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Biometric Template Protection: Bridging thePerformance Gap Between Theory and Practice

Karthik Nandakumar, Member, IEEE, and Anil K. Jain, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Biometric recognition is an integral component ofmodern identity management and access control systems. Dueto the strong and permanent link between individuals andtheir biometric traits, exposure of enrolled users’ biometricinformation to adversaries can seriously compromise biometricsystem security and user privacy. Numerous techniques havebeen proposed for biometric template protection over the last20 years. While these techniques are theoretically sound, theyseldom guarantee the desired non-invertibility, revocability, andnon-linkability properties without significantly degrading therecognition performance. The objective of this work is to analyzethe factors contributing to this performance gap and high-light promising research directions to bridge this gap. Designof invariant biometric representations remains a fundamentalproblem, despite recent attempts to address this issue throughfeature adaptation schemes. The difficulty in estimating thestatistical distribution of biometric features not only hindersthe development of better template protection algorithms, butalso diminishes the ability to quantify the non-invertibility andnon-linkability of existing algorithms. Finally, achieving non-linkability without the use of external secrets (e.g., passwords)continues to be a challenging proposition. Further research onthe above issues is required to cross the chasm between theoryand practice in biometric template protection.


B IOMETRIC recognition, or biometrics, refers to the au-tomated recognition of individuals based on their bio-

logical and behavioral characteristics (e.g., face, fingerprint,iris, palm/finger vein, and voice) [1]. While biometrics is theonly reliable solution in some applications (e.g. border control,forensics, covert surveillance, and identity de-duplication),it competes with or complements traditional authenticationmechanisms such as passwords and tokens in applications re-quiring verification of a claimed identity (e.g., access control,financial transactions, etc.). Though factors such as additionalcost and vulnerability to spoof attacks hinder the proliferationof biometric systems in authentication applications, securityand privacy concerns related to the storage of biometrictemplates have been major obstacles [2].

A template is a compact representation of the sensed bio-metric trait containing salient discriminatory information thatis essential for recognizing the person (see Figure 1). Exposureof biometric templates of enrolled users to adversaries canaffect the security of biometric systems by enabling presenta-tion of spoofed samples [3] and replay attacks. This threat iscompounded by the fact that biometric traits are irreplaceable

K. Nandakumar is with IBM Research, Singapore, e-mail:[email protected]

A. K. Jain is with the Department of Computer Science and Engi-neering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA, e-mail:[email protected]

in nature. Unlike passwords, it is not possible to discard theexposed template and re-enroll the user based on the same trait.Moreover, it is possible to stealthily cross-match templatesfrom different databases and detect whether the same personis enrolled across different unrelated applications. This canseverely compromise the privacy of individuals enrolled inbiometric systems.

In most operational (deployed) biometric systems, the bio-metric template is secured by encrypting it using standardencryption techniques such as Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) and RSA cryptosystem. This approach has two maindrawbacks. Firstly, the encrypted template will be secure onlyas long as the decryption key is unknown to the attacker.Thus, this approach merely shifts the problem from biometrictemplate protection to cryptographic key management, whichis equally challenging. Even if the decryption key is secure,the template needs to be decrypted during every authenticationattempt because matching cannot be directly performed inthe encrypted domain. Consequently, an adversary can gleanthe biometric template by simply launching an authenticationattempt.

One way to address the limitations of the standard encryp-tion approach is to store the encrypted template and decryptionkey in a secure environment within a smart card or a securechip (e.g., A8 chip on Apple iPhone61, Privaris plusID2),which is in the possession of the user. When biometricmatching is performed on the card (or chip), the template neverleaves the secure environment. While this solution addressesthe security and privacy concerns, it requires the user to carryan additional authentication token (smart card or a mobiledevice), thereby reducing user convenience and restricting therange of applications. Due to the above limitations of existingsolutions, biometric template protection has emerged as one ofthe critical research areas in biometrics and computer securitycommunities.

A. Biometric Template Protection Requirements

The general framework of a biometric system with templateprotection is shown in Figure 2. Rather than storing the bio-metric template in its original form (x), a biometric templateprotection algorithm generates and stores a protected biometricreference (v) derived from the original template. Note thatthe term “protected biometric reference” not only includesthe protected biometric information, but also other systemparameters or values (e.g., cryptographic hashes) that needto be stored, as well as any biometric side information (e.g.,


To Appear in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine - Special Issue on Biometric Security and Privacy - Sep 2015

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0.23 0.15 -0.01 0.09 -0.03 0.11 0.30





Fingerprint Set of Minutiae

Face Vector of Coefficients

Iris Binary IrisCode

x y θ

207 138 198

81 144 326

73 158 144

. . .

. . .

. . .

135 203 155 (a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1. Examples of biometric templates extracted from (a) fingerprint, (b) face, and (c) iris images. A fingerprint image is typically represented as anunordered set of minutiae, which encodes the location (x,y) and orientation (θ) of friction ridge discontinuities. Face images are often represented as a linearcombination of basis faces, with the vector of weight coefficients constituting the template. An iris image is usually represented as a fixed-length binary stringcalled the IrisCode, which is obtained by binarizing the phase responses of Gabor filters applied to the given image.

information required for alignment, quality of the biometricfeatures, etc.) that directly does not leak information aboutthe user identity. On the other hand, supplementary data(z) refers to entities that are not stored in the database,but are required during both enrollment and authentication.Examples of supplementary data include a password or secretkey provided by the user in addition to his biometric trait. Theuse of supplementary data is optional, but if used, it providesan additional factor of authentication.

