Page 1: Birthlight Baby Yoga Group Lesson Plan l. - Womb Yoga · - n-rm ,r"tfs one foot in fronf of the other' while bending knees ond scooping hips forword.-Dancing. bobY hetd close in ballroom

Birthlight Baby Yoga Group Lesson PlanSession l.

TEACI{ER: Nichola EastDATE: 8/3/o4VENUE: Brockwell PorkSUfliIECf(S): Introduce


TIME: t.3o-2.45Lido, Herne Hil[, London.l* Hip, Leg ond Arm Sequences, and Bosic Lifts and

Welcome mums ond babies.Discuss how both arei general heatth, wellbeing andlatest developmenfs.

Ctosed kneeling position.-Arm and hand stretches front and side at shoulder

height with obdominol breofh.-Shoulder / elbow circles with breafh.-stretching up both arms to high kneel (inhatotion);

- stretch and fotd to floor clicking fingers/ctopping honds ond making contact withbaby. Return to prayer position andrepeat.

- open orm side twist and stretch, on eachside with breoth.

-Fotding down to hare Pose over baby.

Babies supine on cushions.-Gentle stroking down entire body.-Gentty massage each foot.

- putl each toe corefutly through fingers.- Moke smotl circular motion on sole of

foot.-Finish with stroke down bady.

lst Hip Sequence.Babies supine on cushions.

-Knee to chest stretch and releose.Sing; Run babies run....

(pedat sfretch

Genlle strefches andbreathing for Mums.

Introductory mossageFor boby.

Page 2: Birthlight Baby Yoga Group Lesson Plan l. - Womb Yoga · - n-rm ,r"tfs one foot in fronf of the other' while bending knees ond scooping hips forword.-Dancing. bobY hetd close in ballroom

Arm and shoulderSequence.

- When 'jumps high and touches fhe s(y, gentty lified fo very low shoulderstond and reteosed down.

-Butterfly press-Socrol circtes.

- feet held in bufterfty position wifh onehand ond circled oround abdomen, whiteother hond supporfs lower back.

' return legs to parallel (close hips) ondstretch out.

Leg strefch and drop.-hotding baby's lower tegs, stightty tift and extend

them, then drop gently.

Boby supine on cushion.Sing; Open shut them...

-Out stretch.-High stretch.

- orms gentty exlended above baby's head.

Tronsition Liff. I spirat tift (arm roll in safety position).-Roll boby on fo supporting orm up off the floor.

- reverse lhe oction ond repeot 3x withfinishing in mum's orms.

Seoted Bolances, I Mini supported Cobra.Stretches ond Relaxed I tvtums sitting with bent knees, babies [ying on belly onHolds. I mum's thighs with head supported belween mums bent

knees.-Genity top down boby's bock fo encourage baby to

lift upper bock and neck.-Genlle stroke down boby's shoutders ond arms to

encourage tift further ond open chest.

Open Chest stretch (for mums)-take one or both hands to floor behind, draw bock

shoulders ond open chest.- with breoth gently tift chin ond lower.Repeot

Rolling Arm Hold.lyinq across mums benf orms chest heiqht, mums

Page 3: Birthlight Baby Yoga Group Lesson Plan l. - Womb Yoga · - n-rm ,r"tfs one foot in fronf of the other' while bending knees ond scooping hips forword.-Dancing. bobY hetd close in ballroom

legs now stroight out in fronf.-Roise arms stightty up thus rolling baby gently up

orm ond bock down. Repeof.

Bannister Hotd ond Rock.-Bannister hotd

- boby supported sitting ocross mums outstretched thighs.

-Bannister Rock.- Baby very gently rocked from one hand tothe other with neck supported.

Bolances, Stretches etc. i Mum lying on bock with baby sitting on pelvic bonein Semi-supine. I supported by mum's thighs.

Sfanding Holds and | -Kneeting Liff.Swings. I come up to stonding using breoth and

petvic floor muscles.-Foce Down Sofety Hotd.-Mini Swing and Twist.

- boby in sofety hold, swung gentty aroundmums body.

-Lotus Hold.- boby held in supported lotus ogoinst mumsbody.

-Scoop Watking (hip ctosing wolk)- baby in sofety or lofus hold.

| -Pelvic tifts with breath.| -eetvic lifts with breoth and arms.I - raise out streiched arms above head as

I ,elvis lifts ond lower os pelvis lowers.I Repeot.| -aouy ftying l.I boby liffed from pelvic bone to above

I mums face in ftying action.

