Page 1: Bienvenidos A EspañOl 2 Standards And Expectations

Bienvenidos a Español 2

Señora Gil-Dunn

Page 2: Bienvenidos A EspañOl 2 Standards And Expectations

Foreign Language DepartmentStandards and Expectations

1. Be in your assigned seat and ready to work

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Foreign Language DepartmentStandards and Expectations

2. Bring all needed materials. Pencils should be sharpened. Paper and pens should be out and ready for work. Students are not allowed to return to their lockers after class begins. Ten (10) points will be deducted from class exercise grade if student fails to bring textbook.

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3. Class will begin with prayer or short devotional reading in Spanish.

4. Attendance is mandatory since it is critical for success in this class. Remember that most learning occurs inside the classroom.

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5. CBDS dress code will be enforced as well as all other school policies. Refer to Student & parent Handbook.

6. Be polite. Students are not to interrupt the teacher or other students when they are speaking to the class. Disruptions to class will not be tolerated and cautions will be issued which can result in detention and could result in other administrative action.

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7. Talking or any other form of communication between students during tests or quizzes will result in a zero for that activity.

8. Students will adhere to the “School Policy” when making up work missed due to absence from school.. Work not turned in on time will receive a zero (0). Work not turned in due to an absence will receive an M for missing until the work is made up. If the work is not made up on time, then a zero (0) will be given.

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9. Quiz and Exam dates are not flexible and will not be moved unless there is a School emergency or inclement weather. Students must check the blog in these cases to find out the make up date.

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10. Work missed during the last week or any quarter must be made up immediately upon return. All work must be made up before exams.

11. Assignments will be posted in advance per unit. Homework grades will be posted two days after due date. Quiz grades will be posted after three days. Tests and large projects will be posted one week after due date.

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12. Extra credit will not be given

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Standards for homework assignments:

• Write your name, date, and class on your paper before class

• Work must be neat, legible and complete, incomplete or poor quality work will not receive full credit

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The rubrics for evaluation include the above and the following:

100% minimal errors in grammar and spelling90% some errors but shows sincere effort to achieve excellence.80% average work but should make a greater effort, refer to a book.70% effort needs to improve, use textbook to avoid errors.Students will receive no credit (0) on assignments that

are not turned in on time.

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All homework must be on time, except for excused absences due to illness or emergency.

(No extension will be granted for homework not turned in due to absences related to extracurricular activities. These scheduled events are planned ahead, so it is the responsibility of the student to turn their homework in before leaving school for their activity.)

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Standards for binder and portfolio

There will be a binder and a portfolio grade per quarter, these will be considered quiz grades

Please refer to binder rubric

Be sure to have them complete, ordered and always with you.

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Online assignments

Assignments are posted on the homework and assignments page of the blog.

Mrs. Gil-Dunn Teacher Web Address

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The grades for online assignments will be posted 2 classes after the due date.

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Type of Evaluation Percentage of total grade

Tests / Projects 50%

Speaking assignments

(skits, role-plays, recordings, participation in daily group or discussions)


Written Assignments

(homework, online assignments and composition work)


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Quizzes 10%

Class Participation /



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ContractParent - Student

Parents and Student:

I have read and reviewed the classroom expectations with my child. I also understand that I am encouraged to contact the teacher at the email address above, or by calling the school to speak with them should I have any questions or concerns about my child’s progress in Spanish class.


Parent/Guardian’s Name(s) (Printed)_________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature(s)__________________________________

Student’s Name (Printed)__________________________________

Student’s Signature__________________________________

Date _____________________

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Homework Racks

Every class you must:- Take out your homework

- Hand it to the teacher

- Teacher will check it and will place it in your folder in your group’s filing box

- You are RESPONSIBLE to get your homework from the folders and file it in your binder in chronological order.

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- Binders will be checked randomly throughout the quarter.

- You will receive a quiz grade at the end of the quarter if your binder meets the criteria of the “Binder Rubric”.

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