Page 1: BKS IYENGAR Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali...Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali III.10 tasya: its (nirodha pari nama) prasanta: tranquility vahita: flow samskarat: faculty

Yoga Link – December 2014 1

BKS IYENGAR Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

III.10 tasya: its (nirodha pari

nama) prasanta: tranquility vahita: flow samskarat: faculty of impress

sions, refined The restraint of rising impressions

brings about an undis-turbed flow of tranquility

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Yoga Link – December 2014 2

From the Editor

Hi Everyone, This edition of the Link will only be available online. The next edition—February—will be a paper copy, but it will also be available online. The December Link brings to an end the 2014 yoga year; it has been a year brim-ful of workshops and, as you will see from the calendar, next year promises to be as busy. I hope you are all having a fun-filled Christmas break, and that you have found time to attend the holiday programmes some of the studios are offering. I was one of the group of New Zealanders who went to Pune to attend the Con-vention in honour of Geetaji’s 70th birthday. It was a truly inspirational experience, especially for those of us going to Pune for the first time. In the New Year I will get together with some of the others who attended and we will put together an article, together with some photos, that I will include in the first link of 2015. All the Best for a healthy, yoga-filled 2015, Eira Contact the editor by: Email: [email protected] Address: 278 Upper Harbour Drive Greenhithe 0632 AUCKLAND New Zealand

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Yoga Link – December 2014 3


From the Editor 2

Acknowledgements 4

Calendar of Events 6

Yoga, A Way of Life, BKS Iyengar, From: Yoga Rahasya, Vol.17; No4; 2010



Studying with the Iyengars in Pune 23


Moderator’s Report Junior Intermediate Level 1, 17/10/2013 26

Notices 29

Bookshop 35

Library 38

Certified Teachers 40

Committees 44


From the Editor 2

Acknowledgements 4

Calendar of Events 6

Yoga, A Way of Life, BKS Iyengar, From: Yoga Rahasya, Vol.17; No4; 2010



Studying with the Iyengars in Pune 23


Moderator’s Report Junior Intermediate Level 1, 17/10/2013 26

Notices 29

Bookshop 35

Library 38

Certified Teachers 40

Committees 44


From the Editor 2

Acknowledgements 4

Calendar of Events 6


Happy Days at the Institute – October 2013 by Katherine Young 18

Moderator’s Report Junior Intermediate Level 1, October, 2013 21

Studying with the Iyengars in Pune 23

Moderator’s Report Junior Intermediate Level 1, 17/10/2013 26

Notices 29

Bookshop 35

Library 38

Certified Teachers 40

Committees 44


From the Editor 2

Acknowledgements 5

Calendar—the yoga year at a glance 9

The Junior Intermediate Level 1 Assessment: Moderators Report 14

The Junior Intermediate Level 1 Assessment: Moderators Report 15

“Teaching and Practising Bhastrika Pranayama”, Geeta S Iyengar, in Yoga Rahasya Vol. 10, No.3; 2003


“Honouring B.K.S. Iyengar: Guruji”, by Pat Lyons 24

“Pranic Awareness in Asana”, in Yoga Rahasya, Vol. 11 No.3; 2004.


Studying with the Iyengars in Pune 32

Notices 33

Bookshop 35

Library 38

Certified Teachers 40

Committees 44

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Yoga Link – December 2014 4

Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they

come together in the present.

B.K.S. Iyengar

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Yoga Link – December 2014 5


Editor Eira Kramer Content Readers Eira Kramer, Corry Regnier, Kathleen Powell, Laurie Silver Publishers Permissions Yoga Rahasya

Important Contacts

IYANZ Membership & Yoga Rahasya Susan Lamont [email protected] Teacher Training and Certification manual Susie Lever [email protected] Trainee Enrolment Admin Anna Timms [email protected] Website contact Anna Timms [email protected] Book shop Heidi Napflin [email protected] Library Jyoteeka Cummings [email protected] Intro Assessment Coordinator Jyoteeka Cummings [email protected] JI Assessment Coordinator Anne-Marie [email protected]

IYANZ Postal address: PO Box 4023 Nelson South Nelson 7045


Please send all Yoga Link contributions, including advertising, to :

IYANZ Yoga Link 278 Upper Harbour Drive

Greenhithe 0632 AUCKLAND New Zealand

or email [email protected]

Deadline for the next issue 15 November 2014

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Yoga Link – December 2014 6

“The focusing of attention on a chosen point or area within the body as well as outside is concentration (dharana).” B.K.S. Iyengar


ASSESSMENTS AND CPR CERTIFICATES When applying for assessment, please attach a copy of your current CPR cer-tificate otherwise your application will not be accepted. If a candidate applying for Introductory Level 1 is already teaching, a current CPR certificate must also be included with their application.

