Page 1: bin.smwcentral.netAct+1.docx  · Web viewSNN, the admin of tyranny. Absent Ministrator, the admin of discord. Reigning from distant realms, the two had gathered users from all lands

SNN, the admin of tyranny.

Absent Ministrator, the admin of discord.

Reigning from distant realms, the two had gathered users from all lands

to lead them in savage war.

SNN and Absent were of equal strength.

It was believed the conflict would last forever.

But the balance was broken.

Those who answered Absent’s call created an inexhaustible force.

Under vicious attack without relent,

the users fighting for SNN started to fall, one by one.

The conflict that has continued for months is now about to end in Absent’s favor. The site has been torn asunder, sinking into a vortex of disorder.

As for the few surviving users… their fates have yet to be determined.

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 4 ~~

*All of Absent's warriors are standing in Announcements*

smkdan: All shall bear fruit in due time. The ultimate mortal conflict--

NeoSigma: as well as the absolute end of the site.

*Nameless cleans out his ears. Giga walks forward.*

NeoSigma: Perhaps the only thing that is out of our reach-- is the whimsy of the admins.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 5 (I - 1/13) ~~

*Ersanio is walking thorugh SNN's bio page. SNN's voice can be heard*

SNN's Voice: “I order you, obtain the munchers so the site won't asplode!”

Ersanio: SNN... We have heard your order, and we will fulfill it. With munchers in our hands, we shall bring order to the site--

xman: And where do you think you're going?

Ersanio: xman!

xman: Do you dare run from a battle?

Ersanio: I do not intend to run from anything.

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xman: Then let us start. Destiny is at hand. We might as well enjoy it!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 6 (III - 1/9) ~~

*Bloodstar and Katelynn are standing in SMW SMW Hack Discussion*

Bloodstar: Munchers...have the power to break through chaos, huh? I wonder what they look like.

Katelynn: Do you think we can find them? What if we do find them, but still can't save the site?

Bloodstar: *sigh* Admins always have a habit of sounding pretentious, don't they? There's no proof that SNN is telling the truth, but we don't know that he's wrong either. Anyway, our only choice is to head forward. Let's start with what we can do.

Katelynn: Mm-hmm... You're right.

Bloodstar: Standing around here isn't going to give us any answers. Come on, let's get moving. You don't need to worry. I'm going to figure this all out.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 7 (VII - 1/9) ~~

*Raibys, Internoob, Supertails, and Rayman Man are standing around in Talk*

Internoob: Well? Any clues on the muncher?

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Supertails: No, nothing...

Rayman Man: So these munchers can save the site, huh? I wonder how we're supposed to find them.

Raibys: We probably have to fight more. Just defeat every enemy we encounter--

Supertails: Don't know if we should be running into battle without knowing what's going on. After all, most people can't win every fight.

Rayman Man: I guess we gotta rest up sometime.

Raibys: There is some truth to that.

Internoob: It's good to have you with us, Supertails. You've the sense to think things through.

Rayman Man: You could learn something, Internoob.

Raibys: Look who's talking!

*Raibys, Internoob, and Rayman Man chuckle*

Raibys: Guess we all need some of that sense.

Supertails: (Sense? No, that's not it. I'm just--)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 8 (I - 2/13) ~~

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*xman is on his knees, defeated*

xman: *grunts* You truly think that you can save this site?

Ersanio: That is precisely our mission. Our hopes have no been crushed yet.

xman: *laughs* What a fool. What you hope for is nothing but an illusion. Pursue it and it will run. You may draw near, but never obtain it.

Ersanio: What?

xman: Eventually you will see... the truth behind this conflict... *Begins to fade away* and the site will betray you! *Laughs menacingly*

Ersanio: No matter what becomes of the site... we will not lose.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 9 (VII - 2/9) ~~

*Rayman Man, Internoob, Raibys, and Supertails are in Hot off the Press*

Rayman Man: Can somebody tell me what the heck these muncher are anyway?

Internoob: Once we get them, will be able to beat Absent?

Raibys: If that is what SNN orders, it is up to us to carry it out.

Supertails: But what are we-- What exactly are we fighting for?

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Raibys: What do you mean? Isn't to defeat Absent Ministrator and bring back order to the site?

Supertails: SNN only said that we had to get the munchers. There's no guarantee that defeating Absent will bring peace. Nobody knows for sure what's going to happen to the site.

Rayman Man: I think we just have to keep faith!

Raibys: We don't need to know much in order to fight, do we?

Supertails: I just... need some convincing. I don't want to find myself swept into more battles... without knowing why I'm there.

Rayman Man: Supertails...

Supertails: Can any of you guys tell me? If there is a good reason to be here fighting, I want to hear it.

Internoob: A reason to fight... I suppose I've never thought of that before.

Rayman Man: I'm settling things with my old man! But that's a personal issue, I know...

Supertails: *sincerely* Good for you, Rayman Man.

Raibys: Could you give me some time? I want to come up with an answer that could convince you.

*Supertails nods*

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Supertails: *by himself now* An answer... Hm...

~~ Destiny Odyssey 10 (III - 2/9) ~~

*Bloodstar and Katelynn are walking through Reality Corner*

Katelynn: Wait a minute...

Bloodstar: What?

Katelynn: I feel something... Something very powerful from that direction...

Bloodstar: Do you think it's a muncher?

Katelynn: I can't tell. It's just a strong presence.

Bloodstar: Let's check it out. What's worng?

Katelynn: Something about this doesn't feel right. I don't think we should get any closer.

Bloodstar: Kate, even if it isn't a muncher, we might find some clues. It's alright. I can handle any enemy that comes our way.

Katelynn: But...

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Bloodstar: Absent's puppets may be strong, but they're just big lunkheads. And I've got something they don't. *Points to his head* Right here, if you know what I mean! Come on, let's keep going.

*Katelynn hesitates at first, but follows Bloodstar*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 11 (VIII 1/10) ~~

*Spade, pikaguy, and Jorshamo are in Talk*

Spade: *to Jorshamo* Whew! You saved our hides. Thanks!

pikaguy: Oh. Are you all by yourself?

Jorshamo: Yeah.

pikaguy: Then you can come with us. Let's look for our munchers together!

Jorshamo: (Why does this happen every time?) No Offense to you guys-- But I'd much rather be by myself.

Spade: But doesn't it get... lonely sometimes?

pikaguy: Well, I guess if he wants to go off on his own... Okay, well, we're heading that way.

Spade: We'll meet up later-- after we get our munchers!

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*Spade and pikaguy run off*

*pikaguy comes back to Jorshamo*

pikaguy: I almost forgot.

Jorshamo: What is it?

pikaguy: I thought you should have something. *pulls a cookie out of his pocket* Here, take this!

Jorshamo: What's that nasty-looking cookie?

pikaguy: Hey, watch your mouth! This cookie's been my trusted companion. Whenever I found myself in danger, this good-luck charm saved me.

Jorshamo: This is a battlefield. It's not a place to be concerned about others.

pikaguy: I'm just looking out for you. I'll be alright. I got Spade with me. Just give it back the next time we meet. Promise okay? *runs off*

Jorshamo: (Who said anything about a promise?)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 12 (VII - 3/9) ~~

*Supertails and Raibys are in SMW Hack Discussion*

Page 10: bin.smwcentral.netAct+1.docx  · Web viewSNN, the admin of tyranny. Absent Ministrator, the admin of discord. Reigning from distant realms, the two had gathered users from all lands

Raibys: I've been thinking about why we have to fight. But... I'm finding it difficult to put into words.

Supertails: I see...

Raibys: There is one thing I came up with. Conivincing or not *Lunar Magic logo appears in his hand*

Supertails: What's that?

Raibys: The Lunar Magic logo. To me it reminds me of how far SMW hacking has come along. But now all things related to SMW hacks are in danger of being destroyed. That's the reason I want to end this conflict. Of course, that's all just still a dream.

Supertails: A dream?

Raibys: yes. It's a dream I can't give up on. That's why I can keep fighting.

Supertails: Raibys-- will you fight me?

Raubys: What?

Supertails: I want to know. I have to know if that dream is really strong enough. Strong enough to keep you fighting.

Raibys: But supertails-- Understood. I'll take you on.

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 13 (III - 3/9) ~~

*Bloodstar and Katelynn are in Advanced SMW Hacking*

Bloodstar: Kate, you feel something?

Katelynn: It's still up ahead... Watch out!

*A Yoshi appears*

A Yoshi: Pawns of SNN, I presume.

Bloodstar: (Whoa... What is with this guy? I've never felt such an intimidating aura...)

A Yoshi: I come out here to kill the time, and what do I find but a woman and child.

Bloodstar: (No way I can look after Katelynn while fighting him. I've got an idea...) C-could you possiby let us go, sir?

A Yoshi: What?

Bloodstar: *feebly* Our strength is no match to yours. We're hardly worth your time. I think you'd be much better off finding a stronger opponent to fight. Unless you're the cowardly type who only picks on those weaker than yourself...

A Yoshi: I suppose there is no point in sending harmless insects to be permabanned. *laughs* Very well. I will let you go. But keep this in mind, little worm. The munchers shun the unworthy hands of those without valor. *disappears*

Bloodstar: Well, that was easy! Of course even if he came for us, I would have run! I don't fight against anyone unless I know I can win.

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Katelynn: But... wasn't it a bit strange?

Bloodstar: What do you mean by that?

Katelynn: It seemed like he let us go on purpose. He sort of even gave you advice when you wouldn't fight him...

Bloodstar: You mean the "those without valor" line? Fighting against someone you can't beat isn't a sign of valor. It's simply being reckless!

Katelynn: I'm sorry. I just--

Bloodstar: Then I'll prove it to you by getting the muncher! That'll show you I'm not "without valor." Let's go. Do you still feel the presence?

Katelynn: It's up ahead.

Bloodstar: Right!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 14 (VII - 4/9) ~~

*Supertails and Raibys in SMW Hack Discussion. Raibys is on his knees, defeated*

Raibys: It's not... over yet! *throws his weapons at Supertails, stopping just short of hitting ST*

Supertails: *offers to help Raibys up* Not bad at all...

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Raibys: Like I said... I won't give up on my dream...

Supertails: Yeah. But... I can't be like you.

Raibys: Why not?

Supertails: I've looked, but I'm still empty-handed. And without a dream, what do you suppose I should do? Sorry. Didn't mean to confuse you. *walks away* (Maybe what I'm looking for... isn't here.)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 15 (IX - 1/10) ~~

*Spade and pikaguy are in Data Repository*

Spade: Hey, pikaguy. Wanna have a race?

pikaguy: A race?

Spade: Yeah. Whoever finds his muncher first wins. What do you think?

pikaguy: So it's a treasure hunt. This is gonna be easy.

Spade: Hey, don't forget. You're talking to a professional thief here.

pikaguy: Then I'm going to be just like the thief and steal victory!

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Spade: The treasure... is this way! *runs*

pikaguy: The treasure... is this way! *runs* Go, go, go!

Spade: Is that supposed to be me?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 16 (III - 4/9) ~~

*Bloodstar and Katelynn are in Announcements.*

Katelynn: It's here. Something powerful is close by.

Bloodstar: I don't see anything unusual. Let me go take a look around and--

*Ketelynn holds her head, in pain*

Bloodstar: Katelynn?

*Katelynn begins to glow*

Katelynn: What is... this voice... in my head!? No! What is this... Aaagh!

Bloodstar: Katelynn! What's going on!?

