and Arctic.

    Gildart EdgarPemberton Bletchley Park 1940 - 1945. Hut 4 and Block B, Naval Section. Germantransmitter fingerprinting expert, Head of NS IV, Submarines, 1942.Deputy Head of Naval Section from July 1943.

    2, 3N, 7, 9, 11,12,

    Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Mansion, Hut 10 and Block F, Military Section, probablyGerman Police.

    Beaumanor and Kedleston Hall. Teleprinter operator.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    Bletchley Park July 1942 - May 1945. Hut 18, Block G. ISOS Section -Abwehr codes. Typing, indexing, translating.

    Jackson Isle of Man, Broadstairs, Baldock and Bangalore 1943 - 1945.Intercept operator.

    ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

    Bletchley Park. Block A(N). Naval Section.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Margaret Anna("Peggy")

    Bletchley Park September 1943 - August 1945. Block F, Air Section.Japanese air and naval codes. Japanese course at SOAS 1943.

    Le Marchant Abbot's Cliff. Intercept operator against German aircraft and E-boats,Royal Signals.

    Knockholt Y station. Slip-reader
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    21 June 2012 2

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jackson Nora Mary 4, 7,

    Jackson P N FO Civilian, TA, Mr. 4

    Jackson R FO Civilian, Miss. 3N, 11,

    Jackson Ronald R FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr.

    Jackson Thomas Barter Army. 9

    Jackson W V 4

    Jackson Moore Ogden GPO Civilian, Miss. 7

    WRNS 7

    Jacob Frederic Arthur 1, 6, 7, 9, 12

    Jacob Norah ("Biscuits") YWCA Civilian, Miss. 7

    Jacob Walter US Army, Sgt. 6, 7

    Jacques Elizabeth Parsons WRNS 7

    Heather Jane FO Civilian, Miss. 2, 6, 9

    Sidney US Army, Lt. 6

    Jakes ATS, Royal Signals. Forest Moor. Intercept operator. 7

    James Allan Edward RAN 7

    James Archie Douglas Army, Royal Signals. 7

    James Beatrice WRANS Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    James WRNS 7

    James D FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 4

    James E F E FO Civilian, Miss. 11,

    James Eileen Hume Richards FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    James WRNS 7

    James J M WRNS 11,

    James Williams 4, 7,

    Burbidge FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park September 1940 - May 1946, including some time atWavendon House and Aldford House. From 1943 in Japanese section,Block F. Typist.

    Bletchley Park. Block D(6). Hut 9, Staff Office.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Bletchley Park 1939 - 1945. Hut 4 and Hut 7, Naval Section, Frenchand Japanese. Deputy Head of Japanese cryptography (NS IJ) frommid 1944. Also in Hut 6 in 1940. Cryptanalyst.

    1, 2, 3N, 11,12,

    Bletchley Park. Possibly SIXTA.

    FO Civilian, TJAO, Mrs. Kedleston Hall.

    Elizabeth Margaretta Sandridge August 1943 - December 1947. Intercept operator.

    Jackson-Liell Sinty Gayhurst Manor. Bombe operator.

    Army, late Int Corps,Col.

    Bletchley Park 1939 - 1941, Military Section, Italian. Heliopolis 1941 -March 1943, Director Combined Bureau Middle East (CBME).Bletchley Park March 1943 - 1945. Block F, Military Section Head ofItalian; Deputy Director (Military Wing) (DD(MW)) from March 1944;Commandant Military Wing from June 1944, replacing Brig Tiltman.

    Hartland Bletchley Park 1944 - 1945. Ran YWCA Canteen.

    Bletchley Park. Block F, Newmanry.

    Bletchley Park. Probably Block F, Newmanry.

    Jaffe Bletchley Park from September 1939. Elmers School. DiplomaticSection.


    Maisie B Cronkorn

    HMAS Harman. Intercept operator, against Japanese kana Morse.

    Wormwood Scrubs and Arkley 1940 - May 1945. SCU 3. Interceptoperator.


    Constance Inez Bletchley Park. Writer.

    Bletchley Park. Elmers School, Hut 16 and Block G. ISK.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Probably Administration Section.

    Heather Catesby Stubley Bletchley Park. Hut 6.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Lilian N FO Civilian, TJAO, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Hut 9, Elmers School, Hut 18 and Block G, ISOS.
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    21 June 2012 3

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    James Margaret ATS, Subaltern. 7

    James Margaret WRNS 7

    James Mavis FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    James P H R RNVR, Sub Lt 11,

    James Army. 7

    James Sue WRNS 7

    Jamieson A V 7, 9

    Jamieson Helen S 7, 9

    Jamieson M RAAF 1 WU and 6 WU. Intercept operator. 7

    Jamieson M E C FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Jamieson Mary C Ross WRNS 7

    Jamieson R C 4

    D G FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Amy Margaret Jones FO Civilian, C II, Miss. 7

    WRNS 7

    WRNS 7

    FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    T S T Met Police, Sgt. 12,

    Dorothy E Sands WRNS 7, 9

    Joan Leatherdale ATS 7

    P L FO Civilian, Mrs. 9,

    James William Henry 7

    Mollie Neil Dunstable. Met Office IDA Unit. 6, 7

    Olive M FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7

    D J FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 3N, 4, 11,

    Mary Barbara Winifred Smith WRNS 7

    M F FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Bletchley Park. Probably Block F, JAFO.

    de la Bastide Eastcote June 1944 - July 1945. Bombe operator.

    Bletchley Park. Probably Block D(6).

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Peter Norman Huson Chicksands and Beaumanor. Intercept operator.

    Bletchley Park. Probably Block F, Newmanry.

    Army, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

    ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 6, Block D. Block F, Air Section. Hut 7, probablyJapanese Section, Naval.

    Stanmore January - September 1943. Bletchley Park September 1943- May 1945. Bombe operator.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 3. Hut 9 and Elmers School, ISOS.

    Janaway Kedleston Hall.

    Janes Bletchley Park September 1942 - September 1945. Block C, Hollerithoperator.

    Janes Gwendoline Gene Winkler Eastcote and Stanmore 1943 - 1945. Bombe operator. Bletchley Park1945. Japanese decoding.

    Janes Margarita F Trull Eastcote. Bombe operator.

    Janes Peggy Dorrington Bletchley Park 1941 - 1946. Hut 7 and Block C, Hollerith operator.

    Janes Denmark Hill and Knockholt November 1941 - December 1944.

    Jaques Bletchley Park June 1944 - September 1945. Block H, Newmanry,Colossus operator.

    Jaques Bletchley Park April 1944 - August 1945. Block F. Testery, Tunny


    Jarman Army, Royal Signals,L/Cpl.

    Y Service December 1942 - July 1947. 7 SWS from October 1944,France Belgium, Netherlands. Intercept operator.

    Jarman Air Ministry Civilian,Miss.

    Jarman Bletchley Park. Block E, Commcen.

    Jarratt Bletchley Park. Block A(N), and Block B, Naval Section. includingJapanese.

    Jarratt Eastcote April 1944 - July 1945. Bombe operator.

