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    Beyond Efforts, Beyond Results, Beyond Recognition

    The Greater the time difference between performance and reward, the less is its value Abstract:

    The system of rewarding the performances has been inherited from long back in days of

    Mahabharata when the greatest soldiers were rewarded with gold ingots or knick-knacks, or get

    an extraordinary place in the kings assembly, when they returned from states of war. The best

    performer in the swayamvara gets wedded with the fine-looking princess! The concept is still the

    same, only the approach today has become more quantitative. At its nucleus, performance

    management is designed to fairly and accurately assess how well people do their work, provide

    feedback to help them improve, identify goals and objectives for future performance, and tie the

    overall evaluation to some valued consequence, such as a pay increase, bonus, promotion, or

    some other form of recognition. People perform well and are motivated by both fundamental and

    extrinsic rewards. To be successful, the reward structure must make out both sources of

    motivation. Almost all reward systems target the three essentials of any business attracting,

    retaining and motivating the best talent available on board.

    If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put

    recognition as a carrier behind it you almost dont have to manage them Jack Welch

    Not Just Money: An Introduction to

    Performance Rewards

    For a country like India, out of all, financial

    rewards have always been a vital constituent

    of the reward system, but there are other

    factors that encourage employees and

    influence the ir level of performance. In fact,

    quite a lot of studies have set up that among

    employees surveyed, money was NOT the

    most central motivator, and in several

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    instances managers have found money to

    have a DEMOTIVATING or negative effect

    on employees.

    To make certain that the reward system is

    in- line with the business goals and motivates

    the preferred behaviors in employees, it is

    essential to consider carefully the rewards

    and strategies utilized and ensure the

    rewards are linked to or based on

    performance. To be effective, any

    performance measurement system must be

    attached to the monthly compensation or

    some genus of reward. Rewarding

    performance must be a continuing

    managerial activity, not just an annual pay-

    linked ritual.

    Strategies for rewarding employees

    performance and contributions to the

    business objectives include non- monetary

    and monetary mechanisms. We have tried to

    put in few strategies in this write-up. The

    listing is not very comprehensive, and

    individual units/departments possibly will

    have to make out further mechanisms that

    are appropriate for and sustain their culture

    and goals.

    Satisfaction Surveys identify lack of


    In a client employee satisfaction survey, the

    question about whether the company cared

    about the welfare and happiness of its

    employees drew divergent views. Some

    people agreed; others disagreed.

    So, the Culture and Communications team

    put out a second survey asking what would

    make the employees feel as if the company

    cared about them. We developed several

    answers employees could check and

    supplied room for their comments and

    additional thoughts.

    Fifty-five percent of the respondents said

    that praise and attention from their

    supervisor would make them feel as if the

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    company cared about them and their well-

    being. As you might also expect, money,

    benefits, and events such as company

    lunches ranked high, too. But recognition

    from the supervisor ranked above all other


    I have sponsored similar surveys in different

    organizations. The findings are always

    similar. Employees want to know that they

    have done a good job and that you noticed.

    Employees want to be thanked and


    Performance Management linked to

    business goals

    Just visualize this: you join the Indian

    cricket team, and have a grand year. Your

    team wins the title match, and you are in the

    running for Man of the Match. But, the

    judges summon and award the Man of the

    Match to a bighead and ball-hog on the

    worst team in the league. The justification:

    the ball-hog has fine long hair and dimply

    smile, resembling the dude in the leading

    motorbike TV commercial.

    Couldn't believe, right? Well, this is the

    familiar story in corporations all the time.

    This is what happens when the performance

    appraisal process is not in line with the

    business goals and mission. Employees are

    evaluated based on subjective and pointless

    standards because nobody has defined the

    proper benchmarks. Marketing guys are

    acknowledged by marketing managers for

    bells and whistles and are praised for

    creativity, not articulacy or internal

    customer satisfaction. HR employees get de-

    rated if company attrition is skyrocketing, as

    if the HR chaps are liable to make people

    from production or quality departments to

    go away. Quality Systems people are

    rewarded for the big binder of strategic

    recommendations for business, not the

    accomplishment of the projects. When

    performance appraisal fails to make the

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    organization efficient, that entire physical,

    mental, and emotional attempt drains

    employees and generates a negative feeling

    in general.

    We need to further analyze that in a

    developing country like India, why does

    performance management so much stand to

    other side from organizational line of attack?

