

We know that feeling of power as you cut waves, that rush of adrenaline as you’re about to go airborne, that psyched-up feeling as you push the limits, and that overflowing satisfaction after yet another powerful session. it's these feelings that make us feel alive.

Here at Blade, we’re proud to have built a strong reputation of a solid kiteboarding company, delivering great products every year. Heavily investing in research and development is part of the game we play, and it’s part of our love for the sport. Our talented team has taken to the beach hundreds of times to find what works – and what doesn’t – so that you can make the most of your time on the water each and every session.

trigger/the 5th generation


control bar



prime/the 5thgeneration

fat lady/the 2nd generation

deuce/the 3rdgeneration

sanchez/the 2ndgeneration

the uni control bar

tr igger/the 5thgenerat ion


tr igger/the 5thgenerat ion

Having inspired kite riders to push the boundaries since 2009, the 5th generation Trigger is even more in your face and thrilling than its predecessor. Maintaining its reputation of ultra-quick turning speed and powerful delivery gives the edge to riders who don’t fear going all out on the water. Don’t expect a park and ride kite. The Trigger would be insulted to be used in such a way. The high performance characteristics let you position this kite exactly when and where you want it.


tr igger/the 5thgenerat ionFor the 5th generation Trigger, the profile shape went through a highly calculated reconstruction which positions the kite to sit further in the edge of the window, causing more vertical pop, significant increase in hangtime and much better upwind performance. The most noticeable difference in the new profile shape is in the wingtips, where the distance between the elbows has been nearly doubled. We’ve found this design to drastically help with stabilizing the kite, giving a rock solid feel. This has also helped drift the kite, perfect for wave riding and repositioning of the kite after big airs.

Although it might be difficult to notice by the naked eye, the 5th generation Trigger has a much steeper and deeper pocket than last year’s model. This creates more power for better pop and longer hangtime. You’ll definitely notice this the first time you go out riding.

tr igger/the 5thgenerat ionWhen the Trigger’s 3 strut system debuted 4 years ago, it was very rare to see such design characteristics on any kite. Now, the design has proved itself and is much more common across the industry. This comes as no surprise, since the aerodynamically efficient shape results in less drag and a highly responsive kite which offers quicker, sharper turns, maximum power, and a dynamic, direct feel.

With its forgiving nature, the Trigger is your ideal choice to promote progression and to bring you back to the beach, dripping of adrenaline.

pr ime/the 5thgenerat ion



Powerful, aggressive and precise, the Prime offers the ultimate experience for dedicated freestylers and anybody looking for an extreme ride. Combining high-speed with exquisite maneuverability, this revolutionary four-line C kite hybrid drips with a no-compromise attitude.

While Blade has always strived to produce kites suitable for different users and all skill levels, we realize that there are riders with very specific and advanced needs. That’s where the Prime comes in. This precision

pr ime/the 5thgenerat ion

This precision model offers high AR geometry with unique wingtip design (usually found on a C-kite) enabling wakestyle and freestyle riders to have that extra pull with stable performance. The Prime’s aggressively-shaped leading edge produces unparalleled speed which comes with a responsiveness not often associated with such raw power. An efficient bridal system adds improved support to the leading edge and enables the kiter to tweak the kite to the conditions on the water.

pr ime/the 5thgenerat ion

Located at the tip of the kite, the Prime’s turning axis generates a maximum power turn and maintains that power throughout the maneuver, thus completely utilizing the advantages of a C-kite. Clean, crisp, sharp turns are enhanced by the intensity of the kite’s power profile, created by the intricate design of the airfoil. All the while your ride will be stable and consistent, which is perfect for sliders and flat water sessions, even in gusty choppy conditions!

The Prime’s sharp craftsmanship, innovative design and high-end production materials have all undergone rigorous testing to ensure that performance is perfect each and every time. If losing is not an option, look no further.

fat lady/the 2ndgenerat ion

fat lady/the 2ndgenerat ion

fat lady/the 2ndgenerat ionWhile your friends are standing on the beach pretending to be meteorologists, you can be busting all the tricks in your repertoire or carving the waves all to yourself. Fast, powerful, responsive and a thrill to ride, the Fat Lady has made quite the name for herself in the light wind category.

It took an exhaustive two year design process to get it just right, but here at Blade R&D we believe the Fat Lady is proof that it’s possible to have a 17m kite that still captures the fun factor usually reserved for smaller, more nimble kites. This kite gives you exactly what you want; a strong pop, great hangtime and the fast turning abilities one would expect from a 12m kite. All of this translates to big air, controlled wave riding and an explosive unhooked pop, everything you need to bust out all the moves in your arsenal.

fat lady/the 2ndgenerat ionFor the 2nd Generation Fat Lady we’ve drastically improved the upwind capabilities by designing a new profile shape, which is traditionally found in paraglides. This unique and dynamic design strategy also improves low-end capabilities as well as responsive control in gusty conditions.

fat lady/the 2ndgenerat ionClose observation of the Fat Lady will reveal how narrow the LE is. Along with a 3-strut design, this greatly reduces the drag and weight on the kite, which leads to greater pop. The changes have been accompanied by pre-emptive strut shape design and positioning. This provides the Fat Lady with a stable system where you can enjoy anything from an old school freeride to wave and even unhooked styles. Go ahead shredder, we dare you to give her a spin.


unicontrol barAfter two years of substantial investment and intensive R&D, the Blade’s new Uni control bar has finally arrived. A new bar has been in high demand for quite some time now, and it would have been easy to sacrifice production qualities and rush-release a new bar, but we didn’t cut any corners in developing this fine specimen.

