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Customer: Britteny Bocchino

Animal: black bear

Report by: Felicia Ferentinos

Black Bear reportBlack bears are omnivores which mean that they will eat plants and other animals. but the 85% of the bears diet usually consists of vegetation. These bears will mostly eat the same food that the brown bear will eat but these bears are different because they will eat far fewer roots, bulbs, corms and tubers then the other species will. The black bear will normally eat insects like bee’s yellow jackets, ants and their larvae. The best time for the black bear to hunt for salmon is when night comes they will hunt these fish in the dark because they can easily be spotted when they are hunting in the daytime because the fish can easily see the bears black fur. These bears will also go for honey and they will also climb up trees to get it. They will also go into bee hives but if they are to deep for the bear to reach so they will use their paws to get the honey that can be found in the hive that is located in the trunk. The other food that these bears will eat are plants, leaves, fruits, berries, nuts, roots, honey, insects and they will also eat small mammals to. Black bears will normally eat anything that can be found in their habitat. The other animals that they will eat are grasshoppers and they will also eat giant creatures. Black bears will also eat fish, fruit, berries, nuts, acorns, and they will also eat roots, the type of food that they eat really depends on the time of the year. These bears are not the best hunter that is because they do not hunt often because they will rather eat plants then other animals. These bears will usually find their food in forests which is where they live and that can be dropped with meadows. This will give these places lots of different berries and other food for the black bears to eat. When these bears want to eat tree bark then they will strip the bark out of the tree then they will start to lick the sweet sap that can be found underneath the bark. But there are some places like Cabins, camps,

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garbage cans, and town dumps are usually will by bears that can be looking for an really easy meal for them to eat. So if a bear is near a cabin then they can easily rip down the wall off of the cabin. They can also jump on top of a car roof they will continue to do that until the door pops open. When the bear first tastes the human food. Then it can be really hard for them to stop. So the thing is never ever feed a wild bear. Black bears will normally eat both plants and other animals. the food that they will eat are berries, nuts, grass, roots, tree sap and they will also eat honey from a beehive. These bears will normally eat the whole hive and they may also eat the bees that can be inside of the hive. Black bears will also eat small animals like mice. These bears will also catch fish. They will also eat larger animals like a young moose and an elk. The food that these bears will normally eat are vegetation that also includes herbs, grasses, roots, buds, shoots, honey, nuts, fruit, berries and they can also eat seeds. They will also eat fish, small mammals, insects, carrion and rubbish, The other food that they will eat are small mammals, salmon and they will also eat carrion to. The bears that live in the northern regions they will normally eat spawning salmon. These bears can easily kill a baby deer and a baby moose. They can also eat plants, fruit, nuts; insects and they can also eat honey. The other food that they will eat are frogs, fruit, nuts, and they will also eat berries, They will also hunt to they will usually hunt small mammals like deer and livestock. They will also eat different types of insects like ants and bees. These animals are also scavengers to when they do this then they will eat carrion, raid garbage and they will also eat food feeders. When the bears are in the wild then they will eat a lot different types of plants and animals. The food that they will eat when they are looking for vegetation then they will usually fest on grass, berries, buds, flowers, fruit, fish. When they are looking for meat then they will eat fish and they will also eat small mammals like rabbits and raccoons and they will sometimes eat carrion. It is not a joke that bears don’t like honey in reality they do love honey and to get it they will usually climb up trees in order to get it. They will do that so they can beat the bee hive like a children playing with piñatas. When these bears are in a zoo then they will eat apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, meat, fish and they will also eat vitamin and mineral enriched biscuits. A black bears diet is mostly on vegetation that means that they eat twigs, roots, berries and they can also eat really young plants and they will also eat buds and