The CPR certificate is the minimum first aid requirement for ALL certified teach-

ers and must be kept current (i.e. re sat every 2 years).

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Yoga Link – December 2014 7

IMPORTANT REMINDER - All Teacher Trainers are required to provide volunteers students for an assessment in their city. - All teachers and schools in the area will be asked for volunteer stu-dents that are at an appropriate level for the assessment being held.

- It is highly recommended that candidates from previous assess-ments be available as volunteer students for future assessments as it is seen as a way of giving back to the Iyengar Yoga community.

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Yoga Link – December 2014 9


9th—11th January Great Barrier Island Yoga Retreat with Melodie Batchelor

22nd—25th January

Peter Scott Yoga Retreat at Piha. Beach

18th—24th January Peter Thomson Wangapeka RETREAT

20th-22nd February Backbend Intensive (afternoons) @ IYC Auckland

20th – 23rd February Peter Thomson Workshop Auckland

28th, 29th, February General Workshop with Monica Haar @ Wellington Yoga Centre

6th – 8th March. Peter Thomson Intensive, Christchurch

6th – 8th March. Teachers Development Workshop with Pixie Lillas

March 28th

Study group for Assessment with Melodie Batchelor

10th -12th April Sue Scott Workshop in Palmerston North

8th- 15th April Glenn Ceresoli Autumn Retreat at Mana Retreat Centre

25th April Study group: Yoga adjustment-revision with Melodie Batchelor

1st 3rd May Abhijata Sridhar Iyengar: - Australia

8th—10h May Abhijata Sridhar Iyengar: - IYANZ guest teacher, Auckland

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Yoga Link – December 2014 10

30th May Study group with Melodie Batchelor: Basic Yoga Therapy Basic Yoga Therapy for Back, Knee, Hip and Neck problems

27th June Study Group with Melodie Batchelor: Inver-sions : Practice and Teaching

July 25th Study Group with Melodie Batchelor: Back Bends: Practice and Teaching

31st July— 2nd August Introductory Level 2 Assessment

29th August Group Study with Melodie Batchelor-Pranayama: Practice and Teaching

25th – 28th September Peter Thomson Workshop Auckland

25th September – 2nd October Spring Retreat with Pixie Lillas at Kimi Ora in Kaiteriteri

13th—15th Npvember Intensive with Moinica Haar (t.b.a) @ Nel-son Iyengar Yoga Centre

13th— 15th November Piha Yoga Retreat with Melodie Batchelor Contact [email protected]

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Yoga Link – December 2014 11

Introductory Level 2 Assessment: 2015 The 2015 Intro 2 Assessment will be held in Auckland on the weekend of 31st July to 2nd of August. Could you please send expression of interest to sit this exam to Jyoteeka Cummings on: [email protected] by 26th of January 2015.

“Perform asanas each time with a fresh mind and with a fresh approach. If you are repeating what you did before, you

are living in memory, so you are living in the past.”

B.K.S. Iyengar

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Yoga Link – December 2014 12

Dear Link Advertisers, Thank you for your support over the years. We are writing to inform you that after many years of not increasing rates we have finally had to increase our rates to reflect an increase in costs. Link advertising will increase from April 2014 . The rates will change from –

One issue:

1/2 page - was $20 now $25 Full page -was $40 now $50

Four issues:

1/2 page - was $50 now $62.50 Full page - was $100 now $125

A simple one line description of your event will continue to be in-cluded in the Notices for free; also our Facebook page can, from time to time, include notification of your events. Many Thanks, The Executive Committee

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Yoga Link – December 2014 13

Backbend Intensive 20-22 Feb 2015 @ IYC, Auckland

Senior teacher and Director of IYC, Monica Haar will cover an extensive ground on how to prepare and how to get the most out of your backbends. The Intensive is de-signed for teachers, trainees and experienced students wanting to explore some of the poses not taught in regular weekly classes. We will cover the syllabus from Intro-ductory, Junior and Senior Intermediate.