    Jarrold Bletchley Park. Block E. Commcen, Cypher Office.
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    21 June 2012 4

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jarvis B FO Civilian, Miss. 3N, 9, 11

    Jarvis Brenda Doreen Andrews ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor. Intercept operator. 7

    E V FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 2, 4, 7, 9

    Jay Gerry WRNS 7

    Jay 4, 7

    Jay Vita ATS, Cpl 7, 9

    Ken GPO Civilian, Mr. 7

    Jeeves William Norman FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. 4, 9

    Ruth WRNS 7

    Charles Edward Army, Royal Signals. 7H C Army, Royal Signals. 7

    Charles Henry 5, 9

    Jeffrey Henry R Army, Royal Signals. Forest Moor. Intercept operator. 7

    Jeffreys A M WRNS 11,

    Jeffreys John Robert Fisher FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr.

    Jeffreys W H Army, Col. 2, 12

    WRNS 7

    Jenkins A M C E FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Jenkins Benjamin Gordon Y Service. Instructor. 7

    Jenkins WRNS, PO Wren. Mombasa and Colombo July 1943 - February 1946. Coder. 7

    Jenkins Edna Margaret Evans WRNS 7

    Jenkins Anderson 4, 7,

    Jenkins H G WRNS 11,

    Jenkins Hilary Mary Bedford WRNS, L/Wren 7, 6, 11

    Jenkins I B 7, 9

    Jenkins Joy Brisbane. Central Bureau. 7

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Elmers School, probably DiplomaticSection, and Block B, Naval Section.

    Jauncey Bletchley Park from 1940. Huts 6 and 14, Block D(6).

    Probably Bletchley Park or Gayhurst Manor. Bombe operator.

    Katherine Ione Roseveare FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park April 1941 - July 1945. Hut 6, Block D(6). RegistrationRoom, training new personnel, identifying possible duplicate messages("kisses").

    Patmore Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Probably Block D(6) and G. SIXTA,indexing German personnel movements, some translation.

    Jeeman Dollis Hill and Bletchley Park.

    Bletchley Park. Mansion, Military Section, double Playfair. Block F,Testery.

    Jeffares Gilmour Eastcote January - May 1944. Gayhurst Manor May 1944 - August1945. Bombe operator.

    Jefferies Arkley and Hanslope Park. Intercept operator.Jeffers Forfar March - October 1944. Italy and Austria December 1944 -

    September 1945. Intercept operator.

    Jeffery Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Block F and Hut 10, Military Section.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Bletchley Park 1939 - 1940. Cottage and Hut 6, Enigma ResearchSection. Devised "Jeffreys sheets" to aid breaking Enigma.

    1, 2, 7, 9, 12,14,

    Bletchley Park 1940 - c. 1943. Elmers School. Berkeley Street c,. 1942- 1943. Diplomatic Section, Head of Chinese.

    Jelf Una Probably bombe operator.

    Bletchley Park. Block D(6) and Block D(3).

    Daphne Olive Phyllis

    Gayhurst Manor January 1944 - August 1945. Bombe operator.

    Elizabeth Hillcoat FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park August 1943 - December 1945. Block D(6). Blisting-compiling lists of messages used in composing bombe menus. BlockG, Military Wing, German Police.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Bletchley Park and Stanmore 1943 - 1945. Bombe operator.

    Army, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

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    21 June 2012 5

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jenkins Margaret Constance ATS, Royal Signals 7

    Jenkins FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr. 2, 4, 7, 9, 12

    Jenkins Roy Harris 5, 7, 12,

    Jenkins S P FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Jenkins William Alfred RSS Civilian, Mr. 7, 14

    Geoffrey Dawson RNVR, Sub Lt 7

    Jennings Doris Edith Horne FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Jennings Edith ("Jenny") Chalet WAAF. 7

    Jennings Elizabeth WRNS 7

    Jennings Eric RN, Midshipman. Colombo Signals Distribution Office 7, 11

    Henry Radford ("Rad") GPO Civilian, Mr. 7, 14,

    Jennings M M G FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 4, 11,

    Jennings M P M FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 11,

    Jennings Mary Christine Tout WAAF 7

    Jennings O M WRNS 11,

    WRNS 7

    Elizabeth Rosemary Parry WRNS 7

    Rosalind Vera Russell WAAF 7

    Jean Pamela Ives WRNS 7, 11,

    P I FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Jessop G E FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 11

    R F RAF, Flt Lt. 5, 9, 12,

    RAF, Sgt. 9,

    WRNS 7

    Norma V 7, 9

    Clark 7

    Beaumanor. Intercept operator.

    Romilly James Heald Bletchley Park December 1939 - early 1942. Elmers School, AldfordHouse from early 1942. Diplomatic and Commercial Section, specialiston Greece and Balkans.

    Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park c. 1942 - September 1945. Block F, Testery; later BlockH, Newmanry.

    Bletchley Park. Block D(6).

    Radio Security Service, Voluntary Interceptor. Stanmore.

    Jennett Bletchley Park 1945. Probably Hut 7. Naval Section, Japanesecryptography.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1946. Hut 3, Block D. Teleprinter operator.

    Davey Wavendon House and Gayhurst Manor 1943 - 1944. Bombe operator.

    Jennings Bletchley Park 1944 - 1946. Engineer, fitting and maintenance.Recovered GPO equipment after closedown.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 4.

    Bletchley Park. Block A(N), Naval Section. Block F, Latin Section.

    Cheadle, Monks Risborough and Dunstable 1942 - 1945. Interceptoperator.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Jepson Daphne Margarita Bletchley Park from c. 1940. Hut 11. Bombe operator. Later toColombo.

    Jepson Bletchley Park. Bombe operator. Later in Colombo.

    Jermy Chicksands. July 1943 - November 1946. Intercept operator.

    Jessett Bletchley Park December 1944 - July 1945. Making sense of garbledJapanese signals after decryption and translation.

    Jesson Bletchley Park. Block D(8).

    Bletchley Park. Block A(N). Naval Section.

    Jessup Bletchley Park c. 1943 - 1945. Block F, probably Air Section; Head of Japanese Inter-Service Secretariat from 1944.

    Jewesson Bletchley Park from September 1943. Probably Block F, Air Section.Previously at Cheadle.

    Jobling Ena Bletchley Park. Hut 11, bombe operator.

    Jobson ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

    Johansson Alvhilde Mathel Australian Women'sArmy Service

    Queens Park, Western Australia, 56 Aust Wireless Section. Interceptoperator.
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    21 June 2012 6

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    John Haydn L FO Civilian, Mr

    John I V FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 9

    Johns Betty WRNS 7

    Johns G I WRNS 11,

    Johns Marjorie Alexander FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Johns Rene FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7, 11,

    Johnson Audrey ATS, Royal Signals 7

    Johnson C RAF 7

    Johnson D M FO Civilian, C V, Miss. 4

    Johnson E M 4, 7, 11

    Johnson Eileen Mary ("Copper") FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 3N, 4, 7

    Johnson WRNS 7

    Johnson Ella WRNS 7

    Johnson Frank Stanley 4, 7, 10, 12,

    Johnson Davis WRNS 7

    Johnson Gladys FO Civilian, Mrs. 7

    Johnson Irene ATS 7

    Johnson J ("Johnny") WRNS 7, 11,

    Johnson FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Johnson Joyce Margaret 7

    Johnson June Elizabeth Armstrong WRNS 7

    Johnson Margaret B WRNS 7

    Johnson Mary C Clarke FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7, 11

    Johnson Mona WRNS 7

    Johnson O WRNS 9,

    Bletchley Park 1940 - 1945. Military Section, Russian; later NavalSection, Japanese.