The kinematic conscious design and double mold techniques used to produce the Uni control bar are just another example of Blade’s commitment to producing top end products every time.

unicontrol barThe first feature you’ll notice is the unique shape of the bar stick. We teamed up with a pair of kinesiology professionals to design a bar that alleviates some of the muscle stress associated with prolonged kiting. This unique shape relaxes the upper muscles so you can ride longer and save your strength for busting tricks and charging the waves.

When it comes to control bars, ease of use, safety and versatility are all demands that need to be met. The Uni control bar answers these demands and more. We know our riders push the limits every day, so safety shouldn’t be a concern when kiting. The simple QR system activates at a pull force of 4kg, on loads as light as 5kg and as heavy as 200kg. This means that no matter how hairy conditions get, you have the ability to easily disconnect from the system.

unicontrol barPurchasing a bar shouldn’t mean compromising on design features that are important to you. That’s why we made the Uni bar as versatile as possible. The clam cleat can be easily adjusted on the beach to change the bar throw to your preferred setting. So, if you’re vertically challenged or have a very specific riding preference, you’ll be easily accommodated with the appropriate bar throw length.

In today’s day and age, no kiter should have to contend with swiveled lines. Our new swivel design is located above the bar and rotates freely, without the rider having to intervene. While some swivels on the market are good for the first couple of sessions on the water, the Uni swivel uses corrosion free bearings which will keep your lines just the way you want them for many years to come.


Board design is an art form. It requires expertise, cutting edge design and technology, and a whole lot of imagination. Working with quality materials is essential in good board design. Every aspect of the board, from the Paulownia wood core to the double concave tip design and from the ABS rails to each and every stainless steel screw, has to be just right in order to offer the perfect ride.

All our boards are manufactured at the Elan board factory in Austria - the care and thought that goes into every board shipped out is apparent from the moment you set foot on one of these fine specimens.

Thanks to its innovative design, the Deuce offers freestylers the opportunity to head out for a session whatever the conditions are on the water. Don’t limit yourself to flat waters and avoid choppy conditions. The Deuce is efficient on both.

We’ve worked with the world-renowned Elan factory in Austria to construct this cutting-edge board. Crafted from a custom-designed mold, the board features a single concave down the middle to reduce drag and increase speed. It’s also equipped with a double-concave channel tip which minimizes water spray and maximizes performance and efficiency.

The board’s torsional stiffness coupled with the flexibility of the tips gives riders the pop they’ve been looking for, whil maintaining stability. If you’re looking for a powerful new-school board that’s easy to handle, the Deuce is just for you.

deuce/the 3rdgenerat ion

deuce/the 3rdgenerat ion





The 2nd Generation Deuce is faster than its predecessor and offers better pop. We’ve spent years perfecting the geometric shape of the board, whil also adjusting the concave design, narrowing and stiffening the board. The result is a very fast board capable of achieving more speed both in transit and before a jump, thus resulting in bigger and better tricks. The design has also improved the Deuce’s ability to travel upwind.

While performance is important, any rider knows that comfort is vital too. The Deuce’s ergonomically-designed pads and straps deliver proficient comfort, meaning you can concentrate on your boarding and perfecting a move big enough to blow the competition out of the water.

When it comes to balancing performance with comfort – a must for any freerider– the Sanchez should be your go-to board. This hydrodynamic board is a must for lively and playful riders.

The Sanchez features a balanced design that includes a complete 3D molded Paulownia wood core, which delivers impressive performance through a controlled combination of flex, durability and lightweight characteristics.

A unique double concave with wingtip channel design provides easy planing, upwind performance and minimum board spray while cruising through flat and choppy waters. An additional single concave design in the middle of the board minimizes drag while maximizing power. The combination ensures a smooth and comfortable ride doubled with high-energy.

sanchez/the 2nd generat ion

sanchez/the 2nd generat ion







What’s a freeride board without a few airborne qualities added along for the ride? Easy Edge geometry means that the Sanchez offers plenty of pop to impress your friends, but with enough controlled flex to soften the landings so your knees don’t take a beating.

The well-mannered board, featuring ergonomically-designed pads and straps, makes for a comfy ride. This means you can quit worrying about aches and pains and start focusing on landing that next big trick.

Don’t complicate things with multiple boards to fit different conditions; the Sanchez will deliver what you need, when you need it.

prime/the 5thgeneration

trigger/the 5th generation

fat lady/the 2nd generation

deuce/the 3rdgeneration

sanchez/the 2ndgeneration

uni controlbar

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