*Katelynn begins uncontrollably attacking Bloodstar*

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Bloodstar: Katelynn, what are you doing? Don't you recognize me!? Looks like I have no choice but to fight!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 17 (VII - 5/9) ~~

*Supertails and Internoob are in Tutorials*

Internoob: Supertails. Did Raibys give you his answer?

Supertails: Yeah. He says he has a dream. And that he'll keep fighting to make it come true.

Internoob: Sounds like Raibys, sure enough.

supertails: He told you?

Internoob: Yes, although he was embarrassed at first. He said he wanted to create a site where hacking ideas can grow in perpetual peace.

Supertails: Sounds so... childlike.

Internoob: Honest men have honest dreams.

Supertails: Maybe he wished it on a star. What about you, Internoob?

Internoob: I don't think I can give you the kind of answer you're looking for. But perhaps there is someone somewhere with an answer. Why not go and look for it?

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Supertails: But I...

Raibys: You should go, Supertails.

*Raibys and Rayman Man walk in*

Supertails: You too?

Rayman Man: We're rooting for you!

Supertails: You really don't mind?

*Raibys nods*

Raibys: Just one thing: When you find your answer, you come and tell us what it is.

Supertails: Got it. That's a promise.

*Supertails walks away*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 18 (III - 5/9) ~~

*Bloodstar is in Announcements, Katelynn is defeated*

*Katelynn still glows*

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Bloodstar: Katelynn! Katelynn! It's me ! Are you alright?

*Katelynn yells and then disappears*

Bloodstar: Katelynn!?

*Electron appears*

*Electron laughs*

Electron: Stay out of the way. Her true powers are beginning to awaken.

Bloodstar: What have you done to her!?

Electron: *laughs* The legendary Bloodstar. A title far too grand for a child such as you. Do you not understand who caused this to happen?

Bloodstar: What?

Electron: Who was the brute who chose not to ease the girl's pain, but to use his weapon instead? Who was the fool who dragged the unwilling girl here?

Bloodstar: I, I--

Electron: the girl knew in her heart all along. That is why she was so reluctant! You have only yourself to blame for this. Your shallow cleverness got the best of you! Curse your own ignorance and powerlessness. Nothing you can do can save the girl!

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*Electron vanishes*

Bloodstar: Katelynn...

~~ Destiny Odyssey 19 (VIII - 2/10) ~~

*Jorshamo is in Gaming*

*Pulls out the cookie*

Jorshamo: (A good-luck charm...)

*SNN appears*

SNN: Did a friend give that to you?

Jorshamo: More like shoved it down my throat.

SNN: I can see it on your face, Jorshamo. You regret not going with them, do you not?

Jorshamo: I don't regret anything. I just... never thought anyone cared about me. Sympathy is a burden I don't need. But it wouldn't hurt to know someone's got my back. Perhaps I... shouldn't have turned down their invitation.

SNN: No. You made the right decision. In order to obtain the muncher, one must fight the real enemy that dwells inside his heart. That enemy must be confronted alone.

Page 19: bin.smwcentral.netAct+1.docx  · Web viewSNN, the admin of tyranny. Absent Ministrator, the admin of discord. Reigning from distant realms, the two had gathered users from all lands

Jorshamo: My real enemy... Him...

SNN: Yes... smkdan, the lard wizard who controls time. Defeat him, and the muncher shall be yours. It is a long and lonely road. Will you be able to maintain your lofty dedication to solitude?

Jorshamo: That goes without saying. Or do you want me to swear it on this cookie? *walks forward, away from SNN*

*SNN's shiloutte fades, revealing that Jorshamo was actually talking to smkdan the whole time*

smkdan: No... You're doing fine.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 20 (III - 6/9) ~~

*Bloodstar is by himself in Emulation, then SNN appears*

SNN: I felt the fear in Katelynn's cry. She is in pain. Electron has taken hold of her with his curse...

Bloodstar: It's my fault...

SNN: Yes. Because you were overconfident of your powers

Bloodstar: SNN, you know how... You know how to save Katelynn, don't you?

SNN: You must defeat Electron.

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Bloodstar: Him... ? But I can't fight him... I don't fight against anyone I can't beat... Oh right! The muncher! I should be able to save Katelynn if I can get my hands on the muncher... It has the power to save the site, right? Then I won't have to fight anybody! Please, just tell me where I should go find the muncher!

SNN: Avoiding conflict is certainly a choice. Few would say it is wrong. But is that truly what is in your heart?

Bloodstar: What's in my heart...?

SNN: The muncher lights the way to what you seek. It is yours if you look inside your heart and follow what is most important to you. I'm afraid that is all I can tell you. *disappears*

*Giga walks in*

Giga: Such a pity.

Bloodstar: Absent's minion...

Giga: Katelynn was her name, was it not? Unless the curse is lifted, she will live only to fight for Electron. When at last her strength fails her, she will fall to some faceless foe. You cannot defeat Electron. You'd show wisdom in choosing to avoid him. Why do you hesitate? You do not trust what your mind knows to be true?

Bloodstar: I...

Giga: If not to reason, then listen to your heart. *vanishes*

*Bloodstar runs off*

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 21 (VIII 3/10) ~~

*Jorshamo is walking through SMW Hack Discussion*

Crystal King's voice: Are you enjoying your solitude?

*Crystal King appears in front of Jorshamo*

Jorshamo: What do you want?

Crystal King: Just came to get my bait for Spade-fishing. And a reckless, lonesome traveler like yourself is just what I needed.

Jorshamo: Sorry, but I'm not interested

Crystal King: Beg pardon?

Jorshamo: *draws weapon* I see that Spade has some worthless enemies.

Crystal King: Bark while you can, boy. You'll soon be yelping for mercy.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 22 (III - 7/9) ~~

*Electron and Katelynn are in Talk. Katelynn has collapsed*

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Electron: Unconscious already... She's too fragile to be of any use. Well, now. Have you not learned yet?

*Bloodstar runs in*

Electron: Are you here to challenge me again?

Bloodstar: I don't fight anyone that I can't defeat. I will do whatever you want. So please, spare Katelynn's life.

Electron: So you have learned after all. Your decision is a wise one. Very well. Then you shall serve me. Prove yourself more useful than the girl.

Bloodstar: I didn't think you'd be so gullible. *strikes Electron with his weapon. Runs over to Katelynn* No way I'm joining Absent!

Electron: *laughs* Foolish child... You should know better by now than to deceive me!

Bloodstar: I finally got it. I was a fool to defy my heart, just to bind myself to reason. I will protect Katelynn with my own strength. That's what's most important to me! Don't get me wrong-- I still won't fight against anyone I can't beat. But I've decided in my heart to fight. That's why I'm going to beat you!

Electron: *scoffs* Enough chatter!

~~Destiny Odyssey 23 (III - 8/9) ~~

*Bloodstar and Electron are about to fight. Still in Talk*

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Electron: You have already taken such a beating... and you still want to save her?

Bloodstar: Gotcha! *lunges at Electron but misses when Electron teleports away*

Electron: A lone heart will not change the site... *reappears* What awaits you when you awake is always--*charges energy beam* nothing but despair. *fires beam*

*Bloodstar takes a direct hit but stands his ground*

Bloodstar: Not even you can destroy this. What I've found is strength-- Strength to protect everyone!

*Electron vanishes and reappears directly in front of Bloodstar*

Electron: But can you use it?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 24 (VIII - 4/10) ~~

*Jorshamo and Crystal King are in SMW Hack Discussion. CK is defeated*

Jorshamo: Knew you were all talk. *walks toward CK*

Crystal King: I've come to realize... that Spade would never be interested in chasing a lone wolf like you. So, I have come up with a far better idea to make Spade come to me.

Jorshamo: Enough! *charges at CK, but CK leaps away just in time*

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Crystal King: I am done dealing with you. Just sit back and watch the second act unfold. *disappears*

Jorshamo: (Is worrying about them going to help any? No, of course not...)

Spade's Voice: "We'll meet up later-- after we get our munchers!"

pikaguy's voice: "Promise, okay?"

*Jorshamo pulls out the cookie*

Jorshamo: There's something I have to do. I must... persevere.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 25 (I - 3/13) ~~

*Ersanio finds Raibys in Gaming after Raibys was defeated by Captain Pissweak*

Ersanio: Raibys! *steps in front of Raibys* You've fought well. Leave the rest to me.

Raibys: I can't!

Ersanio: You must go and look after our comrades to keep their paths to the munchers open.

Captain Pissweak: A fresh one. You won't get your muncher fighting against me.

Ersanio: I thought not.

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Captain Pissweak: Then why do you stand in my way?

Ersanio: You have injured one of my comrades.

Captain Pissweak: and you want revenge, I take it. So, on a whim, you would risk your life--

Ersanio: Let us begin, and see this put to rest.

Captain Pissweak: Hehe *raises his weapon* This might be entertaining.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 26 (III - 9/9) ~~

*Bloodstar and Electron are in Talk, Electron has been defeated*

Electron: *laughs and begins to fade away* I have been defeated by a child! *vanishes*

Bloodstar: *runs over to Katelynn who is still unconscious* Katelynn! Katelynn!!!

*Giga walks in*

Giga: She merely fainted. The girl drew too deeply upon her powers.

Bloodstar: You again... You're not getting near Katelynn!

Giga: I admire your resolve. You should protect her.

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Bloodstar: What?

Giga: For all the awesome power that she wields, the girl fears what she is. You must be her shield, her pillar of support.

Bloodstar: I don't need you to tell me that!

Giga: I suppose not. You know the path that lies before you. And the muncher that lights the way to that which you seek.

*Bloodstar's muncher appears before him*

Bloodstar: This is the muncher... *takes the muncher*

*Giga has already left. Katelynn wakes up*

Katelynn: Where are we...?

Bloodstar: Katelynn... Everything is alright. I'll be right here, so you can rest. *Katelynn falls back asleep* Because I'll protect you. But... maybe for a minute, I'll-- *lies down beside Katelynn*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 27 (IX - 2/10) ~~

*Spade and pikaguy are walking through Hot off the Press*

*Both see something odd*

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Spade: What could that be?

pikaguy: It looks like-- a muncher! *runs toward it*

Spade: Wha-? Hey, wait!

*pikaguy vanishes along with the fake muncher*

Spade: Huh... pikaguy? Where did he go? Heeey!

*Nameless walks in out of hiding*

Nameless: How perfectly poetic! The mouse scampers off, but the monkey just keeps hanging around!

Spade: Huh?

Nameless: Well, whatever. This should still be interesting, at least.

Spade: Hey! Is this your doing? What did you do with pikaguy?

Nameless: What's wrong with you, you noisy baboon? TOO STUPID TO EVEN GET CAUGHT IN A TRAP?

Spade: Tell me where pikaguy is... or I'll force it out of you!

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 28 (I - 4/13) ~~

*In Gaming. Ersanio has defeated Captain Pissweak*

Captain Pissweak: Not bad at all... But now I realize there is only who could defeat me.

Ersanio: What in the world are you--

Captain Pissweak: I have one question for you. For what reason do you take up that blade?

Ersanio: To obtain the muncher, and put an end to the conflict.

Captain Pissweak: So you fight to end the fighting... You have a long road ahead. Do you really expect to end the conflict after all your battles?

Ersanio: However long the road, each battle brings me closer.

Captain Pissweak: I think not. You don't wish an end to the fighting. You find pleasure in it,*Raibys' LM logo appears in CP's hand* just as I do.

Ersanio: (The LM logo... that must be what Raibys came for...)

Captain Pissweak: You and I are the same-- entities befitting this closed site.

Ersanio: Closed site?