    2, 3N, 7, 9, 11,12

    Bletchley Park. Hut 14, Communications Statistics Section.

    Gayhurst Manor. Bombe operator.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Bletchley Park 1941 - 1945. Hut 9, Block A. 1941 - 1945

    Bletchley Park. Block A(N). Naval Section.

    Fischl Forest Moor and Kedleston 1942 - 1945. Predicted call- signs,examining preamble of messages.

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1944. Despatch rider carrying top secret materialto HQ Bomber Command and HQ US 8th AF.

    Bletchley Park. Block F, Newmanry and Machine Research Section.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 4 and Block A(N), Naval Section. Deputy head ofNS VIII. In charge of Japanese records

    Bletchley Park late 1941 - 1945. Hut 8 and Block D. German Navalcodebreaking.

    Eileen Millicent Zabczynski Stanmore 1941 - 1945. Bombe operator.

    Bletchley Park and Stanmore. Probably bombe operator.

    War Office; later FO,Civilian. TJAO, Mr.

    Bletchley Park June 1942 - May 1945. Military Section, German policecodes.

    Georgina Eastcote and Bletchley Park end of war. Bombe operator.

    Bletchley Park. Probably Block E, Commcen.

    Bletchley Park. Probably Military Section.

    Bletchley Park c. 1943 - 1945. Bombe operator, later Naval Section.

    Jill Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 1, Transport Section.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 3.

    Bletchley Park May 1944 - July 1946. Block F, Newmanry.

    Sharman Scarborough November 1943 - January 1944. Colombo April 1944 -January 1946. Radio Fingerprinting (RFP), classifying U-boats, RoyalSignals and Japanese submarines by filmed images of oscilloscopereadings of their radio transmissions.

    Bletchley Park May 1943 - September 1945. Block A June 1943 - July1943. Italian code-breaking. Hut 7 July 1943 - September 1945, NavalSection, Japanese. Code-breaking.

    Nobsby Probably Bletchley Park. Bombe operator.

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    21 June 2012 7

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Johnson ATS, Royal Signals 7

    Johnson R M FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 4

    Johnson R T A 4

    Johnson Rita Williams 14,

    Johnson Rita Margaret WRNS 7

    Johnson Rosemary Urquhart FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Johnson Roy D 7, 12,

    Johnson Teddy Army, Royal Signals. 101 SWS and 9 SWS. Intercept operator. 7

    Johnson V FO Civilian, Miss. 9

    Johnson 7

    Johnston B W FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. 4

    Johnston Brenda 4, 7, 9

    Johnston FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Johnston C E de A FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 4

    Johnston Hoy FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7

    Johnston F A FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 4

    Johnston J H FO Civilian, Miss. 2, 4, 7

    Johnston New Delhi. SLU. 7

    Johnston Cross WRNS, PO Wren. 7, 9, 11

    Johnston Stanley RSS Civilian, Mr. Radio Security Service, Voluntary Interceptor. Belfast. 7Johnston W J S Army, Capt. 5,

    Johnstone J Adam Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Johnstone-Hogg D E R FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Johnstone-Hogg FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Joint Iris Kramer FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Peggy Beaumanor. Intercept operator.

    Bletchley Park. Block D(8).

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    Bletchley Park. Block D(3).

    Hendey Eastcote February - June 1945. Bombe operator.

    Bletchley Park September 1944 - May 1945.

    US Army, Maj. Bletchley Park c. 1942 - 1945. Hut 6, US Army liaison officer; later OC6813 Signals Security Detachment, unit for all US Army personnel atBletchley Park.

    Bletchley Park. Communications Signals Office.

    Walter Martyn Army, Royal Signals,Signm .

    101 SWS July 1940 - July 1943. Greece and North Africa. 9 SWS July- December 1943. Italy. Y intercept operator.

    Aldford House.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park January 1941 - 1945. Hut 6, Blocks D and G. SIXTAtraffic analysis, log-reader.

    Bunty Bletchley Park. Hut 8.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 8. Berkeley Street.

    Elizabeth MargueriteAngela

    Bletchley Park. Block D(6).

    Bletchley Park. Hut 9. Billeting Office.

    Swinhoe Bletchley Park from 1940. Hut 6, Block D(6).


    Rachel Bruce Bletchley Park August 1943 - January 1946. Block B, Naval Section.Secretarial duties, induction of new naval officers.

    Bletchley Park.


    Jill Bletchley Park. Probably Transport Section.

    Bletchley Park. Block D(8).

    Moyna Bletchley Park. Possibly D Block.

    Bletchley Park 1941 - 1945.
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    21 June 2012 8

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jolly Mary P 4, 9, 11,

    H F 7, 9

    Jones WAAF, LACW. 3A,

    Jones A I FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4

    Jones WRNS 7, 9, 11

    Jones Amy Claire Marie 4, 9, 12,

    Jones Amy Margaret WAAF 7, 9

    Jones WAAF, ACW. 7

    Jones Beth ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor 1943 - 1944. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones Catherine Busch ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor 1944 - May 1945. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones 2, 7

    Jones FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. 4, 7, 9, 12,

    Jones 5, 7

    Jones Dennis T RAF 7

    Jones E WAAF 7

    Jones E GPO Civilian, Mr. 2

    Jones Edgar Norman 4, 11, 12,

    Jones Elisabeth M 7, 9

    Jones 2, 7, 9, 12

    Jones Enid ("Snoop") Burgess ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor Late 1942 - 1944. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones Eric Malcolm RAF, Gp Capt. 6, 7, 9, 12

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    Bletchley Park. Block A(N). Naval Section.

    Jolowicz Army, Int Corps, Maj. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

    Bletchley Park 1942. Hut 15. Air Section.

    Bletchley Park. Block E. Commcen, Cypher Office. Berkeley Street.Diplomatic Section, Japanese.

    Alwyne W Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 7, Naval Section, Japanese.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park May 1940 - c. 1945. Probably Hut 1, Sick Bay. Head ofSick Bay, Superintending Matron from March 1943. Member ofBletchley Park Women's Committee.

    Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

    Barbara Clarissa Sormani Bletchley Park early 1944 - June 1945. Morse slip reader.

    Ceiriog FO Civilian, Mr; later

    Army, IntelligenceCorps

    Bletchley Park 1940, Hut 1. North Africa and Italy 1941 - 1945.

    D Mervyn Bletchley Park February 1943 - September 1945. Hut 4 and Block F.Military Section, Japanese sub-section (JAFO). Decoding JapaneseArmy Air Force code 3366 and correcting translations of decrypts.

    Daniel Jenkyn Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Block F and Hut 4, JAFO.

    Chicksands 1942 - 1944. Delhi, Bangalore, Rangoon and Hong Kong1944 - 1946. Intercept operator on German, Japanese, Chinese andRussian.

    West Kingsdown 1940 - 1943. Intercept operator on Luftwaffe.

    Sandridge from 1940.

    Admiralty Civilian,TSAO, Mr.

    Bletchley Park to late 1944. Block A(N), Naval Section. Deputy Head ofNS II (I), (Italian Codes/ciphers) by mid-1944. .

    ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.

    Elwyn RAF, Sqn Ldr. Bletchley Park 1940 - 1945. Huts 1, 11 and 23. Maintained andoperated first bombes at Bletchley Park, as a Sgt. By end of war wasi/c all bombe operations, at Bletchley Park and outstations.