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they will also eat beetles to. The important food that they eat is ants, bees, and bee larvae they will usually eat these bugs when they are eating honey. They will also eat small mammals and fish that can be really big for their diet. Bears will usually catch small mammals and fish when it is an easy time to get them. Lots of people think that they are carnivores but they are really omnivores but they will activity go for vegetation more than hunting for wild prey. (It really depends on the food that is supplied in that area or when there is a huge variety of food that is waiting for them. Black bears will usually get their fruit and their nuts from trees to get the food that they want from the trees they will start to pluck off the branches they can do this by use their prehensile lips they will also use this to eat grass, roots and bulbs that can be found on the ground and that can also supplement on their diet when they are feasting on small animals like insects and on rodents. The way that they get their food really depends on the region that they live on and how many prey does that place have. These bears are also known to to kill a young deer. These bears are experts on catching fish they will usually hunt for fish by a river and these animals will also eat carrion. (This is a skill that is used in lots of areas where there are no Grizzly bears to compete for the food). Black bears have a rally big body size. These bears will spend their time in the night eating. They will usually do this just for the average of 12 hours of the day so that they can build up their body fat so that they can be ready for the winter. The other bugs that they eat are carpenter ants, yellow jacket, bees and termites. Black bears will mostly be found in forests but they will also be found in places that are near swamps and desert scrubs. These bears can be found all across North America. The most common place to found a black bear is found in North America. They will usually be found in areas where there are dense forests. Black bears can be found in 42 starts in America. These bears can also be found in 11 and 12 parts of Canada. These animals will also be found in the north part of Mexico high up in the Rocky Mountains that is where they are located in Northern Mexico. These bears can also be found in Canada and in the lower Arctic Circle. Black bears can do great when they are in a really good area of their habitat and those places are in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. There are so many black bears that can be mixed up with the hardwood forest that can be found in the eastern parts of the United States and in Canada. Black bears can also be found in

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places that are in the Northern Great lake states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin and in Michigan. Black bears cab also be found in the forest areas on Canada, The United States and in Mexico. They can also be found in the state of Montana to. The places where black bears live is usually in forests and in wooded areas but there are a lot of these bears that live high up in the mountains. These bears can be found all over North America they can also be found in Canada, Some places in the United States and they can also be found in North Mexico. There are a lot of black bears that live in so many different mountains and those are Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains and the Ozark mountains. There is another Black bear and that is called the Asiatic black bear and they can be found on lots of different places that are in Asia. The places that they live in that are Asia are Pakistan, India, China, Vietnam and so many other countries that can be found in Asia to. Black bears live in both continents those are Asia and in North America. Black bears are usually adapted to a place that has a whole of food but the black bear will usually be found living in the wide range habitats and those places are scrubs, swamps that can be found on the south. These bears can also be found in the dense coniferous and they can also be seen in deciduous forest areas. Black bears live in Alaska but the best place to look for black bear is really high up in the mountains that is in north Mexico and they can also be found in Southern Canada to. The places where there are no black bears are usually in the southwest deserts these are places where you cannot find a black bear in this area. These bears are also not seen in the really big parts of central and in east of the United States. There are about 41 black bears that live in The United states and there are about 50 of them that live in Mexico. The most common place to find a black bear is usually in forest habitats and they can also be found in fields and in meadows. Black bears can grow big as six feet (two m). An Adult black bear can weigh about 200 to 600 pounds (91 and 272 kg). But the black bears that live in Asia are a lot heaver then the ones that live in North America and the ones that live in Asia can weigh less than 300 pounds (136 kg). The Males are bigger than the females. The American black bear can be big as 6 feet (1.8 m) long and they can weigh about 300 pounds (136 kg). The black bear's length is 1.3-1.9 m (4.25-6.25 ft.). Their tail can be big as 7 to 15 cm (2.75 to 6 inches). These bears can weigh about 55 to 300 kgs (120 to 660lbs). The American black bear can grow about 5 feet (1.5 m) long

