Page 1: Big data cognitive computing and digital transformation

Pietro LeoExecutive Architect

IBM Italy CTO for Big Data Analytics & WatsonMember of IBM Academy of Technology Core Management Team


DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION = ((....Big Data... + cognitive computing......) + NEW

business models.. + Humans..)

Contribute of Big Data and Cognitive Computing to digital transformation

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© 2014 IBM Corporation


Manet Dal Monte


The Mega Trends

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© 2014 IBM Corporation


Manet Dal Monte





(…..Big Data ......)

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Meet the World's Most Connected Man

Video 1

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….. but is just this the future of Digital Transformation?

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DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION = ((..Big Data... + ???...)

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Big Data enables us to see with new eyes....Salvador Dalì - Impresiones de África y Afgano invisible con aparición sobre la playa del rostro de García Lorca en forma de frutero con tres higos, 1938

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...but you need your cognitive abilities to benefit from them

Salvador Dalì - Impresiones de África y Afgano invisible con aparición sobre la playa del rostro de García Lorca en forma de frutero con tres higos, 1938

Head / Hill

Muzzel / River

Collar / Bridge

Fruit Bowl / Waterfall

Table / Beach

Nose-Mouth / Back Woman

Hair / Fruit / Dog Back

Eye / Shell

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Perception:understand the world as we do: it interprets sensory input beyond traditional data

Reasoning:think through complex problems: it deepens our analysis and inspires creativity

Relating:understand how we communicate, and personalizes its interactions with each of us

Learning:learn from every interaction, scaling our ability to build experience




Generates andevaluates hypotheses

Adaptsand learns

Cognitive Computing can fuel digital transformation

Dimensions we need

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DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION = ((..Big Data... + cognitive computing..)

Technological Factors

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….. Let's consider Jobs perspective

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Oncologist Chef CustomerAgent BiologyResearcher

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medical knowledge is doubling every 5 years.

deaths associated with preventable harm to patients.just n US

physicians spend <5 hours per month reading medical journals



5 years

is the potential research space size for looking for ideas for new recipes by

combining available ingredients


order of magnitude of the number of recipes listedin the largest recipe repositories (e.g., 1.5M).


new scientific research papers published every year1.000.000+

for a promising pharmaceutical treatment to progress from the initial research stage into practice

10-15 years

clinical trials are ongoing just at Mayo Clinic only 3-5% of patients are involved


calls made annually to call center costing $600B




spent by loyal customers over their lifetime

market value gain from a single point customer sat gain

Oncologist Chef

CustomerAgent BiologyResearcher

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Helps oncologists make better, more personalized treatment decisions by ranking treatment plans based on national guidelines, published literature, and expert insight




Video 2

Video 3

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Helps direct customer self-service as well as customer agents with clients by personalized responses to questions and give users actionable insight with supporting evidence and confidence to help create the experiences customers expect.


Video 4

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Enables researchers to connect DOTS in large research data sets: in biosciences, uncover new insights into relationships between genes, proteins, pathways, phenotypes and diseases


Accelerating drug discovery and development through supporting:•Target Identification and validation•Compound Evaluation and Optimization•Safety & Toxicology Predictive Analysis•Drug Repurposing / Competitive Intelligence

Source: Video 5

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Stimulates creativity by helping chefs to combine ingredients, styles and invent recipes and produce new dishes


Ingredients: potato, watercress, scallion, ginger, black peppercorns, vegetable oil, canola oil, oregano, thyme, buttermilk, dark brown sugar, mayonnaise

This Potato Salad dish is the result of the combined efforts of IBM Watson's Cognitive Cooking program and Bon Appétit (chef) readers.

Source: Video 6

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DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION = ((..Big Data... + cognitive computing..)

+ new business models.. + ??????...)

Business Factors

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DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION = ((..Big Data... + cognitive computing..)

+ new business models.. + humans..)

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Sherry Turkle:Connected, but alone?

These days phones in our pockets are changing our minds and hearts offer us three gratifying fantasies and NEW challenges and risks for us:

1) We can put our attention where we want to be

2) We always be heard

3) We never left to be alone

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Pietro LeoExecutive ArchitectIBM Italy CTO for Big Data Analytics & WatsonGlobal Technology Progam Manager - IBM Academy of Technology



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