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BeingThe road To

Take To be The nexT

bradley Wiggins or

lizzie armiTsTead.

Racing Hard 1

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BeingWiggo.Team GB’S cycliSTS will inSpire a new GeneraTion. iT iS BecominG a reGular, four-yearly occurrence around The uK: The BriTiSh cyclinG Team collecT a cluTch of olympic medalS and Suddenly velodromeS and BiKe cluBS are inundaTed wiTh inTereSTed newcomerS. So, if your 12-year-old Son or dauGhTer haS decid-ed They wanT To Become The nexT Bradley wiGGinS or lizzie armiTSTead – or, indeed, if you fancy your chanceS – where To BeGin?



The Cycle - Bieng Wiggo

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“That whooshing feeling made the whole journey worthwhile. If I can get on any more sessions, I’ll definitely be back.”



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how do i start?by far the best way to get involved in competitive cycling is to join a local club. as well as providing people to ride with, and sometimes facilities, clubs have on tap decades of collective knowledge and experience. if you’re not sure what sort of cycling is for you.

“It’s really weird. It feels wrong that you’re defying gravity and going against all the laws of physics when you ride around those bends. It’s a real adrenaline rush.””

What sortsof cycling can i do?The list is very long. Traditionally, clubs tend to specialise in road racing and/or time trials, the latter being the flat out, against the clock contest in which Wiggins triumphed on Wednes-day. alternatively, those with access to a velodrome or outside track will often be geared towards that. but there are plenty of other competitive options – mountain biking, whether cross country (up and down) or downhill (just the latter); bmx, usually undertaken on a specially-built circuit; and cyclocross, the increasingly popular challenge is which riders race thick-tyred road-type bikes over muddy ground and hills.each has its particular quirks and appeals – try more than one out if you can.


Racing Hard 2




The Cycle - Bieng Wiggo

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