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250 pounds (113 kg). The Asian black bear size is the same size as the American black bear. The males can be big as 1.8 meters long and they can weigh about 300 kilograms. The height of a black bear is 2 to 3 feet (.6-9m) at the shoulders and length of these animals are 4-7 feet (1.2-2m) that is from the nose to the tip of the tail. The males can weigh about 150-300 lbs. (68-158 kg). The females are a lot smaller than the males are because the males are a lot bigger than they are. The average weigh for a male black bear is 500-600lbs (227-272 kg). The average size of an black bear is 35 to 40 inches (89 to 102 cm) when they are standing on all of their legs then they will be 4 feet -4.5 to 6 feet (1.3 to 1.8 m) that is how big these bears are when they stand on their high legs. These average size for a black bear is (57 to 272 kg). Males are a lot bigger than the females are they are about three times bigger than the females are. The size for an black bear is 5.5ft the males can weigh about 700 lbs. The females are 70 to 250lbs. The average size for a black bear is 5 to 6 ft. (1.5 to 1.8m) long they can also weigh about 200 to 600 lbs. (90 to 270 kg). Black bear can be big as 4 to 7 feet that is from the tip of their nose to their tail. When they are standing on their high legs they can be tall as 500 to 600 pounds. The American black bear is known to the most smallest bear is all the bear species that can be found in North America. The male black bear can grow about 20 to 60 percent bigger than the females are. The females can grow about six feet and they can weigh about 650 pounds. The normal length of an female black bear is 175 pounds. The black bears can stand as three feet all to the shoulder. The males will weigh about 150-450 lbs. The females can weigh about 110-250lbs and the young will usually weigh about 45 to 100 lbs. The black bear can be big as 1.5 m (5 feet) long. The females can weigh about 40 to 180 kg (90 and 400 pounds). The males can weigh about 50 to 400 kg (110 and 880 pounds). The cubs can weigh about 200 to 450 (seven ounces and one pound) This is how big they are when they are first born. The black bear can live about 25 to 30 years. When they are in the wild then they can live about 32 years old. There are some black bears that can live about 25 years to. There was once a bear named Smokey and has lived about 27 years old this was how old that this bear live in the Smithsonian national zoo In Washington DC. The normal life span for a black bear is ten years and when they are in the wild then they can live about 30 years old when they are out on their own in the wild. The Average life span for a black bear

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is usually 20 years. There are some black bears that can live about 25 years. When they are in the wild then they will live about 15 years. When the summer ends then that will be the time when the black bear start to be really fat. These bears can go for seven months without eating this is starts to happen in the middle of hibernation. These bears can eat so much food they can easily gain 30 pounds (14 kg) in a week. They need to eat a lot so that they can store a lot of fat so that it can help the bear to get through the really long cold winter ahead. When the winter starts to come then this will be the time when black bears start to move into caves or in hollow logs this is called a den. A den is a place where animals can hide and to be safe from danger. When the month of October comes and in the easily November then that will be the time when the bears are in a really fast sleep that is called hibernation and they will usually do this when they are inside a den. When it starts to snow and the temperature start to drop down and when it starts to get really cold then the bears will start to be in a really deep sleep and they will no long awake until spring. When the first day of spring comes then the bears will start to wake up from their hibernation. They will start to yawn, stretch and they will also start to limp out of their dens. Then they will also start to lose weight to they will only weigh about a half. After hibernation that will also be the time when the females also start to give birth to cubs. They will start to be really hungry and thirsty right after hibernation to. These bears will continue to lose some weight only for a few months but when the summer comes and once again the food is plentiful for them. Black bears seem to have a really long life span and people think it has something to do with them sleeping for a long time that usually takes place in every winter. It is a really cool thing to learn that bears do not really hibernate. These bears do not usually fall into a deep sleep like woodchucks and some other animals that till with hibernation. Instead for sleeping for all winter long they will start to dormant when the winter comes but they do spent a lot of their time dozing and sleeping but they will become really active really fast when they are being bothered. There are some areas in the southern parts of North America that are usually not that cold. Those bears do not hibernate at all when they are in those types of areas. When the summer comes then they start to be really fat and they will also be fat during the fall season to. When the weather starts to turn into cold temperature then that will

