
Bhutan Tennis Federation

Tennis Centers and proposed ones

Plan for BTF Center if we manage to push out the district administration. Investment for project $ 80 million

Participation in regional tournaments to


New set up completed with office ,restaurant, players lounge, conference hall , changing rooms , toilet and shower facilities, viewing gallery .

Bottle necks coaches and infrastructure.

A fixed deposit of Nu.500,000 is lying in the name of the treasurer Thinlay Samdrup. When the deposit reaches its maturity the sum should be transferred to the account of BTF. The reason for keeping in the treasure’s name was because individuals received higher interest then organizations

Indentify associated Bhutanese values.Traditional cultural etiquette relating to molding strong character is evident in the concept of dri lam nam zha and za cha drosum. In keeping with this, the learning and knowing of tennis has a similar basis.Tennis develops personality. It teaches how to accept responsibility and challenges. At an individual level it enhances the capacity to cope with adversity. It strengthens you mentally. That is why even yoga is incorporated in tennis training. A mental edge over your opponent can help you to win if both opponents are equally good. Tennis players have higher vigour, optimism and self esteem.All ages can play from 8 to 70 years. It is gender neutral

At the Bhutan Tennis Federation Centre we have noticed players who have been trained since they were ten years. Tennis has inculcated them to become disciplined, responsible citizens. We have never seen anyone unproductive, badly behaved or involved in substance abuse. On the contrary, those who have grown and have become adults bring their young to begin tennis.Among the older generation of players 45 years and above, 3 hours a week burns fat and improves cardiovascular and inner system functions. They have lower incidence of diseases. It has a blood pressure lowering effect. Thus, avoiding unnecessary trips to the hospital and thereby lowering the health budget of The Royal Government.

There is no physical contact, and so no broken bones. It is a game which requires high diplomacy. See how Nadal, Federer and Jokovich talk about each other. You train hard but there is never a time when one lowers the esteem of the other, unlike Muhamed Ali who needed his adrenal to rush. He cursed his opponents in no uncertain terms. Therefore tennis is a perfect gentleman’s game in line with Bhutanese etiquette which needs a 100 % Go !

Thanks to ATF and ITF

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