Timings: Fri 6-8.30pm Sat 2-4-30pm Sun 12noon-3pm Cost: $200 to be paid at arrival (no eftpos) Please pre-enrol via phone/text/ email before the end of January 2015 Ph 021 0330645 [email protected]

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Yoga Link – December 2014 14

The Junior Intermediate Level 1 Assessment: Moderators Report This year's JI 1 assessment was held at Herne Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre on September 26th and 27th 2014. The Assessors were Susie Lever and Rosie Holland. The Moderator was Melodie Batchelor. Trainee Assessor: Paul Barton. Congratulations go to the successful candidates: • Catherine Young • Cheryl Farthing • Mass Doili • Stephanie Anderson I would like to thank the Assessors for their time and experience and those who were students for this event. Without your participation, these assessments could not go ahead. To those who didn't pass this time, we look forward to seeing you next year. Kind regards, Melodie Batchelor Moderator

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Yoga Link – December 2014 15

Junior Intermediate level 2 Assessment: Modera-

tors Report

On the 31st October and the 1st November 2014 we had a Junior Intermediate Assessment at IYC, Auckland. Assessors where Sue Lever and Melodie Batchelor, and the mod-erator was Monica Haar. Congratulations to the following Candidates who passed their Cer-tification: • Tessa Meek, Wellington • Jo Peden, Wellinton • Eira Kramer, Northshore, Auckland • Pat McDonald, Auckland Thank You Gaynor for yummy foods and a big thank you to all of you who helped by being students at this event. Namaste' Monica Haar

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“You should know how to relax in

action” B.K.S Iyengar

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Yoga Link – December 2014 21

“It must not be just your mind or even your body that is doing the asana. You must be in it. You must do the asana with your soul.” B.K.S Iyengar

New Zealanders traveling to Pune

We’ve included this section in the Link to allow those planning a trip to Pune to hook up with other teachers traveling at the same time (contact details in the Teacher Listings). Is anyone planning a trip in 2014?

Please email [email protected] Anyone else—please contact the Editor for inclusion

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Yoga Link – December 2014 22

Notice to all members To keep our records up to date, please inform Anna Timms (Database Manager) of any of the following: • Trips to Pune • Tenure on committees and • For Teacher Trainers, a list of their current trainees (to be

updated every year) [email protected]


Blocks ……………………………………………………... $28 Wedges …………………………………………………… $25 Yoga Belts ………………………………………………… $18 I—Rest ……………………………………………………. $10 Yoga Bolster ……………………………………………… $78 Pranayama Pillow………………………………………... $45 Sandbags ………………………………………………… $40 /pr Pelvic Swing………………………………………………. $100 Zafu ………………………………………………………... $55 Zabuton……………………………………………………. $65 Setu Bandha Benches…………………………………… $195 Custom orders welcome on wood and fabric props. Contact: Frances Campbell

Yoga Works, PO Box 78220,

Grey Lynn, Auckland 1245 093784913 or 0273084360

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Yoga Link – December 2014 23


Stephanie Quirk Therapy Workshop notes, compiled so generously by the note-takers, are for the use of course participants only. They are not to be distributed to other students, trainees and Introductory Level 2 teachers. The notes from Stephanie Quirk Workshops are well beyond the level that trainees and Intro Level 2 require. Teacher Trainers or mentor teachers will guide trainees and teachers (who don’t at-tend the SQ Therapy course) on how to work with injuries and medical conditions in their general classes and alert them to refer students with more serious injuries and medical conditions directly to a senior teacher. ONLY Senior Intermediate Level 1 teachers and above can teach therapy classes. Other certified teachers can teach students who manage their injuries or medical conditions in general classes. Junior Intermediate Level 2 and above may conduct private tuition (i.e. one-on-one) where general injuries or medical conditions, which are managed by the student, can be addressed. It is advised that more serious inju-ries/medical conditions be referred to a Senior Intermediate Level teacher. If in doubt seek the help of a senior teacher.