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be the time when they start to be a little drowsy. When the cold seasons arrows then they will start to look for a den so that they can hide in it and so that they can be safe from danger. A bears dens can be found in any place but it has to be a place that has a shelter that can protect them from the weather. The type of dens that a black bear will usually look for is a pile of rocks, under the roosts of a really big tree that has fall. If the bear is lucky enough they might find a nice warm cave or an abandoned mineshaft. Most dens will usually be found on the north side of an hill or up in the mountains, but if the weather is not that cold then the bears might just cruel up in the dense thicket of really small trees. There are lots of bears that can carry a really big pack of leaves and grass that they can be put in their den so that they can make a really nice bed. Pregnant females will start to find special dens a one that is bigger and really comfortable. This will also be the time when the females will start to give birth and to have their babies. But before they can go into their dens for the winter. This will usually be the time when some bears will start to stop eating. This will also help them to get rid of all the materials that is placed in their digestive tract. Before they start to go in the deep sleep they will have to eat different types of food first and those foods are leaves, pine needles and sometimes they will also eat their own hair. These materials are usually form that biologists sometimes call anal plug. They will usually have to get rid of the plug so that they can make their den clean. When the spring comes then that will be the time when they start to come out of their dens. When the winter comes the sleeping bear's temperature will start to go back to normal. The bear will start to feed it self by getting the layer of the fat that builds them up. There are a lot of black bears that will start the winter with their layer of their fat is about five inches (12.8 cm) thick. The layer fat for a really big bear is that they can weigh as two hundred pounds (91 kg). The bears will start to wake up so that they can charge their positions. There are a lot of black bears that will start to come out of their dens in March. The first thing that a bear will do after they had awakened from their long sleep is that they will drink a lot of water. Some experts say that they do this because so that they can soften their digestive system. Before you know it they will start to eat again. The first food that they will eat is that they will eat grass and buds that had bloomed in the spring. During the summer and the fall this will be the time when black bears will start to eat a lot of

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food. All of the food that they eat helps them to build a lot of fat. They will start to live off their fat during the winter so that they can hibernate. During hibernation a black bear does not eat during this time because it will spend three to seven months sleeping in their den. The type of den that a black bear will go into is a cave or an hollow log. The black bear will stop hibernating when the first sight of spring comes. When the spring comes than that will be the time when they will start to wake up and it will also be the time when they start to leave their dens. After a whole winter and finally spring comes then the bears will start to be really hungry so the first thing that they will do is find water and to look for food. When the winter comes that is the time when black bears go into dens so that they can herniate the bears will usually built them? They will build their dens in tree cavities, under rocks or logs, in banks or in caves, culverts and in shallow depressions. Black bears do not usually hibernate but when they enter into a wonderful state that is called torpor or winter dormancy. When this time happens this is when the bear will start to shut down the bear's digestive system and their kidneys so they do eat or drink for seven months. These bears will not urinate or defecate when they are inside the den. When there body temperature like falls for only for a few degrees. Then the sleeping bears will start awake really fast if they are being disturbed. There are a lot scientists that are totally fascinated by these animals because these animals have the ability to sleep for months and there loose bones and their muscle mass are being studied for phenomenon that has really important clues that might help bad ridden people. Black bears will usually hibernate it really depends on the type weather conditions are in that area and there is enough food for them Suring the long winter months. There are some regions where that has a enough food supper and that has lots of warm weather all winter long. Sometimes bears do not hibernate at all or they do in such a short time. This will be the time when females will usually start to give birth and they remain in the den through all winter long .The males and females that don't have a young then they will start to leave their dens from time to time during the winter months. Black bears will usually hibernate for eight months. The other animals that the black bear share its habitat with are brown bears, Bobcat (also known as the lynx), moose, Golden eagle, and the Eastern chipmunk. Black bears are known to be really smart animals. They can easily learn that they are

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curious and they have a really good memory that is because they have amazing small eyes. Some people don't believe that bears have horrible time seeing but that is not true these animals really do have an really good eyesight. These bears can easily tell the difference between colors and these animals can also see well in the dark. These bears can easily spot any moving item that can be really far away. When they want to get a better view of their surrounds then they will usually stand on their high legs so that they can also see things that are far away. Not only can they see well they can also hear well to. But the best sense that the bear uses the most is their sense of smell that is known to be the most important sense to a bear. Their sense of smell helps them to find a mate to avoid any contact with humans, to find their cubs and they can also use their sense of smell to gather food. A bear can scent a human that can be over 14 hours away from where they are. They will usually smell a human when they have passed on a trail. Lots of experts have shown that they can smell food over three miles away (4.8 km) away. The way that bears can survive in their wildness areas is there senses. The most important sense for a bear is their sense of smell. That was the first important sense that the bear has the other sense that they have that happens to be really helpful to them is their hearing this comes in second this happens to be the most second most important sense for a bear. The third greatest sense for a bear is their sight. The black bear can use their keen sense of smell to look for food. They can use their sense of smell look for all different types of foods which happen to be plants and other animals. They can use it to find their favorite food that they like to eat. These animals can smell a dead animal or a dump over seven miles away. Their amazing good nose can also point out if there is any sign of danger that can be located in their area. Like if there is a human in the area. Black bears will usually use their hearing to warn others that there is danger nearby and that can be coming from a distance. Black bears ears are known to be the biggest ears then all the bears that can be found in North America. Their ears can also allow them to hide or to leave if there is any sign of danger that might be coming their way. Some people have a lot questions about the black bears eyesight even experts have a hard time figuring it out. Some people are saying that bears do not have really good eyesight. There were lots of stories that have been proven about the bears point of view. There are some experts who think that bears do have