    Bletchley Park February 1942 - August 1945. Hut 3 and Block D(3).Head of Hut 3. Appointed Assistant Director (3) in March 1944.
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    21 June 2012 9

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jones Craig Army, Int Corps, Capt. 2, 7, 9, 12,

    Jones Esther P FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(6). Member of Bletchley Park Drama Group. 4, 9, 12,

    Jones F E FO Civil ian, C V, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Block E. Berkeley Street. 4

    Jones F E FO Civil ian, TA, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Hut 16 and Block G. ISK. 4

    Jones Frank Lindley FO Civilian, Mr. 3N, 11, 12,

    Jones Freda M Rose FO Civilian, C III, Miss. 7

    Jones G H B WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Jones G M FO Civilian, C V, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(8). Also Military Section Eastern Europe. 4

    Jones George S FO Civil ian, TSAO, Mr. Bletchley Park. Block D(3). 4, 7,

    Jones Gloria WAAF Chicksands. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones Gloria Reitmeier WRNS 7

    Jones Griffith John FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. Bletchley Park from May 1942. Hut 15A and Block F, Military Section. 4, 12, 14,

    Jones Gwendoline Mary Field Bletchley Park. Block E. Typist. 7

    Jones H FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. CMY. 9

    Jones H B FO Civil ian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block F. JAFO. 4, 11,

    Jones H W FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. Bletchley Park 1943. Military Section, Italian. 10,

    Jones Harold E RAAF 1 WU, 4 WU, 6 WU and 7 WU. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones Henry Bowman RN Colombo and Mombasa 1942 - 1946. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones J G Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Block D(6). Block F, SIXTA. TICOM. 5,

    Jones J H FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. Bletchley Park. Elmers School, Hut 16 and Block G. ISK. 4Jones Jane FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Probably Block C, Hollerith operator. 7

    Jones Joan Arrowsmith WAAF 7

    Jones Joyce Ingman Conway FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park 1942. Elmers School, typist. 7, 9

    Jones Joyce Marion Stevens FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Jones Lawrence Frederick GPO Civilian, Mr. Smallford. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones M FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. CMY. 9

    Jones M E WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Ernest Herbert Douglas Bletchley Park 1940 - 1945. Hut 3, later Hut 14, Head of CentralSignals Registry.

    Bletchley Park from March 1943. Hut 7. Naval Section VI. IntelligenceLibrary management.

    Bletchley Park June 1943 - October 1945. Hut 7 and Block C. Hollerithoperator.

    Atherton, laterHansford

    Stanmore, Wavendon House and Gayhurst Manor 1942 - 1945.Bombe operator.

    Chicksands November 1944 - February 1945. Teleprinteroperator/Morse signal reader.

    Bletchley Park 1941 - 1946. Hut 6 and Block D(6). Probably mod.Typex operator, decoding signals using settings found on bombe. LaterPA to head of section.
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    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jones M G WRNS, L/Wren Bletchley Park. Hut 7, Naval Section, Japanese. 3N, 11,

    Jones Mair Winfield WRNS 7

    Jones Margaret Buchanan WRNS Bletchley Park July 1944 - October 1945. Hut 11. Bombe operator. 7

    Jones Margery Andrews FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Jones Mavis WRNS Bletchley Park. Block D(6). 7

    Jones Megan Williams FO Civilian, Mrs. Bletchley Park 1944 - 1946. Block C, Hollerith operator. 7

    Jones Noel William Archibald FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. 4, 12,

    Jones P Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    Jones P F V FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(8). 4

    Jones P M Bletchley Park. Hut 16 and Block G. ISK. 4

    Jones P M FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Hut 7 and Block C. Probably Hollerith operator. 4

    Jones Patrick Mr 7, 9,Jones Peggy Doreen Gordon ATS, Royal Signals Shenley 1943 - 1945. Forest Moor 1945 - 1946. Intercept operator. 7

    Jones Phyllis Margaret Bletchley Park. Block D(8). 4

    Jones Phyllis S Robinson FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7,

    Jones R FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 9

    Jones R L Tyers FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(8). 4, 11

    Jones Reginald Victor 12

    Jones Ronald Owen Richard GPO Civilian, Mr. Bletchley Park. Block F, Newmanry. 7

    Jones Ruth Lewis WRNS 7

    Jones S E FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block E. Commcen, Cypher Office. 4

    Jones Trevor D FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr. 4, 6, 7, 9, 12

    Jones V S FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(8). 4

    Jones Victoria Lily Bletchley Park. Teleprinter operator. 7

    Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Hut 7. Naval Section, Japanese.deciphering.

    Bletchley Park September 1944 - September 1945. Block C.Switchboard, general office, punch room.

    Bletchley Park October 1944 - October 1945. Block F, Air Section andJAFO.

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    FO Civilian, TJAO, Mrs.

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Hut 6 and Block D(6). Probably mod.Typex operator.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 6 and Block D(6). Later in Communications SignalsOffice.

    Air Ministry Civilian, Dr. Bletchley Park October - November 1939. Hut 3. Detached from MI6Air Section to acquaint himself with Bletchley Park's capabilities andsenior personnel. Later Scientific Adviser to Air Ministry and Director of

    Scientific Intelligence.

    Bletchley Park October 1944 - June 1945. Probably Block D(6), mod.Typex operator, decoding signals using settings found on bombe.

    Bletchley Park c. 1943 - 1945. Hut 3 and Block D(3), record of Germantechnical terms and military abbreviations.
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    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jones-Williams J F R ("JW") FO Civilian, Mr. 12,

    Jordan Alan Army. Bletchley Park. Possibly Military Section. 7, 9

    Jordan Kathleen Mary Gaskell 4, 7, 12

    Jordan M P Bletchley Park. Block A(N). Naval Section. 4, 11,

    Jordan Margaret Mary Robb FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park 1944. SIS training course. 7

    Jordan Gwen Jean Elizabeth Douglas RAF, Fg Off. Bletchley Park 1945. Junior Medical Officer. 7

    Jordon D FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Communications Signals Office. 9

    Joseph E Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    Joseph Elizabeth WRNS Gayhurst Manor. Bombe operator. 7

    Joslin David M RNVR, Sub Lt. Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 7. Naval Section, Japanese. Translator. 7, 11

    Joslin Kenneth George BTM Civilian, Mr. 7

    Jowett Hester Rowlands FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 7, 11

    Jowett Pauline Patricia Wimpenny FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7, 9

    Joy Dorothy Fenton Yarrow WRNS Y Service 1941 - 1944. Intercept operator. 7

    Joy Pauline Hollington WRNS

    Joy Wansbrough Bletchley Park from 1940. Air Section, Italian. 2, 7, 9

    Joyce Bletchley Park 7

    Joyce Elizabeth WRNS Bletchley Park 1944 - 1945. Bombe operator. 7

    Joyner Dorothy May FO Civilian, Miss. 1

    Joynson E H H WRNS, L/Wren Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 7, 11

    Jubb E M WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Jucker Jacqueline Bartrum WRNS Eastcote June 1944 - 1945. Stanmore 1945. Bombe operator. 7

    Judah Claire S FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D (8). 4, 6, 7,

    Judd Barbara Lilian Stotesbury ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor June 1943 - 1945. Intercept operator. 7

    Judd Colin H Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Block D(3); Block G(SIXTA) 5, 7, 9

    Jupp Audrey Lilian Robins FO Civilian, C III, Miss. Bletchley Park May - October 1945. 7

    Bletchley Park November 1941 - c. 1945. Probably Elmers School toMarch 1942, Diplomatic Section.