“Yoga leads consciousness away from desires and toward the inner,

undisturbable core.”

B.K.S. Iyengar

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Yoga Link – December 2014 24

Honouring B.K.S Iyengar – ‘Guruji’

Thank you Frances, Anne-Marie and Clare for creating the opportunity for the Christ-church Iyengar community to honour Mr Iyengar together. Whilst listening to the news on National Radio one morning, I heard of Mr Iyengar’s passing. I was surprised at the sense of immediate loss I felt. I was also struck by the wide influence of Mr Iyengar in that his death was reported by a national radio station far away from his home in India. I have been participating in Iyengar Yoga classes in Christchurch for approximately twenty years and it has become part of my life. Over these years I have found the yoga to provide a source of wellness both physically and mentally. More recently, the impact of the earthquakes and ongoing demands of the repair and recovery have caused sig-nificant stress to the Christchurch Community and individuals. The effect I feel during and after practising yoga enables me to balance this impact and achieve a sense of calmness and clarity. The ceremony was held on 13th September 2014at Hohepa Hall, a peaceful place built in the tradition of Rudolph Steiner. Preparations to the hall included photos of Mr Iyen-gar and decorations with ferns, flowers and giant pink paper pompoms. The ceremony commenced with arriving to the chanting of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. We completed the invocation to Patanjali with Anne-Marie calling and the group responding. Following this, in honour of our ‘Guriji’ there were prayers to Guru. Local teachers shared their links and experiences of Mr Iyengar and Iyengar Yoga. The passion and attention to detail of their experiences, communicated the level of impor-tance and inspiration the memory held for each of them. Through listening to each ex-perience I felt a connection to that inspiration. There followed the Atma Darsana Reflection of the Soul, B.K.S Iyengar. This film por-trayed a window into the life of Mr Iyengar, his family, his practising and his teaching. As I reflect back on the film I see Mr Iyengar as a modest man who held his family dear to him. He demonstrated a mastery in the practice of the asanas and a commitment to the further development of yoga though his hours and days and years of practise,

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Yoga Link – December 2014 25

creating and modifying props and teaching others. He openly shared his knowl-edge and learning and, through his generosity, enabled practitioners throughout the world to benefit from his dedication. He was an extraordinary man and I am grateful for his legacy. The ceremony was concluded with Atmasatakam – Song of the Soul. Following the ceremony we were able to catch up with others from our local Iyen-gar Yoga community over a shared afternoon tea. There was a varied group of individuals each sharing the common connection to Iyengar Yoga. Thank you again Frances, Anne-Marie and Clare for organising the event. Being

able to be part of the ceremony to honour Mr Iyengar enabled me to connect with

our local community and belong to a worldwide community not just of the present

but also with a lineage back to Patanjali.

Pat Lyons

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Study Group for Introductory level 2 and Junior Intermediate levels 2015 - With Melodie Batchelor at Herne Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre Auckland. Each study group will look at practice and teaching for the underlined topics to give greater clarity and understanding. Contact [email protected] for registration. March 28th Saturday 2 - 5pm Menstruation, Pregnancy and Menopause for general classes Study group for Assessment with Melodie Batchelor April 25th Saturday 2 - 5pm Yoga adjustment-revision contact [email protected] May 30th Saturday 2 - 5 Basic Yoga Therapy for Back, Knee, Hip and Neck problems contact Melo-die June 27th Saturday 2 - 5 Inversions : Practice and Teaching with Melodie Batchelor Variations for those with ailment or injury. July 25th. Saturday 2 - 5 Back Bends: Practice and Teaching with Melodie Batchelor August 29th Saturday 2 - 5 Pranayama: Practice and Teaching with Melodie Batchelor

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Yoga Link – December 2014 32

The Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) con-ducts regular classes for all levels, including beginners, general and advanced. Special classes for ladies, children and individu-als with medical problems are also held. Classes are conducted by Smt Geeta S Iyengar, Sri Prashant S Iyengar as well as sen-ior teachers trained by Yogacharya BKS Iyengar. The Institute RIMYI welcomes foreign Iyengar Yoga practitioners for general and ladies classes.