Feature adaptation is also an optional step in a templateprotection scheme. It is well-known that biometric samplesexhibit intra-subject variations due to various factors likesensor noise, differences in user interaction, environmentalchanges, and trait aging (see Figure 3). The objective of featureadaptation is to minimize intra-subject variations in the sensedbiometric signal and/or represent the original features in asimplified form (e.g., a binary string) without diluting theirdistinctiveness. It must be emphasized that distinctiveness ofa biometric representation is a function of both intra-subjectvariations and inter-subject variations. A highly distinctive rep-resentation should have small intra-subject variations (featuresextracted from multiple acquisitions of the same biometrictrait of a person should be similar), but large inter-subjectvariations (features extracted from the same biometric trait ofdifferent individuals should be different). When minimizingintra-subject variations, care must be taken to preserve inter-subject variations. Otherwise, distinctiveness of the featuresmay degrade, resulting in lower recognition performance.

In the context of template security, the protected biometricreference (v) is typically considered as public informationthat is available to any adversary. Hence, v should satisfy thefollowing three properties:

• Non-invertibility or Irreversibility: It should be computa-tionally difficult3 to obtain the original biometric templatefrom an individual’s protected biometric reference. Thisproperty prevents the abuse of stored biometric data for

3A problem can be considered to be computationally hard or difficult if itcannot be solved using a polynomial-time algorithm.

launching spoof or replay attacks, thereby improving thesecurity of the biometric system.

• Revocability or Renewability: It should be computation-ally difficult to obtain the original biometric templatefrom multiple instances of protected biometric referencederived from the same biometric trait of an individual.This makes it possible to revoke and re-issue new in-stances of protected biometric reference when a biometricdatabase is compromised. Moreover, this prevents anadversary from obtaining the original template by com-promising multiple biometric databases where the sameindividual may be enrolled.

• Non-linkability or Unlinkability: It should be compu-tationally difficult to ascertain whether two or moreinstances of protected biometric reference were derivedfrom the same biometric trait of a user. The non-linkability property prevents cross-matching across dif-ferent applications, thereby preserving the privacy of theindividual.

Apart from satisfying the above three properties, an idealtemplate protection algorithm must not degrade the recognitionperformance of the biometric system. In many applications ofbiometric recognition, especially those involving millions ofenrolled identities (e.g., border crossing and national registry),recognition accuracy is of paramount importance. Moreover,issues such as throughput (number of biometric comparisonsthat can be performed in unit time) and template size mustalso be considered in real-world applications.


Numerous template protection techniques have been pro-posed in the literature with the objective of ensuring non-invertibility, revocability, and non-linkability without compro-mising on the recognition performance. The ISO/IEC Stan-dard 24745 on Biometric Information Protection provides ageneral guidance for the protection of biometric information.According to this standard, a protected biometric referenceis typically divided into two parts, namely, pseudonymous

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Feature Extraction

Feature Adaptation (Optional)

Template Protection Algorithm

Feature Extraction

Feature Adaptation (Optional)

Secure Matching Algorithm

Biometric Sensor

Biometric Sensor

Supplementary Data (z)


Supplementary Data (z)
















Fig. 2. General framework of a biometric system with template protection.

(a) (b)


Fig. 3. Illustration of intra-subject variations observed in biometric samples. (a) Images of the same finger may exhibit variations in translation, rotation, andnon-linear distortion. (b) Pose, illumination, and facial expression changes may change the appearance of face images obtained from the same person. (c) Irisimages of the same eye may exhibit differences due to pupil dilation, partial closure of eyelids, and change in gaze angle.

identifier (PI) and auxiliary data (AD). Depending on howthese two components are generated, biometric template pro-tection schemes can be broadly categorized as: (i) featuretransformation approach and (ii) biometric cryptosystems. Adetailed review of biometric template protection approaches isbeyond the scope of this paper and we refer the readers to [4],[5], [6] for such in-depth analysis.

In the feature transformation approach (see Figure 4(a)), anon-invertible or one-way function is applied to the biometrictemplate (x). While the transformed template is stored in thedatabase as PI, the transformation parameters are stored asAD. During authentication, the AD makes it possible to applysame transformation function to the biometric query (x

′) and

construct PI′, which is compared to the stored PI. Thus, the

biometric matching takes place directly in the transformeddomain. Biohashing [7], cancelable biometrics [8], and robusthashing [9] are some of the well-known schemes that can begrouped under feature transformation. Some feature transfor-mation schemes [7] are non-invertible only when the supple-mentary data (e.g., key or password) is assumed to be a secret.

Techniques that can generate non-invertible templates withoutthe need for any secrets (e.g. [8]) are sometimes referredto as keyless biometric template protection schemes. Suchschemes can be useful in applications (e.g., law enforcement)where it may not be feasible or desirable to allow user-specificsupplementary data.

In biometric cryptosystems, the auxiliary data is often re-ferred to as a secure sketch (see Figure 4(b)), which is typicallyderived using error correction coding techniques. While thesecure sketch in itself is insufficient to reconstruct the originaltemplate, it does contain adequate information to recover theoriginal template in the presence of another biometric samplethat closely matches with the enrollment sample [10]. Thesecure sketch is either obtained as the syndrome of an errorcorrection code applied to the biometric template or by bindingthe biometric template with a error correction codeword thatis indexed by a cryptographic key (e.g., fuzzy vault [11] andfuzzy commitment [12]). A cryptographic hash of the originaltemplate or the key used to index the error correction codewordis stored as PI. Matching in a biometric cryptosystem is

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Transformation Function

Matching In Transformed



Data (z)



Data (z)







(v) Biometric

Template (x)


Query (x’)


Parameters/Key (AD)

Transformation Function




Template (PI)


Parameters/Key (AD) PI


Query (PI’)


Secure Sketch Generation

Validity Check


Data (z)



Data (z)









Template (x)


Query (x’)


Error Correction Decoding






(AD, PI)



Fig. 4. There are two broad approaches for biometric template protection:(a) feature transformation and (b) biometric cryptosystem. The protectedbiometric reference (denoted by v) generally consists of two distinct parts,namely, pseudonymous identifier (PI) and auxiliary data (AD).

performed indirectly by attempting to recover the originaltemplate (x) using the secure sketch (AD) in conjunctionwith the query biometric features (x

′). The recovered template

is used to regenerate a new pseudonymous identifier (PI′),

which is compared to the stored PI to determine whetherthe template and query match. Secure sketch constructionshave been proposed for various biometric modalities, includingfingerprint [13], face [14], and iris [15], [16].

