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Better Houston? POSSIBLE.Essential Learning & 2-1-1 Texas: Statewide and Local Training Options

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2-1-1 Texas

25 regions in Texas assisted by 24 call centers (United Way of Greater Houston has 2 regional contracts)3 24/7 centers – Dallas, Houston and San AntonioApproximately 300 professionals including call specialists, resource, outreach, and leadership staffing.

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Statewide Training Needs

Streamline Training Development:• Texas I&R Network can develop one training for

all centers statewide on programs/initiatives

Any training program loaded from one call centers can be viewed by all persons in the Essential Learning system

• Lethality Assessments of Suicidal Callers• NIMS Courses (Events)

TIRN staff can track statewide training hours, ensure training needs are met and report these hours to state program collaborators.

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Examples of Statewide Training

Veterans Programs and InitiativesSummer Nutrition Program

Each 2-1-1 center could use the statewide materials and then develop supplement with initiatives that may be in place at the local level

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United Way of Greater Houston

Accredited call center54% of staff are certified65 staff members; 50+ call specialists (FT & PT)732,500 (transactional) calls in 2009; expect 800,000 in 2010Needed a comprehensive training solution to track hours, training topics, and certification hours

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Access to AIRS Courses and Essential Learning Course LibraryReplaced sections of independent reading in ABC’s of I&RTest preparation questions for AIRS CIRS Exam availableCan design a curriculum of courses for new employees and existing employeesSome courses are taken on an annual basis

• Confidentiality• Empowerment and Advocacy• Crisis Intervention

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Meeting Reporting Needs

Previous method of tracking used Excel Spreadsheets

• Tracking was not automatic• Required data entry• Consistency in training schedule/adherence was

not possible

Has variety of reporting options availableCan report on active and inactive usersOne report of training hours or curriculum adherence Fields to report on are customizable

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Not Enough Time?

We can’t afford NOT to allow training timeTraining done on work timeManagement outlines blocks of time when training should not be done (ex. Mondays)Staff are given a deadline and manage their own time for the courses. Short-term campaigns may require training to be completed the next scheduled shiftHave a small room for quieter environment if call center noise is an issue

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What Do We Track?

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Selecting Online Training

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Reporting Options

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Customizing a Report

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Improvements for Future Needs

Surveys Allow opportunity for learners to tell us what worksModify the internal training programs based on feedback from staff

• Added “Course” of topics discussed at staff meetings for employees who work after-hours/weekends, etc. to ensure the same information is relayed. A “final exam” tests learning retention.

• Learned that online training and in-person training of some topics were equally effective in relaying information.

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Sandra Ray, CIRSManager, I&R Services

50 Waugh DriveHouston, TX 77007

[email protected]

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