Students should have been practicing "Iyengar Yoga" for at least 8 years. This should

include regular practice of 'inverted postures’ such as Sirsasana, Sarvangasana for 8-10

minutes. All students should have read the introductory chapter to "Light on Yoga" and be familiar with the terms and principles covered in that chapter. Women are expected to know what is to be practiced during menstruation. Applications and Admissions:

An Application Form can be downloaded from the website . (This

form is also available from the Secretary of IYANZ). You may apply for one month or two

consecutive months of General Classes. (Note : The classes are generally booked a year

or two in advance). Students are allowed to attend a maximum of six classes per week for

one month. Monthly fees at the institute are US$425.

Studying with the Iyengars in Pune

K K TRAVELS - Pune KK Travels operate hourly air conditioned Cab Services between Pune and Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airports (Sahar Airport). All Passen-gers are dropped at their desired point in Pune and adjoining areas and vice versa. This is our shared cab service and the fare for Iyengar students is Rupees 950. See the website for details of other services offered or email your enquiry. E Mail : [email protected]

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Yoga Link – December 2014 33

NOTICES: 2015 January 9 - 11th 2015 Discover Your Potential: Great Barrier Island Yoga Retreat with Melodie Batchelor Contact Linda Power [email protected] 22nd—25th January Peter Scott Yoga Retreat at Piha. Beach. Venue: Barnett Hall. North Piha Cost: Tuition and Meals $500. Contact: Melodie Batchelor 18th—24th January

Peter Thomson Wangapeka Retreat. Contact: Rosie Holland - [email protected]

20th-22nd February Backbend Intensive (afternoons) @ IYC Auckland $200 Ph 021 0330645—[email protected] 20th – 23rd February Peter Thomson Workshop Auckland Contact: Suzi Carson—[email protected] 28th, 29th, February General Workshop with Monica Haar @ Wellington Yoga Centre 6th– 8th March Peter Thomson Intensive Christchurch East Yoga Studio, North Beach Contact: Frances de Haas: francesatthe [email protected] 6th March – 8th March. Sue Scott Workshop at Yoga on the Square in Palmerston North on 2015. Cost $190 Contact Jyoteeka to confirm your space. 6th March – 8th March. Teachers Development Workshop with Pixie Lillas Contact: Please contact Louisa Potter 0274981018 // 09)4074469 [email protected] March 28th Saturday 2 - 5pm Menstruation, Pregnancy and Menopause for general classes Study group for Assessment with Melodie Batchelor

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8th- 15th April Glenn Ceresoli Autumn Retreat at Mana Retreat Contact Louisa Potter 0274981018 // 09)4074469 [email protected] April 25th Saturday: 2 - 5pm Yoga adjustment-revision—contact [email protected]

8th – 10th May Abhijata Sridhar Iyengar: - IYANZ guest teacher, Auckland. (Australia, 1st—3rd May 2015) May 30th Saturday 2 - 5 Basic Yoga Therapy for Back, Knee, Hip and Neck problems contact Melodie Batchelor June 27th Saturday 2 - 5 Inversions : Practice &Teaching with Melodie Batchelor. Variations for those with ailments . July 25th. Saturday 2 - 5 Back Bends: Practice and Teaching with Melodie Batchelor 31st July—2nd August Introductory Level 2 Assessment. Please send expression of interest to Jyoteeka Cummings on: [email protected] August 29th Saturday 2 - 5 Pranayama: Practice and Teaching with Melodie Batchelor 25th September – 2nd October 2015 Spring Retreat with Pixie Lillas at Kimi Ora in Kaiteriteri 25th – 28th September Peter Thomson Workshop Auckland—Contact: Suzi Carson—[email protected] 13th- 15th November Intensive with Monica Haar @ Nelson Iyengar Yoga Centre Contact: Sue Hallas [email protected] 13th— 15th November Piha Yoga Retreat with Melodie Batchelor Contact [email protected]

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Yoga Link – December 2014 35


Basic Guidelines for teachers – BKS Iyengar & Geeta Iyengar $25

The Art of Yoga – BKS Iyengar $40

Yoga in Action: Preliminary Course – Geeta Iyengar $20

Yogadhara: 80th Birthday Commemorative Volume $40

Yoga and the new Millenium – Prashant Iyengar $15

Understanding Yoga through Body Knowledge, Dr Sulochana D Telang $25

BKS Iyengar Archive Project compiled by the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYANAUS), published 2007 $45