Both the template protection approaches have their ownstrengths and limitations. The primary challenge in the featuretransformation approach is finding an appropriate transforma-tion function that provides non-invertibility, but at the sametime tolerant to intra-subject variations [17]. The strength ofbiometric cryptosystems is the availability of bounds on theinformation leaked by the secure sketch if we assume that thebiometric data distribution is known [10], [18]. On the flipside, most biometric cryptosystems require the features to berepresented in standardized data formats like binary stringsand point sets, which often leads to loss of discriminatory in-

formation and consequent degradation in recognition accuracy.Due to the properties of linear error correction codes4 that arecommonly used in secure sketch constructions, it is difficultto achieve non-linkability in biometric cryptosystems.

One way to overcome the above limitations is to applya feature transformation function to the biometric templatebefore it is protected using a biometric cryptosystem. Sincethis involves both feature transformation and secure sketchgeneration, such systems are known as hybrid biometric cryp-tosystems [19], [20]. Another promising approach is securecomputation based on homomorphic encryption. While thisapproach offers the attractive proposition of performing bio-metric matching directly in the encrypted domain, it typicallycomes at the cost of a significant increase in the computationalburden and communication overhead [21].

A. The Gap Between Theory and Practice

Most of the existing techniques do not satisfy the desiredtemplate protection requirements in practice. As an example,consider the results published by the on-going Fingerprint Ver-ification Competition (FVC-onGoing5). Six algorithms wereable to achieve an equal error rate (EER) of less than 0.3% onthe FVC-STD-1.0 benchmark dataset when operating withoutany template protection. On the other hand, the lowest EERachieved by a fingerprint verification system with templateprotection on the same dataset was 1.54%, which is morethan 5 times higher. Reduction in accuracy was also observedduring independent testing of template protection algorithmsin [22].

Even if we assume that a small degradation in the recog-nition performance is acceptable in some applications, it isimperative to precisely quantify (in terms of bits) the non-invertibility and non-linkability of the protected biometricreference. This is necessary to benchmark the utility of abiometric template protection scheme. In cryptography, “se-curity strength” (measure of the computational effort requiredto break a cryptosystem using the most efficient known attack)is one of the metrics used to compare different cryptosystems.It is well-known that an AES system with a 128-bit keyor a RSA cryptosystem with a 3072-bit key can provide asecurity strength of approximately 128 bits 6. However, thereis no consensus within the biometrics community on analogousmetrics that can be used to measure the non-invertibility,revocability, and non-linkability properties of biometric tem-plate protection algorithms as well as the methods to computethese metrics [23]. Consequently, practical template protectionschemes neither have proven non-invertibility/non-linkabilityguarantees nor do they achieve satisfactory recognition per-formance. This explains why despite 20 years of research,

4In a linear error correcting code, any linear combination of codewords isalso a codeword. Consequently, if two secure sketches are derived from thebiometric data of the same user using different codewords, a suitable linearcombination of these two sketches is highly likely to result in a decodablecodeword. This paves the way for verifying whether the two secure sketchesbelong to the same user, thereby making them linkable.

5 et al., “Recommendation for Key Management”, NIST 800-57, July


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operational biometric systems do not go beyond encrypting thetemplate using standard encryption techniques and/or storingthem in secure hardware.

The gap between theory and practice of template protectioncan be attributed to three main reasons:

1) The template protection schemes generally require theuse of simple distance metrics such as Hamming dis-tance or a measure of set difference to compute the sim-ilarity between biometric features [10]. Consequently,the burden of handling intra-subject variations observedin the biometric samples shifts completely to the fea-ture extraction stage. Thus, the foremost challenge inbiometric template protection is the design of featureextractors, which not only need to extract highly robustand distinctive features, but also represent them in asimplified form (e.g., a fixed-length binary string) that issuitable for applying the template protection construct.

2) Template protection techniques typically result in atrade-off between non-invertibility and recognition per-formance [17], [24] due to the following reason. Max-imizing non-invertibility implies that the protected bio-metric reference should leak as little information aboutthe original template as possible. However, high recog-nition performance can be achieved only when the pro-tected biometric reference retains all the discriminatoryinformation contained in the original template. Thisconundrum can be solved only by understanding thestatistical distribution of biometric features and design-ing template protection schemes that are appropriate forthe underlying feature distribution. For example, it iswell-known that bits in an IrisCode [25] or the minutiaelocations in a fingerprint [26] are neither independentnor do they follow a uniformly random distribution. Thisinherent redundancy in the biometric features could beexploited to handle intra-subject variations without com-promising on inter-subject variations. In many biomet-ric cryptosystems, the template is protected by addingnoise to the true biometric information. In this case,knowledge of the feature distribution could be usefulin selecting the appropriate noise distribution. Modelingthe biometric feature distribution is also required forobtaining realistic estimates for the non-invertibility andnon-linkability of a protected biometric reference. Ifthe biometric feature distribution is known, it may bepossible to formulate biometric template protection as anoptimization problem and systematically find solutionsthat maximize both recognition performance and non-invertibility. Thus, knowledge of the statistical distri-bution of biometric features is beneficial for biometrictemplate protection. However, estimating the featuredistributions is a challenging task.

3) Compared to the issue of non-invertibility, the problemof ensuring non-linkability and revocability of protectedbiometric reference has not been adequately addressedin the literature. While many template protection con-structs claim to provide non-linkability and revocability,a deeper analysis indicates that this is often achievable

only with the involvement of an additional authenticationfactor (supplementary data) such as a password or secretkey [27].

