Page 1: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year

StP 14 19u i


A Curriculum Guide

Grades X, X.l






The Minister of Education

Page 2: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year



Page 3: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year

BIOLOGY ME:IlOHl,\1 1''-' , , ... \ r,; \' \\ i·11l ,r~J \."1&.





BULLETIN NO. 8-A, 1965


Department of Education

St. John's


l I) l ' l I ' ... ~- I • , I] \ f \

Page 4: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year
Page 5: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


Modern biology is a connlex suhject yet rooted in p0neral scientific nr·incipleso l'ost stuc1ents do not take an i'!terest in IJ'eneral pri~"'ci les unless related to their m.m exparience, or urless these prircinles are de"eloped in terms of nr8cticPl experi~entso Each new irlea must he thorouqhly develoned and c~refully explainedo If the sutj ect is to be tre.qted supei:'ficial1y it Olwht not to fiPd 1ts nlace in the curr iculumo

No sub~ect touches human life more closely than does 1 iology, hence its i"'portRnce in the eclDcDtion of the student ..

~iology attemnts to descri 1 e and explain the phenomena of life: the nature of the cell and nrotopl.qsw, the nature of metaholism, photosynthesis, .gntihiotics, and their rPlationship to one Pnother; tte n~ture of ~erefity; the nrocesses of vrowth and repror'lnction.. The unrlerlyinf' nrirci"'les of these Rnd other life nbenofller'a pre :::-ichl;.r illustrater1 in roth the plantt-.and animal kingdoms.. Choice of ~Rterial and succe~sful p~esentation denends in larr~e or. cl:e skJJ l ~nd training of the teacher.

fiolor-y shn'llrl sen'e t he neefs cf t"·IO l'11portant groups of oeonle: those w~ose for~al education ~ermJnate with high school And t' ose 1tJho conti'1ue throLJ.rrh coller-e .

The study ,f rioloPy is irJn<=.?rat-ive as a prepar.!'ltion for the foll01t'iYlP nrofessions, to r1ertion or ly a few: Physician, dentist, nnrse; forester, .,-:rricnltnrist, and the horticultnrist; tt1e sanitary en~"ine<=.?r, E'l"rl !'lbysical instructor; the marine tiologist, and food technolovisto The study of biology enriches the l1fe of the bouse-v!ife. for,er, nnd fisherman, because biolo~y ena.hles one to kn01tJ More "''hOl't li"ring thinP's o

fioloPy develops an apnreciation of ~he interplay between renewahle natt'ral resources, the infll'ence of He forest on animal life 1 for example; the import~~c~ of the strea~ as a home in the llfe.of aquatic or~anisms; the i~nnrt~nce of s?nitation to the health of mano

Page 6: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


Biology provides an outlet for recreational and aesthetic expression: consider the place of narks and gardens in our daily livinP, or an outi~ g to the s hore or countrysideo The biological sciences, in recent year s particularly, ~rovide a rich vocational field and more trained ~iologists are nee~ed today than CAn ~e found . These opportunlties exist in the fields of mec'licine , public health, sanitation, aariculture, entomology, forestry , fisheries, teac hing, and so on6

It will be seen therefore that the sub,iect of Biology is one that s hou ld holc1 a high place in the liPt of secondary school offerings.

Page 7: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year





Ella Thea Smith: SXPLORIVG PIOLOGY, 5th ed.,

(Harcourt Brace & Co.)

Units 1 to 4 (Chapters 1 to 11)

Eo Morholt and E.T. Smith: BXPS'U"SNCES I T: BIOLOGY

5th eeL (Harcourt Brace 8, Co.)

E.To Smith: TEACHING TESTS (Form A and Form B)

(Harcourt Brace & Co.)

Page 8: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure

The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is s u~ae sted for the f irst year (Grade X).

Each chapter s hould form tbe basis of s tudy for a two week period. Assuming Biology occupies t.Jo peri ods (of one or more hours each) on the weekly ti~etatle , the f irst period s hould ~e used ~y the t eacher for (a) explanat ion and (b) discussion. All materials relevant to the sub~ect or subjects s hould ~e on display or availahls as required . Many material s used for tbe teac hing of Piology are r eadily availahle but careful plannina is needsd to see ~b~~ -~terials are at hand when required.

