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SULIT 2 024/1 SECTION A Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your answer sheet, blacken the answer that you have chosen.

Questions 1 – 4 Choose the best word to complete the paragraph below.

Last Sunday, Madam Chong (1) ________ home alone

after school. All of a sudden, a (2) ______ came from behind and

snatched her (3)_________ Madam Chong (4)__________

for help but nobody was able to catch the motorcyclist.

1. A rode B drove C walked D jogged

2. A jogger B driver C walker D motorcyclist

3. A handbag B pouch C wallet D backpack

4. A sang B screamed C spoke D talked



Questions 5 – 7 Choose the best phrase to complete the sentences below.

5. My father is ______________ because he is angry.

A crying loudly B talking loudly

C answering clearly D whispered softly

6. Bill Gates has _____________ ships.

A a group of B a team of

C a fleet of D a gang of

7. Cindy danced _____________ on the stage yesterday.

A as slow as a snail B as tall as a giant

C as graceful as a swan D as beautiful as a rainbow

Questions 8 – 10 Choose the best sentence that describe each picture.

8. A The cinema was full of people

B The choir sang many songs.

C They were crying when she came out. D The audience applauded when she stepped forward.

9. A Ali sells fishes in the market. B The greengrocer has many customers.

C They are asking for the price of the meat.


D The butcher uses a cleaver to cut the meat. SULIT10. A The spider is spinning a web.

B The spider‟s web is colourful.

C A spider dances on its web.

D The spider is trapped in the spider‟s web.

SECTION BQuestions 11 - 15 Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the picture.

11 . A.You should learn sewing.

B,Why should I care ?

C.Don‟t worry. I‟II sew it back on. D.It‟s all right. Throw away the blouse


A He is a popular architect.

B I agree. He is such a talented artist.

C He is the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

D Yes. The name of his boat is Jalur Gemilang.







A I want to be a pianist.

B I aspire to be a well-known author.

C He worked hard to make his dream come true.

D When I grow up, I want to climb the highest mountain

A I‟ll adjust the aerial. B Please don‟t complain. C Switch off the television. D Why don‟t you turn down the


A Don‟t pretend. B I beg your pardon. C Me too. You keep it to yourself. D Sorry, I don‟t. Let‟s look it up in the



SECTION CChoose the best answer to complete the sentence.

16. The watermelon is ____________ than the rambutan. A. big

B. bigger

C. biggest

D. as big as

17. Mr. Lim ___________ his old van and bought a new one. A. sel

B. sells

C. sold

D. selling

18. Ramu __________ in the swimming pool every Sunday. A. swam

B. swims

C. swimming

D. swim

19. _________ we go for a picnic next Saturday? A. Do

B. Are

C. Will

D. Shall

Question 20

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the word underlined.

20. This dictionary is thick but that textbook is ____________. A. thin

B. fat

C. heavy

D. big


Question 21

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the word underlined. 21. The gold ring is very expensive. A. dear

B. new

C. old

D. cheap

Question 22 - 23

Look at the picture. Choose the answer with the correctspelling.


A. talipon B. telephone C. telephon D. telifon


A. televission B. telivission C. television D. televisyen


Question 24 - 25

Choose the sentence with the correcy punctuation .

24. A. “What happened to Sang Buaya?” asked Sang Kancil

B. “What happened to Sang Buaya?” asked sang Kancil. C. “what happened to Sang Buaya?” asked sang Kancil.

D. “What happened to sang buaya?” asked Sang Kancil.

25. A. can you tell me the name of this flower.

B. Can you tell me the name of this flower. C. Can you tell me the name of this Flower?

D. Can you tell me the name of this flower?

SECTION DQuestions 26 – 30 Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.


There were many people at the shopping complex near my house. A singing

competition _______26_______ held that day. The competition began and the first

contestant performed _______27______ the stage. He sang _______28_______

popular song. The crowd near the stage sang along with _______29_______ .