The primary contribution of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the above three challenges, discuss some ofthe solutions that have been proposed to overcome them, andidentify unresolved issues that require further research.


A traditional biometric system accounts for intra-subjectvariations in two ways. Firstly, the feature extraction algo-rithm attempts to extract an invariant representation from thenoisy biometric samples. Secondly, the matching algorithmis designed to further suppress the effect of intra-subjectvariations and focus only on features that are distinctive acrossindividuals. Consider the example of a fingerprint recognitionsystem (see Figure 5). An accurate fingerprint matcher notonly handles missing and spurious minutiae, but also otherintra-subject variations like rotation, translation, and non-lineardistortion (see Figure 5(c)). When this matcher is replacedby a simple set difference metric (that accounts for onlymissing and spurious minutiae), it becomes imperative torepresent the extracted minutiae in a form that is invariant torotation, translation, and non-linear distortion without affectingtheir distinctiveness. Failure to do so will naturally lead tosignificant degradation in the recognition performance.

Even in the case of iris recognition, it is not possible toachieve good recognition performance by directly computingthe Hamming distance between two IrisCodes. Practical irisrecognition systems compute normalized Hamming distance(that ignores bit locations erased by noise) over multiplecyclical shifts applied to one of the IrisCodes (to accountfor rotation variations). If this practical subtlety is ignoredand a simple Hamming distance metric is enforced, the irisrecognition accuracy is likely to decrease substantially.

Rather than developing new invariant feature extractors,which in itself is one of the fundamental problems in bio-metric recognition, researchers working on biometric templateprotection often implement a feature adaptation step on topof the original feature extractor. It must be emphasized thatfeature adaptation is not the same as feature transformation. Infeature transformation, the goal is to obtain a non-invertibleand revocable template. In contrast, adapted templates neednot satisfy the non-invertibility and revocability properties.Instead, feature adaptation schemes are designed to satisfyone or more of the following three objectives: (i) minimizeintra-subject variations without diluting their distinctiveness,(ii) represent the original features in a simplified form, and(iii) avoid the need for biometric side information (e.g.,alignment parameters). While a feature transformation schememay employ feature adaptation in the process of securing thetemplate, the converse is not true.

The simplest and most common feature adaptation strategyis quantization and reliable component (feature) selection. Thequantization of Gabor phase responses to generate a binaryIrisCode and selection of reliable bits within an IrisCode [28]is a good illustration of this adaptation strategy. Another typi-cal example is the quantization of fingerprint minutiae location

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(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5. Complexity in fingerprint minutiae matching. (a) and (b) are two fingerprint images from the same finger with minutiae features marked on them.The two minutiae sets after global alignment are shown in (c). Apart from missing and spurious minutiae that can be captured well using the set differencemetric, one can observe that the matching minutiae (marked by green ellipses) are not perfectly aligned due to non-linear distortion. This explains why asimple set difference metric is unlikely to provide accurate recognition.

and orientation features and selection of good quality minutiae[13] when designing a fingerprint cryptosystem. Though theprocess of quantization and feature selection reduces intra-subject variations, it is also likely to decrease inter-subjectvariations. Thus, the challenge is to strike an optimum balancebetween reducing intra-subject variations and preserving inter-subject variations. Moreover, if quantization and reliable com-ponent selection is user-specific, the quantization parametersand selected components need to be stored as auxiliary data,which is likely to decrease the non-invertibility and non-linkability of the protected biometric reference [29].

Other strategies for feature adaptation include biometricembedding and alignment-free representation. In biometricembedding, the goal is to obtain a new representation for thegiven biometric features so that simple distance metrics (e.g.,Hamming distance or set difference) can be used to comparebiometric samples in the modified representation space. Con-version of a real/complex vector or point set into a fixed-lengthbinary string is an example of biometric embedding. On theother hand, the objective of an alignment-free representationis to generate templates that can be directly matched withoutthe need for any alignment parameters. Such a need oftenarises when dealing with biometric traits like fingerprintand palmprint. Many practical feature adaptation schemesinvolve a combination of different adaptation strategies. Forinstance, quantization and feature selection are often appliedin conjunction with biometric embedding or alignment-freerepresentation to obtain the adapted features. Similarly, somealignment-free representations proposed in the literature alsoperform embedding in a new feature space.

A. Biometric Embedding

Biometric embedding algorithms can be classified based ontheir input and output representations. Two types of embeddingalgorithms that are commonly used for biometric featureadaptation are: (i) real vector into a binary string, and (ii)point set into a binary string.

1) Real Vector to Binary String: Conversion of a realvector into a binary string involves two essential steps: (i)quantization - mapping continuous values into discrete values,and (ii) encoding the discrete values as bits. The criticalparameters in quantization are the number of quantizationlevels and the quantization intervals. The Detection RateOptimized Bit Allocation (DROBA) scheme [30] proposesan adaptive bit allocation strategy, where the total numberof bits in the binary string is fixed and the number of bitsallocated to each feature dimension is varied based on thefeature distinctiveness. Specifically, a higher number of bits(i.e., more levels of quantization) is allocated to a particularfeature dimension if the mean feature value of that subject isvery different from the population mean. Furthermore, thisscheme advocates the use of equal-probability quantizationintervals in order to maximize the entropy of the resultingbinary string. While the DROBA approach optimizes thedetection rate (genuine accept rate) at the minimum (low) falseaccept rate, it requires many training samples per subject inorder to determine user-specific feature statistics. Furthermore,the need for storing user-specific quantization informationincreases information leakage when the resulting binary stringis eventually secured using a template protection scheme [29].