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really good eyesight. They also have been shown that these bears can tell the difference between objects. It is really nice to say that the black bear has average eyesight that these animals have. The experts that do agree on thing and that is they do not even need good eyesight to help them with their survival. Their hearing and their smelling skills is all they need in horror to survive. There are a lot people that are making a joke on how blind a black bear is and this is how they live for a long time in many years. You never know it just might be true. These animals do not live in a family or in a group that means that they are solitary animals the only time when they are seen together is when there is a mother and her cubs that is happing in the breeding season. They might even come together near any feeding sites. Black bears have really short that are not retractable claws this will give them the ability to climb a tree. That is why these bears are amazing tree climbers because of their claws. There are about two subspecies of black bear that is the North American black bear and the Asiatic black bear. The most common bear that is in North America is the Black bear these bears are really known in North America. Sometimes people call the Asiatic black bear the moon bear. These bears are a lot different than the ones that live in North America that is because they have really big ears and they also have a really special mark that is on their chest that is shaped like the letter V. There are a lot of black bears that have a black coat that has a brown that is located their mouth to their nose area. But not all the black bear species are known to be black. There are some that come in tan, reddish brown, gray and they can also come in white to. Bears have also known to live near where people camp. There are a lot of bears that have learned that they can look for food in people’s campsites. People that are camping they have to keep their food away from any reach of bears. It is really dangerous to feed a wild bears because they will get use to eating human food and they may never hunt again or eat any wild food again so the best thing to do if you come in contact with a bear or any other wild animal the best thing to do is to leave them alone. Some black bears find their food in trash cans. The other thing that can be dangerous if you feed a bear they can roam into towns they will start to look for food in trash camps and in down dumps. So the best thing to do is to leave them alone. If we don't bother them then they will not bother us. The black bears that live in Pennsylvania are mostly always black but the other bears

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that live in different parts of North America they will mostly come in all different colors and those are white, cinnamon, sliver blue, red, brown and they can come in gray. Black bears not only come in black but they can also come in different colors to and those colors are brown and red. These bears are known to be the smallest bear in North America and they are also known to be the best known bear in North America to. Both the American black bear and the Asian black bear both look the same but there are some difference between these two bears is that the Asian black bear has an crescent-shaped that has an white patch on their chest. That is why sometimes people call this bear the moon bear. Bears are known to be the really strong animals. They are so strong that they are known to move rocks and really big logs by even using one paw. There is no animal alive that is an equal size can be powerful then a bear. The black bear can kill really big animals like moose, elk, and they can also kill a deer to. With only one bite to their neck they can easily kill any animal that comes in their way. Black bears have 20 long claws that can be used to rip off the bark of a tree. These animals are really careful with anything that comes their way. There is only two reasons for a black bear to attack for food and to defend themselves. These animals will also hunt really large game animals they will usually stalk them like a cat will do. It is not true that black bears are really slow. They are known to be really fast animals they can speed up about 35 to 40 mph (56-64 kmph) in really short distances. There are a lot of bears that will rather run away from a human then to attack it. Female bears will often attack when they are trying to protect their young. They will also attack if their escape route is blocked and if they are protecting food source or if they just good startled. Not only these bears are amazing tree climbers but they are also really good swimmers. The black bears got their name from the very fast biologist that had saw these bears were all black Still today the bears that live in the east areas of North America are all black or in a really dark color. Lots of have a patch that is the color white that can be found on their chests. There are other areas of North America that have other bears seem to in other colors expert for black. These experts now understand that black bears can come in different colors to. The bears that have different colors they will use their colors to blend in with in their habitat. The bears that in the east area are really black and they have to be black because they live in really heavy and dark forests.