    FO Civilian, TSAO(D),


    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Block D(3). Military Index - indexing

    significant information from deciphered signals.FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Block C. Hollerith machine maintenance


    Bletchley Park February 1944 - 1946. Hut 4.Wireless Telegraphy Co-ordination Section (WTC). Secretary to Lt Col Sayer, Lt Col Crankshawand Maj Sawdon.

    Eastcote May - August 1944. Stanmore August 1944 - July 1945.Probably bombe operator.

    Sylvia Nancy Air Ministry Civilian,Miss.

    Charles RichardBoddington

    Bletchley Park 1939. Cottage, Enigma Research. Later at MansfieldCollege Oxford, Code and Cypher Production Unit.
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    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Jury Geroge Alfred Army, Royal Signals. Whaddon Hall. Probably SCU 1. 7

    Jutsum Norman James RAF 7

    Kahan M W F FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. Knockholt 4, 6

    Kahn M J 4, 6

    Pamela Hobbs ATS, Int Corps. 6, 7, 9,

    Karet H W Army, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7, 9

    Karsten Ellen Helvig Branth WRNS Linguist. 7

    Kaufman George FO Civilian, Mr. Bletchley Park. Possibly Naval Section. 7

    Kay Elizabeth M WRNS 7

    Kaye I Army, Int Corps, Capt. 5, 9,

    Keach Barbara Jean Dorothy Taptiklis WAAF, Flight Of ficer Washington DC, Halifax NS and New York. Typex operator. 7Kear M S ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7, 9

    Kear Mary S Lowry ATS 7

    Keates P B FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block E, Commcen. Cypher Office. 4

    Keates P M FO Civil ian, TA, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Block D(8). 4

    Keating Agnes Edith Roberts WRNS 7

    Keating Phyllis WRNS Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 11, bombe operator. 7

    Keay F J WRNS, 3rd Officer. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kebel-Smith May M Bletchley Park. Hut 4, Block A(N). Naval Section. 3N, 4, 7

    Keech Peggy Lecroart WAAF Y Service 1941 - 1945. Intercept operator. 7

    Keefer Leslie Norman Australian Army Melbourne. FRUMEL 6, 7

    Keeffe Bernard Francis Army, Int Corps 7

    Keegan Dorothy Wilkinson FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Sick Bay. Nurse. 7

    Keeley S J WRNS Eastcote. Bombe operator. 7

    Keeling Alan Army. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7, 9

    Keen Geoff P GPO Civilian, Mr. Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 14. 7, 14,

    SLU in North Africa, Gibraltar, Italy, Cairo and Jerusalem September1943 - February 1946. Decoder.

    FO Civilian, TJAO, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Elmers School, Berkeley Street, Diplomatic Section,Chinese. Also Huts 9 and 16 at Bletchley Park.

    Kanis Bletchley Park 1943 - May 1945. Probably Block D, SIXTA. Trafficanalysis.

    Eastcote December 1943 - June 1944. Bombe operator. Colombo July1944 - October 1945.

    Wavendon House. Commercial Section,, Russian. Bletchley Park.Block D, Military Section.

    Bletchley Park March 1944 - November 1945. Probably Block G,Traffic Analysis.

    Stanmore January - April 1943. Bletchley Park April 1943 - June 1945.Hut 11. Bombe operator, later i/c ops.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park March 1944 - September 1945. Block F and Hut 10.Japanese Armed Forces Section (JAFO), decoding and translatingJapanese Air Force traffic.
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    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Keen Harold Hall ("Doc") BTM Civilian, Mr. 7, 10

    Keen Patricia Isobel Hollom WRNS Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Hut 11, Bombe operator. 7

    Keep Walter Charles Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Huts 9 and 1. Transport supervisor. 4, 7, 12

    Keighly-Peach A M Berkeley Street. Diplomatic Section, Portuguese. 4

    Keilor Mary Williamson Rankin ATS, Royal Signals. Beaumanor. Intercept operator. 7

    Keith W Bruce RN, Capt. 1, 2, 9 11, 12,

    Keliher Josephine M Bolton-Carter WRNS Bletchley Park September 1944 - August 1945. Colossus operator 7

    Kelland Joan Bletchley Park. Hut 14 and Block E, Central Signals Registry. 4, 7,

    Kellar Enid Margaret McDonald WRNS Stanmore 1943 - 1945. Probably bombe operator. 7

    Keller Brown 2, 4, 7, 9

    Kelly RNVR, Sub Lt 7, 11

    Kelly Deirdre Payne WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section, Japanese shipping. 7, 11

    Kelly Elsie Ellen Hogg ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor November 1943 - July 1945. Intercept operator. 7

    Kelly Geoffrey Bede 7

    Kelly Isabella C Cowan ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor 1942 - 1945. Special Y operator. 7

    Kelly Joan Margaret Doyle WRANS 7

    Kelly Mary R FO Civil ian, C V, Miss. Bletchley Park. Cottage, Elmers School, Hut 16 and Block G, ISK. 4, 9,Kelly Phyllis Jane Walker FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park April 1940 - April 1944. Mansion. Telephone operator. 7

    Kelly T A RNVR, Sub Lt Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kelsey I M Bowyer ATS, Royal Signals Beaumanor 1942 - 1944. Wireless operator 7

    Kelsey Kenneth James RAF, Sgt. 7

    Kelso Dorothy Sinclair Adams ATS, Royal Signals. Beaumanor. Intercept operator. 7

    Kemball Helen Jane Corser WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 7, 11

    Letchworth. Designed the bombe and oversaw production anddevelopment.

    FO Civilian, TSAO(D),

    Mr.FO Civilian, Linguist,Mrs.

    Bletchley Park 1939 - mid 1942. Mansion (room 7) and Elmers School.Naval Section, Japanese (as Lt Cdr), Chief Intelligence Officer, laterDeputy Head. Colombo mid 1942 - 1945. Senior Naval Sigint Officer,ultimately CO HMS Anderson.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Catherine MaryElizabeth ("Kitty")

    FO Civilian, TSAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park from 1940. Hut 6 and Block D(6), including head ofRegistration Room 1 in 1943.

    Anthony RichardMichael

    Bletchley Park 1944 - 1946. Hut 7. Naval Section, Japanesetranslator.

    Army, Royal Signals,Signm.

    Whaddon Hall March 1944 - January 1945. SCU 1. Cairo and CalcuttaJanuary 1945 - January 1946.

    Kandy December 1944 - December 1946. SLU 5. deciphering andenciphering Ultra material from and to Bletchley Park and WEC, Delhi.
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    21 June 2012 14

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Kemp A Turner FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Kemp B S M FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kemp E D 7, 12

    Kemp M J Rooke WAAF, LACW. 7

    Kemp Oliver Army, Maj. Bletchley Park. Block D(3). 5, 7,

    Kemp P RN, Cdr. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. Head of DF sub-section. 12,

    Kempthorne Harold FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr. Bletchley Park March 1942 - July 1945. Block D(6). Hut 6. 4, 12,

    Kendall Christine Winifred Kriedt FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 2, 4, 11,

    Kendall Ronald ("Ken") FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr. 4, 7, 11, 12,

    Kendrick F Anthony FO Civilian, Mr.