The sec ond r,.,rioc of th'3 1-:e9k <- l-,onlcl re the stvdent acti-vity ner i od. 'l'hese acti,_it i es s l'O ''l:i re ha:ed on the dis cussion of t he nre· ious period. :~e teacb~r wil l be t he best judge in s electj.r1r· ec+;j_yi-<::les h 1 t stucent ir'terest must alv1ays be kent in m i~"d . It is su.r(1"e~tec' t b;-'lt the s-l:·lc1e;;t act i vity nerioc'1 proceed as follm-1s: C~ac h st11(1nnt 8' 01:I'J >\"ee n a loos e leaf note ­book).

(a) Review briefly teac her's notes a~d text rn~terial covered in the fi rst ner ~od. This serves FS a refresher of i rformatior M~terial .


( c )

Cive sneciRl attenti.on L0 the "C'n~'"in.o Upn sect ion at t he e!...,d of the e:hppter . St~lect a~tj_"j_ties >er tj'lent to the work covered in discussion .

'rhe ";Jorkr ool;:. I'he l·!orkhook exerci2es shonld always occupy part of th-est,lcent act 1vity nerioc e Each workbook activity s hol'ld r'e cen+~ ered arourd the c1 i s ens~ ]_on <'nd revieH covered o

It i s not essentj_al to oer form all U'e ac tivities in a f"iven vJOrkrook Chapter • 'l'HO DOi '1t S S ho'· :.0 re Jw nt i n mi nd in making the selection of activj_ties from tf.o :vorkrook ·

( 1) Equi pment ave:; i l c:1 rle ;_:m0 (2) Tlrne c::t tbe student's disposal . A ti~e bud~at fo r epch exercise will help finis l'J the vJork as planned "

Suc cess will depend for the ~ost p~rt OP the ~eacher's i ni tiat i ve, stud ert inter est, a>:n t !~e 11 .;-..r- rc k'~ of seeing b i ology all ahout your community .

Page 9: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year



2 .



Teachinp; Test_s to AcCQ_II!J2..rlQY_ E~12.1ori_y1 ?, Biology (Form A and Form B) 5 Regular use should he made of these tests such as at the end of the two week period when the text and workbook chapter has been covered. A record of achievement should be kept for eac h test. (Keys are provided for the Teachinp Tests - For m A and Form B) .

Every effort s f·oul (l he m00e to "bttld Pn a small lirrary of biology hooks and a SU"Pested list is apoended.

It is su~~es ted also that the schoo: suhscrihe to two or three current neriodicals s uch as

Canadian Nature

The C::madian Field~Naturr;lis t

Journal of Wildlife Mana~ement

A 2'1

X 2'' slide projector, screen, and Gl icroscooe should form part of the equipment use(! hy every school that teaches biology . In add ition, ever r effort must he ma0e to use l iving mpteriPl - flora and fpuna , from the community; this outs life into the subject . Biology is the study of life and it can be tEl1Jf"ht successfully only in the presence of ljving thin~so

C~LLS 'rF~ T'lli Jll"" ('- UNITS

Two cells from one - cell division. Ti s sues and orpans.

cn=:r' JCALS

Comnns it ion of r]EJL, ter ·- atoms pnd molecules.

Physical and c heMical asnects of o~otonlasm.

Tin T"/\E'1C AC2IVIri~S

Vicroscopic animRls; microscon:Lc plants:

lar~er plants ~nd anlmals; oraanization and life •

Page 10: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year

- 6-

Films Availal"le fr or1 the De oartment of Edl!.Q.qiion

Film No. Title Description

1. B - 1002

2 o GS-64 GS- '78 GS-47 P-16

3 o B- 8 B-11 B-39

Introduc t ion to Biology The Cell, Structural Unit of Life

Atom & Biological Sc i enc e A is for Atom Colloids Molecular Theory of Matter

Flowers at lvork Plant Gro"tvth Reactions in Plants & Animals

Unit 2G Variety Among Living Thi nP,so Plant s

13 mi n .