Captain Pissweak: The time has come. I must face him and fulfill my obligation. *disappears*

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Ersanio: He got away... (What does the enemy know about this site?) (...No use worrying) For now, I must continue my quest for the muncher.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 29 (IX 3/10) ~~

*In Hot off the Press, Spade defeated Nameless*

Spade: Just give it up already. I wanna know where pikaguy is!

Nameless: *laughs* I'm afraid the mouse is... SMACK ... dab in the middle of enemy territory. Go look for him if you want, but you'll just be wasting your time! *disappears*

Spade: pikaguy... I'm coming to find you!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 30 (VII 6/9) ~~

*Supertails is walking through Emulation*

Captain Pissweak: Good to see you, Supertails. *appears*

Supertails: Captain Pissweak!

*Captain Pissweak raises his weapon*

Captain Pissweak: Why won't you take up your sword?

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Supertails: Fighting you... would be meaningless. I'm tired of taking part in pointless battles.

Captain Pissweak: Then if you had a reason, you would fight anyone?

Supertails: No! All I want is to believe in why I fight.

Captain Pissweak: Nothing but a puppet.

Supertails: What?

Captain Pissweak: Then let me give you a reason. *Raibys' LM logo appears* A dream is easy to nip in the butt. How pitiful. To live life hanging on to something so fragile...

Supertails: It's Raibys' LM logo...! *Captain Pissweak laughs* No.. What have you done to them!?

Captain Pissweak: So now you have your reason. Come after me. *vanishes*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 31 (I 5/13) ~~

*Ersanio is walking through Tutorials, but stops.*

Ersanio: Do you think I don't notice your presence? Why not just show yourself?

*smkdan appears*

smkdan: Impressive.

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Ersanio: smkdan...

smkdan: Where are you headed? Might you still be in search of your precious muncher?

Ersanio: The munchers are indeed our goal. I do not intend to stop until I find mine

smkdan: Why don't you just give up? The munchers are nothing more than the fabrication of a fallen administrator. To so willingly risk your life over such things is beyond ridiculous.

Ersanio: Are you finished talking?

smkdan: What?

Ersanio: If you have no business with me, you should leave now. The site's time runs short. There is not a moment to waste with the likes of you.

smkdan: You are bold for one so young... Then have it your way. It is time for you to face the harshness of reality!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 32 ~~

*Captain Pissweak and Giga walk past each other in Hot off the Press and stop*

Captain Pissweak: Do you miss being on SNN's side?

Giga: I merely have duties to fulfill.

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Captain Pissweak: Too close to him, and you may get scorched.

*Both continue walking.*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 33 (I - 6/13) ~~

*In Tutorials, Ersanio has defeated smkdan*

smkdan: Do you think... your victory means the end? *reappears* Nothing you do will ever matter. Your strength is not enough to save the world, no matter how hard you try.

Ersanio: Your deceptions fail you. I have comrades who are in search of their own munchers.

smkdan: *chuckles* I think you're rather unaware...

Ersanio: What?

smkdan: Those comrades that you speak of are suffering. Some do not know why they fight, while others stand alone, having lost faith in their comrades. When this conflict comes to an end... all you will gain is utter despair. You will not find hope. You will not find a future! *laughs and disappears*

Ersanio: (It is true, I have not yet found a way to the muncher, nor do I know what the future holds...) But the future... is yet to come.

*continues forward*

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 34 (X - 1/9) ~~

*Rayman Man and Raibys are in Announcements*

Rayman Man: Okay! We're done here!

Raibys: I guess we got through that somehow.

Rayman Man: Piece of cake! I'll take down every last one of Absent's bunch!

*Internoob enters*

Internoob: We're counting on you.

Rayman Man: Yah...! E-every last one but Giga. Don't worry. I won't finish HIM off.

Internoob: Heh. He's no easy adversary.

Raibys: You have family, too, don't you?

Internoob: Hellsingrunner, wasn't it?

Rayman Man: My old man doesn't count.

Internoob: What?

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Rayman Man: He's going down first! I don't care if he begs for mercy.

Internoob: But he's your own flesh and blood. Are you sure you're--

Rayman Man: I'm looking forward to it! *runs off* (My heart started to race. Just the thought of seeing my old man again... there was no way I could stay calm.)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 35 (VII - 7/9) ~~

*In Gaming, Supertails approaches Captain Pissweak.*

Captain Pissweak: I knew you'd come. You always do as you're told, don't you?

Supertails: What?

Captain Pissweak: You look for a reason because you don't want to be swept into a fight...*scoffs* but all you do is look. You do nothing to follow that desire. That is why you are so eager to make someone else's reason your own.

Supertails: What's your point?

Captain Pissweak: Your companions could get hurt, yet they'd still have the will to continue their search. But what about you? You're nothing but a puppet that gets swept away, unable to make any decisions on its own.

Supertails: You're wrong! I just--

Captain Pissweak: So... I'll continue to provide you with a reason-- every time you need one.

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Supertails: Shut up! I've had enough of being told what to fight for. I came here of my own will!

Captain Pissweak: All you've ever wanted *draws weapon* was to cling to old memories.

*Supertails grunts and draws his weapon*

Supertails: You're the one who can't let go!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 36 (VII - 8/9) ~~

*Supertails and Captain Pissweak are about to fight*

*Both them cross swords.*

Supertails: Captain Pissweak! It ends here. *knocks Captain Pissweak down* Go back to sleep. *rushes Captain Pissweak*

*Captain Pissweak breaks his fall*

*Supertails gasps*

Captain Pissweak: Accept it. *slices his sword at Supertails, stopping ST's lunge* I'm the one who guides you-- forever! *takes a long swing of his sword at ST, knocking him far back onto the ground.* If it's despair you want-- then I shall provide.

Supertails: What I want most-- *gets back on his feet* I'll find myself.

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Captain Pissweak: You're nothing but a puppet.

{Destiny Odyssey 37 is skipped due to the fact a later scene is the exact same, but with more added to the beginning}

~~ Destiny Odyssey 38 (VII - 9/9) ~~

*Supertails is still in Gaming, Captain Pissweak is defeated*

*ST's muncher appears. He walks near it.*

Supertails: This is it-- the muncher.

Captain Pissweak: It is also *reappears* what you most despise. Take it, and you will be doomed to further conflicts and never know why.

Supertails: so be it, if that's my destiny. I live in my reality, not yours. *takes muncher*

Captain Pissweak: Very Well. Every time your eyes gaze upon it, remember: You were only able to obtain it with my guidance. And I will continue to pull your strings. *Disappears*

Supertails: I decide my own path. (Even if I have my doubts... I have to find my own answer and tell my friends like I promised-- Until then, I'll keep fighting.) *walks out of Gaming*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 39 (VIII - 5/10) ~~

*Jorshamo is in Reality Corner when Ersanio walks in*

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Jorhsamo: (Wow... Such a dazzling fellow...)

Ersanio: Are you by yourself?

Jorshamo: (Why does everybody ask me that?) To obtain the muncher, each one of us must confront his real enemy. SNN told me that.

Ersanio: SNN did?

Jorshamo: Isn't that why you're by yourself, too? I just want to get the muncher and get out.

Ersanio: The enemy is not one but many. They have joined forces to defeat us. Should you not look for someone to guard your back?

Jorshamo: (Don't force your thoughts on me. Just stay out of my way.) I have only one goal. *draws weapon* I won't allow for distractions. (I need that resolve to persevere.)

Ersanio: *draws weapon* Why do you insist on fighting alone? Can you carve out your path-- without the help of others?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 40 (V - 1/9) ~~

*pikaguy is lying down in SMW Hack Discussion, but wakes up an stands up*

pikaguy: Where am I? *realizes someone is coming and runs for cover*

Crystal King: So now... where is that mouse you caught?

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Nameless: Hmmm? Well, now, this is odd.. He was here just a minute ago...

Crystal King: Anyway, the one I'm after is Spade. *groans* I didn't even ask you to do this. Now you've made it harder to catch him.

Nameless: Awww, but it looked like fun! No fair hogging it all!

Crystal King: Though I suppose it would be foolish to let this mouse go to waste...

pikaguy: (Huh, so that trap was supposed to be for Spade. Good thing they didn't catch him, but who are they to call me a mouse!?) (I wonder what those guys are talking about over there.)

Nameless: *laughs* A brilliant plan! And I know the perfect one to carry it out.

pikaguy: Might as well look around. With any luck, I just might find my muncher! *tosses around various weapons* Everyone's skills are gonna come in handy!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 41 (VIII - 6/10) ~~

*Reality Corner, Jorshamo has defeated Ersanio*

Ersanio: You are strong. Don't you have any intention of using that strength to protect the others?

Jorshamo: Fighting together's not the only way. *pulls out cookie* We can still help each other, even if we're apart. And whether or not I needed it, I received their support. So I'll retuurn the favor in my own way. I have to carve out my path to change the situation.

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Ersanio: I'm afraid I have misjudged you. I had assumed you preferred to be alone because you did not trust your comrades. You should continue down this road you have chosen. *Walks past Jorshamo* Eventually, all paths join as one. Do not forget. None of us are alone. *exits*

Jorshamo: (None of us are alone, huh...)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 42 ~~

*Bloodstar and Katelynn are walking through Data Repository, Nameless and Electron are watching from afar*

Electron: Hmph *charges energy beam directed at Katelynn and Bloodstar*

*Nameless pushes Electron's hand out of the way*

Nameless: *nervously* Hee hee hee.

Electron: Why not break her now? So fragile... it would be simple.

Nameless: I wanna have some fun! After all, she's a-- good ol' friend of mine. *Laughs loudly*

*The laugh's echo startles Katelynn and Bloodstar, but upon turning around they can't see Nameless or Electron.*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 43 (IV - 1/9) ~~

*Internoob is in Talk*

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Internoob: (I thought if only I were diligent, what I sought would soon be mine. Yet still, the true path eludes me.) (What must I do to find the muncher? The world isn't waiting for me to--)

*Giga appears*

Giga: You seem to be in a pensive mood, Internoob.

Internoob: Brother!

Giga: Lose yourself in the fog of doubt and reverie, and you will never reach the muncher. It will forever remain but a dream.

Internoob: I lose my way because it is a dream.

Giga:*chuckles* What exactly do you think the munchers are? The true brilliance of the muncher is not visible to the eye. Casting about your gaze will not reveal a single mote of its light.

Internoob: What does that mean?

*Raibys enters*

Raibys: Internoob, where are you? What are you doing?

Giga: If you want to know the secret of the muncher, follow my shadow. *disappears*

*Raibys jogs up to Internoob's side*

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Raibys: Are you alright? That was... Giga, wasn't it? Isn't he sided with Absent?

Internoob: He's also... my brother.

Raibys: *gaps* Be that as it may... he's with the enemy. What did he say to you?

Internoob: He said he knows the secret of the muncher-- that I should follow him if I want it.

Raibys: Internoob, this is hard for me to say... but lower your guard and the darkness may lead you to a trap.

Internoob: That can't be--

Rayman Man: Come on, guys. What's going on over there?

Raibys: Let's go. Rayman Man is getting impatient. It's better to forget what he told you. I don't want to see my friend walk into danger. *leaves*

Internoob: What should I do?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 44 (VI - 1/9) ~~

*Katelynn and Bloodstar are in Data Repository.*

Bloodstar: Something bothering you?

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Katelynn: The winds have stopped. I can't feel the enemies' moves-- or the presence of our friends. This has never happened before... But don't worry about me! I feel fine, so--

Bloodstar: I'll protect you.

Katelynn: What?

Bloodstar: I'll always protect you, Katelynn. That's a promise.