    Kennaugh D R WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kennedy D L FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Hut 9. Billeting Office. 4

    Kennedy G L Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    Kennedy Henry RAF 7

    Kennedy Jeanne Story ATS, Royal Signals 7

    Kennedy M Kaufman Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    Kennedy Malcolm Duncan

    Kennedy Marjorie Jo O WRNS, 3rd Officer. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 9, 7, 11,

    Susan Catherine Claydon WRNS 7

    Kennedy T R RAF, Flt Lt. Bletchley Park. Hut 3. Air Section. 2, 3A, 7, 9

    Kenneford E FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Communications Signals Office. 9

    Kennet Deborah Vickers WRNS Bletchley Park. Hut 11. Bombe operator. 7

    Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Probably Block E, Commcen, Morse slipreader.

    ATS, Senior


    Bletchley Park c. January - mid 1944. OC ATS personnel in Military

    Wing. Based at Shenley Road Military Camp.Monk's Risborough Summer 1944 - Summer 1945. Dunstable Summer1945 - 1947. Intercept operator, probably against Germanmeteorological signals.

    Bletchley Park from 1940. Mansion, Hut 5 and Block B(N). NavalSection, Italian.

    Bletchley Park June 1941 - August 1945. Hut 4 and Block A, NavalSection. German translator.

    Bletchley Park August 1939 - July 1942. Cottage, Enigma Research.Hut 8 - founder member. Cryptanalyst. Ottawa July 1942 - May 1945.GCCS representative to Canadian Sigint Organisation. Berkeley Streetfrom May 1945. Cryptographic adviser to Capt Hastings.

    1, 2, 4, 7,G392512

    West Kingsdown May 1942 - January 1943. Intercept operator.Bletchley Park January 1943 - early 1945 Bletchley Park. Probably AirSection.

    Shenley July 1943 - July 1945. Forest Moor July - November 1945.

    Intercept operator.

    FO Civilian, TSAO,Capt (retd).

    Broadway, Bletchley Park and Berkeley Street 1939 - late 1942.Diplomatic Section, Japanese. Bletchley Park late 1942 - 1945, MilitarySection, Japanese. Interpreter.

    1, 2, 4, 7, 9,12,

    Kennedy Eastcote January - June 1945. Bombe operator. Bletchley Park June -September 1945. Hollerith operator.
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    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Kennett Josie Olive Martin WRNS 7

    Kenney M W WRNS, L/Wren Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kenning M Bletchley Park. Block A, Naval Section. Hut 18 and Block G, ISOS. 4, 11,

    Kenny James Albert Army. Despatch rider, Bletchley Park to War office. 7

    Kensington C J WRNS Bletchley Park. Block B, Naval Section. 3N, 11,

    Kent John Enoch RN Colombo 1944 - 1946. Intercept operator. 7

    Kent P A FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Cottage, Elmers School, Hut 16 and Block G, ISK. 4

    Kent T W FO Civilian, TJAO, Mr. 4, 9

    Kent Vera Eugenie 2, 4, 9

    Kent Wyn J Purkis WAAF, LACW. Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Block D(3). Clerical support on Air Index. 7

    Kenward W J A RN, CPO. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11Kenworthy Harold Charles ("Ken") FO Civilian, Mr. 2, 9, 12

    Kenworthy M V Bletchley Park. Block D(3). JAFO 4, 7,

    Keppel-Palmer Mary Catherine Crassweller 2, 4, 7

    Kermack Mary Heal WAAF Chicksands September 1944 - July 1947. Teleprinter operator. 7

    Kermode D W FO Civilian, Mr. Berkeley Street. Diplomatic Section, Japanese. 4, 12,

    Kerr A F Bletchley Park. Block D(6). 4

    Kerr Joan Isabel Freer FO Civilian, Miss. Drayton Parslow 1943 - 1945. Hollerith operator. 7

    Kerr Mary ATS Bletchley Park. Probably Military Section. 7

    Kerr William RSS Civilian, Dr. Radio Security Service, Belfast, Voluntary Interceptor. 7

    Kershaw B Bletchley Park. Block A(N). Naval Section. 3N, 4, 11,

    Kershaw Molly A WAAF 7

    Kerslake Jean Gordon Kerlogue 4, 7

    Bletchley Park August 1944 - July 1945. Blocks F and H. Newmanry.Colossus operator.

    FO Civilian, Linguist,


    Bletchley Park from July 1943. Hut 16 and Block G. ISK. Block G,JAFO.

    FO Civilian, TJAO, Mrs. Wavendon House February 1940 - March 1942. Berkeley Street andAldford House from March 1942. Commercial Section.

    Denmark Hill 1939 - 1942. Knockholt 1942 - 1945. Head ofGovernment Communications Wireless Station and Foreign OfficeResearch and Development Establishment (FORDE).

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    Bletchley Park from 1940. Elmers School. Later Berkeley Street.Diplomatic Section, Italian.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.


    Bletchley Park January 1944 - May 1945. Block D. Teleprinteroperator, in communication with Windy Ridge. Probably transmittingUltra reports for relay to HQs.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Hut 6 and Block D(6). Quiet Room, laterTraffic Identification Section. Traffic analysis.
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    21 June 2012 16

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Kett Diana Marie Bowyer FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park c. 1943. Air Section. Preparing messages for decoding. 7

    Kette M Aldford House. Commercial Section. 4

    Ketteridge Joan J Brierley FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. Berkeley Street. Typing Pool . 4, 7Kettles A M FO Civilian, C V, Miss. Bletchley Park 4

    Kettlety M M FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park 1939 - 1940. Elmers School. Diplomatic Section. 1, 2,

    Key Irene May Crane Y Service. Intercept operator. 7

    Keyes J P USNR, Lt. Bletchley Park 1945. Naval Section, NS VI. 7, 9, 11

    Keyte Douglas J Army, Int Corps, L/Cpl. Bletchley Park. Probably Block F, Testery. 7

    Khan Diana Margaret ATS, Royal Signals Beaumanor. Intercept operator. 7

    Kidd Bletchley Park from 1942. Hut 10 and Block A (room 112). Air Section. 3A, 9

    Cynthia Mary Waterhouse WRNS 7, 11

    Kidd J FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Communications Signals Office. 9

    Kidd Joyce Mary Walker FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park 1939 - late 1945. 7

    Kidd S T FO Civil ian, TJAO, Mr. Berkeley Street and Aldford House. Research Section. 4

    Kidd Thomas RAF 7

    Kidder Robert W US Army. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7, 9

    Joan Allen FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Kiefe French Navy 12,

    Kiernan Jean Mary Slater WRNS Eastcote November 1943 - May 1945. Bombe operator. 7

    Kightley Joyce Irene Skulska WAAF 7

    Kiln Loveday Saunders WRNS Bletchley Park September 1943 - June 1944. Hut 11, bombe operator. 7

    Kilner J A WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kilpack Mary Muriel FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park 1944 - 1945. Typist. 7

    Rachel Ann Hockenhull WRNS 7

    Kimberley D M WRNS Bletchley Park. Block B. Naval Section. 3N, 11,

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Mrs.