While the DROBA scheme focuses on the quantization step,the Linearly Separable Subcodes (LSSC) method attempts todevelop a better encoding scheme for encoding the discretevalues as bits. The gray coding scheme, which is traditionallyused for binary encoding, maps the discrete values into bitssuch that adjacent quantization levels differ only by a singlebit. The problem with the gray code approach is that itdoes not preserve the distances between the samples afterencoding. Though the Hamming distances between genuinesamples is likely to remain small (because feature valuesof two samples from the same subject can be expected tobe similar), it is possible that two dissimilar feature valuesmay also have a small Hamming distance. Consequently, therecognition performance based on the resulting binary string

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will degrade significantly. A unary coding scheme solves thisproblem, but it does not produce a compact representation. TheLSSC method attempts to generalize the idea of unary coding.A partially linearly separable subcode was also proposed in[31] to obtain a better compromise between compactness anddistance preservation.

2) Point Set to Binary String: The most well-known exam-ple of point set based biometric representation is a collectionof fingerprint minutia. Techniques for converting unorderedpoint sets (especially fingerprint minutiae) into fixed-lengthbinary strings include local point aggregates [32] and spectralminutiae [33]. In the local aggregates approach [32], thefingerprint region is divided into a fixed number of randomizedlocal regions (could be over-lapping) and aggregate featuresare computed based on the minutiae falling within each localregion. The resulting feature vector is then converted into abinary string using the techniques described in section III-A1.The main limitation of this approach is that it requires thefingerprints to be aligned before feature adaptation.

The spectral minutiae representation is obtained by consid-ering the minutiae set as a collection of 2-dimensional Dirac-delta functions and obtaining its Fourier spectrum after lowpass filtering [33]. Only the magnitude spectrum is consideredand it is sampled on a log polar grid to obtain a fixed-lengthvector. Theoretically, the magnitude spectrum is invariant torotation and translation due to the shift, scale, and rotationproperties of the Fourier transform. Hence, it is possibleto perform matching between two spectral minutiae vectorswithout aligning them first. However, in practice, alignmentbased on singular points (core and delta) is required to achievegood recognition performance [33] because large rotationor translation may lead to partial overlap between differentimpressions of the same finger. Another variation of thespectral minutiae approach is the binarized phase spectrumrepresentation [34], where the phase spectrum is consideredinstead of the magnitude spectrum (see Figure 6). However,this approach also requires prior fingerprint alignment.

B. Alignment-free Representation

A possible solution to the problem of fingerprint alignmentis the use of local minutiae structures, which consist offeatures that characterize the relative information between twoor more minutiae (e.g., distance between two minutiae) [35].Since such features are relative, they are invariant to globalrotation and translation of the fingerprint and hence, no a priorialignment is needed before matching. An additional benefit isthat such features are robust to nonlinear distortion. However,if the matching is based only on the local minutiae informationand the global spatial relationships between minutiae areignored, some degradation in the recognition accuracy mayoccur.

The simplest local minutiae structure is based on minutiapairs, where the distance between the pair and the orientationof each minutia with respect to the line connecting them canbe used as the invariant attributes [19]. The most commonlyused local minutiae structure is the minutia triplet, whererelative features (distances and angles) are computed from



Fig. 6. An example of embedding a point set as a binary string. (a) Fingerprintwith minutiae (point set) marked on it and (b) the corresponding binary stringrepresentation obtained using the binarized phase spectrum technique [34].

combinations of three minutiae. Rather than defining the localneighborhood based on a fixed number of minutiae, it is alsopossible to construct a local descriptor by considering allminutiae that fall within a fixed radius of a minutia point. Anexample of this latter approach is the Minutia Cylinder Code(MCC) [35]. The MCC is obtained by dividing the cylindricalregion (with its axis along the minutia orientation) aroundeach minutia into a finite number of cells and encoding thelikelihood of another minutia in the fingerprint with a specificangular difference from the reference minutia being present inthe specific cell. It is also possible to binarize the MCC to geta fixed-length binary string describing each minutia point.

C. Open Issues in Feature Adaptation

Though a significant amount of research effort has beendevoted towards feature adaptation, three main issues remainunresolved. Firstly, existing feature adaptation techniques in-variably result in loss of some discriminatory informationleading to lower recognition performance. A possible reasonfor this phenomenon is that most of these techniques focusonly on minimizing intra-subject variations, while ignoringthe need to preserve inter-subject variations. Hence, thereis a strong need for distance-preserving feature adaptationstrategies.

The second unresolved issue is the coupling between thefeature adaptation strategy and the template protection tech-nique. Recall that the main objective of feature adaptationis to generate an invariant representation that can be easilysecured using an existing template protection scheme. There-fore, it is essential to carefully consider the requirements of

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the template protection scheme while designing the featureadaptation strategy. For instance, the error correction schemeused in a biometric cryptosystem may have the ability tocorrect a limited amount of errors. Since this error correctioncapability implicitly determines the system threshold, thefeature adaptation scheme must be designed such that thenumber of errors between samples of the same user fall belowthis threshold, while the number of errors encountered duringimpostor comparisons is greater than the error correctioncapability. A feature adaptation scheme that is designed inisolation may not satisfy the above requirement. Alternatively,one can argue that it may be better to design a biometrictemplate protection scheme that directly secures the templatein its original representation rather than attempting to adaptthe template to fit the template protection scheme. As an illus-tration, suppose that we wish to protect a biometric templaterepresented as a real vector. This template can be protectedeither by converting it into a binary string and applying afuzzy commitment scheme [12] to the binary template or bydirectly applying a secure sketch designed for the continuousdomain [36]. It is not clear which of the above two strategieswill lead to a better outcome.

Finally, the statistical properties of the adapted features isseldom given attention in the design of a feature adaptationscheme. For example, consider the case of a feature adaptationscheme generating a binary string as output. Apart from havinglow intra-subject variations and high distinctiveness, it wouldbe ideal if the resulting binary string is uniformly random(i.e., has high entropy). Such a representation is likely to havebetter non-invertibility properties when it is eventually securedusing a biometric cryptosystem (cf. Section IV). Moreover, oneof the implicit benefits of feature adaptation could be a newrepresentation that makes it easier to characterize the statisticaldistribution of biometric features. However, the design of suchfeature adaptation strategies is still an open research problem.