11 II

12 min. 11 11 11



11 min. 10 11



4~ THE L01.JLiill LAHTS . Classific ation of orf.7,ani sms.

Thallophytes - the algae, and ftmr;i - plant s

\vi thout c hloro..,hyll . Hos ses al'd Li ven1orts.

5. FES.l'TS A"D S~SD PL'\YTS . Vascular t issue and life

c yc le; f ern relatives ; seed plants - gymnosperms

and angiosnermso

Films available from the Department of Education

B & V.J

11 II 11

Color 11

D & W tl tl tl

Color B & W II II II

Film Noo Title Description 4 .. B-3 8 Fungus Plants 11 min. B & W B-1011 Simple Plants: Algae &

Fungi 13t II II II II

5. B-1009 Spruce Bog 23 II Color

Page 11: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


Unit 3. Variety among Livt_n_g__T_Q_;in~- Animals

6. TIE LO'.JLI <::1 Arrrt:ALS . Protozoa and sponge s; coeleuterates;

•> flAtworms; roundworms , rotifers and moss animals.


Hollusks; Annelids; echinocerms.

Arthronoda: cen~inedPS Rnd t'l tllineres: spiders; crnstacea;


Cartila~e fishes ; rony fishes;

amphj~ians; reptiles; ~irds; manmals .

Films avatlarle from the De par t_ment of Education

Film No., Title DescriQtion

6 .. 3-1 Animal Life 10 min. B 8- tv

ES-1017 vlorld In a Harsh 22 It Color

7 .. NS-70 Beach ard Sea Animals 11 min. B & W

HS-1011 Hollusks 14 II Color

8 .. B~lOO) Arachinda 20 It B & w l\TS~24 Spiders 11 II II II II

9. ]\TS-1012 Introducing the Rentiles 17 min. B & W

NS-1010 Heptiles 1~ 11 Color

'TS- i' f ,qre Intere~tin>" 12 11 Color

Page 12: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year

- 8-

Unit 4. Specialization in Higher Oro-anisms.

young plant; leave s - their str1 .cture nnd function; ...

stems -monoco tyledons and dicotyledons; root structure

and fu..'1ction; osmosis; plant hehaviour.

Organization in the Vertebrat9 Body . Cold-blooded

vertebrates; Warm blooded vertebrates. Behaviour in

vertebrAte animals.

Films Availarle from the Denart r-,ent of Education

Film No. Title Description

10o B-14 Leaves 11 min. B & tv B-19 Root s of Plants 11 II It II II

B-27 Life of a Plant 10 mino Color

NS~lOllt Colour of Life 24 It 11

GS-1030 Osmosis lLI- 11 B & W

llo B-1004 Anatomy of -~ c. Dogfish 19 11 11 It 11

B-34 The Frog 11 II It 11 II

rs-~1- A Fish Is Born 9 rt 11 It 11

l'TS ~ Ee Nammals are Interesting 12 11 Color

Page 13: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year






5 th ed. (Harcourt Brace)

Units 5 to 8 (Chapters 12 to 25)

Page 14: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


- 10-

Outline of Course for Grade XI


12. TP:"S ?ODY AT '!01"\K . The digestive system; t he respiratory

system the circulatory system; muscles and bones; the

excretory system.

13. FOODS ~TD rur:nTICF . Essent ial rmv materials; the body 1 s

energy needs; protein and mi nernl needs; vitamins.


The endocrine gl and s (ductless glands); stability of

the blood ; the nervous system o


The sense organs; inborn and l earned (cond itioned)

responses; motivation in human behaviour; learning

proces se s and problem-solv i ng .