I t tums knees to chest, boby lying on belly on mum's

I shins.

| -sacral releose for mum.

I gentlY rock side to side.I Extend to circling motion.I

Lifts to Sianding , I Baby held in close in mum's orms.

Page 4: Birthlight Baby Yoga Group Lesson Plan l. - Womb Yoga · - n-rm ,r"tfs one foot in fronf of the other' while bending knees ond scooping hips forword.-Dancing. bobY hetd close in ballroom

- n-rm ,r"tfs one foot in fronf of the other'while bending knees ond scooping hips


bobY hetd close in ballroom danceposition, while mums waltzes oround room

-Lower to ftoor bending knees in paraltet'

Boby tying supine on cushion, mum leaning over them in

reloxed Hare pose (boby positioned to ensure length inHumming ond Retoxotion'

Finol summing uP.

mums spine).-Biio montras.

- humming


RAM mantra for solar Plexus'YUM " for heort centreHUM " for neck sPace'

sitting on birthing

OM " for heod sPace'

Reloxation.Lying down with babY, feeding orbatts- (depending on boby's needs)'

-Setfting body comfortabty, closing eyes

stitl.ond becoming

-Focus mind on this moment with your boby

-Moving jaw side-to-side ond yowning to release iow'-Bring owareness to breath, inifiotty ftowing in

ihrougf, nostrits, then abdominol breoth (graduatty

Iengthening exhaIotions)'-Toke minds eye oround eoch part of the body in turn

releasing onY stress or tensions'-As bJdy sinks into deep reloxation focus on sensation

of heaviness, body 'metts' into floor'-Let your body experience the opposite sensotion;

imogine body becoming more ond more weightless'

-focus returns to rhythm of own breath'-Using own breoth take 3x stow OM's'

-Oenity begin to awaken lhe body by wiggting fingers'

toes ond stretching out whatever part of body abte to'

-Attow mums onjboby's to open eyes and come out of

retoxotion sIowlY-

Possing on of information ond questions'

Page 5: Birthlight Baby Yoga Group Lesson Plan l. - Womb Yoga · - n-rm ,r"tfs one foot in fronf of the other' while bending knees ond scooping hips forword.-Dancing. bobY hetd close in ballroom

Birthlight 6roup Session Practice Record Sheet.Session I

TEACHERS NAME: Nichola EastDATE: 8/o3/o4VENUE: Brockwell Park Lido, Herne Hil[, London.


GROUP SIZE: 6 mums and babiesNAMES AND AGES OF BABIES:Ava-8 wksSam-8 wksAnna-8 wks

Mitey-4wksEmily-4 1/2 monfhsSienno-ll wks

COMMENTS:Due to the noture of this class os operafing both os o Cose Study Group andas a drop-in closs, there is a bit of on unknown dynomic added to the group,especially with regord to differing oges, experience and the relatedappropriote needs. But I feet this is o positive dynamic, encourdging onddeveloping my generol teoching oworeness.I storted ihe session explaining the basic siructure and workings of ctass,benefits to mum ond bobies etc. I exploined format of case study, andinvited ony one who wished io take port (Polly ond Amy were alreody oworeof the case study before the class). The atmosphere wos generally verychatty and relaxed.Overall I fett the class went very well for o first session. As there was otof of feeding throughout the session, I wos able to introduce the value andimportonce of breothing work (especially during feeding ond comforting!).Ava had been osleep until 'running' exercise, however Potty started her verygentty with some touching and stroking to introduce her fo the closs beforeslowing joining in the hip sequences. Miley, lhe youngest member of thegroup, fed o lof through the class, but seemed very reloxed when she didmonoge to take port. She porticularly enjoyed being corried in the safetyhotd. Siennd, Som ond Anna oll seemed very relaxed ond content throughoutthe closs. As Emily had been coming to baby yoga classes for some time, Ishowed her and her mum some slightly more advonced extensions fo some ofthe sequences. I think the other mums enioye.d being able to see theprogression. During the pelvic lifts (Mums on backs) holf the group werefeeding, so while some mums did stow petvic tifts with orms ond breoth,feeding mums practiced abdominal breothing. Alt fhe bobies seemed to really

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