The main limitation of state-of-the-art template protectiontechniques is the trade-off between recognition performanceand the level of security offered by them. The first step towardssolving this problem is to clearly define the notion of security,establish metrics to quantify security properties such as non-invertibility and non-linkability, and develop methodologies tocompute such metrics. Once this is achieved, algorithms needto be developed to jointly maximize performance and security.

The lack of a well-accepted notion of security is a criticallacuna in the area of template protection. It is important toemphasize that a biometric template protection scheme is notdesigned to prevent other adversary attacks on a biometricsystem such as spoofing or zero-effort impostor attack. There-fore, the vulnerability of a biometric system to such attackscannot be considered as the sole basis for evaluating a templateprotection scheme. For instance, a false accept rate (FAR) of0.01% implies that 1 in 10,000 zero-effort impostor attemptsis likely to succeed. At this FAR, it is possible to arguethat the non-invertibility of a template protection scheme can

be no more than log2(104) bits because, on average, only

10, 000 attempts would be required to find a biometric samplethat closely matches with the stored template. However, suchan argument is unfair since it is based on the assumptionthat an attacker has access to a large biometric database andis able to mount an off-line7 zero effort impostor attack.Therefore, it may be better to consider vulnerability to zero-effort attacks as a distinct threat and report the FAR of thebiometric system before and after the application of biometrictemplate protection. Ideally, the FAR should be included aspart of the recognition performance and not security analysis.Furthermore, the FAR of the biometric system after templateprotection should be reported based on the assumption thatthe attacker has full knowledge about the system, includingaccess to any supplementary data (if used).

In the context of biometric template protection, the termssecurity and privacy have been used ambiguously in theliterature. One of the reasons for this ambiguity is thatmany biometric cryptosystems are motivated by the desireto generate a cryptographic key from the biometric data orsecurely bind a key together with the biometric data. Templateprotection is only a by-product of this key generation/bindingprocess. Therefore, in biometric cryptosystems, security isoften defined in terms of the secret key rate, which measuresthe amount of randomness in the key bound to the templateor extracted from the biometric data [18], [37]. While theterm privacy leakage is commonly used in biometric cryp-tosystems as a proxy for measuring non-invertibility, one canfind instances where the term privacy actually refers to non-linkability. To further complicate matters, notions such asweak (or conditional) and strong (or unconditional) biometricprivacy have been proposed [38]. Here, weak biometric privacyrefers to non-invertibility given only the protected biometricreference v, whereas strong biometric privacy refers to non-invertibility given v and the associated cryptographic key (onethat is bound to the template or extracted from the biometricdata). In the literature on feature transformation, the termssecurity and privacy typically refer to non-invertibility andnon-linkability, respectively. To avoid confusion, it has beensuggested that specific properties such as non-invertibility (orirreversibility) and non-linkability (or unlinkability) must beconsidered instead of employing generic terms like securityand privacy [39].

A. Metrics for Measuring Non-invertibility

Non-invertibility refers to the difficulty in obtaining (ei-ther exactly or within a small margin of error) the originalbiometric template from an individual’s protected biometricreference. This is also referred to as full-leakage irreversibilityin [39]. A number of metrics have been proposed in theliterature to measure non-invertibility of a protected biometricreference.

A direct measure of non-invertibility is the conditionalShannon entropy of the original template x given the protected

7Since most practical biometric systems restrict the number of failedauthentication attempts, it is usually not possible to mount online zero effortimpostor (FAR) attacks.

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biometric reference v, i.e., H(x|v). This quantity measuresthe average uncertainty in estimating x given the knowledgeof v. Note that H(x|v) = H(x)− I(x; v), where H(x) is theentropy of the unprotected template x and I(x; v) is the mutualinformation between x and v. In the literature, a normalizedquantity called the privacy leakage rate [37], which can beexpressed as H(x|v)/H(x), has also been proposed to measurenon-invertibility.

In the context of biometric cryptosystems, I(x; v) is alsoreferred to as entropy loss, which measures the amount ofinformation leaked by the secure sketch about the biometrictemplate. Entropy loss is a useful measure to compare multipletemplate protection schemes applied to the same biometricdata. In this scenario, since H(x) is constant, the schemewith a lower entropy loss should be preferred because itwill lead to larger H(x|v). Furthermore, when the securesketch is obtained by binding the template with a secretcryptographic key (K), it is also important to consider H(K|v).Many biometric cryptosystems (e.g., fuzzy vault and fuzzycommitment) do not offer strong biometric privacy [40] in thesense that it is trivial to recover the original biometric templategiven K and v. In such cases, the non-invertibility should bedefined as the minimum of H(K|v) and H(x|v).

While the conditional Shannon entropy is a good measureof the average difficulty in inverting a protected biometric ref-erence, researchers have also proposed the use of min-entropy[10] to account for the worst case scenario. For a discreterandom variable A with probability mass function P , Shannonentropy is defined as H(A) = Ea(− log2(P (A = a))) andmin-entropy is defined as H∞(A) = (− log2(maxa P (A =a))). Thus, min-entropy measures the uncertainty in pre-dicting the most likely value of a discrete random variable.The conditional min-entropy is defined as H̃∞(A|B) =− log(Eb→B


]) and the corresponding entropy

loss is computed as H∞(A)− H̃∞(A|B).In the case of feature transformation, it is difficult to

theoretically measure the entropy loss introduced by thetransformation scheme. Consequently, the non-invertibility offeature transformation schemes is typically measured empir-ically based on the computational complexity of the bestknown template inversion attack. In particular, the coverage-effort curve [17] was proposed to analyze the non-invertibilityof transformed templates. The Coverage-Effort (CE) curvemeasures the number of guesses (effort) required to recover afraction (coverage) of the original biometric data. This mea-sure is analogous to the normalized privacy leakage rate [37]defined earlier. The main pitfall of such empirical measuresis that it is impossible to guarantee that the attacker cannotcome up with a better template inversion strategy than whatis known to the system designer.