*Katelynn looks worried, but then smiles.*

Bloodstar: Is something funny?

Katelynn: I've just-- always thought of you as something of a rascal. Since when did you become so knightly?

Bloodstar: So... you don't remember anything.

Katelynn: Huh?

Bloodstar: Nothing. Never mind. Come on, we should get going. *starts walking*

Katelynn: (Ever since I woke up, it feels like I've forgotten something important. But I can't remember-- what it could have been. Or even why I was asleep...)

Bloodstar: Katelynn, are you coming?

Katelynn: Oh-- Yes. (But I know it will come back to me. And maybe then, I can find my way to the muncher...)

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 45 ~~

*xman, Crystal King, and Hellsingrunner are in Talk.*

Crystal King: *to xman* You think I'm outsmarting myself? Hehehe. I tire of your chirps, ignorant fool! *spawns magical weapons*

*xman holds up his weapon in defense*

Hellsingrunner: You guys having fun? Let me in on it.

Crystal King: *puts away magic* I've lost interest. *flies away*

xman: Surely you have others to spar with. *walks away*

*Hellsingrunner scratches his head.*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 46 (VI - 2/9) ~~

*Katelynn and Bloodstar are walking through Emulation*

Katelynn: I wanted to thank you.

Bloodstar: Huh?

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Katelynn: For cheering me up back there. To be honest, I was getting scared. It seems like I've been getting nowhere while everyone else is making strides. It frustrates me that I still don't know where to go. I wonder if things will change once I find the muncher.

Bloodstar: *shakes his head* Not exactly. *takes out muncher* I got mine because things changed. Someone once told me-- "The muncher lights the way to what you seek." So all you have to do is follow the strongest feeling inside you.

Katelynn: The strongest feeling...

*Bloodstar puts away muncher*

Katelynn: I don't think I feel anything.

Bloodstar: Katelynn--

Katelynn: But I have to keep at it... and work hard, just like you did. As long as I never give up hope and keep going forward, someday--

Bloodstar: You're going to find it. I have a knack for knowing these things.

Katelynn: I'm counting on you.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 47 (IV - 2/9) ~~

*Internoob is in Hot off the Press when Rayman Man walks in*

Rayman Man: Whatcha doin' out here?

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Internoob: I was just thinking about what my brother said.

Rayman Man: You mean that thing about "the secret of the muncher"?

Internoob: The same. I wish I knew what he was trying to tell me...

Rayman Man: Then why don't you just go ask him?

Internoob: What?

Rayman Man: That's what you really want to do, isn't it?

Internoob: Yes. When I think about the risks my brother must have taken to come see me, I--

Rayman Man: Save it, Internoob! You want to see him. That's all that counts!

Internoob: But Raibys was concerned that--

Rayman Man: Who cares what Raibys says? All that matters is that you come back in one piece! Let me worry about Raibys, okay? Just hurry up and go already!

Internoob: Truly? Are you sure?

Rayman Man: Try listening to your friends more often!

Internoob: Thank you. I'll not be long. You've my word on it. *runs off*

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Rayman Man: Family... So... *scratches head* how will I explain this one? *Raibys approaches from behind*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 48 (X - 2/9) ~~

*Continuation of the above scene*

Raibys: Where is Internoob? Do you know where he went?

Internoob: Uhh... *begins telling Raibys his cover-up story* (I was afraid that he'd get mad.) (After all, I was the one who told Internoob to leave the party.) (So I made all kinds of excuses, trying to laugh my way out of it...) (I'm pretty good at that, you know.)

Raibys: So in others words, you sent him to go see Giga.

Rayman Man: If you want to put it bluntly... Internoob seemed a bit preoccupied with Giga, you know? So I thought it would be better for him to go and get some answers instead of wasting time all by himself. Was that... a bad idea?

Raibys: No, it's alright. But Rayman Man, are you okay? You have family on the enemy's side, too.

Rayman Man: No need to worry about him!

Raibys: Why not? He is your father, right?

Rayman Man: And I hate his guts. He's a bully who always treated me like a little kid. I swore I'd beat the lights out of him someday. So, I'm gonna enjoy this!

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Raibys: Alright. In that case--

Rayman Man: Off we go!

*Destiny Odyssey 49 skipped due to similar scene later on*

~~Destiny Odyssey 50 (V - 2/9) ~~

*pikaguy is walking through anouncements*

pikaguy: As much as I like wandering around aimlessly, I gotta go somewhere. *notices NeoSigma, Captain Pissweak, and smkdan up ahead* (Oooh, I wonder what's going on over there.) *runs to a hiding spot*

NeoSigma: No doubt paradise is within our grasp. What matters is afterwards. What say you join forces with me, Captain Pissweak? You, too, must be sickened by the feckless destroyers among us.

Captain Pissweak: Not interested.

smkdan: I don't think you quite understand the position you are in.

Captain Pissweak: And if I don't?

pikaguy: (Seriously? Are they fighting over a lar--)

NeoSigma: It seems we have an infestation.

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pikaguy: *jumps out of hiding* Hey! Who do you think you're calling a bug!? *realizes he's outnumbered* Oh! I'll be back! *runs away*

*Captain Pissweak has left*

smkdan: Going after him?

NeoSigma: No. A far more intriguing "light" approaches. This is perfect. I'll tell one of the destroyers where the insect went in exchange for the muncher.

smkdan: A Yoshi would be the most suitable choice.

*NeoSigma chuckles*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 51 (I 7/13) ~~

*Ersanio is walking through Tutorials*

Ersanio: (What is this...? Could it be Absent? Or another--)

SNN: Wait *appears*

Ersanio: SNN...

SNN: Beyond this point, incredible danger awaits. The evils that lurk are great and many.

Ersanio: It is better if the foes are in one place. I may be able to find clues to the muncher.

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SNN: There is a difference between bravery and recklessness.

Ersanio: As there is a difference between cautious and cowardly. Even in the direst circumstances, there will always be a way. You were the one who taught me that. When all hope seemed lost for this site, you showed me the way. That as long as we do not give up, there is always something we can do. That there is hope yet for those of us who are left. I have made a vow... to obtain the muncher and save the site. That vow gives me strength.

SNN: I understand your determination. Then I shall also make a vow... *disappears* to believe in all of you until the end...

Ersanio: SNN... That which we have all sworn to... shall always be my guiding light.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 52 (IV - 3/9) ~~

*Internoob approaches Giga in Gaming*

Giga: So you've come, Internoob.

Internoob: Why tell me the secret of the muncher?

Giga: And why have you come all this way? *chuckles* Most likely for the same reason. A brother cares for his kin. Internoob... I am here gauge whether or not you are worthy of obtaining the muncher.

Internoob: Worthy?

Giga: Indeed. That is why--

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*gruff laughing interrupts Giga*

*A Yoshi appears*

A Yoshi: Two lost souls, wandering in the dark. Or is this what they mean by brotherly love? I did not expect you to be bound yet to the other side, Giga. You are a fool and coward, longing for SNN's rule!

Giga: It's none of your concern.

A Yoshi: On the contrary, feeble mortal. For it is I who shall punish those who betray us!

Internoob: I won't let you lay a finger on him!

Giga: Internoob!

Internoob: I don't know if you'll deem me worthy. But... at least I can show you my strength!

A Yoshi: *laughs* So you would willingly defend a traitor? What fools you are, the both of you. You and your ignorance shall return to Nightfall!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 53 (VIII - 7/10) ~~

*Jorshamo is in Announcements*

*SNN appears, but really it is just smkdan in a disguise again*

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SNN: Take up your sword, Jorshamo. Are you finally strong enough to *drops disguise* fight me?

Jorshamo: *draws weapon* smkdan!

smkdan: I have been waiting for you... to obtain that level of ruthless determination.

Jorshamo: Ruthless?

smkdan: Yes, the determination to stubbornly follow your own path. The merciless heart that abandons friends! That is what will lead you to your muncher.

Jorshamo: I abandoned my friends!?

smkdan: Deep inside your heart, you trust no one. That is why you act alone, is it not? By now, Crystal King should be having his way with Spade and pikaguy. And you did not even try to go save them. Does that not prove that you think nothing of them?

Jorshamo: (Think nothing of them?)

smkdan: You're doing well. Such is life on the battlefield. Now, let me see-- the strength of your pride! *Jorshamo refuses to attack* Hmph. Has fear taken hold of you? -- I understand. I'll neither run nor hide. I shall be waiting until the time comes. *disappears*

Jorshamo: It's not as simple as you might think.

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 54 (IV - 4/9) ~~

*In Gaming, Internoob has defeated A Yoshi.*

*A Yoshi yells in pain when he tries to stand up and begins dissolving away*

Internoob: My brother... is not the same as you!

A Yoshi: *laughs* There is no difference. Light and dark have the same root. As do harmony and disorder... *fades away*

Giga: Why has the muncher not appeared?

Internoob: What's wrong?

Giga: You took on A Yoshi by yourself without depending on my aid. You've shown you have the ability to achieve what you desire. The muncher shines upon those who exhibit the strongest will. That is its secret. Seeing as you are now, I thought you would be able to obtain it...

Internoob: I only fought him for you... Please, won't you join me?

Giga: What?

Internoob: I must tell my friends what you just told me. They too seek their own munchers. Once the munchers are gathered, the battle will be over. Then, you and I, we could--

Giga: Enough. I am merely your shadow. I could not accept Absent, yet I do not belong to SNN's side.

Internoob: What?

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Giga: You disappoint me, Internoob. Like this, you will not receive the muncher. *disappears*

Internoob: Brother...? Why?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 55 (VI - 3/9) ~~

*Katelynn and Bloodstar are in Announcements, having just defeated random enemies*

*Nameless walks in*

Nameless: What a smashing display! A good demolition is so moving-- but of course, you know that, dear friend.

Katelynn: Nameless! What are you scheming?

Nameless: I wanted to see how strong you were. You know, serving Absent suited you so much better. Don't you think?

Katelynn: What do you mean?

Nameless: Oh, my! You really don't remember? Then allow me to refresh your memory. You used your powers to hurt your precious--

Bloodstar: Stop it!

Nameless: What's this? Oh, you're the one she thrashed, aren't you? Aww, friends forever, huh? Please, stop. MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE MY GUTS OUT!

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Katelynn: What... What are you saying? You don't mean--

Nameless: Bingo! That's exactly what I mean! You beat your precious companion, that little kid, to a bloody pulp! It looked like you were enjoying it. How could you forget? *Laughs maniacly* You are such a dangerous creature. The more you fight, the more your powers grow out of control! Destruction incarnate! That's what you are, my dear!

Katelynn: You're lying!

Nameless: *mockingly* "You're lying!" Oh, no. Look, here's another enemy for you! *fires a powerful spell at the pair* Tow, hee, oogah!! *Laughs maniacly* Aw, come on! I wanna see some more of that cataclysmic power! Let's destroy it all, you and me! Friends, enemies, everybody and everything!

Katelynn: I--

*Bloodstar charges at Nameless with his weapon*

Nameless: Huh!? What the--

Bloodstar: I'll take you on! Katelynn, run!

Katelynn: But--

Nameless: What do you think you're doing, you little worm!? *Fires a spell at Bloodstar and both him and Nameless disappear when the dust settles from the explosion*

Katelynn: What happened? Where did you go? I have to find him. But I...

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 56 (IV - 5/9) ~~

*Internoob is in Reality Corner*

Internoob: I should return to my friends. But--

*Giga appears*

Internoob: Brother! You came!

Giga: To set you on the proper path.

Internoob: What?