    Air Ministry Civilian,Miss.

    Kidd Stanmore, Wavendon House and Gayhurst Manor March 1943 - 1944.

    Bletchley Park 1944 - 1945. Hut 11. Bombe operator.

    Chicksands January 1942 - January 1943. Radio equipmentmaintenance, aerial erection. West Drayton January 1943 - August1945. NCO i/c mobile parties maintaining equipment at Y stations.

    Kidman Bletchley Park and Drayton Parslow June 1941 - September 1944.Block C. Hollerith machine operator and team leader.

    Bletchley Park Spring 1940. Naval Section, later joined Free French


    Bletchley Park 1944 - 1945. Block E, Commcen. Wirelessoperator/Morse slip reader.

    Kimber Bletchley Park September 1944 - August 1945. Block F or H,Newmanry. Colossus operator
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    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Kimble G H T RN, Lt. Bletchley Park. Hut 4 and Hut 10. 5,

    Kime G C FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kime Una Alice Stacey WAAF, ACW Bletchley Park. Naval Section, teleprinter operator. 7, 11

    King A H FO Civil ian, Mr. Bletchley Park 1943. Mil itary Section, Italian. 9

    King Ann Shrosbree WRNS Stanmore October 1943 - August 1945. Bombe operator. 7

    King B B RAF, Sqn Ldr. From Bletchley Park to Washington in 1943/4. 6, 15,

    Bob RSS, Civilian, Mr. Radio Security Service, Voluntary interceptor. Later full-time at Arkley. 7

    King Cyril RAF Probably Eastcote, bombe maintenance. 7

    King Doreen Elsie Wesley WRNS 7, 11

    King E D FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(6). 4

    King E M FO Civilian, C V, Miss. Bletchley Park. Hut 4, WTC. 4, 9

    King F L FO Civilian, C I II, Mr. Chesterf ield Street. 4

    King George William FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr. 4, 12,

    King 7

    King Hilda Aston ATS, Royal Signals Forest Moor 1943 - 1944. Intercept operator. 7

    King John RN Alexandria. Intercept operator. 7

    King John Gordon Conway RAF, LAC. Chicksands November 1942 - October 1945. Intercept operator. 7

    King Joyce May Walker FO Civilian, C II, Miss. Bletchley Park January 1944 - August 1945. 7

    King Kathleen Taylor ATS, Royal Signals Beaumanor August 1942 - May 1946. Intercept operator. 7

    King Kathleen Champion ATS, Royal Signals. Beaumanor 1942 - 1945. Intercept operator. 7

    King Kenneth C Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Hut 3 and Block D(3). TICOM. 5, 7, 9

    King Kenneth John Army, Royal Signals. Arkley 1945 - 1946. Intercept operator. 7

    King M Lambert Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    King Peter Wylie RAF, LAC. Chicksands October 1940 - October 1942. Intercept operator. 7

    King Army, Maj. Knockholt from January 1945. OC GCWS. 4, 12,

    King Robert RAF, Plt Off. 9,

    King Ron F W GPO Civi lian, Mr. Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 14. 14

    King Sylvia Harris ATS, Int Corps. 7


    Bletchley Park 1944 - August 1945. Block A. Naval Section, probablyNS VI. Typing card index of captured U-boat documents.

    Bletchley Park May 1940 - c. 1945. Probably Hut 15, Block E, Mansion

    and Drayton Parslow. Responsible for despatch of classified materialfrom Bletchley Park and management of registry messengers.

    Harold Sidney ("Noz" or"Bob")

    RSS Civilian, Mr; laterArmy, Royal Signals,Cpl.

    Radio Security Service, Voluntary Interceptor, 1941 - 1942. Bicester.Arkley January 1942 - September 1946. Radio Security Service HQ,identifying and classifying Abwehr networks.

    Quentin Eric MuffittAyres

    Bletchley Park February - November 1943. Probably Block F.Japanese Military Air Section. Transcribed deciphered messages.
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    21 June 2012 18

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    King W A H FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr. 4, 11, 12,

    King-Harman B L FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Hut 6. 4

    King-Harman E A FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 2, 4,

    Kingsley Cpl. 10,

    Kingsley-Lark Irene Elsa Thrupp FO Civilian, Miss. 7

    Kinniburgh Katherine M Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    Kinross F FO Civil ian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(6). 4

    Kinsella John RN Cheadle. Intercept operator, against U-boats. 7

    Kippen Bletchley Park from 1942. Hut 10 and Block A (rm 124). Air Section. 3A, 9

    Kipper Valerie Turner FO Civilian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Probably Naval Section. 7

    Kirby D A FO Civil ian, TA, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Block E. Cypher Office. 4

    Kirby E J W WRNS, 3rd Officer. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,Kirby Hilda Mary Murtagh ATS, Royal Signals. Beaumanor. Intercept operator. 7

    Kirby J K FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Kedleston Hall 4, 7

    Kirby Lucy E FO Civil ian, TA, Mrs. Bletchley Park. Hut 3 and Block D(3). 4

    Kirby M R I Bletchley Park. Block D(3). 4, 11,

    Kirby Percival George Army, Royal Signals. Burma. Intercept operator. 7

    Kirk Eileen Mollie Hankins FO Civilian, Miss. 7, 9

    Kirk Joan Clarke WRNS, L/Wren. 7, 9, 11

    Kirkaldy Joan Easton FO Civilian, Miss. 7, 9

    Kirkby Joan Ledingham WRNS, L/Wren Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 11, bombe operator. 7, 11

    Kirkham Marjorie WRNS, L/Wren Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 7, 11,

    Kirkham V T ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7

    Kirkman RAF, LAC Bletchley Park 1942. Block A (room 138). Air Section, 3A

    Kirkman Eunice Hoyle FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 12

    Kirkman Pat ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7, 9

    Kirkness V P WRNS Bletchley Park 1944 - 1945. Naval Section, Japanese. 3N, 11,

    Kirkpatrick Esther M Mould FO Civilian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Hut 6 and Block D(6). 4, 7

    Bletchley Park. Hut 4 and Block B(N), Naval Section, Italian andJapanese.

    Bletchley Park from 1940. Hut 8 and 9, Elmers School. Berkeley


    Bletchley Park early 1940 - June 1941. Mansion. SIS Codes Section.Teleprinter operator in SIS Station X.

    Air Ministry Civilian,Miss.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park December 1940 - December 1943. Probably Typexoperator.

    Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Block A. Naval Section. DecodingJapanese shipping codes.

