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Trained to look at facts and make educated guesses the Detective can use this ability to observe a person for a single round and then make a conclusion as to that persons age, character level, nationality, recent activities, etc based on faint accent, posture, walking gait, ink stains on fingers, scuffs on a shoe, etc. The base chance for success modified by an Int bonus.

This also allows them to detect whether a person is lying. After a brief conversation the Detective can make an roll with success allowing them to detect signs of deceit.


The Detective cultivates contacts not only in the streets but in police and other official agencies. He may call upon these contacts twice per adventure at first level. He may add an extra time at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels.

With a successful Charisma check the Detective may ask one favor of a contact such as a Scotland Yard Detective to see files not available to the public, an official with access to maps of sewer lines, a coroner to view a body, etc. The favor will be things not generally available to the public. The contact will not endanger himself or his employment and may negotiate a payment or favor in return if the request by the Detective is difficult or unpleasant.


The Detective, after reviewing clues, interviewing witnesses, visiting crime scenes, etc can make a Deduction check with the The base chance for success modified by an Int bonus.

If successful the Detective may ask the DM a single yes or no question which the DM must answer honestly. The Detective can do this once per adventure at 1st level and at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels.. Therefore an 8th level Detective may as the DM three questions per adventure.


Through vigorous reading of newspapers, books, writing correspondence, informants, and other means of gaining information the Detective is often aware of important information, both locally and abroad and keeps a database to draw upon such information. Such pertinent information may include if a person they have spotted is a wanted criminal, what sensational or small crimes have been committed recently, unusual or little known facts about famous persons or individuals of interest, etc. The base chance for success modified by an Int bonus.

If he can review his database he gains a 2 bonus to the Knowledge check. If his database is destroyed, all checks are at a 2 penalty until a new one can be rebuilt, taking 2d6 weeks of hard study and collection.

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