  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing



    ByGroup 6Garvit Agarwal

    Gyan Prakash

    Karan Gupta

    Ravikumar Soni

    Sahil Singla

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Options and Futures

    Futures contracts are an obligation

    Must deliver or offset

    Liable for margin calls

    Locked into a price

    Options on futures contracts are the right to take a position in thefutures market at a given price called the strike price, but beyondthe initial premium, the option holder has no obligation to act on thecontract

    Lock-in a price but can still participate in the market if pricesmove favorably

    No margin calls

    Pay a premium for the option (similar to price insurance)

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Put and Call Options

    Put option: the right to sell a futures contract at a givenprice

    Call option: the right to buy a futures contract at a given

    price Call and put options are separate contracts and not

    opposite sides of the same transaction. They are linkedto the Futures

    Put OptionBuyer Seller

    Call OptionBuyer Seller

    Buyer Futures Seller

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    What can one do with an optiononce you buy it

    Let it expire Lose the premium that was paid

    Offset it: If one April Long Call is purchased then canoffset by selling one April Short Call

    Exercise it (places in a short position (put) or a long

    position (call) in the futures market. The holder then hasthe same obligations as if a futures contract hadoriginally been bought or sold)

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Strike Price Relationship to CurrentFutures Price

    Condition Put Option Call Option

    SP < futures Out-of-the money In-the money

    SP = futures At-the money At-the money

    SP > futures In-the money Out-of-the money

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    History of Binomial OptionsPricing

    The binomial options pricing model was developed by Cox, Ross,and Rubenstein in 1979 and has subsequently been usedthroughout the marketplace to price financial derivatives.

    Instead of treating the underlying as if it follows a log normal

    distribution like the Black-Scholes model, the binomial pricing modelassumes the stock price follows a simple binomial process brokeninto discrete time steps.

    Thus instead of a continuous distribution of stock prices, the stock isconsidered to undergo a particular percentage change, up or down,at each time step.

    Pricing is then accomplished using the no-arbitrage assumption andthe creation of a risk-free portfolio that replicates option prices byusing the theoretical combination of stocks and risk-free bonds.

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Assumptions of the BOPM

    There are two (and only two) possible prices for the underlyingasset on the next date. The underlying price will either:

    Increase by a factor of u% (an uptick) Decrease by a factor of d% (a downtick)

    The uncertainty is that we do not know which of the two priceswill be realized.

    No dividends.

    The one-period interest rate, r, is constant over the life of theoption (r% per period).

    Markets are perfect (no commissions, bid-ask spreads, taxes,price pressure, etc.)

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Replicating Portfolio

    P= $100

    X= $125

    T= 1 year

    i= 8%

    Su= $200

    Sd= $50

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Stock CallOption

    Su= $200

    Sd= $50P= $100

    Cu= max($0,


    Cd= max( $0,$50-$125)= $0


  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Step 1: Construct Bankruptcy free portfolio

    Stocks minimum value is $50

    So, borrow $50 at PV = $50/1.08= $46.3 Therefore, you invest $53.70 of your own money

    Step 2: Replicate future Returns

    We want net returns from option to equal $0, or $150

    Therefore, you have to buy 2 call options Step 3: Align the dollar cost of option and the


    As dollar outlay of bankruptcy free portfolio is $53.70, this

    should be same for two call option contracts

    Step 4: Value the Option

    Cost of one contract comes out to be C = $53.7/2= $26.85

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Using Hedge Ratio to develop ReplicatingPortfolio

    To eliminate the price variation through short sale of an assetexhibiting the same price volatility as asset to be hedged.Perfect hedge creates a riskless position

    Hedge ratio indicates number of asset units needed toeliminate price volatility of one call option

    In previous example, a perfect hedge can be created byselling one share short at $100 and buying two call options Here no matter which way stock price moves, net value of hedged

    portfolio will be $50

    Therefore, PV of this strategy is $50/1.08= 46.3

    C= 26.85 Hedge Ratio= (Cu-Cd)/(Su-Sd)

    Synthetic Call Replication: C= Hedge ratio X [Stock Price PV (borrowing)]

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Risk Neutral Valuation

    One step binomial model can also be expressedin terms of probabilities and call prices

    The sizes of upward and downward movements

    are defined as functions of the volatility U= size of up-move factor= e^(*sqrt t)

    D= size of down move factor= 1/U

    Risk Neutral probabilities

    u = (ert D)/(U-D) d = 1- u ; r= continuously compounded annual risk free rate

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing



    P = $20 = 14%

    r = 4%

    Dividends = Nil Strike price = $20

    Calculate the value of 1-year European call


  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    U = e 0.14*1 = 1.15

    D= 1/U= 0.87

    u = (e0.04*1 D)/(U-D) = 0.61

    d = 1-0.61 = 0.39

    Binomial tree for stock

    Binomial Tree for Options

    $20*1.15= $23

    $20*0.87= $17.40$20

    $3= max(0, 23-20)

    $0= max(0, 17.4-20)Co

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Expected value of option in one year iscalculated as:

    Cu X u + Cd Xd($3*0.61) + ($0*0.39) = $1.83

    Present Value = Co = $1.83/(e0.04*1)=

    $1.76 To calculate value of put option, use put

    call parity

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Two Periods

    Suppose two price changes are possible duringthe life of the option

    At each change point, the stock may go up by

    Ru% or down by Rd%

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Two-Period Stock PriceDynamics

    For example, suppose that in each of twoperiods, a stocks price may rise by 3.25% orfall by 2.5%

    The stock is currently trading at $47At the end of two periods it may be worth as

    much as $50.10 or as little as $44.68

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Two-Period Stock PriceDynamics







  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Terminal Call Values




    Cuu =$5.10

    Cud =$2.31

    Cdd =$0

    At expiration, a call with a strikeprice of $45 will be worth:

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    Two Periods

    The two-period Binomial model formula for aEuropean call is

    Cp2CUU 2p(1 p)CUD (1 p)


    1 r 2


  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing


    The n Period BinomialFormula:

    In general, the n-period model is:








    Where a in the summation is the minimum number ofup-ticks so that the call finishes in-the-money.

  • 7/31/2019 Binomial Options Pricing



    Pricing by arbitrage is the main theory behind the binomialpricing model.

    In order to price an option, the model generates a portfolio ofstocks and risk-free bonds that exactly replicates the payoff ofthe option.

    For a stock that moves up or down a given amount in aparticular time step, a linear combination of stocks and risk-free bonds can be put together in a portfolio that uniquelyrepresents this option price.

    The uniqueness of this price is guaranteed by the arbitrage

    theorem: if two assets or sets of assets have the samepayoffs, they must have the same market price. Thus, we are given a procedure to determine the price of

    options by dealing with portfolios that accurately replicatetheir payoffs.

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