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Black Sea Outlook, 3rd Conference, 1-3 November, Odessa, Ukraine02 November 2011 / Session 4, Keynote / Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)

Françoise BRETON Željka ŠKARIČIĆ Brian SHIPMAN (2) Erdal ÖZHANUAB, FP7 PEGASO UNEP MAP PAP/RAC UNEP MAP PAP/RAC MEDCOAST PresidentScientific Coordinator Director, WP2 Leader ICZM Consultant PEGASO WP7 Leader

Taking the Stock of and Advising the Way (*) Forward with ICZM in the Black Sea Region

Valeria ABAZA Ekaterina ANTONIDZEPMA Officer, The Black Sea Commission Chairperson, ICZM Advisory Group to BSC

Lyudmil IKONOMOV Mamuka GVILAVA (1) Catalina ISPAS-SAVAICZM NFP, Bulgaria ICZM NFP, Georgia ICZM NFP, Romania

Leonid YARMAK Nihan Şahin HAMAMCI Victor KARAMUSHKAICZM NFP, Russian Federation ICZM NFP, Turkey ICZM NFP Designee, Ukraine

(1) Presenter and corresponding author (2) Author of presentation

(*) Published in the proceeding of 10th Medcoast Conference, 25-29 October 2011, Rhodes, Greece

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Background of ICZM Stock-Take, Protocol and PEGASOQuestionnaire themes and questionsMapping national responses and early conclusionsSome recommendations

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

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Med ICZM ProtocolTook 8 years to prepare Contracted Parties signed in 2008Ratified by 6 CPs including EUEntered into force in March 2011

ICZM Protocol was used to formulate themes & stock-taking questions

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Background of ICZM stock-taking

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Background of ICZM stock-taking


Questionnaire with 16Coastal zone boundariesICZM and/or coastal legislationCoordinationProtection and sustainable use of the coastal zoneEconomic activitiesCoastal ecosystems, landscapes & cultural heritageParticipationAwareness raising, training, education & researchMonitoring & review

Black Sea ICZM Stock-Taking – 2011.11.02Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

themes (and 53 questions)National coastal strategies, plans and programmes, transboundary cooperationEnvironmental and strategic assessmentsLand policy and accountsEconomic, financial & fiscal instrumentsNatural hazards & coastal erosionExchange of information and activities of common interestTransboundary cooperation

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Background of ICZM stock-taking

Measuring the progress with ICZM implementation, not effectiveness!

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Instructions page

Themes (16) / questions (53)

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Aggregated responsesALL questions, ALL countries

6 Black Sea, 21 Mediterranean

Mapping country responses / some findings

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

a harmonized ecosystem-based delimitation of coastal zone boundaries for ICZM that includes both land and sea

Coastal zone boundaries legally defined

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

support for national ICZM legislations

ICZM or coastal law approved

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

promote institutional coordination across the land-sea boundary

Coordination/integration mechanisms in place (land-sea)

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

promote horizontal & vertical coordination

Coordination/integration mechanisms in place (horizontal)

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

assess the consistency and efficiency of the application of setback and other development controls on the coast

Setback zones for coastal development control

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

support positive enhancement measures of key habitats and landscapes

Wetland restoration experience

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

improve capacity for ICZM research & implementation at all levels

ICZM research centres of excellence

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

develop and test the use of economic and financial instruments

Economic, financial & fiscal incentives & instruments for ICZM

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

support common assessment and best practice for mitigation of climate change and other coastal hazards

Coastal hazard prevention, mitigation & adaptation measures

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

develop common social, economic and environmental indicators to monitor changes at regional level

Coastal zone management and sustainability indicators

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

develop guidance for the use of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in coastal zones

Environmental assessment procedures in place and adequate

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Mapping country responses / some findings

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Abaza et. al. / BSC PS / PEGASO

Potential area of support and collaboration at regional level:

provide guidance and support for national ICZM strategies and plans

National ICZM strategy prepared

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Assessment and stakeholder consultations at all levels in support of the ICZM legal instrument for the Black Sea.

Research and monitoring to compile agreed common set of coastal indicators measuring effectiveness of ICZM.

Adapt, develop and deliver ICZM training and education packages for coastal managers and practitioners.

Partnership through shared ICZM Governance Platform (Black, Caspian and Mediterranean Basins).

Operational observation systems for the Black Sea (marine, coastal and wider catchment).

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Poster presentation

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Pegaso Project is founded by the European Union within FP7ENV.2009. – Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Specific Programme FP7Collaborative Projects – Large scale integrating projectGrant agreement nº 244170

Project coordinationDra. Françoise [email protected] – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Spain


Mamuka GVILAVA / PEGASO Task Manager for BSC PS/ ICZM NFP Georgia

[email protected]

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