    Performance management systems are by

    now in position in more or less entire

    corporate world. They may be unproductive,

    but employment statutes mandate them. Fear

    of union grievance fills many personnel

    records with worthless formalities and

    paperwork. Even if the organizations have

    evidently defined mission, time and again

    they don't communicate this to their

    employees nor do they believe on those


    You must be surprised to know, but strategic

    vision is illustrious for in no way getting

    implemented! We have seen companies

    putting further exertion into new names and

    new logos than into actual change. The

    system that bogs down change most

    frequently is performance management, by

    limiting discussion and deliberation to the

    past and present, and ignoring the future. It's

    easy to talk about what you needed to do

    yesterday. It's much harder to guess what

    you'll need to do tomorrow.

    Thrust Employee appreciation up a mile

    Employee recognition is not being

    considered as vital in most organizations.

    Employees grumble about the lack of

    recognition repeatedly. Senior management

    is so engaged in daily work that they often

    ask, Why should I recognize or thank him?

    Hes just doing his KRA. Such incidental

    factors combine to create work places that

    fail to provide recognition for employees

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    and this goes on to build up dis-grunted

    mindsets and finally the separation.

    Senior managers who prioritize employee

    recognition understand the power of

    recognition. They know that employee

    recognition is not just a pleasant thing to do

    for people. Employee recognition is a

    communication tool that reinforces and

    rewards the most important outcomes people

    create for your business.

    When you recognize people efficiently, you

    strengthen, with your selected means of

    recognition, the actions and behaviors you

    most want to see people go over.

    An effective employee recognition system is

    simple, immediate, and powerfully

    reinforcing. Employees feel cared about and

    appreciated. It may seem simplistic, but

    people who feel recognized and cared about

    produce more and better work.

    A person in charge of employees makes

    other people feel imperative and

    appreciated. The leader excels at creating

    opportunities to endow with rewards,

    recognition and thanks to his team. A leader

    creates a work atmosphere in which people

    feel important and appreciated.

    Dont just go adopting best practices: The

    saga of 360 degree performance


    Formalized performance assessments are

    important for several reasons. Performance

    reviews are one way of establishing

    benchmarks for employees work area. In

    the era of chaotic work environments, these

    reviews provide for a prearranged time to

    pause, plan goals, and set concrete

    guidelines that the employee will be judged

    against in terms of deciding grade hikes,

    salary hikes, and his or her yearly training

    needs. Organisation can accomplish this

    without including the employee in the

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    process, but that is to close the eyes to the

    employee side of the equation, and thus

    performance reviews make time for

    employee participation. This is NOT the

    time for the employer not to tell the

    employee what he/she did right or wrong,

    rather, it is time to discuss with them various

    aspects of his/her key responsibilities.

    Employees like to be heard by management

    and this is the guarantee that, no issue how

    hectic or practical the organization might be,

    there must be specific time allotted for their


    Now actually what is this 360 degree

    review? The concept is to improve team

    functionality from diversified perspectives -

    supervisor, subordinate, associate, in-house

    contact, outside contact, and of course, the

    customer. It is best, on the other hand, to

    gradually put such systems into operation.

    Begin with two or three reviewers and work

    your gradient to a number that you are at

    ease with and that works for your

    organization. Ensure that the administrator

    gathering the data from the various

    reviewers is sensitive to the concerns of the

    employee being reviewed and treats all

    information accordingly and with the

    quantitative weightage (anchored with

    mutual discussions between the reviewer

    and reviewee, personal issues, etc.).

    For corporations with long-established top-

    down structures, implementing 360 degree

    systems can be somewhat thornier. The

    employees in such cultures with their set

    inertia are inherently going to be rougher

    with the proposal of co-workers, rather than

    their direct supervisor, conducting a

    performance review. Moreover, others might

    not be in a situation to do a sufficient

    assessment because of the narrow

    information flow. In these situations, 360

    degree systems can be used as an instrument

    to open the lines of communication within

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    the company. But it is absolutely essential to

    start little by little to build the self-

    confidence of the employees in the system.

    If you decide against a 360 degree system

    for this type of setting, definitely stick with

    some kind of a formal performance review

    process - even if it means the old supervisor-

    only review standby.

    Its true that for organizations that

    emphasize multidirectional and team

    environments, 360 degree feedback

    performance review systems are great. But if

    you go in deep research work, like we did at

    SONA Koyo before implementing this

    colossal system, you will be shocked! A

    recent study about HR practices, the Watson

    Wyatt Human Capital Index study, found

    that 360 degree feedback can be counter-

    productive in some situations. In fact, the

    study concluded, the practice might produce

    negative returns for shareholders. Even in a

    work culture where people are accustomed

    to multilevel interfaces, having your

    performance judged by all these people,

    especially subordinates may cause


    Some incidents from companies give

    dimension on why 360 degree feedback can

    be a negative, even when the basic concept,

    getting feedback on managers from all

    sources, seems so sound. In one company

    most of the managers loathed the practice,

    and resisted cooperating. For some

    managers meeting with their subordinates

    and discussing what the boss needed to

    improve was too alien and frightening a

    concept. For others, there was insufficient

    training in how to use the process, thus

    dooming it from the beginning.