Geets S. lyengar’s Guide to a Woman’s Yoga Practice Volume 1 by Lois Steinberg, published 2006 $85

Iyengar Yoga – Asana Alternatives: The Neck and Shoulders by Lois Steinberg $95

Yoga in Action – Intermediate Course 1 – Geeta S. Iyengar $25

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Yoga Link – December 2014 36

Astadala Yogamala Volume 1 $29 Astadala Yogamala Volume 2 $29 Astadala Yogamala Volume 3 $29 Astadala Yogamala Volume 4 $29

Astadala Yogamala Volume 5 $29 Astadala Yogamala Volume 6 $29 Astadala Yogamala Volume 7 $29 Astadala Yogamala Volume 8 $35

BKS Iyengar – His Life and Work $30

Yoga Rahasya – Compilation of articles pertaining to Yoga Therapy Published 1994 – 2009 $20

Yaugika Manas – A Study of the mind – BKS Iyengar $20 Organololgy and Sensology in Yogashastra: Prashant Iyengar $10.00

Order and payment:

Make cheques payable to IYANZ and post to:

IYANZ Bookshop, Heidi Napflin Flat 2 – 20a Charlton Ave, Mount Eden, Auckland 1024

NB. Please include your postal code when providing your address.

Prices quoted include postage and packaging.

All books are available at the date of publishing this Yoga Link. Quantities held may be limited; you can check by emailing Heidi at:

[email protected] or phone 09 630 6950

Note: Book sales are only available to financial members of the Association....

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Yoga Link – December 2014 37

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Yoga Link – December 2014 38

To request items or for further information:

Contact: Jyoteeka Cummings 29 Featherston Street, Palmerston North, 4412 Phone: 06 355 1197 Email: [email protected]

NB. Please include your postal code when providing your address for postage.


BKS Iyengar: · Light on Yoga · Light on Pranayama · Light on the Yoga Sutras · Light on Astanga yoga · The Art of Yoga · Astadala Yogamala Vol. 1 · Yoga – The Path To Holistic Health · 70 Glorious Years

Others: Geeta S Iyengar’s Guide to a Woman’s Yoga Practice Lois Steinberg Yoga – A Gem for Women Dr. Geeta Iyengar · Yoga In Action – Preliminary Course Dr. Geeta Iyengar · Yoga and the New Millennium Shri Prashant Iyengar · Yogapushpanjali-Light On Yoga Research Trust · Yogadhara – 80th Birthday Commemorative Volume · Yoga for Children S & R Chanchani · A Matter of Health Dr. Krishna Raman · Understanding Yoga Through Body Knowledge Dr. Sulochan Telang


· Patanjali Yogasutra. 2 x tapes. Comes with a copy of the Yoga Sutras · Intensive 1995 – many tapes with different focuses.

IYANZ Library List

Page 39: BKS IYENGAR Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali...Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali III.10 tasya: its (nirodha pari nama) prasanta: tranquility vahita: flow samskarat: faculty

Yoga Link – December 2014 39


· Asana Demonstration. 1987 Harvard University · Guruji – life story of BKS Iyengar · Lecture & Pranayama Demonstration 1987 · Samadhi – an aesthetic presentation of the art of Yoga · 1992 visit to NZ; demonstration · 1995 Australasian Intensive; 5 x practice tapes · 75th Birthday Teachings; 10 x asana tapes · 75th Birthday Teachings. Pranayama; 3 x video tapes, Class 1 2 & 3 · 80th Birthday Celebrations; full set of pranayama and asana Video tapes · Silver Jubilee of RIYMI; Jan 2000 Teacher Guidance: 6 x tapes · Yoga : the Ultimate Freedom. 1976, Ann Arbor Yoga

Others: · Geeta Iyengar’s visit to Sydney 1996; 6 x tapes · Women’s Intensive: Geeta Iyengar 1997 9 x Pranayama (various sessions) 1 x