Recall that one of the goals of biometric template protectionis to prevent the attacker from launching spoof and replayattacks using the compromised template. To launch suchattacks, it may not be necessary to exactly recover the originaltemplate from the protected biometric reference. Instead, it issufficient for the attacker to obtain a close approximation (alsoknown as a pre-image), which can be replayed to the system togain illegitimate access. Note that in a biometric cryptosystem,

it is often straightforward to recover the original template ifa close approximation of this template is available. Thus, thevulnerability of a biometric cryptosystem to pre-image attacksis already factored into the non-invertibility analysis of sucha system. Therefore, analysis of pre-image attacks may bevalid only for the feature transformation approach. Metricsto evaluate the difficulty in carrying out such attacks havebeen discussed in [17], [39], [41]. However, for the sake ofsimplicity, we avoid a detailed discussion of these metrics inthis paper.

B. Methods for Computing Non-invertibility Metrics

Since the non-invertibility metrics for feature transformationschemes are generally computed empirically, this section willfocus only on methods to compute the non-invertibility metricsfor biometric cryptosystems. While the metrics for measuringnon-invertibility discussed earlier are theoretically sound, theyare not easy to compute for an arbitrary biometric templateprotection scheme. In most biometric cryptosystems, the in-herent properties of the underlying error correction techniquecan be used to establish upper bounds on the entropy loss [10],[18], [40], [37]. Typically, the entropy loss is an increasingfunction of the error correction capability of the system. Inother words, if larger tolerance for intra-subject variations isdesired, the entropy loss will be higher. Consequently, theresulting protected biometric references will leak more infor-mation about the original template. Since the above bounds areusually derived based on simplifying assumptions about thebiometric feature distribution, their utility will depend on theextent to which the given biometric features conform to theseassumptions. Even when a reliable estimate for the entropyloss is available, it is still difficult to directly compute H(x|v).This is because of the complexity in estimating the entropy ofbiometric features (H(x)).

1) Biometric Entropy Estimation: The primary difficultyin estimating the entropy of biometric features is the lackof statistical models to accurately characterize the intra- andinter-subject variations. A few attempts have been made in theliterature to characterize the distribution of minutiae points in afingerprint [26], [42]. However, these models were proposed inthe context of estimating fingerprint individuality8. Moreover,they rely on some simplifying assumptions in order to keep theproblem tractable. Therefore, such models cannot be directlyused to infer the entropy of a fingerprint minutiae template.

Entropy of a biometric template can be estimated by com-puting the relative entropy (also known as Kullback-Leiblerdivergence) between the feature distributions of a specific userand the feature distribution of the population as a whole [43].This quantity measures the reduction in uncertainty about theidentity of the user due to the knowledge of his/her biometricfeature measurements. The average relative entropy among allthe users enrolled in the system can be used as an estimateof the biometric feature entropy. However, the main drawbackof the work in [43] is the use of a simple Gaussian model to

8More precisely, the goal in [26], [42] is to estimate the probability of afalse correspondence/match between minutiae templates from two arbitraryfingerprints belonging to different fingers.

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characterize the feature distributions, which does not hold truefor most biometric modalities.

An alternative to modeling the complex feature distributionsis to compute the entropy based on match score distributions.A good example of estimating entropy based on match scoresis the analysis of impostor score distribution using IrisCodesextracted from 632, 500 different iris images [44]. Based onthis approach, it has been estimated that a 2, 048 bit IrisCoderepresentation contains approximately 249 degrees of freedom.However, this result is based on a simple matching modelthat ignores the need to test multiple relative rotations ofthe IrisCode. Therefore, one cannot directly conclude that theentropy of an IrisCode template is 249 bits. Moreover, it is notstraightforward to obtain a precise estimate of individualityof the IrisCode representation using the above result becauseit fails to take into account the genuine score distribution(consequently, intra-subject variations are not modeled). Asimple extension of the above approach is to measure therelative entropy between genuine and impostor match scoredistributions [45]. But this approach may grossly underesti-mate the entropy of the biometric features and the resultingentropy estimates should be considered as a very loose lowerbound.

C. Open Issues in Non-invertibility Analysis

Despite significant progress in analyzing the non-invertibility of template protection schemes, there is no con-sensus yet on the standard metrics to be used for measuringnon-invertibility and well-defined methodologies to computethese metrics. Efforts to standardize these metrics are stillunder progress [23]. Once such metrics are standardized, thefocus should shift towards the development of a suitableframework that allows joint optimization of recognition per-formance and non-invertibility for both feature transformationschemes and biometric cryptosystems.

One way to overcome the inherent trade-off between non-invertibility and recognition performance is to develop tech-niques for multibiometric9 template protection. It is well-known that multibiometric systems lead to a significant im-provement in the recognition performance. When multipletemplates are secured together as a single construct, the in-herent entropy of the template is also likely to higher, therebyleading to stronger non-invertibility. While a few solutionshave been proposed recently for multibiometric cryptosys-tems [46], the fundamental challenge lies in overcoming thecompatibility issues between different biometric templates andgenerating a combined multibiometric template from differentmodalities, which preserves the distinctiveness of individualtemplates. The advancements in the area of feature adaptationcan also play a key role in overcoming the above challenge.