'Filr.11.2.._!vailable fr om the Depa:r.:_tment of 3ducat ion

Film No. Title Description

B - 1C'07 The Human Rody: Circulatory System 13t min. Color

B - lOOP The Human Body : Digestive System 13t II II

B - 41 The Human Skeleton: Huscles, Hovement 8: Pos ture 11 !I B & W

H - 68 Breat hing 12 mino B & W


Page 15: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


Film rro. ritle Descri2tion

13 .. TJ 11 - lC'63 Food for Freddy 17 mir.. . Color

H - 4e Fund :nnent a1s of Diet 10 II B 8 l,J

H - 1065 Understending Vitemirs 14 II Color

ll,. 0 p - 4 The Blood 12 II B & :v

B - 29 Endocrine Glands 11 'I II II II

B - 30 Work of the Kidneys 11 II II I I II

p - 1Cl3 Eur.1an Pody: Nervous System 13* II Color

15 0 H - 33 Syes ar.d Their Care 10 II B _.(' vi

p - 6 ~ars P"'d FeArinP" 10 II II II II ll

B 32 The TIT8rvous Syst~m 11 I I II II II

~ ( - 1C'5f Children 1 s Emotions ') ) ll II ii II

"-' "" c_._

sw - 1109 Develonment of Individup1 Differences 13 1: I I II !I

• how ~erms ere ~nre~d; stP~ility and disease .

nev· nedicines ; impro1 ·ed metr'ods of cliaP'nosis ; modern

snrgery; prevention of infections ..

IF' o ' S.u c' . . I ].C'BL-·;1iS 'I'C' rB SC'LV::;;D o Cancer and its control;

the heart and C irC 1ll r,tor•r diseases o

Page 16: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


Films Ava-ilable from the Department of Education

Film Noo Title Description

16 0 B - 2 Bacteria 12 min. B l'r w

B - 47 Bacteria - Friend or Foe 11 II Color

H - 1047 Tracing the Spread of Infection 24 II B&W

B - 1012 Simple Plants: Bacteria 13t II tl 11 II

17o H - 122 Body Defence Against Disease 11 II 11 II 11

H - 12 Defence Against Invasion 12 II Color

H - 63 Immunizat ion 11 11 B & W

H - 1006 Louis Pasteur 17 11 11 II 11

H - 1069 The Atom & Medicine 12 II II 11 11

H 4 Behind the Shad 01:1s 15 11 II 11 II

18~ H ~ 106 Cancer 12 II II 11 II

From One Cell 14 Ll Color

H ~ 1049 Guard Your He,grt 27 II B & w -B 9 Heart and Circulation 10 II 11 II 11

Unit 1. THS co~·rrl'HJLTITY OF LIF'So


Reproduction in flowering piliants; reproduction in earth-

worms; reproduction in frogs; reproduction in mammals.

Page 17: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


20., HOVJ :;>qAITS AL!; ITl1E£\IrRDo Hendel and the discovery

of genetics; explanations and applications of genetic

principles; chromosomes and geneso

2lo HOlv FE'.! VA.tiiETIES l<AY A.:l. ISEo r~rutc:tions and new varieties;

new comhinations and variety anong the offspring; variety

among living peopleso

22o HTT1r.:'iiTAJTCE T:T·i.C'UGE L'ITE AG'!":S. The horse and its ancentry;

the earth and its history ; history of living things.


19 0

Artificial selection for a single trait; hybridization;

limitations and values of pureline ~reeding; mutations;

radia t ion g~neticso

Films Availa~le ~rom the Department of Education

Filr!L)'To 2.. Title Description

B - 27 L:_fe of a Plant 10 min. Color

NS - 38 Pollir:.ation 10 II B & W

B ~ 7 Earthworm 10 II II II II

B ~ 34 The Frog 11 II II II II

B ~ 33 Reproduction Among Nammals 11 II II II ll

B ~ 22 How Animal Life Begins 9 II II ll II

usc - 1029 In the Beginning .16 II II ll II

Page 18: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


Fi ~_m s_Ay.? j _'_5.[.l ~-from_ the j2_e_p_fl _i.'"' C"1~:_!~ __ o.f m nc at i.Q!2