Question and Answers · Yoga In Action: The role of yoga in Women’s Lives Menstruation Beginners Practice and Demo; 1994 · 1938 Iyengar Practice (Krishnamacharya) · Felicity Green Basic Yoga · Felicity Green Basic Yoga · A Yoga Demonstration by Dona Holleman · Manouso Manos 1 x tape · John Friend Yoga Alignment and Form · Rishikesh International Yoga Week: I - Demonstration, II - Asanas, III -Therapy, IV – Pranayama

. DVD’s Mr Iyengar and Geeta’s Teacher training course 2001 14DVD’s Geeta Iyengar teaching in Pasadena, May 2001 Mr Iyengar and geeta’s Teacher training course 2000 6DVD’s Geeta Birthday celebration classes 9th to 13th Dec 2004 NEW Geeta guiding senior teachers 2009 Will be split into 3 sets of 3 Geeta teaching backbends with props 2010 3 DVD’s Geeta teaching pranayama November 2004 3 DVD’s Geeta teaching Teachers in Las Vegas in 2007 Geeta’s convention in Australia 2009 Others Rishikesh International Yoga Week: I—Demonstration, II—Asanas, III—Therapy, IV—Pranayama The rental for all items is $5 per month plus the price of the postage

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Yoga Link – December 2014 40

CERTIFIED TEACHERS SENIOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL III Monica Haar Auckland 021 2156544 [email protected] SENIOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL I Melodie Batchelor Auckland 021 895988 [email protected] Susie Lever Auckland/Rodney 021 0394483 [email protected] JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL III Paul Barton Rotorua 027 4393910 [email protected] Wendy Brown Christchurch 03 388 1171 [email protected] Fran Campbell Auckland 09 378 4913 [email protected] Rosie Holland Nelson 0274995823 [email protected]

Jackie Kesby Hamilton [email protected] Corry Regnier Hamilton/Raglan 07 856 4932 [email protected] Joy Sanders Auckland 09 486 5338 [email protected] Anne-Marie Tweedie Christchurch 03 388 9080 [email protected] Louisa Potter Keri Keri 027 498 1018 [email protected] Delwyn Unkovich Auckland 021 800078 [email protected] JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL II Suzanne Carson Auckland 027 4822901 [email protected] Jyoteeka Cummings Palmstn Nth 06 355 1197 [email protected] Frances de Haas Christchurch 02108173038 [email protected] Neil Mackay Auckland 09 426 4203 [email protected] Michelle Robinson Auckland 0273209340 [email protected] Matthew Smart Hamilton 021 791250 [email protected] Mande White Auckland 0274 908020 [email protected]

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Yoga Link – December 2014 41

CERTIFIED TEACHERS Continued JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL I Clare Davenport Christchurch 03 9429789 [email protected] Norman Gruebsch Whanganui 02102725921 [email protected] Sue Hallas Nelson 03 545 0294 [email protected] Jane Jones Auckland +82 1094177769 [email protected] Eira Kramer Auckland 09 441 2130 [email protected] Marcia Leite Auckland 027 226 6981 [email protected] Pat MacDonald Auckland 09 810 9644 [email protected] Julia McDonald Jakarta Indonesia +62 818978776 [email protected] Jude Folkard Auckland 09 4205255 [email protected] Vanessa Greenwood Auckland 027 541 4810 [email protected] Kathleen Powell Auckland 09 8183314 [email protected] Sandra McLellan Auckland 0220 589 251 [email protected] Tessa Meek Wellington 04 473 0722 [email protected] Loris Mills Queenstown 03 442 2345 [email protected] Heidi Napflin Auckland 021 0720510 [email protected] Wendy Norwood Auckland 021 446089 [email protected] Jo Peden Wellington 04 934 1844 [email protected] Tria Peters New Plymth 06 757 2121 [email protected] Michelle Polglase Christchurch 027 6865146 [email protected] Lucinda Sherratt Hawkes Bay 021 506604 [email protected] Rachael Thompson Auckland 021 311988 [email protected] Jane Von Roy Auckland 021 322656 [email protected]

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Yoga Link – December 2014 42