    One manager in a large Wall Street bank had

    nothing but contempt for the process,

    particularly the part relating to peer review:

    "Once a year we have to go around and ask

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    somebody for a peer review. It's either screw

    your buddy or kiss up to them. Nobody

    picks someone they are not tight with. The

    whole process is ridiculous".

    That is what Watson Wyatt has to state. But

    to us at SONA, the issue we faced was

    whether 360 degree feedbacks should be

    part of the salary equation. One answer was

    to the point: once you've included 360

    degree in the review, it's definitely related.

    But now we didn't get into specifics on 360

    degree systems. There are many out there:

    some are out of the box and inexpensive,

    some are customized and implemented by

    pricey consultants, while some are created

    in-house. There is a plethora of choices out

    there. Many are good and many are not-so-

    good. Evaluate your options and make the

    choice that is best for your particular


    Rewards need to be SMART - Specific-

    Measurable-Achievable-Time bound-


    Performance reviews play a critical role in

    career development of employees, and it is

    in the best interest of the organisation to

    understand how performance reviews work,

    how to prepare for a review, what to do and

    say during the review, and how to follow up

    at the salary negotiation and beyond. There

    are ranges of ways to measure performance;

    the method often depends on your company

    and the nature of your job. The two most

    common approaches are the weightage scale

    method and the Management for objectives

    method. The methods use different criteria

    to judge performance.

    Weightage scale method: This approach

    emphasizes competencies, traits, or

    behaviors. An employee's performance is

    rated on these characteristics and on specific

    items such as quality of work; quantity of

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    work; communications skills; interpersonal

    skills; and decision making.

    Management for Objectives method: We

    exercise this method at SONA. This

    approach measures performance by

    comparing the business objectives set by the

    employer and the employees with the

    results, or what was accomplished. Goals are

    set and prioritized by both parties at the

    beginning of the period. The review is used

    to evaluate and record the results - whether

    the employee has met, exceeded, or failed to

    meet expectations.

    Rewards are no longer static, nor

    reactive, but adaptive

    To motivate and promote high performance,

    it is very important to link efficient rewards

    mechanism or system in the organization.

    However we should know 3 golden rules of


    What to Reward Certain Behaviors and

    Achievements that are required by an

    organization to be cherished, promoted and

    rewarded. These need to be prioritized to be

    rewarded; other things which are not in line

    with organization and performance

    objectives can be given second priority.

    When to Reward It is very important to

    reward employee instantly when he achieves

    the results or at least recognize his efforts;

    delivery of rewards may come later. It is not

    good to reward the employee after 6 or 12

    months in the next appraisal cycle, it gives

    no meaning or value to his achievement.

    How to Reward Some like it in public,

    some in private. Each one has his own

    likings about how he should be recognized

    and rewarded. Cash, Stock options, Profits,

    Promotions, Relocations etc. The list could

    be endless

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    Write out the recognition, what the

    employee did, why it was important, and

    how the actions served your

    organization. Give a copy of the letter to

    the employee and to the department head

    or CEO, depending on the size of your

    company. Place a copy in the

    employees file.

    Write a personal note or e-mail to the

    employee. Perhaps have your boss sign

    it, too. Photocopy the note and place the

    recognition in the employees file.

    Accompany the verbal recognition with

    a spot gift. Engraved plaques,

    merchandise that carries the company

    logo, even certificates of appreciation

    reinforce the employee recognition.

    Everyone likes cash or the equivalent in

    gift cards, gift certificates, and checks. If

    you use a consumable form of employee

    recognition, accompany the cash with a

    note or letter. When the money has been

    spent, you want the employee to

    remember the recognition.

    Present the recognition publicly, at an

    employee meeting, for example. Even if

    the employee is uncomfortable with

    publicity, it is important for the other

    employees to know that employees are

    receiving recognition.

    Performance Reward is a self-

    management tool, not control mechanism

    Exigency in job assigned Challenging

    and inspiring work assignments are the

    best instrument on hand with seniors to

    reward good quality performance. Such

    assignments can provide employees

    opportunities to expand to new skills,

    subject knowledge, and boost their

    visibility inside the organization. They

    as well propel an important message that

    employees contributions are recognized

    and valued. In allowing for such

    assignments, seniors should consult

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    employees about the types of

    assignments that would be most valued,

    and they should also assess whether

    workloads will need to be redistributed

    to ensure employees have adequate time

    to devote to new tasks.