Giga: You cling to the skirts of your compainons. Is that the sign of a strong will? The muncher will never shine on those who always depend on others. You must act alone to accomplish the goal you have been given.

Internoob: But I cannot abandon my friends if they are in need! All I want is for us to look for our munchers together!

Giga: So I see. In that case--

*practically through levitation, Giga takes a chunk of the earth out and hurls it at Internoob, knocking him to the ground*

Internoob: What are you--

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Giga: Now do you see? The bonds between people are unreliably fragile. The friendship that you believe in is nothing but an illusion. *disappears*

Internoob: Brother...

~~ Destiny Odyssey 57 & 59 (VIII - 8/10 & IX - 4/10) ~~

* Jorshamo approaches smkdan in Tutorials*

smkdan: So you've come-- having abandoned your comrades only to satisfy your own desires.

Jorshamo: I only came to fulfill my promise. It's because of them that I can't allow myself to stop.

*Spade enters nearby, but out of sight from the other two*

Spade: Come on, pikaguy. Where are you?

Jorshamo: I know that I'm not alone. That's why I can fight by myself! *draws weapon*

*Spade hears this and begins to look for Jorshamo*

smmkdan: Hmph, interesting. Then fight you shall.

*xman walks up behind Jorshamo, trapping him.*

xman: Yes, against the two of us.

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smkdan: Will you still feign bravery?

*Spade sees the three from afar*

Spade: Jorshamo? That idiot! *runs to go help Jorshamo*

Jorshamo: This is better for me. If I can defeat both of you, then it will make it easier for them. I'll prove it to you. We may be apart, but we still fight together!

*Spade comes out nowhere and tackles xman*

Spade: Trying to take the spotlight, eh, Jorshamo?

Jorshamo: Spade! Why are you here?

Spade: What? Do I need a reason to help someone? Why don't you just leave this big lummox to me!

xman: So you challenge me without hesitation. You are quite the cocky one.

Spade: Didn't exactly want to fight against that lardy guy. And I suggest you worry about yourself! *draws weapons*

Jorshamo: (He just doesn't get it...) But I can live with that. *looks at smkdan* Thanks for waiting. So--

smkdan: Shall we dance?

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 58 (VIII - 9/10) ~~

*Jorshamo and smkdan are about to fight*

*Jorshamo takes quick swings at smkdan, but smkdan disappears and reappears to quickly for Jorshamo to hit him*

Jorshamo: How's this!? *holds up his sword and envelops it in flames, extending its reach dramitically. He begins to swing downward*

smkdan: *quickly* Time!

*Everything but smkdan stops in place. Jorshamo freezes midswing.*

smkdan: Foolish boy. *walks toward Jorshamo* Everything's an illusion. *spawns sharp arrows pointed directly at Jorshamo, but still stopped* Your hopes, your friends-- your life itself. *Things begin moving again* Shall fade.

*Jorshamo and the arrows can move again. The swing he had charged destroys some of the arrows, and begins swinging at the rest, which are flying in from all directions. He destroys them all*

smkdan: So you would rather die hard.

Jorshamo: Your ability to mess with time-- is coming to an end! *points his sword toward smkdan*

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 60 & 61 (VIII - 10/10 & IX - 5/10) ~~

*In Tutorials, Spade has defeated xman*

xman: *laughs* That was just what I needed-- to work out some of the kinks! *disappears*

Spade: What's that guy MADE of?

*meanwhile, still in Tutorials, smkdan is defeated, and begins to fade away*

smkdan: Someday, you too will know. The truth of time that can never be reclaimed! *withers away*

Spade: Jorshamo!

Jorshamo: Spade, I owe you one.

Spade: Aww it's okay... Wait a minute! Nothing's okay! We got trouble! Big trouble!

Jorshamo: (I can't imagine bigger trouble than you...)

Spade: pikaguy! pikaguy got caught! It was a trap! We gotta go find him! Now!

Jorshamo: pikaguy? Alright. Let's go.

Spade: Huh? Really?

Jorshamo: *pulls out cookie* Gotta give this back to him.

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Spade: Is that why?

Jorshamo: And because he's my friend.

Spade: Yeah!

*Jorshamo's muncher appears high above their heads. The cookie floats up near the muncher, and a beam light shines out from the muncher*

Spade: That light... You think it's pointing towards pikaguy?

Jorshamo: Hang in there.

*{scene change} Spade and Jorshamo are now walking through Talk*

Jorhsamo: Never thought pikaguy would fall for a trap.

Spade: It's my fault. We got too caught up in our race.

Jorshamo: Stay sharp. You seem to be one of their targets.

Spade: Yeah, maybe. But I'm not losing sight of MY target! I'm rescuing pikaguy right away. He's gotta be at the end of this light.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 62 (VI - 4/9) ~~

*Katelynn is Gaming, after defeating random enemies*

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Katelynn: (I managed to defeat them, but...)

Nameless's Voice: "It looked like you were enjoying it." "Destruction incarnate! That's what you are, my dear!"

Katelynn: I don't want to destroy anything-- What's this...!? *she begins to glow* (I'm... burning up! I can't control my strength! What's happening to me?)

*Supertails walks in*

Katelynn: Why are you here? *ST gives no response* Please! You have to get away!

*Supertails draws his weapon*

Katelynn: What are you doing!? Please don't!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 63 (IV - 6/9) ~~

*Internoob is in Announcements*

SNN: Still confused? *appears*

Internoob: SNN... I'm not sure of anything anymore. Not once did I doubt that we could find the munchers by working together. In fact, I believed cooperation to be the only way. But my brother-- Giga says that I must seek the muncher alone. Have I been naive to think we could work together? Is the bond I share with my friends really only an illusion?

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SNN: Do you look to me for answers?

*Internoob stammers*

SNN: The muncher does not shine on those who only depend on others. What your brother says is absolutely true.

Internoob: How could that--

SNN: Do not be troubled. Cast your worries aside, for that which you seek lies near.

Internoob: What?

SNN: You already know in your heart. To depend on others, and to work together with others-- are they the same things to you? I know you can obtain the muncher because you are worthy.

Internoob: SNN, does that mean--

SNN: the answer can be found inside you. *disappears*

Internoob: I-- I must do this.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 64 (VI - 5/9) ~~

*In Gaming, Katelynn easily overpowered Supertails*

Supertails: You alright?

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Katelynn: Why didn't you run?

Supertails: I didn't want to leave you there struggling. But I just couldn't think of another way.

Katelynn: Are you saying... that you fought me-- just so you could calm my powers down?

Supertails: Sorry. I should have said something first. But I didn't expect THAT kind of power. Maybe I should have just run.

Katelynn: Thank you.

Supertails: I don't deserve your thanks. I wasn't sure if I could save you. To be honest, I didn't know what to do.

Katelynn: But you did end up saving me. And I wanted to let you know that.

Supertails: Even with these doubts, there are still some things I can handle.

Katelynn: Is something wrong?

Supertails: No, just remembered something that happened before. Anyway, where's the kid?

*Katelynn stammers*

Supertails: Wasn't he with you this whole time?

Katelynn: What happened was-- *tells ST how Bloodstar disappeared*

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Supertails: Alright. Let me help.

Katelynn: Are you sure?

Supertails: Just my way of thanking you-- for letting me realize that even I can help someone.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 65 (V - 3/9) ~~

*pikaguy is walking through Advanced SMW Hacking*

pikaguy: Hey... *sees a muncher floating in the air* Awright! The muncher! *Runs toward it*

A Yoshi: Mwa-hahahaha! It seems the worm has finally slunk in. *comes out of hiding spot*

pikaguy: A Yoshi! Sorry, but I haven't got time to deal with you now. Me and Spade... we've got a race on! *tries to run past A Yoshi*

A Yoshi: Hrg. Must you even slip away from conversation? *fires an energy ball at pikaguy*

*pikaguy ducks around him and nabs the muncher*

pikaguy: I'm in a hurry. We can play later, okay? *jogs away* here's a nice souvenir... *exits*

*Crystal King enters*

Crystal King: My! You're the consummate actor.

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A Yoshi: Shallow cleverness.

Crystal King: *annoyed* You're the second one to tell me that. At the very least, be thankful. With this, we should both be on the way to getting what we want.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 66 (II - 1/10) ~~

*Raibys and Rayman Man are in Hot off the Press*

*An LM logo appears in Raibys's hand.*

Rayman Man: What are you doing?

*Raibys quickly puts it away*

Raibys: It's the LM logo... (Oh yeah. That's right... The enemy stole it from me that time...) {Author's Note: What he means is that the LM logo that appeared in his hand just now was only a figment of his imagination}

Rayman Man: So, tell me all about LM!

Raibys: You should know that already! Break time's over. We should get going soon.

Rayman Man: Heh. All right, then. Once I deal with my old man and find my muncher, I'll make you tell me.

Raibys: You're so nosy, Rayman Man.

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Rayman Man: Raibys, what's your goal on this site?

Raibys: What do you mean?

Rayman Man: You know, to become the world's best SMW hacker! Or you just want to master some special area, like ASM or music! Like Supertails and Internoob, a goal to strive for as you go down your own path. You gotta have one to make it through what we're facing.

Raibys: Right now, all I can think of is to end the conflict, no matter what it takes.

Rayman Man: Ahhh, you're so uptight!

Raibys: Something wrong with that?

Rayman Man: In times like these, you just gotta let yourself go! *runs off*

*Raibys follows*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 67 (V - 4/9) ~~

*pikaguy is running through Data Repository*

*Giga steps in front of him*

pikaguy: Are you with Absent, too? You're not taking this muncher from me.

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Giga: You've no hope as it is. One does not find the muncher simply by looking for it.

pikaguy: Give me a break. You guys were the ones holding on to it!

Giga: The purity of a heart that only sees things as they are on the surface can also turn poisonous! *Levitates a chunk of earth from the ground and hurls it at pikaguy.*

pikaguy: What? Hold on! *dodges boulder*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 68 (VI - 6/9) ~~

*Katelynn and Supertails are in Tutorials*

Supertails: What's wrong?

Katelynn: I'm afraid of my powers. I want to go and help him, but if I were to lose control again--

Supertails: Everybody has doubts. *Takes out Raibys's LM logo* Not many people can keep going without a second thought.

Katelynn: What's that?

Supertails: It's Raibys's "dream." "A site where all great Mario hacking ideas can flourish." That's what he wishes for. He says he'll keep fighting until he can make it come true. Must be nice to be that simple.

Katelynn: He's an earnest user, isn't he? And you Supertails... What's your dream?

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Supertails: I've lost mine.

Katelynn: What?

Supertails: And what about yourself?

Katelynn: I... I'm not sure. I've never given much thought about what the future really means. Because when I thought about what lay ahead, it only frightened me. But... now... Say, how about we share the dream?

Supertails: Share it? The site full of hacking ideas?

Katelynn: Yes. But it won't just be Mario hacks. There would be hacks of all kinds. My favorite hack, and my friend's favorite, too... After hearing his dreams, I can see a future that doesn't scare me. I've never felt this way before... But that's a site I'd like to live in -- with all of you. We'll still have our doubts, I'm sure-- but if we hold on to that dream, our hearts will never waver. Because our favorite hacks would be there, too.

Supertails: Not an easy dream to realize. But it doesn't sound that bad. Then we know where to start.

Katelynn: Let's find him.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 69 (V - 5/9) ~~

*In Data Repository, pikaguy has defeated Giga*

Giga: Do not look outward for the muncher.

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pikaguy: Who are you, anyway?