While revocability and non-linkability are also core require-ments of a template protection scheme, the analysis of these

9Multibiometric systems accumulate evidence from more than one biomet-ric identifier (multiple traits like fingerprint and iris or multiple fingers/ irides)in order to recognize a person.

two properties has received considerably less attention in theliterature compared to non-invertibility. Recently, it has beendemonstrated that many well-known biometric cryptosystemsdo not generate revocable or non-linkable templates [24], [27],[47], [48]. Though feature transformation schemes are widelyproclaimed as “cancelable biometrics” in acknowledgement oftheir strengths in achieving revocability and non-linkability,the real capability of such schemes to guarantee these twoproperties is still questionable. If we assume that the attackerhas full knowledge of the protected biometric reference andany supplementary data involved, the revocability and non-linkability of feature transformation schemes appear to dependon the difficulty in obtaining a pre-image of the transformedtemplate. When the pre-image is easy to compute given thetransformation parameters and the transformed template, itmay be possible to correlate the pre-images obtained frommultiple transformed templates to invert and/or link them[17]. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop one-waytransformation functions that do not allow easy computationof a pre-image.

One possible way to achieve revocability and non-linkabilityis to use hybrid biometric cryptosystems [19], [20]. Whilea combination of secure sketch and feature transformationenhances the non-invertibility of the protected biometric refer-ence, the feature transformation step ensures the revocabilityand non-linkability properties. However, this may come at thecost of a degradation in the recognition performance.

Another practical solution for achieving revocability andnon-linkability is the use of two- or three-factor authenticationprotocols. In such protocols, either the supplementary datais assumed to be a secret [7] or the auxiliary data (AD)and pseudonymous identifier (PI) are not stored together inorder to prevent the possibility that both AD and PI arecompromised simultaneously [49]. For example, the transfor-mation parameters in a feature transformation scheme can bedynamically generated based on a password or PIN suppliedby the user or derived based on a key stored on a smart cardheld securely by the user. Similarly, the AD in a biometriccryptosystem could be stored on a smart card, while the PI isstored in a central database. Apart from ensuring revocabilityand non-linkability, an additional advantage of such protocolsis improved robustness against zero-effort impostor (FAR)attacks because the attacker must be able to obtain more thanone authentication factor (biometrics & password or biometrics& smart card) for successful authentication. However, if weassume that all the other factors except the biometric trait isavailable to the attacker, the advantages of such multi-factorauthentication protocols vanish, and their properties are nobetter than those of the underlying template protection scheme.


While biometric template protection has been an activeresearch topic over the last 20 years, existing solutions arestill far from gaining practical acceptance. The key reason forthis failure is the unacceptable degradation in the recognitionperformance combined with unprovable security claims. Inthis paper, we have identified three main issues that must be

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addressed to bridge this gap. Designing invariant biometricrepresentations with high entropy will not only improve therecognition performance, but also enhance the non-invertibilityof the protected template. This is because the informationleaked by a protected template is often proportional to thetolerance allowed to account for intra-subject variations. Fur-thermore, standardized metrics are required for measuring thesecurity properties of a template protection scheme, especiallynon-invertibility. Systematic formulation of such metrics andmethodologies to compute them, followed by independentbenchmarking of template protection algorithms based onthese metrics will greatly enhance the public confidence inbiometric template protection technologies. Finally, practicalsolutions must be devised to ensure revocability and non-linkability of protected templates.

Apart from the open research issues identified earlier inthe context of feature adaptation (cf. Section III-C) and non-invertibility analysis (cf. Section IV-C), a number of otherquestions remain unanswered.

• There is a greater need for template security in scenarioswhere the biometric data is stored in centralized repos-itories. Such databases are commonplace in large-scaleidentification systems (e.g., India’s Aadhaar program,Office of Biometric Identity Management (formerly US-VISIT) program). However, almost all existing templateprotection techniques have been designed for the authen-tication use-case (one-to-one verification) as opposed toidentification (one-to-many matching). It is not clear ifsuch techniques can be scaled up to meet the require-ments of an identification system, especially given thestringent constraints on accuracy and throughput in suchapplications.

• Another lacuna in template security is the absence ofan entity similar to public key infrastructure, which cancreate, manage, and revoke biometric information [50].A related issue is how to revoke and re-issue a protectedbiometric reference without re-enrolling the user, whichis often impractical.

• Attack on the template is just one of the possible adver-sarial attacks on a biometric system [4]. It is possible thatefforts to secure the template may have a direct impacton other types of attacks [6]. Therefore, a system levelanalysis of the effect of template protection algorithms isrequired.

• Finally, smartphones are turning out to be the preferredplatform for integration of biometric technologies. Forexample, the Touch-ID fingerprint recognition system iniPhone-6 enables phone unlocking capability as well asmobile payments via the Apple Pay service. In the nearfuture, it may be possible to capture face, fingerprint, iris,and voice biometric modalities using a commodity smart-phone. The ability to securely authenticate a smartphoneuser using multibiometrics can be expected to open up anumber of new applications involving mobile commerceand transactions. In this context, it is necessary to reviewwhether the current state-of-the-art (storing the encryptedbiometric templates on a secure chip) is adequate for

the range of applications envisioned and develop noveltemplate protection strategies as well as remote biometricauthentication protocols suitable for this domain.


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Karthik Nandakumar Karthik Nandakumar is a Research Staff Member atIBM Research, Singapore. Prior to joining IBM Research, he was a Scientistat Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore for more than sixyears. His research interests include pattern recognition, computer vision, andbiometric recognition. He has co-authored two books and received a numberof awards including the 2010 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young AuthorBest Paper Award.

Anil K. Jain Anil K. Jain is a University Distinguished Professor in theDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering at Michigan State University.His research interests include pattern recognition, computer vision and biomet-ric recognition. He has received Guggenheim fellowship, Humboldt Researchaward, Fulbright fellowship, IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievementaward, IEEE W. Wallace McDowell award, IAPR King-Sun Fu Prize, andthe IEEE ICDM Research Contribution Award for contributions to patternrecognition and biometrics. He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, AAAS, IAPRand SPIE. He is the author of several books and ISI has designated him as ahighly cited researcher.

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