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BIBLE STORY Spirit Thing (The Holy Spirit

Comes at Pentecost) •

Acts 2:1-41


Let us not become tired of

doing good. At the right

time we will gather a crop

if we don't give up.

Galatians 6:9 (NIrV)





Deciding it’s worth it to

finish what you started.


God gives you what you

need to keep going.

What You Need: No supplies needed What You Do: Sit in a circle so you can play the game “Telephone.” You will whisper a phrase into one person’s ear and that

person will whisper it to the person sitting next to them. The goal is for each person to continue the whispered phrase

around the circle until the very last person attempts to say the phrase out loud.

Make sure to tell whether they got the phrase correct, or let them know what the phrase should have been.

In week two, we head to Acts 2:1-41 and find out how the disciples would have the strength to keep going and tell the world about Jesus. As the disciples were gathered together, the Holy Spirit came upon them and empowered them to preach with boldness. Peter preached a powerful message, and over 3,000 people put their faith in Jesus.

Bottom Line: God gives you what you need to keep going. When it comes to determination, we might feel like we’ll never have enough of it to finish what we start. Thankfully, this isn’t something we have to face alone. We can rely on God to give us the strength we need to keep going.

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Tongue Twister phrases (feel free to use your own if you have some favorites): 1. The really rad rhinoceros ran out of raspberries. 2. Big bully Billy better be nice to Beatrice. 3. Sally’s out of seashells, so she now sells sandwiches. 4. Purple platypuses pick pink peonies. 5. Hungry, hungry hippos shouldn’t hang out by your homework.

What You Say: “You all did a pretty amazing job at passing on those super funny sentences, but sometimes they were easy to get twisted, weren’t they? What do you think it would feel like if you didn’t know what your friend was saying all the time? Today we are going to learn about a group of people who couldn’t understand what the others were saying. BUT it was for a really cool reason!”


What You Need: “Sticky Solutions” and “Sticky Situations” cards (Activity Pages), sticky tack (or tape), blindfolds What You Do:

Line up approximately 15 feet from a wall.

Use the sticky tack or painter’s tape to attach the “Sticky Solutions” cards to the wall.

Spread the cards out a bit so it’s easier grab just one card while blindfolded.

Blindfold the first person in line and read them a “Sticky Situation” from one of the cards.

Guide the first person to walk toward the wall to retrieve a solution for their situation.

Encourage the rest of the family to cheer on the blindfolded person and help them navigate which solution they should choose, by telling them to go left, right, up, or down.

Once they have retrieved a solution card, they can take off the blindfold. Give them the situation card you read.

Allow each person in to have a turn.

Once all the situation cards have been paired up with solutions, gather around to talk about their specific scenarios.


What would it look like to show determination in that situation?

How can the solution you have help you keep going?

Has anybody ever been in any of these specific situations? What You Say: “Great job helping each other come up with determined solutions for those situations! Whenever a real-life sticky situation happens, we can remember that God gives us what we need to keep going just like we had what we needed right there on the wall! Sometimes we forget that the stuff and people we have around us were all given to us by God! He provides the help we need and through His Holy Spirit, He gives us the strength we need to keep going. When we’re facing something hard, what helps us is to pause, think about what God has given us already, and ask Him for help to conquer the situation!” Pray: “Dear God, thank You for sending us Jesus to be our Savior. Thank You also for sending us the Holy Spirit so we can continue to spread the news about Jesus. I’m so thankful that [Basic Truth] we can trust You no matter what. You always give us what we need to keep going and finish what You ’ve asked us to do. We love You, and we pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.”

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Once all cards have been drawn and answered, and each person has several playing cards from the

deck, attempt to build a tower using all the playing cards. You can either try to build the tower based on your own imagination and creativity, or you can utilizes

this resource as a guide website This will be a challenge, so encourage each other to tap into your determination and finish what you

start! What You Say: “Now, THAT is an activity that requires some determination! I don’t know what seems more challenging: a super messy bedroom or building a tower using a deck of cards. Either way, great job staying determined today. There are challenging things we face each and every day that don’t seem as fun as building a tower. Maybe it’s the same kind of thing you read on your cards today or maybe it’s something else. Whatever challenges we run into, we want to remember that God always has a plan and because of that, we can keep going even when it seems impossible.” Prayer: “Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to be our Savior. Thank You for giving His disciples everything they needed to spread the word about Him. We know about His life, His death, and His resurrection because THEY kept going—even when it must have seemed impossible. We want to live out that same kind of determination, too, and finish the job that you’ve given us to do. Help us to [Bottom Line] keep going even when it seems impossible. We love You, and we ask these things in Jesus ’ name, amen.”

What You Need: Index cards, markers, tape

What You Do: Look up this month ’s memory verse, Galatians 6:9, and read it together as a group

(You could also print the memory verse paper provided in the Monthly Content at


Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don't give up.

Galatians 6:9 (NIrV)

Give each person an index cards and marker

Work together to write the verse on the cards—one word or phrase per card.

After all the words have been written, work together line up the cards in order next to each other.

Say the verse out loud together.

Use tape to put the cards up somewhere in your home that you can practice the verse every day

What You Say:

“Like our story today, no matter what come our way, remember that we can keep going even when it

seems impossible.”

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