    A pat on the back Just a modest smile

    or a pat or a little hug (which we at

    SONA call Jaadu ki Jhappi!) from

    seniors is consistently found to be

    among the most effective motivators.

    Employees want to be recognized and

    feel their contributions are noticed and

    valued. It is important that seniors

    recognize the value and importance of

    sincerely thanking employees verbally

    and/or in writing for their specific


    Employee Development through

    adequate trainings Seniors should

    offer employees with occasions to take

    part in learning programs or other

    activities that will enlarge their

    competencies. Employees benefit by

    developing new skills, and the

    organisation benefits from the added

    proficiency individuals fetch in to the

    job. At a latest survey at SONA we

    found 87% of the fresh recruits viewed

    individual training as an encouraging

    incentive, and it appeared most

    meaningful to employees with

    postgraduate education in junior

    management staff.

    Of course Salary hikes too! Grant

    your employees an annual merit raise to

    recognize consistently meritorious

    performance or successful achievement

    of a KRA that had a significant impact

    on a department or the organisation. The

    reward may be in any amount up to

    7.5% of the employee's current basic

    salary (The figure corresponds to annual

    increment for FY-07 at SONA), subject

    to the budgetary constraints of your firm.

    Budgetary information regarding fiscal

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    year merit increases are issued annually

    as part of the budget process as soon as

    the organisations fiscal position can be

    determined. To be eligible for a merit

    increase, employees must have been

    employed for at least six continuous

    months and at least six months must

    have elapsed since the employee's last

    salary increase, promotion, salary

    increase due to progression in the salary

    range, or transfer from another

    department. Employees may receive

    salary increases to recognize the

    attainment of new and/or the

    enhancement of existing

    skills/competencies or for assuming

    increased responsibilities within the

    scope of the current position.

    Grade elevations and lateral moves -

    Promotions and sideways movements

    are long term rewards that recognize

    employees professional growth,

    knowledge, and ability to contribute to

    the organisation in new roles.

    Promotions are typically associated with

    a flat increase in salary, and the increase

    may be any amount up to 12.5% of an

    employees current basic salary.

    Non monetary rewards - When

    necessary, seniors may choose to give

    employees informal rewards for specific

    accomplishments/contributions. Some

    laws and institutional policies allow

    expenditures of state and non-state funds

    for employees as informal non-cash

    rewards that demonstrate the

    organizations positive reception.

    Seniors can be creative in identifying

    informal rewards that will be appreciated

    by the particular individual being

    recognized, but, in selecting and

    purchasing rewards, seniors must be

    sensitive to the organisations cost


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    Case Example: Performance management

    at SONA KOYO Steering Systems Ltd

    Performance as seen at SONA

    Incentives and Rewards are a waste on

    money, unless they are aligned to the

    strategic objectives.

    The key beliefs are:

    Organization needs to be exceptional at

    recognizing employees in ways they


    Recognition is a key driver for optimum


    Reward programs have to be proactive,

    not reactive

    Recognition has to consistently fair

    across organizational boundaries,

    functions and culture

    The greater the time lag between

    performance and reward, the less is

    its value

    Like fine wine, employees get better

    with age and performance. Reward such


    We believe in Carkhuffs equation for

    human productivity, i.e.

    Productivity = Responsiveness+ Initiative+


    Excellence is not a skill. Its is an attitude

    Efficacy = Efficiency + Effectiveness

    capacity or power to produce a desired


    the ratio of the output to the input of

    any system

    Ability to achieve stated goals or

    objectives, judged in terms of both

    output and impact

    SONA sponsored National HRM Summit on Performance Related Rewards Innovative

    Approaches at AIMA, Pune

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    Performance management as concept

    It is Futuristic, i.e. how to plan, strategize,

    organize, ensure and extract the desired

    performance in the coming year or in near

    future. Performance Management consists of

    following components.

    SONAs performance policy

    Right Policy Framework is also a key to

    understand SONAs performance

    philosophy, performance expectations and

    the manner in which performance has to be

    delivered. A detailed Performance

    Management Policy is defined which

    outlines SONAs performance framework,

    measurement and assessment

    methodologies, rewarding and awarding

    mechanisms, and performance improvement

    facilities etc.

    Performance benchmarking at SONA

    It starts from Performance Benchmarking.