*The whole area rumbles*

Giga: A light approaches.

pikaguy: I'm outta here! *runs away*

Giga: The time is near. In the end, one must find for oneself the power that dwells within.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 70 (I - 8/13) ~~

*Ersanio is walking through Advanced SMW Hacking*

*NeoSigma appears*

NeoSigma: That was quite the performance. But I believe you owe us now. It's thanks to your antics that we lost that pikaguy character.

Ersanio: (pikaguy? What was he doing here? But wait...) It is very much like him to escape in the midst of this mayhem.

NeoSigma: He is a lucky one, indeed. But surely you must be aware by now... Victory is unobtainable for you in this battle. But your prowess with a sword should not go to waste. What would you say to using your powers for me? Your loyalty will not go unrewarded. *spawns a muncher in the air* Your search is over. This muncher shall be yours to keep.

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Ersanio: I see. *draws weapon* So that was your plan. *strikes muncher with blade, shattering it*

NeoSigma: Oh... So you would take your only hope and crush it? The munchers-- were they not what you were after?

Ersanio: I have vowed to put an end to this conflict with my own hands. It is for that reason that I must find the muncher by myself. It is not charity I should receive from the enemy. That was nothing but an imitation.

NeoSigma: Hmph. And I suppose your determination is true.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 71 (VI - 7/9) ~~

*Katelynn and Supertails are in Hot off the Press*

*Nameless laughs and then appears*

Nameless: Hello, my pretty! Oh! Another treat for me? You shouldn't have!

Katelynn: Nameless! What have you done to Bloodstar?

Nameless: Who cares about that whelp? So how about it? Are you ready to come with me and destroy the site?

Katelynn: I am not like you.

Nameless: Oh, but you are! No use acting holier-than-thou. You know you'll hurt more people when you lose control again!

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Katelynn: I've found a future that I want to protect. No matter how strong my powers become... I will never lose sight of my dream!

Nameless: Hm? You done? Good. Well, in that case...

*Electron appears, trapping Katelynn and ST*

Electron: Let us destroy everything! *fires energy beams at ST, but he blocks them*

Katelynn: Supertails!

Electron: Now... what will you do? Will you both surrender to our powers? Or will you--

*Bloodstar enters*

Bloodstar: We'll ride it out, all three of us!

Katelynn: You're alright!

Bloodstar: I told you I'd protect you. *draws weapon* Now, you can leave this nasty one to the two of us!

Katelynn: Right. And I must--

Nameless: *sighs* If you'd just let your powers take over and destroy your mind, you would have made such a better toy!

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Katelynn: how could you--

Nameless: Oh, forget it. A coward that refuses to destroy anything-- is better off being destroyed by me!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 72 (VI - 8/9) ~~

*Katelynn is running from Nameless's flurry of spells*

Nameless: Come on! Let's play! *throws more spells* Dance! Dance!

*Katelynn continues ducking dodging Nameless's spells*

Nameless: Let the party begin!

*Katelynn becomes surrounded by spells that all explode around her, when the dust clears, she is gone*

Nameless: Was that it? I wanna play more!

*A few minutes later*

*Katelynn reappears, exhausted*

Katelynn: I musn't ruin everybody's hopes--

*Nameless reappears behind her in a glass pillar*

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Nameless: *muffled* Hopes aren't worth dirt! *bangs on glass, startling Katelynn* *still muffled* I'm going to destroy *breaks glass* everything!

Katelynn: I won't let you get away with it!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 73 (I - 9/13) ~~

*In Advanced SMW Hacking, Ersanio has beaten NeoSigma*

NeoSigma: Your resolve to tend the conflict is most impressive. But will you still be as determined *begins to fade away* after you know the truth? *fades away*

Ersanio: Where could he have gone?

*xman enters and laughs*

xman: Looks like it's my turn now...

Ersanio: You... xman!

xman: Why are you so surprised? As long as you live, I will keep coming back to life. That is the destiny this site has chosen for us.

Ersanio: What does that mean?

xman: If the truth behind the conflict is what you seek... come find me. *disappears*

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Ersanio: Wait! The truth behind the conflict...?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 74 (IV - 7/9) ~~

*Internoob approaches Giga in Data Repository*

Giga: There is a different air about you. You seem to have made a decision.

Internoob: Yes. I will return to my friends.

Giga: What?

Internoob: Brother... I do not travel with companions to cover my own weakness. Their presence gives me strength. They encourage and support me. I travel with them so that I can aid them as they have aided me. A certain strength can only be born in the presence of my friends. That's why! This is what I believe!

Giga: It looks as though our differences are irreconcilable.

Internoob: Brother...

Giga: You are a warrior. If there is such determination behind your thoughts... prove it with your blade, my brother!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 75 (IV - 8/9) ~~

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*Internoob and Giga prepare to fight*

Internoob: It's because I have friends that I can fight! Both light and darkness give me the guidance I need. Thus--*rushes at Giga*

*Giga quickly zaps Internoob to stop his attck, Internoob takes the hit but gets back up unphased*

Internoob: I can turn darkness-- *rushes and swings at Giga knocking him back* into hallowed light! Behold! *Fires a wave of darkness at Giga, which he dodges*

*Giga flies to a high ledge in the area*

Giga: You're naive, Internoob. Even knowing betrayal and despair, you would depend on the whims of others?

Internoob: I swear on this blade-- I will not be dissuaded!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 76 (VI - 9/9) ~~

*In Hot off the Press, Katelynn has defeated Nameless while Supertails and Bloodstar have defeated Electron*

*Nameless yells in frustration and begins fading away*

Nameless: I'll get you back! *fades away*

Bloodstar: Katelynn!

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Supertails: You okay?

Katelynn: You two! I'm so glad. *Katelynn's muncher appears in front of her* Could this be... my... power?

Bloodstar: What did I tell you? I knew you'd find it.

*Katelynn takes the muncher and puts it away*

Katelynn: Thank you.

Supertails: But there's no time to rest. Remember-- the others are still on their journey

Katelynn: Yes. The real fight is yet to come. We'll join them. Let's go! *all begin walking* (A dream can be about the smallest things. Having a dream gives a person strength. And that strength, in turn, will always lead to another dream.)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 77 & 79 (V - 6/9 & IX - 6/10) ~~

*Jorshamo and Spade find pikaguy in Gaming*

Spade: pikaguy! Where have you been?

pikaguy: Spade! Jorshamo, you came too!

Jorshamo: You look alright.

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pikaguy: Yeah, I managed to get away from a lot of mean-looking guys. But never mind that. Look at this! *pulls out muncher* I knicked this muncher from them. Looks like I win!

Spade: I don't believe it. And here I was, actually worried about you! *Reaches toward muncher*

Jorshamo: Wait! Don't touch--

*Spade and the muncher vanish*

pikaguy: Spade!?

*A Yoshi enters and laughs*

A Yoshi: Did you really think obtaining the muncher would be that easy? That was nothing but an imitation that I created from Nightfall.

pikaguy: What?

A Yoshi: You've played straight into Crystal King's hands. Your apelike companion has been sent to Crystal King-- and soon to permabannment.

pikaguy: So you only used me!?

Jorshamo: You think cheap tricks can defeat Spade?

A Yoshi: Enough babbling! You will be seeing him soon! Banned users and reregs, come forth and take them!

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Jorshamo: You ready? *pikaguy is inattentive* pikaguy!

pikaguy: Yeah.

Jorshamo: We'd better regroup later.

pikaguy: Sure.

*Both exit*

A Yoshi: It's no use running.

*{scene change} Spade has been redirected to Announcements*

*Crystal King laughs but is unseen*

Crystal King: We finally meet again. *appears*

Spade: Crystal King!

Crystal King: You have such a considerate friend. He didn't even think twice before delivering you my trap.

Spade: So it's all your fault, huh... What did you do to my friends?

Crystal King: You're still worried about others in this situation? Such recklessness.

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Spade: Just answer me.

Crystal King: Don't like being alone? What would you do if you were to lose that which you were trying to protect?

Spade: What?

Crystal King: As one who shares your fate, I simply had to see how your heart would break upon realizing how powerless you truly are.

Spade: Grr...

Crystal King: Your friends will get hurt, and there is nothing you can do. Like a bird trapped in a cage, you can only listen as they scream in terror...

Spade: Shut up!

Crystal King: I'll be looking forward to your solo performance. *disappears*

Spade: Guys...

~~ Destiny Odyssey 78 (IV - 9/9) ~~

*In Data Repository, Internoob has defeated Giga*

Giga: I see the strength of which you spoke.

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*Internoob's muncher appears*

Internoob: The muncher! This is ours, Brother. We found this muncher together.

Giga: Spare me the folderol. You found that on your own.

Internoob: But--

Giga: This is only the beginning. Do your eyes see as far as the muncher shines? *disappears*

Internoob: Brother... No matter the hardship, I'll face it head on, together with my friends. (And someday, with you as well. Because our bond is my guiding light.) My mind will not waver.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 80 (X - 3/9) ~~

*Rayman Man just defeated random enemies in Advanced SMW Hacking*

Rayman Man: Okay! All clear over here! Huh? Raibys! Yoohoo! Rabies! Where are you? Is he lost?

*Hellsingrunner enters*

Hellsingrunner: Well, well, well. If it isn't my little boy.

Rayman Man: Dad!

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Hellsingrunner: What's wrong? I'm standing right here. Come and get me. Or are you so scared that you can't even move?

Rayman Man: I'm not scared!

*NeoSigma enters*

NeoSigma: Silence.

Hellsingrunner: Tch. What is it now, Commander?

NeoSigma: Your son stands before you driven by a fierce hatred. This does not aid us in our endeavors.

Hellsingrunner: Ha, what a hassle.

Rayman Man: What are you guys babbling about!?

Hellsingrunner: He says we can't fight today. Let's save it for later. *walks away*

Rayman Man: Wait a minute! Don't bail out on me!

NeoSigma: Do you hate your father?

Rayman Man: Outta the way! *draws weapon*

NeoSigma: I suggest you direct that aggression towards me.

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 81 (II - 2/10) ~~

*Raibys is in Data Repository*

Raibys: Well, that's that. Rayman Man! Where are you?

*Hellsingrunner enters*

Hellsingrunner: Don't where he is, but he's fine!

Raibys: Hold on. You're Rayman Man's father, aren't you? What did you do to him?

Hellsingrunner: Didn't do a damned thing. I've been told there's no point in me fighting him yet.

Raibys: Rayman Man has been looking forward to settling things with you. Don't tell me you ran from the fight.

Hellsingrunner: That wasn't funny, kid. Everyone's getting in my way, and it's kinda ticking me off. Think I'll take it out on you!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 82 (X - 4/9) ~~

*In Advanced SMW Hacking, Rayman Man has defeated NeoSigma*

NeoSigma: Hatred alone will never yield the muncher. Your prayers shall be heard by no one. *zaps Rayman Man with lighting and disappears*

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Rayman Man: What does that mean!? Try making some sense!

*NeoSigma laughs*

Rayman Man: (When it came down to it, my problem wasn't that he got away. The thing that really made me mad was--) It just isn't like you... taking orders like that!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 83 & 84 (II - 3/10 & X - 5/9) ~~

*In Data Repository, Raibys has defeated Hellsingrunner*

Hellsingrunner: You're not half bad! Come on. We're not done yet!

Raibys: I won't fight against you.

Hellsingrunner: What? What's the matter?

Raibys: I realized something as I fought you. The one you really want to fight isn't me. It's Rayman Man! Why use me as a substitute when you know he's determined to face you?

Hellsingrunner: Here's another mod who thinks he knows it all. But you sure know how to hit a guy where it hurts.