Film No. Tit l e Description

20. B - 10 Heredity 11 min. B & w SH - 63 Hered i ty f Fami l y

En'l ironnent 9 II II II " 8~// - 1056 Hered ity {· fre-Fetal

D~velopm~nt 21 II II II II

2lo mv lOll Han and Hi s Cult ur e 15 II II ll II

22o GS - 76 Fossils: Cl ues to Prehis tor i c I' i 11 min. B & tv

HI - 25 Story of Pr ehistor i c Hc:m 11 ll II If ll

G 24 Eart h 's Rod :ey Crus t 10 II II II tt

G - 213 Face of the ~a:.r: th 12 II Color

HI - 23 Our Inher i t ance from the P&s t 10 II

GI - 144 A Lost t·Jorld 12 II

23o A 33 Central ~xper i!'l ental Far m 11

A - 62 The Atom and Agri~ulture 12

A 3 Ayrs hire Cat tle 8

A ~ 1r07 Wels h Plant :rreed i ng Sta tion 16

Unit 8 o LI VHJy POPULAT I Or S A1'D "2T"U \ I"'D-r;?r;;J'TDENCE.

24 . THS niOL OGY OF GROUP I T\7-,.~ACT I O' TS . 1tJild life

populations and t heir history: exchanges of

materials; balance of natureo

B & \v II II tl

min. B &

II II '1



w II 4o



Page 19: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year



2 5o l·1AJJ AND CONS?:1v A1'IO"". Soil and "\-Jeter conservation; forest

conservation; wildlife conservation.

26o BIOLOGY AFD SPACJ; rRA.VSL. The problem of space flight;

experiments in space travelo

Films Available from the Department of Education

Film Noo

24o NS - 1006

NS - 116

NS ~ Ill

c - 10

c - 9

c - 8

A - 104P

A - 1054

A - 37

A - 61

c - 1022

A - 53

c - 1021

NS - 1001

26o GS 1045

Realm of the Wild


28 min. Color

An imal HahitRts

Big Land Animals of North America

Forest Grows

Forest Conservation





Forest and Conservation 10

Land in Trust 27

Soil for Tomorrow 20

Our Soil Resonrces 10

Understanding Our Earth: Soil 10

Water for the Prairies 19

Arteries of Life 10

Beaver Makes a Comeback 16

Life on Western Marshes 15














A Trip to the Boon 16 II





B & W

If If II


B & 'vJ






B & W

Page 20: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year


Suggested List of Reference and Supplementary Books

Beauchamp? tv o L., . Iayfield, J .c., & ::Jest, J .Y. 1957 EVr.;:1YDAY PROBL~TS IF SC I~NCE Scott, Foresman & Co.

Brandwein, P .~., Hollingworth, L.G., Beck, A.D. & Burgess, A. E., 1953

YOU ArD YOll"R IfTHSRITANCE Harcourt, Brace & Coo

BrandvJein, P .F., Hollingworth, L. G., Beck, A.D., & Burgess, A.E., 1955 YOU APD SCI~NCE

Harcourt, Brace & Coo

Croal, AoGo, Loud en, A.H., Smith, L.A., & Wi smer, K.L., 1955. GENERAL DIOLOGY Copp Clark Publishing Co. Ltd.

Curtis, F.D., & Urban, T. 1949 BIOLOGY nr DAILY LIFE Ginn & Company

Curtis, F.D., & Urban , J. 195f­BIOLOGY - THE LIVING 140RLD Ginn & Company

PartridP'e, J .A. 1955 EA1'1:RAL SCI~fTC~ THROUGH THJ:i; SEASOFS Macmillan Coo of Canada Ltd.

Storer, T.I. & Usinger, R.L . 1955 EL~HEFTS OF ZOOLOGY NcGraw-Hill Book Co.

Weisz, P. B. 1959 THE SCI<;FC~ OF PI OLOGY HcGraw-Hill Book Co.

Wells, H., & Wells, P .R. 1956 GC.: '~T\AL BIOLOGY Nc-Graw-Hill Book Co.

Moon, Otto, Towle MODERN EIOLOGY Holt, Ri nehart & Winston

Page 21: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year

• . 1

\I' t



Page 22: BIOLOGY - · -4-A Recorn~enfed Method of Procedure The followin~ plan of ~rocedures is su~aested for the f irst year

;' I

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