Page 1: Bill & Cindy Bowen International leaving the college, I flew to Kolkata to preach at the Kolkata Deaf

Dear Prayer Partners, November 2015

My heart is full of thanksgiving. After being gone from Hanover for 36 days I was glad to come home on October 9. The 26 days in India were blessed of the Lord. I really believe my prayer partners upheld me in my travels. I was enabled by the Lord to preach 14 times in three locations. At South India Baptist Bible College, I continue to annually invest in the lives of a generation that will reach India. This was my 15th time to teach the 30 hour module on Missiology. Dr. and Mrs. Cherian and his faculty are always so kind to me. Here is their picture with one of the young ladies who has grown up in the Home of Hope

orphanage. What a joy to preach in the various chapel and church services to over 380 students and faculty. One Sunday morning, Dr. Cherian baptized 22 professing believers. Praise the Lord.

After leaving the college, I flew to Kolkata to preach at the Kolkata Deaf Baptist Church. What a joy to share the gospel with those from Muslim and Hindu backgrounds. Some have been saved and baptized and a church is growing there for His glory. What a joy to see their smiling faces as they remembered me being there last year. Biak and Siang Vaiphei, IPM MAP missionaries, are doing a great job. With the help of Daniel and Hannah Schwalbe, with BIMI, they are partnering to reach this special people group for Christ. One dear

Hindu man told me afterwards, “I was really listening to what you said.” Pray for many others to be saved. See the guy in the middle with the blue shirt? Praise God for that gift! When I arrived in Kolkata the airline had lost my suitcase. So for the next five days, I was without my clothes, other than what I had in my carry on, which was not much! So I learned to wash what I had, and imagined that the following seven days in Northeast India would be challenging to say the least. After five days Air India delivered my suitcase all the way to Jaigaon on the border of Bhutan! Amazing! My hotel was just down the street from the gate to Bhutan!

In Jaigon, I spoke at the Bethany Baptist Church. Their singing was in Hindi and also Nepali! I was asked to teach 15 plus hours on the Biblical Theology of Missions in their Baptist Theological Institute. This was done in English. I have

B i l l & C i n d y B o w e n International Representative

International Partnership Ministries P.O. Box 337

Hanover, PA 17331Cell: 717.451.4694 E-mail: [email protected]

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Your partner with national missionaries around the world.

Page 2: Bill & Cindy Bowen International leaving the college, I flew to Kolkata to preach at the Kolkata Deaf

now taught this course in eight different countries. Thangcha and Mary Gangte, MAP missionaries with IPM, started this institute several years ago. Mary has been battling cancer, but is doing very well. Mary was so kind to prepare wonderful Indian food for me in their home. What a joy to meet their daughter Hannah, who is in a local school. She is doing so well in English and loved talking. When I arrived, Thangcha drove four hours to the nearest airport. When I left, he again drove the four hours to take me back to the airport for a flight to Delhi. Thank God for safety and good health while overseas. These were very special days of serving alongside our missionaries. They are so appreciative for the prayer and financial supporters God has given them. What teamwork.

Another MAP couple that I met in Jaigaon was Thangkam Sitlhou, Boinu, and their daughters Kim and Rachel. Thangkam has served alongside Thangcha for over eight years. He was first involved in teaching at the institute. He presently leads the worship and the evangelism outreach in the local community. Leading the students in this challenging endeavor in a Hindu environment needs much prayer and boldness. Thangkam Sitlhou has very little support and needs some partners. Pray for them please. This may not have been the uttermost part of the world, but behind my hotel was Bhutan, one of the least reached and most isolated countries in our world. And these believers in India go into Bhutan and neighboring refugee camps in Nepal to reach

others for Christ.

After leaving India, I flew to Munich and on to Oslo, Norway, to be with our daughter and her family for a few days. Cindy joined me there, and we tried our best to spoil our three grandchildren. How precious to be with Lari Beth as she celebrated her 40th birthday. God has certainly been good to our children over the years. They were all born in Norway and we all still speak the language. I have been reading through God’s Word this year in Norwegian.

By the time you get this letter, I will have attended our IPM Latin America Regional Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay. I left Baltimore on Sunday, October 25, and returned home on November 3. What a joy to meet most of our IPM missionaries who work in Latin America. Pray for funds that are lacking for the needs of this conference.

Thanks again for your prayers, your friendship, and financial partnership which enables me to serve in these ministries with IPM. In November, I will be in four churches in Arizona, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. December will begin with our annual IPM Symposium. Next March, I plan on visiting Nang Lyan Kap in Myanmar for their Timothy Bible School graduation. So there is still a need for support and funds to travel for Him. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Thankful Servants in His Harvest,

Bill & Cindy Bowen II Cor. 9:8

Contributions for our ministry should be made payable to IPM and sent to IPM, Inc., P.O. Box 337, Hanover, PA 17331. Be sure to include a note designating “Bowen support” or any other special designation that you may have for us. Thank you.

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