Raibys: Where are you going?

Hellsingrunner: I finally see where I'm supposed to go, thanks to all your meddling. *chuckles* You know, when you're having a bad day, you just gotta let yourself go! *walks away*

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*Rayman Man enters*

Rayman Man: Raibys! Are you okay?

Raibys: I get it now. Like father, like son. What a resemblance.

Rayman Man: Was it him? Was my old man here?

Raibys: Until just a second ago. We crossed swords, but I let him go. Hellsingrunner is yours to defeat. I can't take that from you. Come on, let's go finish this!

Rayman Man: Yeah...

Raibys: What's wrong?

Rayman Man: That robot-looking guy... NeoSigma? He said something to me. "Hatred alone will never yield the muncher." I wonder what that means.

Raibys: He uses words only as tools to deceive. All you need to do is to stay true to yourself. You want to settle things with your father, don't you?

Rayman Man: You bet I do.

Raibys: Then hesitate no more. Let's go after Hellsingrunner! *walks away*

Rayman Man: (I wasn't hesitating. But still-- something didn't feel right. Suddenly I felt the urge to yell.) *runs* Graaahhh! (I've waited for this for so long-- so why am I so confused?)

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 85 (IX - 7/10) ~~

*Spade is in Advanced SMW Hacking*

Spade: (Guys? I don't-- What should I do?)

*SNN appears*

Spade: Today's not a good day for a date.

SNN: Spade, quit being afraid.

Spade: But I'm powerless. There's nothing I can do for them.

SNN: There is always something that can be done. Is there not?

Spade: But... it might be too late...

SNN: Your friends believe in you. They don't think you'll fail (Surprisingly). You should believe in them.

Spade: Believe... in them...

SNN: They are strong. You have no reason to doubt them, stupid.

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Spade: Yeah. You're right. They aren't the types to get beat up that easily. I have to make sure they're alright. That's-- that's the least I can do! Thanks a lot SNN. Wow, I guess I must really look pathetic.

SNN: Your gentleness is also *disappears* *faintly* your strength...

Spade: SNN! Gotta... Gotta stay sure of myself.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 86 (V - 7/9) ~~

*pikaguy and Jorshamo are in SMW Hack Discussion*

Jorshamo: What's wrong?

pikaguy: It's all my fault. Spade came to rescue me, and I got him trapped.

Jorshamo: Looks like you need this more than I do. *pulls out cookie*

pikaguy: The cookie...

Jorshamo: Whenever I found myself in danger, this good-luck charm saved me. Spade risked his life trying to find you. So, what are you going to do?

*A Yoshi laughs and enters*

A Yoshi: I'll find you wherever you go!

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*Jorshamo draws his weapon*

pikaguy: Hold on. I'll take care of this.

Jorshamo: pikaguy...

pikaguy: I have to settle this myself. I have to fight him on my own!

Jorshamo: When you're done, we're going to find Spade.

pikaguy: Yeah, with a big smile on my face!

A Yoshi: You have nowhere to run.

pikaguy: It's okay. I was getting tired of running!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 87 (V - 8/9) ~~

*pikaguy and A Yoshi are about to fight*

*pikaguy is trying to get away but A Yoshi teleports right in front of him*

A Yoshi: Did you think that would work?

*pikaguy rushes at A Yoshi with his two daggers. A Yoshi sends his bladed staff to attack pikaguy. A Yoshi is able to knock pikaguy's weapons out his hands. The weapons disappear once hitting the ground.*

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A Yoshi: You'll never defeat me playing around like this.

*pikaguy jumps back and spawns Supertails's weapon*

pikaguy: This is the first time--

*A Yoshi laughs*

*pikaguy spawns Jorshamo's weapon in his other hand*

pikaguy: I'm serious! Now, showtime!

*pikaguy rushes at A Yoshi and begins swinging at him one weapon at a time. A Yoshi blocks each blow.*

pikaguy: Here it comes! *comes down with ST's weapon*

*A Yoshi dodges*

A Yoshi: You fool. *teleports*

*pikaguy finds A Yoshi*

A Yoshi: You shall wander through Nightfall forever!

pikaguy: *puts away weapons* That doesn't sound half bad!

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 88 (IX - 8/10) ~~

*spade is walking through Reality corner*

*Crystal King appears*

Spade: Crystal King, get out of my way.

Crystal King: As if you have any place to go.

Spade: I'm going back to my friends.

Crystal King: Why not surrender? Do you despise being alone that much?

Spade: I just believe in them... because SNN told me too.

Crystal King: Believe? In others? Why do you persist with this mummers' farce?

Spade: Believing in my friends isn't a game. You should know. You've got friends too, right?

Crystal King: Friends? Don't you dare associate me with those animals!

Spade: But--

*Crystal King throws magical orbs at Spade. Spade dodges them.*

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Crystal King: Ugh, you've disappointed me. I wanted so much to enjoy this hopeless tragedy. What an utter failure. *laughs* It's time to close the curtains to this silly drama!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 89 (IX - 9/10) ~~

*Spade and Crystal King are about to fight*

*Spade is running across the wall while Crystal King flies next to him*

Crystal King: Let me perform a piece. It's your requiem! *Begins firing orbs at Spade, laughing while he does it*

Spade: You call that music? *Begins skidding*

Crystal King: Just playing the overture!

Spade: Of course you are. Now I'm playing... *comes to stop on the wall before lunging at Crystal King* the finale!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 90 & 91 (V - 9/9 & IX - 10/10) ~~

*In SMW Hack Discussion, pikaguy has defeated A Yoshi who has fallen to his knees and begun fading away*

A Yoshi: You will be the next ones to fall... into the eternal Nightfall. *fades away*

Jorshamo: You did it.

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pikaguy: It was easy! And I owe it all to this. *pulls out cookie* Thanks so much, Jorshamo.

*The cookie shines and turns into pikaguy's muncher*

pikaguy: What? You mean it was here all along? Talk about getting the runaround!

Jorshamo: It suits your style.

{Scene change: In Reality Corner, Spade has defeated Crystal King}

*Spade's muncher appears*

Spade: As long as I have my friends, losing isn't an option. *Crystal King starts fading away* Crystal King, tell me something. Is it really so hard to trust in someone?

Crystal King: What good is trust? You cling to others only because you are helpless alone.

Spade: But if you've trust in others, then you're never alone... and stuff.

Crystal King: Cease with the noise! I've heard enough! Never... When the curtain falls, it is I who shall bask in the applause. *fades away*

Spade: Crystal King...

*Spade's muncher floats away, and Spade begins chasing after it*

{Scene change: Back to SMW Hack Discussion}

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Spade: Is that--

pikaguy: Hey, over there!

Spade: Heeey!

pikaguy: I gotta go show this to Spade. And this time, it's for real!

Jorshamo: You never learn...

pikaguy: Come on. Let's get going! *both run over to Spade*

Spade: (I have friends who believe in me. That's how I'm able to face any hardship. But it's mostly because SNN told me so, I guess.) (I'm going back... to where I belong.)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 92 (X - 6/9) ~~

*Raibys and Rayman Man find NeoSigma and Hellsingrunner in Talk*

Raibys: There he is!

Rayman Man: Looks like they're arguing.

Hellsingrunner: I:m telling you. It's just not my style to sweat the small stuff. *lunges at NeoSigma*

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NeoSigma: So that's your reason for ruining our plans? *NeoSigma tries to block Hellsingrunner's blow*

*There is a big flash of light, both are on their knees, NeoSigma starts fading away*

Rayman Man: Dad! *runs towar Hellsingrunner*

NeoSigma: I have no more use for you. Fight your son to your heart's content. *fades away*

Hellsingrunner: Well, there's no one to get in our way now.

Rayman Man: You're... You're hurt, aren't you?

Hellsingrunner: Just a scratch. Can't even feel it. I can still snap you like a twig. I thought you came all the way out here to beat me, kid!

Rayman Man: Yeah, that's right, I did! I did but--

Hellsingrunner: Well?

Rayman Man: Not like this... Something's not right!

Hellsingrunner: Still scared, huh? If you keep questioning yourself, you won't even get what's yours. *gets up and walks away*

Raibys: It must be hard fighting against family.

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Rayman Man: No, that's not it. I still want to beat him. That hasn't changed a bit. But beating him like he is now-- doesn't feel right. The guy I want to beat-- Raibys-- I'm sorry. But I have to go do this alone.

Raibys: What?

Rayman Man: I have to settle this by myself.

Raibys: You guys are all so selfish. Here, take this. *pulls out medicine* I've been saving this medicine. You know what to do with it.

Rayman Man: Thanks so much, Raibys. I know I'm being selfish... But... this is my story.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 93 (II - 4/10) ~~

*In Talk, Rayman Man has left Raibys*

Raibys: So we go our separate ways.

*NeoSigma appears*

NeoSigma: *laughs* It looks like you are all alone. Have your friends abandoned you?

Raibys: NeoSigma! They have only gone to do what they must!

NeoSigma: Oh, then do you know what it is that you must do?

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Raibys: Of course I do! I must bring an end to this conflict!

NeoSigma: *laughs* Such a grand statement from a mere cog in the war machine. He's going to end the conflict, so he says. *smkdan appears*

smkdan: *laughs* Then we should teach him a lesson... on the futility of wishing for an end.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 94 ~~

*Spade, pikaguy, and Jorshamo are in Emulation, looking at their munchers*

Spade: So-- what happens when we all get our munchers?

Jorshamo: All SNN said was they would give us hope.

*Gazing upon his muncher, pikaguy sees SNN's reflection and turns around in shock to see no one*

Spade: What's up?

pikaguy: Nothing. Was that a phantom?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 95 (II - 5/10) ~~

*In Talk, Raibys has defeated smkdan*

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smkdan: Did I not say it was futile? *reappears*

Raibys: What!?

smkdan: You are in the midst of a battle that has been fought between the admins for months. What do you possibly think you could do?

NeoSigma: How pathetic. I'm afraid your dream of gaining the munchers will never become reality. Even the efforts of your friends will all be for naught.

Raibys: I will not let their struggles be wasted. I will obtain the muncher and bring an end to this--

NeoSigma: Is that truly your will?

Raibys: What do you mean?

NeoSigma: That is why you are weak. You only fight because you are told to. You are nothing but SNN's tool. *Both him and smkdan disappear*

Raibys: Am I... just SNN's tool?

~~ Destiny Odyssey 96 (X - 7/9) ~~

*Rayman Man finds Hellsingrunner in Emulation*

Hellsingrunner: So... have you made up your mind yet?

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Rayman Man: I have. *gives Hellsingrunner the dose of medicine. Hellsingrunner takes the dose, but is angry about it.*

Hellsingrunner: What's the big idea? You taking pity on me?

Rayman Man: It didn't feel right-- beating you when you're weak. *draws weapon* You're a no-good, self-centered old bastard! But I realized-- The old man I know-- Is the guy that always wins, the toughest guy in the world! That's who I have to beat!

Hellsingrunner: Huh, the skinny little kid, talking tough. You better not regret it later.

Rayman Man: I'll regret it... if i don't fight you!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 97 (X - 8/9) ~~

*Rayman Man and Hellsingrunner prepare to fight*

Hellsingrunner: Then let's do this!

Rayman Man: You're finished!

*Rayman Man cartwheels toward and strikes Hellsingrunner, but Hellsingrunner is hardly phased and knocks Rayman Man back*

Hellsingrunner: Oh?

Rayman Man: Just beginning!

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Hellsingrunner: Then how's this? *rushes toward Rayman Man* FALCON PUNCH!