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The black bears that live on west area are usually found on open areas. So that their fur can be in a lighter color. The bears that are brown and have a reddish color these bears usually live in the semi-open forests and they can also be found in the western mountains. There are two special black bears that live on the Pacific coast that can be found on the south of Alaska or they can be found on the northern British Columbia. These bears will usually find their selves living in year filled with snow and ice glaciers. There was one bear that is called the glacier bear. These bears are usually the color bluish gray color. The other type of bear and that is called the Kermode bear these bears are known to be white and they also have an creamy colored. They two bears got these names because they are really rare. The black bear has lots of predators that they face and those animals are mountain lions, grey wolves and they are also getting in trouble with brown bears to. Black bears are known to be really great swimmers. They can swim as fast as a mile and a hald that is due all across lakes and rivers. These bears have been known to swim towards humans when they are on an holiday island campsite. There was one black bear that has swim 9 miles in the Gulf of Mexico. Black bears will start to mate during the months of June and July. After the gestation period then into 215 days they will be ready to have their cubs which will be born on the months of January or in February. A black bear will usually have 2 to 3 cubs that is how many cubs that a female can have in her littler. There are some females that will also have about as long as 5 cubs in a litter. The cubs will usually be born in the den when the mother is hibernating and when they are born then they can weigh about 200 to 450g (7-16oz). These cubs are usually born blind and they will have no fur on them and they will stay with their mother until the spring season comes. The cubs will continue to drink their mother’s milk until 6 to 8 months but they will remain with their mother for 2 years so that they can learn how to take of themselves. The cubs will reach maturity when they are about 2 to 5 years old and after they have their first litter of cubs then they get to produce cubs every other year after another. Baby black bears are called cubs. A female black bear will usually have two babies and she will both have them at the same time. The cubs will be born inside the dens when the mother is hibernating. This will usually start to happen in the cold winter months like in January and in February. Newborn cubs are completely helpless and they will need all the help

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that they need from their mother. The bear will still drink their mother’s milk for many more years. The cubs will start to leave the den during the spring. Then that will be the time when the mother will teach them how to look for food. After 18 months has gone by then that will be the time when the cubs are really to face the world all by themselves. The black bears will start to mate during the months of May and June. The females will usually be pregnant for eight months. Then she will be ready to have her cubs in the months of January and February she will usually have her cubs when she is sleeping in the den. The normal account of cubs that a black bear can have is up to 2 cubs but there are some bears that can have more than just 4 cubs that will make a litter. The cubs are known to be really small and they will weigh about 8.5 and 11.5 ounces (240 to 330 g). A new born black bear cub will be really helpless, bald and they also be really blind the moment that they are born. When they are 5 weeks old then that will be the time when they learn how to walk. When the spring comes then that will be the time when the cubs will leave the den. The few first months outside of the den can be really hard for a baby black bear because baby bears face a lot of predators like eagles, bobcats, or mountain lions. When they are 6 months old then the bears will start to weight about 55 to 65 pounds (25 to 30 kg). The babies will spend another winter with their mother inside of the den. After about one year then the mother will force her cubs to go out on their own. but there is a lot dangers that a really young bear has to face because an really big male will start to chase them around even though they do not have a lot of experience telling with big male bears. The bears are also getting drawn to garbage dumps so that they can get food to eat. The mating season for a black bear usually starts in the summer. The gestation period of an black bear is about 63 to 70 days. A female black bear can have as many as 1 to 6 cubs but they will usually have 2 cubs. The cubs will stay with their mother for year and a half or even more. These cubs will not stop drinking their mother’s milk until the cubs are 6 to 8 months years old. These are the ages that they need to stop drinking their mother’s milk. The females will only reproduce in every second year or even more. They will usually do that like for some reason that the cubs died. The females might have a baby again after only with just one year. Two or three cubs will both be born during the winter season that will be born when the mother is hibernating. The cubs will usually stay with their mother