    SONA has set clear performance goals for

    the entire organization starting from Top

    Management, to Business Groups level,

    Business Unit level, Department level, Team

    Level and finally scaling down to Individual

    levels. SONAs performance goal is defined

    in terms of business strategies i.e. increasing

    market share from 15 to 20%, or increasing

    revenue limits from 20 crore to 27 crore, or

    increasing sales from 7 lacs units to 9.6 lacs

    units, increasing current clientele from 33

    clients to 47 clients in the next year, or

    improving organizational productivity from

    x level to y level etc. It can be anything that

    goes with organizations business strategies

    or goals. These expectations and plans can

    be further cascaded to department level,

    business unit level, and individual level.

    Performance standards can be set in terms

    of; this year we need to expand our sales

    figures from X level to Z level, our brand

    equity in the industry needs to move from A

    level to B level, to increase our market

    leadership, sustainability in the industry,

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    improve our core competencies and increase

    our competitiveness etc.

    Performance indicators

    SONAs PMS Policy defines very clearly

    what are the areas, factors that reflect

    benchmarked Performance, i.e. what are the

    Key Performance Indicators, or Key Result

    Areas, which show performance to be

    achieved. These indicators are clearly

    explained to each department, team and

    individual so everybody sees clearly what

    needs to be done and finished.

    Performance Planning

    Once we identify requirements of

    performance, SONA plans performance

    extraction in terms of the following.

    The rating will be done on a total of 100

    point scale. Each characteristic will be

    allotted certain points. Accordingly the

    rating will be further simplified by

    converting it into qualitative terms which is

    as follows

    The combined weightage of Key

    Responsibility Areas (Section I) and

    Objectives (Section II) equals 80% of the

    employees total performance rating.

    Weightage of each section depends on the

    employee category. Performance Factors

    (Section III) is weighed at 30 % for Unit

    heads and 20% for all employees.

    Weightage criteria:

    Category Section I Section II

    Section III

    Unit Heads 20% 50% 30% Division Head 35% 45% 20% Department Heads

    40% 40% 20%

    Section Heads 45% 35% 20% Seniors 50% 30% 20% Rating schedule

    Use the following scale to rate the results

    achieved in Key Responsibilities (Section I),

    Objectives (Section II) and Performance

    Factors (Section III).

    Ratings definitions

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    3 = Exceeds Expectations - Consistently and

    significantly above all expectations.

    Demonstrated extra mastery of Key

    Responsibilities, objective and / or

    performance factors, even when faced with

    (most) significant challenges.

    2 = Meets Expectations - Fully met, and

    occasionally exceeded expectations (set for

    Managing Points, objective and / or

    performance factors).

    1 = Below Expectations - Did not meet basic

    expectations, lacked requirements for

    achieving Key Responsibilities, objective

    and / or performance factors.

    Overall rating criteria

    A Outstanding 280 300

    B Good 250 279

    C Adequate 249 and below

    Identify and understand if current job

    profiles, roles are consistent to extract

    desired performance. If there is any role

    conflict or need to realign or redefine certain

    job profiles or positions, do the rework and

    structure each job profile in each function

    (technical, frontline, operational, support

    functions) that enables the job holder to give

    expected results as per KRAs. Further

    clarify transparently division of labor where

    each employee has enough workload (avoid

    overloading or under loading) so that

    performance doesnt get stressed and

    stretched. High level of employee

    engagement is required.

    Also performance extraction can be phased

    out to simplify the delivery of results where

    say in a first quarter we should be able to

    achieve X, in second quarter Y and in the

    last two quarters Z,A,B,C etc.


    A simple thank you counts as employee

    recognition. But, you can also make

    employee recognition as elaborate as your

    imagination can conceive. Recognition is

    not a scarce resource. You cant use it up or

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    run out of it. No budget is too small to

    afford employee recognition. For increased

    employee satisfaction, bring on lots of

    employee recognition.


    Web site,

    The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance by Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid, Dave Ulrich

    A Critical Look at Performance Management Systems - Why Don't They Work by Robert Bacal

    Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines by Michael Armstrong 2000

    Performance Management: A Business Process Benchmarking Approach by Asbjorn Rolstadas 1995

    Powering up Performance Management: An integrated approach to getting best out of your people by Richard Hale, Peter Whitlam 2000

    Abolishing Performance Appraisals: Why They Backfire and What to Do Instead by Tom Coens, Mary Jenkins, Peter Block

    The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Managers by Richard C. Grote, Dick Grote

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    The Author

    MR. HARI NAIR, a young Masters in Public, Personnel Management & Industrial Relations from Osmania University, did his Graduation in Commerce and has a Degree in Education Psychology & a Diploma in Journalism. Currently he is at the helm of affairs at Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, Gurgaon as its Vice President Human Resources, and can be reached by e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] and on his Mobile No. +91-98-102-89047

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