Page 1: Beyond Logging: Using MongoDB to Power a Private Social Network (Oh, and log millions of e-mails too.)

Building a Private Social Network with MongoDBJustin Jenkins@LearnMongo

Page 2: Beyond Logging: Using MongoDB to Power a Private Social Network (Oh, and log millions of e-mails too.)

Learn Mongo (.com that is)

MongoDB resources aimed at not scaring off the beginner.

Twitter: @LearnMongo

Page 3: Beyond Logging: Using MongoDB to Power a Private Social Network (Oh, and log millions of e-mails too.)

Saddleback Church

21,000+ per weekend @ 10 locations. 4,000 online.

4,300 “small groups”20k – 32k people

~1 million user records

3.2 million e-mails a week

Service trips to ~180 countries

Food bank serving Orange County

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Features, easy of use …

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Project Goals

• Provide a private way for groups to interact and share online.

• Tie into other social networks but keep group data private.

• Provide groups with video & audio resources for growth.

• Create a simple & fast user experience.

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MongoDB SQL Server

• Flexible schema• Fairly easy to scale• Optimized for read / inserts

Uh Ohs• New, little past use• Can be harder to query• Different data format

• Solid, durable• Years of use• Very easy to query

Uh Ohs• Not optimized for the

web• Can be complex to scale• Stringent schema

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Playing nice with SQL Server

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Playing nice with SQL Server

• Keep users accounts in SQL• Use the same user id’s in both SQL and

MongoDB.• Store app specific user data in MongoDB.

• Keep group data and hierarchy in SQL• Extract group data from SQL when any user of

the group logs in, compare.• Push any changes back to SQL in the


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Problem Solved?

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The Problems MongoDB Solved

• Flexible schema design • Each feed item can have totally different

attributes.• New features can be added quickly.

• Reduces impact on production SQL Server• Focus server resources on internal staff.

• BSON to JSON• Ideal for a highly AJAX / JavaScript site.

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The Feed

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Page 13: Beyond Logging: Using MongoDB to Power a Private Social Network (Oh, and log millions of e-mails too.)

The Feed

• The main feature of the site is “the feed” where the group can interact and share discussions, prayers, videos, etc.

• We need something very flexible …• Discussions• Videos• Events• Meetings• Prayers• Web Links• Pictures

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Schema Design

• Flexible Schema• Less clutter.• Cleaner, leaner storage.• Simpler queries.• JOINs largely unneeded.

• BSON Format• Converts into JSON with very little effort to make

JavaScript / AJAX centric apps happy.• Move from the client to the database, back to the

client easily.

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{ "_id" : "4d19fb939ac0900274000005", "_t" : "Discussion", "created" : "Tue, 28 Dec 2010 07:00:35 GMT", "GroupID" : 129242, "eIndividualID" : "22872F9", "firstName" : "Bill", "lastName" : "Finch", "discussionBody" : "I've been not feeling well lately, I hope it's nothing major.", "comments": [ { "_id" : "4d19fe329ac090027400000a", "eIndividualID" : "FFE4251", "created" : "2010-12-28T15:11:46.6760000Z", "firstName" : "Robin", "lastName" : "Tally", "commentText" : "I hope that everything is OK, whatever it is!" }, { "_id" : "4d1df3b29ac0900d64000003", ... } ]}

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Models (the pretty kind)

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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using Newtonsoft.Json;using MySmallGroup.Helpers.JsonConverters;

namespace MySmallGroup.Models{ public abstract class Feed : IFeed, IUserCreatable { [JsonConverter(typeof(MongoOidConverter))] public MongoDB.Oid Id { get; set; }

public DateTime created { get; set; } public int GroupID { get; set; } public string eIndividualID { get; set; } public string firstName { get; set; } public string lastName { get; set; } public abstract string shortDescription { get; } public int commentCount { get; set; } public IList<comment> comments { get; set; } public abstract void ReceivedJsonEncode(); public Feed Get() { return this; } }

public interface IFeed : IUserCreatable { MongoDB.Oid Id { get; set; } int GroupID { get; set; } string eIndividualID { get; set; } string firstName { get; set; } string lastName { get; set; } string shortDescription { get; } int commentCount { get; set; } IList<comment> comments { get; set; } void ReceivedJsonEncode(); Feed Get(); }}

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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using MySmallGroup.Helpers.ExtensionMethods;

namespace MySmallGroup.Models{ public class Discussion : Feed { public string discussionBody { get; set;} public Discussion() { this.commentCount = new int(); this.comments = new List<comment>(); this.created = DateTime.Now; }

public override void ReceivedJsonEncode() { discussionBody = discussionBody.ReceivedJsonEncode(); }

public override string shortDescription { get { return discussionBody; } } }}

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Live Chat & Video

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Page 21: Beyond Logging: Using MongoDB to Power a Private Social Network (Oh, and log millions of e-mails too.)

Live Chat & Live Video{ "_id": "4cd261549ac0900c24000006", "senderEIndividualID": "1B0D6E8", "senderFirstName": "Justin", "senderLastName": "Jenkins", "sendDate": "Thu, 04 Nov 2010 00:31:32 GMT", "groupID": 119420, "message": "way faster then dev tho"}{ "_id": "4cd261a69ac0900c2400000a", "senderEIndividualID": "B656641", "senderFirstName": "Steve", "senderLastName": "Chen", "sendDate": "Thu, 04 Nov 2010 00:32:54 GMT", "groupID": 119420, "message": "oh"} { "_id": "4cd2621b9ac0900c2400001f", "senderEIndividualID": "1B0D6E8", "senderFirstName": "Justin", "senderLastName": "Jenkins", "sendDate": "Thu, 04 Nov 2010 00:34:51 GMT", "groupID": 119420, "message": "I think it&#39;s the facebook pic reload voodoo Jeff made"}

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User Settings

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User Settings{ "eIndividualID": "A0BE87A", "_id": "4cd332389ac0900c2400001c", "ChatTimestamps": false, "GroupSettings": [ { "GroupId": 119420, "FeedNotificationEmail": false, "CommentNotificationEmail": false }, { "GroupId": 128834, "FeedNotificationEmail": true, "CommentNotificationEmail": false }, { "GroupId": 125680, "FeedNotificationEmail": true, "CommentNotificationEmail": true } ]}

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Email Tracking …

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E-mail Tracking (the boring stuff.)

Emails Sent• 350,000 normal e-mails sent a week.• 460,000 daily subscription e-mails sent a day.

Tracking Needs• Track each e-mail open, per individual.• Date• User Agent• IP

• If a user opens an e-mail more than once, don’t double count but still track.

• Deduce how quickly users open an e-mail and how many don’t open the e-mail at all.

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Email Tracking{ "EmailLogID": 14, "EmailLogDocumentID": "4d12a55e00ae2611f8000002", "EIndividualID": “ZZZZZZZ", "Email": "[email protected]", "SendDate": "Wed, 22 Dec 2010 17:26:54 GMT", "_id": "4d12a56a18bee80a7c00243d", "Opens": [ { "OpenDate": "2010-12-23T01:59:45", "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) ...", "IP": "" }, { "OpenDate": "2010-12-23T16:22:19", "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_5; en-us) ...", "IP": "" } ]}

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> db.Recipient.find({ "EmailLogID" : 32, "Opens" : { "$exists" : true } }).count();


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LearnMongo.comTwitter@LearnMongo @MongoQuestion @JustinJenkins

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