    Bletchley Park August 1944 - April 1945. Block E, CommunicationsSignals Office, sorted signals.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 7 and Block C, probably Hollerith operator. Hut 5,possibly Naval Section, Italian. Hut 16, CMY.
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    21 June 2012 19

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Kirkpatrick J FO Civilian 9,

    Kirkpatrick J C WRNS, PO Wren. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 7, 11

    Kirkpatrick Marion Malet Fletcher FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7, 9,

    Kirkup Robert Enos RN 7

    Kirman B FO Civil ian, Miss. Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Kirman E ATS, Volunteer Bletchley Park from 1940. Hut 5, Military Section. 2

    Kitch Peggy Rosemary Holmes WAAF 7

    Kitchen Beverly ("Bevo") Almond US Civilian, Miss. 7

    Kitchener D M FO Civilian, C VI, Miss. 4

    Kitcher Peter Wakefield RAF 7

    Kitching A WRNS Bletchley Park 19445. Naval Section, NS IV, Hydrography. 3N, 11,

    Klaproth F Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    Klauber John Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 5, 7, 9

    Kleinwort Ernest G RAF Flt Lt. Bletchley Park. Air Section. 5, 7,

    Klusmann Dulcie Olive FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 4, 6, 7,

    Knapp Francoise G Bletchley Park. Hut 4, Block A(N). Naval Section. 4, 7, 9, 11

    Knapp Gladys Hutchinson WRNS Stanmore. Bombe operator. 7

    Knapp Pierrette Vivienne FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 4, 7, 11

    Kneeshaw Ellis M Biddick WAAF Bletchley Park. Block E. Commcen. 7

    Knight Arthur Harold John

    Knight B M FO Civil ian, TA, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(8). 4, 7,

    Knight D Army, Int Corps, Capt. Bletchley Park. Block F , Military Section. Hut 4, JAFO. 5, 7

    Knight D D RN, Lt. Bletchley Park. 5,

    Knight Dorothy ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7, 9

    Bletchley Park 1941 - 1945. Hut 8, Block D. deciphered Enigma trafficusing Banbury sheets; tested possible settings on mod. Typex.

    Scarborough August 1942 - June 1946. Special Wireless operatorintercepting U-boat traffic.

    Cheadle and Chicksands late 1943 - early 1945. Intercept operator ,troop movements and weather forecasts.

    Bletchley Park December 1943 - August 1945. Block D(3). Secretary toUS Lt Col Telford Taylor.

    Bletchley Park. Hut 16 and Block G, ISK. Block G, Military Section,German Police.

    Chicksands, Capel-le-Ferne, Folkestone, WEC Delhi 1942 - 1946.Intercept operator.

    Bletchley Park 1942 - 1945. Hut 14 and Block E, Commcen, CentralSignals Registry. Sorted and distributed incoming signals.

    FO Civilian, Linguist,Miss.

    Bletchley Park January 1941 - August 1944. Hut 4 and Block A(N). Rm50. Naval Section, Naval Index, translated Spanish naval signals andmessages from Belgian and French agents on coastal fortifications.

    FO Civilian, Senior (E),Mr.

    Bletchley Park 1939 - 1945. Hut 3 - founder member - and Block D(3).Duty Officer (Watch Head).

    1, 2, 4, 7, 9,12,
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    21 June 2012 20

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    Knight Edgar RAF Chicksands. Intercept operator. 7

    Knight Edward Anthony Kircher FO Civilian, TSAO, Mr. 4, 12,

    Knight Eleanora Alice Rhoda Goodall Bletchley Park. Block A(N), Naval Section. 3N, 4, 11,

    Knight F M E WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 11,

    Knight J R FO Civilian, C VI, Miss. Bletchley Park. Block D(6). Hut 11A, possibly Testery. 4

    Knight Joan Eleanor Matthews FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 3N, 4, 7, 11

    Knight Joaquina ("Jokie") Suckling WRNS 7

    Knight K Bletchley Park. Block D(3). 4

    Knight M G GPO Civilian, Mr. Bletchley Park. Probably Hut 14. 14

    Knight Marion Jean Millward GPO Civilian, Miss. 7, 14,

    Knight Marjorie Elizabeth Holtam WAAF Medmenhan, Chivenor, Gosport and Friston. 7

    Knight Mary WRNS Bletchley Park. Naval Section. 7, 11,

    Knight Norah Peake Boswell WRNS Stanmore March 1943 - 1945. Bombe operator. 7

    Knight Patric FO Civilian, Mr. Bletchley Park. Naval Section, Japanese. 7

    Pauline Helen Vaughan Pattison WAAF, Sgt. 7

    Knight Roy Clement Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Block F. Air Section and JAFO. 4, 12,

    Knight Sylvia Johnson ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA. 7, 9

    Knight Winifred Taylor WRNS 7

    Knighting E Dunstable. Met Office IDA Unit. 7

    Iris Patricia ("Nipper") Sugg GPO Civilian, Miss. Sandridge c. 1939 - 1945. Morse slip reader. 7

    Knighton Kathleen Audrey Sporne FO Civilian, Miss. 7, 9

    Knights Pamela WRNS, PO Wren. 7

    Knocker A M WRNS 11,

    Celia 7, 9

    Bletchley Park January 1943 - June 1945. Hut 6 and Block D(6). Brieflyat Beaumanor.

    Bletchley Park September 1944 - June 1945. Block A, Naval Section,NS VIII (Records), sorted and filed signals.

    Bletchley Park January 1943 - January 1946. Block D(6). ControlRoom, maintained contact with Y stations.

    FO Civilian, TJAO,Miss.

    Bletchley Park March 1944 - July 1945. Possibly Hut 14. Teleprintermaintenance.

    Knight Bletchley Park 1943 - 1945. Block F. Air Section. Prepared maps andbriefings; operational research on enemy night fighter activity againstBomber Command.

    Air Ministry Civilian,TSAO, Mr.

    Flowerdown 1943 - 1946. intercept and radio f ingerprinting operator.

    Intercepted German and Japanese traffic.Air Ministry Civilian, Mr.


    Bletchley Park early 1944 - late 1945. Communications StatisticsSection.

    Tirrell Bletchley Park January 1944 - December 1945. Blocks F and H,Newmanry. Tunny emulator and Colossus operator and i/c teleprintersreceiving traffic from Knockholt.

    Bletchley Park. Naval Section.

    Knollys ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.
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    21 June 2012 21

    Forenames or InitialsSurname whileserving

    Post-Warsurname, ifdifferent

    Service, Rank orGrade, Title

    Summary of Service Sources

    P S FO Civilian, TA, Miss. 1, 2,

    Winifred Betsy Crouch ATS, Cpl. 7

    Knowles Kathleen Louise Hales WAAF 7

    Knowles M C 7, 9Knowles Sheila Margaret FO Civilian, TA, Mrs. 4, 7,

    Iris Kathleen WAAF, Sgt. 7

    Knox FO Civilian, Mr. 1, 2, 9, 12,

    Knox RNVR, Sub Lt 7, 11,

    D RAF, Sgt. 9,

    Kyle J Melbourne. FRUMEL 7

    Knollys Bletchley Park 1939 - 1940. Air Section.

    Knottley Bletchley Park May 1943 - July 1945. Military Section, Japanese.Cipher clerk and typist.

    Bletchley Park. Probably Block E, Commcen, teleprinter operator.

    ATS, Int Corps. Bletchley Park. Military Section, SIXTA.Rippon Bletchley Park February - August 1945. Hut 16. Cover Management Y

    - co-ordinating Y Service cover of Diplomatic and Commercial traffic.Berkeley Street from August 1945.

    Knowlson Burrell Bletchley Park March 1941 - end 1944. Hut 6, Blocks A and D.Teleprinter operator. Received messages for decoding.

    Alfred Dillwyn ("Dilly") Bletchley Park September 1939 - February 1943. Cottage and ElmersSchool. Enigma Research Section. Founded ISK (Illicit Signals Knox)Section to break Abwehr Enigma ciphers.

    Oliver Arbuthnot Bletchley Park, Probably Hut 7. Naval Section, Japanese. Translator.

    Knox-Leet Bletchley Park from 1944. Air Section, German.

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