CERTIFIED TEACHERS Continued INTRODUCTORY Stephanie Anderson Auckland 0272841178 [email protected] Lynne Atkins Palmstn Nth 06 3573878 [email protected] Barb Baird Auckland 0212771500 [email protected] Roger Brown Wellington 04 576 9402 [email protected] Michelle Brown Hamilton 021 2211042 [email protected] Louise Potiki Bryant Auckland 021 443 949 [email protected] Lynda Cantel Rotorua 0275560842 [email protected] Sean Carr Christchurch 027 255 1998 [email protected] Michelle Cowell Auckland 0212177001 [email protected]

Kate Coull Christchurch 03 3299139 [email protected] Pam Crisp Lower Hutt 04 972 0284 [email protected] Wendy Dawson Hawkes Bay 0210325600 [email protected] Mass Doili Whanganui 027 6655001 [email protected] Zack Domike Nelson 0211684618 [email protected] Jennifer Duncan Auckland 021763471 [email protected] Cheryl Farthing Auckland 09 445 2979 [email protected] Gabriella Gini Hamilton 021 0516415 [email protected] Stephanie Hall Auckland 027 4296969 [email protected] Sally Jensen Auckland 021994093 [email protected] Julie King Auckland 09 832 8270 [email protected] Susan Lamont Nelson 03 547 6008 [email protected] Mechthild Laufkotter Motueka 03 5268554 [email protected] Denise Lewis Auckland 021 479 708 [email protected] Sue McBride Wanganui 06 347 1941 [email protected] Lee McGarva Auckland 021 761 231 [email protected] Juliet Mclean New Plymouth 0273836540 [email protected] Penny Mitropoulos Tauranga 027 6546526 [email protected] Tamar Munch Auckland 021659349 [email protected] Madhu Nahna Te Kuiti 021 1700846 [email protected]

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Yoga Link – December 2014 43

CERTIFIED TEACHERS continued Christiane Nordt Christchurch 021 375642 [email protected] Rosie Percival Wellington 022 0161962 [email protected] Hilary Phillips Auckland 021 235 7056 [email protected] Linda Power Great Barrier 09 429 0122 [email protected] Wendy Purdon South Auckland 0274387116 [email protected] Nikki Ralston Auckland 021542563 [email protected] Tracey Roberts Christchurch 021 1899799 [email protected] Kim Robertson-Barnes Keri Keri 09 407 7759 [email protected] Joanne Rome Auckland 022 6809405 [email protected] Philip Savage Wellington 0212109174 [email protected] Julie Sargisson Auckland 09 846 0633 [email protected] Annette Springer Hamilton 0274142684 [email protected] Yan Stam Warkworth 09 422 3134 [email protected] Anna Timms Richmond (Tasman) 027 540 3944 [email protected] Taya Van Roon Whangarei 027 3336858 [email protected] Curly West Tauranga 07 579 2171 [email protected] Gaynor Wilkie Auckland 09 525 2445 [email protected] Catherine Young Wellington 027 777 1212 [email protected]

Note: Teachers PLEASE CHECK YOUR DETAILS. If any changes are required please contact the editor.

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Yoga Link – December 2014 44

Committees 2014

Executive Committee

Melodie Batchelor (Chair) 021 895988 [email protected] Jude Folkard [email protected] Roger Brown (Secretary) 04 576 9402 [email protected] Eira Kramer 094412130 [email protected] Anna Timms (South Region rep) [email protected] Assessment and Teacher Training Committee Paul Barton 027 4393910 [email protected] Fran Campbell (Chair) 09 378 4913 [email protected] Monica Haar 09 360 8884 [email protected] Jyoteeka Cumming 06 355 1197 [email protected] Corry Regnier 07 856 4932 [email protected] Anne-Marie Tweedie 03 388 9080 [email protected] Events Committee Ella James 0276652142 [email protected] Neil MacKay 09 426 4203 [email protected] Communications Committee Eira Kramer: Link Editor [email protected] Anna Timms: Database and Website Manager [email protected] Heidi Napflin: Bookshop [email protected] Jyoteeka Cummings: Library [email protected] Ethics Committee Norman Gruebsch 02102725921 [email protected] Corry Regnier 07 856 4932 [email protected] Delwyn Unkovich 021 800078 [email protected] P.R. Committee Jude Folkard [email protected] Tamar Munch 021659349 [email protected]

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