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for only one year. Black bears usually live alone except in the breeding season which is in the summer. The cubs will stay in the den with their mother for the first year of their lives and they will stay with the mother for only one and a half years. Black bears will usually mate in the really hot heat of Pennsylvania during the mouth of July. The egg is not fertilized when it is not implanted in the uterus this has to be done before the month of November and the female will also have to gain some weigh so that she can have an healthy pregnancy. Black bears will often have twins and they will normally be born right in the middle of winter. The American black bear will start to mate in the early summer months. The females will reach maturely in three to four years and they will usually have two cubs in every other year. The young are usually born in the middle of winter. The cubs will stay with their mothers only for about a year (that will also include five months inside the den). These bears might breed really slow but they can reproduce really fast then the brown bear can. This will help them to support them when they are hunting and when they are tilling with other pressures that the black bear faces. The females will give birth to two or to three cubs these cubs can be really blind and they can also be really helpless to they will be born during the mid-winter and the mother will nurse them when they are inside of the den and she will continue to do that until the spring season come, or when there is an enough food to eat. The mother can be really protective with their babies. The babies will remain with their mother for only about two years. A male and a female will usually come together to mate during the summer. After they are done mating then they will by themselves and they both will start to fat themselves right before the winters comes. When the gestation period is over which will usually be at last t for 7 months (even through this means that these animals will be pregnant late for almost 5 months long). The females will start to give birth to one or five cubs and she will start to have her cubs at the end of the winter that is being taken place in her den. These cubs will be completely hairless and they will totally be very vulnerable. So they rather stay in the den where it is warm and safe. The heat of the den is rally the mother’s body heat. This will help her cubs to stay alive in the early days. The black bears will stay with the mother until they are two years old and until they master the skills that they need to survive on their own. During the first winter of the cub’s lives they will share the

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den with their mother. After a year and a half then that will be the time when the female once again is looking for a new mate. The cubs will get scared away if they get any contact with an increasingly aggressive mature male. Every single black bear that lives in Florida they need to have a really big area so that their population can grow. The size of an black bears habitat must be about 500,000 to 1 million this is how long that their habitat needs to be so they can look for food, shelter and so that they can find a mate. They are also tilling with loss of habitat that is also putting a threat on their survival to. but the most popular threat that is going on with black bears is that people are running over them with cars. This has happen in the last five years in the past. Cars and other vehicles had killed about 125 to 175 bears all of. This has been going on in every single year. The community of Florida are starting grow really fast and they are also putting their homes onto black bears territory. There will also need a lot of recovery to make an contribute so that these bears numbers will grow even more, but there are some people are being really interact with these animals but there are coming really prevalent really often but it really depends on how many black bears are dying. There are some states where the black bears numbers are starting to decline. The problems that they are having in these states are being done by road-building and also people are also building house on to black bears habitats this is called housing developments. But their population is really stable in the state of Pennsylvania. There are a lot of black bears that are being pushed out of their national parks because people are making natural causes in these parks. When they are in North America there can be about 600,000 black bears that can be found on this continent. The populations of black bears that are in the United states there are about 300,000 of black bears that live on the United States. The black bears that live in the Louisiana and in the state of Florida there are lots of subspecies that are being threated because their population is not big enough. These bears are known to be on the IUCN list. These bears seem to have a really bright future ahead of them that is because the black bears have the ability to survive when they are living near people. They seem to be continuing with their good future to. but people will also have to learn that they need to give the black bears a enough space in their forests habitats so that everyone can enjoy these beautiful bears. There has been little understood about this bear that is because

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of their behavior that is why little is told about these bears this has been going on till not very long ago. Today black bears are being feared and hated to. Black bears have been killed to make vermin, food and they will also kill them to make trophies out of them to. Lots of people seen these animals as an vicious beast or they can also look at it like it is an endless commodity that can be found in lots of different areas. Not so many years ago there have been lots of rewards that had been paid for the black bears. For centuries the British Queen's foot Guard's hat has been made out of black bear fur. The normal name of this hat is called the bearskin. Black bears are really rare species of the bear family. These bears have been killed to make trophies to hunters that had killed them. The game managers have destroyed lots of the black bears numbers because they are shooting them a lot. We do not want these wonderful animals to be extinct. We must do something ti help and to save these amazing animals. These bears need all the help that they can get. Black bears have the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is filled with wonders and discoveries that are waiting to be found. We have to make this planet safe for us and other creatures that the share this planet with. This is a really big, bright and beautiful future if we find a way to project our planet, our world and our home will be a much happier and cleaner place to live on. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for a reason just like he made us. That is what I know about black bears. If we work together we can save the black bear and other animals that lives on this planet to, Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share.

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