They enjoyed his _______30_______. They clapped and cheered loudly.

26 A is 29 A it

B are B him

C was C her

D were D they

27 A in 30 A perform

B on B performs

C by C performing

D for D performance

28 A a

B an

C the

D some


SECTION EQuestion 31 – 35 Read the recipe below on „How to cook Chicken Stew‟ and answer the questions given

Chicken Stew Ingredients : 1 whole chicken ( cut into bite- sized pieces) 2 big onions ( cut into rings) 2 carrots ( cut into slices about 1 cm thick) 1 can of Campbell‟s Cream of chicken 1 teaspoon of pepper 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce 2 tablespoons of oil Method 1 Marinate the chicken with pepper and oyster sauce for half an hour. 2 Heat the oil in a wok. 3 Saute the onions for five minutes. 4 Put in the chicken and fry until slightly brown. 5 Add in the carrots. 6 Add in water and leave it to simmer until the chicken is tender. 7 Then, add in the can of Campbell‟s Cream of chicken. 8 Stir until the gravy is creamy, smooth and thick. 9 Add salt to suit your taste. 10 The chicken stew is ready to be served.

31. Which of the ingredients below is added last in the chicken stew?

A. Light sauce

B. Chicken

C. Onion rings

D. Salt

32. State the correct sequence

( i ) Pour in the tin of Campbell‟s Cream of chicken

( ii ) Fry the chicken until it is slightly brown

(iii ) Saute the onions for five minutes.

(iv) Heat the oil

A. ( i ), ( ii ) , ( iii ) ( iv ),

B. ( ii ) , ( iv ), ( i ), ( iii )

C ( iii ), ( i ), ( iv ), ( ii )

D ( iv ), ( iii ), ( ii ), ( i )


33. Which of the instructions below is incorrect? A. Cut the onions into rings

B. Cut the carrots into slices about 1 cm thick.

C. Marinate the chicken with pepper and salt.

D. Stir the chicken stew until the gravy is smooth, thick and creamy.

34. The chicken must be marinated with pepper and oyster sauce so that it will A Be easier to fry B. Taste better C. Become softer D. Cook faster 35. Which ingredient helps to thicken the gravy? A. The salt B The oyster sauce C. The pepper D. Campbell‟s Cream of chicken

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. My name is Jacky and I‟m in Year 6. When I grow up, I want to be a successful and

well-known cartoonist. The cartoonists that I admire are Lat, Imuda and Azman Yusof. They

are all famous Malaysian cartoonists. I admire their excellent cartoon drawings in ink and

pencil. I started drawing at a very early age. I was only three when I drew a portrait of my dear

mother. She was very impressed with my „masterpiece‟, saying that I was born with a talent

for art. She immediately enrolled me as a student in a local art school under the guidance of a

famous artist, Michael Lee. I improved my skills greatly as the years passed by.

During this period of time, my art tutor encouraged me to take part in as many art

competitions as possible. So far, I have won fifteen first prizes, twenty second prizes, sixteen

third prizes and several consolation prizes.

I developed my love for cartooning only recently when I attended a short course on this

subject. I want to pursue this love of mine after my SPM. My father has already promised to

enroll me in and art school in Kuala Lumpur. I shall strive to fulfil my ambition. I thank my

parents for the love they have showered upon me all these years.


36. How long has Jacky been under the guidance of Mr Michael Lee? A. Three years B. Six years C. Nine years D. Twelve years

37. Jacky‟s ambition is to be A. an actor B. an artist C. a clown D. a teacher

38. When Jacky says my art tutor encouraged me, he means that his art teacher A. gave him confidence B gave him courage C. advised him D. rewarded him

39. When do you think Jacky will pursue a career in art? A. after his UPSR B. after his PMR C. after his SPM D. after his STPM

40. What course do you think Jacky will take up if he wants to fulfil his ambition? A. Accountancy B. Engineering C Fine Art Studies D. Medicine


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