*this punch sends Rayman Man flying up against the wall. Rayman Man comes down seemingly knocked out. Hellsingrunner crouches down beside him.*

Hellsingrunner: Look what happens when I don't hold back. Well, now you know that nobody can beat me. You're still just a kid. You've got limitless potential running through your veins. *Rayman Man's hand twitches* You'll be up on your feet by tomorrow. *begins to walk away*

Rayman Man: *gets back up* Where are you going? This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me... unless I beat you today!

Hellsingrunner: Pesky little runt. Who do you take after?

Rayman Man: *runs toward Hellsingrunner* Go ask yourself!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 98 (X - 9/9) ~~

*Rayman Man has defeated Hellsingrunner*

Hellsingrunner: Boy, that stings...

Rayman Man: Dad!

*Hellsingrunner begins fading away*

Rayman Man: Oh, come on... You're fading already?

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Hellsingrunner: Looks like it.

Rayman Man: I hate you. I hated you so much... I've always wished you'd be gone. But deep down... what I really wanted was just... your approval... for you to... tell me that I've grown strong--

Hellsingrunner: Looks like the kid will never grow up.

Rayman Man: That's not my fault. I can't help it. I'm your son, after all.

Hellsingrunner: *Chuckles* I guess you are. Hey, cry-baby... You've grown strong. *fades away*

*Rayman Man's muncher appears*

Rayman Man: Don't worry. I'll take good care of this.

~~ Desiny Odyssey 99 (II - 6/10) ~~

*Raibys is in Emulation*

*SNN appears*

Raibys: SNN!

SNN: Supertails, Internoob, and Rayman Man have each obtained their munchers.

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Raibys: They've done it... They've really done it!

SNN: Yes. Because they never stopped walking down the paths they chose.

Raibys: The paths they chose...

SNN: Have you lost yours?

Raibys: I... never had a specific objective I could call my own... like winning against my father, or fighting alongside my brother. I just wanted to bring an end to the conflict. It's like NeoSigma said. I'm only a tool without a will of my own.

SNN: That is not true. You do have a goal. A dream that you have kept for a long time.

Raibys: But my dream is nothing special. It's more like... just a childish dream.

SNN: Tell me your dream-- and the future you wish for.

Raibys: Mario hacking ideas, of all kinds. They can all come together on one site. SMW, YI, SMRPG, SMB3, it doesn't matter. Ideas for all hacking Mario games could flourish without any silly drama.

SNN: It's a beautiful dream. A dream that was born out of none other than you. If you were a mere tool, you would not have had such a dream.

Raibys: SNN... You're right. It is my dream. And it's up to me to seize it.

SNN: I wish I could have such a dream... But I guess Kieran beat me to it... *disappears*

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Raibys: SNN...

~~ Destiny Odyssey 100 (II - 7/0) ~~

*Raibys approaches NeoSigma in SMW Hack Discussion*

NeoSigma: What does an aimless tool of war want with me?

Raibys: I am not just a tool. I fight in order to make my dream come true!

NeoSigma: *laughs* Mario hacks? You shouldn't risk your life over such a worthless dream. You don't even have the strength to take hold of it. *fires rays at Raibys. One ray hits Raibys.* What's the matter? Are you done dreaming?

*Supertails and Rayman Man enter*

Supertails: We won't let it end!

Raibys: You guys!?

Supertails: You've gone far enough on your own.

Rayman Man: A friend's dream is our dream... We'll defend it together!

*all three block an incoming volley of rays*

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NeoSigma: The time has come... *disappears* Raibys! Come to where I am! Come and show me your will!

Supertails: Internoob and Katelynn should be joining us soon, but--

Rayman Man: You're going alone, aren't you?

Raibys: I must settle this.

*Supertails takes out Raibys's LM logo*

Raibys: How did you--

Supertails: Show us the rest of your dream.

Rayman Man: That's right! We'll all be waiting for you.

Raibys: I'll be back!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 101 (II - 8/10) ~~

*Raibys approaches NeoSigma in Advanced SMW Hacking*

NeoSigma: You've come.

Raibys: I will not lose to one who calls me a tool of war!

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NeoSigma: *laughs* You and your pathetic dream. I should erase such flights of fancy. You're far better off as just a tool.

Raibys: Impossible. I have friends who share my dream. As long as my friends are here, the dream will never fade. You could never erase our hopes for the future!

NeoSigma: In that case-- I shall simply make everything mine.

~~ Destiny Odyssey 102 (II - 9/10) ~~

*Raibys and NeoSigma are about to fight*

*NeoSigma raises stalagmites from the floor and spawns electric orbs around Raibys*

Raibys: What!? I'm trapped!

*NeoSigma blows up electric orbs. Raibys falls down to floor*

NeoSigma: You should have disposed of your fantasy and accepted me as master.

*Raibys's weapons begin levitating and rush straight toward NeoSigma, stopping just short of hitting him*

NeoSigma: What...?

*Raibys begins to get up*

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Raibys: There is no meaning in strength only used to hurt others. *begins running towards NeoSigma, grabbing his weapons on the way* I have dreams... Dreams worth dying for! *holds his sword toward NeoSigma*

NeoSigma: What will an insect like you do?

Raibys: Believe in the future-- And persist in the present. That's what I'll do!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 103 (I - 10/13) ~~

*Ersanio approaches xman in Announcements*

xman: So you've come...

Ersanio: To learn the truth, and put an end to the conflict.

xman: *laughs* Your foolish efforts amount to naught. We are trapped in eternal conflict... A cycle of battle without end.

Ersanio: Battle without end?

xman: Indeed. As the conflict between the admins carries on for all eternity, so our battles will also be repeated forever and ever! That is the truth of

this world! We cannot escape this fate! Far better for you to rid yourself of any hope. It is time for you to accept the cycle and embrace combat's grim


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Ersanio: xman, I pity you.

xman: Pardon?

Ersanio: You are bound by the chains of destiny and steeped in despair. And for that, I pity you. Indeeed, we have repeated our battles time and time

again. You could say that we have been caught in the cycle of battle. But now that I know the truth, I can overcome it. All that is left to do now is

fight to end the cycle!

xman: You can defeat me here, but that would only be another step in the cycle!

Ersanio: *draws weapon* Whatever destiny the site may hold for me, I will never give up! This battle shall come to an end, and I shall save you, too!

xman: You? Save me? I have heard enough nonsense!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 104 (I - 11/13) ~~

*Ersanio and xman are about to fight*

*Ersanio runs toward xman. xman extends his weapon to destroy parts of the battlefield that begin falling on Ersanio. Ersanio breaks each piece of debris.*

*Ersanio spawns magical swords*

Ersanio: Come, lard!

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*lard swords break the last of the falling debris*

xman: This is the cycle of battle! *uses his weapon to create a small earthquake, causing ground to jut up infront of Ersanio*

*Ersanio breaks through the ground and strikes xman's weapon. They stand there for a second with their weapons crossed*

xman: We will never come to accept one another. We shall always be in conflict! *breaks weapon in two and swings second part at Ersanio.

*Ersanio dodges, and they begin exchanging blows until Ersanio jumps back.**

Ersanio: Destiny-- ends here.

xman: End it, if you can!

*Ersanio jumps at xman*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 105 (II - 10/10) ~~

*In Advanced SMW Hacking, Raibys has defeated NeoSigma*

NeoSigma: *begins fading away* This isn't over. Just you wait. Once you see how your dreams are crushed, you will be begging for my reign! *fades away*

*Raibys's muncher appears*

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Raibys: (Perhaps the battle has just begun. In that case, let us keep dreaming. A site full of great Mario hacks-- Along with my friends, I'll make it

come true.) It will come true. Someday!

~~ Destiny Odyssey 106 ~~

*In SMW Hack Discussion, Rayman Man is telling his story so far to Supertails and Jorshamo as they walk along*

Rayman Man: And then I bumped into you guys shortly afterwards. And that, my friends, is my story--

Jorshamo: You coming with us?

Supertails: Guess what? The story continues.

*Rayman Man begins to continue following them. He stops to turn around, only to find nothing*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 107 ~~

*Raibys and Spade are in Tutorials*

*Spade has asked Raibys why he fights*

Raibys: Mario hacks... I guess that's... that's my one and only answer.

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Spade: Hmmmm. So that's it, huh?

*Raibys shrugs*

*They both hear a rush of wind and stand up. They decide to leave the area*

~~ Destiny Odyssey 108 (I - 12/13) ~~

*In Announcements, Ersanio has defeated xman*

*xman grunts*

*Ersanio's muncher appears*

Ersanio: This light... *walks up to and takes muncher* The muncher...

xman: So you have obtained it. The muncher holds the power to sever the shackles of time.

Ersanio: Then it has the power to bring this conflict to a close.

xman: And even put an end to the admins' existence.

Ersanio: What did you say?

xman: *begins fading away* What would happen to the admins if all the munchers were gathered? *fades away* What would happen to the site if its cycle of

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conflicts was suddenly broken? Not even the admins could forsee the bedlam that awaits... We shall meet again-- in the near future! *laughs menacingly*

Ersanio: (The cycle is not over. I will have to face xman again unless we win the real conflict. But...)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 109 (I - 13/13) ~~

*Ersanio is in Announcements when the rest of SNN's warriors walk in*

Spade: Looks like you finally got it.

Ersanio: Is everyone all right?

Bloodstar: Of course! It was a piece of cake.

Raibys: So now we all have our munchers. We should get going!

Ersanio: Yes. Let us hurry. SNN is waiting.

*All begin walking out*

Ersanio: (No matter how many times chaos threatens to swallow the site-- the lard will always be with us.)

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~~ Destiny Odyssey 110 ~~

*In SNN's Profile page SNN is waiting for his warriors*

SNN: Battle scarred users... I...

{*SNN has a flashback where Dispari Scuro is standing next to him. Dispari Scuro puts her hands on her hips when Smallhacker walks in.*

Smallhacker: There is no future for the bystander. As there is naught she can defend! *holds his weapon toward Dispari*

Dispari Scuro: *laughs* Of course! *sarcastically* The future is for to take by brute force!

*SNN closes his eyes* Flashback ends}

SNN: It is all an endless dream. Yet still... *SNN's warriors walk in* (The fantasy must come to an end...)

~~ Destiny Odyssey 111 ~~

*SNN and his warriors are in his profile page*

*The warriors approach SNN*

*Earsnio takes out his muncher*

Ersanio: Let's end this fight, here and now.

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SNN: No... It has already been settled.

*The warriors are stunned to see SNN begin fading away. SNN falls to his knees*

SNN: Your fate is to fall... into true darkness.

*The scenery begins to flash until they are no longer in SNN's profile, but the World of Insanity*

Rayman Man: SNN!

*SNN is standing before Absent Ministrator who is floating above SNN. All of the warriors gasp*

*Absent laughs*

SNN: Absent...

*The warrior's try to run over to SNN, but Absent's eyes flash and all of them are frozen in their tracks*

Absent: For all your wandering, still you end up in purgatory. What a shame, SNN.

SNN: This is not for you to decide. What they must know is true darkness... permabannment.

Absent: Your wish shall be granted... I will extinguish all light!

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*Absent waves his hand and a pillar of flame envelops SNN, incinerating him. The ten warriors, still unable to move, can only watch in horror*

Jorshamo: SNN!

*SNN has faded away completely. His warriors are still in shock*

Absent: The site is unchanging. Powerless beings... Fall into the shadows of despair... and begone.

~~~~ END OF ACT 1 ~~~~

Original Scenario © Square Enix

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